TH'URSDAY, SEPT. 20th. 1951 r 'C'ANATDITAM ATESIMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO The Newcastle Independent Margaret Ash Teiephone 2511 Ne%% castle Your correspondent is vcrv strong and'famnily have moved 0o happy to be gettung back ino Delhi. harncss aain even though it does Miss Ruth Bonathan lias been seemn a lîttie hum drum afttr visitii1g Mrs. Ethel Fcttes in Chi- coming and moing just as wve cago. 111. pleased. Wc would like ta thank -Mr. and Mrs. Dîck Anderson Mr. Jack Wade for looking after and Ritchie, Oshawa, visited Mrs. this column so well for the tW<) Stella Anderson. wccks wc xere aa.Now v; arc readv for theu ld routine for Congratulations ta Mr. and another rs. Jack Perrin wvho ,vere mar- anohe ver.ried in St. Pauls United Chureh, Congratulations are in order oomnile n Saturdav. The fo Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Joncs bride vvas the former Eleanor on the hîrth of thcir baby daugh- Haneoek, onlv daughter ofM. ter in Memorial Hospital, Baw- and _Mrs. Victor Haneock. form- inanville. last weck. enIv of Newcastle. Several from .Mr. and Mrs. Art Toms. Toron- towýn attended the reception. * spent the weekend with his Wc s;ec the Lions Club have rt'- parents. Mr'. and M rs. Herb Toms. ned their hingo games. You Miss Irene Ash, Cobourg, spent have no idea the anticipation and thc weekcnd with ber aunt. Mrs. exeitement caused byv these Gordon Ash and famil *v. games. It is nieè ta sec the aider We wercre sorrv to learn that folk mingle with the vouniger Mrs. Charles Bonathan bac! been people at these gatherings. Lots taken to the Memorial Hospital, of tîmes these pleasant.. venings Bowmanvilie. We wish her a prove Profitable financiaiiy as compiete and speedv recovery. weli. Mrs. H. J. Ragen and ber Mn. and Mrs. William West and brother. Mn. Walter Douglas, bave son Clarence and family, Toronto, retunned to their hom-e here al- were Sunda.v visitons xith Mr. fer spending a pleasant visit with and Mns. Chartes Finle.v. fniends in Toronto and New Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and York. Douglas spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Arm- Mr. John Box and George, Port THE AT EBOWNANVILLE FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SEPT. 21 22 iOth Chapier "Wild Bill Hickock" MONDAY - TUESDAY - SEPT. 24 -25 E'd s S SHORT CARTOON WFý)NMESDAY - THURSDAY-SEPT. 26 -27 Al14 4 Ir tE ADDED FOR YOUR ENTEJITAININENT Jean Simmons "CAGE 0F GOLD" Hope. and on Sundav motored to Bur]eigh Falls and Bucichorn. Mr. Jack Wade is in Toronto this %veek attcnding the Canadian rastmasters' Association onven- tion at the King Edward Hotel. Mrs. W. H. Gibson has retuen- ed home alter a pleasant visit with friends at Longpoint on Lake Erie and Brampton. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Green and family have moved to their new home in Newtonviile. On Monday night Newcastle Ladies' Softbabl Club staged a benefit bail game for Evebyane Bonathan. Orono bail club were invited ta corne bere and play an exhibition game. In spite of the cool weather and short notice $20.00 was reaiized and the menm- bers of the bail club wouid sin- eerel 'v like ta thank everyone for their interest and heip. The Sunday Sehool of New- castle United Church will recog- nize the dlaims of 'RalIv Day" next Sunday marning when the session wiil be merged with the regular service. Under the guid- ance of Mrs. Hay a *Piaylet" wifl feature this service portraying the importance and necessity of parent interest and participation in Sunday Sehool woek. Parents are urged ta have their childeen at church at 10:30 arn., thus fa- eilitating the marking of the re- gisters and the marshaliing of the chibdren for the service of wor- ship. In-as-much as the minister w;ll be conducting anniversary ser- vices at Wesleyville, on this day Rev. P. F. Gardiner of Welcome, will preach in the United Church morning and evening. Visitors at the Massey Mcm- anial parsonage were Rev. W. G. and Mrs. Aldeidge, Jacksonville, Fia. We take this oppotunity to wcicome Mr. William Freeman af Toranto ta the village. Mrs. Freeman is the new assistant on the teaching staff of Newcaste High Sehool and bas taken t residence with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Haneock and Ruth. Mr. Bruce Gorrili. Little Bni- tain, and n0w feaching in Belle- ville, spent the weekend wîtb the J. C. Hancock's and Ruth. Mes. Gardon Ash, Mes. Murra-Y Walton and Mes. Jack Crago have ail resumed their teaching duties at Kirby, Newtonville and Port Granby, respectively. We are soery ta hear that Me. Charlie Gilkes bas flot been well. We sinccrely wish himn a speedy recovey. Mes. B. Thomas.bas returned ta ber home alter spending a pleasant visit with relatives in Toronto. We are glad fa, see Mrs. Stan Brown, Bobby and Brenda, home again after soending a month with Mrs. Brown's parents,- Me. and Mrs. Thos. Laurie at Tiver- ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyd, Toron- ta, wcre dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Law on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mes. Cecil Glass and Mr. and Mes. Lloyd Glass at Kendal. Mes. D. Nugent, F'encbon Falls, is visiting ber daugbter. Mes. T. J. McCullouglb and famni]Y. We are sorry ta base Mrs. Harry Couch from our village. She left this week for ber new home in Osh awa. Afternoon Auxiiiary o! W.M.S. The Afternaan Auxiliaey of tho. Woman's Missionary Society hebd its first meeting of the faîl scason on Sept. 6. The President was in change of the meeting and in- trodueed the theme for the day "The Chuech of the Frontiers." iv-rs.Id i rhqop Contesi Winners Arrive at U.N. Headquarterç Three of this year's 10 winners of the International cssay contest organized uncler the auspices of the. United Nations Departnient of Publie Information are greeted upon their arrivai at UN. Head- quarters by Benjamin Cohen, UN. Assistant Secretary-General for Publie Information. They are, left to right: Dr. Amil Chilaty, Tehe- ran, Iran; George A. Bull, Oxford, Engiand; and Charles A. McGee, Monrovia, Liberia. The theme o! their essay wvas "The United Na- tions and the Evolution of the Concept o! International Soiidarity." speaker. Miss Margaret Asb, captain of the team, expressedi the sincene gnatitude of the club ta Ross Emb- ey for bis efforts throughout the scason. Ross spoke a few demure words a! thanks and extalled the virtues af the girls. Me. George Walton, as Honar- ary President, graciousiy toasted the ladies af the team. ta wbich Miss Jean Toms, as presideni, coyiy repbied. COURTICE Services at Ebenezer Church are back ta normal again, and Sunday was Rally Day. Mr. Som- ervilie conducted the cburch ser- vice and the guest speaker for the Sunday Sehool was Mr. Ever- ton White, Bethesda, who was much appreciatcd. Muriel Tink and flac Jahnstan sang a duet and some 15 Young boys under the di- rection of Mes. Glen Pickell fav- ored with selections, ail o! wbicb were mucb cnjoycd. The Evcning Auxiliary o! the W.M.S. met at the home o! Mes. Ernie Gcaning and fthe devotion- ai was in charge of Mes. Harry Gay who, rcad the scripture Les- son. Mes. Sweetman gave a reading. The new study book was given by Mes. Wilfrid Browîî and Mes. Ernie Gearing and were assisted by Mes. Lloyd Courtice and Mes. Alex Muir. The anc book was taken by Mes. Br~own and it was "Feom Lakes ta Non- theen Light' and the second by Mes. Gearing-"Home Mission." After the program a presentatian was made ta anc o! the members, Mrs. McKay, who bas moved away. The gi!t was a coro flower dish. Social time was then en joyed. Present 11. Sept. meeting of Afternoon Auxiliary o! the W.M.S., -was heid in the Ebenezer S. S. room with President Mes. R. Gay presidîng. Meeting opened with pocm. Mes. H. F. Osborne, Christian Steward- ship Secy gave this thougt- Pray for willingness ta do little tbings in a great way. The ca- pacity ta cnjoy, means the abiiitN ta share. Use ane talent ta the maximum. Mes. Cecil Found KIRBY Kirby W.M.S. and W. A. met at the home of Mes. A. J. Bigelowv on Sept. 5th. In absence of the presideut, Mes. Bryson presided at the W.M.S. meeting wbich was opencd witb a worship period In- cluding patriotie hymns, prayer and scipture. Mes. Stanley Chap- man, representing Canada, and Mes. Wm. Rutherford, represent- ing Home Missions, gave a short dramatization wbich supplied much information ta halp with aur new study book which is an Home Missions. Mes. Wm.* Wan- nan gave a paper entitled "Back- seat Drivers," stressing the fact that each onc of us bas a woek in life. Do flot be a back-seat driver but get into the front seat and drive. Do your part in yaur church. W. A. meeting opened with hymn. prayer and scipture. Plans were made for aur supper andi bazaar at Thanksgiving. Eveey- anc please keep this bazaar ini mmnd and have youn donations îeady. A deliciaus lunch and social fime was enjoyed after the meetings. Next Sunday is Rally Day in aur Sunday School when the sehool wil l oin with fbc church in its service. Members of Sun- day Sebool will meet at 2:30. Be sure ta attend church on Sundav and bring the whole family and make this Ral Day one of re- cord attendance. Mes. Thompson 15 enjoying a trip in the States. Mes. Annie Patterson with Mes. Evans, Orono. Mn. P. J. Bigelaw and family with bis parents, Mr. and Mes. A. J. BigZelow. Me. Arnebiffe Wannan, Toron- ta: Mes. James Thompson, Mn. and Mes. Marxvood McKce, Cad- mus, witb Mn. and Mes. Bill Wan- nan. Mes. Bannon, Oshawa, Mes. Wm. Rutherfordl. Mn. and Mes. Wannan and at Garden Hill. CÂDMUS with Ross o! the pnogramn and Mes. Awde was the leader for the woesbîp ainsWAadW.S wl led in reading responsiveby )' Psabrn period and study pcniod. Mr.s Camus A.a ndte WmeofM.SWesley 72 after wbich Mes. Lillian Toms Taylor read the Bible esson ard' eta h oeo e.Wse ledin rayr.Mes. Garnet Tubb led in prayer. Sweet Tuesday night. W.A. xill Mes. Chas. Cowan and Mes. H. A vocal solo was contributcd by' e an adboo.h at n. G ardon Pearce sang a duet, accompanied Mes. G. Annis accompanied bv Hanna'sdand. Holmee' slle o by Mes. H. Aluin at the piano. Mes." Gien Piekeil. The study ' n Wdady -ap hr ilh Mes. Honcy, Literatune Sacre- Canada and Home Missions ,vas a good turnout. tary, intnoduccd the new Study given by Mes. Hopkins and Mes. We are ah gbad fa knoxv MF. Books "From Lakes ta Nothern K. E. Courtice. Meeting clasecd and Mes. Rov Phayee are buibd- Ligbts" and "Home Missions Di- wîth hymn and Mes. Charles ing a nexv bouse an bis farm. gest," Mes. F. Bowen and Mes. L. Found at the piano. We wibl be glad fa have tbem Turner representing Home Mis- Wealal hope for speedy' recov- back in aur cammunity again. sions and Canada. respectiveiv, ery for Mes. Ed. Edmurîsoîî, xwho By naxv the brida and groomn, spoke alternately on the two sub- had the rnîsfortune ta slip and Mes. and Mn. Leslie Joboston are . cetosin h itrtn break ber bip wbicb necessitated back feom their honcymnoan an(i Incoigte ieaue Sacre- ber gaîng ta Osliax'a Hospital. getting sattbed ta a happy maenicd tarv read a short storx' or Also sympathy tram ber many life. The best o! luck ta thcm. clate tram the -Home Missions friends at Ebanezer is extended The voung folks called an them Digest." ta Mes. Annie Phiiips, Tyrone, on ana nicht last wcok. _______the boss o! her daughtee. A nc iusher bas mnoved ino Ladies Softbali ('lub A mast enjoyable time ""'13 Mr. Oscar McQtîace's gravei pit HoldsArinal Baquet speot by about 30 gucsts at the and is in operatian suppbying the Hols Anul Bnqut horna of Me. and Mes. Norinan bhigbwaY \ith gravel. On Sept. 12 at Eimbuest Hotel. Giffini in their new baro, whe'bcnhlrn rn hr r the Newcastle Ladies' Softball daugbters o! Mes. Gardon Teevail Sm hlîo rmhr r Club held their anual banquet- and Mes. G. Wright, Oshawa, gave attending the Cartwnright Selbools an appeapniate finish ta an ex- a Party on Saturday afternoon anc v u oclbuss citing seasan. Each girl enter- evening ta ceiebî'ate their mnotb- Mn. and Mes. Russell Wcish and tained a guest and Me. and Mes. ers' birtbdavs which came an Ithe bcul, sha.aises. Hanna.par- George Walton, Mr. and Mes. sanie day and abso the sama agpu. in- r and bah;' are sî ar-a Ted ivMartin, Me. and Mes. Tani After a most tcmpting sIipper week. andso, Mi'.ared Mes. B2 ob Brown, Messes. George Bonathan had been served, dancing xxas ni- \ nd fMir. and Mes. and George Butler, Ray (Barryt dulgcd in, which included somre Mis. ackHn and faadMr. ande Brown, 1-. T. Manes and Masters of the youn5'er ones, ages 76, 7J. itois.andf Kcnny Gray, Teddy Salows and 68, 64, not saý bad chi' The mc-i: Mran n.LncMKe their gtiests were guests of tho raIsa included horse-shoc pitchinA e nc e.LaeMKa club. Father S. J. Coffey, Bowý%- carlier in the eveoing whila th(, Leali and Maxine. Me-. and Mes. mnanvible. was guest speaker and ladies visited. At 11:30 ea'-; Jamies, McKee visited Mr. anci thrilled bis listaners witb wi3a 'ad\, was presentcd witb a lavclv ,Mî's. Ber't Shea (nec Audrce' Mr- words concerning sparts and th" birthday cake and after placin . gKeel SundaY'. They aaepeett,' nc'ed for sports in a communiv,. the koife in thern, weee sere'd \ell settled in their new borne sucli as ours-to buîld bard .-, with ice ceeam. Guests vai" at Fleetwood. musclas, sharpen on's wit, ta dis- present tram Toronto. Osbawa, a, M an and CaiviLon vîsited cipline and ta encourage tearn- Maxwcbl's and bomea vieînity ch aiead.avnvýie wark. A joliby tima was spent at theo Mr.1 and Mes. Frank Watson, Sea- The entiî'e evening was a corn- borna o!Mn. and Mes. Harrv Wor- grax. pieesces mte first mon- den on Satuedav nigli h,,nt heo Mr. and Mes. O§car MeQuade sai a! !eeshly roastcd chicken In Down famiiies and ncîgbbors wcre n r'SmMce a- e the last drcp o! grape punch at cntartained ta a corn roast. turned borne from their trip nut the conclusion o! the last toast. Garnes \were pla.yed in the earl,, west and repaeted a grand trip. Notable absentees ftram the part o! tha evening attar xx'icii Mr. and Mes, Thomas Gibson banquet xvare Dr. J. A. Butle. Vic rcfreshrncnts were served and anîd Clifton. Mie. Tom and Weslev Gareod and Evelvan BonathîtnI plant.v of corn, ta a large numbur Ackne'.' Miss Lottie Ack rv . Ux- w ho is sadîx' rnissed !rarn the Io! guasts. bridge: Mn. and Mes. Miltoil Haxv- ranks o! the 'team. Me. and NIes. Bol) Courtice and son, Port Perrv, x'.'ere Sundav Ross Embiev, master of cere- Me. and Mes. Douglas Oke wee guests with Mr. and Mi-.. Edgar manies and manager of the tearn, dinner guests -with Mr'. and 1N1rrs. Gibson. îurned the spotlîght an Mes. Vick;' Gardon Wibbur and Donna on Grax' when ha announced thîat Tuesdav last at a cottage at Caes- Thé Statesman âold she wvas the winocr a! the Wilson area where the\-xvre av r,, Traph ' for the highest batting av~- bnlidavs and alço relebratedlMi At Following Stores i orage for the second consecutive Wilbur's and Donna's binîlicia\-.g i var. Miss Flarence Court ice, R.N.,Dx e's Deug Store, Newcastle. Miss Connie Enw\riglit, vice- ivho bas spent quito soi-oc tint ,D. G.\ aton's. Newvcastle. president af the club, proposed in the west. bas eeturned borne S. Browvn. Neuvtonvilbc the toast ta the. guests which was ta stav. T. M. Sinon. Enniskillen aptix' refflîed ta bx' Mes. Georgc Rex'. Henex' R"Romcr, \'cgrcvil' F. L. Barni. Tyrone Bonathan. Alberta. %vas a Fr;daN' overnigiîtI G. A. Barron. Hamipton. AX presentation b ' Misses Ruby guest with Norman and Mrs. GriL- Newton TaybIcn's. Bunketan. Stoneburg and Donna Brunt fa- fin. H. T. Svei Blackstock. lowed. at %which time the score- Keith Brade. Pontypool. keper. bat-hor-s and ga takeepers Canada's ongest river s; ste:n. C. B. Tynereli. Orono. xrcre gîven small gîfts as takens Of the Mackenziec- inclîîdin,ý!tlir H. K. Rex niolds. Kendal. appreciation expressed hv the I Peace and Athabaska Riverç W J Bagnell. Jury & Loveli. miî Lake Athabaska. Great Slav e an(i cxel W. J. Ber", Eloie Mrs. Ross Cobbl-rdick very' oreat Bean Lakes ,-is almost a- ,Haendlen's Hardv Store and The pleasantly introduced the guest long Us the Mississippi. Statesman Office. Third Annual Junior Police Games Ai the B.T.S. Wednesday, Sept. 26 Open ta Public & High School Pupils }nonorable Dana Porter, K.C., Attorney-Geneeai for Ontario, will act as Patron o!f the third annual Junior Police games at the Boys' Training School, Wedncs- day, Sept. 26. Commissioner W. Stringer of the Ontario Provin- cial Police and Major John W. Foote, V.C., Minister of Retarm Institutions for Ontario, have aiso been invited to attend the annual atbletîc day. The Eall Field Day. primarily intcnded ta establish dloser rela- tions between local yaungsters and their big brother, the police- man. will feature dashes, hurdies. broad jumps, obstacle races and 440 and 880 yard relays. Higb- ight of the meet will be a three- iegged race in wbich a policeman will team up with a voungster in the race for first place. Age Groups Anyane can enter. Three age geaups have been defined; al age limits are fa be taken as of Sept. 1, 1951. Junior boys, under 13, is the first category. Inter- mediate boys range i0 age from 14 ta 16 yeaes, and Senior Boys quaii!y by being under 18 at sept. 1. OfficiaIs responsible for the program request that entry farms be in the bands of Bill Bagneil, B.T.S. athletic director, by 12 a'cback noon, Monday, Sept. 24. Entry foems may be obtained Get Maximum Profits From Your Flocks By Culling Poultry The removal o! infenior speci- mcns-culliîng-must be made a rigid and constant practice for poultrymen ta get maximum prof- its from their flocks, says L. A. Gnaedinger, o! the Experimental Station, Lennoxvîlle, Que. Continuous and careful culling profits the owner in at least three ways. It helps peevent the spread o! disease infthe flock. sabvage birds that might otherwise be- came a total loss and decreases the feed bill through climinatian o! non-producing "boarders." Birds that are sub-normal or lower in vitality than the resf, if flot alrcady diseascd, usually become easy victims ta the van- ious pouitry diseases fhrough their lack o! vigor, commonly ag- gravatcd by the beckling o! other birds in the fiock. Inferior in- dividuals, if thcy survive, fre- quently may serve as carriers and spreades o! disease germs. It is reasonable ta assume that a flock always consisting cntineby o! normai, healthy and vigonou.s individuais bas a fair chance o! rernaining that way. Each year man ' birds that are menely timid, under-sized or weak eventually become a total boss ta the pouitryman. They gradually detenionate until tbey cither die or become fit only ta be destroyed. Most o! these, if euhl- cd out early while stili in fair fbcsh and free o! actual disease, could be aither consumed at home or manketed. They would thus be a source o! revenue instead a! loss, a boss that becomes greater the longer they are kcpt. Most poultrymen f ind thein fecd bibis lange enough without feeding a lot of hoanders." Fail- une ta discard birds that aither are neyer likeiy ta produce profits on have ceascd making pr'ofits simp- l'ý means so mucb feed and babon expended for nothinc. Cubling shoubd be a con tinuous pnocess, cammencing with fhc grawing young stock. The young- e the cubis anc removad, the greaten the savings, as natunabiy the smallcr thay are, the bcss tbey eat. Panticular cane should be taken at the tinie the pubiets are placed in their permanent baying quartens. They should be cane- fuliy exarnined individually and every bind rejectcd that is thin, small or in any othien way in- fanion ta the others. Constant cul- ing should be maintained ni2ht tbrough the baying yean. Re- îsoving the non-layonrs blps in kcep up the ega production per- centagr. This is espeeialv true, from the athietie directors of bath High and Public Schools. Besides field entries, there wili be an open mile run (na age limit) and a public school tug-of- war with eight men ta a team. Spiked shoes are not ta be worn, officiais advise, in any race except the open mile. Prizes Gobd, Silver and Bronze Junior Police Games medals wiil be awarded for f irst, second and third place contestants in finals. In addition, tentative plans in- cbude the awarding of crests ta aIl participants and certificates ta ail winners. Each contestant entered in the Police Gamnes on the 26th wilb wcar a number and tbis digit will be used in the "lucky draw" for a bnand new bicycle, a radioanaoc a wrist watch. In order ta win a prize, the bolder of the lucky ticket must be on the grounds when the draw is made. You dont have fa win a race ta, ba eligible for the bucky prize draw-just enter the Police Games-wear a contest number -and hope that your numnber cames up. Don't delay yaur entry. Get a form from your scbool athietie director and fill it out today. Re- member, Monday noon, Sept. 214, is the bast day entries will be ac- cepted. during midsummcr and bate when the birds commence ta go ino their aunual resting and moulting pcniad, the poorer lay- crs fiest. A-recommended prac- tice is ta check the condition o! eacb bird in the laying flock eveny wcek or two, whicb is quickby and casily done aftee dark when the birds are on the roasts. Some pouitrymen go ta the extent o! culing out every bird that shows lack o! appetite, particularly whcn the scratch grain is led each day. MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORROW 1 Write H. J. Hein] Company ai Canada Ltd. Dept. S.P., 42( Dupont St. Toronto 4 Ontorlo, fo pickllnq recipl booklet. - V-21 WHITrE 20 VIN EG AR 4e NïEW Il "INDELIDILE-CREME"l The Miracle Lipstick in Revlon's Fashion - Genius Colors - non drying, because it's made with lip-softening Lariolite! each - $1.00 NOW -SAVE 1/3 -NOMZMA Noxzema Medicated Skin Cream 6-oz. jar Special - 98c -NOMZMA Medicaied 3-Way Shavc 1. Under lather - medicated base. 2. Brushless Shave. 3. After Shave - cooling, soothing. Special Jar 89c WILDROOT BARGAIN! 2 in 1 Sale Wildroot Cream - Oil Hair Tonie 86c Value - Bath for 59c SALE! - AYER DRY DEODORANT by HARRIET HUBBARD AYER 2 for $1.00 Regularly 2 for $1.70 JURY (& LOVLIEL Wben We Test Eyes It is Done Properly TOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE Mýcrattýmn f &J/~ cx J PRACIICE MOBERÀTIOM IOBÀY 06~i4~2d~ ûfréft/61$JJ It }oust MfSCLrom PAGE TWELVE ilir, NESTLETON Recent vis itors '%vitb Mr. and Mrs. Will Stei el v Mi 1Js- S. A Devitt and Mrs. David Hill, Black- stock; Mr. Lew Fallis, Mes. Ciar- ence Fallis, Misses Dorothv and Helen Fallis, and Miss Pearl Ta,,-- loe, Miss Margaret Steel, R.N., Mî's. Dora Reidi, Toronto: Mrs. Ri. Rowan, Enniskillen: Mes. James MeMullen, Mrs. Howard MeMul- len and Miss Betb. Yclvertoii; Mr. and Mes. W. H. Sheffield, Oshaw a. ?repore J fr the picki inq ý A ýl" 'r"F%-T Ir" 1 ......................... - , ........... 6/