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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1951, p. 13

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I"NRSDY. EP. 2lth 151 TE ANnTA ~.rA~AMUP~?.I~?ffi - -- --- - . --. --.... ~','--'"W VAI.Jr ,LtIIU, FONTARIOTL~. WEDDING M4ARLOW - THOMPSON At the home of the brides par- ents, Nestîcton, on Wednesday. Sept. 12, Marion Frances Thomp- son. daughter of Mr and Mrs. J. Grant Thonipson, was married to Mr. John Nelson Marlow. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow. Rev. W. C. Hutton officiated and Mrs. Neil Werry, sister of bhc bride. plaved the A-eddjni-nusiýc. The bride, given in irarria!ýc by ber father. wore a be;ge su:t, matching that of the brideizroom - with dark bcqwn accessories an orcbid. Ms Elaine Tho son, sister of th, bride, wco navy suit with navv'und white cessories and pink -oses. James Marlow. brotl%,r of bridegrooni, \as. best man. At the reception following, brides moth'er received wti .rev and navv silk with a sage of ced roses. assisted by bridegroom's mother inr creve with a corsage of red r( Following their wedding tbrouqh New York State couple will live in Toronto. t LAL OR Yo'1b forHo ru eshers are Compvaict tepecîall pg] is tabudget. frTheo Woe've s buycr hav KIN ST.evry1 [lery and Gift Shop Wider Choice! rBudget Ease"! NOW CHRISIMAS ? glad yau did - wvhen the Christmes You'I1 be glad, tao, when vau sec how ER it is ta shop NOW - when stocks ,e and crowds no prablem. Yau'l be lad xvheii you sec how con-venient it he things you want ta give (and get me) the easy Lay-a-way budget way! et ta woî'k ta help you, too. Our Sselectccl Lay-a-wa\- gift items in al- departmcîut - from diamonds ta rhine- Ion, and from watcheîto rings, and cty of gifts ta choase from. a point to make out a ]ist. We'11 )int la help you fitthe night gift to raun)t \Vith theIc'last possible straia on ou Save Every Way e. LAY -A -WAY Way rest or Carrying Charges LERY AND OUFT SHOP %V. BOWMANVILLE P>HONE 747 the Greatest' in Ginger A GING 18Ç 2 for 31 D'ICLTJNNG CO'qT TAX ;and omp- ire a te a,- Mr. 1the The Orono News Mm. IL E. Logan Johnî Hoar is xisitiîg luis zrnîd-I a Toronto Hospital for sanie timc vil Kparents. M. nd Mcas. S. Hoar. ra nov t hore. Eri Mr. and Mca. H. DeGeen andI Mr. ead Mcs. J. R. Recyaolds farnlx Bethini. called on M-. and Mc. J. W. Rvnolds ttended Mi and Mnç. W. Rahnî. ,tho xeddîng o! their iîiere Lac- ta Revx and Mca. E. A. Cccsswcil. raine Whitacl and Thornas Han!., Lindsex xxece dinner guesta o! Torno,. lso tbbc nnage o! anc ÎER AILES Rex eand Mcs. D. Luite. Miss Leîîoce Revnolda, B.A.. ta Ki COLDI Chas. Medcel!, in Toronto on Sat- i xaiundax. on qua, Miss Lulu Revýnolds and Mcs. A. x-is J. Revnolds who wvece in To- Cl- contaoain Saturday for thc wed- Pi ding o! the focmer's nicce. Len- oug are Rexniolds, rcniaiîîed in the l cîtx- for a fc'w devs.Ge 151 £ a Misses Bettx- and Isohrl Sval ton ________________________Toronto, with their parents, Mc. Bal and Mns. Jini Smales. [y Le ýh c- .0 oS S. s SOLINA Grandmothcrs were especialiy honored et the Women's Institute meeting on Sept. 13, in the *church basement. There was an attend- ance o! 35. President Mrs. Isa Hardy conducted the opening ex- ercises and business discussion during which it was decided to hold the annuel bezaar on Thurs- day, October 25. Mrs. Harold Pascoe, leader of Group Four. was in charge of the progcem wbicl iwas under the beading of Histor- ical Research and Current Events. ±toll caîl was answered witl modes o! transportation in Grand- mothers' Dey. Pearl Leach sang a solo and Mrs. E. Spires gavea reading "Times have changed.' Mrs. A. J. Balson read a paper on the history o! Solina village up until 25 years ago and Mr&. Clar- ence Vice read the bistory o! the village during the lest 25 years. Mrs. Hardy played a piano instru- mental. The gcandmothers were called to bbe front where tliey each drew a gift from a gaily dec- orated box. Later the.v were seated et bbe table as honored guests. Delicious refreshnients were served and a social bali bouc enjoved. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees were honored by Blacksbocli Community at a showec in the hall there, on Wednesday even- ing. Mr. and Mcs. J. Yellowlees, Miss Gladys Yellowlees and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Yellowlees were also present on this pleasant oc- casion. Mc. and Mrs. Wes Hills. Mr. Bruce Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Yellowlees attended an executive meeting o! Oshawa Pcesbybery Y.P. Unions at the home o! Mr. Francis Jose, New- at Mr. W. J. Spires', Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bromell, Mrs. Chris. Cook. Toronto, visited at Mr. W. Parrinder's.' Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison and Glenn visitcd at Mr. Lyman Gif- ford's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery and Jean; Miss Kathleen Graham visited at Mr. Joe Mont- gomery's, Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gerrow, Roy and Jimmie. Scugog sland; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. McRae. Ajax. -vis- ited at Mr. Campbell Hamer's. Messrs. George Awde and Jimi McDougall, Moorefield. visited et Mr. Arthur Moore's and Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. the During the !irst bal! of this and "How Lovely Are Thy week Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Ham- Dwellings." Many of the congre- ,ring ilton attended the Ontario covi- gation o! Simcoe St. Church wcrc or- vention of the Lumberman's in attendance at this service. y IhO Mutual Casualty Co. at bhc Royal The collections for the day a- nav7 York Hotel, Toronto. mouinted to $265.95. Oe. Mrs. Jennie H-ooey returnedi Next Sunday tbe Saccament o! brip home on Sunday from Memorial Baptism will be administered at bbe Hospital, Bowrnanville, where she bbe morning service. fà 4on - as been a patient for several Sweeks. Oshawa Nurse Honored for Scout membersbip in Can~ada Congratulations to Mr. and Mca. Twenty-five Years' Service has now passed the 125,000 mnark! Archie Watson, Toronto, on the And once more throughout Can- birth o! their son, Lawrence Miss Marion Brown, daughter ada these many Scouts and Cubs Thomas, at the Private Patients' of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, are gathering together in their Pavilion, Toronto General Hos- Orono, was taken by complete various Troops and Packs to start surprise on the evening of Sept. their Faîl programa. Here in iMrn. Mrs. Douglas Warner, 12th, when a number o! ber re- Bowmanville. following Troops jPeterborough, were guests o! Mrs. latives gatbercd et Browvie 'w and Packs *wll be holding their Jas. Dickson on Sunday and at- Farm, Newcastle, bome o! ber first meetings this week: tcnded services at Orono United brother, Mc. 'and Mcs. James T. Second Group Cbunch. Brown, to pay hec tribute. The Lions Club sponsors the ~ ,Miss Wanda Hohbs was guest 'I'wenty-five years ago Miss Second Cub Pack and bbe Second of Miss Alice Bassnett at Mrs. Brown entcred Oshawa General Scout Troop. The Cubmaster o! Dickson's. Hospital as a student nurse and bbc Second Pack is Lawrence Mr. and Mcs. Glenn Hancock ever since bas devobed ber en- Goddard and the Assistant C.M. 'a nd familv, Warkworbh: Mc. and tire life to the relief o! human i lnFy hsPc ilme Mrs. Harold Hancock and famuly, suffering. This great service, it as Glen Fryn ths Pak inltmet Belleville, and Mn. and Mrs. Vic- was felt, is wonthy' vo! recognition . Lions Coin-munity Centre. toc Hancock, Bowmanville, visit- Hence. last Wednesday cvening, TidPc cd relatives bere and attended while Miss Brown along witb ber TidPc the United Church service. immnediete fernuly, vcre enjoying TPa ck s raiSletep. His Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, a dinner party in celebration of Pc i rodSep ei spent bbc weekend with ber par- ber parents' forby-sixtb wedding ably assisted by two Cub Instruet- Aents, Mc. and Mrs. N. F. Porter. anniversary, sanie forty relatives ors, Ivan Woalle * and Doug Sieca. ai Mc. Sam Keane. Brighton, is and friends quiebly assembled in Tî akwl odisfrtmd Sspending a wcek witb bis parents, bbc attractive living-room of Mr. xng on Friday at 7 p.m. in bbe Mr. and Mrs. A. Keene. and Mrs. Jas. Bcown's home ta Lions Cammunity Centre. A Visitors with Mrs. C. Wood honor hec. Fourth Pack Awere: Mr. and Mcs. George Crow- Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, Miss Brown' aTherFurJ ack , wit n h Cubil ther, Newcastle, and Mcs. Mary uncle, after a few fibing remacks,MatrJcSmiinhrgil 4;Phasey and Diane, Oshawa. ushcred Marion to a chair in the meet et 7 p.m. on Friday at the 41 Lions Community Centre. Mrs. Ken Foster and son, Milton centre of tbc group. There soce visited friends here on Sundav. was addrcssed by Mrs. W. J. Bow- Mrend Mrs. Lawrence Mal- man and presenbed with a lovelyz Zcolm and children, Nestlebon, camea pendant and metcbing ZO iwcre guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. eerrings by ber sister, Mrs. H. Cobblcdick. E. Milîson and Mrs. C. Temblyn. Mr. and Mrs. James Braden, Mr. Keith Wood is taking a Aftec Miss Brown very fittingly Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Charles short course in Guelph. et bbc expressed ber gratitude a social Bre den, Toronto, et Wcs. Cami- Veterinary College, O.A.C. bouc was spent in music and eron's. Mc. McCallum, the new teacher reminiscence followed by a vecy IMr. end Mrs. Ross Dent and Continuation School, bas arrived best wisbes for Miss Brown ~Rate, Arlene and Joan, Miss Tis- lin town and witb Mrs. McCallum future success and happiness wVere dele, Mount Albert, at Henry is steving with Mc. and Mrs. Win. tbc theme of bbe entire evening.- Dart's. Mitchell. Mc. and Mrs. Claire McGill with Mcs. M. J. Tamblyn and Mrs. ber aunt, Mrs. Norman Leach on eeceDunmeetn efthed bbc 'sTYR ONE thein wey froni Saskatchewan to exeutie eetng ! he oma~sPhiledelphia U.S. On Thursdayt Association Presbybecy meeting in rd evening bbc cousins gatheccd at Whitby on Monday. Mcs. McMillan, Mrs. A.Bad the Leach home and pcesented Mr. and Mri. Jas. Brown ând sbaw, Miss Mabel Awde, Toronto Mc. and Mns. McGilI with a Keri- family, Newcastle, visited relatives visited Mr. and Mns. R. Wright. odbakt hec and atbended United Church Mc. and Mrs. Joe Riddell and Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Gerry, To- service, baby, Oshewa. witb Mrs. W. ronto, spent bbc weekcnd with Mr. and Mcs. Pency Lunn are Jones. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel. l easgtb isiteekonamoto rsnp Mr. J. Giles bas a bruck. Mcs. Ray Camecon visited ber boTxah oviiierterc. Mrs, Howard Cole, Hampton, auint and unele, Mc. and Mrs. Mr. and Mns. W. J. Bowmian visibed Mc. and Mcs. S. McCoy. Jacob Graybill, Clifton Springs,t andfamly isicdreltivs bre rs K.Jecbse an b N.Y., and ber cousins, Mc. and1 andfamlv isied elaive hee Ms. . Jcoben nd oys Mrs. Jacob Graybill Jr., et New- on Sunday. Port Credit: Mn. and Mrs. J. .erk, and Mc. and Mrs. Roy Scber- Wismcn. Islingbon; Mc. and ocetr Recent visitons witb Mr. and John Wismer, Messrs. M. Beet: Mr. and Mrs. Robent Killen ce- fMrs. W. H. Carmen werc bis on end L. Bullock, Toronto; Mr. turned home on Wednesdey from brotherMcr Grant Carmen, wife and Mrs. J. Colbery, Bnooklin, a six wveeks' visit ta Irelend. and daughtec fcom Ames, Iowa. sette hkn a h olay M. and Mcs. Fred Martin, Miss Visitons witlî Mrs. Harvey Cuc-hme n Etta M\artin, Portland. Oregon. is wece: Mc. and Mcs. Lew Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent adU.S.: Mr. and Mca. Ed. Courtncx', Buckley, Pebenbocough; Mn. *end Gloria cn.ioyed a brip bo Wark- Port Hope; Mc. and Mrs. Normané Mca. Lew Hockin and Mc. Fred worth on Sunday. Wilks, Norma, Janice and Laur-E 1 Hockin, Maple Grove; Mca. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. J. Broome and cen, Mrs. Olliver, Mr. and Mrs. Mns. Luke and Mr. and Mrs. Bul- femnily visibed Mr. and Mca. A. Tomn Douglas, Marilyn and Bilîx-, letb, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Mil- Keibb. Oshawa. Toronto; Mc. Orville Hooe.v andâ ban Werny and Mrs. Woodley, Mr. and Mcs. Arthur Hamilton Way ne, Courbice: Mr. Stanley Oshawa; Mc. and Mrs. George and boys visited friends et Hem- Cook, Miss Gloria Cook. Miss Jor- Buckley and son, Huntsville. ilton, with Mca. John Home ce- dan. Oshawa; Mr. Leslie Hoskin, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Greay, Mr. burning borne with theni. Thornton's Corners; Mc. Allen and Mca. Jim Gray, Linda end Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd Broomie Lynch, Jean. Billy and Glen, Bniai,, Mcr Ken Gray, Lotus; Ars. and boys, Saline; Mr. George 'Wlitby, et Rex« Cameron's. 0 Herrv May. Port Hope; Mr. and Awvde. Mr. James McDouigail, Mc. and Mrs. Narman Leach 0 Mca. Wockmen and Mca. Wyven Drayton, visibed Mc. and Mrs. J. et Russell Rabbins', Bowrnanville. U AReid, Bow,%manvfllc; Miss Muriel Broome. t A Reid, Toronto. Mr. ancd Mca. Will Staples. Bow-S 9 Mca. Jack Cox, Bowmenville: manville, xisited Mr. and Mca. HAMPTONC Mc. and Ms d Farrow, Osh- Everton White. awa; were guests o! Mc. and Mrs. Mr. and Mcs. M. Hamilton have 2Reg. Sutton and Joyce. left on e motor trip out west. Mr. Paul S. Kingston, Moncton. Spela Chrc Sevies ca MMillan. Mrs. A. Brad- N.B.. was gupst o! h;s mather and it 4 Orona United Church continued shew. Miss Mabel Awdc, Toron- sister. Mrs. Chas. Da\v. 2their speciel apening services on ta: Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Jini Hanna and e( Sundev wibh bbc church fillcd ta Marion, Mrs. E. Wight, Mca. W. daugliter Rasellen, Haydon, visit- ir ing. Rex' A. E. Eustace was in Mca. Will Jexvcll. Bruce Ferguson.P a cha'rge of thbc morning serxvice Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virbue and Miss Annaeclle Adcock spent M Sand Rex S. R. Henderson, Trinity' John visited Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Siîndex v ibh Miss Gail Price, v United Cburcb, Bowmanville, w'as Oshawa. Bovrnnxille. tc guesb speaker, choosing as bis Mr. and Mrs. 0. Becketb, Mc. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dow~ning text: '"Your feith be not based and and Mrs. L. Alldceed, Mr. Fred xxece wibh their daugliter and Si gnounded in the wisdom o! maii Page visibed Mc, and Mcs. John san-in.laxx',Mc. and Mca. 'ced H Sbut in the powver of God." He Becket, Scrigog Islend. Daw. l Agax-e an uplifting message, x-hich Mc. and Mrs. N. Yellowlee,; andl Mr. Grant Williarns and Miss ii %va eae wondccful inspiration toalal girls xisited Mc. and Mrs. Fraxi- Maiaoi Preston,, Osaw.a, wcre xi A f xvo wcre privilcgcd ta hear bum. cis Thonipson, Bowr-nenxille. Sundav guer-Sts o! Mc. and Mrs. 2 AThe hoir gave a well rendened Mr. and Mcs. E. Masters and Harold Querrv Aantheni 'reat and Marvcllous." Geil, Enniskillen, visibed Mc. and Mr. and Mcs. S. Kerscy visited 1E A Guesb singers xvcre e maie quar- Mca. E. A. Virbire. Mrs. R. Burns and sans, Janet- 2 Atette known as bbc Themes Val- Lloyd Steinton aind boy friend;, xille. 'I A ley quartette froni Tilbucr-, con- Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mc. and Mca. C. Hicklîîîg and Cý Ssisting of Mc. Owen Fagan, Mr. R. Mca, H. Hall, lier Parents. Mc. and Mca. Hen- Gibsoî Mr. H. Burton and Mc. Mr. anîd Mcs. T. H. Tahb visite(- dersai,, Toronto., wcre guests of Hi R. Burton. Their fine reîîdition Mc.aiid Mca. William Ar-nstrr' c îdMrs rdDw of 'Risc Up, Ye Men of God" and Bethanv. Mc. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock er A the negro spiritual "When the Mr. and Mra. Rayîîîand Daxe * vand Mast'ec Ray Adcock werp bc SStars Begin to aleu addcd gceebly anîd Lais. Burketaiî: Mn. and Mccý. Sundav- xiritocs xxith Mr. and Mca. on Ato thé- service a! aqnto.Taîbent Findlax, Thn,îlîill ,visit- Ravmoýnidrîîsfet>Rie Lake. A number o! young people wcre enterbeincd et a cornand weinec roesb et the haine of Messrs. E. and Ross Cryderman on Fciday nighb. Mc. and Mca. Russell Gilbert. Mr. and Mca. J. Yeliowlees and Miss Gladys Yclawlces were Sunday visitons et Mr. Bruce Lun- ney's, Bowmanville Beach. Mr. and Mca. Clarence Vice, Murray and Donne, abbcndcd bbc wcdding o! Miss Evelyn Hepburn ta Mr. Ray Smith on bhe lcwn aI tbc borne o! bbc bnide's parents, Mc. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn. Mr. and Mca. Raland Hacdeîî and Patsy, Mt. Albert: Mr. ami Mca. E. E. Yates, Milton, xvere Sunday visitars et Mr. George Hamlin's. Miss Luchla Hepburn, Mca. La- ver, Miss Helen Gray, Mc. and Mca. Vernon Sheridan end deugh- ber, Beverley, Oshawa; Mr. Gea. Hepburn, Unionx'iiic, visited et Mr. Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mca. Rasa Crvdermen x'isited Mrs. S. Rundie, Bawmen- ville. Mc, and Mca. Chas Smith and Anna, Mr. Jack Smith and Miss Helen Smith, Oshawa, viaibed at Mr. Evccett Ccydcnman's. Mr, and Mrs. George Knox and daugbtcr Canal visibed et Mr. Howard Fercowas, Starkx-ille. Mn. and Mca. Rosa Knox, Betty- ,Jean and 'Faye, Miss Jean Me- Gougen. Broughanm: Mr. Ken Tink, Ebene 7cr, x'isibcd et Mr. Harcr' Knox's. Mn. and Mca. Wes His, Mr. Bruce Taylor and Mr. and Mca. H{arvey Yellowlees eiong witil other members o! bbc executive if bue Osawxa Presbvbery Y. P. Unions attcnded the Spirituial Re- nreat nmeetingsaet Camp Prrtorie, Saturda 'v evening and Sunde.v. Mn.and Mca. O. S. Mowbra.'v Columbuis, viaitcd et Mca. Hec- I .ev Hear-is'. Mc.and Mra. E. R. Tay\lor vis- ted et Mn. W. B. Hoaras Oroîîa' Miss Ex'el vn Tayl]or bans cetuca- ed ta Peterborough aftcr enjoy-- ng eax'ecationîet borne. Mr. and Mca. Frank Westleke. Phyilis-Anne and Joan, Mn. and 1r-s. Percv Westlekceand chiidcen -îaited et Mr. Nelson Ficcas, Tu aon. Mr. and Mca. Frank Wcstickr Sr. etteaded tue wedding o!fis Helen Moore and Mr. Ted Hunt- ley et Maîxero. Remember the RallvY Day ser - vice next Sunday cftennoon at 2o*clock. The Hanx'esb Home serv-ices will 'e beld on Sundcy, Sept. 30, et 2cnd 7:30 p.m. Rex'. Dr. George I Telford of St. Andcew's Church., )sbaxve, will bc guest mniîistei. Mc. and Mca. WcsYelx'e, Harold and Murray, Mn. andi Mcs. AU Allinanaîd sons, Box.meax-illc. njoy' ed a rnotar tbip ta Peter- ocough and aorbh ta Bobcayý-geoiî )n Sunclax. Mr. aîîd Mrs . Saîîî Dcweil, [Hnipton; Dr. aiîd Mrs. L, B. Wil- anis, Toronîto, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbect visited et Mn *N' ý.Wotcn's ai' Suaday, juinîng Il c partx ia honor o! Mca, Wot- en*a birtldax'eaix'ecay. r4c. aiîd Mcs. John Knox Rr lîlîjdren x-isited at Mc. Ral:), rfodWluîti,-auonSuîîde . Mr. anîd Mca. Rosa Knox anri îIiidî-eîî. Bi-ouglîar, visited etj vIr. Jolîîî Kaox's. Mr. and Mca. Lloyd Broonit- id sons x-isibcd et Mn. Joihn iioX s. .Mr. anl Mc. Lloy-d i3roonir id sons xîsited et Mr. Johnî 3roanies.. Tvroîîe. Mc. aiid Mrs. Bruce Tiiik and hildreiî xîsited et Mc. Neil Mal- o1nis, Bleckstock. iMcs. Chas. Blachlard aîud Mcas. Blanchard attcndcd a r-cep- ion iin hoîîoc o! Mr. anid Mrs. E. rorne, recent bride and zroom.l tltîe home o! Dr. and Mca. E.I ebstecr,bbc groonîs sîster, et tIi aw,'~a. Mr. and Mca. Fnank Wilî ceant and Be'. cric'.-, Bowrnen- îlle, vicýibcd ouiSunda e t Mr. rnest Hockadax- a. Mr. aad Mr.ï. Fced Hardy anîd uisa Anne Mand(pc, Ne\.'. Toron- visitcd et Mr. Isac-Hard%'. Mca. Robert Miler. Mlargarel nd Davird, Brougham, et John iox s. Mca. J. Baker rcbucaed boni" ,Sundcy aftec sev.ecal weeks* sit with ber deughtec. Mca. has. Johnsonu aîd gcandchiildrcn, îillip and Elizabeth, Peterbor- an Ms Muic akr 'ageow: c.EdinO], of different nations. One of the ways in which this moncy- is being spent is on Rotary Foundation Fcellowships, which enable outstanding graduate stud- ents fo study for one year, in countries other than their own, as ambassadors of good will. Since this programmne was cstablisbed in 1947. 284 Fellowships have been awarded to studcnts in 42 counitries, with grants totalling more than $700,000. "Devoted to service, Rotary provides a commion ground for 350,000 buineIss and professional exeutives tbroughout the wvorld. regardless of nationality or polit- ical or celigious belief," the Rotary District Governor empha- sized. Speaker in Thanked The speaker was thanked fer bis "Inspirational message" by Rotaeian Mel Dale, President Dave Hlggon also added his thanks and said the speaker had handed the club a challenge, and mentîoned that while the Bow- maxnville Rotary Club ln pcoud et its past record, "If we accept your challenge we cannot fail I the future," the President said. The District Governor mena bioned two important Rotary dates at the Friday luncheon. The first concerned the District Con- ference to be held at the General Brock Hotel, Niagara Falls, April 20 to 22. The second related to, the 1952 International Convention to be beld in Mexico City, May 25 to 29. Eacb club is entitled to send one delegate and one alternate to the convention. Guests at the Friday meeting were: Rotarian Eric Jones, Osh- awa; Glen Wiggans, Brampton, and George Hecking, Town. Ro- tarian Louis Dippeil celebrated bis birthda.v and Rotarian Mel Dale wvas awarded a 9-yeer per- fect attendance pin. WEEKEND SPECIALS1 pkg. . chipits pkg. . . 2/31c Cookie Mix - - 35c Cake Flour 55 KI~ 13-oz. bottie New 'Park - (uIl'erhlouse 'O-nz. tmnq Fancy Tomalo Juice - - 2/31c (uardinla (hoire '20-nz. tins Pineapple Juice - - 2/23c York ( hoire 1.5-0z. tins Cream Corn . . . . . 2/25c Nev. Park - King's '20-0z. tin Choice Tomaloes - - - - - 17c Lipton pk g . Chicken Noodie Soup - - - - 2/25c MEAT SPECIALS Freshly Killed Capons - lb. 65c Freshly Killed Doiling Fowl - lb. 50c pkgz. Ileifl7 . 42c Ketchup YEO'rS MEATS AND GROCERIES Formerly Harry AIIin's .G ST. E. BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 36 Shredded e (Continued fromn Page onie) gFrank Morris, the lineman, was -flot carried off the field a hera e even though he did the important ywork of stopping the play and gaining possessicn of ~ bail for Toronto. "Rotary e.' ci ship is the samne," Mr. Partridge ssaid, "we should join hands and 1work together. Not for glory, but for a comnmon cause." The speaker reminded Rotar- jans that the United Nation cele- brates its birthday, October 24, and he urged that the local ser- vice club commemmorate the day and thereby aid in the expurga- tion of hate, suspicion and intol- ecance fcom the world. "Every- one must be welcome," he said. "and we must stand together upon a platform. of freedom." lVork For Peace "What can you do?" he ques- tioned, and in answer quoted a sentence fromn an address de- livered bv Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion. "Start in your own block." Mr. Partridge suggested that Ro- tarians work toward the end of vworld peace by starting with the hearts and minds of the people in this community. "Seek to practice the principles inherent in Rotary," the District Governor said, "and the practice %vil] be fbit." The community niakes the province, be stated. The province makes the nation, and the nation makes the world. Concluding his address, he told a story about a soap-box orator in New York City. He was shabbily dressed, bis shocs necded patching. but when he spoke it was casily discernable that bis heart and soul believed the thoughts he voiced. He spoke of Commuiîism. When he had finished, an elderly gentleman approached the shabby speaker and asked why be. the possesser of an apparentx' brilliant mind, did not devote his eniergies to carning a living. "When the cause is at stake, 1 serve the cause," the young orator with the fanatic eyes told his questioner. *When the cause is at stake. I serve the cause," the District Governor said, "and Rotary is My cause in tbis district." He ap- pealed to Rotarians to regard Rotary as their cause in this com- rnunity. Rotary Clubs in 83 countries thcoughout the %world are united in an endeavor to pronote ini- ternational understanding, good will and peace. TIn addition to the activities of Rotary's 7,300 clubs in their own commrunities bo prom-ote thii oh- jr'ctive, Mr. Partridge explained, over a six Year period Rotary International is spending S1,50O.- 000lf, principally to create bptter undierstanding among the peoples1 Ma's Butter Pkg. Lipton Master pkgs. Tari Filling - - 28c Dessert Mix - 2/29c TMMSIDAY, SEPT. 2nth. MI THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMAMM.T.P. MPrAuro% Fciday evening, Sept. 14, rel- atives and frienda gabheced irn bbc Enniakillen Conîrunity Hall ta lhonor Carl McLauglîlin anîd Jean Harris on tlîeic appcoecbing niierciege. Thîe groom eand bride- ta-be werc uslîeîcd ta lîcir seats o! bonor as Mca, F. Wccry pleyed bbc wedding merci. Mr. Sey- niaur acted as cheinnian and cx- tcnded best wislîca foi' bbe future on bebeif o! thue commuait','. Follawiîig bthe eddrcss read by Allen Werry. Jean aîîd Ceci wccc preacrubed xith a coffee table and table lamp fraom btue Enniskilleur communiby and a lovcly nirnor fcom bbce Senior Football boys. Refceshmcnts wec servedan-d bbc remeinder of bbc cvcning was spent dancing. SALEM 73e suce ta0 attend bbc Special Relly Day Service ncxb Sunay et 1:30 Mr. anid Mc.Rob Cî-eig attend. cd bbc Vieniîa Art Exhibit in To- conto. Mc. anud Mca. E. Foiey, Mýrý. Hilda Colweli anîd sans,. \rs. Mjiiîa COlwcll witiî Mc. ead Mca. E. Twist. Miss Joan Cîaig, Oshawa, et home. Mr-. W. J, Sîîowdcnanaîd Mr. Stanle.v Jouies, Meple Grave, with Mr. antd Mis. L. Welslî. Mc. eand Mca. Jack MecClean and !cnuilv. Jatictville, with Mr. and Mis. Ken Shaeckleton. Mc. aiid Mca. Gcrald Shackleton anîd fcîîîlx' witb Mr. aîîd Mca. 1% A ýffl lom f

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