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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1951, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIL. THUflSDAY, SEPT. IOtb. 1S51 BIRTHS PALMER - Dr. and Mrs. D. B. Palmer, Clinton, (nee Dinniwell' are happy to announce th-e birth of a son, Douglas Bradley, on Sunday, September 9, 1951. 38-1 ROMBOUGH-Ruth and Paul are pleased to announce the arrivai of a baby sister, Margaret Eliza- beth Ann, born Sept. 12, 1951. at Memoriai Hospital Bowmnanvill(p. Mother and baby fine. '81 ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Hircock announce the engagement of their daughter. Gertrude Louise. to Vernon Richard Aturihanr, son of Mr. anid ?Mrs. C'eorge A. Burnham., C½~uThp e wclin2, xill t ' 'e place o Oclober" 13 at 4:00 p.m,. at Trinity United Church. 38-1* Mr. aond Mrs. J. Andlerson Smith, Ncwcastle, announice the enga!uem'-nt of their ol'v caugh- ter, Jacquielin Ernily, to Charles Grant., ongcst son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Coopcr, Orono. Marriage xiii take place quietlY at NeNvcastie in October. 38-1* Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. William- soni anniounce.( the engagement of thieir nicoýe, Eleanor Melinda Hare, to MurraY Austin Larmer, son of Mr. and Mtrs. C. A. Larmer. The marriage xiii take place on Sat- uirda\,, Ocober 13, at 3:00 oclock in St. Jamres United Church. Parrv Sound. 38-11' DEATH- SYMONS-At the residence of bis daughter, 1\'rs. F. W. Nelies, 76 Elgin St., on M\onda.,y, September 17î, 1951, John Symnons. husband of the late Mary E. Williams in his 85th year. Resting at the Morris Funeral, Chapel until Wednesday afternoon. Funeral service in Sudburyv on Friday. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. Sudburyv. 38-1 CARDj'«S 0F THANKS Mrs. A. Fewster wishes to thank ber many fricnds and neighbors for their cards. fiowers and man-, acts cf kindness in her recent sad bereavement in the loss cf a husband. 38-1 1 wish to thank Drs. Birks, Ferguson and Austin, nurses and! staff cf Memnoriai Hospital, Bow- manville. aIs<) neighbors and re- latives, and St. Paul's Church for llowers and fruit. Mr. Willet Clark. 38-1* The famil ' vcf the late Mrs.E. J. Randail wish te express th*eir heartfelt t hanl s te neihoran Articles For Sale Articles For Sale WEDLOFFE 6 - brick machine. TRADE-IN Princess Rose ceaI Apply 125 Elgin St. 38-1l* range, coînplete with Sulent Glow oïl burners; coal annex; General OIL soace heater. Neil Yellow- Electrie washer: kitchen cabinet:ý lees, Phone 2500. 38-l' 6 eu. ft. refrigerator, 3 year guar- BABY Tenda. Mrs. J. Martin. antee, Keivinator unit. Murphy"s, Phone 3657. 38-1 Phone 811. 38-1* DOLL carrnage, $10. 141 King St., VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different E. Phone 619. 37-2* our of tapes, 15 slat colours. Flexalum. Aluminum or Steel, INTERNATIONAL cutting box, measured and installed free of 16*", in good condition, with inside charge. Phone 3121. Weber's pipes. Phone 2302. 389_1 Fabrie Centre. 17-tfI 8 BAGS of treated faîl Nwheatj TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms ' for sale or exchange. Phone 2981. hearths and fireplaces. WaIs- 38-1~ glazed tule or plastic, nîl colours Floors - rubher, mastic, lino-tule, SIX-piece dinette suite, natural l quarrie and ceramnic. Will go anty- witb red trim, like nev. 65 Wei- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 29d2. l ingaton St.. Phone L'016. :38- 1v2t CREAM enamnel cook steve, with ONE used M.-H. spreader; one i %vaterfront and oïl burners, S40. used Case VA tracter: one used 59 Brown St. 38-1 cook steve, witb oïl burners; one GENDON abycarngesiler sed Case Harvester; one nexv peNrfecN coditon.Aply 33 asetractor spreader: some new greYp. fc tractors; oïl space heaters; water 1~ecbAv 3-i sYstemn: binder and baler txinc. PIANO, un good condition. Phone W. H. Brown, Case dealer, Phone afternoons or evenings 3190. 3-1497. 38-1 38*,NEW shipments of Gold Seal Con- ONE small cook steve, in good goleum and Rexoleumn Dehixe, 2 condition, reasonably p r i c le d.an3 yards xide, choose from '40 Phone 2211.3-1 patterns. Imported Pabce war- ranty floor coverings, in new ANTIQUE love seat, walnut, designs. Hall runners, inlaid miodern upholstery, excellent con- linoleum and large selection in dition. Phone 3495. 38-1 rug sizes. Morris Ce., Phone 480. 29-tf IiOR'TY cook steve; 3,000 used bricks. John Griffin, Enniskillen. JOHN Decre used machinery: 64 38-1* Harvester with cern attachment: John Deere D tracter; 3-furrow APPLES - Gravenstein a il d plow; 6' tiller: 10' cultivator; Wealthy. W. T. Cox, 11,ý miles 17-run seed drill. New machin- northof BT.S.38-i ery: plows, tracters, tillers, discp and ail farm mnachinerv, new clec- GENDRON pram, gccd condition. tric reîrigerators, stoves and $20; aIse baby's white bunnvy bag, [washing machines. F. S. Allen & $5. Mrs. A. Merkley, 121lQueen iSons, 3 miles west cf Bowman- Street. 38-1*1 ville. Phone 2833. 38-1 FAIRBANKS - Mor-se aîîtematic1 home water system, used enly 21 xveeks. Phone 2751 after 7 p.m.. 38-2l RASPBERRY bushes Latham and Viking, 5c per canie. Ivan Farrow, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3921. 37-2 POTATOES - Speciaîizing in Ne. 1 top quality potatees. Order your supply now. Doug CurI, Bowmanville, Phone 3101. 20-tf WAGON and Trailer Axles. Your choice cf Cbev., Ford or Dodge xvheels either 15" oci 16" se your own spare xiii work. Price only ;31) cach, while they last. This includes: axle, hubs, wbeels, tires and tubes, ail assembled, lined up and painted. Springs $ 10.00 a pair extra, if desired. Please note that ibis special offer is nlJy good wbile present stock lasts 50 order early. Sisson's Garage, Phone Orono 1031. 34-tf GENTLEMAN'S winter overcoat. RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Raglan style. size med.-large. nexv Martha Washington and Rich- condition, reasonabie. Mrs. Frank ledge stainless tbree piece bath- Linke, Box 34, Newcastle, Ont. reem sets white $160.00 te $189.00. 38-l* Coloured $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air CONGOLEUM Goid Seai Rugs, conditioning furnaces $295.00. yard goods and hall runners; Rex- Special offers te plumbers and oleumn Deluixe 2 and 3 yards wide,. builders tee. Save many valuable' yard goods at budget prices. dollars, buy with confidence and Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf bave a nicer home. Satisfaction The Canadian Statesman Classilied Advertising Raies Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate. - - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 25<' will be added. A charge of 25e wiill he made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CAflDS 0F THANKS ý' a word with a minimum of $1.09 - fora33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion [N MEMORIAMS- - $1.00 plus 10e a line for verse COM1MERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes alI adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 3é per word; minimum charg-e 75(- cash with order. To regular advertisers payable nmonthly. Display Classified ati$1.00 per inch with a minimum -.of one inch Additional ins ertion at the saine rates All Classified Ads. must be in this office flot later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, starnps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) AUCTION SALES I. Bronstein, Lot 26, Cen. 3, Darlingtcn Township, 1 mnile north cf No. 2I Highxvay\, off the Solina Rcad and ',-, mile xv st, bas sold bis farm and will seli by public auction on Saturday, Se ptem ber 22, at 1 p.m. sharp, 3 young herses, 20 cattle. 300 pullets, hay, Real Estate For Sale .32 Odeli Street, house of the late Mrs. James Soucb. Caîî be inspected on Saturday, Sept. 22. by appcintment only. Apply at the office cf Apha I. Hodgins. The Sterling Trusts Corporation, Executors. grain, macnincry, potatees ana HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE many other items. For further S6,000-Newcastle, 2-storey solid particulars scecbuis. Termis Cash, brick residence on pretty street No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. close te shopping, churches and 36-31jschoel, 4 rooms on eachi fleer,ý furnace, electnicity, full basement, Mr. H. Woodiey, Lot 23, Con. 8, spacieus grounds, many extras. Hope j'own-jsjip, 1 mile %vest cf J Frced sale. Open for offer. Garden Hill and 12, mile ncnth, Lerey Hamilton, Broker bias sold bis farm and will seli by Orono North Phone 1r16i public auction on Wednesday, 38-1 September 26, at 1 sharp, bis entire herd cf Shiorthoro NIXON REAL ESTATE cattle, herses. poultry. machinery', 100 acres. 60 vorkable. 40 bushi, bay. grain and funniture.^ Foribamn 4 x 60 ft., full basement, further particulars sec buis. No well, 9-rom t rame heuse. hydre reserve. Ternis cas.TJack Pc available. low taxes. Will cx-V NOTICE Dr. Birks' office will be closed from September l2th te October lst inclusive. 36-4* Notice te Legion Members and Veterans - AIl Legion members and veterans wishing te learn te play the bagpipes or drums are requested te meet at the Memorial Arena at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. COMING EVENTS St. Andrew's Church annual bazaar will be held November 16th. Reserve the date. 38-1* Reserve November 2 for bazaar. home-ccoking and aftcmnoon tea in St. Paul's Schooi Room, aus- pic--s of Afternoon W.A. 38-1* First 'Teen Towvn Dance cf the seasen at High School Auditorium on Saturday, Sept. 29th at 8:30 p.m. Admission 25c te members with memnbership cards. 35c te nnr-nembers. 38-2 Reserve Saturday, November 3, for the bazaar and home cooking and afternoon tea in St. John's Parish Hall under the auspices cf , the Evening Brancli cf the W.A. 38-1 * Hampton W.M.S. are sponsoring an entertaiînrnent te be given by the Salvation Army Band cf Oshawa in thie cburch on Sept. 25th at 8 o'clock. Admission 35e and 15c. 38-1 Dancp will be held in New- I castie Community Hall under the auspices cf the Board cf Maniage- ment on Friday, September 28tb. IDancing 9 te 1. Russ Creighton's orchestra, Toronto. Admission 75e per person. 38-2 A general meeting of the Bow- mnanville Prog«ressive Conservative iAssociation wvill be beld at 8 Thiursda. October 4th, in the Counicil Cbam bers. Special speak- ers. Furtbcr details next week. 38-1 Reserve Monday, October lSth, for the first Department cf Edu- cation Concerts sponsored by Bowmanville Lions Club. Sea- son tickets xill bc on sale soon. Other concerts in November and on January 2lst and February 18th. 37-2 Penny Sale, afternoon tea and hcme-cooking sale at the Lions Community Centre. Firida 'v, Sept. 28, starting 3 p.m., under auspices cf Rebekah Lodge. Draws made in evening on quilt, blankets and man. lovely prizes, these te be on displav, alse tickets the last week in wvindows cf Joan's Beauty friends for al hie many acts c WOgrs'fnercatIre uarariteeu. Extra discounts off..................- cL.;A- Cntre.RingSt.-Wst.-5-ticets kidesmesge.f yp tb 12.ire with oo,1d , Catalogue prices if we suppîy auctioneer. 36-3 change for bouse. CnrKnS.Ws.2 ikt kides esgso v-pt-, ie1,1genwt od, si_____ in enx clope foi- 25c, now on sale and floral tributes extended dur- 10. aise a Findlay cire'lao everything you need fer complete 1hv ecvdisrcin otg tlk,6ros ecnfo l ebr.3- ing their recent sad bereavement. beater, No. 20. Phone 2309. plumbing or beating installation. T aerci'dintutosCter a t ake$,006 rms.scren-fo i mmes 38-1* 38-I Catalogue includes litho photos cf from Mi-. W. Whittaker, North veradiaeosesi2.500.wa Terms. lm-A a _______________________- main fixtures, prices and instal- St., Nexwcastle, second bouse north~mdaepseso.Ohw rsyeyWA n cMMRI o 0hAnvravlto igas eetsyeo f subxvav. te seli by public auc- lilial mee-ting xiii be beld ini IN MEMORIAM$MORRIS Ce. 7Oth Annivelosarv lation diaUramsd Select styleccf ___________________Special - 3-pce. spring filled sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, tien on Satui'day, Septemnber 29.No$300 buys era d siz r. 3st eilt iltcUited Chur on30, Oct. CRAWFORD- in îoxing memcory chesterfield in choice cf xine. sbowers, stoves, refnigerators. at 1:30, bis entîre bousehld ot awtrad seweral310t. R'Comunion at cf a dear mether. Florence Alice green or blue flowered velcii. Pressure water systems, cil humn- effects, including a newv electrie Bnao nCneso t,9Coeo onn eso.Dne Crawford. xxho passed axvay Sept. Sept. Special, $179.00. 38-2 'ens, septie and cil tanks etc. Visit refrigerator, two xvalnuit bedri'omBnao nCneso t,9coec onn eso.Dne _______________-__te,__ roems, vcrandab. bot xvater heat- a.t 12 noon. 7.5c. Afterncon ses- lHtb. 1949: .2RFE îuptaî or wxrte Johnson Mail Order Di- suiîtes, 3-piece chesterfield suî ing with cil, ahl conveniences, sion at 1:30 with questionnaire Wenderful memories cf one .92RFE rmead music xvision, Streetsville Hardware, electrie wasbei'. upnigbt piano vl-ithoefrfrs2)mnus.M.Ki- stand: catcher's mitt: C.C.M. mails Streetsville. Ontario. Phone 261, and br'nch, dishes. floor lamps. ________hom. nr irsfthe2HmiutonsConfreKne, Ae se dear. bicycle; mans jacket w itb fur Evenings 51r15. 31-tf I inien, etc. For forther particulars Brick house, 8 rooms, 3-pre. bath, xvîli ' be goest speaker and Mrs. Aetreasured still wilb a love reliai': ccok stove and hall rack. secebis. Ternis cash. Jack ReidI.'1 sîncere. Phone 3503. 38-1 ing, hardwod loors, grge. ______inou-______________livin Nora Wcrry, Kedron. Stillin oi' bartsshe s liing ____________________ ~ l aucioner. 3-2 nw funace hyde. hax'vxvir XVctcct. Brokliarsoois. -c t WE measure and instaîl finest Notice Io reditors Mi- C. W. Biliings, Lots 27 aind S6,500. Press Secretary. 38-1 For we loved ber toc dearly te quaîitv venetian blinds, new plas- 928, Con. î, Clarke Txvp., onie mile Ce-c forgni. tic tapes ax'ailable, easily kept AND OTHERS xotadbî ienrhc 8-î'oomed solid brick dwelling, Arts and cr'afts demnonstration ---Lcx'i\ rniciglv b Hrrelînmembercd tochos bytanHan- il n t ef3ne btmany colours-pe. nddiplyte rboosecobr th old and Bessie. 38-1* from. Phone Morris Ce., 480 In the Estate cf FAMINTA. Kirby, knoxvn as Maple Avenue 3pr bath ow pstairs i frad 3-pccinritde LiyoTnsdavOritobCere.tb 29-tf JANE WILBUR, Deceased. Faî'ms, bas sold bis prcpenty and bahoofnwnsaers, ci un. bnexv in CIpeteLinfCrmutinity entre. HATONI oiemrovALL persons having cdaims Iwill seli by public auction oofe aetog.bu- omlt nomto eadn HANTHOR luvlo'îngomeor i - , - cupboards. This property is in ail B.R.C. Classes xiii be avail- 1 of Keil b wlîo lefttlis suciddeniy CABIN Trailer, 16' x 7', insulated against the estate cf Faminta Wdedy coe id coin excellent condition. $8,500. able. The demonstration is made Septemiber 101h, 1944, ageci 4 -2 and wvired: '47 G.M.C. Pick-up, Jane Wilbuî', late cf the Town- mencing at 12 o'clock noon, bis possible thncougb the' serx'ice cf years: u ili trade for Car or seil: aIse shirc cf Darlington. un the County entire beî'd cf Shorthorn rattie, osfrsl ngo oain heCiiniiý rlrrsBac Ex'ei'vin'm kOsa (epý ake Beatty xashing machine. one lf cfDurham, xxidow, xvho died o 'e, x ine rergan fui n Lt orsloifoc oato. the Comut o gî'duams Banch God xvc nexci nani, vear' old. 147 Liberty Street, ri about the 201h day cf March, cf farni maclieygrin'fi 'i-)0 acres in Manx'ens Township, sponsored by h ovmnii Go a in ihs keeping. SOIt. 38-3 1951, Intestate, are notified te ue atmbie vod ume,2sî'eamns, ne buildings, stone Recreation -Commission. Regis- W'e have hiiiii car heucrts. MH E fhrcs o îatr ed te the undersigned on or ec o uîe atclr e foundation for bouse, $15 an acre, tration fer the faîl term ni t -Sadilv rmis,ý,d andi exer rrt-6ocdeesao , ).befere the first day cf October. bi8_s1Terni cash. o rese'x'e dringtbeclasemstrlbatin. 38- bee bTMteDd rte s 1Cections, uc n e1o,$0 95 i. ful particulars cf their IJack Reid, auctioneer. 'J8agod mnesmexnt vaî'cus clathesemstri b .a3cpt2 bered b'.beM-tiri',WDgonbnotv; crsi' M HmJamestNiy ntBroker and sistet'. 38-1 *' nîiber-tiredwagon. ex'.: i ms. Immediatelv afleavesaid160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvillel creai spaiaio' wth lecrirdate, the administraters xill dis-FUNTR SAE Ia'ebnPon68 RAM n '.in nemrn o " or lc'ase 25 grain bags. Phone I tribute the assets of the said de- authorized te seli b.v public aur- Phone 682 anted To Buy derhib ad Wlimý2 2 1 -38- 1" * eased, hax'ing regard onlv te tien for' Leslie Thcmpscîî T ý c e,_______________ .H.ea hus h nd nnd Spt lier.LW eg'îl l andWomf crnis' cf w'hîch they shall'then '4-mile south cf Tyrene M il on mu HILD'S crib and high Chair. 24tb, 1944: p-have'ta ep. nLoWcticuesa.! oleWednesdav, Septembeî' 26th b OIce1 L edioS Phone 3134. 38-1* iRiver appies. Bing s oui' basket, N av oticeI r dfr M cno iii oi un ilb ed ivlm etDATED at Oshawa tiîis l2th hotisehold efferis iîîrlurling: Find- I-'mdbrcbosnBxv We canntr l 5)iir lai( dalbyravan ie et ofeptemberi.195. lav coek steve, oal cr wocd, six AND OTHERS S ' Pnd rik hoeine 2154 Veux' face '.xe riiiii' ec, 22. 1538-1 t, hoe Louis S. Hyman, K.C., lids: MrCiary 4-borner electnir inil rvciiy hn 14 But ict this litte tikcr -____________ -__ Alger Building, ' steve; Queber rock stox'e, xviîîîiNTEE AE0F oea 81 TelHa oc5ilr'îevo h~MRI e Ktniera' 7RigS.E.oven; QueberceaI bicatei': small Pearl Wiicex, late cf the Town- -Lovngl rene îbe:e b' " [ Siecia - ave p t $100 o OshwaOntaie.ceai stex'e: ceai il stove. three sbip cf Dar-lîngten. in th Couîîtv SMALL girl's bicyce\utb and fanîîl\ - 2-iMaî'shall. Snuions. Sleepmnaster. Solicitor for the bumners, with even. geed; Stewxart cf Durhami, Widexv, dereased pie esnby.WieBx68 ____________ - 'Ai-rýoxv, maîtresýses. Innersprinigin Administrators. 37- Warnei- electrie radio, goed: par- Hxh id tOtr o Hspital, co SaemnOfc. 3- Los :1 a, e. Pics rngig ron Ilotir suite; easy chair; txve exten- Whitbv, Ontario, on ci' about the 'or 2H.P. electri r motor, in _________ _________S2.95 Pon 40.38-2T WN HPsien tables:txvo di-op leat tables: THE TRUSTEEnACTioR.,38-i LIHTut. ltnîil 2, XI-od LUBOWNSHaIPgan O rCentre tables and side tables: TETUSEIC, .3- heier.Str* IeaingandOill china cabinet, good; 15 kire 1950, Cli. 400, Sec. 51. yofrSt~vd frein Lot 19) and Bui'ners instailed anyxvbei'e in ASSESSOR î chairs. good; rocking chairs: arn Creditors and ciliers having BEFORE seliing your live poultry 20, Coni. 9. Iiiicer llcase ntr Dur'hamn County. Reasenable rates UR Tr chenr; kitchen c'abinet; two kit- claims against the abox'e estate try us. Our prices are higher. M. LaveneHrne ss Ormno. 3 7 an hihes quiit. FoTfre V L'Ien ccpboards: oee xveden bcd are reqoired te send pai'ticulars Flatt, R.R. 1, Betbany, Phone HASSOCIK, ! vu cius.lecsimnates eall S. Biain Eiiiott. wivlh mattress: eue iren bed and land fu preef ibereef 10to le un- 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf and Ililnu-'011,x aIîýa keepsakllý eating. Plumbing &, The C'orporation of the springs: ceurh bcd snd mattres dersigned on cm before the l5th fno'ui Hoiland. FnrpIsePoe34829t Township of Clarke ice refrigeralor, gcod: twe small ciax of Octeber, 1951, after xvbich \ atd oR n wrnic . aiDc'zG.t HHatmpto MRISCcn7thAnivnsr Aplcaios oraponteneasmser: reseaaidxvsisan: at Ie sst csteasttexdi 3-2"SpeiaRIS -o.30t 0 myna ver- Apwnsipassssoor will btentre- pictuires: cdock: iaxv,,n mowei': be dîstibuted bax'îng î'egard hoGA GE ceta lotin r- - ,Speial---30 60Sm.,.ra rver Tonshp Asesor illbe e-fruit jars: lamps: cloîhes xriîgeî': the dlaimns that hax'e then been ferred. P.O. Box 23 1. .38- 1 POCKLTBtY>K c'ontaiiiî.n" sain cf silîle i'îgs'iun nirlti-celor desiguis, ceix'ed by the undersigned unitil 1 xvasb board: riîpboard for fruit received. mon'. rt~'n o~îOffe ,d'8.95: aise uew shipment cf Ieath- IOrtober 8th. 195 1, assessment Io 'and maux' ethen articles toc nuni- DTD a'leteHOUSE iii Eowmarivilie or any Argyle 51c .ilc'.xurd.F'di'ctt hassocks in ail styles sud be completed on or before thelerotis te mention. aea 0 1hdyc ete.15. siirroundin2_ district vîthb bus please leax c ut Statesinan Of!ei celui'ý;. Phone 480. 38-2 i30tlh da'.'of September, 1952.1 !Terrnis cash. Elm-er Wilbur, aur'(- Lxiei' C. Mason line. English speakixig fsmily - 1 pplicaxîts are reqtiested te tioneer. 98I 10 King Street West, wîhtxo s'îiali riiildreOn. Write 1 ALLIS Chaimers Model "ýC", txvo state age. qualifications and ex- lBcwmaîîvilie. Ontario, Box 638, State 'incun Offir. 37-2 y-ears oid: tîsed tracter ploxv' oew vperiûcc. For funthen information Solicitor for the -- ' For Rent î'cîbber iircd wagon; Smalley hat- applY E. F. Hall. Ceunties' As- DEAD FARM STOCKC Administrator. 37-3 Cars For Sale chel nulls: offset dise: Qa I ceso f United Counties cf _________________ TWO 1,0011 'apartîneunt. Phone heaters: 7ô Oliver tractons. Vii'- Northumberland and Duîrham. Picked l*p Proniptlv 1934 FORD Sedan, $125. Phone 3384. tesGarge, Tyone, Phne 288 H. E. MILLSON, HORSES, ('OWS, IIEIFI RS, Help vanted 3441. 38-I FOUR roîns, lu pî'îvate home. 38-2' Clerk cf the SHEF.P, PIGS and CALVES CRSFgo odto furnislied. aduits preferî'ed. Phon TRADE - INS - Thonrxvasbiîîg Township cf Clarke, (We pay for herses and cow's) TWO xvaitresses, experience net ~CRSEgc odto 3522.38-i cine i- nw 8: etyBox 5,Or' Onai. __ sav Poe303 37,_2 * xviih licater, coverdrive. Phone 3522. . mache, likernexv $85: atty 1, ron, 8-ta2e. - CALI, US('OLLECT - urs" hn 10. --270>3 afler 6 p.n. 38-1 TWO large partiv furnishel xahriepe ugs'nedd. -2 W OIEN for tomate pickiiîg. for romsb 'et ora eule lS29.50: Norge nefigerator. ne- F u dLAVL HORSES Sdti rdla'. Aprly corner Sirnp- .1GMC ion icrpx'r.' ply Mns. Harold Wilson, Pont\-- citîndb'fcov,$2'2-3.orcipe n son Ave, opposite Doxvnham Nur- lowv nilcaize. Trîs anb8a- po.8- piece mohair 'Chesterfield suite,.?32 or r-pped nd ld angc. Pone915 pool. _______________% vine, 1 green, lîke nexv $50 BLACK Spanîilxvith long rope. herses. cirles on Phone H. C. Pedvel rnelPou 13 81 HOSEtemnt x'etcfBoma-f ew -spring filed maîtresses. Phone 863. Clarke 3823. :38-1 ville On No. 2 Higliwax'. hydro. S24.50: ribbon sprngs, S15.,50: ' 81*i 5will Fur arm J WANTED: Reliable maxi as W ne Write Box 649,- c/e Statesmatn 4-tbloe paet szer ange 27.0:____________________ hoeTYRONE iDealer in Bowmanx'ile. Experi- SPRING calves te xinter feed. Office. 38-2* îowa -l 29 coene eessary. A fine oppor- Poe27.3- - 29,pe-tax prîce: 3-piece daven-1 STRAYED froni ranch, 2 bead cf 34-tf!tonitv te step loto old profitable THR.EE rooni aparniexît. heated, poil bed suite. \vine and grey, red S-horihomo caille, wigbing J-bsns -eeRxirhPo ATD-Lx ,î!r. os in ex' cox'ated, vr.'rasnbl.16. Munph\'. ~Bowmanville. aroid 7 or 8 t vi. Anvoxie kuow- i Custom "Work (ic t-lhave been sold for \xear5. Big fether.-. feather i' b aiýs. sulral in xcane er sie a .sis;tance Phone SI11: Oshawa. Phioxne 3-81624 ug rtheir '.ilerca1uîsplease xîot- -piof:t.Pîocît f ished oniimon andci xiitl. Dii Oiava i wit.h housework. Phone 3231. 'Oshawa Store, 117 Sicoc St. S. jîfv W'iî. F'ee. Bunrketon. Phione Wý'ITH tractor. plIuwing, etc. J. crefdit. W'rxte Rawleigh*s Dept. .54 912 collec, or write I. Turner, ~8138-14 Port Perry l11r2. 38-1 H. Alldread, Fhone 496. 35-44 ML-1-140-163, Montreal. 37é-3 North Oshawa. 36-8 Work Wcmted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf FOR bulldozing, grading, excav- ating, etc. Cail Taylor Bros., Osh- awa 3-3831 or Whitby 2687. 37-4 BLOCK and brick work, car- pentry, altçrations, etc. Write Box 647, c/o Statesman Office. 38-1* COUPLE seeks employment on farm. Handy man and gardener. Wife willing te help in house. Write Box 646, c/o Statesman Office. 38-l* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf BULLDOZING EXCAVATING Geraid Raison Phone 2733 37-3V Livestock For Sale 100 ROCK pullets, started te lay. Phone 2377. 38-1 14 PULLETS ready te lay, mostly Leghorns. Phone Clarke 3603. 38-1 EIGHT weaned pigs, 7 chunks. Phone 2754, E. R. Knowlton, En- niskillen. 38-1 Farmers Attention 1 WE will be pleased te pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Colleet, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Yoî.g Ltd. 7-42 Repairs REPAIRS te ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; miiking coolers. Higgon Eiec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Sboe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf Personal FIYGIENIC SUPPLIES - <rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ce.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52' For Exchange 50 ACRE farm to exchange for good 6-room house, large garden and garage or barn in small town or village. Mrs. Ella Dci niskillen. Dcià Courtice Girls' Teadi Guests of Honor at Chicken Dinner COURTICE GIRLS 3-14 The Courtice Girls' Softball Team were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nichols of Courtice at a chicken dinner at the Balmoral Hotel. Bowmanville, Friday ev- ening. Following the elinner, Team Captain Joan McKnight present- cd Team Manager and sponsor Eari Truil with a gift of appreci- ation. A gift xvas also sent to Coach Sam Shetier who was un- able te be present due te illness. President Jack Gay and Honorary President Roy Nichols were also presented with small gifts. Appreciation was voiced by President Gay te Mr. Nichols for the splendid dinner and for his unfailing interest cxtcnding, nov;, over several years. Beef Caîf Club Members Chosen for Inter-Club Contest The North Durham Mixed Cal! Club made an excellent showing at Blackstock Fair with Il cf the 12 members exhibiting their calves consisting cf four Here- fords. four Shorthorns and three Holsteins. The calves were judged in their own breeds. For the final stand- ing. points were given for the caîf, judging, written answers te ten ouestions, management dur- ing the season, feed reports and attendance at meetings. The fin- al standing was as follows: 1 Larmer Rosevear, Tyrone. 2 Keith Van Camp.- Nestleton No. 2. 3 Bill Ferguson. Nestîcton No. 2. 4 Carl Finney. Bethany. à Clifford Bristow, Campbell- crof t. 6 Keith Stapleton, Newton- ville. 7 David Rickard, NewcasIW 8 Charles MeGili, Betlhavf No. 2. 9 Barry Smith, Cavan R. R. 1. 10 Laurie Stapleton, Newton- ville. 1l Allan Dayes, Nestleton R. R. 2. The Beef Caîf Club members chosen te represent Durham County in the Inter-Club Compe- titions at Guelph on October 26 are Keith Van Camp, Nestleton, and Clifford Bristow, Campbell- croft. NIGHT SCHOOL1 BEGINNING OCTOBER 15TU Classes will be held each MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENING TYPINC m SHORTHAND DOOKKEEPING For further particulars Telephone 434 BOWNANVILLE BUSINESS SCHOOL 152 King St. East Bowmanville, Ont. AMAZING HEARING Ts noxv' possible for the haî'd cf heaî'ing with the TINIEST DEVICE yet develeped. This sensational contribution of modern science. in the field of heaî'ing correction, NO LARGER THAN A PEA' can be almest completely hidden by clear, natural hearing. This is net a gadget but the \'ery newest practical development to aid the hard of heaî'ing. Accepted by the American Medical As- sociation, y'ou can test it without cost or obli- gation. Take you.r place again in family con- v'ersation. Rediscover yeur enjoy'nent of your chuî'ch service, the theatre ,..a whole new world of sound. Corne in to-day or if yeu prefer, test it at home for the price cf a stamp or phone call. - BACKED BY A GUARANTEE - Special Clinic for One Day Only . Friday, September 2lst, 1951 Cowling Drug Store King St. Bowrnanville 0 1 BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD -M "M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIt. PAGE TOURTEEN IIIURSDATI SEPT. 2m. 1951

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