Russ Oke's Wood Choppers L ead In Men's Major Bowling Loqgue Jack Gay who bas been out a! Wild Bill Oke is thrawing thein action this season with a broken as fast as ever and the pin bovs thumb. made bis debut an aus- still shy away wben the pins are picious one and walked off with hit. the higb triple fan the night with It's a good thing that Me! Dale 777 made up o! 252-264-261. and Dave McKnight are not on, Frank Williams wvon the Royal the same tearn on George Eliioti Theatre tickets with high single would bave ta knock out a par- game o! 335. Two othen 300) tition ta mnake room for the nest scones were reconded: Morley Oke o! the bowlers. 3land AI. Osborne 305. Sid Nichols is bowling a lot *In addition ta Jack Ga*Y siy- betten this vcear and is losing out other bowlens bit aven thé 700 on a lot o! mrce pubiicitv. mark-Frank Williams 774, AI. Osborne 770, Ken Luxton 769, Ab Major League Standing Pilr 726. Dave McKnight 721, Team W L Pts. h~ey Oke 712. Oke ----------_7 2 16 9uss Oke's team took aven first Litte --- ----------- 6 3 15 position in the team standing Bagneli------6 3 14 with 16 points, whiie Dick Littie's Osborne- ----------6 3 14 teamn is a close second with 15 Elliott à 4 12 points. Ted Bagnelî's teamn had NWesthake -- - 5 4 12 high triple wîtb 3464 and aiso Moses- 4 5 10 higb single game o! 1229 pins. A. Piper _---------- - 4 5 10 G . Pi er - --------- - 4 5 9 *Bob Cale broke the season's Taylor --------------3 6 fi ]ow score record with 87. Dl'. Kngt----- 2 7 4 Austin's 96 had been low for the Hoan 2 7 4 finst two weeks. Bob aiso had niiui vrg low triple with 439. Fred Cale Idvda vrg bad a nice 105. A. Osborne ---------- -- 242 In the high averages AI Os- Dr. Rundle 234 bonne took aven with 242 fromn R. Oke --------------------234 Dr. Rundie who dropped fro Dr.* leon-- -- ---------227 250 ta 234. President Russ Oke D. Talor----------------- --- 227 is tied witli Doc. E. Tyro --------------------- 22G, Ailey Gossip R. Hailman ---------------2221 Morley Vanstone is having a A, Piper -----219 very pon year and if his bowling B. Polley ---- ------ ---219 does not imprave Dr. Rundle will M. Oke- - -----------------_----211 pnobabiy hohd the mortgage on F. Williams 2171 the miii. M. Oke ----------- - ------217 1 F. Williams _________211 T. Bagnel- 21f, H. Palmer 212 K. Luxton ____ 212 M. Dale_------ 212 B. Bates ____212 H. Moses ----211 D. McKnight 209 P. Richards ------ ---- 209 A. Spicer -------------- 207 C. Biekeill---207 M. Harrison ----- _207 R. Maynard -----------------207 R. McKnight --- - 206 P. Cancilla ---_--------------- 20G H. Depew 203 T. Hoar ------ ---------- - 203 H-. C. Osborne - ---- 202 J. Lander _ -------------- ------ 202 B. Westlake ------------------ - 202 Foundry Iron Men Still Undef eated In Durham League Foundry team have yet ta be defeated in the Durham Bowling League and are setting a terrific pace for the rest of the teams. Faundny gained anothen seven points Fniday evening from West- lake's team. Enniskiilen No. 2 team showed the Enniskillen No. 1 team who the bowlers were in that hilîside hamlet by capturing seven points, putting them in second position. B.T.S. defeated Sheppard & Gill placing them thîrd in the League with number of pins, but tied with Enniskillen No. 2 team in points. C.O.F. gained five points from Mavin who received two points. Tyrone wvon five points from Blackstock who added another two points ta their total. Mitchelh's team cap- tured five points from Maple Grave who won twa points. John Coombes led the Tyrone team ta victory Friday by bowl- ing the bigh single, 376 and the high triple, 748. Runner-up wvas F. Wearn. Enniskillen No. 2 team, witb a triple o! 703. A. Sharpe had two exception- ally five games (?) witb the grand totais of 93 and 68 so he clefinitely qualified for the Lem- on League. Other qualifying members-R. Brock 86, T. Me- Euirk 83, B. Hasink 86. Team Standings /EA>MOSTSf~/S ('0),Points 9AmMGVteAE0V Foundry -. - ----21--- .500(6 7MieS), /1/61ilEST No. 2 Enniskillen --- 1 B. T./ S -S ----------- B-T-------- 18 (6S)Tyrone - ----......_ 15 kOMWeeIS (/5), MOST WMithll-ke ----- --- ----- , TVAOTA4SeS(96) AD I Bastak ------9 AMos.SesF$ OMBAILS (35). BlCksoF --------8 .AS P/7r#IR, C.0.F., ------ - ---- lf£'Cewp 29 SO.EFSMaple Grave------- 6 OPCM.~777o4'T#ESheppard & Gil ZAE*AO7'« EXR No. 1 Enniskillen--------------- 77Ar 'CO(/7$/ Individual Averages J. Coombes 217 L. Wearn _________213 J. Levitt 211 J. Sleman 207 M. Harrison 204 F. Knight 201 , ~~ N. Cowle 200/ Double Honors Go MTiER WORLD0 SERJES RECORDS To Anita Nickerson MOSWOR.D SERIES wow- In Bowling League 1,54. ). leAnita Nickerson took top hon- OST SUTOIJS an thîs week for bath the high AT//WSOVifKW~V triple and high single, 682 and UNSITDTRIPLE PL.AY 282. Runner-up for high triple ~ xvas Toots Wiseman, 679. Other HOME RUNS WmTH BASES FUL- high singles were Doris Doil with CM,( Cke6VO L415DA.)/.ZO 269, Martha Gowday 267, and The bowling is getting better (Clip ;o 4ei as the league progresses. Can- didates for the "Len-on League" this week are Rennie Marshall _____________________1 with 77. Ev. Sweetman was nextJ 0 ~with an 85 and Joyce Major with1 % ~88.11 Bath Piper and Brock teams ?R < A?~A1 b AM A E5MAN-' tDAW~W J U.XN V LLiJJEI, 'JNTAMO PAGE rm many advantages for the peo.I JI SmailE DDtEo pI inside; but, frankly, we did I 8 J lH.V ' A boxStop&D lainotid.-'emlne niaYA.8Shradded Wheat f ote s idsre . ..ey landdanCompany, Mt., - likte sensaton... aei Leader of ihe Lîberal Parly in Onfario na:ri. \0I a pastime. for pigeons is no part of ourifff programme. However, the alu- Joh M l m e , o i minumn roofs which naw dot w m w tecountrvsjde do illustrate ' M bendIAer trapidly growing dcmand Dra ony Mme. AdOhr for alurinum. To match gro- 9A ~ in- nmarkets like this, ve are b uilding new plants and powerhouses ini Quebec and COUD ROGimAN' EVERYBODY ECM British Columbhia. Aluminurj Comîpany of Canada. Ltd.SW9 m V si hi ai Ili ec dj -.- I.- --,- --- - this shirt Costs Y-ou nothing if you don't qgue it's the finest you ever wore! BUI' IT! TRY IT! WASH IT 1 THE A31AZING NEW. . Van Hleusen CENTURY shirt WITH THE SOFT COLLAR THAT won't wrinkle ever! ý Make this 14 day trial on us! like the new Van Ileusen CEiNTURY shirt xvth the new revolutionaî-v sofi col- lai- that stavs fi-esh andi wrinkle-fr-cc al .ay long! Collai' is wovcn. in one piece no inner la.vers of fabrie ta ci-case or buckle. Tailored \with Van Hleusen's magîc sewnianship .. body-tapered, figure-fit action room ecywee. .. tug-proof peéarl buttons. Made of lustrous fine counit broadcloth. Keep it, wvcai it, foi- fourteen (14) days. If you'rc not comp!etely saltis- fied. if you don't agree it's the finest shii-t you ever wore, your monex- back. # Van Heusen CENTURY shirts $4.95 and $5.95 POE3133 29 KING ST. E. 7 came smashing through thiis week pflTqPc people, also explained the Eng- Maîko in College Street United Empey attended the Oshawa Pros- 6 taking ail seven points again. CU.L.J.L.L lish Exhibition 'The Festival of Church, Toronto. T'he bride and bytery meeting at Orono. 2 They are stili up there in first and____ Britain." Mrs. Penfound thank- groom will reside on the groom's Mr. A. L. Pascoe is again selnt 2 second place. Etcher and Gay Mr. Wm. Clement. Mr. and ed Mrs. Reynolds for ber interest- farm on the seventh Uine. Con- 2 teams had tough %luck, neither Mrs, Reg. Harbkley and daughter iflg talk. Refreshments were gratulations. Canada Savings Bonds. 2one scoring any team pointa. Gay Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Litsy, served. October Committees as Miss Kathleen Graham spent M r. and Mrs. James Potter andi 1team us stili traîling et the bot.ý Joyce and Joan, Brantford, with follows. Program-Mrs. George the weekend with Miss Miriam son~ Jimmie visited at Mr. Archii 9tom, but we're ail pûIlling for Mr. and Mrs. N. Griffin. Johnson, Mrs. S. Kinsman: Lunch Montgomery, Oshawa. McKnight's, Oshawa. 9them.MrBetRbnoSduy -Mrs. Antil, Mrs. C. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. George Hamljn Mrs. Alec Potter visited her 7 Team Standlings Mr. HBerSrijnond Sudury, Mrs. Mary Adams and Mrs. Alex- and Nancy attended Markham daughter, Miss Annie Potter in Team W LPs ters, Erline, Beryl and Wilma, ade.Fair on Saturday. Trno Piper 8 1 18 Windsor, visîted Mr. and Mrs. No. 4 Mission Band opened its Miss Jean Cryderman has tak- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patter and Brock 7 2 17 Fred Balson. September meeting with a hymn. en a nurse's aid position at Osh- family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs'. Bukel 3 1 rs obnonS.isvsiigOne birthday was observed. awa Hospital. Wm. Culling, Oshawa, Miss McNulty -- - 6 3 1l her daughter at Windsor. Worship period opened with quiet Mr.adMsRosCyemi AnePtrTotwr t 3Luxton 5 4 12 Congratulations ta Mr. and music, with Mrs. Lloyd Down at .adMs osCyemn Mr. Alec Potter's. Carer 4 l Ms. unie ee Louse eare)the piano. Story on "Home Mis- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crydermai Be auprie 5 4 il whose wedding took place in Eb- sin"Osfloe ypae yvsitharacsnWrys Davis- 4 5 10 enezer Church on Saturday. Mrs. S. Coverley. Program in- haa.TI1C KETS8 Stevens ----~ 3 6 7 A goodly number gathered at cluded a chorus by the Seniors, Mr. Robert Werry, London;TOE RY ER Etcher 3 6 7 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross readipgs by Carol and Marie Vin- Ms argaret Stacey. Bowman- OE RY ER son Myna etrso an El;eville, were at Mr. Ross Cryder- Air. Rail or Steamhz Leighton 2 7 5 Peàrce on Tuesday last and pre- so, yrametrsn'nds.~ Consult Gay -------------------- - 0 9 O seùited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce Down; chorus by Grade I, story Mrand r.HoasFrrw U Y& L V High Average with a chrome table and chairs fromn the new study book,' "The Rs and rsntHoard Fae; rro. URY& Doris Joli ---------_ 204 and Mr. and Mrs. Rundie with a Three Henrys and Mrs. Hor-RosadGntStrvleM. Bowmauvllle Connie Leighton---_ __ 204 miscellaneous shower, Nice re- nickle." by Mrs. Lloyd Down. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and Miss 15 King St. W. Phone 778 Meeingcloed itha gme nâLorraine Farrow, Bowmanville, Lorraine MeFarlane _ _ 197 sponses were made by the young Metinsclsedwitaa amea. _George_______________ Hazel Davis ___ 195 couples, after which fruit and repeating the Band Purpose vr.ited Mr. Geore Knoxs- Hilda Brack 195 candy were served. ited at Mr. Russell Vice's. Eleanor Hare 192 Messrs. Frank Worden and MisLll Ioa.Trota Lil Hooper --- 190 Sam Vinson have returned home OLN Mr. E. R. Taylor's.4 Kav Beauprie 187 ditions were not very good, grain Brougham, at Mr. John Knox's. Toots Wiseman 182 flot being in shape ta handle. At Bradley's School on Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden Onie Etcher 182 Mrs. Howard Sprung and day evening, two recentl 'v mar- were guests at the Rundie-Peaite Helen Piper 181 daughters. Windsor, visited M_. ried couples,Havy ndLi wedding on Saturday at Ebenez- Ada Luxton- 18o and Mrs. Carl Down and the Cecil Yellowlees (nec Lar-mer) and er Church and the neception held Audrey Biekle ---- 176 Adams family. Harry and Lorraine Knox (nee at t.he home of the bride's parents, Anita Niekerson ------ 173 Mr. and Mrs. Howand Courtice, Tink) were hononed by friends Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearce. Kay Stevens -------------173 Ottawa, were weekend guestsÎ of the community. Mr. A. L. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson, Norma Gay1----- 172 with Mr. and Mns. K. E. Courtie Pascoe as 'chairman, called the Peterborough, visited at Mr. Donc. Mutton 171 and attended the Rundle-Pear e company ta order. The address- Isaac Hardy's. Ina King -- -------- . 170 wedding on Saturday. es conveying best wishes and ex- Mr. Rae Pascoe was a guest at Alice Hodgson ------------- 170 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne tending ta the brides a welcomf, the Keetch-Dyer wedding un High Single-Anita Nickenson, and Mn. and Mrs. Walter Runcile into aur church and community Bnooklin Church aon Saturçlay. 282. have returned home after a activities, were read by Mrs. Ev- Miss Helen Warren. Oshawa, High Triple-Anital Nickerson, pleas#nt trip through the West, erett Cryderman. Harvey and was a weekend guest of Miss 686. visiting at Weyburn. Sask. Lois were presented with a trilite Elaine Spires. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith and floor. lamp and Harry and Lor- Mr. and Mns. Jack Bramell, children, Trenton, were weekend raine with an accasional chair. Toronto, visited at Mn. Wle L ae Sore Clrke guests with the lattei's parents, The presentation vwa ade Waltr~ Ms JckOern Mis So ratn, P oe, ly OkCeeluasriker iai n in fttn an e. Fo- Ca k nd E dwi, aw an Mrâ. A. J. Oke and Mr. Wes- The couples voiced their appre- John and Patsy, Oshawa; Mrs. F. and Mr. Lloyd Martin, Tononto, and Mrs. Young, Peterborough. lowing several congnatulatorv iieytM.FakWsl wrhoefor the weekend. Mrs. Gus Oke and Mrs. Sam speeches the nemainden of the Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak, TÔ- Mainhood and little son, Toron- evening was spent visiting while Mr. and Mns. Wes Yellowles ranto, spent the weekend with ta, wene visitons with Mns. A. J. somne enjoyed dancing. Refnesh- Harold and Murnay, visited a Masters Bobbie and Donnie Mn. and Mrs. Fred Balson spent Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome,I Holmes with thein grandmothen, Thanksgiving with Mn. and Mrs. spent the weekend at home. Ronnie and Larry, spent thej MsW.CeecSa' Ray Balson, Whitby. Mr. Harold Reynolds, Toronto, weekend at Glenverdean, Hail's Mr. .Clmnc, hw'.Mr.- and Mns. Syd. Goodaîl and visited at Mn. Ralph Davis'. Lake. Mr. Tom Nobes and Mn. Jack -Miss Joan, Oshawa. were Sun- MsfleBasn sawk- Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., Phv Towers, Toronto; Mn. Murray day guests with Mr. and Mrs. ends gueto e r brlothasaer Ala lis, Anne and Joan, Mrs. Gea. Dunn, Niagara Falls, with Mr. Douglas Oke. edgeto irbohrAlnMtoLnaadGoiBw and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes. Mrs. Bentie Bnown, Toronto, is and family at Kingston. Muttn, invstd and GloriaSBot- Mn. and Mrs. Bill Skelding and visiting Mrs. Ella Balson. Mn. Gardon Pascoe, Kingston, of Fleetwood. family, Barrie, with Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mns. Norman Clemens spent the weekend with his par- M.adMs ap ai n Gea. Skelding. and Marilyn, Toronto. spent ents. M.asy ne dînnengueDavssan Mrs. Roy McKay and Jim, Mns. Thanksgiving with the Fergus The W. 1. ladies are planning« Monday at Mn. Gardon Davis, Gea. Inglehart and Sharon, of Kinsman family. fon the bazaan on Oct. 25.- Oshawa. Bronte, visited Mr. and Mrs. Rab- The Woman's Association of Wonld Communion service was Mn. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid in Alldred. Courtice Church are planning obsenved on Sunday afternoon with Mn. and Mrs. Orville Lutn M. Ronnie Powell was home their turkey suppen for Nov. 7. with Rev. G. Empey conducting Peterborough, and Mr. and Ms. for the weekend fnom Downs- Countice W. A. met on Sept. the services. Next Sunday Mn. Lloyd Preston, Bowmanvîlle, vis- vie w.20 iePeietMs Pe-Mnmno rewo ilo-ie tMsWi.CwnsFe. Mns Haoi Sknne ad Dn-found presided. Mrs. C. Adams cupy the pulpit. man. othy, Tyrone, with Mn. and M. di ryn Mrs. Sogena Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Miss Miss Irene 'Bragg, Toronto, seniptune lesson. Attendance 16. Maio Ormiston» and M.Ae vsited at Mr. J. Baken's. Ai Bow.Quilting was at the church oni Blair, Broaklin. vi#ited at Mn. Mn. and Mrs. Ian Smith, To- Mrs. Al Brown and Jaek apent Sept. 27. Bazaar' committees will Bruce Tink'u. ronto, visited at Mr. Stan Mil-. Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R on- be arranged. W. A. Presbytery sns nie Hawthorne and Mrs. Spencer will rneet at Myrtle, Oct. 31. Miss Luelha Hepburn, Osha-~ Wood, Bowmanville. Qetosfrdsuso ab wa, vislted at Mr. Clarence Vice's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes YellowIees, Quesion fordisussin t beMr. and Mns. J. Yellowlees and sent ta Mns. Crawle, Oshawa. On Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink anid Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees Sept. 26 the young women met Mns. H. E. Tink visited at Mn. attended a fowl supper at Val- JJ,Ž.SLEY VILLE at Mns. Mackenzies home ta ang- Orme Cruickshanks, Peterbor"- entia, on Monday night. anize a junior W.A. gnaup. Tapie ough. Mn. J. Baker Sr.. attended the was taken by Mrs. Gea. Reynolds Mn. and Mns. Bruce Montgom- Shorthorn sales at Unionville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hill and fam- wha veny ably gave glimpses of erTy, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Several fnom hene attended the ily with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. highlights of!lher necent trip ta n and Mrs. Everett Crydermnan funeral of Harold Milîs at Ennis- Toppin. England. She spoke on the wene guests at the manniage of killen. Messrs. Edgar Barrowclough health and food of the English Mn. Bihl Stackanuk ta Miss Anne iMn. A. L. Pascoe and Rev. G. ' and Art McKay were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mri. Harold Banrowclough. James NichaIs Is recovering from a bad hurn on bis face and hand which lie receuved after coming in contact with a luveDU H M CN Y electnic wîre. James is son o! U RR lq C U T M~r. and Mns. Clarence Nichais. Mn. and Mns. Murray Payne- were guests at the Lymer-Duf f wedding at Myntie. Mn. Victor Thorndyke returned from a visit with bis daughter, I E A S OI T VIns. Grenville Fiett, Fenelon O Falls. Mn. and Mns. Truman Austin, 3onnie and Paul, were Sunday visitars with Mrs. P. Holdaway.N MI TNGSEDD Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mason, Don- thy and Muriel, visited Mr. and Vins. George Martyn, Miss Ruth Anderson, Western lospital, Toronto. is visiting ber ister, Mrs. Clarence Nichais wha iad the misfortune ta burn ber rm quite badly. Miss Ruth Payne spent the oliday with ber parents, Mn. and 4rs. C. Payne. 'Sh,-als and- THE CANAnTAM IteWUAWIM.I.lp 1