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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1951, p. 12

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?NURSDAY. OCTOE!R 11. Th'~ F AU PI "wHECNAIA TA;AN OWANILE NT Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murray of Kitchener spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Murray. The deepest sympathy of aur citizens is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Barchard and familsv in the loss of a dear littie son and brother on Oct. 6th. After a length.v iliness littie Chris. (Mug- gins) Barchard Jr., passed away at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. He wiIl be sadly miss- ed by his littie piaymates an Mill Street. Miss Carolyn Freidiander, To- ronto. spent the weekend with Mrs. W .Deline and Mr. and Mrs. W. Storks and Candy. Mrs. Robt. Duck, Toronto, sper.t the holiday at her home on King St. It was nice to sec her araund here again. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bond, To- ronto, were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bond. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milligan and Carol, Toronto, visited at thc Ga te wa v It is nice to see Wallace Couch horr.- aiain and convalescing com i'~blvaftcr his o oer'ation. Mr nc Mrs. Bill Trelcaven arçp enjoyving a vcry pîcasant holiday in N,,cw York. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dixon, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Law. Miss Mary Margaret Bonathan, Universitv of Toronto. spent thDc T 1C RE TS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamnship Consuit JURY& LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. ]PL- - 778 The studio that brought you the Academy Aword wlnning comedy hits.. ."IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT" and IIYOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU"... holiday weekend at home. Visitors ta the Massey Mem- anial parsonage as weekend guests were Miss Mary Joyce Strachan, arganist of Victoria St. United Church, Gaderich. Mr. Donald Rivers fram the same town ac- companied Miss Strachan. Mrs. Murray Payne was ma- tran o! honar at tne wedding o! her sister, Miss Doris Duf! ta Mr. Peter Lymer, Oshawa, which took place in Myrtie United Church on Sept. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Cecii Finley cele- brated their 25th wedding anni- versary on Oct. 6th with many of their ohd friends, and xvere pre- sented with a basket o! 25 Ameni- can Beauty roses, besides other very beautiful gifts. They were married by Rev. R. M. Crissman, Highland Park, Detroit, Mich. Among thase present at the cele- bration an Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Duke Tbampson and daugchter Kathleen, Buffalo, N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fendiey, Billie and Barn,, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard Marris, Miss Sally Brambali. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. R. Bunce, Babby and Shar- on. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Hill Alldread, Bowmanviile, alsa Mirs. Finle *v*s aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Aldread, Newcastle. Afteifa wonderfui turkey dinner and the cutting of a three-tier xwndding cakeflpv. and Mrs. Dewdney called ta offer congrat- ulations after wbich a delightful evening was spent in cards and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Tracey Manes. Leaside, called aven the weekend on bis father, Mr. H. T. Manes wba is recovering steadily since his illness. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hancock and Louise spent the holiday with f e MOVIETONE NEWS TECH NICOLOR CARTOON WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - OCT. 17.-18 Warner Bras: Sensation-Story of Girls in Prson! Aduit Entertainment Tecc'inî*color Cartoon Interesting Short her sister, Mrs. Norman Cameron at Golden Valley. Miss Catherine Dewdney and ber girl friend of Bishop Strach- an, Toronto. spent the weekend witb Catherine's parents as did Douglas Dewdney wha is a stu- dent af Trinity Callege, Part rHope. U. C. Atternoon Auxiliary Afternoan Auxiliary af the W. M. S. met Oct. 4 with Mrs. W. F. Rickard conducting. Theme o! the meeting was "Let Us Give Thanks" followed by a prayer of thanks for aur biessings. By ai- ternate readings from pamphlet and scripture, Mrs. Rickard and Mrs. Lawrence Turner described and defined sait and leaveg, two very important items in aur life, spiritualiy as weii as physically. Mrs. W. Beman bad charge of the study period. Her subject was 'Looking at Three Frontiers in Home Missions Work.'" The first frontier was Home Missions where students from aur Univer- sities give of their services every summer. Twenty-four o! these were girls and Mrs. C. Hancock read the expeniences o! one, Claire Stevens. She calied At a wonderful experience. The second was Sunday Schools in the home. Any persan wish- ing ta do sa, may have Sunday Schooi literature sent by mail. This includes The Family Maga- zine and ahl papers. The third was "Little Ships." The Missionary Society awns nine boats which travel up and dbwn the coast. Mrs. C. Hancock de- scribed the trip o! one of the boats at the Christmas season. Mrs. Beman and Mrs. Hancock spoke in such an interesting man- ner that they beld the attention of their audience, whicb was well, for the Literature Sec'y, Mrs. Honey, conducted a quiz based on the information .given in their talks. Reports were given and plans discussed for attending the Pres- bytery Rally at Ebenezer. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Stair and child. ren, Mrs. Heal and Heather, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Hay, Kenneth, Carol and Linda, Montreal; Miss Helen Partner and Mr. Ross Bow- ens, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gable. Keith and Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner, Pat and Wendy were Tbanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner. rMr. and Mrs. Norman Byers, Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. T. Findiey, Thornhill, visited Mrs. Ott Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Duo- das, with Mr. and Mrs, G. Baker. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Charles Penwarden (nee Mary Vaoeyk) who were married in the cburcb Saturday afternoon. Home and School Club will meet Oct. 12 at 8 p.m. Election a! officers will be beld, also plans made for Haliowe'en party. W. A. meets at Mrs. Stan Gables on Oct. 16 at 2:30 p.m. with Mrs. Vaneyk and Mrs. F. Partner, program committee. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, John and Lauraine were Tbanksgiving guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Grace. Mr and Mrs Roy McLaughlin, Dawna and Dennis, Blackstack, witb Mrs. E. Murphy .and Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy. One of the iargest funerals ever held in this community was that of the late Otta Virtue held from the family residence, Oct. 3rd, ta Bethesda Cemetery. Sorry ta report Mrs. Wm. Brown isn't so weli. A number of neighbors attend- ed the Penwarden-Vaneyk wed- ding at the cburch and the re- ception ini Tyrone Commuoity Hall Saturday afternoon. During the heavy wind and ramn Sunday afternaon, Mr. Stuart Hoaey's bouse caught fire in the ceiiing of the living raom. 0w- ing ta quick action of Mrs.- Jack Jones and son John, they pre- vented the f ire from spreading before belp came. At Camp Samac, near Oshawa, Scouts from Oshawa, Port Perry and Toronto this year planted 2 1,000 trees of variaus types s0 as taM eutf 1te- rand -ad Man's Besi Friend! YOU'LL be the fellow in the doghouse If fire or other disaster catches you without dependable, up-to-date insur- ance. Better rail on this ageney today. When disaster strikes, a man's best friend ishis Jasurance Agent! Situari R. James [NSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street. Bowmnanvllle Couple ta Live ini Maple Grave MR. AND MRS. PETER KOWAL shown as they smilingly eut their wedding cake, following their marriage in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, Sept. 17. The bride is the former Ruby Elizabeth Welsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Welsh, Bowmanville, anid the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal, Maple Grove. The young couple will reside in Maple Grave. IITN1.~Tf~Uneckline and coliar. Their match- WEDDINGing bats had sparkiing rhinestone ________tnim and they carried baskets o! STUTT - ROSS yellaw chrysantbemums. ivy and cornf lowers A very pretty double-ring wed- JonCean!Seeysay ding ceremony was soiemnized in was best man The ushers were the Chapel o! Aima Coliege, St. Earl Ross, Toronto, brother o! the Thomas, at four a'clock on Sat- bride, and Donald Stutt, Baw- urday, Sept 29, when Elizabeth manville, brother o! the groom. Jean Ross, daughter o! Mr. and Th epto wahldite Mrs ThmasE. oss 12CurisFirst United Cburch assembly Street, St. Thamas, became the hall. Receiving the guests was bride af James Henry Stutt, son Mrs. Ross, mother o! the bride, o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt, wearing *a gawn o! azure blue Bowmanville. Rev. E. W. Brean- ceewt aciglc oe ley fficatedaganst chacelsleeves and skirt panels. She wore background a! chrysanthemums, a corsage o! golden chrysanthe- feros, dahlias, faîl garden flow- mums. Assisting was the graom's ers and white tapers in cathedral mother, Mrs. Stutt, gowned in a candelabra. Miss Catherine Cutt, powder blue crepe, with lace trim London, cousin o! the bride, and matcbing halera. She wore played the tradîtional wedding navy accessories and corsage o! music and accompanied the soi- red rosebuds and stephanatis. The aîst, Miss Carol Van Aistyne, halIl was decorated with mari- Sarnia, who sang "I Love Thee" gaids. cbrysantbemums and snap- aod "I'11 Walk Beside You.' dragons. The bride's table was The bride, given in marriage by centred with the three-tier wed- ber father, looked lovely in a ding cake and lighted tapers in gown of imported silver-mist lace silver candelabra. The wedding over white satin. with padded dinner was served by Mrs. F. balierina-iength skirt. fitted ho- Knight and the members o! dice with neckiine emhroidered Group 3 o! the Woman's Associ- witb silver sequins and seed- ation. pearîs, tbe long sieeves forming Anubroteeam an lily points over the hands. Her A ubrotegam an finger-tip veil o! sihk illusion was good wishes were received from heid in place hy a Juliet head- London. Kingston, Peterborough, dness o! lace studded with sequins Bowmanviile, Toronto, Hamilton, and pearîs. She carried a bouquet Goderich, Detroit, Halifax, and o! white orchids, cornfiowens and Barr Head, Scotland. stephanotis. Mns. Kenneth Cbris- Mn. and Mrs. Stutt left an a tensen, Vancouver, B.C., as ma- wedding trip ta the Southero tran of honar; Miss Margaret States. For travelling, the bride Wahdon, Toronto, as bridesmaid chose a suit o! bittersweet tweed, and Shirley Ross, niece o! the with brown squirrei coat, con- bride, as junior bridesmaid, ware trasting accessanies and bat o! ir- simihar gowns in autumo herry ridescent feathers. On their re- velveteen, with bouffant skirts turn they will reside in Bowman- ana ritted booaices witfl portrait' .ville.1 BLACKSTOCK Mrs. J. A. Johnston visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery. Tilbury. Miss Vera Farder, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Farder. -Mrs. W. Archer attended the silver wedding of ber nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Vintan Laucks at Minden. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rutledge and Linda, Oakville, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farder. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNaliy, Coîborne; Mrs. Finley Sutherland and Joan, Bancroft, with Mrs. Jas. Forder. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelusky, Gaît; Miss Verna McNally of Brampton; Misses Pearl and Dor- atby Wright, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. David Rutledge, Bancroft, with Mr. an'd Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McNei? and son. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Mrs. C. P. Devitt with Mr. and Mrs. Ailan Boaker, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Newton, Toronto, and Miss Mary-Lau Crawford, Nestieton, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. W. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, Marilyn and Ronald with Mr. and Mrs. W. Archer. Anne. Albeda, Tiennie and Henry Reinstra were Sunday din- ner guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnston. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturrock (nee Lu- cille Forder) who were married at the United Church on Satur- day. The reception was held in the Sunday School room with the O.N.O. Club catering for the wed- ding supper. Mr. and Mrs. David Fainthorne, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fawcett. Joyce and Murray, Mr.1 Elmer Thompsan, Meaford, with Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright, Sorry to report Mrs. James Strong is iii in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge with Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright and Misses Annie and Effie Wright, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Turner with friends at Winchester. Miss Jean Ford, Toronto: Mr. apld Mrs. Art Ruston, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with Mrs. James Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dorrell, Midland, with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreli. Mrs. A. W. Stephenson, Willow- dale; Miss Patsy Stephenson, Rich- mond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Webster, Nakina, were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saunders, Gordon and Glen, Ashton, spent the weekend with her brother and sister-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. Hutton. Miss Belle Irwin who bas been five weeks with Rev. and Mrs. Hutton returned ta Merrickville. Richard Van Camp bas gone ta Kemptville ta take a course at the Agricultural College. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hall and family spent Sunday at Stan Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Hawkins, Port Perry. Miss Clara Marlow and. Neil Bailey attended last year's Nor- malites' Reunion and dinner 2t the Empress Hotel, Peterborough, Mr. I. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bright, Port Perry, with Mrs. James Ginn. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson, Roy Harry and Beth, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- low and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swain. Mrs. Fred Bailey accompanied Mr. and Mrs. N. Henry, Janetvillc, ta Windsor ta visit Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson. There was a good atnac at the speciai Institute meeting held at the Cartwright Recrea- tional Centre ]ast Wednesday ev- Thq meeting opened with the Institute Ode with Mrs. David Hill at the piano. Mrs. Neil Mal-. colm and her group were in charge of the program. Jessie and Betty MeArthur played a piano duet. Harold Swain, How- FOR SPARKLING ~HEALTH . 0 0 You'il feci refreshcd, feci heaithier if you drink at least a quart of country- fnesh milk each day. Our trained dairymen, with modern equipment, strive ta bring you the f inest, rîchest and purest milk possible. It's deliv- ered around town, frothy fresh. Order now. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE 1 At a meeting o! the Oshawa Presbytery of the United Church heid at Orono on Oct. 3rd, ar- rangements were made for the induction o! new ministers ino three charges o! the United Church in the Oshawa district. The induction of Rev. Mervin Bury. M.A., B.D., ino the pas- tarate o! King Street United Church, as successor ta Retv. E. ard Trewin and Neil Malcolm sang two selections, accompanied by Mrs. Lamne Tbompson. Mrs. Harold Kyte sang a sala accomp- anied by Mrs. Neil Werry.' Mrs. Earl Dorreil gave an amusing recitation. Mn. Chas. Weir, Dist- rict Representative o! Commun- ity Programs Brancb, Dept. o! Education, and Mr. Don Sbay, Recreational Director, Bowman- ville, spoke an Community Centre Activities. Mr. Weir gave much interesting information which we hçpe wiii be beneficial. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McLaughlin (Jean Harris) were given a showv- er o! gifts in the Cammunity Hall Friday evening. Presbytery Lays Plans for Induction 0f Three Ministers PINEAPPLE PIECES etrpf SLICED PEACHES QES ROYA AYLMER PLUMS CNOICE PRUNe PURE HEINZ -KETCHUP TOMAT4 HEINZ CHILI SAUCE r. STS ML4REI îrs Cemra CHEER DETERGENT S l Ro mmm., I Snow White Cauliflower large heads m 2/29c Presenve Now Excellent for Jams and Jellies Ontario No. 1 Blue 6 qt. basket Concord Grapes - - 39c California Sweet Eating - Red lb. Tokay Grapes - - 2/25c Best Quality Ontario 10-lb. bag 2 33< im 18& w~1 7< 130- 29< 12 o- 9 42,f ROBIN HOOD CHOC. OR WHITE CAKE MIXES 16Oz.32 MARGARINE LUCK 1 Lb.42 LONG SHRIOS COCONUT 7Oz. Pkg. 23< ]BARKER'S COOKIES ][)Oz. 33c Vdiues Effective Th urs., Fn., 'Sat., oct. l14h, 12th & 13th Potloes - - - - 39c Ontario Green Pascal Ige. staiks Celery --- '2/.19c Ontario No. i1lb. Waxed Turnips --5c Ontario No. 1 lb. Washed Carrots 2/ 15c Ontario's No. 1 Pepper Squash *-2/19c i OI a @ cANAC40 IM E 9m DOMINION' STORES LIMITJ!D FRIDAY - SATURDAY - OCT. 12 - 13 Technicolor Cartoon ROUND BY ROUND SHOWING 0F THE PEP - SADLER FIGHT NONDAY - TUESDAY - OCT. 15 - 16 "Conned Goods Foatures" CULVERH OUSE CORN C.So. & .8 LYNN VALLEY PEAS T w ozI16 (i AYLMER PEAS C 00:. 19<. AYMR-WT14ADDID Pl=TÎ 24 FI. Os PIum waniJS3t< a. LM . LIeeY's SPAGHETTI ifT.'V 2 29< LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS %& 20< CLARK'S IRISH STEW %3 PINK SEAL SALM ON FNY 26& (NC_ __ _ a 1 11M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLF, ONTARIO IVAr-4p. frim. VM J. Robertson, will be held on Fni- day evening, Navember 2nd, nt eight a'clock, with Rev. A. E. Eustace, chairman of the Osha. wa Presbytery presiding and in- ducting the minister. Rev. R. J. Scott. Whitby, will address the congregatian, and Rev. J. K. Mof- fat af Simcoe Street United Church, will address the minister. Induction of Rev. Roy H. Rick- ard. B.A., MRE.. Palmerston, ini- to the pastorate of the Columbus United Church circuit, will be in- ducted at a service there on Thursday, October 1l. Mr. Rick. ard succeeds Rev. D. C. Osbarn in this circuit. Rev. A. E. Eustace af Orono -.-rill preside and induct the minister. Rev. H. R. Monk- man of Greenbank, will a ss the minister and congregatjoi i Rev. M. C. Fisher of Braoklin will preach the sermon. On T~hursday, November 1, at 8 p.m.. Rev. R. H. Wylie of Pem. broke will be inducted into the minjstry of the Port Perry United Church, to succeed Rev. W. C. Smith. The chairman of Presb. tery, Rev. A. E. Eustace, wvill again preside and induct. Rev. Dr. George A. Telford of St. An- drew's United Church, Oshawa. wiii address the minister and con- gregation. and Rev. F. J. Whiteiv' af Centre Street United Church, Oshawa, will preach the sermon.

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