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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1951, p. 14

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PAGE FOUTRTEEN SELL I TRADE PYCS N BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS BIRTHS EDMUNDS-Marion and Don Ed- mnunds (nee McMullen), Mill- brook, are happy ta annaunice the lbirth of their daugbten, Patricia Ann, at the Civic Hospital, Peter- ýorough, on Tuesday, October 2, 41-1" WESLEY-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 'Wesley (nee Eleanor Johnston) are happy ta announce the birth of a son, David Arthur, at Bruce Çounty Hospital, Walkertan. on Tuesday, October 2, 1951. 41-1 WOLFE-Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe (nec Norma Hooecyl are happy ta announco the arrivaI of à son, Bryan Richard, at Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, September 29th, 1951. 41-1* ENGAGEMENTS Mr'. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn, Bethany, announce the engage- ment of their only daughler. Dorothy Irene, ta Glenn Matthew Tennant, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Tonnant, Leskard. The marriage . will take place ini Novemben. 41-1* The engagement is announced of Dorotbv Josephine, daughter of Mrs. Alice Clark and the late William Clark, ta James Henry Belford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Belford. Codrington. The marriage will take place quietly November 3rd. 41-1 Mr. Alfred Morris and Dorothy Morris wish ta announce the en- gagement of their daugbter, Doreen Errington, to Cyril H-arold Quinney, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Quinney, of Bowman- ville. The marriage will take place in February. 41-1* Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hagerman, Maple Grave, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daughter, Norma Carole, to Manford Irvin Dean, son of Mrs. J. Dean and the late Mr. Dean, Markham, Ont. The marriage will take place November îth. 41-1* The engagement is announced cf Charlotte Fostor, daughter of Mrs. Bert. Curtis and the late Foster D. Hoffman, ta Garfield Beverley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ethqlbert D. Fowler, Cambridge, N.B. The marriage wilI take place Tuesday, Nov. 6th, at 6:30, in the' Main St. Baptist Chuncb, Saint John, N. B. 41-1*' The engagement is announced of Helen Mae, daughter of Mrs. Joseph Klpatrick and the late Joseph E. Kilpatrick, ta Charles Bruce Vivian, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Charles A. Vivian, of Bowman- ville. The marriage will take place on Saturdav, Oct. 27th, at 3 o'clock in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville. 41-1* DEATH BARCHARD, Chistopher Henry -At the Hospital for Sick Cbild- ren, Toronto, on Saturday, Oct. fth, 1951, Chnis, dearlY beloved son of Mn. and Mrs. Chistopher Barchard, Newcastle, aged six years. Rested at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel. Bowmanville. until Monday morning, then at the family residence, Mill St. S., Newv- castle. Service was on Tuesdav, Oct. 9th, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemneterv. 41-if IN MEMORIAM GORR-In fond and treas'ired memory of aur daughter, Norleen Jean Gorr, w~ho died Octoben 10, 1950: A bud, but the Gardener. gave us, A pure and lovely cbild; He gave ilta a ur keceping, To cherish tindefilodi: And just as il xas opening To the glorv of the, da.v, Down camne heavenlv Father And took ouir htid awav.. -Alwayvs romomnberecl, Mother, Dad, Dianne. 41-1* PRIMROSE - In lovine nmcmoirv cf a dean daughier and sister who passed aa four yoars ago. October l3tb. 1947: A silent thought, a secret tear Keeps your incmor'v evor cdear. -Lovinglv renmombored lwY fa ier. Sam McKnigbt and sisters. 41-1* WILKINS --l loving memorn- 'v of a dean husband and father, George Blake, x\ho denartcd this ]if(, at Bowmanville, Oct. 1th. 1934: In aur heants ' our momnory lingers, Sweetly tender, fond and truc, There is flot a day. dcar fathor, That vc do not think of you. -EV'er rememibeied b\ fanlil. 41-1 NOTICE We wi]l close oui* shop Saturda 'v nights at 8 oclock comritnoncing Octoben 131h. W. H. Brown. 0 41-i Dr. W. M. Rudell's office will be closed from Mondas'. Oct. __ to Saturday, Oct. 20, inclusive. 41-2 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co.. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont 1-52 "SKINNY" CeIRLS! Gel Lovelv Curves! Gain 5 ta 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrox Tonir Tab- lets. Inlroductary, ~e aqmmt .d" aize only 60c. Alcruggists. COMING EVENTS Lions Club Community Auction Sale, Saturday, October 27th, in Memorial Arena, Bowmanville. 41-3 Reservè Wednesday, Nov. 7th, for Women's Hospital Auxiliary card party, Cammunity Centre, 8 p.m. Everyone welcome.' 41-1 Reserve Friday, November 16. for- afternoon tea and bazaar League- of St. Joseph's Church. 41-1 Reserve Saturday, Dec. 8th, for Salvation Army Home League an-. nual bazaar and sale of hoe cooking. Afternooni tea wil be served. 41-21 Dance ai-d Poultr-y Draw in Tyrone Community Hall. Friday, Oct. 12th, 1951. Ruth Wilson and Her Variety Band. Sponsored by Tyrone Juvenile Band. Admission ta dance 50c. 40-2* OPEN MEETING - Women's Canadian Club at the Parish Hall, Monday, October 15tb, 3:30 p.m. Speaker, Mrs. W. G. Kent, Tor- onto, "Rffiiantic Corners in Tus- cany, Liguria, the Alps and the Hebrides." 41-1 Mrs. Thomas Gduld - Sale of work, SaturdaY, Oct. 201h. at 2:30 p.m. in Union Hall. Ladies' gowns, infants' gawns, aprons, pillow cases, doîls, children's wear, home cooking, candy, afternoon tea. Everybody welcome. 41-2* The Progressive Conservative Association of Durham Cob-nty xill hold a Nomination meeting at 8 p.m., Monday, October 22nd. in the Orono Town Hall. Special speakers. The general public is cordially invited ta attend. 41-1 Star Weekly Free Concert, fea- turing the Commodores Quartette and the Videoettes, will be given Thursday. Oct. l8th, at 8 p.m., in Trinity United Church, under the auspices of No. 1 Scugog Street Group. Admission free. 41-1 Re - opening and Anniversary Services will be held in Nestieton Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 141h, at Il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Mr. H. McComb, minister in the morning and Major John Foote, V.C., at the evening ser- vice. 41-1 Plan to attend the W.A. Fal Fair on Friday, October l2th, at 3 p.m., in Trinity Sunday School Room. There will be booths of aprons, knitted goods, home made cooking, fruit and vegetables, country store, fancy bags, etc. Afternoon tea wilI be served. 40-2 CARDS 0F THANKS The boys of Solina Soccer Club wish ta extend sincene thanks and grateful appreciation toa ah the ladies of the community who convened and assisted in senving lunches during the football sea- son. 41-1 May 1 take this opportunity to sincerely thank my many frîends for thein many kindnesses during mY stay in the hospital and since returning home. They are very much appneciated. Helena Hoar. 41-1* We would like ta express aur sincere tbanks and appreciation to our fiends and neigbbors wbo helped in any way regarding aur recent fine. Helen and Wib. Baskerville. 41-1 Mrs. Otto Virtue and Mrs. Tai- bort FindlaY wi sb to express to their miany friends, relatives and especially the neigbbons thein beartfelt thanks and appreciation for cards, acts of kindness and the lovelv, floral tibutes: also tl nking Rev. D. F. Lute and Mr. M oot ton for their comforting mes- sage in the loss of a dean busband and brother.411 Wanted WANTED - Live poultry, goose feathers, feather ticks. bags, scrap mron and metal. Dial Oshawa 54 912 colleet, or write I. Turner, North Oshawýa. 36-8 Lost BLACK and tan fox hiound, male, scuth-east of Blackstock, Monda, Octoben 81h. Anyone knowing bis wvhercabouts please cal War- 1 non McQuanle, Port Penny 195r4 or Oshawa 5-4102. 41-1 Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of ELIZABETH SOUCH, Deceased. ALL pensons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Souch. late of the Town of Bow- manville, in the County of Dur- ham, widow, xx'wha died on or about the 22nd day of JUly, 19.51, are required ta send ta the unden- siîgned at the addness below, ful particulars of tbe same on or be- fore the 151h day of November, 1951, aften which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed ,having regard only ta the dlaims oaf whicli the Executor shahl then bave notice. DATED this Ilth day of Octoben. 1951. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION, Executor, bv. Apha I. Hodgins, 16 Temperance Street, Bowmanvillr, Ontario, its So) lior herein. 41-2 Articles For Sale TWO-burner qil cook stove. Phone 2483. 41-1* 125 BALES oat and wheat straw. Phone 2489. 41-1* KINDLING - wholesale prîces. rear of Ayre's Acres. 41-1* PARTS for 1936 Ford, including new radiator. Phone Orono 1r8. 41-2* LARGE Quebec heater, in good condition. Apply 72 Brown St. 41-1 THREE-piece chesterfield suite. good condition. Apply 40 Duke Strect. 41-1* ANNEX, in good condifion, withi hot water front and connections. Phone 724. 41-1'* CIRCULATING heater, in A-i condition. Apply Joe Crawford, Hampton. 41-1 DAVENPORT, grey, with match- ing chair, reasonable. Phone 3171 after 6 p.m. 41-1* BEACH cook stave, with 2 Silent Glow 6" ail burners. Bert Snow- den, Maple Grave. 41-1 .22 RIFLE; C.C.M. man's bicycle; high eut boots; new car seat covers. Phone 3503. 41-1* DINING -room suite and odd pieces of furniture. Write P.O. Box 156, Phone 2622. 41-1* SWEET ider, 50c a gai; also ider made. B. Darch, Phone 2298, 1'i mile north Salem School. 41-2* PAIR of table lamps, crystal base. eggshell coloured shades, $12.00.' in excellent condition. Phone 3567. 41-1 BABY carniage, blue "Sunshine" convertible, good condition; also sleîgh runners. Phone 3236. 41-I SEVERAL acres, good land, with 6-room bhouse and other buildings, near town, reasonable. Phone 3427. 41-1* HOO VER floor polishers and vacuum cleaners, see themn today. Sales and Service at Hydro Shop, Bowmanville. 41-4* MASSEY-Harris traçtor, inodel 102 Junior, in good warking con- dition, seli or trade for cattle. Phone 2591. 41-1 POTATOES - Specializing in No. 1 top quality potatoes. Order your supply now. Daug Curl, Bowmanville, Phone 3101. 20-tf INTERNA T 10O N A L Farmall-H tractor; also 3-furrow, Interna- tional plow, on rubber. H. M. Kyte, Phone Port Perry 106r4. 40-2* NEARLY new trailer, good tires and spare wheel, bail and socket and bumper clamp, 8'x4'x9", only $45.tJO. Phil Dost, Burketan, R. R. 3. 41-1* BEATTY eleclric copper washer, motor and wringer in wonking order, a bargain at $10. Apply Claude Smith, Enniskillen, Phone 2123. 41-4* IF YOU bring your container I wiil sell you top quality MacIn- tosh aI $1.00 bus. Apply K. E. Dean, Newcastle, Pbone Clarke 1902. 41-1* MASSEY-Harris patato digger, new last year, $275 or nearest offen, hanse and tractor hitch: also two cows. T. Skinner, Lot 5, Con. 3, New,ýtonville. 41-1* DON'T miss it! Sweet ciden, tomatoes, pears, apples: St. Law- rence, Macs, Tolman Sweet. Bring container. Sbaw's Fruit Market, Kurv Inn. 41-1 MORRIS Ca. 7th Anniversary Special - Save $45 on a beautiful three-piece, figured rayon velour cbestcrfield suite, rogular $239, now anly $194. 41-1 BED, '14 size, witb full panel steel bead and foot end.% in walnut finish witb spring and matlress complete: also dresser, in walnut finish. Phone 3266. 41-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and bail runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard gaads at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds, new plas- tic tapes available, easily kept clean, many colaurs ta choose from. Phono Morris Ca., 480. 29-tf PLUMBING, Hcaling and Oil Bunners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonablo rates and highest quality. For freé estimates cali S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmiithîng, Phone 3348. 29-ti VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexalum, Alum boum or Steel, measuned and installed free of change. Phone 3121, Weber's Fabnie Centre. 17-tf TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tule an plastic, ahl colours Floors - rubben, mastic, lino-tile, quanrie and ceramie. Will go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902, 2-tf The Canadian Statesman Classified Adverlising Raies] Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 25e will be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3ý a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS - » $1.00 plus 100~ a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas- or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale TWO used rubber-tired wagons; used M.-H. spreader; used Case VA tracton; Quaker ou hoiaters; new 9' rofrigerator; barbed wire; some nexv machinery; pressure watcr svstems. W. H, Brown, Case-Dealer, Phone 497. 41-1 NEW Otaco spreaders, $292.00 and up; flexible harrows; roadmaster wagons, $129; Bissell 26-plate discs, standard or hydraulic, $206; wheelbarrows; Woods' electrie oquipment; ductalloy sharos: used plows, wagons, pony disc. Phone Carl Todd, 15-20 Clarke. 41-2* FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and matons, that wiring job or any- tbing eloctnir. Trade-in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Electric, dealers for Woods Electric Farm Equipmont, Enniskillen, Phone Bowmanville 2539. 41-3 NEW shipments of Gold Seal Con-' goleumn and Rexoleuma Deluxe, 2 and 3 yards wide, choose from 40 patterns. Imported Pabco war- ranty floor coverings, in new designs. Hall runners, inlaid lirWleumn and large selootion in rug sizes. Marris Co., Phone 480. 29-tf RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- ledge stainless tbree piece bath- room sets white $160.00 ta $18900. Coloured $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furnaces $295.00. Special offers ta plumbers and buildors toa. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue pnices if we supply everything you need for compiete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtunes, prices and instal- lation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refnigerators. Pressure waten systems, ail burn- ens, soptir and ail tanks etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Di- vision, Stncetsville Hardware, Streetsviile, Ontario. Phono 261. Evcnings 51r15. 31-tf Livestock For Sale Cars For Sale 1950 FORD Piokup, operated only 5,200 miles, Phone Port Hope 3161 or 3762. 41-1* A36 DODGE Sedan, will take aIder model as part payment. Phone 3503. 41-1* 1930 MODEL A Ford Coupe, in good condition, with new tires and paint job. Phone 3649. 41-1 Help Wanted APPLE pickers. Apply Joe Craw- ford, Hampton. 41-1 EXPERIENCED apple piokers wanted naw, full or part time. L. A. Sqiîair, Phone 2223. 41-1 MEN WANTED -To help with Fall shipping. Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. Station. 40-tf BOOKKEEPER - experience-1, good salary ta right persan. Ap- ply manager of Walker Stores, Bowmanville. 41-1 WANTED - Man for steady travel among consumers in Bow- manville. Permanent' cannection with large manufacturer. Only neliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-J-140-131, Montreal. 41-3 A FAMILEX Agency pays! Guar- anteed necessities. Repeat orders. Available tenritories bath local and rural. Our proposition will be sent without any obligation. Write today ta Familex, 1600 a Delorimier, Montreal. 41-1 GIRL or woman for housework in Toronto. Soparate room, most evenings free. Ideal working con- ditions in good home. $15 per week. Apply M. Breslin, Phone 854, Bowmanville. 39-tf AUCTION SALES I have received instructions fnom Mr. Clarence Englisb, Lot 35, Con. 1, Clarke Twp., first farm south of Kurv Inn, ta soul by pub- lic auction an Saturday, Oclober 13, at 1 p.m., al bis fanm stock, implements, bay, grain, wood and same furniture. For further par- tictilars see bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneen. 39-31 NINE weanling pigs. Phone 2315. 41-1* 50 Head of Cattle - caws, 17 PIGS, 6 weeks old. Phone springers, Holstein heifers and 2684. 41-1 stockens, 12 Hereford cal ves, _________________________weighing about 325 pounds, pro- THREE geese; 3 Muscovy ducks. penty of Roy Lavis & Son, Lot 4, Phone 2979. 41-l* Con .3, East Whitby Township, near Maxwoll's Sohool, 1 mile 25 HYBRID pullets. Pency Wenny. west of Taunton, Saturday, Qdt. Phono 2124. 41-1" 201h. at 130 p.m. Tenms cash. No reserve. H. Mackie, clerk; Ted HOLSTEIN heifen, coming four Jacksoni, auctioneon. 41-2" years, carnying second caîf. Phonoe____ Clarke 2.531. 41l-1* At Lot 35, Concession 1, Dar- TWO-ynr.-old i urchred Shropshire lingtan, the household effoots of r'am. Apply Elliott's Garage. Thos. H. Bicklo, ta be sold on Newtonville, Ont. Phono Clarkeo Saturday. Oct. l3th, at 1:30 p.m.: 4020. 41-1 12 cook slaves; 1 Findlay Oval, fnearly new; 1 hotplate, good; h FRESH Registered and Grade Beatty electnic washen; ice box; Holstein hei fers and cows. Walton wandrobe: dining-noom tables and Frank, R. R. 5, Bawmanville. chairs; sewving machine; beds; Phono 2403. 41-1 drossons; brooder stave: incubaton: _____ __________ ---_- - 100-gaI. orchard sprayen; several 25 LIGHT Sussex X New Hamp- oehreipeet:as eo sbir: 15 bown ybnds:125crat and manv other articles. White Leghorns, ah bhens. Phone Frank Stirtovent, auctionoor. Orono 56r10. 41-1 41-1" WEANLING pigs, 45e a lb. Regis- tered Guernsey cows and beifers. Registored Taniworthbhoars. Doug Markie, Nestieton. 40-21 WAGON and Trailer Axles. Your e ar choice cf Cbev., Fard or Dodge _______________ whelseiter15"or16"' bu yaur REPAIRS toalal makes of rofrig- own spare will work. Pnice anly erators, domestie and commercial: $30 each, while tbey last. This ikn colr.HgnEe- iuludes: axIe, huhs, wheels, tires trieng2 cooneS. EHggon e c-8 and tubes, ail assembled, lined tnc 4 în t.E, hno48 up and painted. Sprnugs 1,;10.002-t a pair extra, if desired. Please FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteod note iliat Ibis speciai offer is only service, dyeing and custom wrk, cood while prescrit stock lasts 50 try the Neat-Way Shoe Repai forder early. Sisson'a Garage, Sbop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- Phone Orono 1031.,à 4- timinal. 81-ti The tîndersigned bas reeeived instructians from Mr. R. R. Me- Clung, Lot 15, Con. 8, Hope Twp., at Gardon Hill, on Saturday, Oct. 201h, bis entire household effeets and plumbing equipment, lnelud- ing a 1949 one-ton Ford truck, mîleage 14,000; lacis of ail kinds; 2 walnut bedroom suites, bath nearly new; Cold Spot electric refnigeratar; washîng maéhine:l 00W electrie slave, ful-size: 2- piece wool frieze ehestenfield suite; dinner set; manv otherý items. Property sold. For fur- thon partieulars geec buil. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 40-2 Real Estate For Sale IN ORONO - Lots on Station and Church Streets, residential only. Phone Orono 52rl1. 41-1* HOUSE, 99 King St. E., Bowman- ville, l4pstairs apartrnent vacant Nov. lst. Phone 3-2377 Oshawa. Miss Betty Bettjes. 41-1, FRAME bouse in Hampton, six rooms, and 3-piece bath, hard- wood, garage and garden with fruit trees. Immediate possession. Apply ta B. Wilcox, 349 Division St., Cobourg, Ontario. 41-1* MANUFACTURING Property, - 1500 sq. ft., solid masonry build- ing on No. 2 Highway, just east of Bowmanville, oil-heated, heavy wiring, well lighted. Office and showroom. Phone Bowmanville 3637. 40-3 TWO houses, large garage and lot, being 33 and 35 Temperance St., Bowxrianville, owned by the late Mary MoFarlane. Immediate pos- session of 33.' Part cash. Apply John Ineland, 5 Carlysle Ave., Phone 2797. 41-21* HOU S E FOR SALE 32 Odeli Street, house of the late Nrs. James Souch Can be seen by appointment., Apply at the office of: APHA 1. HODGINS The Sterling Trusts Corporation, Executors. 41-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Brick dwelling, 5 rooms, bath, furnace, hydro, hardwood floors, toxvn waten, venetian blinds, clec- tric fixtures, beavy wiring,-land- scaped, $9,000. Terms. Cernent block building, 60'x25', 150ft. floor space, on No. 2 Highway, not far from Bowman- ville, ail heating, insulated, suit- able for a Motel or Gas Station. 100 acres, 60 workable, 40 bush, barn 40'x60', full basement, well, 9-raam frame bouse, hydro avail- able, low taxes. This farm will make a good tobacco f arm. Other farms suitable for Christ- mas trees or tobacco. Lots for sale in good location. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 41-1* For Rent THREE raoms, 3-piece bath, no oilîdren. 95 Liberty St. N. 41-1 THREE-room apartment, heated, newly decorated £nd partially furnished, very reasona hie in exchange for some assistance with housework, middle aged couple preferred. Phone 3231. 41-1 Wanted To Rent SELF contained apartment or house in Bowmanville for business couple, no children. Phone 451 from 9 ta 6. 41-1 Stolen NEW C.C.M. bicycle, maroon, Serial C26848, stolen Saturdav St. John's Church News Next Sunday evening at St. John's Church, Rev. Warren Tur- ner begins a series of four ad- dresses designed ta answer ques- tions that corne up from time ta time. The first address is en- titled, "What Is Religion?"; Oct. 21 the subject will be, "What Is Salvation?"; Nov. 4 the address xiii suggest the answer ta "What will happen ta me whcn I die!" and on the evening of Nov. 11, "Is the Church Necessary?". Thesc four subjects should prove ta be of wide interest and a special in- vitation is extended toalal inter- ested. The new season's activities are well under way now at St. John's with most of the arganizations back into the faîl and winter routine of interesting and use- fui programs. Somnething new, has been added with the establish- ment of a weekly bulletin, "News Froni St. John's." "News," at present issued in a mimeograph- ed form, carnies the weekly an- nounicements, special information and instruction and other littie notes of value ta the congrega- tian. This little inscription on the bottom of the front page in- dicates that the Rector intends la use "News" in bis parish call- ing; "If 'News' has been left at you r door please accept it as an intimation that the Rector hias called on you while you were out." Mr. and Mrs. Webber Turner, Peterborough, were guests at the Rectory for the Thanksgiving weekend. Mrs. Turner has spent the past two weeks bore and Mr. Turner came down on Satur- day. On Thanksgiving, Day aR family reunion took place when Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turner and Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Turner with Michael and Mar- ilyn also visited at the Rectory. Wheri They Caught Atlantic Salmon In The Wilmot Creek Not mauiy of aur readens eaui recaîl when bhcy fislied for At- lantic Salmon in the Wiimot Creck wbich crosses No. 2 Higb- way just west of Newcastle. Pas- sihly not toa many, fan the has-t record of catching a salman in a trihutary of Ontario was record- ed in 1896 and Ibis fish was taken froni the Wilmot Cneek. From a publication of the De- parnient of Lands and Foresls we loarni that in Colonial days Atlantic Salmon werc abundant in Lake Ontario and asconded the streams each autumu 10 spawn. Hawever in the 1860*s a serâus decrease was observed and Ibis led ta the develapment of a Do- minion Fish Hatchery amn Wil- mat Creek in 1866. The hatcb- ory xvas situated on W'ilmot Creek, wost of Newcastle, be- tween No. 2 Higbway and tbc parallel road just nonth of it. Chas. Wilmot was in change of the hatcbery and for nearly 20 years il was kept in operation. Through Ibis effort salmon again reappeared in many streams but il became increasing-ly difficuit ta obtain eggs for batcbing pur- poses. In 1879, 1,500,000 eggs wene ohtained conipared ta 84,000 in' 1883. This scarcity in eggs re- sulted in the ahandonmnt of at- per acre cf 2-12-10 fortilizer at the lime of soeding cals and alf- alfa, not only boostod the yield of oats fromn 43.9 bushels ta 58.7 bushels per acre but also incroas- cd the yield of alfalfa hay during' the next year from 3,160 pgpunds ta 5,000 pounds per acre, in- crease cf 1,840 pounds per kt The benofit fromn a single aippli- cation of fertilizor xvas noticoable two years after seeding alfalfa bay. The yield cf bay during the second year of cutting was 5,000 pounds per acre where no fertil- izer was applied and 5,420 pounds per acre wbere 300 pounds per acre of 2-12-10 fentilizer was ap- plied at the time of seeding the alfalfa. These results were ob- tained fromn the four-year rota- tion cf corn-oats-alfalfa-alfalfa. The yicld of red claver in ro- tation plots was incneased frora 4,320 pounds ta 5,080 pounds per acne as a rosit of the applica- tion of 300 Pounds per acre of 2-12-10 fortilizer. Durham Cty. Should Nominate Ir. Farmer For This Scholarship A scholarship whicb will en- tille amne boy in Canada ta at- tend the Agicultural College of bis chaire will ho awarded aI the Royal Agicultural Winten Fair this year, through the genenous donation of the T. Eaton Camp- any. To be eligible, the boy must ho unden 25 years of age on Octobor 20, 1951. The schalar- sbip w'ill ho good for ail four years of the colloge course, pro- vided the winner secures at least second class honors in each af first tbree years, and the faculty of the College feels that ho con- tinues ta ho wortby of the sehol- arshi p. Iin ordom' ta make the selection.4 caci Province will nominate one represontative as a candidate for the scbolamrship and these ten boys will ho askod ta appear at the Royal amn Novemnber 12 and 13 for pcrsonal interviewvs. Ail travelling expensos fan this trip, including room and board, will ho paid, and the boys will cach recoivo a suitable memenlo of the océasion. Ontario*s candidate for the scholarship wvi1llho sclected by a commitîc namod by the On- taniu Ministor of Agriculturce, o the Hon. T. L. Kennedy. ii Agicultural Representativ-àW eacli county bas been asked ta send iin the name of the candidate lie feels most oligible ta gel the scholarship. Accompanying the name of the boy must ho spocifie information rogarding bis schah- astic standing and activities in tbe community. These applica- tions should ho received nat later than October ist, as the name of the candidate chosen for Ontario mus, ho ii the bauds of the Gen- oral Managýer of the Royal Agni- cultural Winter Fair by Oclober 20. aiong with proof of the can- didate's acceptance ino an agni- cultural collego, subject ta pass- ing bis Grade XIII examinatians lu the spring. Furtber information reganding the Eaton Agicultural Sebolar- ,ship may be ohtainod f nom yaur Agric,,1tî",pl Representative of from T. R. Hilliard, Associale Di- mector of Extension, Ontario De- panîment of Agriculture, Toron- ta, Ont. Tip on Best Way To Plow Corn Stalks -cil. -tempts ta restore saimon ta Lake Th usinoho bslt night from owner's residence. nai aes ti omny h usino o etI Anyone having information p1ease Ontia w tat es lmi ommouly. pbpow cornstaîks is a malter phone 3559. 41-1" eivdthltoslmnmga-wbicii bas received considerable cd ta the sea. However, athcr discussion bu the past few years, causes have also been advanced part icularly since the crm. pick.- Wanted To Buy as to their disappoarance. or bas come into sîmch pramin. _________________________ In 1944 the Ontario Department ence. However. according ta J. BEFORE selling your live poultry of Lands and Foirests bas been C. Steckley, Director af the Wes- try us. Our prices are higher. M. carrying ouI an experiment to ten Ontario Experimental Farm FIat. R.R. 1, Bethany, Phono determino wbethor or ual Atlan- at Ridgetown. the prohicri-3 i 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-t f tic salmon cri ho re-introducod rallier simple in that il is only a mbl the tnibutary stroamus of Lake mnalter of clearance. In the first 'Nork W~anted Ontario. The expeniment bas place, ho fools that no extra or _________________________been launcbed about 30 miles suecial equipmcnî is necessarv. DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- oast of Toronto iin Luffin Creek, H-owover, adjustmoots may bo ton, for custom killing. Phone and iu 1944 ta 1947 approxîmato- necessarv an fthc plow. Firstly, 3243. 32-tf ly 40,000 salmon fry were plant- the plow should have a high BRAK DRMS!ed inii is waters each year. Ex- beam so that thero is no chance Lzhi AKHoin aDRUMS! in perimeots on the survival of th.c of the crn stalks catching or We specializin complotein fry for their two-year stay 111 plugging the plow. Iu the sec- brspcae overbauls. e the stroamn were conducted and ond place, skimmers are ual es- BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE aiotermgaio atelk entiai and instead a dise roulIer Phone 804 Bowmanville was studied. It is expertrd that can ho used. lu mast cases, il 3-fthese fisb xviii return ta the gives botter resuits. 3-fcrcek for spawuiiîg but ta date Mr. Stecklov stresses the Im- Far er Atenio j only orme five-pound female bas partance of piowing in the sm Far ersAttntin 1 appoarcd witb same 4,000 eggs. direction as the corn pickcr was WE îllbe îesedta ickUp Thd project thus fan bas bocu operated. Another suggestion ne ded or be iplosd farm aimaisp purelv expenimentai. If aduit put., forth is that, if the plowiug dad pry hihstpev aih ing îcssalmon are found lu asceud Duf- is dorein tho fali, il Ma *1 Forp hiet sevielphnefin Creok in aiiy numibors, it is good iidea ta go aven t1 r ,j For mmedateservce eleponeproposed ta stock suitahie parts with a relier, once again redng Colleet, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or of a mîumhemr of southern Ontario in the samne direction as the cari Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young streamns iami attempt ho esîah- pickcr. If these simple rules Ltd 7-2 lish Atlanic Salmon agamin 111 are foliowed. hoe feels thal the DEA F IMST CK Ontario xwaters. wvirlth and depth of plawing are Plcked t'p Promptly .~ In conclusion Mr. re- Ferilizlng Clover commeods that anyone plowingz HORSES, COWS, ]HEIFERS co.iron stalks under for the first 4 SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES Pays Big Di'vidends I ime should aoplv some form of a (We pay for hanses and eows)- Nitrogen fortilizer. This fertiliz- - CALL US COLLECT - Ottaxwa.Lack of soil fertilitv or, when plowed in with the cerrn s prohahly anc of the most rom- stalk.q. wîll assisl in their disinle- LIVE HORSES mou causes of failure i obtaîi- gration and also increase the sail igastand of clover, aifaifa and fertmlty. therehv nercasng the 2 - 3o for crippled and old grasses. Logunies and grasses are yield tbc following year. Ta horses. btter able to hocome os tablishecd verîfv thîs statemeot he says that and ta make sufficicut gnowth at the Experimental Farm aoats MargwilFu arm' before winter if thie soil is given seeded an land wbere corn stalks TYRONE an application of mnixed fertilizer had been plowed iu wilh nitra- Phone Bowmanville 2679 such as 2-12-10 aI the lime of gen fertilizer the previaus fal 34-tf seeding, accordin-' ta J. W. Ayles- have given remankable results. worth. of the Experimentai Sub- The inorease in Vields resulling Station. Woodslee, Ont. from Ibis practice bas run as high "AI] really celebrated English- The use of ferîblizer aIt te time as 20 ta 25 bus. per acre. men whase blood was not aJioyýed of seeding oats amîd clovemr bas bY a foreigo gene have almost proved w'oribwhile on rotation D)o the bardest Job firsl each cousistently bebaved like mad- plots at the Sub-statio It Woods- dav. Easv Snrs are pleasures. men. The great Eoglisbmaniis iree, %vhîcb is locatod ami Brook"ý- Wliat uannot love and righteous- aiwayq a lunatir wvith a strongl.v1 ton ulav' soi, tvpical oif farming tlies aclimeve, for the race? Ail pract ical sidc'.- Otberwis thie landdin týe greater part of Essex - Ihateau lie accomplished, and Englmsh ,oiild flot permit him taoi Cotntv. more than hstorv bas v'et record- bc groat.,,-James Bridi The application of 300 poundâ 'ed.-Mary Baker Eddy. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, MI llM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLIC, ONTARIO

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