'rEURsDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE ~HREE The Orono News Mrs. I. E. LoMa Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bilhings have noon. They wlll live in Bow- inoved ta their home in Orono manville. having sold their farm ta Mr. and Mrs. Wma. Campbell and child- Mrs. Garrett Hartemink. ren, Leslie and Robert, Calgary, Miss Lois Dean, Oshawa, spent are spending a few months with the weekend with her parents, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mr. and Mrs. Hesper Dean. Bowen while Capt. Campbell is Miss Shirley Flintoff, Guelph, taking special Army courses i spent the weekend at her home' Montreal. here. We extend sincere sympathy ta Mrs. Stan Payne in the death of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, her 'mother, Mrs. Robertson who A'len and Mark, Napanee, visited passed away in Toronto on h4karents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Thursday. AÎM' Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilson, for- Mrs. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, merly of Ottawa, have taken up was home here for the weekend. residence in Orono. having pur- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Don chased the home of the late Mrs. and Skip, Thorncrest Village. MÉPherson. Mrs. Wilson, (nee visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong), wvas an Orono girl. R. E. Logan. Mrs. Paterson who makes her Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraeljck home with her daughter, Mrs. G. were xith their aunt, Miss Mabel L. McGee. is a patient in Mem- Davy on Monday. orial Hospital, Bowmanville, fol- Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snod.grass ]owing a heart attack. We wish and David, Rochester, were week- f)r her a spcedy recovery. end guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Miss Minnie Hall was taken ta Hoar. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Conoratulatjons to Mr. and ]ast xveek. We hope that she Mrs. Pi)b Stevens, nee Jean Tur- xiii soon be feeling hetter. ner. w io were married in Orono Mrs. Irene Dunbar and son United Church, Saturday after- Elliott, Port Hope, with her par- ib Use Our Easy Lay-Away Plan NOW and save yourself trouble later on By coming in and doing your Christmnas shopping now you have a larger selection from which to choose and at the same time you can pay for al your Christmas Gifts in easy weekly payments. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND TO-DAY You ivili be amazed how easy it is to shop an aur Lay-Away Plan. MARRà'S Jewellery 43 KING ST. W. PHONE 463 * BOWMANVILLE ents, Mr. and Mns. Wes Elliott over the holiday. Mr. R. H. Woad celebrated his 89th birthday on Sept. 9th at the home ai bis son. Mr. Wes Wood when other members af bis fam- ily Were present. Miss Joanne Cornisb. Ontaria Ladies' College, Whitby, spent the holiday weekend at home. Visitors with Mr. and Mns. M. H. Staples were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wiggins, Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. A. Fleming, Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs. Alan Strike, Bowman- ville and Mr. Don Staples, To- ronto. Mr. Jay Mason, Brantford, spent the weekend witb Mrs. Jas., Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Boyd and baby, Kingston, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ken Gamsby. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton were their family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher and chîldren, Normie, Lin- da and Kathie, Guelph. The Sacrament af the Lord's Supper was dispensed in Orono United Church on Sunday morn- ing. Joining the church by cer- tificate were Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland and Mrs. John Henry, and hy profession ai faith, Mrs. Jas. Lycett. Rev. A. E. Eustace took as the theme of his sermon "Communion." Thýe choir was heard in an appropriate anthem, "Camne Ye Thankful People, Corne." Miss Millicent Luke Guest Speaker at W. M. S. Meeting Th4nk Offering meeting ai W. M.S. was beld Oct. 2nd in audi- torium of the United Church. President Mrs. Charles Wood read a caîl ta worship. Presbyterial Rally will be held at Ebenezer Church Oct. 24. Literature Secretary, Mrs N. Porter gave a brief review ai Library Books, inviting the ladies ta take a book home. Mrs. A. Eustace who took the devotionai, took for ber theme, "Gratitude," first reading a poem by Henry Van Dyke and gave a very belpful message, closing with the prayer of general Thanksgiving. Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn introduced the guest speaker, Miss Millicent Luke, Osbawa, who described herseif as a Deaconess at large, has worked in Winnipeg and To- ronto befone coming ta Oshawa.1 She spake on the many blessings we in Canada enjoy, remindingj us that these also bring nespansi- bilities and apportunities. Miss Luke alsa spake ai the racial problem, the difficulty ln secur-i ing Sunday School teachers and aur duties ta the shut-ins and semi-invalids with whom we1 should keep in touch sa that they may realize tbey are stili a parti ai the active work.1 Mrs. Carson sang an appropri-i ate Tbanksgiving number withi Mrs. M. Staples at the orgAn. Mrs. Drumrnond, Stewardship Secretary, gave a brief review ai this year's work and outline ai work for 1952. Mrs. Wood tbanked Miss Luke for her splendid message aiter1 wbich a social hali bour was en- joyed. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Winnie Mclntyre, Toron- ta, spent the weekend with Miss Jennie Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hancock, Miss Olive Johnston, Peterbor- ough, with Mr. Tupper Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Allin and daughter Eileen, Markham, with Mr. George Thompson and Miss Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. Roy'Hall, Whitby. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Milligan. Miss Margaret Lancaster, To- H@USEH@LD FINANCE a Yes, thousands of men and oe with money problems corne ta HFC -HouSEHOLD FINANCE-because they know that HFC means depend- able money service, backed by 73 years' experience. At HouSEHOLD FINANCE any ernployed man or woman may borrow $50 ta $500 or more without endorsers or bankable security. HouSEHOLD FINANCE's reputation is buit on friendly, courteous service, the kind of service you want when you need money. Lranto, with b er parents at the parsonage. Miss Alice Nesbitt. Toronto, with bier sister, Miss Annie Nes- 1bitt. Mr. and Mrs. Earle MeEwen and son Gary, Peterborough, with her parents, Mr. and Mns. Cecil Burley. Bud Jones,i Queen's, Kingston, with his mother, Mrs. WiUisÏ, Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randaill and family, Osbawa, with his sist- er, Miss Minnie Randaîl. Miss Lila Payne, Niagara Falls,' with her father, Mr. Reuben Payne and brother Cecil. Mrs George Wade, Miss Jean Wade, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Tousignant and Mr. Harold Files, Sydenham, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moase,Iý Lindsay, witb bis sister, Mrs. G. W. Jones. Mrs. Cleiand Lane with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy and son Harry with friends at Bancroft. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walkey, Joan and John, Mrs. John Pearce with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whit- taker. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Watters and son, Bruce, Oshawa, and Mrs. Florence McGee, Toronto, with friends at Bancroft. Mr. Roy Smith is havlng a sun- porch added ta the front ai his residence. Baby Joanne Shaw. ounger daughter of Mr . and Mï. Ray- mond Shaw, is in Port Hope Hos- pital for treatment. Mr. Arnold Wade bas been at- tcnding an insurance convention in Toronto. Mr. Harry Worrall and Mr. Don Wood spent the holiday around North Bay. fishing. When Mr. Harold Burley was returning from Barrie Saturday evening, he was in an accident which comffletely wrecked his car. Harold got off without in-ý jury. The weather on Sunday for the Presbyterian anniversary was very disagreeabl, but those who braved the elements were ne- warded with a splendid Thanks- giving message by Rev. L. H. Fowler, Port Hope. and twa beau- tifully rendered duets and solos by Mrs. Lewis Cunningham, >/Iiss Lillian Cunningham, Wellington, and Mr. Mitchell, Orono. There will be service in the United Church next Sunday. Oct. 14 when Rev. Gardiner ai Can- ton will be guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welsh and iamily, Bowmanville, with ber mother, Mrs. John Lancaster. W. A. met at Mrs. Willis Far- row's with 24 ladies in attend- ance. Scriptural and devotional readings were taken by Miss Ber- nice Milligan and Mrs. Harry Wade. Plans were made for quiît- ing two quilts for the coming bazaar on Nov. 14. Committee ta arrange the aiternoon tea are: Mrs. Arthur Redknap, Mrs. John Pearce, Mrs. Clinton Brown, Mrs. William Milligan. Mrs. Melville Samis. Flawer Bed Committee instructed ta pnoceed with the order for estimated shrubs, etc., ta finish off the beds in front of the church. Rail caîl was "What 1 have ready for the bazaar." Lunch was served by the hostess and ber group. STARK VILLE Miss Gladys McElnea, Mn. Wil- fred Walker and Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toronto. with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mn. and Mns. A. Dobson spent Saturday ln Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. E. Shier, Toronto, with Mn. Richard Hallowell.' Messrs. Alf. Dobson, 'Hugh Westbeuser, Ross, Sid, Llew and Maurice Hallawell attended the plowing match in Woadstock. Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow- manville. with Mn. and Mns. Howard Farrow. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Hallowell attended the Stevens-Turner wed- ding in Orono United Chunch on Saturday. Mrs. Bertha Reid, Toronto, vis- ited ber brother, Mn. R. W. Hal- lowell. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lowery and iamily, Toronto, witb Mn. and Mrs. Alf Dobsan. Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Bethany, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stark. Mn. and Mrs. Delbert Hallo- well, Mr. and Mrs. H. Harning- ton, Toronto' with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallowell. Miss Reynolds spent the holi- day at ber borne in Part Hope. Mn. and Mrs. D. Stapleton and family, Newtonville, visited Mn. and Mrs. L. Todd. Mn. and Mrs. John Sturk with Mn. and Mrs. James Sturk, New- tonville. Miss Norma Hallowell enter- tained Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Shien, Toronto, and a graup aif fiends and relatives on Sunday aiter- faon. Mrs. Liew Halloxvell and Miss Norma Hallowell attended the bazaan at Kirby an Monday. Man cstmer tllus they The Statesman Sold cspecially like aur repayment plan arranged ta fit their incarne, with up Ai Following Stores ta 24 rnonths ta repay. Do not borrow unnoessriy- Dyer's Dnug Store, Newcastle- Butifyouned etr cah or y D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Burthwif youreedeta ahm o ay S. Brown. Newtanville. worthhile urpoeW invite YOU T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen. ta phone, w-rite or visit friendiy, de- F. L. Byam. Tyrane. pendable HoUSEHOLD FINANCE. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Youn telephone book lists the office Newton Taylon's, Bunketon. nearst ou.H . T. Sayw~eil, Blackstock. neaes yu.Keith Bradley, Pontypool. MONEY WHEN YOU NEED ITI C. B. Tyrrell, Orono. Canad', oidest and fargest Contumer H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. Finance Organizotion W . J. Bagnell. Jury & Lovell, .JW Jewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie HOUSHOL FINNCEHarnden's Handy Store and The HOUSHOL FIANCE*"Sateman Office. 8Simce.St. South, Ove. Kresoe'a Phono Oshawa S. 1i39 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPE BRANCMH 9 7Wallon Sreef, Scond Focw Phone 3030 Nov,, 9 Ile.3 or by oppo,fm.,,I bons ,ode ta #vdêmtof noeoby tow..es SEC 51kG THI PUUUC SLNCA tgaa a OBITIJARY WILLLAM EBER CRAGO A life-long resident of Provi- dence passed away on Friday, Sept. 21 in the persan of William Eber Crago. The son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Crago, Mr. Crago was born on his parents' farm,. Providence, and lived there ail his lufe. After a short illness, Mr. Crago died at his home at the age of 77. He was a member af Trinity United Church. The f uneeal took place from the resi- dence on Monday, Sept. 24 with Rev. S. R. Henderson officiating. Pallbearers were Milton Wight, S. Charles Allin, Earl Osborne. Howard Gibson, Harvey Barrie and, Fred Blackburn. The many beautiful floral tokens evidenced the high esteem in which Mr. Crago was held in this district. Interment was in Bowmanvîlle Cemetery. Surviving are his widow, Vida Edger Craga; a sister, Mrs. George Lane. Bowmanville, and nine eilîdren: Ferne and Leland, at home; Stuart. Bowmanville; Jack~, Newcastle; Ronald, Toronto; Mrs. Ross Firth (Marlon), Bowman- ville: Mrs. Milton Peacock, (Vi- olet), Port Hope; Mrs. Walter Sargent (Madeline), Toronto, and Calvin, Bowmanvilie. Surviving also are four grandchildren: Ter- esa and Paul Crago, Allan Crago, Bowmanville, and Gary Peacock, Part Hope. Friends attended the funerai. from St. Marys, London, Mea- ford, Lefroy, Toronto, Oshawa, Port Hope, Newmarket, Graven- hurst and Whitby. WEDDINGS STEVENS - TURNER Against a candielit background ai chrysanthemums in autumn calons, in Orona United Church an Saturday, October 6, Rev. A. E. Eustace joined in marriage Lena Jean Turner, dauqhter ai Mrs. John Turner, Orono, and the late Mr. Turner, ta Robent Louis Stevens, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Maple Grave. Mrs. W. E. C. Workrnan, Bowmanville, played the wedding music and accampanied Mr. Ross Taylor, Orono, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Thomas Turner, af Bowmanville, the bride wone a gawn ai biush Ives brocade, fashioned with fitted badice, nylon tulle yoke and sweetheart neckline. The dress was adorn- ed with pcarl droplets and se- quins. The long full skirt ended in a graceful train. Her finger- tip veil ai tulle illusion, double ta the waist was held in place* by a Juliet cap. She carried a nase- gay ai white chrysantbemums and pinacchio roses. Mrs. Robent Morton was matron ai bonor for ber sister wearing a gown. ai Killarney green velvet. The bridcsmaids, Miss Muriel Stevens, sister ai the groom and Mrs. W. H. Carman were gowned alike in Spice rust velvet. The attendants dresses were styled alike, stnapless witb a curve ai capelet. The beaddresses were velvet bands ta match their dresses trimmed with matching ostricb plumes and veiling. Thcy wore matching mittens. Eacb attendant carried a nosegay ai bronze chrysantbemums. Mr. Alan Strike, Bowmanville, acted as best màn. The ushers were Mr. Robert Sboemaker. Guelph, and Mr. Ian King, Grimsby. For the reception wbich was held i the Sunday School room. the bride's mothen received in a dress ai blue anthracite crepe trimmed with black velvet. She wore black accessaries and a cor- sage ai pink nases. The bride- groam's mother assisted in an amethyst two-picce velvet dress with black accessories. She wore a corsage ai yellaw roses. For travelling the bride donned a grey flannel suit with black and white accessories and a corsage ai red roses. The happy couple leit by motor for points wcst and on their return will be at home in Bowmanville. McLAUGHLIN - HARRIS On Sept. 22nd at 2:30 p.m. the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harris, Bunketon, was the scene ai a very pnetty wedding when their daughten, Jean Elizabeth, became the bride ai Carl McLaughlin, son ai Mn. and Mrs. Russell Mc- Laughlin, Enniskillen. Rev. C. W. Hutton periormed the cenemony amidst a setting ai baskets ai white and pink asters. Miss Mona Brunt, Enniskillen, presided at the piano as the guests assembled and during the signing ai the register. Given in marniage by ber father, the bride was gowned in a ballenina-lcngth dncss ai white chantilly lace over tafieta and carnied a bouquet ai red and white rases. Her vfiil was caugbt ta a coronet ai white taifeta and she worc elbow-length mittens ai white lace wbich came to a point over the hand. Her only attendant was her sister Lamna, gowned in yellow nylon marquisette over tafieta in ballerina-length. Her headdress was a halo of matching marquis- ette. She also wore rnatching elbow-length mittens and -carried a bouquet of yellaw mums. Mr. James McLaughlin, Enni- skillen, acted as groomsman for his brother. To receive the guests the bride's mother was dressed in navy crepe with black accessories, assisted by the bnidegroam's mather dressed i wine crepe trimmed with lace and navy ac- cessories. Each wore a corsage of yellow mums. Those who assisted in serving the luncheon were: Misses Leona Devitt, Shirley Harris, Grace Graham, Betty Flett, June Whit- fiield and Mrs. Leslie Johnston. Before leaving the btide pre- scnted her bouquet ta ber grand- mother, Mrs. J. E. Flett, Bow- manville. Amid showers ai con- fetti and best wishes the couple left for points west. The bride travelling in a suit ai cherry red gabardine with black accessories and a corsage oi white roses. On their return tbey will reside on the groam's iarm near Black- stock. Guests were present from Tor- onto, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Fen- clan Falls, Enniskillen, Black- stock and Bunketon. Make a success ai today and you need flot worry about ta- marnaw. It la fi'ore important to 'knôiýt where you are going than 'ta get there quickly. Do not mnistake': activity for - achievement.-.-Prof. YGUR EYs aid, Vision f 'Rewrîtten fnom previous copyrights ai C. H. TUCK mOptometrlst âme Disney- Bldg. i (OPP. P.).> Osha'wa -Phone 1516 No. 169i This pigmient is nature*s way ai ànatomically fiitering the light' entening the eye. The use ai.ý certain tinted lens rnay be de.: cîded as a correction aiter exam-: inatian. It is aiten ciaimed that, tinted lenses are iollowed up by deeper and deeper tints and on, this account should nat be worn.: This bawever is not truc. When.' making the examination it is iound that the necessary colour as nequined rnay be decided by the examination. (Copyrighted} 7LIFE INSURANCE IS VITAL TO FAMILY PROTECTION BRANCH OFFICE 69 KING ST. E. - OSHAWA, ONTARIO i Walker Stores Presents IA Stylish Selection of Warm, Cosy COLO WEATHER COATS. Full Length STATION WAGON COATS The popular style station wagon coat in rayon gabardine with soft, full mouton collars (dyed lamb), full satin quilted linings, belted and storm cuffed. They corne in attractive colors of Veen, wirie, navy b1ue,ý fawn and grey. Corne in and try one on to-day so you can feel the magnificent warmth these coats provide you. Sizes il fo 20 AI the exceptionally Iow price of $29.99 each Three Quarter Length STATION WAGON COATS These rayon gabardine three-quarter-length station wagon coatg are arn the style this year. They are really snug and warm for the cold fali and winter days ahead. They have beautiful mouton collars (dyed lamb), full satin quilted linings with beits and storm cuffs. In popular cold season colons of grey, navy blue, light green, wine and fawn. Sizes Il fo 20 Ail ai one low price of $23.95 each Ladies' Ail Wool Coats OUR PRîCE $48 ORLY .V Sizes il to 20 Warm all-wool coats with wool and satin linings, in the latest fitted and beltea S.tyles. Coats are in colors of wine, navy, grey, green, fawn, black and beige. These are ail first quality all-wool coats and an outstanding bargain at $24,88. TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" Phone 451 Bowmanville l "ing St. East ,.CA A IA Em * L CT I CO PN IeE THURSDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1951 THE CANAIDIAlq SýATESMAN, BOWMANVME, ONTAIRIO PAGE limim