fAawwgmr.TECNDA STTS NOMAVLE NAITHRAY TOE 18 Chief of Police S. Venton English bonn Sidney Venton has been Police Chie! in Bow- manville since Apnil, 1928, and looking back on bis 23 year ten- une, ha bas but ana comment ta rnale. "Bowmanville is a nice, law-abiding town." He intimat- ed there bave bean problems, however, but ta no greater extent than those encountered in other municipalities. Son of a bard wonking Devon farman, Chie! Venton was born Dec. 24, 1887, and spent bis for- mative years close ta the land. At 20, be cnlisted in the famed Coldstream Guards and aiter an engagement o! tbree years emi- grated ta Canada. Laten ha was ta rejoin the Guards and embark upon four o! the "rougbast" years in bis lifa. Manied ta the former Etta AI- lin af Newcastle, the couple bave twa childnen. Donald, 27, bora in Oshawa. aducated in Bowman- ville and a graduate af the Uni- versity af Toronto, is presently Gillette Shavlng Cream .- -- 43e Gillette Razors 59e-$1.29-$3.19 Gillette Blades -- 25e-50e-$1.00 NEW PJX0DUCT Vlik's Uough Syrup Pleasant te take 59e bottie HOT WATER BOTTLES $1.29 - $1.98 - $2.50 - $2.80 Syringe Fittings ------ - 890 Johnson's Baby Needs Baby Powder - 33e-63e Baby 011 69c-$1.25 Baby Cream ____- 65e Baby Lotion ------ 69e Baby Soap - 2 for 35c Nyal Creophos Stops Bronehial Coughs Breaks up a cold Ige. bottie ý $1.25 FOR THAT CDLD RUS 1... City Engineer at Woodstock. Au- drey Venton is a Registered Nurse presently attached ta West- ern Hospital, Toronto. where she thok ber training. Chief Takea Frisolier Arriving in Canada in 1911, Sid Venton worked on f arms in this district, bujt wben the First World War broke out ha was immedi- ately recalled ta England where be was on the neserve list of the Coldstrearn Guards. After a "four-day refresher course," he sbipped-out ta France only ta be taken pisoner at the First Battie o! Ypres in October, 1914 Previously, bowever, Private Venton managed ta save the l! e of an Englisb officer be found woundcd an' the battlefield dur- ing, wbat militarists today cal "ýa stratgeic withdrawal." He qualified for the Mons Star be- fore bis capture. For four years and three montbs Chie! Venton knew what it was ta be on the other side o! the uines. Subsequent ta bis cap- ture, ha was put ta work in a coal mine near Merscberg, Gar- many, and came face ta face witb slow starvation. Hundreds o! Allied soldiers died wvhen typhus raged througb buts barboning 450 pisoners each. Parcels From Home "The first six months were the bardest," according ta Chiaf Ven- ton who at one time was too weak from bunger ta stand. Lat- an, food parcals began coming through from England and things looked a littia brighten for pris- oners. Chiai Venton said he re- ceived parcels regularly from bis parents and also from the wife of the officer wbose life ha saved. Police Chie! Venton was a P.O. W. until 1919 wben he was ne- patriated ta England. In the same yean ha came ta Canada for a second time and went ta wonk on a farm owned by Norman Down (now bis brotben-in-law) south oi Oshawa. Later in the lc SALE WOODBURY'S SOAP 4 cakeç - 300 GEl AHEAD WITH SRYLCREEM Cqnada's largest-saiting hair dressing Ulves hoir a smort weII- groomed look, a natural gleamlng lustre. HO SUM NO 505F e NU ALCOI4OL e NO STARCH E111611 Vitamins Aiapiamette Caps.$1O-.8 Neo Chemical Food: Capsules - $1.65-$2.95-$6.60 Llquid ---$1.55-$3.35-$5.90 Wampole's Extraet --- $1.25 Infantol -ý-------- $1.00-$3.25 Waterbury'u Comp. ---51.25 Ostoco Drops -- 1.35-$4.00 Haliborange $1.-$1.75-$3.25 Toni Home Permanent - 53.00 Refil------_____$1.50 Cream Rinse------------ 59o Shampoo -----39e-61c-95o NOXZEMA SPECIAL 6-oz. Jar - Now 98a PHIWNIW r ... COWLING'S DUxuuSTOR ETRS NOW IS TIME FOR. ... FALL CLEANING Summer Cloihes Should Be Cleaned Before Sioring . e e Let us dlean and moth-proof your lighter -weight clothing befone putting them in bags for storage. And let us re- maya dust, dirt and spots from ail your fali and win tar clothes. Send us your ast. season's hats for c]eaning and block- ing - thev'11 look just like neW. BOWMANVILLE CLEANERS & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP- ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE- HAMIPTON same year he joined the Oshaw~a Polie Force, 4nd in 1921 he mar- ried Etta Aluin. With nearly 10 years' exper- lence on the Oshawa force the then Constable Venton moved to Bowrnanville ln 1928 to become Chi.ef of Police on the retirement o! the late Richard Jarvis, who was Police Chief af Bowrnanville for 48 years. He hgs held the pos- ition ever since. Larger Force lNew Although three constables naw agsist Chie! Venton in law en- forcement, it was not always quite the same. When first he took aven bis present duties, Chie! Venton and the late Constable Walter Hall handled the entire chore lon 18 years. Today, bow- even, Constables Alan Densem, Clarence Bradley and Leonard Hartley capably hélp the Chief. Besides bis duties es Police Chief, Sid Ventap bas found time ta actively enter a noble organiz- ation. He is presently Treasurer of the Bowmanville Boy Scouts Association and bas been connect- ed witb Packs and Troops for over 15 years. A memben of Jer- usalem Lodge, A.F. & A.M., be is also a member of the Canadign Legion. Traffic congestion is the main problem Chie! Venton faces today altbough minor disturbances are neparted and readily quelled. Standing at the Four Corners, he looks surprisingly young for bis 64 years, particularly wben one considens the hardships be en- countered in the first quarter century Nesilefon Station Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and Mrs. Fard Sr., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, Caesarea, with Mn. and Mrs. Marvin Nes- bitt and Mr. Elmer Nesbitt. Mrs. John Pnoutt and Miss Ruth Proutt with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt. Mr. Arthur Payne and Mr. and Mrs. James Patton and family, Georgetown, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. Kitchener Burton. Mrs. Sam McKee visited ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Harry MclÇee o! Oshawa. Miss Muriel McKee, Osbawa, spent the holiday with ber motb- er. Mn. Noon, Mrs. Emerton and James Emerton enjoyed a wild duck dinner with Mr. andMrs. J, Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sonley, Port Penny; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mabon, Mrs. Tilley and son, Eric, Toron- to, visited Mr. anci Mrs. Jas. Han- ris. Mrs. Van Winkle, her brother and sister, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountioy witb Miss Miss Rase Mountjoy. Mrs. John Dickey, Mr. R. Rid- deli and Mrs. Ada McKee visited Miss Rase Mauntjoy. Mrs. Harold Beacock bas been visiting ber mother, Mns. F. White, Port Perry. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor wbo cele- bnated their golden wedding an- niversary on October Oth. Mrs. Dave Wilson bas reaumed ber music class at the home o! Mrs. Bowers witb a ful daos of pupils Mrs. Jean Hedge opened her home Wed.nesday afternaon toaa splendid gathering o! Women's Institute members. Mn. and Mrs. E. W. Bradley, Bowrnanville. with Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Hedge. Mrs. Jas. Farder bas neturned fromn Toronto after vîsiting ber niece, Miss Florence Fair and Mrs. Bella Richardson. Miss Marilyn Metcalfe is as- sisting at the borne of Mr. A. Ag- new. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Manlow, Toronto. with ber parents, Mr-. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Robrer and fapiily attended the wedding of ber brother in Stayner on Satun- day. Mrs. Bruce Freelove, Peterbor- ough, with ber father, Mn. Arthur Hulbert who suffered a 'slight stroke. Friends wish birn a speedy recavery. Mrs. Dorotby Lee is drîving No. 2 mail route until Mr. Hulbert is.able ta re- sue hepsiioo# ai c- re Ichurch was beautifully decorated with co]ored foliage, flowers, fruits and vegetables. Mr. Me- Comb delivered a fine sermon. Misses Moira McComb and Mar- garet Davison sang "Can A Little Child Like Me" and the choir. had a Tbanksgiving number. The ladies beld a bee on Thuraday and made bath basernent and auditorium ail shining for the occasion. Mrs. George Farder and Mn. Walter Sharpe attended the Stur- rock-Forder wedding in Black- stock on Saturday. Misses Joan and Sharon Reid, Toronto. vlsited their grandrnoth- er, Mrs. Jas. Croft. A determinate purpose in lufe and a stead\ adhesion ta it through ail disadvantages. are in- dispensable conditions of success. -William Morley Pursbon. United ini Candlelight Ceremony pictuned as they ar'e about ta sign the register, following a candlelight ceremony in Orono United Church, Saturday, Oct. 6. Mrs. Stevens before her marniage was Miss Lena Jean Turner, former Public School teacher here, and the daughter of Mns. John Turner, Orono, and the late Mr. Turner. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Maple Grave. MAPLE GROVE Miss Mildred Snowden spent Tbanksgiving weekend with ber sister, Mn. and Mrs. Otis Pritch- ard, Manotick. Miss Muriel Stevens, nurse-mn- tnaining, Western Hospital, To- ronto, spant the weakand at ber home. Mn. and Mrs. J. L. Raok, To- ronto, spent Sunday with Mns. F. Swallow. Mn. and Mrs Harold Sumars- fond, town, were guests on Sun- day with their son, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Sumensford. Mrs. Albert Crago, Base Line; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Osh- awa; Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Snow- den, were guests on Sunday with the latter's daughtar, Mn. and Mns. Bill Lewis. Miss Marlon Enowden, Toronto, spent the waekend at home. Mn. and Mns. Albert Brown, Bill and Betty. Hamilton. spent Monday h with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mr and Mrs. Fred Stevens were weakend guests in Toronto with Mn. and Mrs. Roy Tapping and attended the service in Howard Park United Church when thein youngest grandson, John .Douglas Topping. wvas baptized. Rev. E. S. Lautensiagen conducted the service. The water used was !rom tbe River Jordan. This community extends con- gratulations ta Mn. Bob Stevens and Miss Jean Turner on thair recent marniaga. Glad ta sea such a good turnout at the Communion service -on Sunday. Our paston gave a spa- cial Tbanksgiving message and the choir rendered an appropniate anthem. There was a baptismal service when the following were baptized: Frank Walter, son af Mn. and Mrs. St. Pierra; Susan Gall, daughten of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Van Camp; Kenneth Arthur, son of Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bur- BO WNAN VILLE .Boy Scout Association PAPER DRIVwE starting ai 1:30 p.m. Saturday, October l3th You are requested to have paper tied in bundies and placed on the boulevards. e______ e m~II e______ e They walked ln the lane together, The sky was covered with stars; They reached t4e gate in silence, He lifted down the bans; She neither smniled nor thanked him, Because she knew not how; For he was just a farmer's boy, And she - a Jersey cow. Mùàoed SHEPPARD & GILL LUMIER COMPANY LIMITED RING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 715 GYPTEX WINDOW BLINDS PAINT BRUSHES BRUSH CLEANERS SPRED SATIN PATCHING PLASTER SHELLAC TILE WAX (for asphait) J.B. Abernelhy Paint & Wallpaper Store 85 King St. W. PHONE 431 Vaneyke, who were married in Long Sault Church, Oct. 6th. and te Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sturroclc, xnarried in Blackstock. On Oct. 8th a presentation and dance was given in honar of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stinson (nee Jean Gatcheli). recent bride and groom by their friends in Burketon andi Lotus, when tbey were presented with a beautiful studio coucb, end tables, smoking stand, etc. Mrs. J. Gray, Lotus, presided far the occasiorn. Lunch was served, in- cluding wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs E. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams witb Mr. and Mrs. Bert McMullen, Janet- gess; Wendy Darlene, daughter of Mr. 4nd Mrs. Bill Lewis; Ron- ald Robert'aud Marilyn Audrey, son and daught' of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian; Stephen Kenrieth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sumeva- tord. Mr. Robert Shoemaker, Guelph, and Mr. Ian Kinig, Grimsby, spent a few days wîth Mr. Bob Stevens, their room-mate while attending O.A.C. at Guelph. They acted as ushers at Bob's wedding on Saturday.11 Mrs. Delbert Flintof!, Y'edron, visited her son, Mr. Morley Flint- off on Sunday. C.G.I.T. met in the basement of the church Oct. 9. Opened with recreation. Worship service w4s conducted by Elva Snowden apd Vaughan Stephenson and business was carried on by Mre. Audrey Snowden. Election o! officers followed: Pres.-Flva Snowden; Vice-Pres.-Betty Carswell; Sec'y -Margaret Snowden; Cor. Sec'y - Vaughan Stephenson; Press Sec'y-Jean Flintoff; pianist- Jean Flintof!;« Treasurer- Pat Schram. When meeting adjourn- ed everyone worked on things for bazaar. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall spent Thanksgiving weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Chatham. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton and family with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allun, Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackcburn, Hampton; Mrs. (lory, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sbackleton, Mr. Gardon Shackleton and Fred, with Mr. and Mrs. Gérald Shackleton. Mrs. George Pîrie, Miss Mild- red Philips, Toronto; Mrs. Brine and family, Bowmanville. with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Miss Carol Craig has obtained a position in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh and family with Mr. and Mrs. L. $av- ery, Oshawa. Mr. David Craig, who was the winner of the J. S. McLean Schol- arship, left on Tuesday to attend Kemptville Agrîcultural College. Mr. Francis Jase, Newcastle, was the other winner. Mrs. Craig ac- companied Mrs. Harry Jase who drove the boys clown by motor. Mr. Wm. Laird and boys and Mr. Fred Twist with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. Master Bobby Laird spent the weekend with Johnny and Ray- mond Twist. BURKETON Visitors at Mrs. Pearl Avery's: Mr. Art Gladman, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glover, Lindy Lou affd Teddy, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mar- tyn and Mrs. Mullen, Sunderland. Mrs. May Gothard, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Weaver, Bruce and Donald. Niagara Falls, with Mrs. E. Caughill. Mr. Ceeil Coates and Miss Isa- bel Carter with Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and Mr. and Mrs. E. D'Arcey. Fred Carter attended Norwood Fair on Oct. 8th. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson and Al- bert, Toronto, with ber mother, Mrs. Hughes. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith and Or- vis, Bowmanville, with Mns. Jim Curran. Mr. and Mrs. H. Strutt, Osha- wa. with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hub- bard. Miss Christina Gatcheli was in Raglan with Mr. and Mrn. Earl Slute. Mr and Mrs: Grant Carnochan were in Toronto. Miss Betty Vigar, Mr. Pat Me- Cready, Norwich, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubbard. Miss Helen Hutko with her parents at Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Moffat cail- ed on friends. Lorraine Pallard returned ta Lindsay after visiting Mrs. H. Trick. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, Weston, with Mrs. H. Rahm who has been sick. Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs. Ed. Cachrane were in Peterborough with Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey were ville. Mrs. Ira Argue and Mrs. IL Darcy, Blackstock, spent two days in Toronto wlth Mr. and Mrs. C. Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. A. S.- McKechnte. Winnipeg. visited their aiter, Mrs. T. G. Breck. "There is nothing so bad or so good that you wiIll ot fînd Englishmen doing it; but you will neyer find an Englishman in the wrong. He does everythipg on principle. He fights you on pat- rlatic principles; he robs you on business principles, he ensiaves yau on imperial principles." -Bernard Shaw RELIEF FOR COLDS Check the discomfort of a cold-fast! Inhale Minard's SLiniment. You'll breathe casier, &ý feel bettcr. Just tny it-you'Ul see. X iwvý "KIG OFPAIN" VerI-Thln "LAR" 10 kt. gold-fiUled tptanesGuildite Veri-ThIn "DAINI . PLEX" - 10 kt. goId- filled top, ,,tainiess back. expansion bracelet - .. $52.50 Veri-ThIn "SHADOW" <«eri-Thin "POWELL - 10 kt. gold-fihled toi), FLEX"I- 10 kt. gold- stainless Guildite back filled top, @tajlese back. -53311 xpanioabrarelet BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 IPREPARED FOR WINTER with a new QUAKER SPACE HEATER Now Is the time to pur- chaso your new Quaker Oil Burning Space Heat- er. We have a number of the new models on display. For even, econ-, omical heat Investigate thesc Spaze heaters «rat. a W. He BROWN IDEALER FOR Im Fam mach inery - Firstoe i DeLaval Mllkers and Separaters Beatty Bras. Stable Equlpment RING ST. W. P1RONE 4du MfE*MER 0F 0.R.F.E.D.A. HO OPER'S JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP à 28 KING ST. W. SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SELECTION OF SLIVERS and KO'OTýýHOLES. TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Tmmst)AT, OMOBER 1't lui PACM SUL