TEUESDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1951 TEE CANADL'ai STATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO A fW UW~ Mns. W. J. Leask spent the weekend with friends in London. Tyrone Women's Institute meet- ig for October is cancelled. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nowacki, Rochester, N.Y., were visitors with Miss Carnie Martyn, Captain Doug. Handling, Army Headqugrters, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. James. "Mrs. S. G. Chartran and daugh- ter~ Florence and Doris motored to awaà for the weekend and vilfd relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Taylor, Doug, Pat and Ronnie, Deep River, were weekend guests af Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Miss Ruth Preston, Maple Grove, was guest at the Slater- Worfolk wedding held in Whitby United Church on Sept. 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rundie and Mr. and Mrs. Don Rundie spent the weekend with friends at Wilkes-Barre, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. H. Meincke and daugbter Sharron, Ham il1to n, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bucknell. Mr. and Mrs. J. Overy, Jr., Mr. W. Little and Mr. Fred Venman, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Overy. Mr. and Mrs. Markus Roenigk spent the weekend with bis sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Humnby, Hamilton. Miss M. Cameron, London, and Mr.'F. Stottard, Edmonton, Alta., were Tbanksgiving guests of Mrs. L. Sharpe. Mr. and Mrs.: Wm. Lessy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dobson and Jane, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Coverly. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Tattersaîl, Ottawa, spent the weekend with ber mnother, Mrs. L. Sharpe, Scugog St. Si. John's Anglican Church IRev. Warren Turner. B.A., B.D. 8 a.m. -, HOLY COMMUNION ia.m. - MATINS and HOLY BAPTISM p.m. - EVENSONG Sermon: 'What is Religion?" ýe Mrs. Bert Curtis has sald hep ihame on Simnpson Ave. and will Lmake ber home with her daugh- tar at Cambridge, Queens County, iN.B. Reeve and Mrs. G. Frank Jam- iesan, Larry, Larrana and Donald yspent Thanksgiving weekend witb ,eMn. and Mrs. C. L. Upper, Peter- -borough. Don't miss the Commodores Quartette and the Vidaottes-- I the musical treat ai the seasari- I at Trinity Church, Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. Admission free. * The Scout Mothars are having Etheir f irst meeting ai the season don Oct. 17 at 8 p.m. at Lions Community Centre. New main- ebers are welcome. County Haalth Unit repart fi: week ending Ort. 6th reports 18 cases ai communicable diseases àbut not once case is reparted in West Durham. Mn. and Mrs. Ward Hoilman, Andrea and Jimmy, Port Hope, were Thanksgiving Day visitons with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Mn. R. R. Waddell, K.C., Orono, bas been appointed Returning Officer for Durham County in the caming provincial elections ta be held Thursday, Nov. 22. The Public School public spaak- ing contest for the pupils ai Dar- lington Township will be held in the basament ai Hampton Church on Saturday, October 27, at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stutt, Mr. and Mrs. John Stutt and Mr. Don- ald Stutt .were in St. Thomas an Sept. 29 attending the Stu' "-uoss wedding which toak p' the Chapel ai Aima Colle Mr. and Mrs. Kenr. 'ox, Misses Joyce and Mary. ent the Tbanksgiving holiday week- end witb Mn. and Mrs. John E. Wýylie and Master Brock Wylie, London, Ont. Mr. and Mns. H. M. Hoopen, John and Sheila, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoopen, Edward and Susanne, Napanea, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Art Hoopen. If any citizens knew Mrs. Maria Tyler Henderson af Whit- by wbo was buried in Bowman- ville Cemetery on August 24, 1902. or any ai han family, will they pleasa cammunicate with The Statesman office. Don't miss the Commodores Quartette and the Videoettes- the musical treat ai the season- at Trinity Church, Oct. 18 at 81 p.m. Admission free. B.H.S. sustained a 32 ta 1l de- feat at the hands ai Whîtby, yesterday aiternoon, in the first gama af the Lçikeshore Senior "B" Football League. A lack ai reserve strength appears ta have bindered Bowmanville athietes in their 60 minute drive. Mr. Robent Noble spent three days at the Hotal Bristol in New York City. Travelling by bus Mr. Noble. was in aight dii ferant TRINITY UNITED CHURCU 11:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP and INFANT BAPTISMAL SERVICE 12:15 P.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 P.M. DEDICATION SERVICE of new PULPIT AND CHOIR LUFT by Rev. A. E. Eusiace, Orono Chairman af The Oshawa Presbytery Special Soloist: Ruth Gillis, Toronto Conservatony cf Music, Rev. S. R.« Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister Mn. D. C. Paters, Miss Phyllis Challis, L.T.C.M., Director af Music A.T.C.M., Organist Deparimeni of Educalion Concert Series ý 1 During the last two weeks the Bowmanville Rotary Club has been trying bard to make the citizens of Bowmanville and dist- rict peanut-conscious. And, what is more, they are doing it for a good cause. Ail Bowmanville Ro- tarians are selling 50c tins of Planters Cocktail Peanuts in ord- er that they may raise money for Crippled Children's wor.I you haven't bought a tin and wish to help opit this worthy cause you can buy them froin any Rotarian or at a number of the stores in Bowmanvîlle. states travelling around 1,700 miles in which he visjted Atlantic City, Washington, Pittsburg and Buffalo. Plan ta attend the W.A. Fal Fair on Friday, October 12, at 3 p.m. in Trinity Sunday School room. There will be booths of aprons, knitted goods, home-made cooking, fruit and vegetables, country store, fancy bags, etc. AfV ternoon tea wilI be served. 40-2 Mr. Businessman, if you are one of the eighty-nine citizens who received a Chamber of Commerce questionnaire and neglected to fill it out and return it to Sec- retary Joe Barton - do it now. As the continuance of the C. of C. depends on the reception given this request. Mrs. M. E. Patterson, Stratford, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Markus Roenigk. The qçltor had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Patterson who is 92 years oid and enjoyed a chat with ber. He marvelled how keen and alert she was for a woman of ber advanced years. Don't miss the Commodores Quartette and the Vdeoettes- the musical treat ai the season- at Trinity Church, Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. Admission free. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and sons, Allan and, Mark, Napanea; Mn. and Mrs. Ernie Taylor and daughten Nancy, Whitby; Mr. Paul Sonscience, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. lion Aldar and daughter Patti and son Warren, Town, were Thanks- giving visitons ai Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor, Carlisle Ave. Citizens were shocked ta leann of the sudden passing aif Allin F. Annis, K.C., ai Oshawa, an Mon- day in Oshawa Hospital from a beart attack. As Mr. Annis is a welI known native son ai Dar- lington Township particulars ai bis careen will appean in next week's issue ai The Statesman. Mrs. Thos. Jacklin, Star City, Sask., in renewing ber subscrip- tian ta The Statesman writes: We are getting too much nain and the grain is ahl standing in fields walting ta ba combinad. We bad feinches af snow this week (Set. 26) sa fields ara very soit for tractor. Kind regards ta al my friands in Durhamn County. Han many friands were sorry ta learn that sevaral weaks ago Mrs. W. F. Dale had the mis- fortunte ta slip wbile bangingi clothes in ban yard breaking her hip. Aiter the fracture was x- rayed it was successfully set and she is now. making satisfactoryl progress whila a patient in Bow- manvilla Memorial Hospital. Mn. Lancelot <Lance) L.,Mason, son ai the late Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Mason ai Bawmanville, passed away Oct. 7 at bis home in Or- illia whare ha conducted a suc- tii bis retirement several years ago due ta ill health. Ha is sur- vived by bis wife, ona daugbten and thnee sons. Internant was at Orillia on Wednesday. Miss Mary Jewell ai the "Big 20"b store and Miss Gertrude Dawell, Superintendent ai the Memoriàl 1Hospital, ilaw tc New York City last weakand, anjoyad a vacation thajre until Wednesday ai this waak. While thera thay'l visited cousins ai Mary's, Miss Helen Knight and Mrs. Forman Vandenbarg, Bayotina, New Jer- sey, as well as shopping in New York's fashionable Fifth Avenue and Broadway and taking in the famous musical, "~South Paciiic." Mn. Ted Mason spent the weak- end witb his mother, Mrs. T. G. Mason. Mn. Mason wbo for thre yeans bas worked with a branch ai the Dominion Government at Ottawa examining dairy products for quality and butter fat contant, bas taken a position in Toronto with the Fruit and Vegetable Division ai the Marketing Service, Departinant ai Agriculture. Mn. Mason, a graduate in binlogy and chernistry, University ai Toronto, is presently engaged in the axan- ination of tom-ataes and tomato products !or quality. Other pro- ducts which will be examined for Duraty and auality are .ara and .Planters Peanuts SOCIANAD PERS"O*NAL Provide Plecmure Profit and Pastimne Mr. and Mrs. N. C. YelloWlees spent Tbanksgiving weekend with friends in lI-amilton. Misses Cachle Petit and Sharon Guest. Toronto, were weekend visitors at W. Chapman's. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Paters and Ralpb, Toronto. were with the Salters. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Whité. Mrs. M. Goodman and Louise witb Mr. and Mrs. Alan Parker, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto, with Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. Mrs. T. Wray and Miss Eilaen Wray were guests of Mrs. Clifford Colwill and Miss Ruby Colwill, Bowmanville. In spite of the very bad weath- er Sunday cburch services were fairly well attended. Rally'Day pragram was followed in the Sun- day School in the afteriloon, the theme being "A story to tell ta the Nations." The prograni was conducted by the Superintendent Mr. W. Wilbur, assisted by Mr. W. Chapman. Scripture reading was taken by Mr. Harold Balson. Mrs. A. E. Billett presented the story and those taking part in a short play were Mr. Earl Luke, Mrs. Jim Smales, Lance Damant, 1Misses Marilyn Lockwood and Marguerite Smith. Fay Reyn- olds and Mrs. Keith Billett sup- plied music. Communion was observed et the evening service with our pas- tor ini charge. The choir rend- ered a fitting Thax)ksgiving selec- tion. Naxt Sunday evening Rev. Monlçman of Greenwaod wtll oc- cupy the pulpit. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Tbornton's Corners; Mips Ida Hos- Için, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. IW. Balson were pleasantly an- tertained for tea on Sunday at Mr. J. C. Macnab's who have improv- ed their home by adding two very nice rooms on the south side. J. W. Balson bas improved their home by adding a lovely sun room on the east skie of the bouse. Mrs. J. C. Macnab, Sandra, and Barbara, Mrs. J. W. Balson at- tended Zion Women's Association at Mrs. Bert Glaspell's. Mr. and Mrs. James Herring. Calgary, Alta., (formerly of Zion over 31 yaars ago) visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson. Hampton W. 1. Women's Institute was flot largely attended on Oct. 4. Mrs. T. M. Chant, Vice-Pres, was in the chair. The Mary Stewart Col- lect was read in unison. Minutes' of last meeting read by Mrs. J. R. Reynolds. Roll Cali was a[ proverb. Bazaar will be held Nov. 8. Groupa were appointed to look after diffarent booths. There is to ha a table for good used child- ren's clothing. Report from bos- pîtal room stated our new furni- ture had been placed in the room. Mrs. W. Smales resigned from Junior Girls sewing club. Mrs. J. Balson andj Miss Lulu Reynolds will help the girls. Committee is ordering a new sign-board for our churcb. Group leaders were asked to pleasa collect for Bible Society before Novembar. A doîl is to be bought and Mrs. -ROYAL VISIT i W 0 0L Four New Colors sponsored by IL. R. H. PRINCESS ELIZABETH made by Beehive Edinburgh Green Elizaheihan Rusi Mayflower Cupid Blue Sweater shades for aduits and children Special instruction leaflets free with wooL 3. W. JEWELL "BIG "20" 27 Ring St. W., flowmnanvtl PHONE 556 pickles. Mr. and Mrs. Masan wrnl be making their home in Toronto. Mrs. Aubrey Smith was badly burned last TÉhursday by paraffin wax which caught on fire on the stove. Mrs. Smith in in Bowman- ville Hospital with burns received on her band&, arms, 'face and neck when she-begt out the flames. which were shooting up ta the ceiling frgm the pan af nwlted wax, with which Mrs. Smith was intending ta qeal saine jars ai fruit. Aftar uetting the wax an the burner ta malt, Mrs. Smith was callad ta the telephane. Wben she returned, flames wera shoating up and the tableclotb had caugbt an fire. The sputter- ing wax also burned bales in ber dress as she worked ta subdue the flames. It is expected Mrs. Smith will be in bospital for saine tima yat. HAMPTON St. Paul's CGIT Plan Hallowe'eepiParty Aiten aur opening prayers and warsbîp service based on the C. G.I.T. Purpose, Ruth Romboughi and Joan Mutton told us about their stay at Camp Pretoria in Oshawa, Ruth then showed us a Bible, and potholder she had made at the senior camp and Joan show- ed us potholders and bracelets that she and bier sister, Jupe, had made at the intermediate camp. Further plans were made for our Hallowe'en party, ta which we bave invited Trinity C.G.I.T. Decorations were made for the Party and the meeting closed with taps. on Vancou~~er Island. I * Fred Payne will dress it for the bazaar. Mrs. J. W. Balson presided in the absence af Mrs. W. W. Horn for the pragram. Mrs. Nîddery g ave the motto "Count Your Bles ingsa" and gave a nice paper se had prepared on "Thanksgiv- ing"; Current Events by Mrs. Will White; reading by Mrs. Shackleton; community singing and piano solo, Miss Norab Holcn. Missionary and Tbanksgiving story was read by Mrs. Niddery. Mrs. McCullough was in charge of delicious refrashments served by the centre group. Hampton Home and School Club met Oct. 3. Mr. John War- rack Was pianist and Mrs. Wood- lock, President. was in charge andj read a poem. Mr. J. C. Macnab1 the Vice-Pres., is convenor for naxt meeting. Mr. Farrow. prin- cipal af scbool, gave andjdea af what la needed in aur school. It was estimated 90 pupils will at-i tend next year. Thfere are -.0 now and short of room, 30 being1 a minimum for any school room.1 Fire escape is flot satisfactory.1 Sanitary conditions are bad. -Inr iact the school bas been con-s demned for any activities byt adults. We recommend a newt scbool. Membersbip Sec'y is Mrs. Bruce Clarke and we are hoping every parent and others will join us. Al bad a good time playing bingo. Home id School Club (Continued From Page One) lieve that Canada Is ane af the leading nationt ai the wonld, and are praud ta have a part ta play in its dpvelopment. The Dutch believe very strang- ly iriL tbe rigbt ai the individual Mrs. Moes said, and take political and citizenship duties very ser- iously. As soon as the required five year period of residence is fulfilled, they are anxiaus ta take thair examinations and became Canadian citizens sa that they may bava a vaice in Canadian government. They have great respect for free thaught and the freedom ai the press. This is the type, for the most part, who have coma ta Canada, and with these convictions, they fit into aur way ai life readily and gratafully. "Last waek aur yaung people at their regular meeting in Enni- skillan bad as one af their topics for discussion, 'The Blassing af Labor.' The Dutch believe that labor is Gad-given and therefore no task is toa meniai for them," said Mrs. Moes. "They balieve that it is indeed a blessing that they may labor," she said in con- clusion. Mrs. Moas was ably tbanked by Mrs. E. Wiliatts, Mrs. Walter Hately and the president, Mrs. R. Hutchinson, adding a word aof appreciation for Mrs. Moes' mes- sage and the sangs contributed1 by the young actette. During a short business meet- ing, it was reported that a dona- tion ai $10 had been made ta the 3. Mr. A. Thompson, principal, thanked the Home & School As- sociation for this contribution and reported a very successful Field Day. The Treasurer's report was given by Mrs.. I. Munday in the absence ai Mrs. Fred Cale. The Secretary, Mrs. G. Moffatt, read the duties ai members. Mrs. Muriel Symons presîded at the piano for apening and closing ex- ercises. The meeting closed with a social bour and refreshments. The only high-grade bituminous coal fields of the Pacific Coast are JDAMALT 41b-R7 53c - 89c - $1.59 1, 2 and 4 -b e.7c $1.19, $2.05 Popular Teacher And Bride Honored At Several Show.rs Mrs. Robert Stevens, the form- er Jean Turner, daughter of Mrs. John Turner, Orono, wss enter-, tained at numerous showers puior to her marriage on Oct. 6 in Orono United Church. Misses Myrtie Hall, Mýarjor!e Couc.h. Agnes Carruthers and Gertrude MacCrimmoin gave a kitchen shower in ber honor at the home of Miss Myrtie Hall. She vas 4iso entertained at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Barbara Carman, Mrs. Jean Allin and Miss Betty Chapman, Orono. at Mrs. Carman's. She was the recipient of a lovely crystal plate and relish dish i the tear-drop design from the pupils of her Grade 5 and 6 class, and with a haîf dozen crs- We Solve AIl Curreui Problems! iLKA No Mote Fuse Headaches! Do You "blow a fuse" eveny tinie the lights go out? We have the answcr! Let us instali a circuit breaker in place of your fuse system. Guards against, overloaded circuits . . . is reset by a flick of the wrist. Calil us for details. Phone 438. H iggon You CenAralIC E Phone 438 iElectric leetnie Appianga Dealer 42 Kingst. E COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ""1S NEW! IT'S HEREZ the new Toni "oftor- treotment" leaves your hair " softer " lovelier *easier te ma nage try Toni Crame Rins. Ioda>' 4 OZ. BOTTLE ONLY59 fSPECIAL LOW-PRICE OFFRf With 10 - - --- - -Velu I t/POItOWH.Ip rmil.,' DULLNESS* SICK HEADACHE ACIO INDIGESTION * CONSTIPATION I ___________ w-lh Box of 12 .so differ.ne from Pads that jus#t bel soft Bt lirst touclk 40Ç Alex. We Deliver ISURPRISED--./ IWHEN You ÇlçtTr CiGves tceth dazzling natur-l bil- fiance. * £hilaratint-refreshinI-sweet. en$ the breuth. *Helpe remove MiOke end *urf.cs UUY TODAY 43C regular large 9( GIN PULLS rheu oicPis S-olleh, ochnoints derang.d kidneys. Reg. Size Economy 740~ JOHNSON'S WTXRO ADHESIVE TAPE " STICKS SETTER " LASTS LONGER " A SIZE FOR 1 EVERY NEED. Drugs Phone 792 COD LIVER. OIL Caps. - pattern from the staff of tbe Public Schaols. The Second Pack of Brown1es and Guide Mothers pres.nted býoe with a beautiful cup and saucer and a hand-pamnted vase. T'he Si atmag gala JL Following Stores Dyer's Drp.g Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcaste S. Brown, Newtanville. T. M. Slemon, Enniskiflen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barran, Hampton. Newton Taylar's, Burketon. H. T. Saywell, Blackstack. Keitb Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Orona. H. K. Reynolds, IKendal. W. J. Bagnell. J'ury & Loveli, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, ElgSO Harnden's Handy Store and Th» Bownianvtle 1. D. A. BRAND SPECIALS Boracic .Acid ---- 23c - 37c 8 and 16 oz.- Reg. 30c, 45e MINERÂL OIL ---- 47c - 93C 16 and 40 oz. - Reg. 55c, $1.10 SEIDLITZ POWIiERS - - - - 23c 7's - Reg. 29c WITCH HAZEL - - - - 23c - 59c 4 and 16 oz. - Reg. 30c, 75e IDASAL TABLETS ----69c 300's - Reg. 89c Don't put a colid in your pocket! lx HANKY and CHUBBY suze- 22c, 2 for 43c Men's 36c, 2 fon 71c - Pockat Pack 5c, 12 for 59e TOILET TISSUE - - - 2 for 23c .D.A.'Braiid, 650 sheet - Reg. 2 for 27c LACTOGEN - - - 69c - $1.59, FlIRST CONCERT featuring MARY SYME, Pianist and BEAUNA SOMERVILLE, vio1inis! MARGARET STILLWELL, conirallo LAWRENCE FELTON, bariione MINNIE McCURDY, accompanisi Staris 8:15 p.m. High School ALuditorium - Wednesday, October 17&h Season tickets are stili available for the entine Concert Series at $2.50 for aduits and $1.50 for students Buy yours now and save $1.25 on the series. SINGLE CONCERT TICKETS ____ each 90e Business arrangemeits by the DOWNANVILLE LIONS CLUB Modified Milk - 1 and 21/ lb. NURSING BOTTLES - - 4 for 19c 8 oz. - Nanrow Mouth Dr. WESTS Tooth Brushes - 30c - 40c - 60c BARBASOL ---37c - 63c - 98c, Brushless Shave Cream NIVEA CREAM-- 70c - $ 1.25 - $3.25' PABLUM Cereals--- 25c - 48c' SEDICIN -Helps you sleep - HEAT IAMPS ---$1.55 -$3.95 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store tai glasses in the dreai~ flower Statesman Office. --- - 1 TRU LODAT. OCMBIM Il. 1051 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAfflP StVZ* 99c! 1