y - TMMÀToC'roBE le, 1951 THE ANADAN SATEMAN.BOWMNVTLE. NTARO rMAUJLS LriLu V L T I9P L v!v Sa~wy0t The Canadian Bank of Commerce *The Commerce* ROSES Wl. Brookdale Roses Win Saturday Againsi CrowlandTo Be Town'ils Firsi Ontario Bail Chamupions C49W Roses held the visitors sconeîess o Ccc Hall pitched a page of his- tory at the High School bail park. Safurday, when Brookdale Roses handed Crowland an 8 ta 4 troun- cing in the second game of a best of thnee series f0 capture the On- tario Intermediate "A" Basebal Championship. The local heroes defeafed fhe same club in the first game by an 8 fa 3 count. Flushed with vicfory, thrce- quarters of the Roses club draped their arms around a happy Cee Hall when he fanned Mike Kere- luk in the top of the ninth to win the hall game and the champion- ship. Bowmanville will long remem- ber the win. Roses players drap- ed t he town's big red fire en- gifle and headed a motor car cav- alcade fhrough Bowmanville streets with siren blaring the proud news that for the first time in history a Bowmanville base- baîl teamn brought an Ontario championship home. Hall hurled seven stnike-outs in the nine-inning game which saw Crowland dlaim two homers whihe Bowmanville furned up one. Ted Bagnehl, wirey Roses short-stop, hit a long hall fa righf field for a four-base hit. Hall gave up five hits and walked three in the tilt, as well as hit four for four at the plate. Fourth Inning Homer The first thnee innings wene scoreless, but in the top of the fount h. Cnowland entered the scoing column when Moxie Ho- menuk, fthe finst baffer, fook the first pitch and blasted if aven the right field fence in home-run style. Hall fanned two of the next four batters and the visi- tors' hopes for a big inning ended. Ceasar Haydu was previously set down on a pop fly. Bowmanville startcd rolling In the bottom of the founth. Walk-r ed fa first affer Furey flied out ta begin the stanza, Lloyd Hamil- ton stole second and was broughf home on Mike McArthun's two- base hit aven short. Bob Gal- lagher connected for a long single that bnought McAthur in f for Bowmanville's second run, b and Cnowland decided fo end the fJ Roses' drive wîth a change ofe pif chers, t] Walter Buchkowskl replaced e Sid Campbell on the mound and c while he fanned the first baffer he faced, Cee Hall singled toa right field f0 move Gallagher ta v third and a long drive by Don d Gilhooley brought the finstbase- b man home. Ted Bagnell dlaim- p cd a hit fa bring Hall in and put 0: Gilhooley on third, but Manager p Maxie Yourfh was nipped going - inta first for the third ouf and the end of the inning. While Crowland went scoreless - in the top of the fifth, Bowman- ville added anothen three nuns ta - thein score in the boffomn of the inning. Repeat Performance S For the second time in the bal game, the Cnowland pitcher walk- cd Hamilton who, for the second fime. stole second. Again Ham- Bi ilfon came home on a MeAthur drive through finst. Gallagher pl flied ouf but Ted Bagnell's single - moved McAnthun fa third. Then Ccc Hall, who hit four for four Bc during the game, drove a long bal aven second scoring McArfh- un and Bagnell. Gilhooley flied ouf fa end the inning. Cnowland fhneatened in the sixth when Mike Blazefick blazed a hîgh homenun hall aven t he left field fence with onc man on pi fa score two for fthe visitons. But- Hall fightened up and wifh the help cf a sharp infield single sent down thnee Cnowland baffers fa end the innîng. The locals wenf sconeless in fthe bottom of the 01 innîng and Crowiand rcplied wifh Oç another run in the top of the seventh. DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W., Bowmanville Office Houns:- 9 a.m. f0 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours:- Phone 351 9 a.m. fa 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. f0 12 noon Wcdnesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE I H. G. (Hap) GILL REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Propenties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and 1 Ontario Real Estate Boards H. G. GUI, Broker Phone Bowmanville 3326 Residence 3514 TARIO DASEBALI in the top cf the elghth and when the locals took their clips ini the boftom cf the inning, Ted Bagnell's "hard-way-homerun" proved the feaf une cf the day. Finst man fa face the pifeher in the eighfh, Bagnell connected wifh a pif ch and drove a long fly hall deep int o nighf field. The Cnowland fielden bobbled the hall which scoofed along the gnound and through the sncw fence for an inside the park home- run. With an 8 ta 4 iead going Inf o the top of the ninth, Roses snag- ged Knczcch's fly. followcd up by sfopping Menard's fly and Cee Hall fanned the third baffer on four pif chcs ta win the game. Tennis Club Holds Wind-up Tournament Elect 1952 Officers On Oct. 5 fo-waville Tennis Club held thein faîl windup with a round-robin on the courts at the Lions Communify Centre. There was a good turnouf cf the members and ail enjoyed four rounds on the courts. Miss Mar- garet Dustan won the high ladies' pnize for the night and Mn. Arn- oId Lobb won the high mcn's pnize. A business meeting was hehd inside at which the ladies' doubles and men's doubles inter-club fro- phies were pnesented by Presi- dent Jack Dunn and the individu- ah cups wene presenfed by Re- creation Director Don Shay. The wînners cf the ladies' doubles were Mrs. George Hacking and Mrs. Lamne Allia; men's doubles, Dr. Keith Shemon and Mn. Ah. Withcrspoon., Mn. Cliff Trewin cf the four- riament committee gave the high- lights of the year consîsfing cf the Kawarfha League. our tourna- nents with Whitby and Oshawa, and aur own round robins and inter-club fournaments. Miss Donalda Creasser gave a financial report showing a good balance. Mr. Jack Dunn, the ne- tiring president, thanked the cx- 1 ecutive for the assistance during1 the year fa make a fhoroughly enjoyabie yean for tennis players of Bowmanville. An election was held at which a president and board cf diectors were clecfed for 1952. The presi- dent for the coming ycan will be Mr. Alan Stnike wha was vice- resident this ycar. The direct- nrs will meet and decide thein positions as ta their abiity. Business Directory L EGA L c W. R. STRIKE, R.1 Barnisten, Solicitor, Natary ohlicitor for Bank cf Montreai Ioney fa Loan Phone 791 ' Bowmanville, Ontaria LAWRENCE C. MASON,BA arnister, Solicitor, Notary Publc King St. W., Bowmanviile f Dhone, Office 688 Residence 553 MIfSS APHA 1. HODGINS 3annister, Solicitor, Notary Public c Successor ta M. G. V. Gould ~ Tempenance S., Bowmanville W. F. WARD, B.A. J Barnister, Solicitor, Nofary Money to Loann 91/2 King Street E., ti Bowmanville, Ontario hones: Office 825 - House 409 a CONANT & CONANT f Baristers and Solicitors v Gordon D. Canant, K.C. Roger G. Canant, B.A. )ffices: )shawa. Ont., 7%A Simcoe St. S. Phone 3-2227 Ajax, Ontario - Phone 25 DENTAL AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountante 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gordon W. Richl, C.A.. resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BIILLET Optometrist 74 King Sf. W. Bowmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday ta Safurday except Wednesday 9 - 12 Evenings by Appointment_ fi Was "Red" Noses" Night ai Bowling For Himself and Ris Team, Both Tops ENNISKILLEN W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs J. Siemon on Oct. 9, with Mrs. E Trewmn presiding. Group tw( had, charge of the program Mrs. L. Ashton led in worshil with.prayer by Mrs. R. Ashton Bible reading by Mr& E. Trewir and a. reading by Mrs. J. Siemor Mrs. M. Stainton favored witl music and also gave a readifig or Stewardship. The second part o: the study programa was revieweÈ by Mrs. M. Hobbs, assisted b3 Mrs. T. M. Siemon, who reaÈ several stories frorn The Digest. Mrs. M. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs Earl Trewin and Doreen attend- ed the golden wedding anniver- sary of the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor, Black- stock. Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- fice, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- beater. Miss Gloria Wright wasa Sunday visitor with Miss Nancy Wood. Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Banks, Grace and Beryl, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. John Griff in. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mrs. C. Cowie, Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fergusori with Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens and daughtqr, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr's. Mr. and Mrs. David Gray and Carol, Newcastle; Miss Ruth Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Me- Donald and Gerald, Mr. Steve Shredd, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallis and Linda, Cad- mus, were Sunday guests with Mrs. J. Adams. Miss Janice Beech, Maple Grove, with her cousin, Miss Lois Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont; Mr. Jack Perry, Port Perry, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGill and Master Garth with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Boitowdale, Oshawa. Mrs. W. A. Wright, Tyrone, Is spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. William Stainton, Drono, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. MVilton Stainton and Clarence on a motor trip to Uxbridge, visiting Mir. and Mrs. Wilmot Brent and M4r. Will Brent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorland wvere Sunday visitors at Mr. and M.rs. Stanley Turner's, Oshawa. Mrs. Jack Herod and Charles, Weston; Mrs. H. Flewelling, To- ronto; Mrs. Lorne Griffin and Jean, Purpie Hill. were Friday affernoon callers at Mr. iRussell Griffin's and Mr. John Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson's, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Bowmanville, with Mr. Carl Fer- gusons. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm, Gail and Bonnie. Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin andi Lloyd, Blackstock; Mr. Roy Tre- vin, Toronto, with Mrs. M. Tre- vin and Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewin. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman. Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and family at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm's, Union. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Clare and Douglas, at Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston 'isited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson. Toronto. There are many bad colds, stif f necks and such like stili going te rounds in our community and we hope fhey will soon clean âway. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Cmily, Purple Hill, were Sunday isitors with her parents, Mn. and \s. Walter Oke. Your nearest dealer seils o M J. Gay -_____ R. Oke ._ _ _ _ _ A. Osborne H. Moses -____ ____ R. Halîman____ Dr. Rundie - Dr. Shemon -______ T. Bagnehi E. Brock -___ ___ F. Williams C. Bickel________ D. Taylor M. ______ R. McKnight K. Luxton ___ ____ APiper.______ P.Cancilla________ B.Westlake ______ B. Bates -_______ R. Hearle H. Palmer - _ _ _ _ M. Dale _______ H. Depew G. Piper --_ _ _ _ _ T. Miller __----____ R. Maynard D. McKnight 200 238 235 232 230 229 227 226 223 220 219 218 218 1216 215 215 214 213 212 211 206 205 205 203 203 203 203 203 201 200 PONTYPOOL A large number attended the bann-raising af Mn. Alvin Olan's on Monday. The weather was cold and wcf but everything went fogether good and the barn was parfly sheathed that nighf. Sev- eral ladies assisted in senving hot caffee during the affernoon and a good suppen was served at nighf. Since that time the barn is almost completed. Almost 100 per cent cf alh labor was do- nated free and Mr. Olan is veny grafeful toalah wha contribufed their time s0 willingly. The retunn match between Bethany and Onono was piayed last week at Befhany. Onono used a diffenent twirIcý and xîepc the Bethany sluggens well sub. dued. Onono evened the count by winning 7-3 and the final game is at Orono on Wednesday. Er- rons Played a big part in aîl the scoring, while Edmunds pitched another good game. Wednesday's tilt should be a real contcst. Enumenafors have been ap- Red Moses was the hottest man at the emporium on Wednesday nlght. Red reglsfered the hlgh single to date this year with 349 and wcnt on to set up the hlgh triple for the firsf schedule with a total of 862 made up of 349, 254, 259 for an average of 287. Moses' team also wenf crazy and reg- isfercd the high team score of 3558. In other words it was Red Moses' riighf.. Jack Gay, broken thumb and all, fook over first place'-in the averages with 238 from AI Os- borne who droppf d from 242 to 232. President Russ Oke held down second position with 235. A lot of the boys were really out for low honors and Bob Cale set a new record with 74, Ah Piper bowled 94, Sid Nichols 106, Jack Lander 110, H. C. Osborne 112 and Matt Harrison 114. Besides Red Moses there were other good bowlers. Ab Piper had 311, Russ Halîman 30 and Carl Bickell 300. Russ Hailman had a nice triple of 753. Ross McKnight 715, Carl Bickell 714 and Russ Oke 711. Aliey Gossip Captain Ted Hoar is flot setting a very good example fo the rest of the bowlers on his team and turned in a nice triple of 425. Blaine Elliotf's new bowling shoes are not wonking the way they should with the result Blaine had a 436 triple. Maxie Yourth can relax now that the basebaîl season is over and he should be able to bawl a lit fIe better. Team Standing Team W L Pts. Bagneli - 8 4 19 Little ____ 8 4 19 Oke___ _ 8 4 19 Moses _____ 7 5 17 Elliott-_____ 7 5 16 Westlake_____ 6 6 1.5 Osborne 6 6 14 Taylor _____ 6 6 13 G. Piper 6 6 13 A. Piper 5 7 12 McKnight____ 3 9 7 Hoar 2 10 4 isions f0, get the voters' lists pre- pared. You can assist fhem a great deal by finding ouf if you - are on the list. We have missed our old friend, Mr. Green. local C.P.R. agent,.' who has been on holidays in Montreal and other parts. We sincenely hope hât an enjoyable- time was had by Mr. and Mrs.. Green. Potato buyers are busy In the community trying to buy local spuds. Quality is very good but. yield much lower than usual. Two dollars per bag is expecfed to be the prce for the local pro- duct. We have Christmas tree buy.- ers cutting trees already for the- Amenican trade. A lot of these trees wîll be loaded on cars here for shipmenf elsewhere. Don'f forget the anniversary services on Sunday, Cet. 28. Rural postal delivery routes sfretch aven 116,000 n'i1eF iviCan- ada and ~;cZ6,5 rural mail' Lujxes. TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Stcamnshîp Consult i J U R & LO0V EL L Bowmanville THE RADIO CAB Anylime -:- Anywhere PHONE 561 At Night - In Emergency Six Modern Cars ..- Ail Passengers Insured Prompt Efficient Service T X Operated by Laihangue Bros. SERVICE L ' P A Y A WA'Y PLAN TffE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARTO r - SHEET METAL WORK AND ROT AIR HEATING *HOT AIR FURNACES *AIR CONDITIONING *OIL BURNERS *ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING SWork estimated without obligation will eonform to 10w overhead at my new location. SELHBY GIRANT 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWMANVILLE PHIONE 2674 r ~ INO TAXI eda"