THE CANADIAN STATESM n. wmuvV1?..z rUI'ATAM BRING YOUR PWAY CASH* ANDDÉ MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS .-8ç OT5cPRA 'Tarn Back for Additional Classified BIRTHS DARCH - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Darch (neeGwendolyne Tennant) are proud to announce the birth of their son, David Alan, on 'Wednesday, Oct. 10, 1951, at Tor- onto Gerieral Hospital. 42-1* HANCOCK-Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hancock are happy to an- nàotnce the birth of thcir daugh- ter, Mary Eflen, in Royal Victoria Hlospital, Barrie, on Thursday. NELLES-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Seles announce the birth of their daughter, Janice Marie, at Belleville Hospital on October 15, 1951, a sister for Carolyn. 42-l* TERRY -Wallace and Bernice, Terry (nee Ellis) are happy toý annaunce the birth of their son, Wallace Eugene, at Bowmanville Memoriai Hospital on Wednesday. October 3rd, 1951. 42-i* ENGAGEMENTS -Mr. and Mrs. A. Ritchie, Orono, wish ta announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Jean Elizabeth, to Everett Lavern Harness, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Harness, Antioch. The imarriage to take place November 17th. 42-1* DEATHS ANNIS-At the Oshawa Hospital on Manday, October 8th, 1951, Allin Foster Annis, K.C., LL.B., beloved husband of Edith U. Neff and father of Mrs. George Gibian (Catherine) af Northamp t on, Mass., and Athur Ciifton. The funeral was held at Luke-Mc- Intosh Funcral Home, 152 King Street East, .Oshawa, where ser- vice was held October 10tb, at 8:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanviiîe Cemnetery. 42-1 1RAWKINS, William R.-At Mcm- orïel Hospital, Bowmanville, on Friday, October 12th, 1951, Wil- liam R. Hawkins, aged 85 years, beloved husband of the late Jane .knn Aluin, and dear father of Leita (Mrs. John J. Oliver), Buf- tala, N.Y. Mm. Hawkins ested nt the Morris Funerai Chapel until Sunday noan. Then at the residence, 72 Division St., for ser- vice on Monday, October lSth, at 2:30 parn. Interment Orono Cpm- ètery. 42-1 74ORN, Edna T.-At ber late e- sidence, 489 Simcoe St. N., Osh- awa, an Thursday, October I lth. 1951, Edna Truli, beioved wife of C. Edgar Horn and dear mother et Acy Lorraine (Mrs. Percy .A.Iin), Oshawa. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday. Oct. 13thW, at 2 p.m. Interment Hamp- ton Cemetery. 42-1 PATTERSON, Hattie Comstck- At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Wednesday, Oct. Ith, 1951, Nattie Comstock, wife ai the late David Patterson in ber 76th vear. The funeral was held from the home oi hem daugbter, Mrs. G. L. McGee, Orano, at 2:30 p.m., Oct. 13th. Interment Orano Cemetemy. 42- 1 NOTICE Dr. W. M. Rudeli's office wIll be closed from Manday, Oct. 15 to Saturday, Oct. 20, inclusive. 41-2 Purchase your sixth series Canada Savings Bonds from M. H. "'Monty" Goslett, Agent. Phone 452. 42-1' The Municipal Council of the Township of Manvers have passed a By-Law prohibiting the Hunting of Deer any place in the munici- paiity. 42-I I wish ta make it knawn that it was not Charles Severs who complaincd about dancing at the Beach. Signed: Harry Depew. 42-i Beginning Nov. ist ai this year ail garbage collections wili be raised* ta twenty-fivc cents per week.*1 Garbage Collectors of Bowmanviile. î Please notice that the afterî tea and bazaar sponsored b: Cathoiic Women's League ci J'oseph's Church will be hel the Lions Community Ce: from 3 p.m. ta 6 p.m., on Fi Nov. 9, and nat on Oct. if wpeviously published. Notice to Hunter There will be a two-dayp sant hunt in DarlingtonT Oct. 26th and 27th. Licenses available at the following ph CliffPethick. Enniskillen:( Wilbur, Hampton, Archie Vii Ityrone and H. Sweetman. C tice. License entitles holde shoot foxes and rabbits in township from Oct. 26th ta 20th.4 O Retister Tues. Fri., 4 - 6 pan, for Ballet, Scotc Tap - Union Ha 19 Klng St.. E IREXIE HARVI A.C.C .M., R.M.1 42-2* rnoon y. the :)f St. hd in entre, ida"' 42-11 rs COMING EVENTS. Lions Club Community Auction Sale, Saturday, October 27th, in Memorial Arena, Bowmanville. 41-3 The Goodyear Recreation Club euchre Friday, October 19. 8 p.m., at Goodyear Recreation Hall. 42-1 Kinsmen Bingo Mondav, Oct. 22nd, 7:30 p.m., in the Bowman- ville Badminton Club, 5c a game. 42-1 Reserve SaturdaY. Dec. 8th. for Salvation Army Home League an- nual bazaar and sale of home cooking. Afternoon tea will bel served. 41-2 The Memoriai Park Association euchres will be held at the Ontario Street school at 8 p.m., Tuesday nights. 42-1 Shiloh W.A. bazaar wiil be held on Friday ex'ening, October 26th, 1951, at Starkville with a fine program and lunch. 42-1* Enfield Thank-Offering Service Sunday evening, Oct. 21, at 7:30. Rev.. D. Lute, of Tyrone, xiii preach. Special music. 42-11 Shiloh Anniversary service, Oct. 21; 1951. at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. L. H. Turner, New- castle. Musi.c by Wesleyvillc Chair. 42-1* Durham Chapter, O.E.S., fsý holding an aftemnoon tea and bazaar on Friday, October 26th, in the Memoriai Aena, fmom 3 ta 5 p.m. Tea 25c. Evemyone wel- came. 42-i Dance in Tyrone Community Hall, Friday, Oct. I9th, 1951, Ruth Wilson and Hem Variety Band. Sponsomed by Tymone Juvenile Band. Admission ta dance, 50c. 42-1* Attend the COF. Vaiety Dance at Varcoe's Pavilion, Thursday, Oct. 18. Round and squame danc- ing ta the music of "The Colum- bians." Admission: ladies 50c. gents 75c. 42-1 Accept this as your invitation tram the Evening Auxiliary toaa tea at St. Paul's Manse. 190 Church St., to-marrow afternoon, Friday, Oct. l9th, from 3 ta 5 25c. 42-1' Mrs. Thomas Gouîd- Sale of work. Saturday, Oct. 2th, at 2:30 p.m. in Union Hall. Ladies' gawns, infants' gowns, aprons, pillow cases, dolîs, chiîdren's wear, home coaking, candy, afternoon tea. Everybody wclcome. 41-2* Bepairs REPAIRS toalal makes of rcfrig- erators, domestic and commercial: mîlkingz coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repaîr Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf Room andi Board ROOM and board available. Phone 3677. 42-1 ROOM and board available for two, preferably men. 27 Odel St., Phone 3441. 42-i Lost LICENSE plate No. 909Z7. Find- er please phone Bethany 14r23, reverse charges. 42-1* Cars For Sale 35 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door Sedan,' in good condition, good tires, heater and fan. Phone 2678. 42-1* 1941 PONTIAC Coach, e-candi- tioned motor, purchaser ta as- sume payments. Phone 3649. 42-1 Livestock For Sale VEAL caîf. A. McRobbie, Phone 2356. 42-1 NINE pigs, ten weeks aid. Phone Port Pcrry 333r3. 42-1 TEN pigs, 75 lbs.; 20 pigs, nine xveeks aId. Allan Dowvn, Phone 2498. 42 - 1 20 GRADE Holstein heifcts, due ta freshen in November. Appiv jH. D. Milîson, Enniskillen, Phone 27J93. 42-2*, PULLETS for sae-300 Hamip.x W\vandotte. 6-montb-old pullets1, laying. $2.50 each. Gordon Met- calf. Nestheton, Phone Part Perrv Real Estate For Sali SEVERAL acres, good land, wi- 6-roomed brick house and oth buildings, near tawn, reasonabl Phone 3427. 42- 35 ACRES of land, large bar driving shed, 8-roomed frar house, well, (in Hampton). Ir mediate possession. Apply Wi frid O. Smale, Hampton, Ont. 42 MANUFACTURING Property, - 1500 sq. ft., so]id masonry buill ing on No. 2 Highway, just ea of Bowmanville, oil-heated, heav wiring, weii lighted. Office ai showroom. Phone Bowmanvil 36317. 40. TWO houses. large garage and Io being 33 and 35 Temperance SI Bownianville,'owned by the lai Mary McFarlane. Immediate poý session of 33. Part cash. Appl John Ireland, 5 Carlysle Ave Phone 2797. 41-2 PORT Hope-$5,800. Modemn bur galow, hardwood floors, extr large garage. This is an excep tional buy at this low price. Boy& man & Gibson, Real Estate ar Insurance Brokers, Whitby, i door south of Post Office. Phon WhitbY 521, evenings 544. 42. NIXON REAL ESTATE Brick bungalow. 5 rooms, batl furnace, hN7dro, hardwood floor venetian blinds. electric fixture! heavy wiring, garage, landscapec $9,000. Terms. 6-raam solid brick bouse, hydri 2-piece bath, lot with propert.ý close ta King St. $4,250, haif casl 8-moom brick house, 3-piece batF ncw furnace, hydro. heavy wiî ing. garage, hardwood floor., $6,500. Beautiful home, 7 oams, modemi conx-eniences, garage. residentia street. $7,500. Possession arrang cd. 8-room solid brick dweliing, a: hcating, 2 bath rooms, new roof new eavestrough, built-in cup boards, good location, garder $8,500. Cement block building, 1,500 sc it. floor space, on Na. 2 Highway îiot far from Bowmanville, ai heated, insulated, office and show. oom. Other prapertv and lots for sale James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvil]E Phone 682 42 -lm GILL REAL ESTATE Solid brick, 9-room home, insulat- ed, hardwood floorsr heavy wir- îing, 2-car garage. lavely lan dscap- ed grounds. $15.900. Solid brick, 9-room home, heavy wiring, hot water heating with ail, large lot. $13.000. Solid brick,' 9-room bungalow, ncwîv decorated, hot water heat- ing. Immediate possession. $10,500. Solid brick, i l-room home, heavy wiring, 3-piece bath, full cellar, furnace, 3-car garage. Immediate possession. Open ta offers. 9-room, frame dweîling, fuill ccl- lar, barn, garage, good garden. $4,000. Farmm at $19.000 - $35.000. Terms. H. G. (Han) GUI, Realtar 78 Kinc St., W. Bowmanvilie Phone Office 3326 Residence 3514 42-1 .S9,000 -six-roomedi, new bouse, three bedrooms, hardwood floors, coal furnace, electrie water heat- cm, heavy wiring, fully insulated. $10,500-100 acres excellent pro- ducing farm. good l0-rooamed frame house, two large barns, silo, hN-dro throughout, permanent Stream, 10 acres good hardwood bush. On comnty road, 5 miles from highway village. Easy temms. Bailey & Taylor Telephone 767 42-1 ATTENTION FARMERS! Each and Every Thursday Afternoon Commencing at 1:30 p.m. Auction Sale of Live Stock and Farmn Produce Each and Every Thursday Evening Commencinz October 25th at 7:30 Aurtion Sale of Furnitture 1 e- th cmr ole. if .n e il- d-4 .st Ile 43 t, ;t., ýte )S- ly , * n - 1d st s , ýs, d . y, s . n BF 'i. 368 NI il !NC rea i. - PA ne'u nev BA coa I93 *anc -S. NO size 207 W'l as1 7Kin US] con The CH] i nr Bol enav $25, SWI cide cast TWi stat coat Mc( sepi alsc 2181 NIN' cheE Spei NO. 300 at1 Cluti 22nc HO( vaci. Sale BovI 6-I TheLM Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising Rates Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. A charge of 25e~ wiIl be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3Ç. x word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion [N MEMORIAMS - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persons or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 3 ' per word; minimum charge 750 cash withoorder. To regular advertisers payable monthly. DispIay Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates AIl Classified Ads. must be in this office not Iate; than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money- (,Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale ROWN fur coat, size 14. Phone 18. 42-1 INE acres of canning corn stalks sheaf. Phone 835. 42-1* 0. 1 Spies, Greenings and Starks, ady now. Phone 2997. 42-1 .,RTS for 1936 Ford, including ýw radiator. Phone Orono lr8. 41-2 * 'TER Carrier Bucket (Pediar) ,v. Phone Oshawa 5-4969. 42-1* .BY pram and play pen: also al or wood heater. Phone 3043. 42-I* :6 CHEV. Coach, good mator (d heater. Apply 8 Liberty St.ý 42-1 * iRGE space heater, medium e, excellent condition. Phone 75. 42-1* INE velour studio couch, good new. Phone 3487 or apply 209 ng St. E. 42-l* 3ED washers, compietely me- .ditioned, reasonably priced. ýRadio Shop. 42-1 ILD'S chrome swing, 3-piece ne winter outfit, size 2-3. 71 ng St. W., Apt. 1. 42-1*I )YS overcoat, 12 - 14 yeams, 'y blue, new condition, cost 5seli for $10. Phone 2902. 42-1 ;EET eider, 50c a gai.: also lr made. B. Darch, haîf mile ;of Salem Schooi, Phone 2298. 42-1 * JO used Congoieum rugs; also it boy's coat; also tweed suit t, size 8 to 10. Phone 3624. 42-1 ýORMICK-DEERING electric )arator, capacity 500 paunds; i colored davcnport. Phone H. 42-1 NE cords of spiit body wood, ýap for cash. APply A. F. ncer, Maple Grave, Highway 2. 42-1 BINGO Cards, 5c per game, the Bawmanville Badminton b, 7:30 p.m., Monday, October i. 42-1 OVER floar palishers and -um cleaners, sec them today. es and Service at Hydra Shap, 'manville. 41-4* IECE Breakfast Suite, chrome ;on table and chairs, leather s, reasonable. J. Worth, 85 i Street. 42-1* NJEW white ash planks; Que- heater, in first class condition; Coleman lamp. Phone 3471, hur Dunn. 42-1 'TAGE, 12 x 16, ta be remov- from premises, built 4 months. my Scymour, P.O. Box 283, vma nvilie. Eonly new Royal Vacuum ner, regular $104,00. ta clear 00, guaranteed. The Radio' , Phone 573. 42-i DLAY Oval cook stove, biac Articles For Sale BEATTY elcctric copper washer, motor and wringer in working order, a bargain at $10. Appiy Claude Smith, Ennîskillen, Phone 2123. 41-4* MEDIUM size Quebec heater. single bcd with spring and coul spring mattress, six-piece wicker set, several hobby power tools. Phone 870. 42-1* 1940 I1 k-ton CHEV. truck, wîth 9' x 6' platform and stock racks, good tires and in excellent mech- anical condition. Phone Port Perry 104r22. 42-1* LAURENTIAN Table Turnips, 75é a bushel at farm; one bushel de- livered $1.25 or two or more bushels, $1.00 each. Leslie Taylor, Burketon, Phone 193r5. 42-1* TWO winter overcoats, boys, sizes 10 and 14; boy's blanket cloth coat, leggings and helmet, brown, sîze 4. AIl in very good condition. Phone Newcastle 2421. 42-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goads and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards widc, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Store«. 23-tf WE measure and instali finest quality venetian biinds, new plas- tic tapes available, easily kept dlean, many colours to choose from. Phone Morris Ca., 480. 29-tf PLUMBING. Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Dumham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates call S. Blain Eliitt, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tt VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat colours, Flexalum, Aluminum or Steel, measurcd and installed free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf GOOD Used trade-in recondition- ed vacuum cleaners, ahl makes, $19.00 and up. Free home demon- stration. Write Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Service, 386 Watem St., Peterborough, Ont. 42-3 TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Wals- glazed tule or plastic, ail colours Floors - ubbem, mastic, lino-tule, quarrie and ceramic. Wiil go an y- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902.1I 2-tf FRAME building, 16' x 20', ex- cellent condition, shecting gaod: anc Beatty force pump, as gaad as new; electric pump jack, ail bath, 3 years aId. Howard Far- der, Blackstack, Phone 197-5 Part Perrv. 42-1* NEW Olaco spreadcrs, $292.00 and Up; fhexible harrows; roadmaster wagons, $129; Bisselh 96-plate discs, standard or hydraulic, $206; wheelbarmows; Woods' chectric cquipment; ductalhoy shames; used plows, wagons, pony disc. Phone Carh Todd, 15-20 Clarke. 41-2* NEW sbipments ai Gohd Seal Con- golcuma and Rexoieum Dehuxe, 2 and 3 yards xide, choose from 40 patterns. Imported Pabco war- ranty floor caverings, in new phea- 104r22. 42-1 and îvory, large sîze, waî'mîng designs. Hahl unners,-- inh -aid Tpand Household Effect3 closet and water tank, in good linoleumn and large selection in rwpare CHINESE and Tououse gese: ttecniin hn 10 21 u ie.Mri oPoe40 S also Muskovy ducks and drakesettecniin Phn210 4-1ruszs.MrsCaPoe8. acesý fo breeding:'also good watch dog, DURHAM COUNTY SALES POTATOES - Spccializing in Na. 29-tf Gord colie fox houind. Phone 27 49. ARENA - ORONO i top quality patataes. Order NEW and used John Decre trac- 1rue 42 -1" your suppiv now. Doug CurI, !tors and machinery. free demon- ~our- (cut this out for reference) Bo-Anvniille, Phone 3101. 20-tf 'stratians for the asking. We have er ta TWO purebred Yorkshire boars, -_ Ali Sales Strictly Cash - CAR Traiher, 79' x 4*22" x 14' high anc used Case tractor, in A-i ithe' five manths, fine pigs, frani prize 1%ith 42" high racks, steel box, shape on new rubber, very mca- Feb. winners at Ex. and Roy'al: also AL. HALL, JACK REID, ha Il hitch, 18" tires. Best aller. sonable. Fess ail space heaters; 42-2* young pigs. Oliver McCullocb, Sales Manager. Auctioneer. :Robert Hicks, R.R. 2, Newcastle, eeti ergrtrsoe n - Lot 35, Con. 8, Darlington. 42-1' 42-21 Ont. 42-1 wasbîng machines can aill be seen Attenton --at F. S. Allen & Sons, John Decre or armers Ateto Personal FOR Home Freezers, Milk Cool- Dealers, Bawmanvillc. Open until Le. e_________________________________ rs, Wasbing Machines, RaîeIl p.m. Phone 2833. 42-1 h, WE wîll be pleased ta pick up HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbcr service on milk coohers and Sdead or crippled farm animaIs goods) mailed postpaid in plain motors. that wiring job or anv- Vanted To Rent E. and pay higbest prevailing prices. sealed envelape with price list thing elcctric. Trade-in or Terms. -______________ EVY For immediate service Telephonej Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00J Consijît Werry & Son Electric. TWO or three fumnîshed or un- .T. Coilect, Toronto Empire 3-36:36orMi Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub. dealer., for Woods Eiectric Farm fumnished roonis or apartment, 3 4.-2Cbr 126W.Godo Youngib«Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Equîpment, Enniskillen, Phoneibusiness aduits. Write Box 637,1 Co2o2 r 12L6W4Gardo 42 er1-52 Bowmanville 2539. d1-3 c/a The Statesmaan Office. 42-1' Articles For Sale WAGON and Trailer AxIes. Your choice of Chev., Ford or Dodge wheeis either 15" or 16" s0 your own spare will work. Price only $30 each, while they last. This includes: axie, hubs, wheels, tires and tubes, ail assembled, iined up and painted. Springs $10.00 a pair extra, if desired. Please note that this special offer is only good while present stock iasts so order eariy. Sisson'. Garage, Phone Orono 1031. 34-Li RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart Martha Washington and Rich- iedge stainless three piece bath- room sets white $160.00 to $189.00. Coloured $274.00 complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning fumnaces $2ýq5.00. Special offers ta plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Catalogue includes litho photos of main fixtures, prices and instal- lation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pressure water systems, oil burn- ers, septic and oil tanks etc. Visit or write Johnson Mail Order Di- vision, Streetsville Hardware, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261. Evenings 51r15. 31-tf Pets For Sale FOX and deer hounds, two years, $35. Phone 2754. 42-1 Wanted To Buy ONE good used harmmermill. Write Box 659, c/o Statesman Of- fice. 42-1 HOUSE trailer, in good condition. Write Jack Arnold, Bowmanville Post Office. 42-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r13, reverse charges. 51-tf AUCTION SALE I have receivcd instructions ta selI by public auction for Mm. Hosken Smith on Thursday, Nov. lst, aIl his farmn stock and im- plements, hay, grain and a quan- tity of fumniture at Lot 3 0Cn_. 8, Darlington Township, atEn field. Sale at 1 p.m.. Ted Jack- son, Auctioneer. 42-21 Manday, October 29th-Auction Sale ai Farm Stock, Implements, Fumniture, Etc., property ai Mrs. Otto Virtue, Lot 3, Con. 8, Dam- lington Twp., 4 miles east of En- niskillen. Real Estate ta be af- fered for sale at same time and place, 200 acres xith farmn build- ings. Reserve bld. Temms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 42-2 50 Head ai Cattle - cows. springers, Holstein heifers and stnekers, 12 Hereford calves, weighing about 325 pounds, pro- perty af Roy Lavis & Son, Lot 4, Con .3, East Whitby Township, near Maxweîl's School, 1 mile west of Taunton, Saturday. Oct. 20th, at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve. H. Mackie, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctianeer. 41-2* Mm. Martin Prazienka, Lot 21. Con. 3, East Whitby Township, 2 miles west ai Oshawa, on No. 2 Highway and 1 Concession north, bas sold his farm, and will scll by public auction on Saturday, November 3rd, at 1 p.m. sharp, ahi bis farmn stock, implements, hay, grain and some fumniture. For further particulars sec buis. Terms cash. Jack Reid, Auc- tioneer. 42-3 FARN SOLD AUCTION SALE Lîve Stock, Implements, Feed and Household Furniture, Etc. 1 have received instructions tramn Mr. Taiberi Kelleti ta seli by public auction on the premnises LOT 16, CONCESSION 2. MANVERS TWP. 2 miles east of Pontypobl on County Road aon Wednesday, Oci. 241h at 12 Noon Sharp The foliowing: HORSES Brown Mare; Brown Horse, Grey Team. HEREFORD CATTLE Cow, 8 yrs., due March 30; Cow, 4N rs., due March 10; Cow, 4 yrs., due March 18; Cow, 3 yms., due Mamch 14; Heifer, 2 yrs., due March 4. STOCKER CATTLE 2 Hereford Steers, 2 yrs. aid; 2 Hereford Heifers, 2 yrs.; Hereford1 Heifer, year old; 2 Hereford Steers, year aid; Hereford Bull, il months; Hereford Steer, Il months; 2 Hereford Calves, heuf- SHEEF Thirteen Suffolk Ewes; One Suffolk Ram, Registered. MACHINERY M.-H. Grain Binder, 6 it., near- iy new; F. & W. 011 Bath Mower, 5 ft.;, Scufflers; Mc.-Deering 13- disc Dril; Hay Rack; Cockshutt No. 5 Manure Spreadcr; Inter- national 13-tooth Cultivator; Mas- sey-Harris Steel Rahier; Fanning Mill and Bagger; 4 Section Har- rows with draw bar: 5 Section Harrows with draw bar, for horse or tractar, new, Junk; Kid Kan- garoo Plaw; Scales, 2000 ibs.; Single Plow; Toboggan Sleighs, new; King Wyse Potato Grader, nearly new; M.-H. Cream Separ- ator, No. 9; Pulper; Steel Trucks; Rubber Tire Buggy: Cutter; Plea- sure Sieighs: Grain Bags: Sap Buckets; Wheclbarrow; Chumn; Cedar Posts; 40 rd. Woven Wire. new; Drums: Barrels: Mail Box: Chains: Whiffletrees: Neck Yokes: Scraper; Pig Box; Wire Stretcher; Forks, Hoes, and many other FEED 1000 Bushels ai Mixed Grain; 300 Bales af Mixed Hay; 150 Bales of Timothy Hay; 25 Tans Loase IHay. HARNESS Set Team Breeching Harness; Set of Plow Hamness; Set Single 1-arness; Horse Collars, Etc. FURNITURE Tables, Chairs, Sideboards, Dishes, Radios, Coleman Lamp, and many other articles. Auctioneer's Remarks: This ls a real opportunity ta purchase san-ie fine stock and implements. The stock are real quality and the machinery good as new and well carcd for. Don't miss this Sale'. Terms Cash Positivcly No Reserve Ken Moses, Clerk R. J. PAYNE, Auctioneer. 42- 1 Help Wanted WANTED - girl or boy for grill and counter. Write Box 658, c/o Statesman Office. - 42-1 * WOMEN wanted ta wrap parcels for fall shipping season at Brook- dale - Kingsway Nurseries. 42-2 MEN WANTED - To help with Faîl shipping, Apply Brookdale- Kingsway Nurseries, near C.N.R. We have eceivcd instructions MAN tao bandle local deaîership tramn the administrator ai the in this district for Sales & Ser- estate ai the late Mrs. James vice business. Car necessary. Souch, 32 Odeli St., Bowmanville, Write District Manager, 466 Boî- ta seli by public auction on Sat- ivar St., Peterborough, Ont. 42-3 urday, October 27th, at 1 bedroom. living-room, dining- WANTED - Man for steady moam and kitchen furniture, glass- travel amang consumers in Bow- ware, dishes, linen, beddîng, Elec- manville. Permanent connection trolux vacuum cheaner: Singer with large manufactur-er. Oniy sewing machine, radios, rugs,' reliable bustIer considercd. Write garden tools. Terms cash. No Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-J-140-131, eserve. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. Montreal. 41-3 42-2 GIRL or woînan for housework undrsin-in Toronto. Separate moom, most WOOD SALE-The nesg- evenings free. Ideal working con- ed auctioneer will seli by public'dîtiorîs in good home. $15 per auction on Xednesday, October ek AplM.BsinPhe 31, for Mr. J. Grace, Lots 26' 27wek ApyM.BsinPhn zii, ijaiSingtoni, ,au Aliee as or Courtîce on No. 2 Highwav and iîaîth to woods, Armiour Farm> five acres, more or less, of stand- ing timber - hemlock, basswood. cîni, maple. hevech, birch and cedar, ta bie sold ini quarter acrel lots, more or less. Purchasers xviii be given until April 1, 1953, ta rernave timbeî- <other particulars will bc gîvcn at limne ai sale) Note:- There is a large quantity oi gond timber in tbis sale suitabl e for lumber and vau wihl be well advised ta attend sanie. Sale at 1:30. Ternis cash. Elmer Wilbur. Auctioneer. 42-2 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked Up Promptly HORSES, ('OWS, HEIFERS. SHEEP, F165 and CALVES (We pay for hot-ses and cows) AMAZING profits can be made in a door ta door business. No isk, no indebtedness. 250 guaranteed household necessities at a wonder- fuI discount. Why wait? Find out for yourseli by writing ta Familex, 1600 b Delorimier, Mont- real. 42-i HONEST, reliable man with busi- ness abîhity for permanent sales and service position. High camn- ings. Car essential. Married pre- ierred. Write Sales Manager, Filter Queca Bagless Vacuum Cheaner Ca., Peterborough, Ont. 42-3 Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- tan, for customn killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf PROPERTY SOL» AUCTION SALE The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. R. R. McClung ta selI by public auction at LOT 15, CON. 8, HOPE" TOWNSHIP at Garden Bill . eommencing at 1:00 o'cloek à~ Saturday, October 20 The Followlng Valuable, Nearly New Furniture, Truek, Tools TRUCK 1949 Fard 1-on Pickup, actual mileage 14,000, spotiess condition, full length laddcr racks. FURNITURE Coldspot Electric Refrigerator, il cu. ft., near ncw; Kenmore Electrie Range, full size, near new; Kenmorc Electric Washer, near new: Floor Lamps; G.E. Vacuum Cleaner, and attach- ments, near new: 2-piece Wool Frieze Chesteilield Suite, near new; Willis Upright Piano, per- fect condition; Oak Rocker; 4- piece Wainut Bedroom Suite, with springs and inncr-spring mattress, near new; 3-piece Walnut Bcd- room site, with springs and inner-spring mattress; Chairs; Oak Dinnette Table and 4 Chairs; Wal- nut End Table; Dinner Set, ser- vice for 12; Walnut Cabinet; 2 Congoleum Rugs; Silvertane Elec- tric Radio with Walnut Cabinet near new; Dishes; Cooking Uten- TOOLS - EQUIPMENT Electric Table Saw with 1 h.p. motor, 110-220 volts, new; 1/3 h.p. Electric Mator; Rubber-tired Wheelbarrow; Cement M i x e r; Myer's Orchard Sprayer, Steel Vice: Gasolîne Tomch; 10 rod Poultmy Fence; Pipe Vice; 32 ft.' Extension Ladder;, twa 24 ft. Ex- tension Ladders; 2 squares Steel Roofing: Lawn Mower; Shovels; Tools; Myer's 3,000 gai. per hour Pump and 3-horse motor, 15 ft. af Suckem Pipe. Remarks: This sale offers the, finest fumniture I have had the privilege of selling for some time, it aIl being practically new. Plan to attend this large sale. Terms Cash Posltively No Reserva W. LORD. JACK REID, Cler<. Auctloneer. 42-1 IN MEMORIAM,> COUCH-In lôdving memory aif my busband, Harmy Couch, who passed away Oct. 25th, 1950: I think ai hlm in silence, His name I oit recaîl; There is nothing left ta answer But his picture on the wail. -Always remembered by hi* wifc, Sadie. 42-1 FOWLER-ln loving memnory nt aur dear Mother and Dad who passed away in October: In aur bearts your memary lingers, Always tender, fond and truc; There is nat a day, dear Dad and Mother That wc do nat think of you. -Ever remembeî-ed and sadiy' misscd by sans and daughters. 42-10 GA#ROD-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, *John William Garrod, wha passed away Oct. i8th, 1942: There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance iast forever. -Lovingly mcmembered by wife and family. 42-1' LEWIS-In loving memary of aur beloved son, Arthur Edward Lewis, who passed away October I4th, 1933:, Nothing can ever tak.. away The love a heart !2ad ,e.-4 Fond memaries linger evé.y Jaf Remembrance keeps hîrni r3a. -Ahways remcmbcmed by Dad and Mother. 42-1 MAYNARD-In loving memary of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. William Maynard, who passed away Oct. l3th, 1949: Evening stars shine on the grave, 0f anc we loved but could not save, The caîl was sudden, the shock severe, To lose the one we loved so dear. It is sweet ta know we'il meet again When troubles are no more And that the anc we ]oved so wcII Has just gane on before. -Sadly missed by hu§b@WWil- liam and daughters, BeSà 2ý and Arietta and familles. ' 42-1 SPRY-In Ioving* memary of a dear wife and mother, Mildrcd Spry, wha passed away October 28th, 1943: We do not forget you, for do we intend, We think af you often, and will ~ ta the end; Gone and forgotten by morne you may be But dear to aur memory you ever will be. -Ever remembered by Fred, Lyness, Jean and families. 42-1l -- CALL S-(OL-.T- 1 BRAKE DRUMS! Waflted - CAL USCOLLCT - Lathing, Honing and Grlndins LIVE HORSES Wc specialize in corplete WANTED -Live poultry, os 2 - 3e for crippled and aId BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE iran and metal. Dial Oshawa horses. Phone 904 - Bowmanville 54 912 collect, or write I. Turner, Nargwill Fur Faru 32tl North Oshawa. 36-8 T V Rire F'hone Bowmanvalle 267.1 Turn Page for Addiiional Classiled ,. , A 1" . i.' 4 I j'. .1.A.A.k....~.êI.4A AS A.j A.i.îi.A.À,A. ~ ~ A..'.,. *~ .1' ?JM BIATKEN qqrm-qmlqp fumuRýNUM f*,lý