W'KU~SDAY. ~ lSth, 1951 aTjz lVTTA. rArmA% - -.--..- " ."-.. VJ.LLrF, O.JNTIOd Stcurt Shopping - ut BRESLIN'SE TODAY! SAVE ON CHILDRENIS BLUE DENIM BIB OVERALLSÇ Sizes 2 to 6 yearu ON SALE$ll SAVE ON FULL LENGTH MISSES' STATION WAGON COATS Full Mouton (sheared lamb> Collars ON SALE $2450 SAVE ON BETTER MISSES' and WOMEN'S FALL D R ESS %ES.Ç- Reg. ta $19.95 ON SALE $8088 SAVE ON MISSES' GABARDINE SKIRTS Sizes 12 ta 20 Reg. $4.98 ON SALE 53.27 GIRLS' WARM SKI PYJAMAS Sizes 4 ta 12 years ON SALE$24 Hleavy buying - bad weather - poor business - catches us with so mucbh overstock that the seams of our stores are splitting . .. and our inventery blues mean bargains for you! We've got truckloads of bargains in our stores for you to grab at . . . prices in many cases way below cost! We know we'1l be mobbed, jammed, thronged . .. so get here early! This is a going, going, gone Sale and you won't want to miss any of it. NO REFUNDS - TERRIFIC VALUE! MISSES' FULL LENGTH STATION WAGON C DAIS With large fuit raccoon collars. ON SALE 5 39*951* SAVE ON LADIES' COATS Regular ta $37.50 ON SALE........ $24@5 Regular to $49.50 $45 ON SALE .........«$45 Regular ta $79.50 ON SALE ......... $45 BOYS ALL-WOOL FRIEZE WINDBREAKERSI Sizes 24 ta 36 Regular $3.98 ON SALE 2 4 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Carduray or Gabardine, Lined REGULAR $16.95 and $19.95 ON SALE 59.87 ME N'S WORSTED SUITS Single and double breosted models of rayon and wool. ON SALE -$29090 NO EXCHANGES, PLEASE ME" IBBED CTTONl COMBINATION UNDERWEAR Long Sleeves - Ankie Length ON SAL$109 MEN'S ALL-WOOL ENGLISH GABARDINE TOPCOATS REGULAR $49.50 and $55.00 ON SALE $534e77 FINEST QUALITY CAREFULLY TAILORED MEN'S SUITS REGULAR TO $79.50 MEN'S ALL-WOOL "DIXON" and ""RHODES"* TROUSERS ON SALE$54.93 YOUTHS' STATION WAGON CODAS AWAY BELOW COST Sizes 32 - 34 - 36 ON SALE $9099 MEN'S SWEATERS HALF PRICE AND LESS!y Ali-wool Grand Mere Knit pullover or cardigan styles. REGULAR TO $7.95 ON SALE $ 397 SAVE ON IBOY.S' FLANNELETT-E PYJAMAS Sizes 8 ta 14 years ON SALE l 9 Sensational Sale of Men's W-ORK PANTS Sold regularly at $3.95 and $4.95 but they haven't been giving proper wear. They look gaad - feel goad - but are not guaronteedl ON SALE $1 099 MEN'S ALL-WOOL TWOD-TONE WINDBREAKERSý REGULAR $5.95 and $6.95 ON SALE 53.97 BOYS' FANCY KNIT COTTON Long Sleeves - Sizes 26 to 32 ON SALE 4d SALE .UKE5LIN$2.S BOWMANVILLE WHITBY AT BREL M h I BOWMANVILLE aund WHITBY 7 ----i ---i ----l M w "M CANADIAN STATIMLffl. dr%%rràioro% 1 ý 1 1