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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1951, p. 7

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J -~ - - FSOCIAL AND PERSONAL I Phione 963 Mr. William H. Yeo attendec the 5th wedding anniversary 0: Mr. and Mns. Robent Grahami south of Newcastle, on Tuesday Mn. and Mrs. Hugh McDenalc and Karlyn spent the weekend ir Toronto with Mn. and Mrs. Ab Cully. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Black, Terry and Janice, bave returned homE aiter visiting hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Vancoe at Roseneath. Mn. and Mrs. L. Bigwood, Osh- awa, and Mn. and Mns. T. Thrond- son and Cbildren, Alberta, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Parry, SKeswlck, visited bis sister, Mrs. Wesley Heard, and niece, Mrs. Gerald Johnson. Mrs. A. D. Wheelen, Bnantford, and Mn. and Mrs. Alan Campbell, Toronto, have been guests of Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Southey. Misses Diane Halîman, Bey. enly McRobbie and Master Gary Cole entertained at Oshawa Ced- ardale Home & Scbool Association on Monday evening. Mrs. Charles Gardon Penwand- en. fonmeniy Mary Henietta Van Eyk, Long Sault, was guest of honon at a cup and saucer show- er held at the home cf Mrs. Han- old Murphy, Tynone. A dainty lunch was enjeyed by ail. Mn. and Mrs. Geo. W. Jamcs were in Waterloo Monday attend- ing the funenal of hen uncie, Mn. Cyrus Hemphill who died sud- denly on Satunday in bis 8lst yean. Mr. Hemphill was well known thnougheut Western On- tario in Masonie circles, baving held bigh offices and been very active for many yeans in that fra- ternity.& On October 10, St. Paul's C.G. I.T. held its Tbanksgiving wership service and meeting, with Bar- bara Cryderman and Jean Gib- son Presiding. Miss Creassen con- ducted the candle-light worship service. Aften finishing decora- tions for tbe ceming pantv, Ruth Rombough and Betty Carruthers led in some relay games and a gamle of Musical Islands. Si. John's Anglican Church Rev. Warren Turner B.A., B.D. 7p.rn. HOUir COMMUNION 'JHORAI. COMMUNION 'tvith an instruction on the service EVENSONG and Installation of A.Y.P.A. Officers Sermon: "WVhat Is Salvation* St. Paul's Evenmng A' met on Oct. 15 at the h( Mrs. Alex McGregor. Mr, nen conducted the worshi vice. Mns. Dunn sanga -How Lovely is Thy Di Place." Scriptune passagei nead by Mrs. Hall and Mn ruthens. Miss Margaret Mi or gave a most interestir count cf ber trip to Mo and Moose Factory Island ests ien- lce rch, re: nrs, Mrn. Mrn. Mrn. ind nrs. us- 'y' nrs. - ~TM CANqADIAN STATESMAIT, BOWMANV1LLE, ONTAfIO PAS!SEEB ,uxiliary ore of s. Tur- ip ser- a solo, welling s were s, Car- olcGreg- ing ac- ,osonee d. Among the out-of-town gue from. ths district at the Lanm idHare wedding which took pli at St. James United Chur Parry Sound, Saturday, we Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McFeetE Mr. and Mrs. Art Hooper, 3 and Mrs. Ray Lathangue, I Glen Turney, Mr. Roy Hall, 3~ and Mrs. Ross Richards, Mn. a Mns. Aylmer Beech, Mr. and M Gordon Beech, Mr. and Mrs. Ai tin Larmer. Doris and Wallac4 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cover SYlvia and Sheila, Mr. and M David Scott Park and family,i tended a baptism service in Tri ity United Church, Peterboroug Sunàay morning. Baby Walt Scott Park, son of Mr. and Mi James Park, Petenborough, w baptized. After the service famiiy gathering was held at t) home of Mr. and Mrs. Park whe: everyone enjoyed a delicious tu key dinner. The fortbcoming Provinci Election to be held on Thursda >Nov. 22- was brought home 1local residents of Bowmanvil and Durham County this weE when the Enumerators were gg ing from bouse to house askir for names of the residents. A these names will be tabulated t( day - if you haven't been calle on you had betten check wit your Ward Enumerator today 1 make sure your name is on thi Voters' Lists. People making th enumenation in town are: Mr Leo Dumas, Mrs. Garfield Clarki Mrs. Lawrence Goddard. Mr Fred Cole, Clarence Hall an William Tait, Sr. Nine Infants Baptized Sundlay At Trinity Church At the baptismal service ii Trinity United Church last Sun day morning, fine infants weri presented for the Sacrament o Baptism administered by Rev. S R. Henderson. These were: Laur. el Jan, daughter of Dr. and Mrs Keith Slemon: Reid Norman, sor of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen Patricia Margaret, daughter o: Dr. and Mns. Wm. RudeIl; Sylvia ýAnn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Cuthbert McDonald; Stepher James, son of Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Martyn; Lynn Kathryn, daugb- ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thomp- son; Janice Darlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marven Allen; Don-» ald Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark and Gerald Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmen Bant- ng. Plans:- i...J__________ ? Beginnens & Primary You'ne in tune with the tnend 3 10 a.m.j whcn you solve evenyday prob- Juniors & Seniors 10.45 arn lems through Statesmnan Classi. fide Ads. For Action and Profit tepoe663. TRJNITY UNITED CHURCI ANNIVERSARy ý4fhank-Offering Services SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2lst 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship 12:15 p.m. - Sunday School 7:00 p.m. - Evening Worship ANNIVERSARY SPEAKER Rev. Noble Hatton, B.A. OF NAPANEE -Special Music hy Choirs - Bey. S. R. Menderson, B.A., B.D., Minister M.D. C. Peters, Miss Phyllis Challis, L.T.C.M., Director of Music A.T.C.M., Organist ÇANAVA AVING r OND SCAP5V.K - 5y Jacques trPast Masters' Night SLN -s.1S LN as Well Attended At___ a ersaem Lo g Solina W. I. met in the church ______ basement with the President Mrs. ýre 1 . Hardy in the chair. Letters of r- An estimated 100 members of thanks for gifts were read, as the Masonic Craft attended the well as communications from al annual 'Past Masters' Night" of Miss Jean Noble regarding Junior JerualemLodge, A.F. & A.M., Girls' Club work. A pen-letter 3'No. 31. Bowmanville, Wednesday, fromn an English Institute in le Oct. 10, at which Rev. Bro. R. Yorkshire was read. Roll call was ek M. Seymour, Enniskillen, was answered with a variety of apples.c ro guest speaker who was introduced Plans were completed for the f ngby Bro. M. J. Hobbs. bazaar on Thursday. Oct. 25 and Ul During the evening a toast to various committees were appoint-k >._ the King and Craft was made by ed. It was decided to charter aC ed V. W. Bro. A. Northcutt, and bus for a trip to Toronto to thea th toast to Grand Lodge was pro- W. I. Convention on Tuesday, to posed by W. Bro. J. Baker and Nov. 6. Mrs. Percy Dewell, lead-c e responded to by W. Bro. H. L. er of Group One under the head- FI he Durkin. Port Perry. Visitors ing of Agriculture and Canadiana rs were toasted by Bro. Tom Turn- Industries, took charge of the r :,er and responses were made by program. Miss Pearl Leach gave t, rs: V. W. Bro. H. Beatty, Port Hope; two short readings. Mrs. David e id R. W. Bro. R. V. Mowbra 'y, Brook- Hall, Hampton, gave a very in- e lin, and W. M. A. B. Finnie, Port teresting talk on "Apples" and aM Hope. demorlstration of various meth- cý Bro. Charles Warren moved a ods of arranging and preparing- vote of thanks to the Past Masters appetizing recîpes. Mrs. J. Smales for putting on the work and ex- Jr., played a piano solo. The emplifying the degrees. This mo- group in charge served a de- tion was seconded by Bro. Arnold licious lunch and a social haîf- Lobb. The vote of thanks was hour was enjoyed. The next meet- responded by by V. W. Bro. A. W. !ng will take the formn of a quilt. in G. Northcutt. ing and will be held on Nov. 12. Bro.Hary Frema movd a The sympathy of this commun- Bro.Hary Frema movd aity is extended to Mr. C. Edgar re vote of thanks to the speaker Horn and daughter Acy, Mrs. )f ýubsequent to his address at the Percy Allin and family, on thé' meeting attended by members of udnpsigoalvr *the Craft from Port Hope, Brook- anddmen asnr fa oigwf slin, Port Perry, Kingston, Orono admohr nWindsor and Whitby as. weîî as Several farmers fromn here at- 'Bowmanville, tended the International Plow- rf The chairs were occupied by: îng Match near Woodstock. aW. Bro. Ken Werry, I.P.*M.; Bro. Mrs. D. Britton and Mrs. Sum- 5Robert Fenton, organist; W. Bro. mrers. Toronto, visited at Mrs. H. nRoss Stevens, S.D.; W. Bro. James Harris'. Marr, S.S.; W. Bro. M. L. Clem- Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin and' ens. Chap., W. Bro. Ross Stutt, children, Mrs. H. Harris and Bill Treas.: R. W. Bro. E. H. 13rown, motored to Treniton where they fSecretary; W. Bro. L. C. White, had the pleasure of a close view D. of C.; W. Bro. P. R. Cowling, of Princess Elizabeth and Prince J.W; W. Bro. J. S. Emerson, J.D.; Philip and enjoyed the impres- W Bro. E. E. Staples, S.W.; W. sive ceremony held in their hion- Bro. W. B. Reynolds, J.S.; W. or. Bro. H. G. Joint, I.G. Mrs. H. Harris and Billie visit- Those assisting were: W. Bro. ed at Mrs Frank Disney's at igIt. L. T. McLaughlin, W. Bro. j. Zion. Baker, W. Bro. O. Nicholas, W. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomn- Bro. R. E. Logan. ery. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe enjoyed a pleasant weekend mo- tor trip through Western On- WEDDING Mr' and Mrs. Roy Grills, Glen, Bruce an aoln Mrs. John BURNHAM - HIRCOCK Grills, Valentia, were Sunday guests at Messrs. Wes. Yelloxv- A very pretty wedding took lees' and Ralph Davis'. place Saturday afternoon, Oct. 13, Mrs. Geo. Hamlin and Nancy in Trinity United Church, Bow- visited relatives in Toronto dur-- manville, when Gertrude Louise ing the weekend. Hircock. daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and Mrs. H. T. Hircock, Bowman- Carol visited at Mr. Ross Knox's, ville, was united i n marriage with Brougham . Vernon Richard Burnham, son Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Eb- of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Burnham, enezer, visited at Mr. Harry Cobourg. Boston ferns, bronze Knox's. chrysanthemums and taîl stand- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and ards of white candles formed the children, Brougham, were at Mr. setting for the ceremony perform- John Knox's. ed by Rev. S. R. Henderson. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Ruth Hircock, cousin of the bride, Sr.. visited. at Mr. Nelson Fice's, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and Taunton. "Because," with Miss Phyllis Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brome, Challis acompanying bier and Ronnie and Larry visited at Mr. playing the wedding music. Cecil Disney's, Mt. Zion. The bride. given in marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lorne, by bier father, wore a gown of Dianne and Neil visited at Mrs. white satin and lace with nylon W. A. Ormiston's, Brooklin. Yoke. The lace sleeves came to, Mr. and Mrs. John Cottinghain, a lily point over the hand, and Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Darling and Mrs. the full skirt feIl to a graceful McNeely, Oshawa, Mrs. Fred Bal- train of lace and satin. Her veil son and Mrs. B. Brown,' Courtice, of embroidered tulle illusion was visîted at Mrs. Chas. Blanchard'- gathered to a peari studded The Missionary program at crown and she carried a mauve Sunday School was prepared by orchid on a white Bible. Miss Mrs. Lloyd Broome and includ- Betty Mutton and Miss Helen ed a story presented by Evelyn Jelles werê lber attendants, gown- Taylor. ed alike in green taffeta gowns, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryderman !ashioned with lace yoke, cap visited at Mrs. S. Rundle's, Bow- sleeves and a pleated lace insert mapville. n the front of the full skirt. Thev Mrs. Ross Cryderman visited wore matching lace mittens and hier sister. Mrs. Jackson Wray, affeta and lace hats. Their Oshawa. bouquets were of bronze 'munis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl and William Sinclair, Toronto ' was son, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Mil- groomsman, and Morley Budd ton Peterson and daughter, Jan- and Werner Stomback, both of etville; Mrs. S. E. Werry visited Cobourg, were ushers. ut Mr. J. Kivell's. Receiving at the Balmoral Ho- Miss Pearl Leach visited friends el, was the- bride's mother, in at Brampton. agown of Queen's blue crepe Mr. and Mrs. -Russell Gilbert with lace inserts. With it she visited at Mr. Frank Gilbert's. wore navy accessories and a cor- Mr. and Mrs. George Gilbert ;ge of Pink roses. She was as- Misses Pearl and Ethel Gilbert isted by the mother of the groom Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy; ov wore -à floor length cinna- Hampton, visited at Mr. Russell non lace gown with brown ac- Gilbert's. essories and corsage of Talis- Church service and Sunday nan roses. School will be withdrawn next Following the wedding recep- Sunday, owing to special services ion, the bride and groom left on at Zion. t c ti a w w sa w m Sic an fai oi Trinity W.A. Fair Outstanding Success Trinity Sunday School room was bright with autumn flowers, fruits and vegetables at the W. A. annual Fall Fair Friday after- noon, Oct. 12. Rev. S. R. Hen- derson declared the Fair officially open at three o'clock and crowds flocked to buy aprons, fancy work and knitted goods of ail in.ds and appetizing home-made coo-king, jams and jellies, fruits and vegetables. Patrons of the Fair were wel- comed at the door by Mrs. Stuart R. James, president of the W. A. and were ager customners of the nany booths and tast ' afternoon tea. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by ail those who attend- ed and members of the W. A. vere gratified with the success of this annual event. . 1 CARE NEWS Orono: Miss Lena Taylor, Bow- manville visited at Mr. E. R. Taylor's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milîson and Glenn visited at Mrs. E. M. Carr's and Mr. George Millson's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker ac- companied Mrs. R. L. Snowden, Miss Mildred Snowden and Mr. Bob Snowden of Maple Grove to Georgetown where they visited at Mr. Maurice Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten visited at M. Dan Wotten's, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Poster Snowden, Misses Bessie and Anne Snowden, Mr. Bill Snowden, Kedron, visit- ed at Mr. Joe Snowden's. Mn. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanlev, visited at Mr. Harvey Hardy's and Mr. Arthur Thomp- son's. Bewmanville. Mr. and Mns. Chnis. Cook, Mary, Phyllis, Bill and Chris. Jr., Mr. Ray Gedge, Toîonto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Large and Robbie, Bowmanville, were Sunday visi- tors at Mr. Walter Parrinder's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Balson and family, Kingston; Barbara and1 Carolyn Balson, Bewmanvile; Mr. an-d Mrs. Harold Baison, Genei and Virginia, Hampton, at Mr. A. J. Balson's. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Werry and children visited at M. Noble Metcalfe's. Oshéwa. 1A resident f Bowmanville for the past ten years, William Rich- Btalyuwne doute pae day, Oct. 12, following a stroke. over the telephone, and youn cred- Hl npld C ude- u M. Hawkins had been in poor i t is TOPS! Telephone 663. Planters Peanuts from Rotaians. A eAMArA Ckwimre nà%iktr% @% . 1- 1 ýýLatesma health for several years. Born in Omemee 85 years age, Mn. Hawkins spent a great part cf his life in leading cities of the United States, such as Buffalo, Rochester and Cleveland where hie took the position of head chef in'the largest hoteis of those and other cities. in hus youth hie learned the trade cf brickmaking, being the third genenation in his family to do so. He bad a wide and varied career, baving workedi aiso in logging camps cf Nonthein Ontario, on the Great Lakes boats, and at one time wa? in the retail grocery business, owning three stores in Buffalo. He aise had a period as a landscape gard- ener, and more recentiv worked with uis brother at the famous Tommy's Ends Store at Janet- ville, north of Bowmanvîile. About 20 y'ears ago, Mn. Hawkins returned from the United States te make bis home in Port Hope, and for the last ten years cf bis life, lived in Bewmanville. Mr. Hawkins was twice mar- ried, uis first wife being Jane Bullied who predeceased hum 23 years ago. He later married Jane Anne Aluin, widow of the late James S. Walker. His second wife aise predeceased him. The' only surviving child is Mrs. Leita1 Mae Oliver, Buffalo, N.Y. One brother, Tommy. and three sist- ers. Ada, Mac and Bertha, aiso prcdeceascd hum. Mr. HawIkins is aise survived lbv onie grand- son, Donald J. Oliver, Buffalo, and two grcat-grandchildreîî Judith and Donald Oliver. Funerai services xvere bcld from the residence, Oct. 15, con- ductcd by Rcv. S. R. Henderson. mninister of Trinity United Church, cf which hie was a meim- ber. Palîbearers were Geo. Alliei, Clarence Allun, Newcastle; Rus-a sell Robbins, Bowmanville; Mur- ton Walter, Oshawa; Geo. Smith,a Newcastle; Lloyd Glass, Orono. j Interment was in Orono Ceme- tery. Friends attended the funcral a from Gulph, Buffalo, Newcastle, T and Onono. c ga.dependent COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Drilits, SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 1 D.eA. BRAND SPECIALS 'oni Twin, Kathlene Crescente, aysti IDRY CREE I!B--- Ceaj -- 3 oz.- Reg. 50e Castor 01 -- 19c - 33c - 49c 2, 4 and 8 oz.- Reg. 25c, 40c, 60c Cod Liver Ou - - - 73c B.P. Standard, 16 oz.- Reg. 89C Hot Wafer Boffle - - - $1.99 "Dependabie"- Reg. $2.39 Milk of Magnesia Tabs. - - 29c - 59c 100's and 500's - Reg. 39e, 89e 1. TUm» mý Ir g pe m mfl MORE MEN à.BUY BRYLCj iiRii' Olive 4Oo.- Reg. 25c For Tight, Chesty C4uoz - R g 5 BRONCHIDA, 8-oz.---- ---60e Penetrafing Liniment - - - 37c S ulphur 1- - 9c -33c 8 and 16 oz. - Reg. 25c, 40c CHRISTMAS CARD ASSORTMENTS ENLE EICA SPECIAL VALUE BOX 50 Iovely family assort- 50 in box 12 fine cards in box - Other Assortments - 18 for 12 for 98c - 21 for $1.0 by Frank Panabaker - 12 for $1.25 Canadian Artist Series . .. Wintcr Seenes FACKAGI or ACKA'03 AN SIZE Jý 0 tissues 9ý M:W iStissues 6 3i/4"'xt*- 22< 2MO tissues 9"' x 101, MANS SIZE 12-"xl2" 360 An Ideal Nerve Tonie IDAPHOS, 16 oz. VLI~ ~ Corega Plate Powder - - 33c-53c89c ~ 14; 'Powder Puffs, reg. 10c 8c, 2 for 15c Ipana Toof h Paste --- 33c-60c-95c Wildroot Shampoo - - - - 43c-73c so dff-oen bayer Aspirn . - - 19c-29c-79c from Pode Jtu tho lit fI While Thcy Last IGA IAI sNGRAM VITALI t fret to ChS EC A concentratedl "Live Action" Box of 12 1Baith . $1.19 SHAVING HAIR 40 i $13 vleCREAM TONIC MeGregor, AeDlex. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phon~ 7g2 MUSCLES SRub in Minard'à for muscular stiffness. aches. P ans and sprains, Greaie. q ~uick drying. o uPl --m ~odo, Drugs 98c; 25c 49c BURKETON Bunketon United Church W. jt met Oct, il with a good attendu, ance. In the evening the S41 vat ion Army from Bowmanvir gave a delightful musical pro. gram which was greatly appreci. ated. Mr. Howard Davey broke hia arm whule packing apples. Mrs. Russell Dean was in To. ronto-with Gwen at the Isolatioaî Hospital. - Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Breck are again living in Trenton. Ian stay. ed with bis grandmother, Mrs. T, G. Breck for two wecks. Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson, Dranoel, with Mn. and Mrs. H, Trick. Mn. and Mrs. A. Tompkins and Gordon, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd, Doreen, Ileerr, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tomp- kins. Mrs.' Bruce Hanthron and child. ren spent Saturday in Toront* and saw the Royal Couple. Miss Lois Stevenson was in Toronto; Miss Lois Davey Went Trenton; Fred Card was Boxvmanvilie High Sehool Cadet at Trenton. Ail enjoyed vlew.. ing the Royal party. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Taut", and famiiy were in Toronto. ?= Boîte~ Aurera, Mrs. TautagI mothir spent a few days here.Z, Miss Ruby McDonaid, Miss Ruby Bailey, Oshawa, with Mns. Tom Bailev. Mrs. Tom Wcstiake, Hamptoî, with Mn and Mrs. Bcn Hubbarzt Mrs. J. Carter and Fred weXe in Toronto at Sunnybreok Hos- pital whcrc special chairs were Provided to view the Royal party. Mr. and Mrs. George Carter were ilso in Toronto. Visitons xvith Mrs. Jack Green and Mn. Norman Sproule wére Mrn. and Mns. Wm. Grcenwobd, Mrn. and Mrs. Lawrence Green- vood and children, Raiph, Grant and Linda, cf KeKndal; Mr. and vIns. Onville and Rose Mary, Oshawa. Best wishes te Mr and Mrs. DRUG STORES Am- -dobb- m Canada was the largest sup- plier, outside of the United States, cf the "naw matenials" that have gone into the 10,000,000 food and textile packages whicb CARE bas distnibuted te the needy abnoad during the past f jve years, Neil MacNeil, Canadian Dinecton cf CARE, has an- nounced. "CARE purchases in Canada totaliing $3,484,244.02 constituted 37.6 per cent cf the foreign pur- chase figure," the Dinecton said. Meat and meat produets consti- tuted the major portion of CARE's purchases in Canada, and irï'cluded such items as $ 1,662,360,- 62 wertb of corned beef and $462,936.70 of beefsteak and kid- ney. Dairv pnoducts, including butter, che ese, cendenscd and evaporated milk as well as milk powder with a total value cf $864,3 14.84, compesed the ncxt Largest item in CARE's total pur- chases in Canada, MacNeil point- ed eut. "Canada and Great Britain te- gether accountcd fer wcll over half of ail purchases made b 'v CARE abroad. The next largest foneign centributors were Brazil5 and Cuba," be concluded.t OBJTUARYt n b e p el gi hý c fc ai o a.jn. il arn. i snerial qrlhnni ýj ir lolders. 1 1 E c ti sý E , 1 , À0, -. «PARE "-%- Alex,

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