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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1951, p. 8

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'brsvV(W EECNDA SAtMN OWAfTL. NAX jUEDYlCOER1i18 Deputy Ninisterc Adiresses Trustee Durham County Trustees andi Batepayers held their annua] mneeting in Newcastle Commun- ity Hall, Friday evening, Oct. 5. This meeting had been post. ored from June in order thal er C. F. Cannon, Deputy Min- Ister of Education, might be pres- ent. President C. R. Carveth was In the chair. Others on the plat- torm were: John M. James, M.P.; Major J. W. Foote, M.P.P.: John Clowning Àround ... Y WITH smoking materials 4ran be very unfunny. Millions of dollars' worth of property is destroyed each year through carelesàness wlth cigarettes, cigars, mat- Use caution! And to be sale from $S loss to unpre- ventable lires, Insure ade- quately wlth ~Stuart R. James IIqSVRANCE- REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 >King Street. Bowmanvilie ef Education GOLDEN WEDDING as and Ratepayers MUR. AND hMES. W.KT OnOctober '2nd,1 a Golden Wedding celebration was held at i V. Milîs, Se'y Ontario Trustees, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1and George Walton. Stacey, Little Britain, in honor - Mrs. Clarence Allun and Mrs. of Mrs. Stacey's parents, Mr. and W. E. Reid gave splendid reports Mrs. William Kitson, Bowman- *of the O.E.A.. Warden Walton, ville, who were maigried in Eng- twho was a former pupil ofMr land on October 2nd, 1901. The Cnointroduced the guetbouse was appropriately decomat- spaeM.Cannon gurest c d with white and gold stream- his pleasure at being in New- ers. els, golden 'mums and oth- *castle again and gave a very in- e bouquets of Autumn flowers. teresting and informative address. Mr. and Mms. Kitson came to clarifying the Department's wish- Canada from England in 1914, es regarding the present course or and lived in the vicinity of Glen- istudy. armn for some time. Later they À group of Newtonville young mnoved to the Little Britain area, people, under the direction of where they lived for many years Mr. Neil Stewart, favomed with before moving ta Bowmanville several selections throughout the six yeams ago. cvening, doing some exceptionally Their family presented Mm. fine womk in four-part singmng Kitson wi th a gold watch, and unaccompanied. Mrs. Kitson witb a necklace of Mr. James, Major Foote and pearîs, mnany other gifts and Mr. Milîs each spoke a few words cards were received from old as did also Inspectors W.H. friends and neighbors. Two cables Carlton, Cobourg; T. R. lIlcEwcn of congratulation arrivcd from and E. Webster, Oshawa. relatives in England. Mr. W. H. Jordan, Port Hope, Members of the family present moved a vote of thanks to our were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kitsoni, guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfmed Kitson, Mr. Mrs. F. W. Bowen on bebaîf of and Mrs. T. Dancey, Bowman- the Trustees and Ratepayers, ville: Mr. and Mrs. Owen Swcet- presented a beautiful silver host- man and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Good- ess set to Mr. Cannon in recog- hand, Little Britain; Mr. and Mrs. nition of his attaining the hon- Clame Netherton, Lindsay, also ored position of Deputy Minister Mrs. Kitson's sister, Mrs. C. of Education. Mrs. Cannon re- Jackson, Little Britain. ceived a lovely bouquet of flow- Seventeen grandchildren were ers. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cannon also present, but unable to attend expressed their appreciation. were four other grandcbildren, After the election of officers 2nd Lieut. Jack Kitson, of Bow- the mneetinçg closed with God m-anville, who was at Camp Bord- Save The King. en ; Don and Murray Sweetmnan, who were at the R.C.A.F. Station, More than haif the risc of the Trenton, and little Miss Eva Cost-of-Living Index is due to Goodhand, who will have eason the increase o! food prices since to remember ber grandparents' the 1935-1939 period on which Golden Wedding Anniversary as the Index is based. years in she spent the evening in Ross Me- which the price o! farm produce morial Hospital. after haxing the was bnorallvlow.misfortune to break ber armn was bnorallvlow.while playing at school that day. Other friends were on band from Little Britain. Palestine, * ~Lindsay, Glenarm and Fenelon. > qAll their friends join in wish- P / ing Mr. and Mrs. Kitson many mrore years o! health and hap- piness together. This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup -WESLEYVILLE,, Tuesdey a!ternoon, Mms. Akcd, Miss Akcd and Mrs. Bemniece ISnell, Tyrone, visited Mrs. C. Peyne and Mrs. H. Payne. Mrs. Snell staycd with Mrs. C. Payne until Wednesday a!temnoon. Miss Mary Wilkinson, Port e rry, was the weekend gucat o! Miss Ruth Payne. James Nichols wes taken to the Hospital for Sick Shildren, Toronto, Friday, to have skmn grafting treetment on bis hand. He was badly burned with a livewire recently. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Barrow- clougb, Mm. and Mrs. Percy Snell called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichols lest weekend. Mm. and Mrs. Grenville Flett, Feneron Falls, were Sunday visi- toms of Mm. and Mrs. A. Thorn- dyke. Friday cvening, friends o! Mr. and Mrs. Bill White, gathered at the home o! Mm. and Mrs. Jack Dickerson ta sbowcr the newly- wcds witb a varicty o! gifts. Miss Ruth Payne read the address. Several from this community attended anniversery services at Morrisb, Sunday a!ternoon and evening. A few lucky people werceable to take time off to go to Trenton and Toronto to, catch a glimpse o! the Royal Visitors, Princes Elizabeth and Prince Pbilip. Mm. and Mms. Harold Berrowclough and Billy, Mrs. Trevor Miles, Mrs. Keith Miles. Mrs. Ken Green and Miss Muriel Austin went to Tren- ton, Friday. Mrs. H. Payne ec- companîcd hem parents and sister to Toronto, Setumday. Mms. M. Payne escorted ber achool pupils to Toronto, Saturda. the Greatest Value 0 unGinger Aies GINGER ALES 30-OUNcE BOTTLES 18Ç 2 for 35Ç INCLU»INC GOVT. TAX 157 -I The Newcastle Independent Mi larmaet Ash Telephene 2511 Newcaa 't'. I. Mms. C. R. Lovekin of Toronto and Newcastle, is the guest o! Mr. Laurence Morton o! the Texas Wesleyan College !aculty in Fort Worth, and was honomed at a i-e- ception hcld at Wade Hall. Mr. Morton is son of Rev. R. E. Morton, Cornwall, formerly o! Newcastle. We extcnd good luck and every success ta Frank and Leona Lay- coe (nee Tebble) in their new venture. opening a new store un Ajax, known as Frank's Food Market. Leona. wbo is weil known to many here. spent sev- emal years as a clerk in Britton's Store (now Randall's) and for the past eight yeamsont Haydcn Mec- donald Wholesalc, in Oshawa. Frank la wcll known un Ajax for bis splendid service at the Fruit Counter in the Ajax Marketcrie for the past five yeers. Next Sunday Newcastle Unit- cd Church commemoretes the l3th ycar o! its founding. Dr. G. Telford, minister o! St. Andrew's United Cburch, Oshawa, will oc- cupy the pulpit at the morning diet of worship. Rev. B. K. Cronk, B.A., o! Port Hope Unit- ed Cburch, will preacb at the ev- ening service on 'Somcthing to bold on t. The choir will adorn these fes- tive services with sacred ren- ditions with Mrs. E. Fisher at the console and Mr. Neil Stewart as director. The public is cordially invited. Rev. Lawrence H. Tur- ner B.A., will precah in St. An- drew's United Church, Oshawa, at 1l a.m. and at Port Hope Unit- cd Church in the evening. Aftcr two months' bolidays the W. A. of the United Church met in the Board Room Tbursday af- ternoon, Oct. 11. Mrs. A. Glen- ncy was in charge o! the opening exercises, taking as ber theme "The appreciation o! others." Mrs. Herbert Toms read the scrip- turc witb commenta. Mrs. Philp, accompanied by Mrs. Turner sang sweetly "Hc's My Friend" a!ter wbich Mrs. Toms of!ercd prayer. Mrs. Glcnney closed this part of the meeting by reading a beautiful poem "I know some- tbing." President Mrs. C. A. Cowen then took charge and reed a poem "The Tic That Binds." Mrs. Ferguson, convenor o! the kitchen committce, report- cd on the work that was being donc by that committec. A com- mittee was eppointed to make ar- rangements ,regarding the W. A. Presbytcrial meeting at Myrtie on Oct. 31. A dainty lunch wes served by members of Mrs. H. Coucb's group. Mrs. J. E. W. Philp ia spending a few deys with ber daughter, Mrs. E. J. Racher in Kingston. Wc werc very sorry to learn that Mr. Tracey Mane's condition werrantcd bis removal to Mcm- orial Hospital, Bowmenville, but have since been glad to hear that he bas improvcd considemably end may soon be rcturning home. Mrs. E. Patterson, Bowman- ville, spent a few days last week with Mm. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mm. and Mrs. T. C. Wallace arc cnjoying a pleasant holiday in New York City. Miss Barbare Bonathan spent a few days witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bonathan, prior to beginning ber new position in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Gordon Asb spent the weckend with hem sister, Mrs. R. G. Wright in Toronto and while there saw the Royal Visitors. Several !rom Newcastle and district joumneyed to Trenton end Toronto to bave the pleesure of vicwing the Royal Couple in al the gaicty and aplendor set out for tbcm. 1% Congratulations to Wardcp Geo. Walton on securing the nomin- ation for Liberal candidate o! the Durham riding in the coming pro- vincial election. Mm. and Mrs. 1. J. McCullough and femily spent Sundey witli Mm. and Mrs. D. Nugent et Fenel- on Falls. Mrs. Frank Branton bas closed ber home and will spend the win- ter montbs in Toronto. Mrs. H. J. Ragen and ber brother Ieft on Wednesdyt Cowrs crt vise drutcheS We've beard from Denmark t.hat a cow over there had to have its leg amputated, but gets along quite nicely now on a new onc made of aluminum. Whether or flot this artificial leg was made of Canadian alu- rninum, we wouldn't know. Perhaps it was, hecause we do produce one quarter of the worId's supplv. 1 bat's qîlite a big thing for Canada. h monans jobs for Canadians, and money from abroad to pay for Cana- dian imports. Right now we are bard at work on extenision projects in Quebec and Britisli Columîbia; for we intcnd to go on playing our part in hel p- ing Canada gmow. Aluminure Comnpany of Canada, Ltd. spend the long wintcm ahead in Toronto and New Yomk. Mrs. Fred Adeir and Mrs. Her- bic Gibson attended MaA'hani Faim. Miss Jacqueline Smith, a pop- uler bride-to-be, bas been the honored gùcat at many social ge- tberings held thmoughout the week. There wes a pleasant, friendly gathcming at the home o! Jacqueline's cousin, Mr$. Tomn Wallace, as well as the showcr afforded hem at the home o! Mrs. Fred Adair. Then, too, Jacque- line bas been the ecipient o! many beautiful and useful gifts pesented to hem at showcrs in hem honor in the homes o! many out- of-town !riends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hess, Osh- awa, werc gucsts o! Mm. and Mrs. I. J, McCullough Sunday even- ing. Miss Mary Bell, Toronto, spent the weekend with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Marlow Han- cock spent the wcekend un Mont- real. Mrs. P. W. Gibbs, Carolyn and baby, have returned home a!ter spending a !ew wecks with hem mother, Mrs. Bennett, at Mimico. Two services of special interest have been arranged for Sunday, Oct. 21 at St. John's Church. The day is observed by Anglicans as -Children's Day and Youtýi Sun- day" and the services reflect this fact. In the morning an instruc- tion in the form of a running com- mentary on the Communion Ser- vice will replace the sermon. Boys and girls of the "Upstairs" Sunday School will attend this service as well as Anglican boys from the Training School. The purpose of the Instruction la to explain the meaning of the ser- vice as it proceeds. Others in- terested are cordially invitcd. In the Evening the Rector will preach the second in a series of sermons answering important questions. This time the question is "What Is Salvation?" At this service the newiy-eiccted officers of the A.Y.P.A. xiii be installed with a special candielig'ht cere- monial. Ail young people, whe- ther belonging to the A.Y.P.A. or not. are invited. Five children were admitted into the fellowship of the Church by Holy Baptism Sunday morn- ing when the following werc bap- tized by Rev. Warren Turner: Carol Ann and John Meivyn, children of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Vance; Arthur Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. David H. Kilpatrick; Richard William. son of Mr. and Mrs: C. J. Kilpatrick and William James, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woodward. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoît, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Stone, Orono, with Mrs. Frank Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Falls, Kendal. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke in Peter- borough. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and sons visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hallowell, Newtonville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kimbali and family, Newtonville, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Broughen. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farrow and sons, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Knox, Solina. Boys from this district wbo were chosen froin Newcastle Higb Scbool for Cadet Guard for Prin- cess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgb at Trenton last week, were: Raymond Trim, Maurice Hallowell, Hugh and Frank Weistheuser. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson, Mrs. Fred Todd, Miss Norma Hal- lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- well, Mary and Jim, attended Roseneath Fair last week. Pupils from Starkville school, accompanied by their teacher, Miss Reynolds and several aduits, along with pupils and teacher, Mrs. George Stapleton, Crooked Creek Scbool, went by bus to To- ronto on Saturday and saw Their Royal Highnesses at Riverdale Park. Shiloh W. A met at the home of Mrs. Carl Todd last week with a fine attendance. Final arrange- ments were made for the Bazaar next week and co-mmittees ap- pointed. Mrs. Morley Robinson gave a musical number followed by a contest and lunch. A pleasant evening was enjoyed. SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES OTTAW4 WINTER F AIR OCT. 31-NOV. 6 PARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP GO GOING-Tuesday, Oct. 30th -Tuesday, Nov. 6th inclusive. RtTuRN -Leave Ottawa flot biter than midnight, Wed., Nov. 7th. FAU àî1Orumaimro me *£Mt WEDDING LARMER - RARE A setting of white 'mums and !emn formed the background in St. James' United Church, Parry Sound. Saturday, Oct. 13, When Eleanor Melinda Hame was unit- ed in marmiage to Murray Austin Larmer. Rev. Thomas officiated. Mrs. Lockhart sang "The Lord's Frayer" and "l11l Walk Beside You." The bride, given in marriage by hiem uncle, Mm, Glen Williarnson looked charmmng in a gown o! French lace over white satin and Qucen Ann collar, fitted bodice. She wore matching headdress and fingertip veil and carmied a cas- cade of mcd roses and stephanotis. Matron o! honor was Mrs. Eric McKnight. Alliston, sister o! the bride, gowned in gold bmocaded satin and matching bolero and bat and carried a nosegay of deep pink carnations. Bridesmaids were Miss Margaret Hare. Allia- ton, sister of tbe bride and Miss Doris Larmer, sister of the groom, wearing gowns of pale green bro- caded satin with matcbing bolero and bats and'carmied noscgays o! yellow and bronze 'mums. Little Judy McKnight, niece of the bride. was flowem girl, and look- ed vcry pmetty in a gown of yel- low frosted organdy and camried a basket o! bronze and yellow Imums. Bcst man was Mm. Royal Hall, Bowmanville, and ushers were Mm. George Williamson, Toronto, and Mm. Eric McKnight, Alliston. The bride's aunt receivcd et tbe church parlors, wearing navy crepe dreas and matching acces- sorica and a corsage o! mcd roses. The groom's mother assistcd, in navy and matching accessories and corsage of pink carnations. For travelling, the bride wore a brown pick and pick suit and brown accessomies and corsage of pink roses Af ter the honcymoon the couple will reside in Bowman- ville. Friends and relatives from a distance attended from Bowman- ville, Toronto, Peterborough and Alliston. NESTI,1ETON There will be no service In the United Cburch owing to anniver- sary services at Cadmus. Mm. and Mms. W. Bateman, Caesarca, callcd on Mm. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Glad to hear Mrs. Allan Sug- gitt la improving. Miss Gladys Emerson, nurse-mn- training, Oshawa, visited hem par- ents, Mr-. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- erson. A number from heme attended special services in the Presby- terian Churcb, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Orono, visitcd Mm. and Mrs. Mal- colm Emerson. Sympatby la extcndcd to Mm. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow and Mrs. R. W. Marlow in the passing o! their slster, Mrs. Flem Thomp- son on Sunday. We hope Mrs. Matilda Saneils will soon be home from Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, Melville, and Anna, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hickson. Mt. Horeb. Mrs. Margaret Spmoule and Mr. Len Badgley and Miss Ruth Badg- ley. Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. ZION (Hope Twp.) Mike Hutnyk, son of Mr. and Mms. John Hutnyk, was one of the cadets from Port Hope High School who formed part of the Guard of Honor to Princess Eliza- beth and the Duke of Edinburgh at Trenton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morton attendcd the presentation at New- tonville Hall on Fiday evening in honor o! their son-in-law and daughtem, Mr. and Mrs. George Elliott, Newtonville. Others from the vicinity included Miss Gwcn, a member of the committee, Mr. and Mrs. D. Whitney and family, Mm. and Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell and Elaine, Ross Joncs, Arthur PHONE 691 R. FINNIGAN Meneilley. Mrn. Harold Caswefl and family. Elaine Caswell spent Saturday with ber sister, Mrs. Elmer Green, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. George McCul. lough spent Saturday evenlng with Mr. and Mrs. H. Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. C. Best, Port Hope, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Best. Help Crlppled Children-Buyr Planters Peanuts from Rotarians. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Wbltby 553 $18 Dundas St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanshlp and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of lmported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. The General Public is cor dîally invited Io attend PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION of Durham County OMINAIIO MEETING ln the ORONO TOWN HALL AT 8 P.M. MWonday, October 22nd SPECIAL SPEAKERS:- CORDON GRAYDON, Mi.u Federal Member for Peel Couniy - and- HON. MIAJOR JOHN FOOTE, Vo.e Minisier of Reform Institutions and Provincial Member for Durham Couniy and athers SPECIAL ENTERTAINNENT Those who wish a ride to Orono are requested to be at the Balmoral Hotel at 7:30 p.m. where transportation wiIl be provided. EVERYBODY WELCOME Established 45 Years Lubricate For Winter Safetyl DAVIS & cos Sheet Metal Workers and Roolers Furnaces - Vent ilators - Skylichis Air Conditioning What goes on in our grease pit is sometbing that evcry motorist should sec! Every car is re-Iub- ricated from bumper to bumper. Every model is ser- viced according to specific needs of make and year. Drive up and sec! Dowmanville Motor Sales DODGE - DE SOTO DEALER - BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3412 W. DAVIS ipiait nt(-.RT TffZ CANADIAN STATESMM, BOWIL&NVI=. ONTAIUO TRU&"AT, 2 MILL LANE, OFF SCUGOG ST. SUMo OMAU(DE PESOS

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