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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1951, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN ?YT~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, 2OWMANVTLL~, ONTARIO THURSDAY. NOVEMRRW R ÎOMi The Lions Club are to ho co- gratuiated for sponsoring a Hal- loween Costume Partv cach \ car. It kceps the children off Iheý streets and certainl v cuts dw the acts of vandalismn that used to take place. Mr. Jack Wade bas been cnioy- ing a holiday from bis duties as Postrnaster. In his absence Mrr-. Ross Embley has been working in the post office. Miss Hazel Ma v Fisher is teach- ing at Shaws school this weck. This is the part of Normal School training ,vhich gives ý,ou actual experience in the art of tcaching. Flowcrs adorningc the altar of St. George's Anglican Church ladt Sunday vvere placed there. in lov- ing memory of John Garrod by his famil " Miss Carol vr Freidiander, To- ronto, spent the weekendclxiIh Mrs. W. Dcline and the Bill Storks. Scvcral froni theNcsctl High School attcnded Earl Gre' s presentation of Saepae A IE A NEW1 A newJh A e h Wh nt Why notV olseti Manie for Joa, PHONES COLD WAVE FALL HAIRDO airde for that speci, ening ahead. complote that gla.v -ening bv havinga te flC\V hair style, ýure and facial. À. special -only $2.50 n's Beai S455 J, . .Ïi £& TE m.-3D0 FRIDAY - SATURD LecClicoIor tCartoon 2nd Chapler- MON. - TUES. - WED. From M-GM...and funnier iîad a very gooci meeting dospîte Cari be washcd casily-painted the fact that a numiber cf mem - bers vere absent. Lion Charlie over without strcaking. Don't Giikes is stili on the sick list and compare it with short-lived sub- ho vas temiporariiy joined by stitutes. Pittsburgh's new wn- President Aiken who lay on a bed ~ ~ der-working Wallhide cornes in of woe nursing a nice cosy case - 4atatv oosi it Chasl. L nsgit cmpaie deputtatie',os n lt >fOVChas.of fit.aLion ickavies aDeputySeri-Gloss, and Gioss finishes ~ JuIf District Governer Charles R. Knox 4s on bis official visit te the Whit- ney Club. Howeveir. 3cd Vice., J. H. Abernethy Johin Riekard, got the meeting-- And srkn ti!Iscer Linder xvay aftec a shbort period cf srkn ti!lscer an alae organized grief for the absent and pure ced goos eer)ywliere, unwecf a es. cgular touching brunettes andStr speaker Prograin Chairnman n blondes alike iiitlî its 'ibrant 5K gStmgcThlpsikexuesPH N 43 pure cream - the nail lacquer t~ atays on and on. ~~ lSilN OU<T ____________ Jury & Lovel .0ho ioe 778 Bow.manville 1~1 w The Orono News Mm L . R Logan in attendance, giving leadership à in.the service of praise and rend- M.INI STER 0F HIGHWAYS CHECKS I~1~I~iering superbly two fine anthems ,erdpedn appropriate for the occasion. WINTER ROAD REPORTS SERVICE Many worshippers from New- »ne 2511 Newcastle castle were in attendance, some _______________________of whorn acknowledge Clarke and............ . district as their former home. The 'Mechntof Venice" in Bow- minister of- the church. Rev. manville last Saturday night. Lawrence H. Turner, conducted Mr. and Mrs. 'Huck" Ingram the service. Considcring the type and friends, Belleville, spent Sun- of weathcr and slippery condition day witb Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wal- of the roads, the congregation, nu- tont and Terry. merically wvas more than encour- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Boyd' To- aging. Mr. Empey's text was ronto, werc Sunday guests of Mr. borroxved from the matchless dec- and Mrs. T. C. Wallace and Mr. laration of St. Paul, "I ar n ot and Mrs. H. J. Toms. ashamed of the Gospel of Christ" Mr. Douglas Dewdney, Trinity -citing transformations in hum- College, Port Hope. spenti several an lives fromn modes of living that days at home with bis parents, were in their entirety a'contra- Rev. D. R. and Mrs. Dewdney ' diction of aIl that was good to Miss Louise Trenwith bias cls lives basking in the reflected glory cd lier home -Clovermcre" and of the gospel of Jesus Christ. left te spend the xinter months ri Sa id the pre acher, "Considering Toronto.the awful mess of the world pos- Toono.sessed of fear, frustration and evil we ought flot to ho asbamed, With Rev. George Empey of but rather with courage and bigh Hampton United Church occupy- devotion of purpose move for- iiig the pulpit, Clarke United ward with the miction of the Church. a sister congregation of gospel te change and transform Newcastle, celebrated another an- lives "who cati say," operied tho niversary occasion Sunday even- speaker, -that there haven't been ing. Nov. 4. The choir of New.- tîmes in situations of challenge castie United Church, under the and high moments wben there direction of Mr. Neil Stewart was bas been more thani ordinarily thu __________________________ disposition to be ashamced! Paul wasn't ashamcd and as a result shook tbe mighty Roman Empire 17~-, çh,-.;-~1te its dcptlis. r Vey SEJ i Next Sunday being Armistie iDay, the congregation of New- MIomients! castle United Church ilmre its identity with the community service to be hcld in the Newcastle Community Hall. INTER-REGIONAL road condition reporting service of the Ontario De- The Sunday Sehool will con- verte in the church for its session partment of Highways goes on 24-hour-doy winter schedule on November at 10 a.m.; promptly afterwards 1, and will continue until April, 1952, when systemn will return to summer- the seholars and teachers will fa!! basis. Illustration shows Hon. George H. Doucett, the Minister, giving make their xvay te the hall. k th ewra hruhcekrcnl.Hwspoogpedbie Thie evening service at 7 o'cloc h ewT hrug hc eety ewa htgahdbsd in Newvcastle United Church wvil1 teletype in the Department of Highways' Public Information Offices, be lield as usual with the min- Ros30-67 atBok alaetBidns oot.TmMg ister in charge. The minister Ros30-67 atBok alaetBidns oot.TmMg i r ~wotîlc urge bis congregation te ladery, shown at the teletype keyboard, is one of many operators who accept fully the dlaims of Poppy wilI work in relays for every hour of every week during the winter road Day. reporting season. You are invited to seek information at any Department Aftcroon uxilaryof Highways Information centres lsted below. Telephone numbers follow. a met o~~~~~~Aen ov. lstxih rd y c- 90 eoa 44 ~gtn 61 odn arot73 4 AftenoonAuxiiarv0f WMS. Bancroft, 8 ring 2; Blind River, 393; Chatham, 947 & 948; Huntsville, president Mrs. Fred Wighit ,n New Liskeard, 412; North Bay, 1130 & 113 1; Ottawa, 2-9639; Owen charge. Shie announced our studv, Sound, 1850 & 1851; Port Hope, 2481 & 2482; Sudbury, 3-0573; as "Churclî of the City Frontiers.' Open every d, Seripture lesson wvas taken by' and at Toronto, Parliament Buildings centre, EM. 3-1211 local 364 & 365, MonaytoSauray Miss Blackburn and Mrs. C. Coxv- 9 ai.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Saturday, Sunday and holîdays; nights Mondy toSatuday an. Mrs. Wight led in prayer. Open Evenings by Mî's. J. Pbilp favored with a vocal and other days, WA. 1108. Appointinent. solo "'A Song cf Heaven and_____________ ____________________ Homeland" accompantied at the piano by Mrs. Lawrence Turner. Frank Rickard, called on a few Alarried 60 Years tudy period was based on "Frein cf the members for a brief suin- Sixty ycars ago, Sunday, Oct. . ty C n r tae oNrhr Lights,'" chap. miary of thieir business. These '18. William Hcrîry Coxvan teck as 6. City Missions. This study teck little talks were very interesting hbis bride Oirena Alberta Lent In RESIDENCE 2951 the focmn of a tour from the east- and informative. Lions called on Michigan. The happy couple live'd ern coast, Halifax to Vancouver, were: P. F. Hare, Jas. C. Porter, for one year in Niagara Falls, Nexw with Mrs. Honey acting as guide R. Forrester, T. Lennard and K. York, before comiiig te this dist- Sand Mrs. Merriam interspersing H. Stephenson. Lien Tom Len- ret xwhere they livcd on liec fat- the tour with descriptions and nard's talk occasioned a very in-cr's fari in Clarke Tovnship, comments on the werk. teresting period cf questions and1 now occupicd bv Mcr. MeNcilI, u- The city populations change ansxvers on the subject cf steel, til l1xvhen thecy moved xitn their places of abode and are its fabrication and allied prob- their famnilv te Sasatchexvan. Mir. constantly moving oatwards from lemns arising from national and and Mrs. «Coxcan returneci te ~~ I ~~~th~ original city centre, se that international ecenomie probleins. uevateiil2 n aebe Y ,-~OIS churches are left in the fac- here since. McI. andi Mis. Cowani tory areas instoad cf residential C. G. 1. T. hav~e a large faimilv, ndue chiidircn sections. Wbere possible these The C.G.I.T. Halloxvein'meet- -eight cf whom are still liv'ingl. PW A VLEare tarned into usefal centres iug xvas beld'on Oct. 30 at 7 pin. Due te the verY sericas illness cf foc recceation and ministecing te in the board reom cf thle United Mrs. Coxcan, xvho is eonfined to the spiritual and physical needs Cburch Sanday School. The mèet- bier bcd, the occasion xvas cele- AY - NOV. 9 - 10 of the under-privileged. ing'was opened xith the C.G.I.T. brated vecy quietly xith only im- - At Halifax thoexvork includes Purpose and Motte, folloxved by a miediate relatives oresent. gceeting newcomers as the boats Ily mn. Tbey then repeated the Mr. and Mrs. Co\van reeeived E dock and putting them in toucb Lord's Prayer in unison. The many beautiful gifts, cards and with the ministers that suit their worship period xvas conducted b.y flcwmers, anieng themi a beautifui individual needs. The monec e- Joyce Bostock. A general bus- basket cf 'muis frein the village quired for this xvork comtes freminmess meeting folloxvcd after xvliihcf Nwatle Fand, United Chucch reserves and Halloxeen parade cf costumes Wc xish te voice ouîr ccngratîî- local campaigois. folloxvcd and the xxinners xvere lations xith those cf thcir înan.v Mrs. F. Riekard teck charge cf as follews: Carol Edxvards,' the fricnds and add or sincere xish the business period. It xvas clecid- best costume: Sheila Gogertx11 andà for Mrs. Cowan's complete recov- R U M S ed to hv election cf officers at Jean Carber ' , bcst couple; Grace er. 8Vthe December meeting whichi will Marie Turner. best cei-nie. The 00" COoée open at 2:30 instead cf at 3 p.nî. rest cf the evening xvas spent playing gaines, a sîng-seng and lunch consisting cf sandwiches, Lions News cookies, candy and gingerale. The Wcdnesday eveuing, Oct. 31, the president moved a vote cf thanks Lions Club played host to hund- te Miss Ruth Bouathan for juclg- reds cf kiddies at a gala Hal- îng tho costumes and the meet- lowe'en party held in the Com- ing closed xith taps. gni muuity Hall. Wierd customes xvore the garb for the niglit and many pirates. Indians, witchcs 00 and others gave the affair ant crie - ~ ~ atmosphiere. Many of the pa-___ ents put their best foot foxad and came aIl dressed upwxith theil, hilejdren. The parading fte______________ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West, Ron.. nie and Dean and Mrs. R. C. For- rester attended the funeral of Mr. West's mother who passed away in Toronto and was buried in Beaverton on Wednesday after- noon. We extend sincere syrn- pathy to Mr. West and family in their bereavernent. Mrs. Owen Fagan and cbildren wbo bave been visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cooper. left on Monday for their new borne in Owen Sound. Mr. Ross Taylor bas been trans- ferred from The Bank of Com- merce here. to Cobourg. We are sorry to lose Ross from Orono but glad be will not be far frorn home and we xill see bim often. Congratulations to Joan Reid, Crooked Creek, who won first prize at the public speaking con- test beld bore on Monday evening, Oct. 25, and to Milton Rainey who wvon second prize. This contest was sponsored by the Trustees and Rate payers Association of Clark Township. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Pet- erborough, visited with ber par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ridde'lI over the weekend and attended anniversary services in, Orono United Church. We extend beartiest congratu- lations to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lunn (nce Betty MeGregor), To- ronto. who xvere married in Bed- ford Park United Church, To- ronto, recently. They xiii live in Oshawa. Those attending thc w..dding from bere were: bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn and brother, Gerald; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Lunn, Mr. and Mis Lyle Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Hart- wý%ell Lowery, Mr. Dean West, Jack Mercer. Marvin Lunn and Carl Flintoff, and Mr. and Mrs. Jr. West, Peterborough. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Myles on the birth cf their daughter, Maye Marie, on Oct. 30 ini Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mrs. H. Milîson, Toronto, spent the xeekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson and baby. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Dave Found is seriously ili in the East General Hospital, Toronto. Her inany friends bere wish ber HAYDON Spotless This Winïter the Easy a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Darch and baby son. Toronto, visited with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant. Miss Jean Forester, Toronto, spent the weekend at ber home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Glenny and Edward, ail of Newcastle, and Mrs. Alice Délve, Toronto. visit- ed with Mrs. Harvey Curtis. Large crowds attended the anniversary services of Orono United Church on Sunday wvhen Rev. John W. Wilkinson, Oak- wood. occupied the pulpit at both services. It was indeed a pleas- ure to have a former resident as guest speaker and b is stirring messages were muchi appreciated. The choir sang two well rend- ered anthems at each service; sel- dom bave they been beard to such good advantage and to the choir and to Mr. and Mrs. Workman the sincere thanks of the congre- gation is extended. Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson and daughter. Margaret, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn on Sunday. It xvas on this farm that Mr. Wilkinson made bis home for seven year-s witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn. Other guests were Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and Mr. and Mrs. Char- lie Miller, Wayne and Larry. Mrs. Russell Best and Mr. and Mrs. George Carson entertajned Rev. and Mrs. Wilkinson and Margaret to supper Sunday even- ing. A large bus, filled to capacity, carried members of the Women's Institute to Toronto on Monday morning to attend the conventio-n Haliowell on Sanday. beld in the Royal York Hotel. Leaving at eight a.rn. they return- cd about il p.m. Miss Joanne Cocnish and girl fciend frorn the Ladies' College, Whitby, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. J. Cornish and Carman. BURKETON Mr. and Mrs. Raby wece in To-ý cante with Mc. Raby's mother. Mr. and Mrs. H,~Trick were iii. Lindsay. f Miss Helen Hunco witb bier parents at Owen Sound. Miss Ruby Bailey witb ber& mother. Isabel Carter, Unives f Toronto, wvas with hec pa*r" M. and Mrs. Bon ave inWed te R. R. 1. Cooksville. Our best wishes go with them. Look in ceming events for Burketon Bazaar. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mi1s. Chas. Hait, To. rente, xith Mrs. F. Stone. Mc. and Mrs. John Stark an& W'ayne with Mr. and Mcs. James Stark. Newtonville. Miss Beulah Hallowell, Toron- to, spont the \veekend with Mc, and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tedd attended the fanerai cf their friend, thq late Mr. A. Elliott at Dunsford on Sat acday. Miss Norma Halloxvell is spende ing a fexv weeks in Toronto. Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow. manville, wvith Mc. and Mcs. How. acd Farcoxv. Farin Forum met at Mr, Llew, Hallowell's on Monday evening and was xvell attended. After the bcoadeast and discussion a pleas:ý ant ovening was enjoyed and lunch served. Mrs. Lawrence Jamieson of Bewdlcy, witb Mr. and Mcs. Jake (Intcnded foc last week) Synpathy is extended te the relatives cf the late Alfred Cook in their sudden boneavement. Arthur Read hart bis f inger xvbiie at xvork which necessitated having a couple of stitches. John Potts is tearing dewn one cf the old landmnarks, a building that xvas used as a carpenter shop by the late John Gilbank for a goed mnany yeacs, long before soîne of uîs can cemember. Mr. Potts intends having a garage in its place, There aie three signs that Christmnas is irapidly appcoaching -the playing cf "White Christ- mas" on the radio, the first lighit faîl cf snow, and the annoanco- ment in the papers that thene are only se mnany iiore shopping days leit before thon. Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKenzie, Toronto, at Mc. E. A. McNeil'o. Beth and Sasan MacKenzie ce- tarucd home with their parents. Mc. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Toronto, with relatives hiere. Mr'. R. Olesen, Ingersoli, spent a f'ex days at home. Mr. and Mis. Harold Gay and Robert, Oshawa; Miss Shirley Ga-rrard of Toronto; Mrs. Fred Smith and Grant, Enniskillen, at Mn. Chas. Gairrard's. Mr. ani' Mrs. Ambrose Robin- son, Port Hope: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tom, Parpie Hill, at Messrs. Mil- ton and Lloyd Siemens. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trexvin of Bowianyilie at Mr. Wm. Tre- xvîns. Mc. Bill Briggs took Mc. and Mrs. Ceeil Slemon and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy te spend Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Briggs, Toronto. It was the c- casion cf Mr. and Mrs. Mount- joy-s 21 st xvedding annix'ersary. Congr~atulations te Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Strawbridge on the aririval cf a son. 'YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE' HEADQUARTERS -# B owmanville is located at 26 King St. E. Phone 3 051 Hou. Major John Foote, V. Your Progressive Coinservative Canididate for Diruam Cotinty i Way.T Yes, we know that this weather is plenty hard on children's clothes. But, fortunately there is an easy way to keep them spotless ail year around. Sinîply send their clothes to us for an inex- pensive dry cleaning. When we clean their clothes they %vill not only stay cleaner but ivill last longer. Send thcm <to-day or better stili phone 520 and have our driver pick thein up and deliver theni at no0 extra charge. BOWMANVILLE CIJEANERS & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP- ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE- HAMPTON Drop in or Phonie for Election Information Keep I[hem PAGE SIXTE 4 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILUC, ONTARIO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 1951 74- ý

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