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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1951, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE TR~ CANAD!AN STÂTESMAN, EOWMANVILL~. ONTAMO Thirty-five Wood Choppers Bowling lu the 200 or Over Major League Ted Tice, the curve bail artist, finally came into his own and registered a 311 for the high single game of the night and this won hlm the Royal Theatre tick- ets. Ted's curve was breaking at just the rîght time. There was only one other 300 score record- ed and this w as another curve bal bowler, Frank Samis, -who just sneaked over the line with 301. Ted "Pappy" Bagneli, the boy wbo bits home runs inside the park, won high triple with 802, mades up of 238-294-270. Six other bowlers were over the 700 mark-Dr. Siemon 726, Ross Mc- Knight 724, Carl Bickell 712, Pat Yeo 709, Bob Watt 702, and Frank Samis 701. Ross McKnight's 'team won triple and single honors, baving a total of 3406 and a single game o! 1277. The competition wvas really keen for the low honors with Ross Maynard having a powerful 87, Dave Higgon 106, Clifford An- derson 109, Ron Richards 110, Walt DeGeer 114 and Ray Fry, the silver fox, had 115. Milton Corson was tops in the low total departmnent with 384 for an average of 128, Anderson had 413, Fry 417, Maynard 4412 and Blaine Elliott 449. AIley Gossip Things are so tough on Os- borne's team that Dave Higgon decided to do awav with himself and nearly succeeded when he had water on his shoes and bis feet stuck when he went to bowl and he fell fiat on bis face. Dave soon recovered with only a couple of bruised knees to show. Bob Watt had a business con- f~erence on Wednesday night and bad ta bowl in the aftemnoon. Bob had 702 for bis best score of the year. Very few people saw Bob bowl his games but if you ask himn he will take time out to tell you about it. George Elliott's team recorded one of the low triples for the sea- son with 2778. Doc. Rundle was away dear hunting so this ex- plains whv Elliott's team was off color. At the time of going to press we do not know whether he got bis full quota. We haven't heard from "Hap" Palmer either. Team Standing W L Pts. Little 16 8 38 Bagneli 15 9 35 Moses -------- 14 10 34 Oke ------ 14 10 33 Elliott 13 Il 29 Taylor 12 12 27 Westlake il 13 27 McKnight 11 13 26 G, Piper ------------Il 13 215 A. Piper --- 9 15 22 Osborne -------------- 9 15 20 Hoar ---------------9 15 20 Averages A. Osborne -- - ----------234 H. M oses - ------------ 228 Dr. Siem on -------- --------224 T. Bagnell -- --------223 Dr. Rundle --------------- -- 222 B. Polley------------------------- 221 B . B ates .- ------ ------------- 220 R. Oke -------------------------- 220 R. McKnight-------------220 F. Sam is ---------------- 219 G . E lliott ------------ . ' B. W estlake --------- -------215 K. Luxton --- ---- ------- 213 D. Taylor ------------ --------- 212 C. Biekie 212 E. Brock---------------- - ---- 211 M. Oke ------211 J. Gay - .210 F. Williams ------------------------- 209 T. Hoar --- - -- ----- 208 25 Peier Vacuum Clea noe complote with cacclwnts plus $25.00 cash, if Wfmning Ety contains a label or box top of amy A"P or Colgate Polmolùvo product. Retail value 126.00 lwid PUZUS 25 Etectric Floor Polsrs. Retcal value $69.50 3rd MMES 25 Sots of Patricia Pattern Silverware of 26 pieces. Retail value $27.,50 4th PRZIS 26 Ovenwaro Baking Sets of 12 peeces. Rtarit value $6.50 Sth PIRIZES 25 Hand Panted Hostoss Sets of 16 pieces. Retail value $5.75 100 Consolation Prizes of 1 pound of Farno>us A&P Bokar Coffee [t'a simple! And you may win a Premier Vacuum Cleane r, complete wth attachments, or a Premier Electric Floor PlsJer-Cash- Silverware-Baking Sets-Hoste-es Sets. Go to any A&P Food Store and pick up an entry blank for this big A&P Faîl Featival. Complet. titis sentence: "I use (choose one) Bokar, Red Cirele Coffee, Eight O'clock Gaffe., Nectar Tea, Ann Page Bread, Baked Gioods, A&P Tea Bags or any A&P, Ions or Ann Page product, Palmolive Soap, Super Suds, Fab, Val, Ajax, Cashmere Bouquet, Colgate Beauty Soap and Princess Flakes Iecause . "ini25 additional words or l.ii. Mail your entry, together with a box top or label from any A&P or Colgate- Palmolive product to Box M8 Postal Station "J-, Toronto 6, Ontario. That's all there la ta kt. Vou may enter me often ei you like. Lait day for entries is December 3. Winners will be announced in A&P ad, of Thursday, Dç%oember 27th. Entriez will be judged for arlginslity, sincerity and aptness of tliought. Judg.i decision wil be final. No entries will b. r.turned.* Ail entries becon,. the property of A&P Food Stores for use as it sees fit. Open Queber, Stores. ta &Il residents of Ontario and except employees cf A&P Food C. Oke -----______208 R. Haîlman -_______208 T. Phillips 207 A. Piper 207 J. Brough 205 G. Piper-------___204 M. Harrison 204 H. Depewr 204 P. Cancilla ____204 R. Richards ________204 B. Begley 203 D. McKnight 202 M. Tamblyn 202 C. Rundie 202 H. Janzen ------- - - ------- 200 New Names Added To Lemon League 0f Durham Clubs, Ted McLaughlin and Bill West- lake split honors again this week. Ted had the high triple with three good games-247, 274, 238, mak- ing a total of 759, followed by B. Westlake wîth 194, 310, 218, mak- ing a total of 722. B. Westlaké! won the high single score with 310, followed by R. MacNeill with 302. A. Sharpe has finally been nom- inated as captain of the Lemon League. Adam had three love]y scores this week-97, 88, 87, mak- ing a total of 272. Other Lemon League members are R. Ashton 97, R. Rundle 98, R. Brock 97, W. Braden 83, J. Rice 98, B3. Hasiuk 96 and F. Annis 100. Team Standing Foundrv------------------------ 50 Westlake ---------------- -----40 C.0. F.-------------_ ---- - 39 M itchell . ý ------------_ 35 No. 2 Enniskillen--------------- 34 B. T. S.------__------------- -33 Tyrone -- - -- - - -- -- _ -- --- 28 Mavin 25 Sheppard & Gill---i -----_ 16 Blackstock -------- ----- 16 Maple Grove ------ 14 No. i Enniskillen _ --- 6 Individual Averages B. Westlake ___---- 2131 215-om. Tins23 Pkg 29e Of 30 13Boxt ab* 20-z 1-49 j20-or. 35ed ITins U1 3-b,1.49 lb. 499 Giant Pkg. 699 24-oz. me Jar 24-oz, m JarU 16ox 16e The Sports Clinic Conducteul by loyd Percival (nOfficiaiDepartment et sports Coilege) TRIGUt MUSCLES AND SKATING The muscles o! the thigh are vital to a hockey player, since they do a great deal of the work in the skating action. So that they will tLe more ef- ficient and will tire less easily, the hockey player must make sure that bis thigh muscles are long and flexible. Research by phys- ical education experts such as T, K. Cureton et Illinois Uni- versity, bas shown that muscles flexibility and length have a tre- mendous amount to do with ath.. letic success, in any sport. Unfortunately, merely by going out on the ice and skating, you will ot develop the extra muscles length you need. The body does flot work that way. In addition, during the off-season the athlete is oiten involved in ac- tivity which makes such flexi- bility unnecessary, and the muscles become shorter as a re- sult. During the day he spends much of bis time sitting down, which means that the back thigh muscles especially will gradually become shorter. This means that special flexi- bility exercises are a must to t!,- hockey player. Tbey should be continued throughout the season, with speciai emphasis in the pre. season training period. Last week, we outlined some hip flexibility drills. Now, here J. Levett --------.- 208 T. McLaughlin 207 M. Harrison 204 J. Slemon 203 J. Coombes 202 F. Smith ---- 201 JGirls Rolling Along With Higli Scores In BowlingLeague Doris JolI rolled the bigh single for this week with a score of 263, Sadie Buckneli took bigh triple honors with threse games o! 198- 198-235 to make a total o! 631. Bernice Budai came a close sec- ond for bigh triple with 628. Other 600's were Doris Joli and Sylvia Bucknell 603. Bernice Budai and Sylvia Bucknell came into the iimelight again for good single games.. Bernice bowled 257, and Sylvia 240. Those Lemon Leaguer scores were pretty numerous this week, so we'll just mention the really good ones. Rena Bathgate 73, Marg. Aluin 80. Lillian Connors and Shirley Morris 81. Four girls axe on top for higb average, but Hilda Brock wins the honors having the most pins with an average o! 192. Team standing stays about the same. Piper stîll leads with 47 points, Brock second- with 43 anci Bucknell third with. 36. Congrats. to Helen Kilpatrick on ber recent marriage-she's Helen Vivian now. Team Standing W L Pts. Piper ------_ 20 4 47 Brock' 18 6 43 Bucknell ___ 15 9 36 Davis ----_-___ 13 il 31 Luxton --- 12 12 28 Beauprie- 12 12 28 Carter - Ilh 13 24 McNulty- 10 14 23 Stevens --- 9 15 21 Leighton _........ 9 15 ?l Etcher------- 9 /14 Iii21 Gay -------- - ---- 61/217 'h16 Hlgh Average Hilda Brock ---------------- 192 Bernice Budai .. ------- 192 Lorraine MacFarlane - 192 Hezel Davis ----------- ---_ 192 Connie Leighton -----------191 Doris Jol --------1------- 190 Kay Beauprie ----186 Aida Luxton 183 Sylvia Bucknell ____ 182 Helen Piper _--------- 180 Lil Wfooper ---- -- - 180 Lorraine Hayes- 176 Sadie Bucknell -- .176 Norma Gay ---- - 175 Bern Carter ------- ~ 173 Onie Etcher --~~-- 173 Anita Nickerson 172 Barb McFeeters 172 Ina K ing --_ ------ -------170 Ann Gay - 170. *..tise lettons star. Tise* inan>'rendors, ofTHE-CHRIS. TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell thse Editor how much :hey enjoy this daily wold.wide newspsper, with aucis oeon mente as: "Thse Monitor is te eose carelully edit.d nous. poper in thse -U. S...! "J'aluable nid in tuons- ing . . . «Nowa tAe lecomploe ansd loir ..2 «The Moniter sureiy i..a readeer',neceaeiy.. You, to., wmI fina tise Mout.. informative, with templew. world news ... anddsas noe- aary as yens HOME TOWN paper. Use tub ceoupon for a sp.dal I- t od te,- - o . it . 000. Nuwqyam, «4 . , %e..mae, V. $. A. tien te71. im i. smesMoh- 74 Sn.. ae1 o. (Mine) are some that will keep those thighs loose and supple. Front Thigh Stretching Stand with your chest agamnst a wall, and the feet fairly close. Lift one foot behind you and reach back to grasp the instep with your band. Pull the leg back anid upwards toward your head as far as possI'ble, trying to keep your hips fairly close to the wall. Hold your best position for about five seconds, then let go and repeat with the otherleg. Do this exercise fine or ten times with each leg. If you are doing it properly, you wili feel the pull along the muscles on the front o! thie tbigh. Russian Dance Squat on your heels, placing one band on a table or chair to miaintain balance. Keep your upper body erect. and kick one leg out in front o! you. Bring it back quickly and at the same time kick the other leg out. Re- peat in this way, keeping the up- per body straight. Continue un- til reasonably tired. Remember to start slowly and gradually in- crease your speed. This exercise is also excellent for knee flexi- .-ý,1 t,,- The lower legs and ankles are also important in hockey. Here ,is a good conditioning exercise. Stand with your feet just com- fortably apart. Sway your bips to the side until you move Up on the outside edge of the foot on that side, and the inside edge of the other. Sway Io the opposite side until you are on the other edges of your feet. Start the ex- ercise slowly, and gradually in- crease the speed, moving as far Up on the edges of your feet as possible. Sports College bas many valu- able services for athlete and coach. By writing to "Sports College, Box 99, Toronto 1, On- tario" and mentioning tbis news- paper, you can join free of charge. A copy of the "Research Guide," a valuable training news,- paper, will. be sent to you with your membership card. Listen to your nearest CBC sta- tion every Saturday afternoon- Bowmanville and district, CBL, 12:15-for the regular radio ses- #sion o! Sports Cellege. Famous athletes and coaches give advice on sports every week. JRECREATION CALENDA-1R Bowmanvlle Recreation Commission Telephone 982 (November 15 to 21) NOTE-The Recreation office will be closed fromn Nov. 9 to Nov. l7 inclusive as Mr. Shay will be in Toronto attending the annual training course for Recreation Di- rectors. sponsored by the Dept. o! Education. Please contact the Secretars', Miss Dora Purdon aI 661 or 3184 concer1)ing immediate recreation business. -Thursday - 2:00-Aflernoon Leather Class Lion's Community Centre 7:00-Adult Swimming Class B. T. S. P'ool Registration is closed. 7:30-Ladies' Dressmiak'g Class Lions Centre. - Friday - 7:30-Aduit Art Class Central Public School - Saturday - 8:30-Teen Town Dance. High School Auditoriumi Members 25c, non-mnem- bers 35c. - Monday - 7:30-Ladies' Dressmaking class (2nd Class) Lions Centre - Tuesday - 4:00-Jr. Stamp Club Lions Centre 7:30-Leathercraft Class Lions Centre 7:30-Smocking Clasi Lions Centre 7:30-Photgraphy Class, aduit. Lions Centre - Wednesday - 2 :00-Variety Crafts Lions Centre 3:00-Dancing Class. Ballet, tap. etc. Lions Centre 8:00-Woodworking Class, aduit Central Public School. Boys interested ini playing eith- er Juvenile or Midget hockey this vear are asked to contact Jack McNulty or Bill Mutton, immedi- ately. Application forms for birth cer- tificates may be had at the Town Hall office or the Recreation of- fice for those boys who do nol have a birth card. Boys in the Midget and Juvenile age group who wish to play hockey mnust have a birth card. Age groups- Midgets-under 16 as of Nov-. lst; Juvenile-under 18 as of Nov. 1. For quick resuits - use The Statesman Classified Ads. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 319 Dundas St. E.. Wbitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workma nship and careful attention to defail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and dornestie Granites amd Marbles in stock. Gus Morfie. A real championship team las the way that Gus Mortuon, (above), defence star of the Toronto Maple Leaf hockey champions, sizes up the Ontario Progressive Conservative go vernment headed by Premier Frost. Mortson, speaking on behalf of Percy Boyce, governiment standard-bearer irn Coch- rane South riding, declares that the present administration bas done more for the recreational facilities of the youth of this province thari any other Ontario government in history. ]KIRBY Bill Armstrong's apple pickers celebrated the end of another picking season with a turkey din- ner and dance on Friday night. The banquet was catered to by Kendal Womnen's Institute rollow- ed by a dance in the Orange Hall. Those attending from Kirby were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lunn and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hen- derson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Jim Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery. Gordon andi Lloyd. Mr. and Mrs. John Lowerý', Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman, Mr. Bill De- mne, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wannan, and Mr. and Mrs. John Stone. We are sorry to learn that Rev. Eustace is îeaving our circuit soon. Mr. James Wannan Is under the doctor's care. We wish hlm -a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Bruce. Yeiverton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid were back to their cottage on Sunday. Several fron- the district went deer hunting on Mondav. Mrs. Bill Wannan visited Mrs. Evans, Orono. Help Crippaed Children-Buy Planters Peanuts from Rotarians. 'I Early Winterizing is important for just one reason! You neyer know when the temper- ature is going to take a sudden nose dive and leave your car an easy prey to frcezing wcather. Service is quick and nioderately priced. Drive up today! Bowmanville Motor Sales DODGE - DE SOTO DEALER - BOWMANVILLE J CeDI T RS 1 MARR'S Jewellery Nw Crop Golden Hallowi, Fancy DATES Caifornia Valencia, Fancy 288's ORANGES l15C cloz 29c lmported, Fresh, Washed, Ready to Cook, No. 1 SIPINACH cel;o bag 19c Fresh Shredded, Ready to Serve, No. 1 CABDAGE SALAD .cedobag 10< Australian Fancy im6SINS& A&P SUPER RIGHT - QUALITY MEATS YOU ARE NOT ON.LV ASSURED OF CANADA'S FINEST BEEF, RED ~IIIbi~AND BLUE EkRANDS. YOU ALSO GET A&P SUPER RIGHT TRIM, WHICH ME ANS EVERY CUT YOU BUY IS PROPERLY TRIMMED BEFORE WEIGHING. MORE MEAT WITH LEGS WASTE. YOUR BEST MEAT BUY THIS WEEKEND PORE SHOUL Ssmotced, shankless Vo 45c UU Sift's Pve.slums Pr*-dresed, No Weste, 'Tender GrOwn GradeA CRICIENSRady for thé Oven, 214 to 4 1 ýS. 1.108 DEEAS 0" m Md S YOUR FAVOURITE CUTS WffiNOs lobSc'. NECKS and DACxS Presis, Zither End PMi 1b55C 1b 59C lb 93C 1b z5c * 41c p.M uem fresh fb 33c BACON siced breakfast, rind cm l 55c1 2 6S 45C ArnA Page-Wh ite or Brown N-LK DRMA Custom Ground DKR OFFEE *o AnnPage o-n-&yle A&P Special Blond Ann Page lona Cut WAX BEAS oo A&P Cream Style CH0ICE CORN 2 Ann Page Famous FRUIT CAKE - Canadian NKILD CHEESE Concentrated SUPER SUDS ig.38e lona (Pectin added) PLUM JAN<- Ions Orange & Grapefruit NALAE -o A&P Fancy Red MMCEE SALMONR IDESSERT PURS-- A4 &P ru iiiand! Vey/eafteJ Froth Mlanicle" PM hSHOULDERS 1 THE CANADL4N STATESMAN, BOWMANVIE.4E, ONTARIO TRURSDAY. Nov. is. iosi ', PAGE TWELVE

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