I. ________________ . ~~~TU AA D I N STUU LIATE MA , UWMA PVffl, ONTA RTUAOTf' W IThe Orono Ww &I& Et.E.Lot an .Mrs. 1. Noden and Viola, T, ronto, spent the weekend at the home here. Miss Shirley Porter and Mi Audrey Billngs, Oshawa, spei the weekend at their home her Mr. and Mrs. Gien Tambl> and Dianne. Belleville, visited h' parents Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamn lyn. Mr. and Mrs. James Paterso: Toronto, spent Sunday with h~ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pa oncw S. Exciting! you have to s"eil /<.-Nt0 believe il sample book of the new SEMI4TRK ED W A LLPAP ER S J. B. Abernelhy Pain! & Wallpaper Store 85 King, St. W. PHONE 431 o.- eir [ss ?ni lis bt- Mrs. Stewart Cowan and son rDouglas are with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Cobbledick, shaving been called home owing tto the serious iliness of her moth- er. We hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Bell, Osh- awa. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun and fam- ily. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde and farniiy, Toronto, with his moth- er, Mrs. Charles Awde. Mrs. Jennie Hooey returned last week to her home with Mrs. Robert Rainey in attendance. Rev. A. E. Eustace has accept- ed a cali to the United Church in Pembroke and will lpave Orono about the middle of December. His congregation here regret very much his leaving but wýish ' evemv success in his new chai Mr. and Mrs. Vance Coo and family, Oshawa. visited parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chai Cooper. Mirs. Jas. Dickson, Miss Basr and Miss Grey motored to Chi Falls, Ont., and visited Mrs. Di son's daughtem, Marion and fa ily. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor baby son. Oshawa, spent weekend with his parents,1 and Mrs. C. Taylor. Mrs. Heber Souch is a pati in Memorial Hospital, Bownr ville, haviîig failen in her ho \and broken hier shoulder-bla SWe hope she will have a speE ecovery. Mrs. Bob Rutherford net -ed a number of ladies from1 Lake Shore, and a inumber Orono ladies who were forn ;residents of the Lake Shore hier home Thursdav' aflernoor Congratulations to Mr.a Mms. Jack Bairstow on the bii of their daughter, Sharon Ai on Nov. 7 in Oshawa Hospital Congratulations to Mr.a Mrs. Glenn Tennant. nee Ire Ginn of Bethan *', who were mi ried hieîe on Nov. 3rd. A pamty of twelve huntersi turned on Sunday sfter spendi the past week at Lavant. Th brought four deer home wi them. The services at Orono Unit Church on Sunday were well£ tended. Rev. A. E. Eustace ga an inspiring message fromt text "Our Father." The choir v heard in a weil rendered anthei "A Song o! Peace." Iu the ev( ing Branch 178 o! the Canadii Legion attended iu a body, l by the Legion Pipe Band of Boý manville. Rev. Mm. Eustacer ceived the colors and Mr. Carl Tamblyn, trumpeter, sounc( 'Reveille.'" Miss Agnes WsddE piaced the wreath o! remen- rance on the aitar and the Pit Baud played "The Lament." M~ Eustace chose as his subject "Ri member God," and gave a stirrir message which was much appi ciated by ail who had the priý ilege of hearing him. Mm. Gle This Week's GROCERYSPECIALS Aylmer 2-lb. tin Bowes 1-lb. tin Mqincenieat - - 43c Almond Icing - - 45c Gold Bell Bleacbed 15-oz. Heinz Fancy 20-oz. tins Raisins- -* 28c Tomato Juice - 2/31c 4-oz. pkg. lb. Walnut Pieces - - 23c Margene ---41c Niblets Whole 8-oz. tins Jewel lb. Kernel Corn - 2/23c Shortening --33c Stokley's 15-oz. tins Aylmer 9-oz. bottle Spaghetti-- 2/27c Chili Sauce - - 22c Old Dutch Dalton's Featherstrip 7-oz. Cleanser - 2/25c Cocoanut - - - 23c 1SREDDED WHREAT -~~ - pky. 33c SPECIA L! Free - Santa Clans Soap Figurine with purchase of 4 Bars Naple Leaf Soap - Only 30c -FREE DELIVERY YEO'rS MEATS AND GROCERJES Formerly Harry AIIin's V(ING ST. E. 80 WMAN VILLE PHONE 3367 38 KING - rge. oper 1his rles ;nett .atts )ick- [amn- and the Mr. lent rian- ome ade. ýedy the o! mer Sat n. and rth £nu, J. and * ar - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and re - farnily. Oshaa Miss Shirley ing Garrard, Tro. o at Mr. Chas. hey Grads 'ith. Mr. Elwyn Dickie, Janetville; Miss Dorothy Stainton, Ennis. ted killen, at Mr. Dan Black's. at- Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron ai ave Mr. W. Bradley's, Bowmanvillk th and attended the memorial ser- ,va vice at the Cenotaph on Sunday. er, Mr. Melville Bertrim with his en Parents at Crowe Lake. ian Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert, led Miss Velma Gilbert. Solina, at )w_ Messrs. Milton and Lloyd Sle- re- mon's. -s Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto, Led spent last week at Mr. Lloyd le Ashton's. ib- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Colbary, pe Alderwood, at Mr. W. Black- /Ir. burn's. te- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, ing Burketon, Ronald and Ray Ash- e- ton, Miss Marie Ashton at Mr. iv Ross Ashton's. ýen Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and family, Toronto; Mr. and b.Mrs. Earl Thompson and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. Roland Thornpson's. Mrs. R. Olesen with Mrs. O. Friend, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and Carolyn. Downsview, at Mr. Ar- thur Trewin's. George and Helen Bertrim, Oshawa, with their parents. Mrs. W. Blackburn and Carol, Mrs. T. Cowling had tea with Mrs. A. Moffatt, Bowmanville, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mr. H. Ashton at Mr. Reuben lAshton's, Port Hope, on Sunday. Mrs. R. Ashton is in Port Hope hospital with a broken hip. Martin Olesen had his tonsils removed at Memorlal Hospital, Bowmanville. He is now at home with his mother, convalescing. Messrs. Don Camneron, Jack Potts, Chas. Garrard and John Graham attended the Canadian Legion turkey dinner in Bow- manville on Monday night. The DeGeer brothers and Mr. Melville Bertrim are putting n- sul-bric on their respective hous- es. W. A. met at Mrs. Don Camn- eron's on Monday atternoon. The devotional period was under di- rection of Mrs. D. J. Lute. Read- ings were given by Mrs. Jack Potts and Mrs. W. Blackburn. Mrs. Lute took charge of the elec-i tion of officers for next year wvhich are: President-Mrs. Jack Potts, lst Vlce-Pres.-Mrs. Ceci Slemon; 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Lloyd Slemon, Sec'y-Mrs. W. Blackburn; Asst. Sec'y-Mrs. Roy Grahym; Treas.-Mrs. Chas. Gar- rard;' Pianist-Mrs. Chas. Rank- ine; Group Convenors-Mrs. Rol- and Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Read, Mrs. Arthur Trewvin, Mrs. R. Oie- sen; Card Convenor-Mrs. H. Ashton. Plans for our bazaar were discussed. Lunch was serv- ed by the group in charge and a social chat enjoyed. Chas. Rankine suffered quite a loss on Wednesday morning due to the stormn and heavy lu of NAUTICAL BACKDROP - The Canadian Pacific's 9,000-ton immigrant passenger VE Beaverbrae forms a nautical backdrop for the visit made to Canadian Vickers at M( real by Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh on the Montreal leg of the r( tour. Formerly the German ship Huascaran, the Beaverbrae carnies over 700 new Car ians f rom ail parts of Europe to this country on each of her voyages. She was in dryc for her annual overhaul when the Royal Visit occurred. Aluin was heard in two solos "The Lord's Prayer" and "I heard the Voice of Jesus Say." The choir sang a well rendered anthem "Oh God Our Help in Ages Past." Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Elliott on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. Abercrombie. Toron- to, and Mrs. C. Shaw and Mrs. L. Thorogood, Port Credit. HAYDON The ]Radia Shap ST. E.. PHONE 57.1 ENFIELD 1 Mr. and Mms. J. W. Bowman and family with Mr. and Mms. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, Mr. and Mms. Hoskin Smith, Glenn and Kathleen with Mm. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Ennis- killen. Mrs. J. A. Plant, Brighton, at- tended the 'At Home" o! the W. A. and visited at the home o! A. W. Prescott. Several from here atiended the funemal o! Mrs. J. Barton, Bow- manvilie. Mr. Hoskin Smith held a suc- cessful auction sale disposing o! his entire famm stock aud equip- ment, having sold his farm. Last week 6i friends .spent an evening with Mr. sud Mrs. Smith and family. Duming the evening they were presented with a coffe table and rose bowl; Kathleen re- ceived a neekiace and Glenn was presented with a nylon bmush and comb set. AIl expressed appreci- ation for their gifts. This was foliowed by a social perîod and lunch. Friday night our W. A. held their annual "At Home" at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pres- cott. Evemyone enjoyed an ev- ening o! progressive Lost Heir aud a splendid lunch. Mx-s. J. A. Plant, Brighton; Mr. aud Mis. E. Ormiston, Ebenezer, and Mr, and Mrs. L. Bradley, Enniskillen, were special guests, the ladies being former members. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Smith were guests o! Col. and Mrs. R. S. Me- Laughlin at their chmysanthemurn tes at Parkwood, Oshawa, on Sat- urday. We are sormy to learn o! the serious condition o! Mrs. A. Mc- Rae, Toronto. Mm. and Mrs. Me- Rae and family spent several summers here at their summer home. For quick results - use The Statesmian Classi!ied Ads. suow. His mink shed, 125 ft. long. collapsed, damaging amound 50 mink pens aud lettiug mauy miuk out. Xith the prompt help sud kindness o! the neighbom- hood men aIl the mink but three were csught. Mms. R. Olesen has had a well dug near hem house and has ob- tained water at 45 !t. Plan to attend our W. A. ba- zaar at Enniskilleu Hall on Wed., Nov. 21. For particulars sec Coni- iug Eveta SMARTLY CASUAL ... a Kane J Weil! original o! chiffon worsted ombre plaid in browu or grey. A littie go-every'w'ere dress de- signed ta take you anywhere, shopping, to the office, or for smart comfomt at home. A dres "iu eau live in, Friuged edges lend a uew touch to the cuffs, %vidi-spread collar and bodiceI front. essel [ont- ýoyal nad- - --,-k Nestlefon Siaion 1 Mr. James Emerton visited Mm. Jas. White and Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins in Toronto. Mrs. Jas. Croft has been assist- ing at the home o! Mrs. Jas. Sam- ells. Mrs. Samelis is home from Oshawa Hospital and pmogmessing favorablv. Mrs. Croft has left to spend the winter in Toronto. Miss Marilyn Metcaif and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt visited Mrs. K. Burton. Mrs. S. V. Pinney, Flushiug, Long Island, N.Y., visited Miss G. McKee. Mm. Scott Hutýhison, Tommy and Ronnie, Toronto. visited Mr. and Mms. Herman Samelis. lrs. John, Fratalochi, Lindsay, \isited her brother, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mm. and Mms. Wm. Wiihis, Aim. and Mrs. Jackman Sm. and Mr. Russell Jackman, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Mr. and Mms. E. W. Bradley, Bowmauvîle called on !riends lu the village. Mm, Thomas Lang!eld returned home fmom Suunybrok Hospital sud is imnproviug nicely. Misses Jean Bowers and Elaine Thompson meturned to Normnal Sehool, having finîshed a week's Practice teaching under the di- rection o! Mrs. Turner, Black- stock. Misses Euuice Wilson and Joyce Graham were teachingv likewise at Enniskillen under1. Mms. Mitchell. Mms. J. Forder vîsited hem sister Mms. J. Watson at Caesarea who is recovemiug from a nasty fali. Mr. and Mms. Grant Thompsou visited Mr. and Mms. John Sic- mon, Enniskillen. Mr. Sharpe was a business visi- tom mn Peterborough. Mrs. Craddock who has been Porter, hias meturned to hem home in New Zeaiand. Neighhoms helped Mms. Jas. Harris and Mrs, Alice Forder celebrate bithdays this pastt week.1 Work la pmogmessing on the new houses in the village. The Roher brothers have been womk-f ing inside and Messms. Riddell and 1 Mamlow have completed theJ chimney at the Oliver Rohmer house. Mm. and Mms. Bruce Heas- lip are sealing the intemior in mes- mllness for plastering, having been heid up by the Modemn Crete ex-L perts. - The Presbytemian manse iç nsul-bmiced, the furuace instail- ed, the electricians are wiring and Messrs. Riddell and Mamlow d wiii have the chimney completed his week, "Speech lu silver, Silence ila - Press it, Speech is of Time, Sil- ence is o! Eternity.s-Thomnas Carlyle. Silence is the perfectest hem- ald o! joy: I were but little happy if I cdtild sap' how much.-Wil- liam Shakespeare. NOTICE A public hearing under the Milk Control Act wiIl be held in Parlour "A", Convention Floor, Royal York Hotel, Tor- onto, on Monday, Nov- ember 19th, 1951, at 9:45 a.M. This public hearing la for the purpose o. providlng ail interestod parties an opportunity of Making representations to the Milk Control Board of Ontario before this Board prescribes the maximum pri ces nt whieh milk niay be sold in the market of Bow- manville. A. P. Clark, Secretary, Milk Control Board of Ontario. I. 1~ 4 In the Editor' s Mail' Dear Sir: High pressure tak is usually connected with sales, but with the case o! parking meters it is flot for sales. Parking metere are cousins to the late slot ma- chines, costing nothing to instail, the only catch is the 50-50 deal. This modemn hitching post is not to the best interests o! the community from the business standpoint, and pocket, too. Should parking meters make their appearance on the streets o! Bowmanville it will help to eliminate parking problems; yes, and speed up traffic too, making Bowmanville a typicai thmough- highway town. The sight of park- ing meters will drive away more business fmom the business estab- lishments in town than the du- bious revenue derived from theni. Parking meters are associated with small towns where the soûrce of revenue is limited, but surely the Town of Bowman- ville la not so desperate for fin- ances to gamble with parking metern. Respectfully yours, G. F. Peterson. Mr: and Mrs. Christian Stor and familyv, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Len, Oshawa, at Hans Geiss- berger's. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen visited Mm. John Knox, Toronto. Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, Mrs. Ger Glaspel, Mrs. A. D. McMaster visited Mms. Ivor Gerry, Toronto. The community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton on Monday night and presented Mr. and Mrs. Keih Stainton \vith a table and four chairs. Mr. Alex McMaster xvas master o! ceremonies and Mms. Nelson Fice read an address o! good wishes. Mr. and Mrs. James Brent are erectiug a new home just north o! Lew Knapp's on the sideroad. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Camneron at Perey Flintoffs, Maple Grove. W. A. met at the home o! Mrs. Robert Killen with a very good attendance. Mrs. Hans Geissberg- er sang a solo, Miss Joyce Fisher gave a piano solo. Mrs. Killen gave an account o! hem trip home to Ireland this summer. Salera W. A. met at the Barrie home. Mms. Wemry opcned tha_ meeting and conducted the bus- iness. Mrs. Lloyd Richards sud hiem gmoup in charge o! the meet- ing. Mms, E. Darch gave a vemr' intemesting account o!hiem trip ta England this sumrnerý' Mrs. Ke.i Shackleton favored with a piano solo. Some o! the ladies bmoutiI sewing sud knitting for the baz- aam sud the prices were put on these. Mrs. Richards sud lhem group semved lunch. Ladies o! the W. A. have speut sevemal afternoons sud eveniugs working on a quilt at the home o! Mms. W. Cmaig in preparation for the bazaar. Mm. Luke Buttery lias beeu moved fmom Oshawa Hospital to a rest home at Courtice. Mm. Bob Collacutt is enjoying a deer hunting trip near Apsley. Mrs. Sam Buttemy and Marion attended special services at New- tonvilie on Suuday and visited lier mother, Mms. J. Lancaster, (Intendcd for last week) Mm, Kizer, Hamilton, snd his friend, Mr. Pugh, Mm. and Mms. Percy Taylor visited Mm. sud Mms. J. Hall. Miss Stella Blackburn, Mms. Nettie Cole. Mr. Fred Blackburn, Newcastle; Mm. aud Mms. W. Blackburn, Haydon; Mm. sud Mrs. L.Savcmy, Oshawa, with Mm. sud Mrs. F. Blackburn. Mr. sud Mrs. L. Welsh sud !am- [y with Mm. sud Mms. Geo. God- dard, Courtice. Need a Parerhaner, painter or ny other type o! service firmn? MorriLs Ca. 70th mAnniversary PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIALS FREE Automatic Coffee Percolator Retail Value - $22.95 wih every purchase of an EUREKA VACUUM CLEANER FREE Westclox Electric Clock Retail Value - $9.95 with every purchaze of au ELECTR-AIRE VACUUM CLEANER See the percolators and docks -in our window - F.U FP, Marris Ca. -i In spite of the storm about 50 friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker Tuesday night and presented Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Penwarden (nee Mary Vaneyk) with a miscellaneous shower. After the bride and groom had opened the many lovely glits, they both thanked everyone and invited them to visit them in their home. Lunch was served and dancing enjoyed. W. A. Bazaar, held in th(, school Saturday afternoon. was very successful Tickets were drawn for the lucky prizes: lst, satin cushion, donated by Mrs. R. Sim, Mrs. Frank Denby, Hay- don; 2nd prize, doil, Mrs. R. Sim; 1-1uu . hdgsn. iroceeeas $71.75 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphyan aiywr una ussF O Bowmanville. Because of broken telephone S R lines and the bad storm the Home E R V IC E and School Club was cancelled à Friday night and will be held T Ri this Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murphy VITR Bowmanville, with his mother, B-EL " Mrs. Edith Murphy and Mr. and D CK M I W I Mrs. Harold Murphy.= Mm. George Sharpe bas gone= STIA Ri to Bowmanvilleto spent the win - ter months with friends. E Mrs. Otto Virtue, Bowmanville. M T A X IA spent a couple o! days with Mrs. Fred Partnem. D A How to Eliminate Mic inOrchards =3 2 Mice are now seeking winter E3 2 homes in orchards, warns B. J. Teskey o! the Department o! Hor- W ticulture, Ontario Agricultumal N College, and unless proper pre NE V EB cautions are taken they can cause much damage to trees. CLa~O SE jhan damage fromn rabbits, aim.e 'Tnice attack trees at ground 1ev- el or below, where the damage to the crown co! the tree and the rmots cannot be seen. Suckers at the bottoni of the tree should be removed, and all leaves, litter and other rubbish cleared away from the tree for a distance of of at least two féet A fine mesh wire at Icast two feet high may then be placed around the tree, extending, dowa. to root level. If the base of thc wire is embedded in crushed stone or cinders, extra protection la pro- vîded. as mice wil not burrow into this material. Mice can otten be eliminated ini large numbers through their habit of seeking shelter under boards PLUMBING & ROT WATER HEATING OIL BUItNERS INSTALLED in any type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell PHONE: Noon and 5 p.m. - 3473 Day or Night - 2085 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - so rnsny people made a donation to the. MïEMlORIAL tHOSPITAL that we decided to extend <air offer for three more days. to get a FREE PEARL NECKILACE - ail you have to do is donate SI-00 OR MORE TO THE HOSPITAL in our store and the PEARLS ARE YOURS FREE 0F CHARGE Corne in to-day and get your beautiful string of pearis. ]HO Ol P ER'jeS JEWELLERY AND GKFT SHOP 28 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 PHONE 480 DO WNAN VILLE 1 ý--, - - ý e ý - ý- ,, ý - ý ..... ..... "Il, eý _ , - 1 1 1 1 mi :4à MAKE IT A MERRY CHRISTMAS D Et [A Records MIL rl TRU&MAT. Nov. is, 1951 'm ÉNAVATNTAM ef"Anqwe"âl& 1 gc r LONG SAULT SALEM Last Week BOWNANVILLE