THE ANAIANSTAESMN, EWMAVILE OTARO1TH-SD-.-OV.1-,195 % a 0 e o * e ~ - BIRTHS BAIRSTOW--Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bairstaw, Orono, wish ta an- nounce the binth of their daughtcr, Sheron Anne, on Wed., Nov. 7, 1951, at Oshawa Genenal Hos- pital. 46-1 LOGAN - Mn. and Mns. H. A. Logan (nec Jean Prout) wish ta announce the binth of their son, a brother for Douglas, at Univer- sity Hospital, Edmonton, Alta., on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, 1951. 46-1* ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mns. J. W. Boyd, Orono, anneunce the engagement of thein daughter, Arleay Aniene, to Robent George Strickiand Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stephenson, Newcastle, Ont. The marniage will take place in Orono United Church on Nov. 3th. 46-1* DEATHS ANDREW, Luella D. - passed away at Lake Worth, Florida, U.S.A., on Wed., Nov. 7th, 1951, Luchla D. Andrew, sisten of the late Reginald B. Andrew, Ton- onto, and aunt of Mrs. George B. McClellan, Bowmanvilie. Service was beld at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Monday, Nov. 12, at 4 p.m. Interment Bowmanviile Ccmcteny. 46-1 BARTON-At the home of ber son, Douglas D. Barton, 94 Hill- croft Ave., Oshawa, on Friday, November 9th, 1951, Lottie Bar- ton, widow of Robent John Banton. Funerai fnom %the Funeral Chapel of Northcutt & Smitb, Bowman- ville, on Monday, November l2th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. 46-1 LAW, Emma - At Leskard, on Sunday, Nov. llth, 1951, Emma Harris, beloved wife of the late George G. Law, and dean mother of Bessie (Mns. Howard Bellamy), age 72 years. Resting at North- cutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviile, until noon Wednes- day, Nov. l4th, then ta the United Cburch, Newcastle, for service at 2 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cem- eteny, Newtonville. 46-1 CAIRDS 0F THANKS I would like ta thank the nurs- ing staff, aides, special nurses and Drs. Gilu, Fenguson and Austin for cane received at Memoriai Hospital. 1 wish ta thank and also appreciate kindnesses shown me by Rotanians, neighbours, fricnds and relatives, during my stay at hospital and since re- turning home. Edith M. Hogarth. 46-1* Mrs. Jack Reynolds and family wish ta express their beartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Dariington Football League mcm- bers for the trophy pnesented ta the runner-up team in the Soc- cen Senies at the Annual Roy W. Nichais Football Dance as a tri- bute ta the mcmory of Jack Reynolds; with speciai thanks ta Robent Scott, of Solina, for bis untining efforts and kind words. 46-1* We wish ta extend aur heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerîngs rcceived from neighbors, relatives and many friends; also thanl;ing Dr. Rundie, Rev. W. Turner, Mr. and Mns. Austin and Mns. H. Foiey, nurse, for their help in aur sad bereavement of a loving husband and father. Mrs. G. Rundie and famiiy. 46.1* IN MEMORIAM ASH-memory's tibute ta a dean- ly loved husband and father, Gor- don Fredcrick Ash, who left us suddenly on Novemnber l9th, 1938: -Wife (Mary Wethereli Ash) and daughters, Helen and Margaret. 46-1* Court of Revision and Appeal TOWN 0F BOWMNANVILLE Notice is hcreby given that the finst sitting of the Court of Re- CQMING EVENTS The Bowmanville Lions Club annual Minstrel Show will be beld March 5th, 6th and 7th, 1952. 46-1 Recreatian Club Eucbne, Friday, Nov. l6tb, 8 p.m., in Goodyear Recreatian Hall. Admission 35c. 46-1 Teen Town Dance Sa jrday, Nov. i7tb, 8:30 p.m., at thwHigh School Auditorium. Admission: members 25c; non-membens 35c. 46-1 High School Commencement. Novemben 27, 28, 29, 30, ta be beld at the Town Hall. The annual Gilbert and Sullivan production of "The Mikado." 45-2 The Salem Woman's Association Bazaar and afternoon tea will be heid 'in the Lions Commun ity Centre on Friday afternoon, Nov. 23. Officiai apening at 2:30 p.m. 46-1* Keep the date - St. John's Cburcb, Blackstock, Nov. 2th. Supplr commencing at 5:30, and Bazaan. Interesting travelogue film, C. McLaughlîn, Toronto. 46-1 St. Andrew's Cbunch Bazaar will be beid in the cburch base- ment Nov. l6tb. Official apening at 3 o'clock. Aftennoan tea wili be served. 46-1'* Holstein Breeders - Reserve Dec. lst for Annual Meeting at Orono. Banquet on Dec. l4tb, Blackstock. Funther particuhars later. Neil Malcolm, Pres., H. C. Muin, Sec. 46-1 The Goodyear Recreation Club Bingo at the Goodyear Recreation Hall, Friday, Nov. 23rd, at 8 p.m. 20 games, goad prizes. Admission 50c non - members. Recreation members free. 46-2 Don't forget ta came ta the Kinsmen Club Mammotb Bingo at Badminton Club, 7:30 p.m., Monday, Novemben 26th. New and entirely diffenent bingo. Sec next wcek's papèn fan panticulans. $40 Jackpot ta be given away at this Bingo. 46-1 Reserve Friday evcning, Nov. l6tb, for Cartwright H. S. Com- mencement Exencises, Community Hall, Blackstock, and be sure ta sec the C.H.S. play and other featunes on Thuns. and Fnl. even- ings, Nov. 29 and 30. 45-2 Plan ta attend the Avon Cas- metie Display at the home of Mrs. George Heath, 57 Duke St., on the aftcrnnan of Wed., Nov. 22, from 1:30 ta 4. In case of bad weather ta be held Thunsday aftennoon. Everyone is welcome. 46-1 AIl ladies of the District are invited ta attend the Liberal Ladies' Tea at the Lions Com- munity Centre this afternoon, Thurs., Nov. lStb, from 3 ta 5 p.m. Came out and meet the candidate and bis wife, Mn. and Mrs. George Waiton. 46-1 Hampton United Chunch Anni- versary Tbank-Offering Service, Sunday, Nov. l8th, at 2:30 p.m. Guest speaker, Rev. S. R. Hend- enson of Trinity United Church, Bowmanvillc. Speciai music by choir, assisted by Mrs. L. W. Van Driel, soioist, Bowmanviiie. 46-1 Haydon Bazaan will be held in Enniskillcn Hall, Wed., Nov. 21, 7:30 sharp. There will be fancy- work, knittcd goods, aprons, home- baking, dandy and num- mage table. A free aftcrnoon tea prize will be dnawn. Proceeds in aid of nedeconating cburch. 46-1 Plan ta attend the Fourth An- nual Meeting of the Durham County Co-aperative Medical Ser- vices ta be held in the Council Chamber of the Orano Town Hall, at 8 p.m., Monday, November 19. Came and bean the story of the Ca-openative Hospital at Shel- boumne as toid bv the Secretary- Manager, Mn. Wim. McCarthy. Evenybody weicome. 46-if Livestock For Sale Articles For Sale CIRCULATING Quebec Heater. Phone 2131. 46-1* SNOOKER table, 9 x 5, bails and cues. Phone 2878. 46-1* TWO outside windows for cellar, 33" x 171½". Phone 492. 46-1 HIGH back -sink and taps. Apply 19 Carlisle. Phone 822. 46-1* $400 RACCOON coat for $85, size 14, in excellent condition. Phone 586. 46-1* SMALL crib, $5; baby carniage, $8: go-cart, $5, ail in good con- dition. Phone 878. 46-1 CHRISTMAS TREES - Order now and avoid Iast minute rush. Phone 764 or 3688. 46-1 CHRISTMAS TREES of spccial quality-Spruce ai-d Scotch Pine, ail sizes. Phone 3170. 46-1 MAN'S overcoat, blue, size 38; one pair girl's white skates, size 6. Phone 3688. 46-1 CRESS Caflous Salve relieves quickly. Your D)Zuggist seils Cness Corn Salve.- for sure relief too. 46-1 ONE pair white tube skates, size 7; navy blue dness, size 14, good as new; baby's car seat. Phone 2583. 46-1* FINDLAY oul space heater, 10", burner, practically new, sacrifice. Apply Manr's Jewellery Store, 43 King St. W. 46-1 HOOVER floor polishens and vacuum cleaners, see them today. Sales and Service at Hydro Shop. Bowmanvilie. 45-4* FINDLAY Oval, large size, cook stove, ivany trim, warrning aven and reservoir, in good condition. Phone 2170. 46-1 LADY'S winter coat, size 18, black boucle cloth, chamois lined, fur coilar, like new, reasonable. Phone 3425. 46-1* SMALLEY Hatchet milîs; Quaker space heatens; Marquette refrig- erators and electric stoves. Vin- tue's Garage, Phone 2882. 46-2* ONE convertible baby buggy, $5; one foiding go-cant; one baby sleigh, $3, ail in good condition. Phone 3604 after Satunday. 46-1 STEEL -'1 size bcd, spring and mattress, walnut finish; girl's bnown ski suit, ?Îze 16. Phone 3502. 46-1 FRESH, sweet appie cider, in galion or kegs. Choice Mclntosh and Baxten apples. Weekiy de- liveries. Phone Clarke 2811. 43-10 TWO -burnen ail cook stove and 50-gai, ail drum, $12; boy's skates, size 6; iady's skates, size 7; pair skis and pales. Phone 3150. 46-1* MORRIS Ca Week-end Special- Plastic upholstercd wooden kit- chen chairs. These are a sturdy, well-braced chair for only $4.95. 46-1 JUST Arnived - the new floral tone-on-tone Goid Seal Congol- eum by the yard. Sec aur wide. range of Congoieuma rugs, in al sizes. Morris Co., Phone 480. 46-tf MAN'S dank winter overcoat, blue suit, bath iike new. Foiding card tabl.- and matching chairs, black and red, good condition. Phone 2691. 46-l' CONGOLEUM Goid Seal Rugs, yard gaods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goads at budget pnices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf WE measure and instail finest quality venetian blinds, new plas- tic tapes available, easily kept dlean, many colours ta choase from. Phone Morris Ca., 480. 29-tf, PLUMBING, Heating and Oul Burners installed anywbenc in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quaiity. For free estimates cali S. Blain Elliitt, Heating, Piumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. . 29-tt SPECIALS this week - Appies: Spys, Macs, Greenings, Deliciaus. Swect Cider at the house; ,also at Sieep's and Elgie's. Bring con- tainer. Kurv Inn Fruit Market. .45-2* NEW -BISSELL 26 plate dises. standard or hydraulie, $20800; wheelbarrows; Otaco flexible han- rows; pump jack; tractor spread- ,er, $365; Wood's electric grinders, rollers, combination and deep freezers; used piows, wagons, etc. Phone Carl Tod, 15-20 Clarke. 46-1* The C=aadi Statesmcu CIlassified Adverlisinu Sales Effective June 21, 1951 ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE, LOST, FOUND, ETC. Cash Rate --30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 will be added. iA charge of 25e' will be made for ail replies directed to this office. NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 30 a 'word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or Iess BIRTIIS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIA31S- - ý1.OO plus 100~ a line for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes ail adver- tising for persqns or firms selling services, ideas or goods of any description) 30 per word; minimum charge 750~ cash with order. To regular advertisers payable monthly. Display Classified at $1.00 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates Ail Classified Ads. niust be in this office not later thanr 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or inoney order and save money- (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different colours of tapes, 15 siat colours, Flexalum. «Aluminum or Steel, measured and installed free of change. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabrie Centre. 17-tf TILE - for kitchen, batbroams, heanths and fireplaces. Walls- glazcd tule or plastic, ahI colours Floors -rubber, mastic, lina-tule, quarrie and cenamic. Wili go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf PIANO accondion, 120 bass, pnac- ticaiiy new, cost aven $300,00, sacrifice $150.00. Would make a beautiful Christmas gift. Aiso a 5 f t. show case mirror, back and marbie base, adjustable shelves. Appiy 81 Scugag St. 46-1* WAGON and Trailer Axles. Your choice of Chev., Fard or Dodgc wheels cither 15,, or 16" sa your own spare will work. Pnice .oniy $30 each, whiie they last. This includes: axhe, hubs, wheels, tires and tubes, ail assembled, lined up and painted. Springs $10.00 a pain extra, if desired. Please note that this special offer is only good whie present stock lasts so order early. Sisson's Garage, Phone Oronw 1031. 34-tf Notice Io Creditors AND OTHIERS IN THE ESTATE of Alfred James Cook, late of the Township of Dariington, in the County of Durham, Labourer, dcceased, who died at the said Township of Darlington, on on about the 26th day of October, 1951. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1950, Chapten 400, Section 51. Creditors and othens having dlaims against the above Estate are required ta send particulars and full proof thereof ta the undersigned on on before the lOth day of December, 1951, after which date the assets of the Estate wili be distributed having regard ta the dlaims that bave then been received. DATED at Bowmanviiie, Ontario, the 7th day of Novemben, 1951. Lawrence C. Mason, 30 King Street West., Bowmanviile, Ontario, Sol icitor for the Administratnîx. 45-3 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked Up Promptly 110RSES. COIYS, HEIFERS, SIIEEP, PIGS and CALVES (We pay for hanses and cows) - CALL US COLLECT - LIVE HORSES 2 - 30 for crippled and old horses. Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE Phone Bowmanville 2679 per assessment on or before the PULLETS for sale -Hampshire RECESSED batbtubs $60; smart ___________________ 2th day of November, 1951, and adBre okcosd ieMatha Washington and Rich- thesai Comlit salb tidb months aid. Mrs. W. Alliîn, R. R. lege stainiess three piece bath- For Rent the aidCout ofRevsio. 1 Newonvlle CrokedCrek. noom sets white $160.00 ta $189.00. All pensonis having business at 46_1,vll.Cooe Cck Coloured $274.00 complete with FIVE-room bouse, aduits, ab- the Court are requested ta attend46* beautiful chromed fittings. Air stainers. Write Box 666, States- as aforesaid. conditioning funnaces $295.00. man Office. 46-1* A. J 'LYLE, Found Speciai offens ta plumbens and Cl«'.-k o the builders tao. Save many valuable OSHAWA-Funnished front raam, Tcwn of Bovtmanville. IRISH Terrier, green collar. dollars, buy witb confidence and nean Matons and bus stop; bot Dated this 6th day of Phone 863. 46-1* have a nicen home. Satisfaction water, $5 a week. Phone 5-4428. November, 1951.. guaranteed. Extra discounts off 46-1* 45-2 Lost catalogue pnices if we supply eveytingyo ned or onplee anted WNanted To Rent TARPAULIN pole, 16 feet, iost piurbingor healing isalto between Bowmanvilican Tv -I Catalogue includes litho photos of DRUMMER for 01d Time an ONE on two unfurnisbed roonis, rone on Scugog highway. . ease ain fixtures, pnices and instal- Modern band fon two nigbts a in or around Bowmanvîlc. No phone Lorne Annis, Tynone 2141. lation diagrnms. Select style of week. Steadv job for right party. children. Write Box 670, c/o 46-1 sinks,' cabinets, laundry tubs, Phone 5-2678 Oshawa. 46-1 Statesmnan Office. 46-1* showers, stoves, refrigerators. - S'rRAYED 1runi Lut 2'2, Cuon. 2. Pressure watt.r sYstems, oil burn- Strayved YOUNG couple with two child- Manves, two calves. about teui rs, septie and ail tanks etc. Visit -- ren desire to nent bouse or apart- months aid. Anyonc knowing or %vrite Johnson Mail Order Di- STRAYED from Lot 3, Con. 6, ment. Urgently needed. Write their whereabouts please notifv x.-Lor Stneetsville Hardware, Danington, on Nov. 3rd, grey Box 669 or -Phone 5-2519 coileet. Sid. Powcrs, Pontypool, Ont. Re- JStneetsville. Ontario. Phone 261'1hie,1 ats Finder please 4-1 ward. 461* 1 Evenings SinîS. 3-fjpae22.4- Real Estate For Sale TWO cottages, 2 aères, anc un- finishcd inside, 4 miles from tawn, $2,400 or best offer for cash. Box 667, c/o Statesman Office. 46.1* Farm For Sale EAST haif Lot 23, Con. 5, Cart- wright Township, 100 acres with buildings, 4 miles east of Black- stock. For funther panticulars, E. W. Bradley, 137 Elgin St., Phone 3560. 46-1 SIX-raom storey and haîf brick bouse, hardwood floons, heavy wiring, gas, venetian blinds, gar- age, good garden, good location, new furnace, 8 ft. ceilan side en- trance, ncwly decorated. Apply 57 Liberty St. N. 46-2* For Sale te Close an Estate BRICK cottage with lange garden. Close ta Bowmanville -Cemetery and just outside the corporation of the Town of Bawmanvilie. For particulars appiy ta S. Chas. AI- lin, 55 Church St., Bowmanvilie, Phone 3246. 46-1* NIXON REAL ESTATE Bungalow Special - Brick $8,500-First corne, first served, 5 rooms, bath, funnace, hydro, hardwood floors, venetian blinds, electrie fixtures, heavy wiring, garage. 9-room soiid brick bungalow, al conveniences, hot waten heating,l large verandah, garage, garden immediate Possession. Reduced for quick sale. $9,800. 8-room brick bouse, 3-piece bath, new furnace, hydro, heavy wiring, hardwood floons, 2 fireplaces, garage, large garden, vacant, im- mnediate possession. Reduceci to $6,200 for quick sale. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bawmanvilie Phone 682 46-1* GILL REAL ESTATE Loveiy, 9-room, soiid brick, bun- galow, hot waten beating, beavy wiring, newly decorated, new roof, nice lawn and garden, gar- age. Immediate possession. Priced for quick sale at $9.800. H. G. <Hap) Gui, Realtor 78 King St. W., Bawmanville Phone: Office 3326 Residence 35141 46-11 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Newcastle Residence $5,000-Newcastie, on quiet street, anc block from Na. 2 Highway, detached, solid brick, eight raoms an two floors, mantel fineplace, furnace, electricity, some bard- waod flaaning, driveway, cam- bined wonk sbop and garage; low taxes; forced sale. Tenms. Best offer wili buy. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Onono Nant-, Phone 1n16 46-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR DEBENTURESi Township of Darlington TENDERS will be reccived by the undensigncd Up ta 4:00 p.m. Nov'ember 24th, 1951, for the pur- chase of a debenture issue of the Township of Darlingtan for scbooi purposes amaunting ta $90,000.00 with interest at 4 1ý % per an- num. Debentures dated Decemn- ber lst, 1951, and repayable in 20 annual instalments on the Ist day of December ini each of the ycars 1952 ta 1971 inclusive. Rî.ght ta ,redeem debentures rnatuning ini 197 1 oniy, on any date pnion ta maturity. Tenders ta be sealcd and piainly marked. Lowest ten- der flot necessanily accepted. J. D. HOGARTH, Clenk of the Township çQf Dariington, Hampton, Ontario.462 AUCTION SALES The undersigned bas received instructions from Mrs. Fannie Elizuk, Lot 23, Con. 3, Darlington Township, % mile west and 2 miles north of Maple Grove, bas sold ber farm and will seli by public auction on Saturday, Nov.1 24th, at 1 p.m., al ber farm stock, tractor, tractor machinery, impie- ments, feed, poultry, etc. For further particulars sec buis. Terms cash, no reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Fred Lycett, clerk. 46-2 The undersigned has rcceived instructions fnom the estate of the late Ernest Harold Bahl to seli by public auction on Wed., Nov. 2lst, at 3 p.m., at.the farm own- ed and occupied by the deceased at Lof 26, Con. 1, Township of ,Hope: the farm stock and impie- ments, consisting of 12 head of cattie, 2 horses, farma implements. The farm, part of Lot 26, Con. 1, Township of Hope, consisting of 128 acres will be offened for sale subject to reserve bid. Terms on property, 10% cash at time of sile and balance in cash within 60 days after the sale. Terms on chatteles, cash. Fred Lycett, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneen. 45-2 1 have received instructions from Mrs. G. Rundie, 111 King St. W., Bowmanville, to seli by public auction the following: chester- field suite; console radio; table model radio; one wainut double bcd, like new with springs and in- ner-spring mattress; night tables; end and other fancy tables; cen- tre table; Chaise longue; sewing machine and cabinet; china cab- inet; electric lamps; smoking stands, wall and corner brackets; onnaments; hall table and mirror; ice box; vacuum cleaner; pair of easy chairs; other odd chairs; 3-* burner electrie stove; kitchen table and chairs; wringer; new electric tea kettie; rug 9 x 12; dishes; siiverware; china; glass- wane; cooking utensils; curtains; drapes, cushions; bedding; kitchen dlock; quantity of pickles and jam. Sale will be heid in the cafeteria of the Memorial Anena, Saturday, Nov. 17th,at 1:30 p.m. Terms cash. Thenon Mountjoy, clerk; Williami J. Challis, auc- tioneer. 46-1 FARM SOLD AUCTION SALE The undensigned bas received instructions from Mrs. James Oke to seli by public auction at 1LOT 1, CON. 1, DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP 2 miles east of Bowmanville on No. 2 Highway commencing at 1 o'elock on Saturday, November 17 The following valuable Livestock. Machinery, Etc. IIORSES Grey Percheron Mare, 12 yrs. MILK COWS Shorthonn Cow, 6 yrs., due Jan- uary; Shorthonn Cow, 7 yns., due January; Shorthonn Cow, 5 yns., due January; 4 Shorthorn Heifers, ail 3 yrs., fresh and ail with caif at foot; Registened Shorthorn Bull, rising 3 yrs. FAT CATTLE 4 Durham Heifens, 900 ]bs. each; 2 Durham Heifers, 800 lbs. each; 2 Durham Steers, 700 lbs. each. FEEDER CATTLE 2 Durham Steens, 600 lbs.; 2 Hol- stein Heifens, 600 ibs.; 2 Hene- fonds, yn.-old; 4 Durham Caives. SWINE 10 Pigs, 175 lbs. each; 8 Pigs, 100 lbs. each. POULTRY 100 Leghorn Hens FEED 1500 bus.- Ajax Oats, suitabie for seed; 3500 bales Ciover Hay. MACHINER«Y 13-disc McCormick-Deering Fer- tilizer Drill, near new; M.-H. 3- funnow Tractor Plow; M. -H. Binder, 7 ft. cut, near new; Cock- shutt Manure Spreader, near niew; 4-section Harnows; Cockshutt 5-ft. Mower, near new; 3-section Han- rows; M--H. Cuitivato)r; Pea Lift- REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- eratons, domestîc and commercial; milking coolens. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Sbop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- Min;al- 31.t± Work Wanted BABY sitting done reasonably. Phone Betty Bernill 3067. 46.1* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for custom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf WILL take good care of cbildren during day while mother works. Phone 3623. 46-1 EXPERIENCED saleslady wishes position, full or part time. Write Box 668, c/o Statesman Office. 46-1* DUTCH girl wants bousework in Bowmanville for 4 on 5 days a week, live out. Phone 3086. 46-1 INTERIOR deconating, first ciass workmanship. Complete satisfac- tion guaranteed. Apply R. B. Brown, Phone 2639. 44-6* HOME Insulation, blowing meth- od. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry Wade, Phone Clarke 2420. 46-7* TWO Dutch girls seek separate positions for generai housewonk in Bowmanvîlle homes. Write O. C. Van Belle, Newcastle. 46-1* POLISH woman wouid like housework by the day, houns 8 tili 5. Reliable, good wonken. Phone 462 or contact Mrs. E. Brummell, 4 St. George Street. 46-1 DRESSMAKING and alterations, sewing donc by picture as well as pattern. Winter coats, suits and formals. Buttonhales made by machine. Neat work guar- anteed. Phone 3649. 45-3 BRAKE DRUMS' Lathlng, Honing and Grlndlng We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804' Bowmanville 32-tf Help Wanted WE require dealer saiesman In this territory. Married. Car ownen. Must be bonest and reliable. Sal- ary, commission and bonus basis. Give two references. Write Box 663 c/o Statesman Office. 45-3 AVON Representatives are earn- ing greater income than ever be- fore. There is a gaod tennitory open In North Bowmanville for capable woman. Write to-day and cash in on big Christmas business. Box 665, c/a Statesman Office. 45-2* AMBITIOUS, neat appearing man for speciai work. Non-drinken with good refererces. Must own car. Permanent position. No seiling expenience nec es sa ry. Training provided. High incarne. Write Box 664, c/a Statesman Of- f ice. 45-7 1,000 DEALERS can't be wrong. 4eàFamilex bas 1,000 dealers distributing 250 guaranteed household products from coast to coast - they make good maney, most startcd without experience, yqt have succeeded. 'You can do se too. Act naw, send for aur Sales Plan. Write ta Familex, 1600 Delorimien, Montreal. 46-1 DEALERS WANTED - Splendid opportunity ta ambitious pensons ta make reai money in sclling from door ta door 225 products weii-knowrr and guanantced : toilet, medicines, culinary, dam- estic, tea, coffee, etc. Complete assortment of gift boxes. Lange discount. Your profits depend on your work. Good territories avail- able. No risk. Jitow 5130 St. Hubert, Mantreal. 45-4 TOWNSHIP ASSESSOR WANTED Trhe Corporation of th6 Township of Clarke Applications for appointment as Township Assessor will be re- ccived by the undersigned untîl December 13th, 1951. Assessment ta be completed on or before the 3th day of Sept., 1952 Remunen- ation bas been set at $2.503 for each campleted assessment card with postage and office supplies extra. Applicants requested ta state age, qualifications and ex- penience. gaods) maiied postpaid ln plain sealed envelope with pnice lîst. Six samplés 25c, 24 samples $1,00 Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co.. Box 91, Hamiilton, Ont. NOTICE Wanda's Beauty Shop wiUl again be open on Tuesday and Thursday nights, due ta additional help. Wanda Ce Q Register Tues, or Fri., 4 - 6 p.m. for Ballet, Tap, Scotch - Union Hall, 19 King St. E. IRENIE HARVEY ID A.C.C.M., R.M.T. 44-tf Nursing Service Middle Green Villa Rest Home Courtice One or two vacancies,, men or women, tray service, every kind- ness given. Approved by doctors. Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for reser- vations. 44-5 Wanted To Buy SMALL house in Bowmanvilie, reasonabie in price. Reply to 178 Garden Ave., Toronto. 46-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry try "hs. Our prices arc higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r13. reverse charges. 51-t! Room and Board ROOM and board accommodation availabie for business girl. Phone 2113. 46-1 Farmers 'Attention 1 WE will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farmn animais and pay bighest prevalling prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Young Ltd. 7-42 MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Billy and Betty. Hamilton; Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mns. C. H. Snowden. Mrs. J. W. Hynds, Bolton, vis- ited ber mother, Mrs. John Sanders on Sunday at Mr. C. H. Snowden's.ç Mrs. Ruby Munday an 4 31 er. Mrs. Lancaster, at Newtbn- ville on Sunday and attendcd the thank-offering services. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ray Snowden and other relatives in Toronto. C.G.I.T. meeting was beid on Nov. 13 in the basement. It op- ened with recreation. Worship service was conducted by Patsy Schram and Jean Flintoff. 0f. fering was received and rail cail- cd, followed by minutés and the Treasureer's report. Business period was conducted by IPresi- dent. W.M.3. meeting was beid Nov. 7 with the President Mrs. C. H. Snowden in the chair. Tbey decided to furnish "World Friend" for Mission Band, same as last year. The apron bootn will be at the fr-ont of the base. ment for the bazaar an Nov. 14. Mrs. Connie Stevens, Mrs. Irma Morton and Mns. Lola Freeman were appointed ta look aften the selling of aprons. Mrs. F. Swal- low and Mrs. Irma Morton wera appointed a nominating commit- tee and ta bring in slate of off i- cens at flecember meeting. The worship service was conducted by President Mns. C. H. Snow- den, assisted by Mns. Ruby Mùun- day, Mrs. Lola Freeman and Mrs. Enid Burgess. Mns. Mabel Green- ham took change of Study Book, assisted by Mrs. Marion Stevrens and Mrs. Connie Stevens. Pro- gram Comrnittee for December is Mrs. Marion ôtevens and Mrs. Ethel Wonden. Canada's' 10 commercial bank.i operate unden licences granted by Parliament; thus the namo "charteruàd banks.' Southern portions of Saskatchc- Up inta the nase and sinuses, deep into the branchial tubes, lungs and chest ta remove al traces of respiratory ailments. TO-DAY - asic your drug- gist for INHAL-IT or write to INHAL-IT, Dept. A, 1849 Aven- ue Road, Toronto 12, for it#- formation including Medical Reports. OAMP RIGH~T'JN BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE -12,000 READERS PAY CASH AND SÀVE-MINTM COST 50c PER AD THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVIIM, ONTARIO TRURSDAY, NOV. 18. 1951_