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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1951, p. 5

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- w- THfURSAY. NOV. 15, 1951 Blospilal Supt's Re' Shows Narked Inc éver Correspondin, _There were 27 <'blesseci events" lni the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville. during the month o! October, according ta Superinten- 4nt Gertrude Dewchl's repart is- oueid at the November Board mieeting. This figure is identicai tq the number o! births registereci iii the saine month in 1950. -However, other pertinent sta- ~jWics indicate that the new hos- eltal is being caileci upon ta han, increaseci duties. Some 133 tients werc admitteci ta hspsnt in October 1951, as com- ~red with 89 in the same month 15Th(r were 159 patientsj ischarged from hospitai in Oc-i Jber this year with 108 discharg- sregistereci in October 1950. The report shows a marked in- rease in the number o! opera- * ons, both minr and major, ac- Zres are those for Oct. 1950. Ma-i or operations perfarmeci lasti qn)onth numbereci 26 (19), andi t2inor aperations totaieci 71 (31), FRIDAY, NOI ai 8:31 int UNION RALI BOWMAI Local 189 United Sc a Novelty Games --Fr( ADMISSION: Union Members and Nen-membc TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~OWMANVH~L!. ONTAMO ~. n~ - Mr.MblLnsaf otHopeD suse potfr coerSAKVLE wthMs Hti Lns___. ban ulet isusdFor Miss Ruth Wilson, Graf ton a y ub e î BMr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Mr. Bruce Gorrill, Belleville,an :rease in Cases Bowmanvil1,with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lola Branksome, Oshawa, B le r f Canadian Communities Howad Farow.with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Far- .g onlh in 1950 wit r adMs Willis Farrow Mrs. Agnes Darlington, Bow- Ai Chamber of -Commerce Meeting Newtonville. manville, and Mr. Bill Darling-______ for a total o! 97 operations as Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Savery ton, Kingston, with Mrs. Jack Buiesadcm ntyld-ohreouin tdpoet comare wîh 5 i Ocobe 190.and Jim, Mr. Alex Barclay and Giover. Jack has gone deer hunt- Buiesadcm ntyec-ohrreotonotdpts Fivperso ied 0 in hcosita95in Barbara, Oshawa. and Mr. Wil- ing for a week. ers from ail 10 provinces have Canada andi other coun Fivepersns ded i hositalaga9inst U. S. action in impc October 1951, an increase o! one iiam Saver3r spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday returned to their homes across iMport restrictions on cheese, over the same month last year. Mr. and Mrs. Edwart Robinson. and family, Maple Grove; Mr. the country after attending the and some other imports in v, Two stillbirths were reporteci in Miss Mary Haiioweil was guest and Mrs. Samuel Buttery and 22nd annual meeting o! The Can- tion o! obligations under October 1950, but none this year. of Miss Donna Stark, Newton- family, Salem, and Mr. andi Mrs. adian Chamber of Commerce in Generai Agreement on T1 There are 31 patients in resîdence i11e. Charles Welsh and famiiy, Har- the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec and Tari!fs. This resolution1 in 1951 as opposed ta 25 in Octob- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Falls and mony. with Mrs. John Lancaster. City. Main subjects under dis- the Canada - U. S. Commi er 1950, and a total o! 858 days Douglas, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cli!ton Robb, cussion were the inflation prob- maintained by both nati stay is recorded this year, against Gardon Power and famiy, Clarke Montreal, are spending a few lem. Canada-U.S. relations and Chambers, urged that every 622 Iast year. Union; Mr. andi Mrs. Thos. Falls' days at their cottage. community building as symbol- fort be made by the respe( Some 119 x-rays were taken in Kendal, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ovens andi ized ini the Chamber of Commerce Chambers to get such restrici October, and the distribution o! Falls. Mr. Cecil Payne visiteci their movement. It is regretteci that removeci. aduit patients discharged is as Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halloweil and i ster, Mrs. Allan Harris, Toron- Bowmanviile was flot represent- Sepaking about the work c follows: From Bowmanvilie, 20 femily spent Sunday with Mr. o Mrs. (Rev.) D. T. Lancaster left ed at this important convention. dividual Boards and Chaml maies and 36 femaies; from ather Richard Hallowell. on Tuesday to visit her daugh-E Feature speaker was Charles speakers noted that "the nr parts o! Durham County, 20 maies Mr. Meteaife, Maple Grave, ter, Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Kitchen, E. Wilson, Unitedi States defence fibre o! this nation is ani) ana0fmle;fo ther caun- with Mr. Ross Halloweil. - Toronto. mobilizer who told some 600 ciel- good as the moraiity of its pe tis llsand 0 females adpry wshl n Aottnlde from hr t egates ta the Chamber meeting -the people wha live in the Total, 137. Starkville Schooi on Friday ev- tended the Institute Convention ta oitRsi onwl aecmuiisad mrw It might be noted that this to- coing with a large attendance. inTrnoo ensa.Afwta choose between making a iast- Boards and Chambers can f tai~~~~~i Tiageeritoten5tds o n he Wmsednteda!ternoon ing peace or living in an îsland the best mincis of city, town charges listeci above. The total session to go ta the Queen Eliz- o! aut ewhle thoe mlriiA- lhamdeshinphedretono o! 159 includes the discharge of .NtWOUrVILLE abeth Hospital to cail on Mrs.miht reewrirspeakr rs. .R Altn-earsi new babies only some o! which Hammonci Brown whorn they otr. piekerfMrthW.R. aiton Group Discussions were sent home during the month founci comfortable and cheerful. Jr., presdentioquthfCanadiar o! October. Mrs. James Stone, Oshawa, is The anulThkffern ser- Association o! Consumers, urged new tepdichniquon a rio spending a few days with Mrs. vices, Sunday, in the United ta aain etl h at Magie mit. hurh trnci ut er saisfc-about inflation. She advocated at the meeting. One session Mgizel eith TrotoCsen try Asus uteyFaiower that al governments reduce ciras- broken up into graups o! six, tishew eek e diTo~hrosito, s. Ct oil A uhal tbeen bu weandtically al non-defençe spencling, each group was asked ta com( theweeen wih7hersiter Ms. ,mitte a ee uy an an that industry "eliminate cer- with fast answers ta variaus cq ~ ~'L ) ~~Wilfred Wood. many admiring comments were ti rlsac astesvnso inatraotfv î Mrs. Gardiner, Toronto, and heard on the variaus arrangc- tainfco dadiscutessvng o ion.traotfv i Mr. and Mrs. Shiriff, Oshawa, ments of colorful flowers around to osumers. Onis ustion ws hti l6 hwith Mr. andi Mrs, J. E. Van the altar. Favoreci with beautiful Mail Delays bn qest io wa root icrasec VE14BER 1 t Allen. weather, a goadc cngregation xvas Poiicy declarations andi resolu- ti tyouprolotecalBared Mr. andi Mrs. William Taylor present in the afternoon, wben tions on such things as trade, Trade in or amber oamm and Miss Lorraine Milligan, special music was supplieci by immigration andi free enterprise TAdere a ameoC the: 0p.m. Lindsay, with Mr. andi Mrs. Wil- Mr. Ross Metcalfe a! Maple were approveci by the confer- Andwer Gi e some ask thse timhieign Grave. In the evening, a capacity ence. One resolution asked the mnembers as possible. Deleý teMr. andi Mrs. Leslie Alidreaci attenciance listeneci ta Rev. Mir. Federal government ta take nia responsibility according ta L, KING ST. ~andi family, Orano, with Mr. andi Udeil o! Canton, who conducted present action an its proposecidiiuiaitesHaeIlx Mr. lito ron. Lagbath services andi brougbt a legisiation concerning resale price bers share in committee w NVILLE Mr. andi Mrs. WilbertLag really wortînvhiie message each maintenance. The resolutilonDntlavevrhigate Rubbcr WorkersstfaniamiTrnoad time. The Welcame Churchi Choir urgeci that the Government "'ex- euiecuel under the leadership of Mr. Gea. ercise restraînt" until the Cham- etiv e rrnclt. fMn __________________ Campbell andi with Mrs. Camp- ber can obtain the views o! it§ waRene B. e raulet aon tC reGae bell at te organ (quite like ad 700 member Boards o! Trade andi adian Chamber succeeding Fi 'c aes -- Jackpot times) provideci the music for ther Chambers a! Commerce across cis G, Winspear o! Edmon Pnight service. the country. and that, in any presicient for the last er dLdFREVisitors with Mr. and Mrs. event, no action be taken at this __________ lLay...F EEFrank Gilmer an Sunday wern: session o! Parliament. In debate crs - 50e Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Kimball, Mr on resolutions, mail delivery de- The two world wars incree and Mrs. Ai! Graham andi fam7- iivery delays ran into heavy criti- the appetite for foreign new, il ewcastle. cisms frtim many delegates. An- in Canada. Bright Era Ahead For Farming In Next Haif Century What will farming be like at the end of the century? This was the question put by the The Fin- ancial Post to a selected group ts by of observers. The majority of re- mtries spondents see a bright era ahead )osing for Canadian agriculture in the ýfats, next 50 years. Few agree with viola- those who see world population rthe outstripping the land's ability to 'rade feed the people. from Atomie research, other develop- oiite ments in chemistry, bioiogy, en- -y ef to in g a continuing revolution- etv othe farm with greater produc- tions tivity, more intensive production, scientifically controlled. Larger of in- farms, fewer inefficient operat- bers, ors are regarded by most as an moral inevitable outcome of present-day ly as scientific developments. The need ,ople for greater immigation to work ,e70aur farms is stressed. vhere focus iand goGel Our Low Pri< luct-1 d out FURNACE Lwas ie up AIJR CaUAIAA ques- nutesGRAVI sthe l o COAL FJRED OIR San- Have an air conditioninig unit nany furnace and enjoy an abuni egate humnidified icl nern- IE MAKE ALL FITTINGS 'ork. ý ex- Sheet Mefal Work( Can-for 45 YE DA VIS & Ci1 ascd 2 MILL LANE is in __ _ The Glory An Shoppes 0f al Merchaudlise in Our -Store STYLISH SUITS See the latest style suits that are being offered in this Pre-Christmas Sale. Ail the new faîl colors in gabardines, pick and pick, English worsteds, fancy tweeds, etc. You'll look your best this winter in one of these new suits. They're so economical too! LINGERIE ALL REDUCED, The largest selectiox2 of lingerie in town being offered at reduced prices durîng this Pre-Christmas Shopping Sale. You can save plenty of money when you purchase nightgowns, pyjamas, bedjackets, panties, bridai sets, etc., for Christ- mas gifts. The 57 RING ST. W. Thi s is an outstanding opporfunity to do your Chrisimas shopping and Io save on each purchase. k- Warrn - Fashionable Station Wagon Coats The ideal coat to wear during these cold Swinter days and now is the time to buy when 4hey are being offered at such Io%É prices. A complete variety of sizes, styles ind new fali shades in gabardines and bengalines- ail with cosy fur collars. DAINTY BLOUSES To complote that ensemble for work or play you must sec these exciting blouses. There is a blouse here for every occasion in fancy nylons, crepes, cottons, etc. Tai- lored and fancy designs for every occasion. PIRE - CHIRISTMAS SPECIALS A collection of "Subs" crepe blouses at -- - ------ - $198 ( long and short sleev es>) lory Attractive Housecoats You can stop right here if you're iooking for an appropriate Christmas gif t. A large variety of styles from which to choose in quilted and floral satins, bengalines, plaid flannels, etc. What is even nicer about these beautiful housecoats they are ail re- duced in price to make Christmas shopping casier. COLORFUL SCARVES A vivid array of scarves to wear on your head or around your'neck. No winter outfit will be complete without one of these gay scarves. Every color under the rainbow to choose from in crepes, georgette, rayon, etc. Either printed or plain. BUDGET SAVINC PRICES POPULAR Any one of these practical slips would make a perfect Christmas gift. A variety of styles in plain and lace trirn- mcd crepe, nylon, etc. Be- sides white some are in colors of pink, blue, mauve or black. Save Money on These Buy Now SHOP EARLY AND SAVE This is something different when we offer you real money-saving bargains just before Christmas. Don't de- ]ay - corne in early and pick out your Christmas gifts while we are offering these huge sa vin gs. I Ann Sweaters There are hundrcds to choose fromn Ail ait reduced.prices 'both CARDIGANS AND PULLO VERS Short and long sieeve styles in nylons, angora, wooi. In ail the newest popular shades for fali and winter season. First Quality and Sub Standards. Perfect Gifis for Christmas 5 You'll fail in love \vith our large select skirts that have aIl been reduced f'or thîs Pre-Christmas Sale. A large vaiiety of dines, plaid flannels, plcated, gored, etc Corne in and sec them to-day, buy one d self and one for Christmas giving. * Your new 'skirt for th at Budget S PURSES Comp'iete your winter ensemble with a quaI- ity purse. Choose fromn a complote assort-I ment of genuine cowhide, Engiish Morocco, suedes, etc., etc., in handbag or shoulderi bag styles. ALL GREATLY REDUCED ho NYLON HOSE Our complete stock of Nylon Hose at Great Reductions for this Pre-Christmas Sale. z /1 Subsif Our Complet e $.9 SStock To Clear Flattering Skirts ion of Special gabar- c., e tc. r your- 'n 3363 he holiday seaso Saviîigs. BD0 W MNY VILL E peu UmmN m 1 TEE CANADIAN STAMMAN, BOWMANVIMIC, ONTARIO ID A M-IM a y 1 ï %ie 1 rIummmmemVb PERMANENT WAVES Designed for you alous That is an oil-rlch solution prepared for "1your own" particular type ef hair. No excessive heat - a luke- warm process. $5.85ET COLD WAVE $7.50 COMPLETE HUYCK'S Bowmanville 67 King St. W. PHONE 703 ces On.. WORK [ONING oR ITY OIL BURNER, attached te your present dance of dlean, fres1h, ating hot air. TO SUIT YOUR JOB :ers & Roofers 'ars 1or 691- BOWMAN VILLE

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