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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1951, p. 11

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TXURSDY, WOV 22, 151 TRICANADIN STATSMAX ;3%MAJ .r.PIrZÀPA nLN Y J C..LW V " V£4-'1* aS*UA n a. e fmvln 1I CU TIiut Courtice W. A. held their No- vember meeting on the 15th with President Mrs. J. McKenzie pre- siding. A meditation, from John 3:16 was read bl rs. C. Adams who also led in prayer. Scnlpture. psalm 121 wvas read in unison. Reading "To A Friend' was given by Mrs. Fulton. The topic waà given the President from the Evangel entitled "My Friend God." Business items includied: roll caîl, correspondence read and reports from flower committec. 4Date for annual bazaar set for De- cember 5th at 21 p.m. when Mrs. Somerville will open the bazaar. December meeting will be held the l3th. Program committee *UMrs. H. McLean and Mrs. C. * 'Renfound. -Lunch Com., Mrs. Shipman, Mrs. Stephens, Mr... Scorgie and Mrs. Simnmons. Read- ing "Horse Sense." Refreshmens~ *were then uerved. Courtice W. NI. S. Afternoon Auxiliary entertained the Even- *ing Auxiliary and C.G.I.T. in the S, S. Roomi at Ebenezer. ilr. Russell Gay, presideut, welcomed the guests and alâo thanked al those who assisted %vith the Scoi- tional Meeting. C.G.I.T1. affiliai- cd with and also made a dona- tion of rnon'ey to the Afternoon . 'irs. Murrayv Osborne Àniurjeîi 'ink anu '.'îîss lia, Johnson sang a trio. accomnp- anied b Mrs. Lloy d Down i1 the pianio. l'or Ill e uîutiig Atîx- liary Mrs. Lloy'd Ç'ourîjtee, Presi. dent, gave the d(evotioflal froan vers~es of St. John's gospel, a mes& sage of love and uuderstaiiding, She remindec l al that love is W~ lieart of the univerbe. One lov- ink; spirit sets another on lire. Wù have a loving and Heavenly Fa- ther who is a wonderful teach- er. Mrs. Courtice closed this peniod with prayer. Mrs. Chas. Pound presided at the piano for the hymns. At this time the guest speaker, Mrs. Otis Worden, To- lro'nto, was introduced and gave a wonderful talk. Young people will shape the destinY of the world therefore the siant of our influence is ail important. She used the illustration of the siant of the world on its axis. Our slant on lite iS so important to ýk keep it right we nced healthy bodies because they are the haone of our spirits. The mind should ho fed with worthwhiie book:, pictures and music. Our friends are also important. Take time ta, think and feed our spirits with Bible study and prayer, listening as weil as petitionlng. Mrs. Wor- don closed her very worthwhile address wlth Jean Blewett's poemn "Lite'. Grandest Things" and earlier quoted the paemn "You Tell on ourseif. Appreciation was extended to Mrs. Werden foi, giving such a really fine talk to f the ladies. Refreshments were served and a real]y fine getogeth- er enjoyed by ail. :i ýGlad ta report the many who li.pave been sick, gradually im- proving. and ail hope for a con- tinuance o! samne. Tho Royal Winter Fair is cer- tainiy having its quota from here. and ail pronounce it the fines'. yet. Our hunters have ail returned. Some were quite lucky and oth- ers dld flot have the fun of even seeing a deer.- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Vermil- vea and children, Rose Marie, Ju- dith and Paul, Owen Sound; Mrs. W. McGregor and Messrs. Arthur and Wm.. her brothers, fron- Annan, visited in Taronto on Sal- urday toi see Santa Class and later were guests o! Mr. anici Mrs. E1ie Oke, Ebenezer. Montreal is Canada% largest airplane building centre. Skinny men, women, gain5,10,15 Ibsu. cet ftew Pop, Vin,, Vigor Wbat a thtllîl BOnY litmbea itIout; ual, hollows 111 uP. nck no longer arawny bod yiouaahail- earved. .iakly "bean-pole" look. T usn oje girlt. wonsan. msen. who neyer couid gain befors. art now proud of oharelY. bealth(-Iookins bodes Y erthffl the apacia n; leh-buildlng tlela. O.UnX. ii toutes. stmulante' in%,Iloraînm troc. vtontu Bi. ealelim, *nrich blood,. mproyvaT xDpetite and digestion no tood gives you tooreTl atrngth and nourlabosent: fut Cesi on bere beaun. the5.10, ià or 21 led & t)o p ha yu . ai.4 C.- Lllou.- -ued--for ormiuIll Sehool seetion Cartwright Clarke 1. 2. 8. 9. 12. Teacher CIosed Roy Turner Mrs. Shirley Turner Miss Ruth Green Closed Grant Campbell Closed Mrs. Lloyd Wright Miss Gwen Wilson (Cartwright School Mrm. Hazel Crago Mrs. Mariano Powell Mrs. Audrey Walton James B. Ashfield Mns. Jean Payne Mrs. Gertrude Stapleton Miss Dorothy Sanders Miss Alice Kirkpatrlck Miss Kate Poster MLýrs. Ethel Carleton Miss Bertha Cain Miss Irene Inch Mrs. Mary Ash Mrs. Violet Moffatt Miss Kathleen Raushoro Miss Dorrene Powell Closed-Children Trspt'd Miss Evelyn Preston John Almey Address Blackstock Blackstock Burketan. No. 3 Nestieton No. 1 Nestleton No. Nestieton No. Area includes al 2 2 Sections with Newcastle No. 3 Newcastle No. 3 Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle No. 2 Newtonville No. i Orono No. 1 Newcastle No. 2 Orono Orono Orono Kendal c/o R. Chapman, Orono Orono No. 2 Orono No. 1 Kendal No. 1 Orono No. 2 Kendal No. 1 Clarke and Manvers 22 & 2 2 Miss Dawn Moffatt 01ro1o No. 2 (Clarke Township School Area includes sections 1, Newcastle Frank MeMullen Mrs. Beatrice Joues Mrs. Helen Goheen Mrs. Ethel Lycett Newcastle Newcastle N ewcast le Ne wcas tle Darlington U. 1 & 23 Clarke Mrs. Leila Atchin son Bawmanvilie No. 4 2. Closed 3. Edwin Snelgrove 4. Miss Alice Arnold 6. Clarke, Mrs. Helen Case ns William Frankum Mrs. Olive Maffatt Miss Helen Hutko Mervyn Hobbs Mrs. Myrtle Greer Mrs. Inda Timmins Mrs. Joan Brennan Miss Mari anc Coliacott Miss Mary Wilkinson Raymond Farrow Mn.. Eva Warren Henry DeMille (South Dàtlington Sch oolÀ Miss Ruth Payne Miss Joyce Abernethy Mrs. Jessie McKenîzie Mrs. Phyllis Mitchell Miss Audrey Graham Mrs. Edna Philp Mrs. Annetta Ashton Miss Betty King Miss Shirley Mayers Manvors 1. Neil J. Bailey 2. James Pollard 3. Miss Patricia McBean 4. Mrs. Laura Rowan 5. Miss Dorothy Mann 6. Miss Shirley Terry 7. Mrs. Vivian Morton 9- 'Cameran' RbWan 9. Mns. Jessie Fisk Mrn. Chistella Neals Un. with Ops. 10 & 10 Miss Betty H-ow Un. with Cavan Il & 20 Mrs. Vera Sarginsan 13. Mrs. Lulu Jewel 14. Miss Joyce Sutton Un. with Cavami 15 & 16 Mrs.. Mary Wright Miss Veima Thexton Un. ,vith Ops 16 & 16 Miss Minnie Griffiths Un. with Clarke '2.0 & 20 and 23 Darlington-Closod c/a K. C. Hopkins Bawvmanviile No. 2 c/o R. Pearce. Bowmanville No. 2 c/o A. Barnet, Bow. 4 Bowmanville No. 2 Box 216. Bowmanviile Burketon Courtice Courtice Courtice Courtice Bowmanx'ille No. 5 Bowmauvllle No. 5 Hampton Hampton c/o G. Glaspeil, Hampton Area includes ail sections 1i Tyrone No. 1 Bunketon No. 2 Bunketan No. 2 Enniskillen Burketon No. 2 Tyrone Enniskilien No. 1 Hampton No. 1 Bawmanville No. 6 Janetville Pontypool Beth au Bethany Bethany No. 2 Janetville No. 1 Janetville Bethany - Pontypool Pontypool Janetvilie No, Betlhany No. 2 Pontypoal No. 2 Pontypool Na. I Betlian v B et hany Janetville No. 1 Secretary Henry Thompson' Henry Thompson Henry Thompson O. J. Hyland Henry Thompson Henry Thompson Henry Thomçison Henry Thompson llenry Thompson exception of No. 3) Mrs. J. J. Meilor Mrs. J. J. Miellor Mrs. J. J. Mellor Mrs. J. J. Mellor Mn.. June Wilson Orme Falls Mns. J. J. Mellor Mn.. J. J. Mellor H. E. Milison H. E. Millson H. E. Milison Mns. J. J. Mellor Raymond Chapman E. B. Duval Alfred G. Perrin Mrs. J. J. Mellor R. J. Burgess, Roy B. CochraneÈ Mrs. J. J. Melior Herbert N. Scott 2, 4, 8, 9, 13, 17, and 21) Ed. S. Barchard Ed. S. Barchard Ed, S. Barchard Ed. S. Barchard M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs Mrs. Jean Grp-ý M. J. Habbs M. J. Habb.s -M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs M. J. Hobbs Gordyn Brent Ni. J. Habbs M. J. Rabbs M. J. Rabbs to 12 with the exception of 7 & 10) Fred A. Partner George Knox R. W. Pascoo F. W. Werry Clarence Avery F. L. Byam Mns. W. YelloQvlees Charles Shortridge Dan Black Mns. Norman Wilson Leonard Gilbank Rupert Wood George- Neals Walter Neals T. V. Grandy Harold Moxon Lloyd Brown H. M. Richardson H. M. Richardson Horace Heaslip ,A. M. Veals James Gray Leonard Porter F. «%. Reynolds F. W. Reynolds D. E. Fisher W'. A. Miller Address Blackstock Blackstock Blackstock Burketon No. 3 Blackstock Blackstock Blackstock Blackstack Blackstock Orono Orono Orono Orono Newcastle No. 2 Newtonville No. 1 Orono Orono Orono Orono Orono Onona Orana No. 2 Leskard Newcastle No. 2 Orono Orano No. 2 Orono No. 2 Orono Bowmanville No. 4 Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle Enniskjllen Enniskillen Enniskiilen Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Ennjskillen Bunketon Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskilleii Enniskillen Enniskillen Bawmnanville No. 5 Enniskillen Enniskillen Enniskillen Tyrone Enniskillen Bunketon No. 2 Enniskillen Bunketon No. 2 Tyrone Enniskillen Hampton No. 1 Bowmanvilie No. ô .anetville No. 2 Pontvpool No. 2 Pontypool No. 2 Bethany Bethany-' Janetville Na. 1 Janetville Pontypool Pantypool Pontypool .Janetviile No. 1 Omemee No. 2 Janetville No. 2 Pontypool No. 1 Betlhan v Bethanv Janetvilie No. 2 Pontv-pool Nal. 3 BOWMANVILLE SCHOOLS - Andrew Thompson, Principal. Central Sch, Miss Let jorie Co Ma rga ne Ontario St. Miss Ka Roseman Thomnas Father, we thank Thee that hy light and Thy love reach rth, open the prison ta themn iat are bound, console the inno- mt, and throw wide the gates af aven.-Mary Baker Eddy. iool Teachors-Mertin Slute. Vice-Principal. da L. Bragg, Miss Vivian Bunner. Miss Agnes Carruthers. Mss Marjorie Cole. Missz Mar- uch. Miss Myètle Hall, Miss Gertrude MacCrimmon, Mrs. Lois E. McDonaldl, Miss t E. McGregor, Alfredi A. Merkiey, Merlin Slute, Miss Dorothy Weese. School Teachers-Th os. Turner, Vice-Principal athîcen H. Ard, Mrs. Marcella Clark, Miss Wida Hark or, E. Murray McDonaid, Mir,-. vy Merkley, Miss Islay Phillîps. Miss Marjorie Sonimervilie. Mrs. Muriel Svmnoni, Turner, Miss Helen Weddell, Mrs. Gwendoiyn Black, Miss, Marian E. White. First social service centre in On. tario was the Jesuit mission sta. tion St. Marie on the Wye Rivei between Midiand and Port Mc. Nicoîl. There was establisheÈ the first hospital, the first school and the first experimental farir in the province. Canada's lth province, New. foundland, became England's tirsI colony in 1583. Weight Lifter. . ., EVEN a .nall-ulsed atealer eau carry off huadreds of dollars in jem-cllery and fur$.. Se us today for Jcwellery- Fur Insuranre . . . et home and away protection agaînst theft, tire, accidentai losa n a treat many other eommen peuhl! Stuart R. James INSL'RANCE - REAL VESTATEI Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street. Bowmanvilie -Mcinvers Council WDIG Holds Routine d Meeting on Nov. 6th FOIVLER - HOFFMAN 1, Main Street Baptist Churcli n Manvers Township Council met Cambridge. N.B., was the sceîîe oJ Nov, 6 with ail memberis present a pretty wedding wlien Charlottc -and the Reeve in the chair. Foster, daughter of Mrs. Bert Cuî- ;t Communications were read tis. formerly of Bowmanvil]e from the Provincial Treasurer and the late Foster D. Hoffman -ienclosing a cheque for this mun- wsmridt afedBvne iciplits sareo! sbsiy udesoon of Mr. andl Mrs. E. D. fowler, the Children's Protection Act and Cambridge, Queen's County. Rcv' fretm a nuînber of ratepayers 111 A. C. Vincent performed the cerc- the Pontypool area re: assess- ceremohy and Trevor Neal wis nment. organist. Accounts were received fromn h rd asgvni ir Peterborough Examiner, Lindsay *Th lie was givenW. ison, Post and Canadian Statesman re: aae by irtnlB .Wlo advertising deer hunting bs'-law; and the onlY attendant ivas lie: Whilier& C,, or eecton up-cousinI. Mrs. Ralph Maker, Grand phlie Co.forf lnday or Hiup-Ma nain.Lloyd Jones, Cambridge, pelea wn o idao r Debe trewas best man and the ushers were School SectioncNo. 5 for Sehoo Ralph Maker and Percy Brown. money. aisa a couple af clainis The bride wore a suit of blue fan sheep killed. gabardine, grey accessories and On motion of Cauncillors Miller~ a corsage af pink roses. Her at- and Argue, Harny B. Preston wii tendant ware a grey Suit, Witb appointed ta filîl the vacancy 01,wuie accessanies and a corsage af the Board of Commissioners Of elow'munis. the Manvers Municipal Telephone The bride's mnother %vore winter System, red with black accessanies and a On motion of Counicillors corsage o! bronze 'munis. The Wright and Miller the Durhanm groom's mother ware wine and County Junior Farmens were giv- black accessories and corsage of cn a grant of S20.00. yeliow roses. These accounts were passed: Following the ceremnîl a re- Relief $ 90a)() ception was held at the Royal Ho- Hydro-Electnic,ohal ights 6.0; tel and Mrs. Leviî Fei-ris and Mrs W. V. Shea, sal. ats Asses- Fosier Duval presideci. sor 362 - 1 i Later the bride and groom left Wilî11 er & Co., supplies 43j for a niotor trip through Easterrn Tow,%n o! Lindsay, deben- New Brunsvick. and upan their titre 09.9;:retturn thev will reside at Cain- Twp. Treas., road voucher 3419.5'-' bridge. Queens County. Txvp. Treas., select. iurors 12.00 Out-of-town guests wvere Miss J. C. Cunimiskey, salary 100.00 Mariorie Fowlen, Halifax and J. C. Cummiskey, cost of Mn.. R. F. Furra, Oakviile, Ont., living bonus ------------- 120.00) sisters ai the groom. Jr. l'armers, grant ------ 20.00 ___________ George Smith, sidewalkI account 230.6h1 Canada has sinie 600.000 mileb A. H. Monk, Att. Officer 75.0 o! highwau'. S. S. No. 5, school manex , 200.0il First white muan o! Enlisli F. W. Reynolds. supplies 319.*-1 stock to visit 1-Lronia wsasAl- Counicil adjourned to meet oni ander Henrv who, in 1764, passed Tueàday,. Dec. Il at 10 arnm. as a through on i s wa '.v front Sault Court of Rpvision.. to he tollowed St-.* Marte mn Niagara as a prii- by' a Council meeting at 1 p.m. aoner a! the Sault lndianîs. k-I e, Teachers and Secretaries of West Durham Inspectorate t( ci c 0 MEN'S CARDIGANS MUade by Pqnman's in gay colors of %lue heather. green heather and svine... just the jacket for comfort, sizes 36 ta 44 $6.95 each $2.75 garment $4.25 Men's BOMBER JACKETS Smartly styled in grey and black. Ga A. KENNEDY Only $7.95 each JANTZEN PULLO VERS Jantzen pullovers ini fine quality yarns. long sleeves in the popular V-neck style PENMAN'S UNDERWEAR Penrnan's No. 7 1, a mnedium weighit garment in a wool mixture. Sizes 36 ta 44 Shirts & Drawers Combinations ,Men's Station Wagon COATS quilted lining Fleece Lined' COMBINATIONS first -u$3.69 -DARLINGTON MUNICIPAL ELECTION meeting of the electors of the said Township of Darlinglon will take place in the Town Hall, Hampton Successor to Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Friday, Ngovember 3O th 1951, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, for the purpose o!f nominating candidates for the offices of REEVE, DEPUTY REEVE and THREE COUNCILLORS for the said -Township of Darlingtoîi for the year 1952. Also nomination of two inembers to South Darlington Area SchooI Board will take place at the saine tinie. The Polis shall be opened From 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m Mlonday, December 10"h 1951,. if poils shall be denianded, at the places hereinafter nlailed and with (lie following naned personls as Deputy Returning Officers and Poli Cierks: No. 1 Polling Sub-Division at the School House in Scixool Section No. 5, Providence: Douglas Wight, Deputy Returning Officer; (lare Allun, Poil Clcrk. No. 2 Polling Sub-Division at the Comnîînity Hall ini the Village of Tyroîie: Mrs. Walter F. Park, Deputy Returning Officer; Perey Wcrry, Poil Clcrk. No. 3 Polling Sub-Division at the Sons of Temiperance Hall, M1aple Grove: Seward Tyler, Deputy Returning Officer; H. J. Brooks, Poil Cerk. No. 4 Polliirg Sub-Division at the Town Hall ini the Village of Hlamptoni: Sydney Kersey, Dcputy Returning Officer; Doris Wilbmîr, Poli Clcrk. No. 5 Polling Sub-Division at the Orange Hl inj the Village of Enîiiskiiienl: Ralph Virtue, Deputy Returning Officer; Arthur Brui, Poil Cerk. No. 6 Polling Sub-Division nt the School House, Courtice, in SSehool Sectionî No. 8: Frank WValter. Deputy Returning Officer, Mrs. George Johinson, PolleItrk. 2. M'alter htundle. Deputy Retut.iiîjng Officer; Nlrs. Alex floy, Poli' Clerk. No. 7 Poiiing Sub-Divisioîi at Bràdley's Scitool Ilrnise. SeI'ool Section No. 14: H. Yeliowlees. Deputy Returning Officer; Mrs. E. Cr3 Nderînian. Poil Clerk. And at this said nominating meeting, J. D. HcCarlh, Cler!:, shall be Return!.ng Officer R.W. NICHOLS, Hanipton, November lotb, 1951. (ILERK. III FRESH a«d TRULY MILD Wlnchester Etienne BruIe, first white mati The Toronto Coiiseurn, home In Canada there is a branch o explore Ontario and the dis- of the annual Royal Winter Fair, bank for every 3,700 Canadjaris. coverer of Georgian Bay and ail covers 26 acres.. Our rand business is flot ta sce >ut one of the Great Lakes, was Americans have a per capita what es dimix at a dis~tance. but oniv 18 when he first came to coffee consumption of 18 pounds a to do what lies clearly at Our Huronia. 'ear. hand.-Thomas Carlyle. CoId Weather Specials!l JANTZEN SWEATERS Ladies' and Girls' JANTZEN . . . a namne that stands for quality Station Wagon Janizen Sleeveless Sweaters « CO A TS The famous Jantzen cable le ls watr Greatest Discovery Two Decade Medical ,Rosearch For ASTHMA, DRONCITIS9 SINUS, COLUS Famous Duke-Fingard Hospital - prov-ed Med- ication Now Availabie for Convenient Treatnient AT HOME mith New Easy-to-use Eiectric Unit. You Just Inhale Nedicated Vapour When you feel the wheezing and tightness of Asthnia or Bronchitis, or the mlsery of Sinus, you don't have to resign yourself to days and nigbts of misery. Scieîstific INHAL -IT with its specially de- veioped niedlcated vapour, bas the power to relieve. INHAL - IT may bring 3'oi compiete freedom from ,your distress - if you~ pursue the treatnient. Get INHAL - IT at your drug store, and knock out infection fast - your syniptoms will then disappear. INHAL«IT LrL£Vffl In colors of wine, green, sand and grey, smartly taiiored. $23.75 - $29.95 9 1; a a TRUMDAY, Nov. 22, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLZ. ONYARM r ' 49 KING ST. W. PHONE 836 1

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