THUI~SDAY, NOV. 22, 1951 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMAT'.TVTT.TW 7~rA~Tr~ Durhamn Co-operativé Medicai Service Raids Amnuai Meeting ai Orono A.nnuel meeting af the Durham County Co-Operative Medical Services was held at Orano on Nov. 19, witb about 50 members present. J. F. Heyland, Chair- mian, addressed the meeting bni- ly and stressed the need for mai-e niembers. This was fallowed by the financial statemnent for the year Sept. 1, 1950 ta Aug. 31, 1951, r*repared by R. G. Moffat, Sec'y- Treas. This sbowed the Co-Op- eratîve ta be strang and a de- ferred dividend on the fourth yee surplus was declared. speaker was M. Wmo. Mc- Carthy of Shelburne, who is close-, ly connected with the Dufferin County Co-Operative Medical Services and h#s had a great deai to do with the new bospital in Shelburne aperated ca-opei-ative- ly. Mi-. McCarthy pointcd ou, that bospitals ai-e Canadas head- ache but that in spite of Ibis they are an asset ta any communit- but tbat expenses were nt watched closely enough in operat-, ing costs. He stated that rates and variaus charges in their large hospital in Orangeville, which isi 15 miles fi-rn Shelbui-ne, ineceas- ed noticeably and immediatcly as their }Iaspitalization Co-Op. gi-cw until at last they xvere becoming entirely out of line as ta what people could pay. This condition prampted the people ai Shelburne ta go into the buspital busines$, co-aperatively. Maney was raised by $50.00 loans, repayable witb interest, and a large home was pui-chased. The total cast, încluding bouse, alterations and furnishings was $24,000 which for a 12-bcd bas- pital is $2,000 per bcd and Ibis in- cluded nursery and case roami.1 No gavernment help was given.i Men'berohips ta the hospital arc- sold at S$10.00 per year and at present they have 300 niembers. The raom rate is $5.50 per day and during the past year any member being a patient received 20 per cent off the raam rate and beginning January 1, 1W5, the reductian for members will be 50 per cent making the roam rate S2.75 per day. Up ta the present tirne, after ten months' operatian, they have received more incarne than bas been spent. This haspitai takkas medical. obstetrical and minai- operations. A hospital sucb as ,this serves a cammunity well and means a great deal ta a town. Witb their nearest baspital 15 miles distant it means that much of Sheiburne's illness can be tak- en care ai close ta their owîî homes. They have been able ta keep their charges down and somLý- limes reduce them through vei-y close scrutiny of al 'purchases and Ibis, caugled with efficient administration bas enabled the Board ta realize ils full ambition ta eslabli sh, operate and main- [tain a bospital an a co-operativý basis. _Mrs. McLean, Sec'y for the On- tario Caunty Medical Co-Op. spake biieilv and the meeting adjourn- cd after the foiiowing four i-duce- tors had been elected ta the Board: Clare E. Allin, E. Twist, Gardon Staples, J. F. Hyland. Agriculture and tourism have much in common. Success of each depends on good weather and an individual aperators. The population ai Newfound- land«is estimated at 355,000, about equal ta that af Greater Vancouv- Used Steel Beds Mantel Radios - - w - .50 - $7.50 m $10-00Oup ADDISON TELE VISION SETS 17 inch screen j Only - $349.00 MURPHY'rs Furniture & Appliance Store SIn Bowmalville - PHONE 811 PHONE 3-8634 52 KING ST. W. 117 SIMCOE ST. S. MAPE GOVE President of O.A.C.1 Guelph Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Blake, i Bob, Judy and Betty Blake, Court- au est Sp eaker ai Pot ckS p e wright, have been visiting theirLu kS p r cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday and other relatives. President of the Ontario Agri- Society, The American Phylc Miss Eileen Doutt, Oshawa, cultural Callege. Guelphi, Dr. J. thological Society, Gamma AI spent Sunday with Miss Mildred D. MlacLachian wvi1l be guest and Sigma Xi. Snowden. speaker at the annual Pot Luck Dra eeaino g Misses Jan Hetherington, Shir- Supper and Farm Forum Rally turaurgm e bat membeAr ley Goheen, Terrie Gornoil and sponsored by the Durham Feder- non- resohmembersen th Muriel Stevens, ail nurses-rn- ation of Agriculture which will training at Western Hospital, Tor- be held in the Cammunity Hall, onto, were Satixrday visitai-s at Newcastle, Thursday, Dec. 6. the .lattees home with Mr. and AprtdOAC rsdn i Mrs. Ross Stevens,.pone ...Peieti Mr. nd Ms. . E.McDoald1950, succeeding Dr. W. R. Reek, RegnaSas., re isiingberDr. MacLachlan was born at Bur- sister and brother-ni-law, Mi-. and ritt s Rapids, Grenville County. Mrs. C. G. Kerr. From ther&ey He graduated from Queen's Uni- go ta Montreal ta visit their twa versity in 1931 with honors, and sons. from Harvard in 1933 with bis C.G,I.T. 'ieeting was held on- A.M. degree. In 1935 hie receiv- Tuesday in the basement with 9 ed bis Ph. D. from the samne uni- gir]g present. Meeting opened versity. with recreatian. Worship service The Pot Luck Supper guest was canducted by Viola Hempeil speaker was awarded a traveli- and Marilyn Hern, and business ing fellowship from Harvard Uni- was carried out by the President. vcrsity 10 Jamaica, B.W.I., for The bazaar and afternoon tea research on Pimenta Rust. Sub- under the auspices of the Eve ning scquently, lie vas appointed as- Auxiliary on Nov. 14 in the base- sistant Profcssob- of Botany, Clem- ment ofo the church was well s oîolege, Clcmson, South Car- patronized. They \vcre assisted olima. In 1939 lie w'as appointed by W.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary, to the staff of the Botany Deparl- C.G.I.T., Explorers and mission. ment, O.A.C., an~d became 1-ead Ba ' oge nnd. . ilaof th-ý Dcpartment in 1948. Don' fo-gelEveing xiîrv Whmle on the staff of O.A.C.. meeting this Thursday evening a Dr. MV'acLachlan became weil Jean Munday's. ko,, hog i eerhsu Misses Dorothy Snowden, Bes-dknson thouh is es i erh s- sie Snowden, Dorothy and Coliadiso decinsin erai Paul, nurses from Oshawa Gen- and baron defieiency in turnips. Dr. J. D. MacLachiaîi eral Hospital, have returned from causing "water core." a treewees' ourîhrughîh~ Maried, the O.A.C. President Pot Luck Supper in Newcas a the taksantouranciso, Lathebas twa childi-en, Bannie and Dec. 6, ta bear what should pi( Satees, Caif.,andFrarcisothero Richard. He is a member of the ta be one of the mast interest places enroule. Agricultural Institute of Canada, addresses ever delivered. at s The Canad ian Phytopathological a gathering. Farm Forum S.S. No. 4 DARLINGTON FORUIM Monday evening saw aur re- cord attendance for Ibis season wben 39 members galhered at the home of Mi-. and Mrs. G. A. Pet- ci-son. Oui- large attendance was evidence of the keen interest in the evening's pragramn which was a debate, 'Resolved that a pros- perous, cranky busband is marc ta be desired than a bankrupt, gaod-natured anc." Tbe affirmative was upheld by Mrs. Alian Down and Mrs. Carl Down wbile the negative was suppoi-ted by Mrs. Kcith Ormis- tan and Mrs. Lloyd Down. The leader ai the affirmative began ber debate by stating that we bad gathered ta witness the big- gest farce of the year, and s0 il pravcd ta be. but it was bighiv entertaining. The comedy, wit and goad natured sarcasrn ai thec debators kept tbe audience in a merry mood. Tbe debators added ta the fun Iby dressing ta suit the sides which they were uphalding. The ladies of the affirmative witb their year jwee indshap contrasteta fui-, jwels, and ats ai yster- those in bousedresses who piead- cd the cause ai the banki-upt bus- band. The judges gave the de- cision that it was a tic. Oui- meeting for Nov. 26 ,vil' be at the home of Mi-. and Mrs. Carl Down, Hidden Treczs To Be Preseni Baptist Missic These beautiful, ilowers - some ai blossoms less than an inch in diarneter - ed by a Moody Institu photographer. Ama2 about these descrt other microscopie nature ai-e reveaied Treasures," the Instit "Sermnons fi-rn Sei wbich wiil be shown ville Baptist Mission St., Monday, NovcmI 8 p.m.. Fi-ce iii of Farm Radio Forum Provided Lively Series on Co-operatives This was the final tapic ini the series on Co-Operalives and al in ail it scems ta have been Et very livcly series af discussion:s. Many ai the farn\ý forums wcre as- sisted this week by Co-Op. field- men and also by managers and employees ai local Co-Operatives. In reply ta the question, "Do Co-Ops. pave the way for public or stale ownership and more gav- ernment contrai?" mast ai the farm graups agi-ced tbat they did nat, due particulariy to the fact that Co-Operatives are i-un on a democratic basis by managers and directors who ai-e dircctly respan- sibie ta the members and any profits are returned ta the mcm- bers. They also were of the opinion that Ca-Ops are entirely fi-ce of palitical, religiaus and ra- cial discriminations wbicb in themnselves lean away fi-rn gov- ernment cantrol. About 25 per cent, bowever, beld the opposite view stating that as Co-Ops. en- large il becomes necessary ta lopa- .lpba ricul- and gala istle, 'aove sting such have govcrnment legisiation for their protection and guidance which often ieads ta themn being cornpleteiy absorbed. Then, too, should Co-Operatives become weak and inefficient thraugh the non-support of members they be- came easy pi-ey, for socialism. Some 90 per cent af the farm forums agreed that a good society must be a mixed society in order ta create a balanced community with each type of ownership bav- ing sometbing ta cantribute ta the athers. On the other band a few feit that we could get along witb- out state or municipal awnersbip stating that such enterprises were more expensive ta the people as a wbole. One or two ai the fa?- ums iavared anly Ca-Operatives and individual awnership with mast af týe profits bcbng returned ta the members. The next series will be on "Comrnunity Living" and Ibis too promises ta be very interest- 25 Breeders' Associations Meet To Simplify Livestock Certilicates sures Ottawa, Nov. 19.-A si registration cerlificate apl ted at toalal breecis ai livcstock ceptable toalal breed asso( ,on witb information reduccd ..... ,,bai-e essentiais was the ma V posa! suggesîed last wecl a joint meeting ai dclegý about 25 breeders' assa( and officiais ai tbe Departr' tâ ~Agriculture. The new arrangement, dorseci by the associations respective aiinuai. meeting resuit in a simpler and pi- i livcstock -registr-ation serv t~4~* he part ai the Canadian N Live Stock Records toala adian breeders. on the hanci, associations themseiv hav alarges' share ai ther ,;ibilities whieh have piled u 2ý time andi, for the lasI 45 have been assumcd in meý tn sethees bin y the Canadian Live the hain Records Office. one-fiith ai - were film- Specifie prapasals adopi ate ai Science Ibis Ottawa meeting and zing i a c t s again have ta be submitled plants and brýeeders can be summari wonders ai foilows: in 'Hidden 1. The inclusion on rie utc's newest lion cerlificates ai the mir ence" film, ai information rcquired ta aI Bowman- lisi identification and ance. 114 Nelson 2- The use ai standardc ýber 26th, aI caW' ai- registration by al ffering. nIions. WOODPS DARN VENTIATO .......... Keep the air frcsh and dry ini your stable WOOD'S BARN VENTILATOR - Works Automnatically - We Specialize in AIl Types of ELECTRIC WIRING withi a AIse Dealer Fer - WOOD'S EILECTRIC FARM EQUIPMENT LOCOMOTIVE WASHING MACHINES SIIALLOW & DEEP IVELL WVATER SYSTEMS RANGES AND REFRIGERATION WERRY & SON ELECTRI C Phione Bownmanville 2539 Enniskillet .8~I_____________________________________________________________________________ tandard 3. The diseontinuance of the ýpicabIe placing ai special depasits ta the and ac- credit ai an association by the dations Canadian National Lîve Stock ta the Records Office. iii pi- 4. The transfer fi-rn the Rec- :end at ords Office of sucb duties and ser'- ýates of vices as may be adequately con- diations ductcd by association secetaries vnof Additianal services now given include collection of membership if en- iee ai-i-ars; preparation af a at their memhcrship list for the annua! ~s ilmeetings; interpretation oai mac- ampter curacies in constitution and by, - vice on1 laws; settlement ai disputel 'aiana-i among members, etc. Il Can- The adoption of the above pro- oher i posais wouid necessitate adoption res wili af amcndrnenîs ta yorrespondin.- lp with ai-ticle fafliation. Ili bni. Iers he list ofai rnndments approvec, yet ars- aIlthe meeting s tipulates that thc Stock Records Office shouid cease ta act as a banker and lawyer for as- sociations; that ils respansibilities ted al should be iimited ta the issuanc which af short pedigrees. Langer pedi- taû thli grecs would be providcdby the [zed as association, the foe ta be charged by thcmn for such a service being ýgistra- in accordance with the amount -umum of work involved in cach case. Nu cstab- chang~es have been made ta the' !st-y, article dealing wvith the conditions zerlifi- of withdrawai ai an association assaci- frian the affiliation. Dpartrment and Records offici- ,ais would continue la be aI thc disposai of associations and meci- flbers for acivice an any pi-oblei-r R relalcd ta new respansibililies a- sumned by associations. TYRONE Mrs. R. I-awkey, Bowmanville. is visiting ber sister, Mrs. G. '!hare. Several'fi-rn hei-e attcnded the Roya]. Wintci- Fair. i-Fred Goodman, Oshawa, visited Mi-. and Mrs. L. J. Goodi- man. Mi'.. V. Milîson, Toronto, spent the weekend wilh Mi-. and M's. Leon Moore. Miss Jean Philp visited Mrs.I W. A. Goodfellow, Toronto. Mî's. D, Cole andi fanîily. Mr-. W. Allun wcrc tea guests ai Mr-. and Mrs. J. Broome. lMi-. and Mrs. F. Scott and fam, ily visited Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan visited Mi- and Mrs. Nelson, Woolei-. Mi-s. K. Coibary and Frankie, Bernice Hall spent a few Toronto. Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne McCoy, Brooklin. visitcd Mi-, and Mrs 1 N. Woodie. Tyrone Tyros Boys meet evcry Tuesday cvenirlg fi-rn 7:30 ta 8:30 p.m. in the Sunday Sehool roam. Boys between 8-14 years are weicome. Mr.~ and Mrs. W. Mur-ay, Osh- 1ýis. Loi-ne McCoy, MW Jrookjjn; Mm .A. Poulter, Osha- wa, called on Mr. and Mrs. S. MCoy. Mr. Ken Ha;dy attended the Onlaria Tank Regiment Reunian in Oshawa, Saturday. Miss Grace Smith, Long Sault, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ken Hardy. Mi-. and Mrs. H. Wannacatt and Ross, Dixie, spent the weekend with Mr-. and Mrs. E. A. Vu-tue and John when a birthday party was held in banor of Mr. H. Won- nacaît. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and chîldren, Mr. S. Duval visited rel- atives in Peterborough on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn visiteci ber mather Mrs. John Lillicrapp at Canningtan on Tuesday ta celebrate ber 86th birtbday. Con- gratulations are in order, and many mare. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Miss Mona Brunt visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones and Ar- thur, Miss Claire Hall, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mi-. an-d Mrs. D. Mouatjoy. Mi-. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, Hampton, were lea guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoai-. Mi-. and Mrs. W. Elliott, Mr-. W. Gibbs, Oshawa; Mrs. T. Gibbs visitcd Mr. and Mrs. T. Janczyn. Mi-. and #Mrs. Earl Byam, Oshawa, visited Mr-. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mi-. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman and Bob, Pantypoal, witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman. Mi-. and Mi-g. George Alldread spent the weekend with Mi-. and Mrs. Ken Lamb, Clarkson. Mr-. and Mrs. E. Prescott spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Murray, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrell, New To- ronto. Mr-. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Esther Ann, Kenneth and Lor- raine, visited Mr-. and Mrs. E. A. Rosevear, Part Hope. Don't farget the Wamen's Insti- tute meeting Nov. 28 at 2 p.m., in the Sunday School raam. Mi-. J. H. Abernethy, Bowmanvillc, is guest speaker. Mrs. Arnold Christanson and Sharon, Sudbury; Mi-s. Aubrey Hickson. Lindsay, visited Mi-. and Mrs. J. Delaney. Little Carrol McRoberts is ini the Hospital foi- Sick Children, Toronto. We trust sheill soon be home again. Several ai-e suffering fi-rn baci colds and f lu.. Mi-. and Mrs. Alex Pci-ger, Junior and Bi-ian, Waterdowrt. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 1 Scaot have had their bouse painted. Mrs. Lloyd Alldread and baby witb Mi-. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- ley, Bowmanvilie. Mi-. and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Sandra and Donald, Petei-bor- ough; Mrs. Mai-y Cano, Retta and Joan, Bowmanville, wei-e guests of Mi-. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees. For quick results - use The StatsmanClasifiemAus The Sialesnian Sold Ai Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam. Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. Row Dry is Your Raincoat?I H. T. Saywefl, Blackstock. Keith Bradley. PontypooL C.. Tyrrell, Orono. H. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneli. Jury & Lovell, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Bei-iy, Elgie Harnden's Handy Store and The Statesman Office. Gold was first discovered in the Cariboo area, of British Columbia in 1859. In 1860 the famous Cari- Tihe next time your coat Is cleaned . .. let us treat it with JOHNSON'S DRAX to make it WATER REPELLENT STAIN RESISTANT WHAT D R A X DOES FOR CLOTHES AND FABRICS .6*' D)R A X. . made by the makers of Johnson's Wax a protective finish for clothes and fabrics that niakes theni resist dirt ... shed water . .. stay fresh and neiv-looking longer. Garnients treated with D R A X have a longer useful 111e because they don't readily pick up dirt and soil. BOWMANVILLE CIJEANERS. & DYERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 77 KING ST. W. PHONE 520 or Leave Orders at:- DYER'S DRUG STORE - NEWCASTLE COOPER'S BARBER SHOP ORONO BARRON'S GENERAL STORE- HAMPTON 'y" IF Attractive HOUSECOATS A large variety of styles frein whivh te choose in quilted and floral satins, bengalines, plaid flannels, etc. BUDGET SAVING PRICES NYLON ROSE Take ad-vantage of greatly reduced prives in our fine quality nylon hose. Buy several pair for your own use and for Christmas gifts. DAINTY BLOUSES This is one of our outstanding pre- Chi strnas specials. A wide varicty of blouses are hcîng offcred in thî3 sale in fancy nylons, crepes, cottons, etc. Ail colours. Drastically Reduced SWEATERS GALORE Thee ae sillhundreds of Theters lef t in Cardigans and 1'~ Pullovers that have been Bouduced 'o char Corne in and choose yours frorn many styles and colours. This is the ideal tm odo your gift buying and save STATION WAGON COATS The ideal coat for these winter days and you can have yours at such a low price. Sec the new styles and shades ini gabardines and bengalines. LINGERIE ALL REDUCE» You can save plenty of money when you purchase nightgowns, pyjamas, bedjackets, panties, bridai sets, etc. The Glory Ann Shoppes 57 RING ST. E. BOWMANMLLE PHONE 3363 This WeekIs SPECIAL BUYS For thie Home l Kelvinalor Jiefrigerator - - for $199.00 8 eu. fti, Iess thau one year old - Reg. $399.00 Beach Refrigovator - - - - $99.50 6 cu. ft., reconditioned- guaranteed one year Crossiey Shelvador Refrigerator brand new, 6 cu. ft. - Regular $39.9.00 for $329.00 Norge Refrigerator - - Special $309.00 brand new- 6% cu. ft. Westinghouse Roi rigerators brand new - 8 cu. f t. for only $3 19.00 General Refrigeralor - - for $249.00 new, 7 ceu. f t. - Regular $299.00 Trade-in Ailowance on your old refrigerator or ice box Beach Refrigerator - - - $ 129.50 6 cu. f t., factory reconditioned, guaranteed' WESTINGHOUSE WASHERF $179.50 TRADE - IN 'WASHERS from $29.50 up Trade-in allowance on a new washer of $50.00 for your old washer. New Westinghouse Radios - - for $199.00 new, 8-tube console inodels - Regular $299.00 1 ONLY WESTINGHOUSE RANGE used one inonth, 4-burner under oven model, complete with lamp and minute niinder - Reg. $279.00 for $229.00 TRADE - IN BEDS AND SPRINGS AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES KITCHEN SETS IN CHROME OR NATURAL WOOD FINISHES 2 Burner Eleciric Range- for only $49.50 heavy duty Beach Coal Range - ' - only $25.00 white enamel with shelf Coal Heaiers in SmalI and Medium Sîzes Ail ]REDUCED 1/3 OFF Save now on your Christmas Gifis. Nake large savings on Skirts, Slacks, Suits, Sport Jackets, Etc. -Used Silent Glow 011 Space Heater FJvenport Bed - - - - $39, good condition e l InOshawa Ail THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWMANVMLE. ONTARTO IDAelllm @PtrmmwutlR» and 1-