PAGE FOURTEEN B. & P. Women's Club Nembers Enjoy Trip by Films Across Cantada .Two color films showing the beauties of Canada from coast to coast and Jasper National Park in particular were the highlights of the November meeting of the Business and Professional Wonî- en's Club, held at the Balmoral Hotel, Thursday evening, Nov. 15Y Mr. Reg. Harding of the Good- year ran the projector for the showing of these beautiful films with soundtrack, produced by the Canadian National Railways in conjunction- with the National Film Board. Guaranteed to cre- ate a wanderlust in the most con- firmed stay-at-home, the story for the film "Aeross Canada" is told by two Americans, a man and his wife. giving their reac- tions te the historical sites and magnificent scenery from New- foundland and the Maritimes, through the middle provinces te the grandeur of the Rockies in British Columbia. As well as showing the Can- adian country-side, "Across Can- ada" slhouwd historieý buildings and incn Cinacdian citUes, in- dustries siîcli as ru iin ng and iog- ging in action, wild life in its native habitat, fisbing from coast to ceast, and even in the Atlantic off Newfoundland. These things, together with Mounties and Eski- mos. were seen through the eyes of an American sehool boy, ac- cording to the sound-track. thus bringing the sometimes duli sub- jects of history and gcography te life for hlm. The second film, "A Ticket to Jasper," showed in detail the beauties of Canada's largest na- tional park. The rail\vay here follows the old fur trade trail as laid eut bv David Thornpýon anc. other earlv fur traders and cx- plorers. A trading pest once stoed where Jasper Park Lodge and the village of Jasper are to- day. Fine ronds have been but and are maintained throughout the park for the metorist, and for the more adventurous there are miles ef trails te be travelled by horseback. The source of the great Athabaska river riscs in this park, 75 moles frein Jasper village and may be visited by moter route. Scenes of the wild ilife, protected by park authorities, fwere most appealing, and for the fisherman, the waters found in the park are a paradise. The 1many reereational facilities and ywonderful scenery make Jasper the Mecca of vacationers the world over. Mr. Harding was thanked by President Violet McFeeters and ipresented with a gift of cigarettes 1for bis kindness in showing the pictures to the Club. A short icel of Mr. Harding's own movies t a k e n around Bowmanville, showing the beauties of Mrs. J. H. Jury's and Walter Pascoe's gard- ens, and various scenic spots in Ontario, was also much enjoyed by Club members. Mrs. Lloyd Ayes, accompanied at the piano by Helen Nelles, con- tributed two lovely vocal solos, "Vienna, My City of Dreams" and "Absent." President Violet presented two prizes for draws to the winners, Margaret Purdon and Marjorice Couch. These were glass ash trays bearing the emblemn of the Business and Professional Wom- en's Clubs. A business meeting xvas conducted by the president, with Margaret Stacey taking the place of Betty Sisson as~ corres- ponding secretary for the even- ing, when she read a card of thanks from the family of the late Geo. Rundie, and a letter of appreciation from the Recreation Commission for the six girls who acted as judges at the Hallowe'en Party in the Memorial Arena. Miss Helen Weddcil, vice-presi- dcnt. acteci as rccording secre- tar%- for the evelng. President Violet, xvho repre- sented the Bowmanville Club at the Conference of Business and Professional Women's Clubs in1 Toronto recently, broughlt greet- ings fromn the National Prcsident, Allie Ahearn of Halifax, and through Miss Margaret Hynd- man, Toronto, vice-president of the International organization. grcctings from the International President. Dame Caroline Hass- n 4th Chapter of 'Supeiiilian" MONDAY - TUESDAY- NOV. 26 - 27 lett. The International President will be in Vancouver for the Con- ference to be hèld there next July. Plans are being made by the executive for a special Christmas meeting which will be held on Thursday, Dec. 13. 'tXTTlUkiS.AY NO .2,15 jW.C.T.U. held their silver med- al centest in the United Church basement on Friday evening, No- vember 16, when f ive girls and two boys took part. Contestants were: Joan Carbury, Newcastle; Doreen Alldred, Donna Brunt, Newcastle, Hazel Webber, Gloria Pigott, Sandy Poichie and Milton Rainey. The judges were Rev. Mr. Turner, Mrs. Percy Hare and Miss T. Ferguson of Newcastle. All speakers were exceptionally good, the silver medals going te Jean Carbury and Milton Rainey. Congratulations! Ahl contestants received a book. Interspersed with the speeches were musicar numbers which were much en- ieyed, a piano solo by Arlene Rainey, two vocal duets by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allen and two quartettes by Mrs. Ceeul Joncs, Mrs. W. Cebhledick, 'Mr. Reg. Sutton and Rev. *A. E. Eustace. Mr. Eustace -also à%cted as chair- m an. On Friday afternoen the Wom- en's Institute held their meeting in th- Council Charmber with the Presidcnt, Mrs. O. W. Rolpb pre- siding. Highlights of the meet- ing were, a splendid report of the Convention held in Toronto, by1 RECREATION CALENDAR BoWmanville* Recreation Commission Telephone 982 -Thursday - 2:00-Afternoon Leather Class Lion's Cemmunity Centre 7:00-Adult Swimming Class B. T. S. Pool 7:30-Ladies' Dressmak'g Class Lions Centre. - Friday - 7:30-Adult Art Class Central Public School - Mondax - 7:30-Ladies' Dressmnaking class (2nd Class) Lions Centre - Tuesday - 4:00-Jr. Stamp Club Lions Centre 7:30-Leathercraf t Clas.ý Lions Centre 7:30-Smocking Class Lions Centre 7:30-Photorgaphy Class, aduît. Lions Centre - Wednesday- 2 :00-Variety Crafts Liens Centre 3:00-Dancing Class. Ballet, tap, etc. Lions Centre 8:00-Weodworking Class, aduit Central Public Sebool. Application forms for birth cer- tificates may be bad at the Town Hall office or the Recreation of- fice for those boys who deoflot have a birth, card. Boys in the Midget and Juvenile age group ,who wish to play hockey must have a birth card.-. Age groups: Midgets-Under 16 as of Nov. 1. Juvenile-Under 18 as of Nov, 1. Lake .Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Alec MeNeil and David, Ottawa, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mar- tin. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wilson, Mr. and M~rs. Jack Wilson and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wil- son, Oshawa, visited Mr. and, Mrs. W. Baskerville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskervîlle and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, Bowman- ville. Lake Shore Ladies K. S. & C. Club met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Next meeting on Nov. 28 at Mrs. Bey. Jaynes'. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKay, Bronte. Lake Shore, H. & S. Club met Nov. 16 with a fairly large at- tendance at which moving pictures supplied by the National Film Board were enjoyed. STARK VILLE tMir. and Mrs. John Stark at- tded the Royal Winter Fair ac- cempanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Stark. Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Les Reid visited Mr. and ,Mrs. Russell Savery. Miss Mary Hallowell visited Miss Donna Stark, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim spent Saturday in Toronto. Miss Sylvia Westheuser, To- rente, visited at home. Several ladies from the dist- rict attended the bazaars at New- tonville and Kendal. Farm Forum met at Mr. Orme Falls on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Reid at evening dinner on Sunday. The pupils and teacher of Starkville Sehool, and others, went by bus te Toronto on Tues- day te attend the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. M. Bennett, Toronto, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallowell. WESLEY VILLE Mn. and Mrs. Murray Payne 0o0 vîsîted Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Duff -og in Myrtle. Vîsîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- o ence Nichols Sunday wene: Mrs. W. Bee, Ainsîce, and Mrs. P. Holdaway, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vallant and Miss Grace Ander- son, Westmeath. Miss Anderson 'G II is alse staying with ber sister, Mrs. Nichols, for a while. Mrs. E. Barrowclough, Helene and Billy Barrowclough and Mrs. Toppin visited Mrs. Mordon ini )~cJeOOWellington. Mrs. C. Pax-ne, Mrs. H. Payne o ~with Mrs. G. Henderson and Mrs. ~ F. Henderson, Newtonville, and S attended the reception and tea 1 S held in honour of Mr. George S Waltoni at Bowmanville Thurs- 775' day afternoon. M r. Art McKay visited bis sister, Mrs. H. Barrowclough. Mr. E. Barrowclough, Messrs., Gilbert, Harold and Arnold Aus- tin returned home from their huntîng trip. They werc- fortun- ate te get twe elk. Monday evening a meeting was heid at the home et Mrs. E. [SON Barrow~cîough where it was de- cîded that rehearsals would begin CARTOON immediately. on a pla 'y te be pre- sented the first et the year. - NOVW28la2ce Pollett, former enm- 1901, 28- 29 Plo% ofMr-. C. Pa,ýne and Ilew RICE of the Armed Forces, vîsited at el, the Payne home. W91INS ' Our school teacher, Mrs. John- MIKENNA - son, who is still in hospital, is beîng replaced by Miss Helene Barrowclough. 1 r4 W.A, meeting was beld at the Ihome of Mrs. L. Toppin under: ,~ the leadenshIp 0f Mrs. Holdaway.! Mrs. Toppin read an article on' "The Apple." Mrs. Bruce Dinner, Mrs. Ken Dinner and Mrs. P. nISell al'so participated in the pro- ugm aiw fl grain. Mrs. Edizar Barrowclouigh WRUR gave an interesting talabube ý trip to the West çoas-. WI11I CHILI SAUCI CLARKS PORK & BEANS LYNN VALLEY STD. 4-Sms PEAS 20.16& STOXELY'S CREAM STYLE CORN AYLME-CHOICE HAL VES PEACHES FANCY APPLESAUCE 2 is2Oz TOILIT TisfUU PUREX 2 Itm'29< FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX 2 f. 43f HEINZ INFANT FOODS 3 0... 29< Premium Chubs Bologna - Braunschweiger - Salami "Everything Fr. Baking" FOR FINER CAKES & PASTRIES MONARCH FLOUR 7.56& CHOCOLATE OR WHITE MONARCH IXV 1 60: 3 7> JUST ADD WATER MONARCHC US 3&~ MAKES TWO PIES MINCEMEAT MLE -r. 7 DALTON'S-RED GLACE CHERRIES 30z. SAXONIA--CUT MIXED FRUITS AYLMER--CUT MIXED PEEL RED ROSE--ORANGE PEICCE TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE RED ROSE TEA Lb. -62< .23< 7 Oz. P.. FIVE MINUTE 7<ICream of Wheat n O:. mk. 3 Mrs. Foster Ferguson, and a visit from our District President, Mrs. Emerson of Nestieton, whose fine message was much appreciated. The convenors, Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mrs. C. Cooper, with their committee served sandwiches and tea and -a social time was enjoy- ed by aIl. Ross and John Tarnb- lyn favored with a piano duet and piano solos. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham have bought the house on Church St. South, formeriy occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams and fam- ).ly, who have gone to live with her mother, Mrs. Albert Harris on Main St. Mr. and Mrs. Gra- ham and family will be taking possession shortly. Mr. C. Wood. Kitchener, spent the weekend at his home here. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy, Long Sault; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowther and Charles, Newcastle, and Mrs. Mary Phasey and Diane, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Don and Skip. Thorncrest Village, Is- lin gton, sD)ent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan. Mrs. Dane Found returned to her home here last week fromn ot -,- zýfrit s, pi# le Sweet Thin Skinned - Practically Seedless Florida Oranges Ige size 250 doz. --25c California Sweet Eating lb. Red Emperor Grapes - 10c MEAT SPECIALS Mealed M l. pkg. Back Bacon - - 38c Maple Leaf, Rindless M~l. pkg. Side Bacon- - - 43c Boneless, Branded Beef lb. Pot Roasi - - - 87c Mealed, Sweet Pickled Collage Rll - - Mb. 67c The Orono News bMn.&R.E. Logan Nesilelon Siafion Mr. Melville Irvine and Mr Ronald Swanton, Lindsay, called on Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Lansing and Jackie visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frîdd, Castorville. j Mr. Donald Proutt who is work- ing on a farm near Kedron was home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin attended the Royal, Winter Fair Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Gwen and Eunice were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelis Ifer a turkey dinner Saturday ev- dning. Mr. Ken Elford, Toronto; Miss Joyce Sutton, Orono, and Mr. Ken Gray visited Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. M.and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bowmanville, and Mrs. S. Trewin, Enniskillen. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt on their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Johns and Billie visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow were in Perth visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Ferrier. The tbree Robrer eilîdren, Leona, Carol and Lynda, had their tonsils removed in Memorial Hos- pital, BoWmanville. Sylvia Lawrence bas developed chieken pox. Mr. Walter Lawrence, Bud, Bob and John. returned from a suc- cessful hunting trip in the Webb- wood district having bagged tbree deer. Miss Marilyn Metealfe bas f in- ished as bousekeeper at the home of Mr. A. Agnew and is staying witb ber uncle, Mr. K. Burton. Congratulations te Mn. Alex Agnew wbo was married on Mon- day.. ý Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manlow, To- rente, spent the weekend witb their parents. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Hyland have 1bad the hydre turned on at their farm home. Mrs. Larmer Hyland bas four men from the Looby Construction- gang boarding with ber. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradburn on the occasion of Muriel and Don's l2th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! Nestleton W. I. met Wednesday at tbe home of Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs. Members decided te forge our Christmas party ex- change and voted $5.00 tewards purehasing a tracter for the wom- en ef Geece. A bale of light cIe- thing was packed for the relief of the hurrican victims of Ja- maica. Twe beautiful table cloths were received from our adopted Institute in England, one for our president's table worked by thn members with the Institute crest in the corners. The other is for the visitors' table with hand-em- broidered signatures ef aIl the members in Grove Institute in Consett, England. Each member was aise remembered by a band- embroidered handkerchief. Nestîcton members have 50 pounds of food already mailed te these English friends who tell ef having a Christmas party each year for the old people and 111 folk et their community f rom the Nestîcton parcels. Mrs. Lewis Fîtze, Blackstock, \vas hostess te tcn memnbers et the Presbyterian Ladies' Aid on Tues- day afternoon. Mrs. Gist gave the Bible study. Final plans were made for the suppen and bazaar. Splendid readings were given by Mrs. Gist, Mrs. Wm. Hooey, Mrs. Gilbank and Miss R. Proutt. Mrs, Fitze served a dainty lunch. Mrs. George Wolfe invited the ladies to ber home for the Decemben meeting. For the freedom of our land, and the challenge which that tree- dem brings. wep thank Tbee Our Heavenly Father. Toronto East General Hospital and although in a cast is as well as can be expected. Her many friends here are hoping she will soon be well again. Mr. R. H. Wood who is at the home of his son, Mr. Wes. Wood, is in very poor health and we hope he will soon be feeling bet- ter. Mrs. Neil Porter spent several days visiting her mother, Mrs. Oliver in Bobcaygeon. returning, home Sunday with Mr. Porter. Mr. Murney Paterson, Brant- ford, spent the weekend with' his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pat- erson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Winter and Larry, Oshawa, visited rela- tives here on Sunday. A very successful turkey din- ner was served in thç basement1 of the new United Church oni Wednesday night last. under the auspices of the W.A. Five hund- red and fifty persons enjoyed a fine home-cooked menu, includ- ing turkey with ahl the trim- mings, and some 250 home-made pies. Following the dinner a fine musical program was provided in the church auditorium, with Mr. W. E. C. Workman at the console of the new Haliman organ, playing many well known selections from Bach and Han- del and other noted composers. Added entertaininent was Trin- ity Young Men's Quartette, Bow- manville. who delighted the au- dience with their numbers, and Miss Margaret Allun, whose vocal solos were thoroughly enjoyed. The W. A. are. very grateful to these artists who gave so gen- erously of their time and talent. Mr. and Mrs. Sid. Lancaster and littie daughter, Newtonville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey. We are very sorry to report the death of Mrs. Newton Cobble- dick, who passed away at her home here on Monday evening. To ber husband and daughter Enid. and sons Harold and Jack, we extend deepest sympathy in their bereavement. Mrs. R. 'Mcçreary, Winnipeg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. Miss Shirley Flintoff, Guelph, spent the weekend at ber home here. Complete AUTOMIATIC HEATING AIR COOLING FOR THE SMALL HOME j ",AIR PRINCE", AIR CONDITIONING UNIT 1. Pre 15 loc pantmi fectivE return This1 te prel aise si efficie: 2. Fi HERE'S WHY YOU'LL PREFER THIS LOW - PRICED' HEATING UNIT heater -A preheater ficientà blower floating on ýated in the fan com- ]ive rubber te eliminate ient of the unit toecf- noise is supplied witb each ely prebeat the cool air Air Prince unit. When pro- iing from ail reoms. perly contnolled, the Aur preheater, in addition Prince furnace blower unit ýheating the returo air, will provide a veny low ýerves te increase the temperature - differ e n t i a 1 ýncy ef the furnace. thus pnevcnting over-beat- ing and cold periods assoc- er -A Glasfloss im- iated with other forms of ment type filter ap- hcating. 5. .Stmmer Air Conditloning ---During the hot summer months when the mercury soars, cool, fnesh air fromn the basement and fromn the oulside at nîgbt can be dis- tribuited te ail parts of the home simply by re Yi 9 the tan door of the u j q1 turnýling 0on the fan conýol. The unique construction of the fan compantment forces aIl the air through tbe filter before it is delivered te, the upper part of the house. 6- ('abinet--The cabinet et the Air Prince is bandsome- ]Y finished with a baked mntallie enamel finish in a neutral shade that enables tue unît te be installed in re, ci-cation noom without féan ()f contrasting with other objects. The cabinet is man- ufactured from funniture 1%-pe steel die-formed and ineiiito)rc.ed to provide long lite and dependability with appeanance. S.Blain Ell«iott 55 KING ST. W. BOW31ANVILLE PHONE 3348' THEATRE - EOWMANVILLE FRIDAY - SATURDAY - NOV. 23 -24 S2 BIG HITS - TELVE ASSORTED DESIGNS Christmas Cards or-12 25< MOVIETONE 'NýEWVS SIIORT WEBNESDAY - THURSDAY - BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS CANDY EARLY . MOIR'S - "Town Talk" CHOCOLATES 31/- Ibs. net OnIy - $1.95 box These Values Effective Thursday, Fridav. Saturdav, Nov. 22, 23, 24 f NoI CA" àDI*NS souci 81 DOMINION STORES LIMIIVO 1 proved b y Underwriters,- Laboratories is supplied as standard cquipmnent wit}î this unit. This type of filter thoroughly removes dust, dirt and pollen from the air - thus providing a dlean healthful atmosphere. Fil- tered air means less housc- work, clean walls and fah- ries as well as lo,.er re- decorating eosts. 3. Humidifiers-Humidific-a- tion is provided by the built - in Anthes - Imperial humidifier which automnatic- ally provides moisture r- quired. This is added to the air as it is circulated. Pro- perly' humidified air 'feels warmer" thus ciminiatigt excessivc dry tempcratur(-:- which are maintained only by wasting fuel. 4. Air Circulation--To r- vide a constant but pciie flow of warm, refrcelîing air free from staleness through- out the home. A quiet, cf- Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Precott were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bowman and famnily at Mr. Lloyd Ashton's, Haydon. Mrs. Wallace Pascoe and Eve- lyn spent the weekend in Brant- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith celebrated their silver w'edding Saturday evening at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Donald Pres- cott and Mr. and Edgar Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Bob- caygeon, who were among the guests, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. In spite of a warm, comfortable building, good sermons and mnusic our church attendance continues small. Sunday there was a bas- ket of beautiful flowers placed in memory of Mrs. Hosken Smith's mother, Mrs. Arthtlr Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Miss Ruth Prescott visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, Clark Union. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Simpson, Blenheim; visited Mr. and Mlrs. Lorne Simpson and called on1 many old friends. 1 ENFIELD THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW&ANVILLLF, ONTARIO ernTTP-,nav vm? @)Ob lant ', Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and 1 family and Mr. and Mrs. 'Alberti Adams with lV1ý. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and Rose Mary with Mrs. J. Greer. Jim and Cheryl Rowan with their grandiparents for the week- end. pve at 'Wayne, Peterborough; Mr. andl Mrs. George Carter with relatives& Mrs. Ben Hubbard is ini Osh- awa with friends. Mrs. E. Mullen, Sunderland, with ber sister, Mrs. Pearl Averlt. Mrs. T. G. Breck with Mr. and Mrs. William Breck, Trenton.' Mr. and Mrs. George Tompkiîà with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompking. Mrs. J. Carter was in Toronto te attend the Silver Cross Wom- en's annual bazaar on Nov.- 14 in Old St. Andrew's Memorlal Hall. A very successful bazaar was held by the Woman's Associatic8h of Burketon United Church Noy. 15. A short program of instril_ mental music, solos and a readinlg preceeded the official opening oz thc bazaar by Rev. R. M. ey- miour. There were attracti 1 3: plavs of hlome cooking, zýâ-le- 'work, knitted goods, vegetables, fruits and home-made candy. The tea tables were tastefully ar- ranged and were tvell patronized. The fish pond was especially in- viting to the junior members of the community. Proceeds over $115.00 Ladies of lur-!ceton W. A. express their grateful apprec. iation not enly to ail who patron. ized the bazaar but te everyone \Vho contributed in any way to its success. Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude-E. P. Powell. Fountain of mercy! whose per- vading e *ve can look within and read what Passes there, accept my thoughts for thanks: 1 have ne wvrds.-Hannah More. The first turnpike-a toil road - xvas established in Canada ini BURKETON HEATING & PLUMBING