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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1951, p. 3

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PA~N THR~N TEURSDAY NOV. 22, 1951 THE CMiADIAN~ ~TAT~SMA~. ~OWMANVTLL!~. ONTAflTO IlTe Newcastle'Independemi Margaret Ash Telephone 2511 Newcastle It is nice ta see Mrs. Paul War- ner and children back in their apartmnent after their long stay in Toronta, Mr. Waruer was here for the weekeud. Congratulations ta Joan Car- brey upon winning the Public Speaking Contest in Orono. Miss Tëna Ferguson, Mrs. Percy Har2 and Rev. L. H. Turner were »ydges. Mr. Neil Brîtton, U, of Toron- to, spent. the weekend at home. Mrs. Robert Duck, Toronto, wa.s Ft~r bouse last weeked 11erest sympathy is extended ta Mssrs. Bill and Jim Kirkpal- rick on the sudden loss of thcýr father. Mr. Fred Kirkpatrick ini Mantreal last week. Mrs. Alex Adair, Mrs. Fred Adair and Mrs. Wmn. Kirkpatrick accompanied Bill and Jimmy on their tedious jaurney to Montreal. Miss Louise Trenwitlî .'lo : now staying in Toronto is spend- ing a few days with fricnds in the village. Misses Cannle Envright and Jean Toms, Mesdames Frank 'M c- Mullen and W. J. I-lckin, \rl. ain, Mrs. Cliff Flintaff and AIr. anti Mrs. Aif Adair xere amang those who attended the Ire Capacîrs in Toronto. UNITED -CH -RHNW C.G.I.T. met Nov. 13. MaIirlen c Cross," xvas rendered by Nelda Edwards and Joyce Bostock. We discussed our candle light ser- vice. Mr. Neil Stewart will be asked ta take charge of aur chair for the vesper service. The pro- gram consisted of a recitation by Carol EdWards, a guess page by Annie Biersteher. and vocal duet "Zilet in blinde razerny," a Dutch song by Annie Birsteher and Mary Pluister which was enjay- ed by ail. Games followed. The combined Unions of the Young People of Orono and Newv- castle United Churches met in the church of the former Mon- day evening under the leadership of the president of the young folk of Orono. Afler the devotianal period a Treasure Hunt" featured the program wherein about 16 yaung folks hunted for concealed slips of paper bearing pertinent facts relative ta the missionary enter- prises at home and abroad. The illuminating fact revealed that approximately one-fifth cf Canadas total population looks ta the United Church for spiritu- al guidance ._nd sustenance. Last summer, under the aus- pices of the Home Mission Board, 49 young men and women wvent forth manning summer Mission Ficld, this work being made fin- anciallv possible by the Church's g ivings. jxnggvee ~ caCll to wors'n1p. There was also the discovery Vocal duet "The Old R-,iýgecl made in "The Treaure Hunt" that there are 2,676 pastoral I charges each of which may in- aa *Aclude two or three or. more IT N. w I preaching points. Continuing in statistical vein the United Church is composed of 6,368 congrega- tions. Nineteen different langu- ages and dialects are the media r F reotby which the 'Good News" is ex- pressed. About 70 per cent of the United Church is rural in its ge- CRIE ESH EO ography and work. Next Monday evening the com- bined Unions will convene in the Board Room of the Newcastle SOFII-WATERChurch with Earl Brown, Presi- dent, presiding and Newton Sel- SfIAM OOIN&bs, Convener of Missioners con- ducting the devotional period. ýý,-VÉWI#ARPYrW.r£RThe public is cordially invited to hear Ed. Youngman, whose weekly column is featured iu the States- man and widely read. ~4 Last Sunday morning virtually ý#.1f -a capacity congregation acknow- 2-oz. . 650 ledged the dlaims of the United Church. The chair, under the Jury & Loeil leadership of Mr. Neil Stewart Jury & ovel 1 who also presided at the organ1 Phone 778 Bowmanville in the absence through illness of1 - Mrs. Earl Fisher rendered superb- -Y A1, I/ 4,e All the pleasures of SINGER sewiug eau be yours- with this brand - ew, style -desigued round -bobin cabinet machinie. Made to last a lifetirne. by theýcompauy that has built the world's favorýite sexing machines for 100 ycars. PRICE IN CLUDES OlUy a eCoMplete 8-lessan ORAJ frAUU*sewlig course at your SINGER SEWING CENTER Budget Ternis *B1asic set of attachaiefts orw i or 0SINGER Warranty of Lay-AxaY Plan rnanufacturing L perfection ' d*M, f TUE SINGER MFO. dO. aiNGER SEWING CENTER 47 Wallon Si. PORT HOPE 47 Walton St. PORT HOPE Phone 3066 KENDAL Robert Alexauder, Toronto, spent the weekeud with Mr. aud Mrs. B. Alexander. Mrs. N. McKay is visiting bier daughter, Mrs. Roy Mercer. Mrs. Norman Patton, Mr. aud Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Peterborough. Mrs. Florence Wright, Port Hope. visited ber daugbter, Mrs. Len Falls and attcnded the W.A. bazaar. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and Mrs. Wm. Thompson visited Miss Sel- !na Therteil on Friday evening at the home of ber brother, Walter, in Bowmauville and found ber feeling quite cheerful. It will be two weeks before the cast will be removed. Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil and Bob Vanuatto were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Burley. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen aud family and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham, Chyrreli and Kathy visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen were iu Delhi for a few days. A successful bazaar was held in the Sunday School room on Friday eveningby the W.A. The tableful of delicious cooking and variety of aprons were great at- traction ta growu-ups wbile the fish pond did a flourishing busi- ness cspecially among the young folks. ZION(Hoe Tw .) eighbor, knowing Mr.lFile wx MON (ope T p.) uot lu his usual good bealth, wer over to inquire, and found hii £3ill Clark, son of Mr. and Mrs. thus. He called Mr. George, Pci Dilwy n Clack, has been acceptcd Hope undertaker, wbo goti for traiuing in the Royal Cauad- toucb witb relatives at Toron'i ian Mouuted Police and is uow The funeral service was beldi posted in Regina, Sask. 'Congrat- St. Alban's Anglican Churcl ulations Bill and best wishes for Ameliasburga, Prince Edwar a successful career. County, on Mouday. Last Tuesday afternoon a happy_______________ eveut took place wbeu a surprise birthday party lu bonour of Mrs. i E. Caldwell was beld lu ber home. Guests were Mrs. Arthur Walker, Hanakercnlefs Mrs. Stanley Joueg, Mrs. Ells- worth Caswell, Miss Gwen Joncs, and Mrs. Harold Caswell. Mrs. Norman Earle and sons, Ida, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Irwin. On Friday evening the bazaar sponsorqd by Zion Womau's As- sociation xvas held lu the churcb. Under the cbairmanship of Rev. P. F. Gardiner, Canton, the sale of work got under way with Mrs.j Irwin as generaî convener and Mrs. R. Best as President, the fol- lowiug were lu charge of the varions tables and projects:- nccdlexvork, Mrs. Tufford, Mrs. H. J. Anderson, Mrs. E. Caswell; home baking, Mrs. Raby; fruit and vegetable staîl, Mrs. Meneil- ley; caudy counter, Miss Gw= Joues; fish pond, Mrs. H. Ca xvell. Refreshmcnts xvere i t he bauds of Miss L. Hamilton, Mrs. R. Best, Mrs. A. Walker, Mrs.I Gerow. Wben the sale was axer. ail gathercd together for the pro- gramme, arranged by Mis. E. Rutbveu. Mrs. F. Gilmer, New- T i touville ,kindly accompauied for T i ail members. A humorons Fasb- ion Show xith Mrs. Ruthvcn as comenatr au a hilariaus Christmas number. The mirtb -pravoking models wcîre Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. The cfift that is easily Best, Mrs. E. Caswcll, Mrs. IrWin sent, alxvays appreciated, Mis. Rabs'. Gwen Joues. Shirle A 4 Tufford, Doris Anderson, Iris Cas- pretty and pracLical. well. Mr. Cccil Wbite, Port Hope, FoKdie complete with baujo, gave bis Fo ide... famons impersouations of George "Lucy Atwell's" Formby, in several selections. Miss Gloria Latte, Newtonville, For Boys and Girls . sang sweetily in "The Tennessee W'altz" and -Mocking Bird Hill." colorfast -prints and The Truth -Telling Machine" as initiaIs. secretlxy ope rated by Gwen Joues praved another hilariaus bit. The For Ladies... IProfessor (Mrs. Ruthven) offered mht n ta tr v ont his machine in the wht n oresence of the minister (Mrs. R. trinimed, einbroidered Bestu and the ladies of the con- and appliqued. gregation tMr.Anderson, Mrs. Rahv, Mrs. Irwin. Miss Hamilton, For Men Mrs. Walker. Mrs. E. Casxellh. White and colored, Gcrald Bcst also took part. Ques- tions vere put ta the machine inens and Iawns. with sqch disastrons effect that it finally disintegrated. AfterE E furtber selections bv Mr. White J. W. JEWEL' the pragramn was' brought toaaWLL close with God Save the King."I«10 Iu the basemeut fragrant cofee G"0 made an iuvitiug caîl ta refresh- 27 King St. W., Bowmanvllle nients xvhich were arrangcd cafe- PON 5 teria StN le. so cach fîlird his ptaî PONE55 wîth the food of bis choice and 'as unt lm 1 'rt iu ird .1 ly the anthem, "Softly and Tend- erly" with Mrs. James Brown rendering "The Lord's Prayer." The minister, fascinated by an article featured by the October issue of the Reader's Digest en- titled "I'm Ail for the Churches" shared with the congregation the findings of the same, weaving in- ta the discourke the "Thought for Today"-'Why do I go ta Church, ta any Church?" "I go to church ta find myself, it is so easy, so very easy ta get lost in the World." The Junior Congregation ta which Mrs. William Beman and Miss Irene Pinch give excellent leade~rship is growing froin Sab- bath ta Sabbath. Last Sunday marning the rail call tabulated 32 in attendance. Mr. anif Mrs., bring your children along, enjoy the instruction and inspiration of the morning service whilst your children are being sa well cared for via the Junior Congregation. 0f course, this invitation is ta fa- thers also. Mrs. William Hay gave splen- did assistance Sunday morning to Mrs. Beman, due ta the unavoid- able absence of Mrs. Ema assistant, Miss Irene Pinch. Next Sunday morning the min- ister in terms of sacred sang and worship will take his people to the bleak coasts of Labrador to rediscover the work of our church there. C.G.I.T. group are off toaa splendid start under the leader- ship of Mrs. William Storks andi Miss Marjorie Tims. This group will be v'esponsible for a candle- light service on Christmas Sun- day eveuing. Ail youpg girls cordially invited. Next Wednesday evening un- der the auspices of Oshawa Pres- bytery Visitation Rev's H. Tur- ner and R. Nicholson, Bowman- ville, will visit Newcastle United Churcli. enjoyed a friendly chat with his neighbor. Ail in ail it was quite a happy evening, and the arganization rwishes ta thank everyone who helped iu any way ta contribute ta its success. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton,! Bunker Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Caswell. NE WTON VILLE Mr. Ashfield, aur public scboal teacher, spent the weekend at his home in Toronta. Margaret and Marie Brown and Gwen Stark went ta -Toanto an Saturday ta see the Sauta Claus parade. Mr. James Nesbitt, Washington, D.C., has been spending'a few days w4th his sister, Miss Annie Nesbitt. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Tor- onto, came dowh for the week-I end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Plattsville, speut Sunday. with bis mother, Mrs. William Lane, wbo returned home with them. W.A. of the United Cburch did splendidly with their bazaar real- izing $200 from the sale of articles contributed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Redknap and Mrs. William Wbittaker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter .Bradley at West Hill, Mrs. Whit- taker remained for a visit. Mrs. James Adams and daugh- ter, Joyce, Toronto, spent Wed- uesday with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath and at- tended the funeral of Mrs. George Law. We are sorry ta hear that Mrs. Leon Barton is sufferiug from an attack of shingles. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Haucock and Miss Olive Johnstou, Peter- borough, speut the weekend wîtb Tupper Jobnstou. Miss Jean Wade, Toronto, with Mr. aud Mrs. Arnold Wade. The basket of beautiful chry- sauthemnums and roses in the United Cburch Sunday evening were placed there by Mr. Henry Reichrath in memory of his wife, Maretta Law Reichrath. Mr. Willis .Jones arrived home from deer hunting on Saturday. The party of four got three deer. Clarke Township teachers were eutertaiued by Hope Township teachers ta a turkey banquet at Garden Hill, Wednesday evening, Nov. 14th. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott and daughter Dorothy spent the xveek- eud with friends lu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alldread motored ta Broute on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Worrall spent the weekend with her parents, Mr.!I and Mrs. Beedham, Baltimore. Mrs. Robert Patterson, Orono, has been spendiug a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. Mvr. aud Mrs. Herb Heard of Port Holpe, were there on Sunday. Mr. Lloyd Clysdale had the nisfortune ta accidentally shoot himseif lu the shoulder while cleaniug a gun on Saturday. He1e is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmau- ville, lu serions condition. Mr. and Mrs. Allin Penfound' and daughter, Mary, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Melville Joues' ou Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Verdun Johuston and son and Mr. and Mrs. M. Seamnan and babe, . Gananoque, vith Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Jobuston. Mr. H. J. File, a retired gentle- mian, wbo bought the Henry Joues farmi nortb of Newtonville, and who spent his summer there,j passed away at his farmn home ou ~; 4' WALKER STORES Pre - Christmas GIFT BOXES SHOP THE EASY WAY Wc wil be glad to put your Christmas Gifts ini one of Use our convenient Lay-Away Plan. A small deposit our beautiful Christmas Boxes absolutely will hold any article ini the store free of charge. until Christmas. Pre- Chrîstmas YARD GOODS SPECIALS WOOL COATING AND RAYON CREPES SKIRTING FABRICS Do you want to make anew dress for 'These are pure-wo otn udsit n4-inch Rayon Faîl Crepes at a give- iug f abries, 54 juches wide. The \'o 00 away price.. Co1Lurs of bottie green, Vcoatings are in colours of green, wme huntcr's green. bro\vn, rust, and black. The xvool skirt]ngs are inl navy and grey. Scolours of green or ry To-day's value $3.50 y'ard Regular $1.85 yard Clearing ai - $ 1.98 yard Clearance - 98c yard COLOURFASTP PRINTS AND PYJAMA CLOTHS We hav e a few pieces of gay floral colourfast prmnts andi pxjama eIoths. Sec these outstandiug bargains. Regular 59e yard To Clear- 49c yard Printed Secrsucker NIGHTOWNSRAYON BLOUSES lu meîum izesonlyWhite ouly xith embri )lered yokes Sizes 12 to 18 Regular $2.29 and $2.98 Regular $2.98 each To Clear ai- OnIy $ 1.98 each Clearance - $1.98 each BOXED LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Special value in ladies' boxed linen haudkerchiefs, lace edged. This is a real gift value. 3 to a box - Regular $1.50 per box Sp ecial Value - $1.00 per box PRINTED 3-PIECE TOWEL SETS Lox clv carnationi petuniia ai orchid designs printed ou background eofxwhite cannon cotton terry. One large bath toxvel about 20" x 40" and two wash cloths 12" x 12". Special Only 3 - P-C$1.99 ENSET oe Here is an inexpcnsive kitchen set, twvo colourful dish cluths and a pot liolder - ail gift wrapped. Only - 79c per sel CHILDREN'S BOXED HANDIEmaHIEFS Colourfast handkerchiefs printed v thIi i dt-e's story book pictures. A delightful little gift foi- a child. 4 handkerchiefs to a box' Special- 50c per Lox COLOURFUL KITCHEN SET One large disli cloth in various colours, 3 assorted coloured potholders and a set of plastic bowl covers. Only - $1.29 perise HAND EMqBROJDERED BRIDGE SET Imported hand embroidered applique- 5-piece bridge sete. Cloth is :36" x:i6" plus 4 napkins in attractive box. Wd/zeA$14t,&mel ""Truly a Pleasctnt Place to Shop"" BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E. -- I I M M SPECIAL REAL SULR HEADSQUARES OnIy - $1.98 each Thcse real silk headsquares make a really sensible Christmas gif t. They're 36 juches xide in excitiug new floral designs and colours to suit every taste. Our Port Hope Representative for ... SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou .wiIl be in ]Bowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week *It is our deire to-giv'e our customers even better service than cicr hefore, for service, repairs or en- quiries alout nie% machines, caîl our Port Hope store and reverse the charges. SINGER SEWING CENTRE ONLY 27 SHOPPING DAYS LEFT UNTIL CHRISTMAS- DO YGUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY THIS- YEAR AND 'TAXE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PIE - CHRISTMAS SPECIAL VALUES! WARM GAY HOUSECOATS 1 ( 100 o/o'PURE WOOL HOUSECOATS Gay all-wool housecoats in authentic tartans, plaids and plain colours of wine, blue and navy. Sizes 12 ta 20 $18.95 and $19.95 These housecoats are styled and made in Britain of the f îuest materiais. SATIN HO US ECOATS Beautiful British-made satin house- coats with the popular flared skirted styles in colours of turquoise, rose, blue, nax'y and wiue. Sizes 14 to 20 Only - $9.95 each PHONE 451 RAYON BROCADED HOUSEC'OATS Popular rayon brocaded housecoats in gay colours of gold and redi and black and red. Sizes 14 - 16 - 18 $18.95 each The ideal gift for the disceruing womau. CHENILLE HOUSECOATS Here is a real housecoat value, fine quality chenille at a price you can afford. They corne in colours of blue, rose, red and turquoise. Sizes small, med. and large, 42-44-46 Only - $6.95 each a a a a a VALUES THE CANADMN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILTLP. ONTARIO - I I s t v tl f: n fi Only r - $1.00 per box - $1.99 Sel Boxed - $1.98 sel

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