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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1951, p. 7

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1~1UI~JJ Y, NOV. 2, 1951THE CANADIAN STATESM AN, BOW M ANVILLE, ONTA RZIO P G E E Il~~~1 .I- ~,- 0 - I Uo. Ltu., was electeciacirco of the Ontario Lumbermen's As sociation at their recent conven- IIMessrs. W. D. Higgon and 0. F. Robson, tenor drummer ini the JlRameses Shrine, Toronto, Drumr Corps, travelled iast weekend with ýrn- other Shriners to Erie, Pa., ta take ref part in a Shrine Ceremonial. oui Rfn. W. J. Leask, Harley Hayes, Bert Perfect, John Bothwell and IlSamn Wilson returned ta Val- is- cartier, Que., after having spent ails three weeks embarkation leave on at their hoîries. ýe. Mr. Thos. Cartwright, who has been in Sunnybroak Hospital, oc- Toronto, for eight weeks wbere he IC underwent a seriaus operation, ind was in town Monday calling on ýnd old friends. He is at present liv- ing with his daughter in Oshawa. er Mr. A. Melecci, -member of the Ive faculty Royal Conservatory of Irs. Music and Mrs. Melecci, WilIow- r- dale; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Caseley,' Richmond. Hill, were weekend e- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M.ADMS ;or Well known throughout Ontario About three hundred of and a native of Brighton, Rev. at Ballyduff School on Saturé rigI Gordon Lapp, assistant at Cen- tral United Cburch, Calgary, bas Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gilba in- been appointed pastor of Meaford Wedding. The school was 1 )er United Churcb. He will take and white, white belis and g( over his new duties at Easter.. The guests were rec Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams ride h a hrigi spet te \eekend with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne corsage of gold mums. The, Kleinstiver at Dasbwood. They daughÏter, Mrs. Wilfred Lunn, were nearly snowed in with the In the afternoon Mrs. storm that hit the London district an Sunday but a tractor came ta Mitchell poured tea and in the their rescue. and Mrs. Wm. Cain. The Four Jacks Quartette coni- In the evening an add posed of Doug Rackham, Dr. Lathangue when they preseni Keith Siemon, Howard Bickle andl a studio couch from family, Keith Jackson, were guests at the Oshawa Chapter af the Barber were also recipients of a beau Shop Quartette Singers af Am- sugar set, silver butter dish an erica, Tuesday evening. gifts fromn other friends. Mr. Charles Carter, Sr., attend- 1 Mr. Kenneth GilbanP ed a meeting of the National paren-ts made the reply than Cot4ncil ai the Canadian Bakingbr Industry at the exclusive Seigni- or. Short speeches of a con, ory Club, Montebello, Que., Nov. by Allan Beer, Perey Preston 12 and 13. Mr. Carter is a Coun- Wright. cil member and representative Guests were present fi. of Ontario at large. Oshawa, Bowmanville, Newtc Court ai Revision, held Wel- ronKr orno ae nesday nigbt at the town hall was rnKry ootJnt attended by members ai Town surrounding district besidest Council only, as no appeais were congratulations. made. Does this indicate that al Bawmanvilie taxpayers are happy about their assessment? Couple Honoured Oshawa Retail Business Men's On 3th Wedding Association bas decided that it wiii nat sponsor a Santa Claus Anniversary parade this year. Dont hear any -____ tbing of a parade in Bowmanvilk On Saturday, Nov. 10, the fam- either this year. Weli, we still believe tbere's a Santa Claus and iy af Mr. and Mrs. Zack Adams, we're going ta bang up aur stock- 36 Liberty St,, Bowmanvile, ing Christmas eve aiong side theI gatbered at their home, ta bonor fireplace. tbem on their 3th wedding an- The Teen Town Club heid its niversary. third dance of tbe season in the The bride ai 30 years aga was High Scbool Auditorium on Sat- presented with a beautiful bau- urday, Nov. 17. There was a good quet of carnations and 'mums. crowd and everyone seemed ta The table was tastefully set with agree tbat the dance was a big a beautiful and bountiful supper, success. A gaod variety of nov- centered with a lovely three-tier elty dances were held during the wedding cake provided solely by evening due ta the excellent plan- the family. ning ai the programme cammittee. After ail had partaken ai a For tbese dances lovely prizes sumptuaus repast Mr. Ross Ad- were given the winners. Mr. and ams, eldest son, read a nicely Mrs. Alian Strike and Mr. and worded address ta his parents and Mrs. Bob Stevens were patrons Mr. Berwin Adams, 25 Orchard of tbe' dance. Ave., Oshawe, Érèseftted the gifts, St. Paui's Evening Auxiliary including flannelette blankets met at the home af Mrs. Ronald iromn their daughter and son-mn- Hetheringtan on Nov. 19. Miss law, Mr. and Mrs. Alian Beacock, M. Hutchison conducted the wor- Nestieton; plaid Wilcot blankets ship service, the theme af wbich fromn their son Berwin and wiie; was 'prayer." Mrs. R. Davies, buffet mirror from Murray and assisted by Miss Gardner, Mrs. Ada Adams; satin comiorter from R. Hetherington and Mrs. W. Car- Wayburn and Noreen and table rutheis gave interesting stories linen and bath towels f romn Ross ai aur mission work acrass Can- and Margaret. The groom was ada. Mrs. J. McQuarrie gave a also presented with a beautiful mast interesting report ai the cigarette case with initiaýs en- Eastern Section Rally beld at Eb- graved. The bride made a fit- enezer. ting reply, thanking ail for their iovely and useful giits. The remainder of the evening Canadiari Club was spent in friendly chat, aftcr, which ail retired ta their homes wishing their parents the best of (Continued From Page One) heaith and prosperity in the years Dr. Wonders was very fond ai ta came. Golden Wedding Anniversary Marked by Ballyduf f Couple Itne .Hrusky dogs, and said thal, contrary ta cammon belief, the Husky is flot always fierce. Af- ter he bas been fed, be can be petted and playeçi witb, but ifa Iman gets in bis way when food i: in sight and he is bungry, "it will be the iast dog he sees," said Dr. Wonders. One item ai their diet is seal meat, and the dogs are kept a t bay by sixteen foot long lea- ther whips until the man backs away from the cut-up meat. The dogs then make a fierce rush for their food. Other Arctic animais mention- ed by Dr. Wondcrs were the Po- lar bear, which will attack mari: the musk-ax, af. wbieb there were about balf a dozen on the island, and the wairus. Dm. Wonders acknowlcdges that bis pictures of the musk-ox and the wairus werc photographed in an Americani museum, since bis subjeets on Resolute toak ilight before be cou]d snap the shutter. Dr. Wonders tald many ather interesting points about tbe Are- tic. such as that on Resolute they \vcre nortb ai the Magnetie Pale, so that campasses %vere af no use; that their water supply was fromn blocks af ice eut from the fresh water lake in the faîl, staeked out- side. and brought indoors wben needed and melted bebind the stove in a large tank; that men in the Aretie need about anc and one-baif times as much food as the staff on their particular sta- th e staff on their particulari sta- tion wvas well looked after in this respect, cxcept that once the meat ran out that they bad chieken for breakfast, dinner and supper. He aiso said that it was impassible ta keep a cold in the Aretie, which fact interested evemyone af bis bearers. but did nat cause them ta miake immediate arrangements ta flv north ta Aretie egions. Dr. Wonders was thanked bv MNrs. Lawrence Goddard .wo said she wvas sure if geographv biad been mnade se înteresting when she %vent ta scbool, she and man.% others wauld have known much more about the subjeet. Miss Hodgins annaunced that the speaker for the December meet- ing was expected ta be the assist- ant librarian ai Queen's Univer- \r.D. R. ?Jorrjson officia,- ied nt thie piano for opening anà closîng exercises.à Rotary Club (Continued fram Page One) that New Canadians are-always made welcome. "If we don't" Mr. Biggs said, "tbe anly thing tbey will remember wili be the bard- ships tbey suifered in their native lands." Tbhe speaker was thanked for bis exceptional address by Ro- tarian Bob Stevens. "We bave been enligbtened, taday," be saîd, and obsemved that Mm. Biggs was a good student ta eboase for a Rotary Feliowship. Perfect Attendance pins were awarded: Ross Stutt, 10 years per- fect attendance, and Walter De- Geer. tbree years perfect attend- ance. A. M. Anderson, Kings- ton, was a guest at the Fiday luncheon. Lake Crossing (Cantinued fr-om Page One) recourse ather than ta creet a fence ta block the South road ai this crassing." Signed: J. R. Caini. Confirmation Message Other letters and telephone calîs made by Mr. James ta variaus sources brought the beiow follow- up message, in connectioni witb the raad closing, dated Nov. 20. "Following aur telephone con- versation date, 1 received from Toronto instructions that we cannot do anything cisc otbem than comPIY With the Board's me- quirements as contained in Ord- em No. 55998, therefore, can only say that insofar as we are con- ceened the erossing will necessar- ilY have ta be blocked for the winter montbs." Signed: J. R. Cain, The present situation is critica.1 but unless the Board af Transpori Commissioners rescind Order No. 55998 the road will stay closed. Meanwhile, a temporary faut bridge from East ta West Beach would appear ta be the oniy so- lution. It wauld appear the mat-I ter is far from settled. For the ability ta be ai service ta a fellow-creature, we ought ta give thanks, not demand it. sincr' in an%- truc act ai belpfulness, it is the helper who is Most helpeci. HARVEY GILBANK friends and neighbors gathered iay, November 17, to join with ank-to celebrate their Golden lovely with streamers of gold old mums from the family. ýeived by the groom and his inavy sheer and lace with a ýy were assisted by their only iPeterborough. .Robert Wright and Mrs. Alvin c vening Mrs. Ambrose Fowler lress was read by Mr. M'elville ted the bride and groom with friends and neighbors. They utiful mirror, silver crcam and ra number of other handsome k, Burketon, on behalf of his iking their friends and neigh- agratulatorv nat'ure were given n, Will Rutherford and Robert ýrom Woodbridge, Union Creek, -nville, Peterbarough, Cavan, tville, Pontypool, Bethany and the large numfber of cards of Il -.. 1 (1ý T f.4 -- - -- 1 - - - president, opened he meeting with on Sunday. Rev. Harold Ken- a paem. Mrs. E. Larmer toak BLACKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cameran ci Mountain, visited Rev. and Mrs C. W. Hutton. Mrs. Hutton anc Nancy returned home with them Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Mullen Sunderland, with Mr. .and Mrs Harald Martyn. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Morton, Oshawa, witb Mr. and Mrs, Royal Whitfield. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronto, with Mrs. James Henry. Misses Pearl and Dorothy Wright, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler and family moved on Saturday ta Whitby. Mr. Wheeler is taking the Whitby-Bawmanville Garton Bus route. They will be missed in tbe village. Miss Jean Thompson and ber I father, Mr. Lamne Thompson were guests' ai the Part Perry Lions Club on Monday ta dinner when Jean gave ber prize winning talk on "Casa Lama." Mr. Wallace Marlow chartered a bus Saturday afternoon ta take b is staff and their wives and others ta the Royal Winter Fair. Ivan Thompson and Gardon Metealfe drove their sehool buses ta the Royal on Saturday taking the school children and the tea- chers. Mr. Henry Thampson ac- campanied tbem. Hem many friends wiil be g]ad ta know that Mrs. Stanford Van Camp is steadily improving in Oshawa Hospital. Rev. Harold Kennedy, Ux- bridge, was a guest at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dorreli on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm and family, Nest- leton; Mrs. A. J. Cook and friends, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis and family, Nestietan, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mountlay on Sunday. The United Church anniver- sary services were well attended h I £ ~ depondmnt DruggisN' Alliance FRIDAY AND SATURDAY [5L f-iý Permanent, R.f $ 50 MACLEAN COMPEW.ITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY I.D.A. BRAND SPECIALS BEEF, IMON & WINE 16-oz., Reg. 79c SODA BICARBONATE 4, 8 and 16 ounces Reg. 15c, 25c, 35c lic - 19c - 29c BABY CREAM 3-oz. jar Reg. 50c 39c OLIVE OIL 4-oz. Reg. 35e CASTOR OIL 2, 4 and 8 ounces Reg. 25c, 40c, 60c 19e - 33e - 49e COD LIVER 1<.. N E B.P. Standard 16-oz. 7c SOPTIR Reg. 89c 7 STRONGER WHITERMAGNESIA Tablets 100's' 300's Reg. 39c, 89e 29c, 59c I ABSORBENT 300OtlsaS63/4eiq 22 a-U 98 200 tissues 91, x Io-I-lb, mai MANS SIZE 12"x12" Alex. We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone 792 Cough & Cold Bronh Nee Id.A tCough Syrup ____60e Lantigen "B" --_----- _-$6.00 Pinex Cncentrate - --75e Smith Bras. Pinex Prepared 50c-85c Cough Draps 10e Vick's Vapo-Rub or Va-Tra-Nol - - 53e Grave 's Brama-Quinine _-___39c-69e Dr. Chase's Antihistamine --- 59e JEANETTE Talcum Powder - 19c, 2 for 37c CLORETS makes breath "Kissing Sweet" Chiorophyli Gum --20e I.DA. TOOTH PASTE for gleaming white teeth, sweeter breath, fresher, cleaner feeling ---32c, 57e I.D.A. SHAVING CREAM Yields a rich, fine, bubblc, beard softening lather. large tube 49c COREGA Dental Plate Powder 33c, 53c, 89e Vifamin Needs Idamalt, I.D.A. Malt & Cad Liver Oil- 73c-$1.19-$2.09 Ayerst Aiphamettes $1.00-$1.85-$3.50-$15.00 Frasst's Neo-Chemical Food ---------$1.554$3.35-$5.90 Mead's Oleum Percomorphum 95c-$3.99 Waterbury's campaund -, $1.25 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamin Tablets _$1.25-$2.50-$4.25 Squibb Cad Liver 011 75c-$1 .59 Kepler's Malt & Cod Liver 011 S1.OO-$l.75 THE WARMTH \fTHAT SOOTHES! j hqrmgn. ntWooU gives qulck relief ffom Chesf Colds, Lumbogo,Nouritls, IModess1 48 regular $ 03 napkins W FOR 01eFiRST AID BANG AID APHESIVE BANDAGES Drugs PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M9cGregor, nedy, Uxbridge, gave two fine sermons. In the morning OU] choir gave two lovely anthems an~d Mrs. Robert Sadier, Bow. fmanville, and Miss Vivian Sadier, ;Toronto, sang a beautiful duet. j In the evening four young ladies from Myrtie delighted everyone with their singing. The lavely flowers on the communion table were in memary ai Mrs. Stanford Swain. Last Friday evening Blackstock High Schol staff and pupils held their Commencement and Grad- uation Exercises in the Commun- ity Hall. Musical numbers by some ai the pupils were greatly jenjayed. Diplomas and special prizes were given out. (List wil appear later). The Valedictory Address was well given by Miss Jean Bowers. A fine address was given by Rev. Gea. Telford, M.A., D.D., Oshawa. The High Shool play will be presented in the near future. Mr. John Scott, Stouffville, is staying at the home ai M. and Mrs. Tom Smith with his wiie. Blackstoek W.. Blackstock Wamen's Institute met at the home ai Mrs. J. A. McArtur last Tuesday. Roll all was answered with a git for the Christmas parcel ta aur adapted Institute in England. We weme pleased ta have aur Sec'y., Mrs. Tom Smith, with us. Institute members accepted an offer ta cater ta the Holstein Breeders' banquet in the Recreatianal Centre in December. $10 was voted taward a stove for the Yelaow Room in the Centre. A donation ai maney is being sent ta Greece ta beip buy a tractar. Mrs., Ross Dufi and ber gmaup were in charge ai the pragram wich was based n Reslutins. Mrs. Jack Rabm gave a reading and Mrs. Lamne Haskin sang with Mrs. Strong at the pan. Mrs. Grdon Strng gave an in- strumental. Mrs. E. Larmer gave two readings. Mrs. Norman Mal- colm eonducted a contest on cake. Lunch was served by the hostess and the group. Afternoon Auxiliary 1.M.S. Aiternoon Auxiiiary af the W. M.S. met at te home ai Mrs. E. Dorreil. Mrs. Roy Ferguson, Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. EVERY MEMBER CANVASS SUNDAY 8 a.m.- HOLY COMMUNION ia.m. - MATINS Ail Canvassers please 1 - f attend I ~pa. EVENSONG F il zý We Deliver ethe worship period reading the iscripture. Mission Band is hav- iing an afternoon -tea Nov. 24. - - Secretary was asked ta send for rthe Canada Book Sheif. Mrs. Hill t took the study book, taking the ýchapter "The Church of the Far eFlung Frontier." Mrs. Henry, y Mrs. Forder and Mrs. Potts gave eshort readings of incidents from d Home Mission Digest. Mrs. Arnold gave a selection on the piano. Rev. kMr. Hutton c.onducted the election àof these afficers: President--Mrs. Roy Ferguson; lst Vice-Mrs. Cecil Hill; Sec. (Recording)- yMrs. Roy Taylor: Supply-Mrs. IHerman Hooey; Christian Stew- ýardship - Mrs. Alex Johnston; 1Treas.-Mrs. E. Larmer, Auditors j-Mrs. Potts and Mrs. A. Taylor; sLit. Sec.-Mrs. Potts; Mission sBand Sec.-Mrs. W. Pearce; Mis. ,sionary Monthly and Worid Fri. 1ends-Mrs. C. Hill, Baby Band- Mrs. E. Dorreli; Fruit and Flowers -Mrs. Fowler: Planist-Mrs. Arn- sold Taylor; Temperance and Cit. 1izenship - Mrs. Ralph Larmer; Press-Mrs. Ray Taylor. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN

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