PAGE ~i rennfl 6-A ,-A , AM MMA~V~lA~U~¶~ ¶?T V~ MA U? ~itRTTTSTDAY, EC. 6th. 191 % . ILI~THE jJJJjIAN STA£T.L ESMA>N, 5 Il .v *-'i U41 Well Altended Meêting of Delegales t At Recreation Est Central Zone Hield ai Dowinanville Last Friday Mm. Jack Eilbeck, District Rep- resentative of the Community Programmes Branch, Toronto, and Mrs. Florence Lynch. President of the Ontario Recreetian Associ- ation were guest speakers et e meeting of the East Central Zone of Ontario on Nov. 29, held in the àunsg Community Contre with 'u Bowmenville Recreetion Com- mission acting as host. The meeting opened with Mr. Don Shey, Directorof Recreatian, Bowmanville, introducing Mr. Wilf Langdon, Peterborough, Chairman of the East Central Zone. Mm. Alex Sinclair, Diector of Recreation. Peterborough, ex- plaîned the purpose of the meet- ing and stated that this meeting would take the place of the f ail conference of the East Central Zone. The'general themne of the meeting wes to acquaint the commission members with the new regulations of the Depert- ment of Education Act and to hear a report fom the standards committee of the Ontario Recre- ation Association presented by Mrs. Flomence Lynch, President of the O.R.A. Mayor L. C. Meson welcomned the delegates to Bowmenville and hoped thet they would de- rive futher knowledge of the mechanies concerning the Roc- reetion field from tbe speakers and the discussion. Mm. Eilbeck's' eddress was bas- ed on the new reguletions of the Dept. of Educetion Act which ini part steted that the Recreation Commission executive shahl- ho rnade up of soven membems, two of wham shah bo members of council, the other five to be eleet- cd by the Recreation Authomity (Commission) and ratified by the Town Council. The Recreation Commission Executive may how- ever, have edditional mernbeFs on the executive wbo ect in an edvisory cepacity but do not have power ta vote et the meet-1 ings. The speaker elsoaennounced that there had been an increase in the gants-in-aid for the Direc- tor's salary which reads that the Government will now pey 33'k%<'o of the Directom's salamy up to $3500,00. whemeas lest year it was only up to $3000.00 The maxi- mum for receiving grants an a deficit of operating and main- tenance expenses et 20%/owes up from $400 to $600 per municipal- ity. The new reguletions were de- signed with the hope that they would be of benefit to the munici- peities and thet municipal coun- cils are realizing the need for a Recreation authority other than just a means of receiving money back from the Govenment. In conclusion the speaker said "The Ministor of Educetion epproves ail Directors of Recreetion and the Bylaw of each Recreation Commission. Delegetes from Ajax, Oshawa. Peterborough, Bethany, Trenton and Bowmanville fited questions et Mm. Eilbeck with unenny speed and accurecy which et times put the gentleman on the well-known spot. However Mr. Eilbeck is to ho congmtulated for bis presen- tation and sound information he gave to tlie delegates on behaîf of the Community Programmes Brench of the Dept. of Educatian. Mrs. F. Lynch of Weston, spoke on the various functions and re- lations of tho Ontario Recreetion Association and informed the meeting thet the Association was a body made up of Lay persans intemested in the field of Muni- * ATTENTION SMALL HOLDINGS RATEPAYERS 0F DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP THE LITTLE FELLOW IS HIT AGAIN! Compare last .year's asseasment with the current one and you wili realize why It is imperative that you attend A MASS MEETING OF PROTEST - Small home owners comprise 50% of the electorate. - If YOU attend we can DO something by the formation of a RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION and other direct action - at - LIONS ÇOMMlUNfITY CENTRE Dowmanville FRIDAY, DECOMUR 7th at 8:30 p.m. CHAS. D. RANKINE J. B. HANNA J. C. POTTS C. GARRARD cipal Recreation. The organize- tion is sponsored by individuel membership and is a strong As- sociation doing good work for the Recreetion Commissions and Di- rectors in the Province of On- terio. Monthly bulletins of "whet's new in Recreetion" is one of their services and et present the Standard; Committee of the Association Is trying to define whet e Director of Recreation sbould have in order to qualify for e position in a community, to help Recreation Commissions hire e competent man. .Nfter reading these qualifications, Mrs. Lynch asked the meeting whet they thought af the report and efter much discussion it was moved and seconded thet the Standei*ls Committee of the O.R.A. mail the report as read and each munici- pality ect eccordingly to its own wishes. Mm. Cherlie Hoeg, Chairman of Bowmanville Recmeation Comn- mission. thanked the speakers on behaîf of the 40 delegates present and invited al et the meeting to parteke of sandwiches and cof- fee pmovided by the executive members' wives and served by Mms. Hoag and Mrs. Shay. Below is a list of delegates fmom the Bowmenville Recreation Com- mission wbo ettended and the or- genizations they represent: Wm. R. Freeborn, Goodyear Tire end Rubber Co.; Mrs. Winona Clarke, Bowmenville Public Sebool Bd., Mms. Charlotte Clarke, Memomial Park Ass'n; Mrs. James Overy, Memomial Park Ass'n; M. W. Crook, Goodyeer Rocreetion Club-, E. T. Jones, Local 189, Rubbe« Workers' Union; R. J. Niddery, Municipal Council; James Nokes, Bow. Recreetion Com.; Fred Colo, Bow. Recreetion Com.; Bill Bag- neîl, Physical Dimector, Ontario Training Scbool for Boys; Mrs. Lillian E. Dilling, Bow. Rec. Com.: Nelson Osborne, Municipal Coun- cil; Charles C. Hoag, Bow. Rec. Com.: L. C. Mason, Mayor; Mor- ley Vanstone, Municipal Council: Mol Dale, Municipal Council and Rec. Com.; Wilf Carmuthers, Mu- nicipal Council; Miss Dora Pur- don, Sec'y Roc. Com.; D. M. Shay, Dimector Roc. Corn. B.H.S. "Screech Owl' (Catharine Campbell, 'Editor) Now that the operetta is over, we are ehl looking fomward tc exams which stemt vemy shortly, On Fridey night eftem the opem- ette, e party was held et thE; High School for anyone concern- ed with the production. 'ThE highlights of the performmncE were re-enected by the principals, The love scene, enacted by Grace Nicholson and Ken Buttery wa- well received. After refresh- ments were served, dancing con- tinued. After the operetta, a tee waE held for the greduates and thei: parents in the gymnasîum. Lunch was served by the teachers and a painting by Arthur Lismem wae pesented ta the school by Judith Stenger on bebaîf of the 1951 gradueting cless. For quick resuits - use ThE Stetesman Clessified Ads. ULSI, Ivoi This show is in aid of the Cen-TH RA T A IC L DIO S ABU edien Federation of the Blind th -ou H ta liclp mise funds for the social tefmu and wclfare ectivities of the blind. Eeti He takes an active part in the Eeti show as above he is seen in one of his hilarious acts. He is pmoud ForPlse of the fact that eecli and every waxes .. . Itipotisheshow. it buff sighted and bas helped to meke No tiresorne standing Ttwxs I oih ..tbuf the show a greet success. . . you sit relaxed Along with Syd. are feetured the Gladîmon somne of Toronto's outstending stands and doos Auliomatic Dryer talent:- Belle Moores, Comical ehl the wvQmk.A Songstress: The Dame Bros., Craz- You cari iron Sv oe iest Comoedian Teem Ever; Bar- shirts in jig timne Sv ol7 Fu bama Martin, 1951's C.N.E. win- with Glediron's exclusive h ner in dancing. and many other leeve-size roll. outstending amtists. Thor Automalic Siak ne A record cowd is expected toi 9-' come and see this two hours of Tt serves as a Clothes Washer Po. fun and vaudeville, so come eerly. Diah Washer Kitehen SInk rcl Admission: >.toc jAduits 75e - Children 35e ent athletic ability. Membership is free and may be obtained by, wrîting to Sports College. Box 99. Toront 'o 1, Ont. Staté your wiuh. to join and mention this news-w paper. Sports College services inelude clinies, special literature. and a radio progra-n which is carried, coast-to-coast each Saturday ai-' ternoon. Bowmanville and dist- rict-CBL, 12:15. Famous coach- es and athietesý will appear with, the Head Coach to keep you in- formed on the latest sports de- velopments. Help Crippled Children-Bu3y Planters Peanuts from. Rotarians. Skating Club Raring Io Go The Sports Clinic - IfWe ny Ba c Conducted by Lloyd Percival Canaa'sownBarbra nn earnTo ka~(An Officiai Department of Sports Collete) Scott was just a nipper when she The club has one driving ob- Rieuprlga began cutting the smooth surface ject-to teach littie folks to skate TRAINING LEGS FOR HOCKEY mat on side. Rieuprlga of artificiel ice at the old Mînto so that when they introduce a In a dingy tenement district in high as possible and let it return Skating Club in Ottawa for the figure skating instructor on thc Cleveland, Ohio. near the turn of to floor quickly. Repeat until first time. Gradually she im- artificiel ice next winter, the the century, fun had to be made, fattgued. Builds hip strength proved until ghe became deter- youngstérs will be prepared to flot bought-the predominantly (especially important to the hoc- mined to strive for excellencetin go ahead with fundamental fig- negro population of the area just key player). figure skating-the rest of the ures from the first practice. couldn't afford to pqy much for Remember that the famous stor3X is history.Paet.towilste it entertainment. Jesse Owen was called a great And in Bowmanville, who their offsprings this winter and In one smoke-darkened tene- "naturel" athlete. What wasn't knows what youngsters ý.ist start- for a prescribed time each Sun- ment, on the fourth floor, there known was that his strength and ing out may mature into another day, Dad will take his son, and lived a family called Owen. Mr. power came from training and Barbare Ann? The opportunity Momn her daughter to different and Mrs. George Owen had a son exercise-even if he didn't rec- will be aveilable and certainly the ends of the rink and help them Jesse. a lean wiry youngster with ognize that himself at the time. young folks of Bowmanville have along the skating road. Besides plenty of vitality and personality. Any hockey player cen improve the "stuff" that makes a chamn- improving on skates, the entire Jesse and his young friends useci bis play and ability if he studies pion-minus the ice, et the mo- family will improve on family to play in the tenement besement his own body requirements care- ment. understanding, will draw dloser or in a dusty, dirty yard leading fully and then trains according to Originally intended as a figure together, beceuse junior and his from it. Getting them away his needs. skain cub anoranze group sister will get to know their folks from their games et supper time Membership in Sports College sing clowmanlle a nedtsmuh better. was a parental problem. specially cen point the wey to more effici- program for the time being and The f emily fee is $4 for the difficult for the Owen' femily be- ~s presently a family skating club. season and provides skating each cause they boy enjoyed playing. Any family, with children of pub- Sunday naturel ice is evailable. Poppa George Owen hit upon lic sehool age or under, cen join Needless to say, those people in~ an ideal solution to the problemn of TO FIGHT I the group and enjoy skating priv- the club this year will be on thc gettIng young Jesse home for sup-IN u ileges at Memorial Arena f rom ground f loor when the figure skat- per. He made a game out of it. I U 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. each Sunday- ing club forms with the installa- If Jesse climbed the four flights again, providing there is ice. tion of artificial !ce. quick enough after he was called ______________________________________________________he got a piece of candy for desert. B... tlee address on medieeval sports and As he grew the time allowved was 1modern concluded with the cut until bis agility and speed in- iAnnual Banquet thought that all championship creased. teems, particularly in rugby reach That clirnbing training over a At the "Ninth Athletic Supper' the top with ehl 12 players work- period of years so developed held at the Ontario Training ing together to complete ail plays. Owen's muscles that he went on Schol or oy, Nvemer 3,So it goes in life with any nation to become one of the world's Jack Ross, physical director of and its people. The smellest greatest track men. One of his Bowanvll Hih Shol, asplayer on the team may not bc world's records, the running the avil gustseae. r S tookw outstending but he is a cog in com- bmoad jump set 16 yeams ago, still the bys aay bak toancient pleting a called play to a success- tns times of sport and the types of fui conclusion. It isn't necessary for today's games contested by the Noble- Mr. Jack Rice extended a vote athietes to run up and down stairs men's and Commoners' childmen. of thanks to the speaker on be- to develop the muscles riecessery Actuel drawings projected on a haîf of the boys and staff for his for stardom in track, hockey or screen showed minute details of interesting and appropriete ed- n te sport. Leg power for various sports which have devel- dress. hockey can be learned, just as oped into many gal'nes played to- Presentetion of awards whic easily as young Jesýe Owen leamn- day. The originality of golf, ice followed was heeded by Prograin ed it without knowing what he hockey, rugby, and other sports Director, Bill Bagnell, who had was doing. were explained with a run-down all staff essist with presenting of Heme is hoxv a hockey player as to how they wcme gadually prizes and congatulating the win- e eco oesrnth in his stemlin~ d into the modemn ners. legs: p leasing lames ta players and1 On behaîf of the House Staff, Heel and toc rock: Grasp a fixed - general public. Housemaster Doug. Jackman object. Keep feet together and The occasion for this banquet thenked the Physical Depertment legs locked at knees. Rise on 1 was the presentation of 318 crests for the banquet, awards and alh- toes as far as possible then rock and tebs won by the students, cli- round good evening. The Chair- back onto heels. raîsing the toes ' mnaxing 18 summer and feu man bought the Athletic Supper as high as possible. Repeat as charnpionships. Along with these to a close with a few timely ro- fast as possible. making sure to awerds nine trophies were lire- marks and asking that the Na- complote the full rocking cycle. -sented. tional Anthem be played. Builds lower leg strength. The first haîf of the evening Deep knee bends! Hold onto a 0took place in the dinîng hall suitablie fixed object. Keep feet wheme Supt. J. J. Brown made God is everywheme. No crown comfortably apamt, flat on the s e ve r a constructive remarks nor sceptre nor rulers rampant floor. Bend knees as fer as pos- e about the new banquet setup and cen quench the vital heritege of sible with upper body straight Santa Says: thanked Mr. A. Smith end bis freedom-man's right to edopt a without moving hands. On first eStaff for the excellently prepar- religion. to employ a physicien, bend keep knees as .wide as pos- BUY A/ eed and erranged dinner. to live or to die eccording to the sible. On second bond keep knees CRSM Cheimman. Asst. Supt. J. Park- dictates of his own rational cons- together. Altemnete. Builds Up-CHIT b' il, adjoumned the gatheming and cience and enlightened under- per leg strength. sdirected them to re-assemble in standing.-Mary Baker Eddy. Side leg raise: Lie n floor or 5___--------_______---_ Sthe auditorium. When aIl were seated, the cheirman got things rolling by *heving Mm. Moses of the Academ- 'ic Staff led e sing-song. Sev- reral B.T.S. boys weme brought hin for mouth orgen and singing, dsolos, duets and trios. hduced by Mm. Nielson of the 1teaching staff. M. Ross in his HEESTRe Proudly Announces 7 --- - 1.. 1That theyhae en Appointed *AUTHORI.ZED THOR E For Dowmanville and District ...........SPECIAL OFFER! SAVE 50% ON A USEFUL HAND - de - CANTER SET Reguler Value $1.79 YOURS FOR - ONLY 89c AND USE rASSEALS AR.E )EALEII The 1951 Automagic Washer ith hydro-swirl action - r ther wasbem givos you so men 7ashdey adventagos - Agitai( ,tion - Overflow Rinse -Coi illable Washing Time- Sing' 1 b Spiui Dmying. 0TURD - O - ROLL ulsize 9-lb. cepacity tub ining porcelain or lustrous mal ýsium aluminum - massiý reamlined wringcr - exclusii vane agitator - Thor Lifetixr îwer Mechenism - Large Fn oling casters - sec it in actic oday. o )ny or iv ive me re ion 'UBERCULOSIS IRHAM 6wdwmým 7HE CANADIAN WAY eýýj qi -ýý 1 m 1 1