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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1951, p. 12

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/2IVTU .1TV £LJVE jThe Orono News Un. R. E. Loran Miss Wanda Hobbs, Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss Aile Basnett. Miss K. Foster and Mrs. C. Dun- can visited in Toronto over the ,weekend. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Pet- erborough, visited hon parents, Mn. and Mns. W. J. Riddell. -,Mn. and Mrs. Wilfred Frost arnd son Charles. Nerwcad, spent the ,weekend with bis father. Mn. C. Ji F1 ~rost. -Mr. Roy Barabaîl, Wbitby. visited relatives hene and in ,.Newcastle. -MssCaroline Jones was a prize ý'winner at Ken Soble's Talent :Show la Newcastle. Congratu- lations! ~ isJean Wilson, Bowmanville, visited hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. V. Wilson. Mr. Don Staples, Tarante, witri bis parents. Mn. and Mns. M. H. Staples. ¶Mn. Murray Paterson, Bran t- ford, spent the weekend at bis <home bore. Mn. Jack Arnott, Regina, is visiting at Mns. A. Rey's. His *wife and chiidnen who have beon with hon mothen will return West *with bim. Cangratulations te Mn. and Mrsà Ray Good on the birth cf thâ aughten in Memoiai Hos- Spital, Bowmanville. . Congratulations te Mn. and % ýfIrs. Carmen White on the birth c f thein son. Donald George, la Memanial Hospital, Bowmanvilie. FUEL GIL STOVE OIL COAL DIL -We Delivor - 3 Meter Trucks 4 To Serve You BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE PHONE 804 BOWMANVILLE Or Port Hope Repres SINGER SEWINI will he n Tues. and We It is our desire to give service than ever before,J quiries about new machine. and reverse the charges. i ii~Il, Il i il 'j 'I W.1, h.4 ~ey j' 'I i. IL SSINGat ER SE 47 Waiton St. PORT Orono United Church Choir held a social evening at the close of the practice on Wednesday night when Rev. A. E. Eustace who has been a valued membcr was presented with an oul pain t- ing done by our local artist, Mc. A. A. Drummond. Mr. Ervine Rainey, president of the choir. read the address and Miss Betty Chapman made the presentatior' Mr. Eustace made a suitable re- ply on behaif of himself and Mrs. Eustace who was also present on this occasion. Orono Church was filled on Sunday at both services to hear the farewell sermons of Rev. A. E. Eustace. At the close of the ev- ening service a social hour was spent in the Sunday School room, where ail had a chance to say farewell to Mr. and Mrs. EustacL- and wish themn wel la their new home ln Pembroke. Mr. W. J. Riddell, as chairman. called on Mrs. A. A. Drummond to read an address which expressed the very warmn place Mr. and Mrs. Eustace held in the affection of their con- gregatien here. As a slight tokeil of appreciation, Mr. Wm. Hoa., presented them with a tri-lighit floor lamp. Mr. Eustace replied on bebaîf of Mrs. Eustace and himself. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. We would like to congratulate Barbara Eustace who took the highest marks in Oshawa and dist- rict in her recent music exams, Grade 11, and who played at a recital in St. Andrew's Church, Oshawa, on Friday evening with ail the prize winning pupils in the different grades. Others tak- ing part were: Shirley Pollock, Bowmanviile, Gr. VIII, aiso a pu- pil of Mrs. Workmen and Mr. Ross Metcalf, Gr. IX, a pupil cf Mr. Workman. Congratulations te these pupils for obtaining this high standard and also te their teachers, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. C. Workman. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Darch and baby, Toronto. spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant. Many people fromn Orono at- tended the Commencement Ex- ervices of Bowmanville High School in the Opera House and thoroughly enjoyed the marvel- bous presentation cf the musical drama "The Mikado." The lead- ing characters couid very wel have been professionais, se ex- cellent was the portrayal cf their difficult parts. Many Orono people iearned for the first time we have a fine acter in our midst in the persen of Alex. Drummond who, ln the part cf Pooh-Bah, gave an excellent performance. Mrs. Mary Phasey and Dianne, sentalive f or ... '0 MACHINE cou lowmanville ad. each week our customners even better for service, repairs or en- s, cail our Port Hope store 'ING CENTRE T HOPE Phone 3066 BATH SETS In a variety of colcurs at budget prices. PILLOW SLIPS Plain and fancy. 10 King Si. E. TOWELS Ail sizes and. ail colours. Singly and in sets. - Aiso - Cushions * Pillows Baby Sheels - Blankets DRAPES Nlade-To-Order We measure and instail Drapes Free of Charge within 30 mile radius of Bewmanville. BoOmanville Ail - Wool BLANKETS Hundreds cf fine quality blankets te choose from. SHfEEI'S Ail types and ail sizes. Phone 3121 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO Oshawa, visited with Mn. and Mrs. C. Wood. Congratulations te Mn. and Mis. Bob Stevenson, aee Arlene Boyd, who were married Nov. 30 ;a Orono United Church with Rev. A. E. Eustace officiating. Little Dianne Tamblyn, Belle- ville, is spending twc weeks with hen grandparents. Mr. and Mr-e. M. J. Tamblyn. ZION (Hope Twp.) Cone'atuiations te Mn. and Mrs. R. Meton wha celebnated their tbity-third wedding ann- versany on Monday. Mrs. Ellsworth Caswell and family were among those present at a party at the home cf Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Malley, Orono, on Tbunsday evening, in honor cf the tenth wedding anniversary of Mn. and Mrs. T. Wilson, Brown's Section. A number fromn Zion attended the Ken Soble Amateur Contest and Show at Newcastle on Fni- day. - Mn. and Mrs. Deibent Whîtneyl and thein daughter-in-iaw, Mrs.1 Roy Addisen, are visiting in Windsox.1 Elaine and Judy Addison arei staving with their grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. Dilwyn Clack. Mrs. Robent Menton and Mrs. George Elliott, Ne\vtonville, mot- ored to Peterborough on Thurs- day. Mn. R. TamblyNn and Mn. Il, Caswell visited Mr. Reuhen Payne of Newtonville on Sunday. SALEM Salem W. A. beld their annual bazear at the Liens Community Centre on Nov. 23. Booths, con- sisting cf sewing. home-cceking and country store were well pat- nonized. Afternoon tea was also senved. The lucky winner cf the quilt was Miss Ruth Shackleton and Mrs. Mary Cann held the lucky ticket on the crochet set Preceeds about $178.00. A number f romn here attended the Salem Girls' Softball Teani Dance beld la the Lions Com- munity Centre. Membens cf the Sunday Scbcol beld a social evening la the church on Saturday aight. Program was given by the girls and ladies and consisted cf: recitatien by Car- olyn Tennant, vocal solos by Margaret Shackleton, Lorraine Cook, Helen Cole; readings by Reta Cann. Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Sam Buttery, Mrs. Les Welsh; piano solos by Grace Blackburn, Marion Buttory; vocal duet by Mns. K. Shackleton and Mrs. E. Twist; quartet by Mrs. W. Craig, Misses Canal, Beatrice and Genda Craig. Rev. Lute led la the singing of Christmas carols. Attendancp pins were given te a number cf pupils. Lunch was senved by thc ladies. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Lane and family, Mn. and Mrs. Ken Werry and famiiy with Mn. and Mrs. W. Werry. Mn. and Mns. Ross Allin and family, Newcastle. visited Mn. and Mrs. E. Twist. Mn. and Mrs. Bibi Cowling, Mrs. Jim Castie, Aurora, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Mns. J. Cowling and family have moved inta their new house an the Manvers Road. Mn. and Mrs. R. Shackleton, Hampton; Mn. Gardon Sbackle- ton and Fred. Tenante, with Mn. and Mrs. G. Shackleton. Mn. Stanley Jones and, Mn. W. J. Snowdon with Mn. and Mrs. L. Welsh. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton and family with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Allia, Kinby. Help Crippled Children-Buy Planters Peanuts from Rotanians. [EL.ECRICAL rIPS FOR rHE HOMEj 6. if Your Bof hroom Light Ccsfs Annoying Shadows ami GIare... DON'T thlnk you have ta con- ter on@ fleture ovor the bathreom mirrer. A lamp placed ln this posi. tion asti shaidows on the neck end chin, makes shaving and ethor close-sooing lobs difficuit. Do instail two fluorescent or in- candescent fixtures-one on each sida of the mirror. For shadlowless, glarofro. ight, conter the lamps ait 5 foot, 2 inchos high and cover thom wlth translucont shiolds. Women's Institute Hear Address by Rev. S. R. Henderson on Recrealion Bowmanvible Women's Institute was held on 2'hursday, Nov. 29, with a good attendance of mem- bers and friends. Mrs. C. Johns presided. The grcup led by Mrs. H. Rien- ards has undertaken te make the quilt for the Kopper Karnival oni March 8. 1952. Mrs. L. Dumas read the final report for the room at the Mem- orial Hospital, showing that ev- erything had aow been paid for. In the absence cf Mrs. Kerr, Mrs. L. Dumas teck the chair, an- ncuncing the subject would be Community Activities and Pub- lic Relations. Mrs. G. Alîchin read a most comprehensive report of the recent convention in Ta- rente, for which she wvas warm- ly thanked. Rev. S. R. Henderson was in- troduced as a member cf the local board for cemmunity actîv- ities. His memory of milk and doughnuts provided by the Wom- en's Institute in Halifax on ne- turning from overseas was evi- dently a pleasant one. Speaking on Recreation, he defined it as n striving te live tegethen, work te- gether and play together. The three are essential for well de- veboped character and good men- tal health. Athletics are only a part. Arts and crafts and other cultural efforts are needed te TYBONE C.G.I.T. bazaar was a real suc- cess with proceeds over $34.00. During the tea heur, Bessie Yeo cabbed on Lillian and Helen Cole and presented them each with a china cup and saucer from the girls before leaving our commun- ity te live in Bowmanville. The girls wish to thank ahl who heip- ed te make their bazaan a suc- cess. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Werry, Mrs. F. Werry visited Mrs. Chas. Awde. Orono. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Joseph Young, nee Mrs. Luelia Jones. who were married at the parsonage Tuesday even- ing. Mn. and Mrs. Gifford Grans- den, Bobcaygeon, were dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowiing on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Asselstine, Mn. and Mrs. Ian Montgomery, Oshawa, also caled at the Cowling home. Mrs. Jack Gibbs received word Saturday cf the sudden passing cf ber father, Mr. Henry McCar- thy, Manchester. England. Sym- pathy gees eut te ber fromn her friends. Little Michael Gibbs had his tonsils remnoved Wednesday at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wood- loy is visiting ber sister, Mrs. D. !Hicks and Mr. Hicks, Harrisn. Mrs. E. H. Colo, Mrs. ussel Ltîke, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Mrs. W. Chapman. Hampton, were din- ner guests Thursday cf Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mn. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanville; Mn. Glenn Hod.- son, Whitby, visited Mn. and MrE. R. J. Hodgson. We are sorry te lose Mrs. D. Colo and family from aur com- *.the. letton îstart. Thon> many readers of THE CHRIS. TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell tho Editor how much.Cey enjoy this dai!7 newspaper, with such corn. menti as: "The Monitor is the most carefully edited ,mows- paper in the -U. S. .. . *'Valuable aid in teaci,, '"News *lat is complet* and fair . . : "The Monitor surely is a rend er's necessity.. Yen, too, w;11 find the Monitor' informative, with complot.. world news . . . and "aunoces- sary as your HOME TOWN -paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subsciption - 3 MONTHS FOR ONLY 13. The ChrisilA.Science NMeuh., On«. Nerway St., flet.. 15. Man., U. 3. A. Piess. tend me au intredactory aubscrip- 1 ion te The Chriaia Science Nonior- 76 ilue. 1 encloe .$3. (mni) P89 make a balanced cemmunity life, as a Recreation Director plan., for ahl age groups-from tiny tots in playgrounds under trained - .te the members of .,i,2 Wood Sonate. Increase in leisure time ncecL te ho directed constructivcby. There was bittie spare time for the pionwers, but with modern metheds, machinery and consoli- dated settiements la the country, cpportunities shauid be made te meet for wonthwhile activities, that while in ne sense lcsing their individuality, people ceuld get away framn a feeling cf iselation. The use cf creative talent is evenybedy's need. It acts as a stimulant ta good physical and mental healtb. Telling cf bis cf- ficial activities as a pasten fer the four pneceding days-a very heavy scbedule-Mr. Hendersen emphasized that ne cao is toc busy te set aside at least one pericd during the x4eek te do something diffenent. Ia bis case, be enjcys the wacd-wcrk ciass at the Cemmunity Centre-Lot us also do sometbing we want te da. A vote cf thanks xvas moved by Mrs. E. Passant and tho meet- ing closed with God Save Thý- uKing. The Christmas Party wiil be heid in the Union Hall on De- cemben 27 at 2:30 p.m. munity, having sold thein fanai they are moving te Bowmanvilic. Mn. and Mrs. M. Hamilton vis- ited Miss W. Brown, Newmarket. and Mrs. R. B. Hamilton, Queens- ville. Mn. and Mns. Frank Colbar\- Long Bnanch; Mn. and Mns. ' Cobbar,, Brookiin, visited Mr and Mrs. Karl Colbary. Nesileton Station Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Proutt, Don- ald, Beth and John, were Suni- day,- guests of Mrs. John Prout and Miss Ruth Proutt, on the oc- casion of their l9th wedding an- niversary. Mrs. Jos. Forder was in Cavan attending a Tinney family re- union before Mr. Harry Tinney leaves to spend the winter ini Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Ballyduff; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs and Sharon, Peterbor- ough; Mrs. LePage and Mrs. Croft, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyland. Mr. and Mrs. Roydon Currie, (nee Aiba Thompson>, Richmond iHili, visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Mr. George Bowers took a bus ioad of local folk to the High School Commencement on Fri- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons and Joan, Bowmanville, visitel her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. We are pleased to report Mr. Herman Samelis is feeling some better after having his teeth ex- tracted. Looby & Looby Construction Co. have finished work on 7A Highway for this year ai-d have moved their equipment to Dub- lin, Ont. MAPLE IGROVE Don't forget Institute meeting on Mornday evenirrg, Dec. 10, ia basement of church when the roll caîl wiil be either a country gift or a magazine. Miss Mildred Snowden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Find- ley Munroe in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman accompanied by Mr.,. andMs Leslie Ja'ckson, Town, spent1the, weekend with their brotherand his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Free- man, St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman also visited with Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Linstead and famiiy at Stamford. Mr. Frank Trenouth, Oshawa, visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Roy Metcalf. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Roy VanCamp visited1 FROM FACTORY TO YOU .. . UABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Loet$5.25 each Loetprice in Canada. Beauti- fui first quaity, compietely tuf ted, ne sheeting showing. Ail colors, double or single bed sizes. New centre patterns in fiowered or solid designs. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order 'one, you will order more. New Address: TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. ness period by Elva Snowden. After meeting adjourned ail prac- tised for Christmas concert. Y.P.U. cf Courtice Circuit held* their meeting ia Maple Grovo* United Church on Dec. 3. when they had as visitons Miss Verna Sonlay, Publication Convener, and John Medland, Vice-President both cf Oshawa Pnesbytery. Il was decided te give $200 to the Missions Fund, and aise that thé membership cards would be sol«-. for 25e each, for thein own trea- sury. The devotienal which W on the subject cf Culture, W"' in charge cf Rae'Johnston and Joyce VanCamp after which there was carol singing and recreation. Mn. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa. Mn. Glenn Metcaif cf the Skia- ners plant, Oshawa, flew to Chicago whene he spent sevenal days on business. The many friends of Mn. Robt. Janvie are sonny te hean that he is unden the dector's cane in the Western Hospital, Taranto. Al wish for him a speedy recovery . Mns. Archie McDonald, Oshawa, spent the weekend. witb Mns. J. D. Stevens. This community extends con- gratulations te Ross Metcaif, pupil cf Mn. W. E. C. Wcrkman, Bowmanville, when a recital was sponseted by pnize winning pupils of vanious music teachers la Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville. These pupils araund 15 in num- ber tnied their vanicus exams last February at the Conservatory cf Music, Tonante. The necital was held in St. Andrew's Churcb, Oshawa, Saturday evening. Ross won the bighest marks la Grade 9 vocal and was awarded the the prize donated by the Rotary Club, Bowmanville, which wa' last bock cf Beethoven Sonata. C.G.I.T. met Tuesday evening, Dec. 4. Warship service was con- ducted by Ebaine Armstrong and Lorraine Snawden and the busi- TO I'IC4-T TUE" RCULOSZIS IN DURHAMW Santa Says: BUY AND USE CHRISTMAS SEALS Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alîdreaci Bowmanville, called lin Mr. ana '1 Q0QEM .A Ii 'M, q A l-l I Mrs. Lloyd Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and John were dinner guests on Sun- j YOU 'LL FIN D day cf Mrs. Chas. Shaw, Oshawa. -eil Mr. and Mrs. H. Wood and fam- ~ ily, Oshawa; Miss Verna McRob- erts with Mr. and Mrs. R. May- ~ nard and Mrs. J. McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. C. Goodman and 9 a Judith, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Goodman and boys, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. L. J. V Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murney and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs ~ Park and family, Peterborough. D Alian and Jimmy Youngman ~ spent the weekend with Murra.v sp and Marie Flett, Taunton. bedi Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and4 y Roy attended the dedication ser- St, Paui's Churcli, Bowmanvillc, y$ That joyously bus on Sunday. I Pte. Floyd Soles. Camp Pictor,. is on us again. The stor( is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mervyr. ~f or your approval. At yi Bird. truIv find the gift "she" Ml. and Mrs. R. B. Scott -,,isit- service to miake your sho] ed Mr. and Mrs Harold Martyn, J iq Blackstock..- Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott vis-_ ited Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshal1 V Humber Bay. '- Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadheater anj!~ Georgie. Enniskillen, with Mr. and ~ Mrs. Murray Tabb.V Mn. and Mrs. R. Giaspeil anC 1- children were dinner guests of ~ Mrs. F. B. Glaspel. Zion. /< . 1 Mn. and Mrs. D. Lindsay, M rs Elma Hendricks, Selkirk, visited Mrs. Ann Philliios.I Mrs. Russell Wright is in Meni-f treatment. J'i Mr. and Mrs. Ross Law and t daughters, Whitby; Mr. Leslie j/ Warren, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear Y~ and Esther Ann visited Mn. and E. A. Rosevear, Cobourg, ~ aise Mr. 1. W. Larmar, Millbrook. A tr I gowns, He that believeth on me, the D- works that I do shall he do als'i Y. host cf and greater works than these , shaîl he do: because I go unlio Y myv Father.-Christ Jesus. H y Satin __________________________ llery lb 3 largest Skinny men, women NL gain 5,10,15 Ibs. NY ONS Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor V heerest. of sheer nylo Wbat à thrilli Bc y Jînhbs 11 out. ugly hollowl 4 1111 up. nerk no IooVer 8,rawlzy.body k,,t- hall- kl faveur at any occasion. ataOved. sicklIS- beatz-p0le- look. -riousanudu of ~ You'II find a shade to su irlâ, women. Men' who never could tan efo are tiJw prouil of eiopely. bealbky-lýIu nz 'l .anIotu e.II m d Ttcy thiank the Rperlai vigo)r-bu:ldtàg. lwVhodi n otme ...m d totf!C. <>01ex. ltiou ,iIr, iîvg<rattrà. ~Canada's foremost ho"sier lr,,f. çltsrflîfl H. c aicium. eurîi, b biod. imprî.s an fa tres appetime and i lge.m:on ma food givra ou mors .y m n fcues oitrengc'h and rourîshýmebnt put lSea on boue, - -FRE ITBO S lion't fesr? getting t Mfat. Rion wh.en vAilve gIned VFRMrIT BO E fie.-ý I 15 " 1? t). N-b, u need f- norne.i I o.,, Itiîe Ne~ . I r; Fi:n e Zeonik Afi, Tno tam , (I reni U.' abeto fo- oea cigor 0> &nd 4de4 Lioufdi. ituaver7 day. AisaSU drUUiIU. - Visit our store with your Christinas Gift List - Here you wili find rnany ideai gifts at reai savings. Weber' s Fabrk Centre --- - ------------------------------------------ -AbatIv. luli4:1.1m Chistianity Is Christlike onIlr as it reiterates the word, repe tg the works, and manifest e spirit cf Christ.-MarY IEfe r Eddy. T'IC RETS j TO RVERYWHERE >Iir. Ri or Steamshil Consult i JURY& LOVELL Bowmanvllle 15 ingSt.W. Phone 778 -5--i-g----

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