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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1951, p. 13

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- TR~RSDY, DC.@th, 1951 rUnit U~L. Uimg ,,sing Th ewcastle andepemmeiu Ion Margaret Ash TelePhone 2511 Newcastle Unil Dec. ' Congratulations ta Mr. and Ms.. Ragér Jeffries on the bith of 1their son in Memonial Hospital, Bownianvllle, on Dec. lot. 1 Mrand rs. ereyHarespent à*c HaeadduheSt. Thaimas. .Mr. Neil Britton, U. ai T., Tom- onto, spent the weekend with his pareuts, Mr. and Mns. H. S. Bit- q4Vliss Lais Martin, Toronto, was lQewitb hem father, Mr. J. P. M!mtin aven the weekend. Mi, Carl Fisher, Cornwall, vis- Ited bis mother, Mrs. Laura Fisher. Mns. Fisher, who bas been very 111 these past few months, is gaing strength and improving alawly. It is aur earnest wish that the noad ai necovery will be srthooth, for ber. Mrs. Fisher's siêter, Mrs. George Jamieson, is sféying with hem. -ý 'WÈ are glad ta see that Stan Brown is getting along s0 well witb bis new home on Emily St. Mrs. R. A. Milligan is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Sutton, of Queen *Charlotte City, B.C. Folks bere will nemember the Suttons as the dentist and nurse that practisedr *here same time aga.% Mrs. P. F. LeGresley has closed hem home for the winter months1 and bas gone ta stay with Arch- deacon and Mrs. Balfour, of Peterborougb. Mr. anc Mrs. Hary Clark, Stoughton, Sask., are staying with Mns. Clamk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cowan, North St.,r wbile Mns. Cowan is sa 111, Mns. Cowan is much the samne and stiil holding ber own. Mn. and Mrs. John Cotter and family, Coîbomne; Mr. and Mrs. John Hayesý and Bill, Havelock, and Mm. and Mms. Doug Taylora and family, Bowmanville, wenet weekend guests ai Mr. and Mi-s.a Bruce Cotter. C.G.I.T. met on Nov. 27. Wor- I FMrs. Homemaker!1 For FIEE Copy 32-Page Book DOMINION MAID RECIPES ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Dominion Crystal Sugar Ëpécïal Fine In Five and Ten-Pound Piper Bagi Cut Off Pouring Spout and Mail to Canada and Dominion Sugar Co. Ltd. Departinent 46 C4U A rpj. NA xRv a ship period was conducted by Annie Biersteker and consisted ai tbe cal] ta woship, a poem by Grace Marie Turner, scripture eading, a vaçal duet "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" by Canal Edwards and Joyce Bostack, follawed by a prayer. A few sangs relative ta the Candle Light ser- vice the girls are golng ta hold were practised. The final meet- ing will be held Dec. l8th. NEWCASTLE ELECTIONS Monday belng the beautiful day it was brought many voters ta the poilis ta cast their ballots for the Town Council. Congratulations ta the follawlng wba were elect- ed: Reeve-Jobn Riekard; Coun- cillos-George Walton, Ross Dick- inson, Fred Coucb, Jr., and Hanny Jase. Scbool Board-Miss H. A. Mason, Rev. D. R. Dewdney, T. J. McCullougb. Hydro Chairman -Stanley Graham. KEN SOBLE'S BIG "TOUR FOR TALENT" SHOW GRAND SUCCESS Friday nigbt, Nov. 30, Com- munity Hall was filled ta capacity when the Newcastle Ladies' Saft- baIl Club sponsored Ken Soble's "Tour for Talent." There wene many contestants and excellent contestants they were, taa. It is just taa bad that each one ai them couldn't have meceived a pnize. The fine slngîng, instru- ment playing and- conduct af each participant sunely made the job ai the judges, Miss Hattie Mason, Mrs. Percy Hane and Mr. Neil Stewart, a difficult one. The M.C., a gentleman fnom Toronto, was exceptionally good and beld the audience's attention throughout the entire perform- ance. To add furtber ta the enjoy- ment ai the cmowd Miss Bannie Clarke ai Toronto, mendened a number af fine vocal solos. Mm. Bill Roberston, Toronto, thrilled his audience with bis fine tap dancing. The pianist was Mrs. Ray Calder, Toronto. There were contestants from Onono, Part Hope, Enniskillen, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Hampton and Newcastle, who toak part. Miss Margaret Ash, secretary of the hall club, thanked Mr. Soble's group far their fine efforts and pmesented the prizes ta the win- ners: Ist-Mm. Grant Brooks, Bow- manville; 2nd - Miss Carolyn Janes, Orno; 3rd - Mr. Cecil WVhite, Part Hope. FORMER NEWCASTLE MAN CELEBRATES RMS 93rd BIRTHDAY Recenty youm correspondent re- ceived this notice from Mr. N. T. Selby, ai Grand Coulee, Sask. His many friends will emember Mr. Selby who lived in New- castle for many years. It is a clipping from tbe Regina Leader Post. The Editor: While 1 arn an in- valid with bath legs off I am still very active. I arn stili able ta pedal my own self about witb a wagon. My Robby is gandening. I seem ta have been born with an ear to Mother Eanth. I like work-j ing, especially with stmawberries. Why, we gmow. -them beme like potatoes and serve tbem good and plenty. It is still good for me ta be enjoyipig gaod health. For that I arn thankiul. I seem ta be able ta- do mare womk, and -nat get tired between tbe ages ai 90 and 100 than I did between 80 and 90., I wish ta thank my relatives and friends and pensons for their remembraince ai my binthday, especially the cbildren ai Grand Coulee, wha came in a quartette singing "Happy Birthday." N. T. Selby. Grand Coulee. 4~ P.S.-It is good to be remember- ~ ed when I arn 50 yaung. I won- dem what it will feel like when I arn old, anly 93 years ai age. May we add aur sincene con- gratulations, ta this grand old 1 man. _ _ ~' ~ ~ ~±Â 1A~I'J IThe conbined Young People's Unions of Newcastle and Orono ------ jnited Churches convened in Orono with President of Omono Union in charge. About twenty- ee b Ib ? five yoting people wr prtal aN U rd b bs egaled by an address in Christ- ian Stewardship aiter whlch a peniod of social intercourse was lusft or indulged by way af gamnes. The senving of ligbt eeshments /ff~ ~ tenminated an laspiming evening. ~f~l)Under auspices af Newcastle, Union the cambined yaung people will meet at the church, New- ~I.L ~ R AI castle, at 7:45 p.m., prepamatomy ~L fl flM L ta their going ta Bawmanville U NERAL for an evening ai bowling. They will return ta the United Cburcb, with refreshments. Ail young SELE CTR IC flke cordtl:,to top off Rev. Lawrence H. Turner was LAMPSsignally honoumed by being invit- ed ta give a paper beiore the West Durham Ministerial Associa- tion meeting in the home of Rev . R. R. Nicholson, of Bownianville, Tapir chosen wvas, 'Can God be the Object of Direct Pro?" An appetizing epast was served by M Mrs. R. R. Nicholson and ber daughter. Rev. S. R. Hendenson, Chairman, conducted the election aifaffîcers being succeeded by Rev. C. W. Huttozn, B.A., B.D., ai Blackstack, and Rev. Gea.. Empey - succeeding Rev. Donald J. Lute, B.A., as secretamy. The Minister- ial will be guests of Rev. L. and Mrs. Somerville, Caurtice, the firs t Mon day in Januamy. Aj hearty vote of thanks was ac-1 conded the speaker by the Min- isterial for the stimnulating ad- dress. ~.ANAIAN GNIRALILiC I t ica1 the expectation that New- k "MM NOIfA ICRCcstles "New Canadians", our tel- CAI Ç@~AY LIIIISlow citizens recentlv arrived from jHolland, vill contibute ta the grot: ted Chunch by way of the ging of carols in their native tue. .G.I.T. girls will sponsor a ndle Light Service" in the ited Chumch Sunday evening, c16, aided by the C.G.I.T. mp fmom Bowmanville. ENFIELD Mr. and Mmi. Len Stephenson and Ronnie at Mr. Howard Cow- ling's, Whîtby. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Toron- ta, spent the weekend with hem sister, Mmi. J. W. Bowman. Mm. and Mrs. Chester Lee and family, Whitby, at E. Lee's. Mrs. J. Stank and Anne Stin- son with Mr. and Mms. F. Taylor, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lycett at Mn. Wilimed Ogden's, Oshawa. Mm. and Mrs. Hoskin Smitb and family have maved ta Hamp- tan. We are very sary ta bave thern leave this cammunity as they will be greatly missed, espe- cially in the church. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mn. and Mrs. Bruce McClure, St. Catharines, spent the weekend with hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. Roy Bnanch. Mr. Russell Bmanch spent a iew days in St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brunt and Donna with Mr. and Mms. Bill Gardon and Tommie, Newton- ville. Mrs. J. Banch is spending the winter with hem son, Mn, and Mns. Roy Branch. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. F. W. Bowen an the passing of hem brother-in-law, Mn. E. B. Stockdale in Toronto. He xvas well known by many in this com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Gibson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Wn. Hennings, Oshawa. Mrs. Gardon Laking and Mar- lene, Newcastle, spent Satunday with Mns. Wally Gibson. Home and School meeting next Tuesday evening, Dec. il at the scbool. Congratulations ta Miss Mad- elene Osborne who was awarded the Hosin Prize fan bighest stand- ing in ail subjects in Upper School exams at Bowmanville High School. Also, congratulations ta Claire Allun, Madelene Osborne and Peter Armstrong on eceîv- ing their graduation diplomas. Presentations were made at the B.H.S. Commencement last week. We understand the children at1 the school are preparing a Christ-1 mas concert. Watch for date. 1 Knowledge and goodness -i these make degrees in heaven, and they must be the graduating scale ai a true democracy.-Miss1 Catberine Sedgwick. - TM CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOVM&NVL2!! fONTARIO ENNISKILLEN 1 Women's Afsociation met at thý home of Mrs. Francis Werry wit- Vice-President Mrs. Edgar Wrighi in charge. DevoWenal taker from Matthew was read by Mrs Wright. Rev. eSeymour conduct. ed the election of officers: Pres.- Mns. Harold Mills; lst Vice-Pres -Mrs. Edgar Wright; 2nd Viçe- Pres.-Mrs. Adam Sharpe; Sec'5 -Mrs. Arthur Brunt; Asst. Sec'y -Mrs. Floyd Beckett; Treas.- Mrs. Russell McLaughlin; Pianists -Mrs. Lamte Lamb and Mrs. Mil- ton Stainton; Flower Com.-Mrs L. Lamb and Mrs. E. Page; Par- sonage Com.-Mrs. Roy~ McGilI, Mrs. H. Stevens; .Auditors-Mrs, F. W. Werry and Mrs. A. Sharpe. Mrs. M. Trewin opened the pro- gram with a hymn. Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hamp- ton, gave an interesting reading on EverYday Citizenship. Mrs. Meirvin Bird, Tyrone, gave a very fine paper on Christmas Thoughts. A vote of thanks was moved to hostess and the visitors. A dainty lunch was served by the group, Mr. anid Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery and Miss Kathleen Graham, Solina, were Saturday evening callers at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke's. Mr. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Langmnaid, Solina; Mr. and. Mrs. Foster Snowden, Bessie âiýd Anne, Kedron, with Mr. and Mms. R. McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stainton, Dorothy and Clarence, visited Mr. and Mrs. Sid Parsons, Bow- manville. Mrs. Harold Mills and fàMi1y with her mother, Mrs. M. Wells, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and fam- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Grills, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistoni were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn's, Cambray. Mrs. J. Adams with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adam, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood, with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dickinson and Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Herb MeLaughlin, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin. Mn. and Mrs. John E. Griffin and family visited her mother, Mrs. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls, Mrs. Bennett returning home with- them for halidays. Mr. and Mms. Albent Oke, ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and family, Burketon, to Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke's, Osh- awa. and enjayed a fowl dinner, A being a double wedding cele- bration, Mn. and Mrs. Cameron Oke's 6th wedding anniversary on Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke's 37th wedding an- niversary on Sunday. Congratu- lations to both familles. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yeo, AI- Ian and Barbara, Port Loring, vith Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles. were Sunday vlki- tors at Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodman's, ýe Scugog Island. h C.G.I.T. w'ill be held at Mary it Griffin's. Saturday, Dec. 8. n Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and Heather with Mr. N. Collacutt and Mr. J. Giles, Tymone. Mr. and Mns. A. Leadbeater and George with Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb, Tyrone. ýsZMON * Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cochrane and daughters, Countice; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintoff and family, *North Oshawa, at Wes Cameron'a. Mrs. August Geissbemger and Heidi, Harmony; Mm. and M. Jack Arnott, London; at Hans Geissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. WrN Part, Mr. and Mrs. R. Dart and j'udy, Mal- vern; Miss Ellen Mennie, Toron- to, at Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel vid family, Tyrone, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel at- ttended a Lost Heir party at Ver- non Powell's, Columbus, on Sat- iurclay night. A large number of couples at- tended the Milk Producers' Ban- iquet at Oshawa. Mr. Harvey Balson, Glen. Doug- las and Betty Ann; Mrs. Tom Cur- rie, Oshawa. at Robert Killen's. Mrs. Russell Stainton bas re- i tumned home from Memorial Hos-i pital, Bowmanville.1 BURKETON Choir practice was at the home ai Mrs. E. Caughill. Practice for the Christmas Con- cert, Doc. 21, is being held at the school with sevenal aIder students taking part. Many from bhere attended B.H. S. Commencement. "The Mi- kado" was greatly enjayed. Visitors at Mms. Pearl Avery's were: Mr. and Mms. Grant Wil- son and Beryl, Mm. and Mrs. Dan Glover and children, Mr. and Mms. Sid Martin. Oshawa; Mrs. Nel- son MeMuIlen, Sunderland. Miss Maud Bailey, Ennîskillen, called on friends. Mr. Norman Sproule is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Geenwood, Ken- dal. Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Rahm, Weston, with Mrs. H. Rahm. Mm. and Mms. Orville Greer and Rase Mary, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. L. Greenwood, Kendal; Mrs. W. Geenwood with Mrs. J. Greer. Mms. Robert Carter and Wayne are spending a week with Mn. and Mns. E. Adams. Mrs. J. Carter, Fred, Jim and Cheryl Rowan were in Toronto with relatives. Mms. W. Parrinder visited ber SOLINA Bradley's Community Club mcl Friday evenîng when the guesi speaker was Mrs. W. Thiesburger, Tyrone, who recently enjoyed a viuit with hem husband's family in Western Germany. Heme in thîs quiet town their 24-raom home stood intact after much bombing around it. The speaker related many intemesting facts ol life In Germany and told of the beautiful scenery there and ii the countries surrounding it to the west. Living quanters are scaxce and mention was made of six familles living in one home. As their 'plane lost altitude ta approach Malton Airport at night on their return trip Mrs. Thies- burger compared Toronto's mil- lion's of llghts ta a huge necklace on the shores of Lake Ontario with the lights of the islands at its base. Mr. John -Knox ex- pressed the t.hanks of the club to Mrs. Thiesburger who had, Sa gmaciously shared ber pleasant ex-ý periences with her audience. Ad- ditional pragram included piano duets by Mrs. Everett Cryder. man and Gladys Yellowlees; a neading by Mrs. W. Bowman and piano solos by Master Harold Yellawlees. Next meeting will be in Januamy. Pnogmam for the evening was arranged by Mr. and Mrs. C. Vice and Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Lunch was senved and a social hour enjoyed. Mr. and Mms. Clarence Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hamer. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellowlees attended the Milk Producers' banquet and entertain- ment in Oshawa, Nov. 27. Temperance programn Sunday afternoon was arnanged by Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. It included a piano duet by Patsy and Helen Knox; readings by Mr. A. L. Pas- coe and a vocal duet by Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and Gladys Yellowlees. Misses Helen Baker and Velma Gilbert, Toronto, spent the week- end at their homes. Miss Gladys Yellowlecs is vis- [ting relatives in Toronto. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. Albert Balson on the death of his sister, Aggie (Mrs. '&illiamn rhompson) at St. Marys. Mr. and Mvrs. A. J. Balson and Ileen and M4r. Harold Balson, Hampton, at- tended the funeral service on Sat- urday. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peter- borough, spent the weekend at hem home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ficey, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Tom West- lake, Hampton, with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Sr. Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Eastwood, Greenwood, spent Sunday at Mr. A. J. Balson 's. - jrom. HOOPER'S Jewellery and Gift Shop 28 King St. W. Gents' Gruen Watches $33.50 up ---- ---- ---- --- - - --- --- --- ----- -- - - -- Phop..e 747 ---ww kb Ladies' Gruen Watches $33.50 Up mathen. Mms. Brummell at Col- umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Verne McLaugh- lin, Phil and Susan Jane, Osh- awa, at Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mms. John Voss and famîly have moved ta their fam at Enfield, mecently punchased from Mr. Hosken Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison and baby Glenn, spent Sunday in To- ronta. guests ai Mm. and Mns. Ian Smith and Mrs. E. M. Carm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox weme Sunday guests ai the latter's par- ents, Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Tink at Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hardy, Toron- ta, spent Sunday with Messrs. George and John Knox. Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Mclntosh, Toronto, at Roy Langmaid's; Mn. and Mns. Garnet Goyne, Courtîce, at Chas. Langmaid's. Miss Mable Harris visited rela- tives and friends in Whitby and Oshawa. Mr-. and Mrs. Don Harris and John. Osbawa, wîth Mms. Hazel Harris and Billy. The Young People's Union met on Monday evening with the Faith and Evangelism Convenor, Pearl Leach, in charge. Two sets of slides. "The Good News" and "WilI It Pay" were shown. Fol- lowing the meeting the girls treat- ed ail with pancakes and synup. WEDDING MEW - BEACOCK In a quiet ceremony in Trinitv United Church vestry on Monday aiternoon, Nov. 26, Marion Jean Beacock, daughter ai Mr. and Mms. Austin Beacock, Nestleton, becamE% the bride of John Con- way Mew. Toronto, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mew, Isle ai Wight. Rev. S. R. Hendenson ofiiciated. The bride, who wvas given in marriage by ber father, wone a street length two-piece dress ai coaa velvet with matching hat and carmied a bouquet ai Pinno- chia Iroses. Hem only attendant xvas Mrs. Mathew Schick, who wore a street length two-picce dress in bunter's green witli matching bat. Hem bouquet was ai yellow nases and bronze 'mums. PLUNBING & ROT WATER HEATING OIL BURNERS JNSTALLED in any type of furnace ALSO STOKERS A. J. Heari & N. Bothwell "PHONE: Noon andi 5 p.m! - 3473 Day or Nig#t - 2085 * A ~U fIWWY~ A reception was heId at the home of-the bride's parents, the. bnide's mother receiving t he guests In a dress of navy fainle with corsage of pink roses. 'A number af telegrams were ~ ceived, Including one from the gmoom's parents and brother, Ile of Wig ht. The bride and groom left on a honeymoon trip to England and France. the bride wearing for travelling a plaid suit of blue. #d grey with muskmat coat, the latter the git of the groom. Mr. and Mms. Mew will visit his parents on the Isle of Wight. On their re- turn ta Canada, they will reside in Toronta. Pniar ta hem marriage, the bni¶Ie, wha was an employee af Loblàw Graceterias, was entemtalned by hem fellow emplayees and eso was guest af hanor at showèrs held by Mms. E. Pearson, Ms.,M. Schlck and Mms. Gardon ]Brown. 1 DON'T LIRE COLD WEATHER! That's rlght . . eold weather is really hard on your car and tractor's battery. Make sure It wiII give you top Performance. Drive ln to- day we'll give Your battery and your car or tractor thorough ovenhaul. ElVx ALLINx> MOTOIRS lUSEIP CARS & TRUCKS,' WITE ROSE DEALERP HAMPTON Phone Bowmanvllle 28851; LISTEN TO C.K.L.B. 1240 ON YOUR DIAL EVERY DAY 12:55 to 1 p.m. FOR A ROL FOR CHRISTMAS HOO p ER'IS J'EWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP BOWMANVILLE ENGRAVING AND GIFT WRAPPIIïG DONE Free cf Charge ON ALL MERCHANDISE PURCHASED IN OUR STORE 1 1 1 c c c a: ti g: p: n rr. Ji m j A,àeàv. nmmq4" 9 n«L wlzone 747

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