TEURSDAY, DZC. 154h. 1951 TI~ CA~(ADTAK STATESMM~, EOWMANVTLLZ. ONTAMO IAOU ,mm'mmE CLOCKS for XMAS 05ta $12J9 Telechron LITTLE TEL.. alarm. Large, easy-*c read dial in smart ivory colored case. G-E GOURMET... kifchen. Red or green with white numerals, yellow with green numerais, or white with red numerals. Telechron ADYISOR . - -kitchen. Pierced numerats match dia[ colars in blue, yellow and green. Also red dial with white ca se. Telechron DECORATOR S . . kitchen. Color-styled in y.IIow, red, aqua and black with removoble snap-in matchinq color-bands. for her d~rm MIXMU'ER [ Johnson Electrie FLOOR 4 VPOLISHER Special 1for Xmnas $49.95 The ]RADIO SHOP 38 King St. E. Phone 573 BOWMANVILLE About 75% of subscriptions to The Statesmnan I êYorf4 BREAKFAST BA Eal dite during the nonths of Deceniber and January. The co-operation of subscribers in mak- Dn ev ffo ing prompt payment will be greatiy appreciated. gn t c eLet us Take Ail Statesman subscriptions are payable-in. advance. It is impossible for us to continue sub- REA CH FOR I Ie cordially invite scriptions after they fail due, owing to postalI PRODUCE DEPAWJ regulations and rules of the Audit Bureau of offers Circulations of whîch this newspaper is a inember. Oe 0Vreis The label on your paper shows the date to.Ovr2 Vaele which your subscription is paid. You can greatly Ti assist our bookkeeping department by paying your suhscription well i advance of the date on which BCUE it ise i o due. t it is due.urinary ritation and h~d.rdscmor;and for over hlla.cen- CKF turyDedda KineyPille have helped bring relief from backachs by stimulaling the 213e ~4tU~IU1 ~t~It~1IUln kidneys. Got Dodcra Kidney Pilla at any S.W Irug counter. Loo frdublebo wt te 21 Ring S.W T YRONE - odyeeng 'T'I<~ (I KTMr. and Mrs. borne Phare have T h e OÉ .roIlo NL e w~s W.M.S.« Christmas meeting was arrived from the West and are P held at the hQme of Mrs. Ralph planninlg on spending the winter lam IL . Lot"m Glaspeli with a goqdly number here, *ith her parents, Mr. and _______________________________________________of ladies present. Mrs. S. Hoar Mrs. A. H. Brent, also with Mrs. took charge of business in abs- G. Phare and Lance. We are sorry ta report the an. Ottawa. visited his wife and ence af Prp.sident, Mrs. R. Wright Mrs. Otto Virtue bas moved death of Mrs. H. Barabaîl, early son at Mr. N. Cobbledick's. who is ill. Mrs. Frank Werry, ber furniture into part of Mr. and Wednesday marning, at her homeý Mr. C. S. McLaren spent last group leader, had charge ai pro- Mrs. Russell Virtgie's bouse. h here. It will be remembered that week visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. A. gram. Mrs. Raymond Ciapp gave Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue, Orono's grand old lady celebrat- Clarke and family, Prescatt. a very fine devotional. Mvrs. C. Mrs. Otto Virtue visitèed Mr. and ed bier lOth birthday on Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Anderson, Woodley and Mrs. R. Roy each Mrs. Talbert Findlay. Tbornhill, To ber family we extend sincere Hamilton, have been visiting ber delighted the audience with in-onS da.Ms0.Vru e sympathy. sisters, Misses A. and E. Morrison. strumentals. Mrs. Mervyn Bird an SudayforasOirtuend re- Mrs. Garnet Gamsby and While bere Mr. Anderson suifer- gaea raig Wa osteepast p hita dauhte, Kngsonviite he eda sver hartattck nd rChristmas Mean ta Your'" Mrs. and winter months with ber sist- mother, Mr%~. Robt. Allun. confined ta bed. Percy Werry gave two interesting er and brother in the States. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gibbs, Mrs. Harold Hooey bas been a chapters ai the Study Book. Mrs. Trn oe' nttt e h Sharon and Dick, Dunbarton, vis- patient in Memorial_.J{ospital, D. Lute maved a vote ai thanks . Trn oe' nttt e F ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham. Bowmanville, for thée>st twa ta Mrs. Glaspeil for apening bier in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown, weeks following an operation. We borne. Social h.alf hour was J. A. Rosevear, lst Vice-Pres., Oshawa, visited Miss Bertha Cain, wish for her a speedy recovery. spent. presided for a short business Satuday period. Two new plants were Satuday.Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tamblyn Siate of officers for 1952 are: pîaced in the churclh. Committee S Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. and Diane spent the weekend Past Pres.-Mrs. Russell Wright; was narned to send cards ta shut- George Dunlop on the birth ai with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. President-Mrs. A. Hilîs; Vice- ins at Christmas. Several sug- their daughter, Shirley Irene, on J. Tamblyn. Pres.-Mrs. J. C. Coak; Sec'y- gestions were oiiered for raising ,Nov. 21 at Memorial Hospital, Mrs. E. Robson and children, Mrs. W. J. Miller; Treas.-Mrs. the$5pdg tthW.Iroi *Bowmanville. Mrs. Mary Phasey and Diane, ai Percy Werry; Pianist-Mrs. Clar- in te $25 pegtaSgthW.i. ons rn We extend sincere sympathy ta Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. ence Woadley; Friendship Circle be vated on at the January meet- 1 Mr. Geo. Carson In the death of Wood. -Mrs. George Alldread; Travel- ig olcl a hita his father, Mr. Charles A. Carson, Mr. Donald Staples, Toronto, ling Basket-Mrs. John His; îngerailof cail was A Cstnasd SKendal. spent the weekend at bis home Temperance Sec'y-Mrs. R. Hadg- devotional was given by Mrs. D. Mr. Milford Sherwin is making here. son ta be on a group and help Lute on 'Giving." Mrs. H. Stain- a good recavery frorn an opera- Rev. R. R. Nicholson, Bowman- this way when she can be pres-taredahisnssoyre- Stian on Wednesday in Memorial ville, had charge ai the United ent; Christian Stewardship-For ionisentai a ristmasa.Highlrght Haspital, Bawrnanviile. Church service on Sunday rnorn- group ta arrange; Carres. Sec'y- ii tfmeenas the mast in- Miss Carnella Irwin, Toronta. ing. The congregation are always Mrs. W. Macdonald;, Press Carres.ofte eting n nfastve otalk- and Miss Shirley Porter, Oshawa, pleased ta welcome Mr. Nichai- -Mrs. W. Rahm;; Missianary eginbygninform . aer-a *were weekend guests ai Mr. and son and ta hear the very inspir- Monthly Sec'y-Mrs. W. Macdon- gnhy Bwmnille. . Hbrh Mrs. N. F. Porter. ing message he brings. Next Sun- ald. nt iht mch fom atie.Hebo ai ' Squadron Leader Stewart COW- day. Rev. John Kitchen, a return- C.G.I.T. President-Miss Bes- concrete nature, as well as in- - --ed missionary from China, wYilI sie Yieo; Hon. President-Mrs. D. teresting sideîights, in cannection preach for a eall. In the evening Lute, Baby Band-Mrs. Arthur with the paint industry. Appre- the chair ai High Park United Hamilton; Mission BadLde ciatian was expressed by Mrs. L. Church, Toronto, will give a -Miss Beth Miller; Assistants- Goadman and beartily endorsed 011 Christmas Candlelight Service ai Mrs. M. Bird. Miss Arvilla Beck- by alI. Mrs. N. Waadley and Mrs. sang. This choir needs na intro- ett, Miss Bessie Yeo, Mrs. D. H. Skinner, graup leaders served duction ta aur church people, hav'- Lute; Auditars-Mrs. Leon Moore, lunch at the social bour. The "ting been with us last year when Miss Jean Philp; Group Leaders December meeting is withdrawn. their pragram was an outstand- -Mrs. R. GlaspelI, Mrs. S. Hoar, Ms omnIwn hty îngmuicl een i au cm-Mrs. F. Werry. Miss Agatha Rowe, Oshaw,a vis- TheFIST in e-er munity. Mission Band met in the Sun- ited Mrs. Ann Phiilips. rTe IRTrigevr The bazaar held in the Sunday day School roam with several ________ maeta syur Shororot~e~ielhrhchdren taking part in the wpr- maide hcSaturdayur it oenosociwastasnusuaiship service along with carols. B A V TP fige ERECL1 atrayatenonwa a sulMiss Beth Miller told the Study B LI.IJLJTOJ. finer ERECTY! a great success when about $425. Book story. Mrs. D. bute also was realiÉed. W. A. wish ta toîd an interesting story. Many After the election, a .week aga thank ail wha cantributed so thanks toalal those wha gave ar- Monday, Blackstack Women's Ins- generausly and made this annual ticles for parcel ta be sent ta titute sponsored a card party in au air sa wortbwhiie. Fallawmng Munce.tehl.Teewr 3tbe as it did, aur turkey dinner, when Cnrtlainy. r adathe l. re were 13oableMs o ver $500,00 was cleared, we feel Cnratulatieons o ita Mr. -Andadth e pizes wendreawon by rs it is a great credit ta aur churchMs.SMcywoqutyceeArurLitnadDatn o- peole.brated their 59th wedding anni- reli. Mrs. W. J. Watson and Aima versary Dec. 7. At the United Church service and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Watson Mr. Bill Hall and Miss Betty recently, Rev. C. W. Hutton bap-t were in Narwaod Tuesday ai last Berriel, Bowmanville, visited bis tized the iallawing infants: Eliza- week attending the funeral aif'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall beth Dianne, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Watson. befare leaving for Petawawa Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Taylor, and A jolly gathering was held at wbere be is stationed. William Wallace, son ai Mr. and the home ai Mrs. M. H. Staples EIders, stewards and officiais Mrs. Ivan Thampson. on Monday evening, Dec. 10, it ai ail four churches are reminded Mrs. Fred Bailey receivcd word being the annual Christmas party ai the Presbytery Visitation on irom Winnipeg that hier niec,, ai ber piano class. The students Thursday evening at 8 p.m. in Miss Laura Hambly had passed entertained their mothers and Tyrone --Jnited Church. Please away on Dec. 4. She was buried PAT. PENDING iriends with Christmas music in make a special effort ta be on at Swan Lake, Manitoba, 100S sangs and instrumental numbers, hand for fl-rs meeting with Rev. miles irom Winnipeg, beside ber consisting ai piana salas, duets, R. Seymour, Enniskillen, and father. Miss Hambly served in trias and charuses. Prizes, given Rev. W. Hutton, Blackstock. China for 40 years as a Mission- for the year's work, were won by Next Sunday is White Gift ary and retired in 1943. She was T R lit U F 1 Norah Wood, Barbara Ann AIl- Sunday. Use the envelope ta in ber 75th year and is survived DIMOD NWEDIG IGSHaloelJon ldred, MarilynQatilHen give Christ a Christmas present. by 4 sisters, Mary, Emma, Ethel DIAONDANDWEDIN RIGSHalowel.Joa Aldrd, ariynService at il a.m. and Hazel, and 2 brothers, George 2'4# Baskerville "and John Tamblyn. yoeCGITjindwtth and John. Sympatby is extend- -----;pg erftled with fun and TroeCGITjindwtth ed ta the relatives in this corn- reireshments. Trinity Vesper Service Sunday munity. Aiternoon Auxiliary Meet Mr. and Mrs. John Grieve en-C Chrstms metig a Orno Rev. and Mrs, D. bute and chil- tertained. friends at their home United Church Aiternoon Auxil-densntaurywihbsf-o Friday evening at a card party.f iaryai he .M.. ws bld ec.ther, Mr. J. bute and Mrs. R. Mrs. James Ferrier, Perth, was a 4th wifthe rs. C. Wad, pesd entFrape, Taronto, before leaving get /t ihMs.C od peiet for Jamaica where they will spend get canducting the business period. Christmas withi Mr. Lute's son Mrs. Staniord Van Camp is nowg Literature secretary requested and aiy convalescing at the home ai Mr.r 7 that qll members band bier a list faiy and Mrs. A. b. Bailey. Ioa books read during 1951. The C.G.I.T. members met Fridayk *president paid a loving tribute ta evening and practised for their Miss Marilyn Archer, Whitby, ' K ur late Community Friendship Vesper Service wbich will be spent the weekend with ber' held Dc. 30.grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. h Secretary, Mrs. N. Cobbledick, inhedDc30 Archer.u which ail members joined. Mrs. A dinner party was held ait the Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill, Mr. a Ed. Dean's grou p was in charge home ai Mr. and Mrs. Jahn and Mrs. Norman Edgertnn, Cad- ri ai the Christmas service conduet- Broome. Friday evening in honor mus; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- p ed by Mrs, V. Robinson, ably as- ai bier parents' 35th wedding an- joy and Mrs. Harold Crawford t] Ordinary rinlg u t I sisted by Mrs. Dean, Mrs. H. niversary, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. were guests ai Mrs. George Fow- c, / the sixe of the knucklo Fraser, Mrs. Malley. Mrs. C. Tay*-ons omavle.Toe h er an Monday night.A only - thon twist and lor, Mrs. Robert Allin and Mrs. attended were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. H. Martyn and 1t tumon he Ingr. W. J. bycett. The title ai the Munday and Donald, Maple Ronnie with Mrs. E. E. Sbantz, worsbip service was "A Canadian Grave; Mr. and Mrs. R. McDan- Tyrone. a, Friendship Carol Service," dur- aid and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy, ing which candles were ligted in Snowden, Miss Darothy Johns, tribute ta aur new Canadians, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. L. who were remembered with gaad Broome and boys, Sauina. wlll and iriendship. Carols which Mrs. E. M. Anderson, Toranto, came ta us f rom other lands were spent the weekend with bier sung, as well as solos by Mrs. A. brother, Mr. S. Hoar and Mrs....... A. Drummand. Mrs. M. H. Hoar. Staples accompaniied for ail the Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowling, BUE RIVER Tru-Fit Da music in ber very capable man- Miss Yvonne Saunders were ten mond Rings slide eve h ner. guests Sunday evening ai Mr. ani knuckle, they odjust tei Mrs. E. Hockaday, Sauina. sevsatmlclyMr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees Mrheand rs. Lloy Alldrea E FELrIT«TV T n hiri iited 1Mr.ad rs HAYDON Our Christmas Tree Concert' will be held on Wednesday. For particulars sec Coming Events. W, A. wiIl meet at Mrs. Jack Potts on Thursday afternoon, with aur regfular Christmas draw and special'aficring. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Slemon have gone ta Toronto for bbe win- ber months. Mr. and Mrs. John Sterrett, Long Branch, at Mr. Arthur Tr-- win's. Mr. Fred Castle, Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto; Miss Winnifredl Trewin, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wrn. Trewin's. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Steven- son, Niagara Falls, spent a weel: with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby. Otber visitons at the Denby home were Mr. Stuart Hoaey, Miss Ruth Payne, Long Sault; Mn. and Mvrs. Fay Mountjoy and Donna, Bowmanville; Mr. Ed. Smith, Hlampton. Miss Helen Berbrim, Oshawa, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joncs and family, bang Sauit, at Mrs. E. De- Geer 's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. A. Read's. (Intended for iast week) Mrs. Chas. Rankine and Mar- got, Mrs. A. Read attendcd the 'ecital gLven by Miss Olive Ran- kine at Eaton Auditorium an 'ýJednesday. A miscellaneous shower was held at Mr. J. H. Walker's on Sat- unday evening in honon af Mr. and Mrs. Kcnneth Walker. The room was prettily decorated in pink and white. Aften opening heir many and varied gifbs the couple very ably tendened thanks. A social chat was enjoyed and lunch served. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Osh- awa; Misses Shirley Garrard anci Alma GItan, Taronto; Miss Rose uy oi trrnirngana *t jiieykV Bothwell. Business was conduet- ed by Vice-President Betty Cars- well. Meeting was adjourned ta practise for Christmas concert whicb is ta be held next week. Mountjoy, Nestîcton, at Mr. Chas. Garrard's. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKenzie and famiiy, Toronto, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's, with Beth staying with ber grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and bynne at Mr. Louis Ashtan's, To- ronto. 3)anta Claus?' This particular Santa's age varies. The ane on aur Chiristmas Seals is only 25, but ini some counitries ho is aider, because their Seal Sales are aider than ours. This is aur 25th annual Christmas Seal Sale-a holiday custom to protect people from tuberculosis. Sa please, send yaur contribution today. BU>' Christmas Seais/ Super I. G. A. Mark, Iay Evenings '61.1 10 p.x Meat Neatures lb. . . 49c Pork Spare lIîÀs ICON . . - s - 49c laie. . . Your Order for Chrisimas Pouliry NOW you, at no obligation, to corne in and view aur riIENT, which we feed quite sure you will agree, -you top quality at iow pnices. 'of Chrisimas Candy Irom which Io chose rs SUPER MARKCE Bownaanville Phone 1 49C Ie' 677 Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. beitb T RhIL Byers. S A K IL Mrs. Oke, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snoaks. Miss'* Williams, Toronto; Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGill, and Mrs. Walden, Hamilton, vis- Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. George ited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd. Rutherford and Allan, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson and Kirby, with Mr. and Mrs. Vic- Lloyd, and Mrs. MeQuade, Nestie- tor Farrow. ton, were guests ai Mrs. George Mrs. R. Baughen visited Mr. Fowler on Friday Evening. and Mrs. George Morton, Orono. Mrs. borne Hoskin was bostess Farm Fôrum met at the borne ta the December meeting ai the ai Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sauch. Blackstock Women's Institute. Members irom Starkville Farni Her home was beautifully decor- Forum attended the Farmn For- ated far Christmas. Motta for the um Rally in Newcastle. meeting was 'Four. walls make a Several iram Starkville attend- bouse, but a woman * makes a ed Newcastle Hsgh Schoal Corn- home." Mrs. Jack Rahm, Vice- mencement Friday evening. Ray- President, canducted the meet- mand Trim was awarded the J. ing very capably in the absence A. Smith Tropbiy for Sr. Cham- ai Mrs. Norman Malcolm. Mrs. pionship in athletics. The Dr. Tom Smith, Sec'y-Treas., gave a Butler Shield for proiiciency in financial report. Letters and mes- Grade 10 was awarded ta Hugh sages' were received fram mern- Westbeuser who also received bis bers for gits and fruit.- Fruit.andi Driver-Mechanie certificate. Flowers Committee were given Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson, Mr. ix"structians ta send Christmas and Mrs. Morley Robinson werc Cheer Boxes. A bale is ta be in Toronto on Tuesday. be packed for the needy in Kings- -_________ tan, Jamaica, with gaads ta b e leit at Mrs. Smith's borne. Fur- MAPLE GROiVt1 ther plans were made for serving ____ the banqiuet at the Recreational Dn'foet ouic Crut Centre on Friday evening. The BroterhodetingrtisTCirui- rall caîl was answered with an rteho meintisTu- excbange ai Christmas giîts. day evening at Maple Grave Church. % The theme for the meeting was Mrs. b. C. Snowden and Mr. "Health," with the leader, Mrs. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman visited Fred Trewin, in charge. Mr3. their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mervin Graham gave a reading. Hynds, Bolton. on Friday.' 1 Mrs. Fred Trewin gave a very Miss Edna Swallow bas return- fine paper on "New Medicines. ed home aiter a pleasant visit Mrs. Howard Bailey read a play with Mrs. W. Pearson, Lakeiield. on words in "Twa Old Lave Let- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, ters." Mrs. borne Tbompsan Oshawa; Mr. W. J. Snowden, Mr. taught us a lavely new Christ-an Ms.CH.nodnwr mas carol. Mrs. Albert 'Wright Saturday supper guests with Mr. gave a reacling ai Mottoes. Mrs. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Frank Haskin conducted an anni- C.G.I.T. meeting held Tuesday versary cantest. A dainty lunch eeig e.I n pndwt was served hy the bostess and.the ail repeating the C.G.I.T. Purpase. group and a social period enjoy- Worship service was conducted ed. bva Lois Amsrog n ';irlpv1. You may cail this man an Engineer or a Town Manager or whatever titie you wish to attach - but in my opinion without the aid of such an Individual the efforts of the Council will flot give you what you are looking for. (Through no fault of the individual Councilior). It is going to cost rnoney to attain certain of these goal-. - To make rnoney you have ta spend rnoney - wisely and effic- iently. It mnay bc unusual for a successfu] candidate to write an election 'Thank You"' note of this tature - but I did flot enter this particular "ýphase of life' without verý,' serious thought, and I just wanted to make myseif very clear that I arn wil]ing ta work long and hard so long as vie can obtain resuits, - but I arn not interested in bein.9 in Council frorn a social aspect. If at any tirne you have complaints or sug- gestions - send them in. Do not telephone - verbal compiaints are of littie value. Get your neighbours together- write a note to Council -sîEzning your nprne; - and li personally see to it that your message is brought to the attention of ail concerned. Again Thanks, and re- member for a successful Councîl - we need the help, oi vou - the Citizens of Bowrnanville. Normian Scott "Thank You'" I To Ail wha vated an wvorked for me during th( recent election a sincer "Thanks." Thanks ta the twa lad. ies: Mrs. V. Jeifery and Mns Wm. Barrett who naminated me for the position ai Caun. cillor-, and also ta Ruperi Byers and Charlie Sever.c for their nomination aý Mayor. 1 realize a goodlý number ai vates were re. ceived irom Folks wltl whom 1 arn not personall acquainted. It bas also, beer brought ta my attention thal some votes came iranr people with whom I1 haVE had differences in the past, To these people I want tc say a speciai "Thanks" na only for their vote but for their "bigness" for being abie ta put aside persona] difierences for what theî believed would be the bet- terment ai Town Affairs. This eiection has de- monstrated that many Citi- zens are flot satisfied with the way in wbich. certair Town business bas beer conducted. Your 1952 Coun- cil cannot give you Utopia aver nigbt. It is my earnest wish that we may at leas start a programn whicb will bring about certain desirec and long awaited changes. Bowmanville is in a trans- !tory stage, (as are ail places in Ontario), wbich ai-e ir close proximity ta the pro- posed new seaway. We will either go abead or back- wat-d - we cannot stand stîll. We must be ready ta go ahead. Many things need doing (as 1 previously pointed out) such as roads and streets, garbage collec- tion, zaning, etc., etc. To accomplish any or aIl o! these by Council help alone is out af tbc question, Council at its best, is tem- parary help, and valuntary hclp, bath of wbich are flot conducive ta gaod business. Is-it not passible ta operate Council similar ta a Board ai Directors as conducted by Private Business whereby the formulations and decis- ions ai Council can be passcd along to a Delegated Authority, and where we can be resaonably assured that those theughts are go- ing ta he put into practical application promptly and efficiently? We need some- one ta correlate the variaus activities and pr-ogrammes from year ta year wbereby there is some Continuity for the long termn planning donc by Council. 1% -TIM CANADUN STATESMM, INOWMANVM=, ONTAMO d1 .e Lt n 'r 9 ri ri 1 TRUPMAT. VW. 13th, 1051 PACM TEMTOM