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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1951, p. 7

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SOCIAL MNDPERSONRALI Winners af the Lions Club have left to spend Christmas and hockey draw for Saturday, Dec. a vacation with the former's 15 are: Russell Oke and Frank daughter, Mrs. Adaif Koldofsky, MoJiun. Hollywood, California. -,~iaJoan Greenfield and Miss Mr. Norman Aflin, son of Dr. Yetta Oleson, Toronto, were and Mrs. Norman Allun, Centre guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. E. St., who is a student at Bob Jones Greenfield. University, Greenville, South Mrs. Morton Miller, Winnipeg, Carolina, is this week attending and her son Mr. Robert Miler, the Conference on Americanism University of Toronto, were which is being heid at that uni- guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. versity. James on Monday. Mr. Fred Gale. Toronto, was Dy or hrist ma shopping in in town W ednesday, attending ' stores where gift suggestions the funerai af his aunt, Mrs. Jane attractiveiy dispiayed and Gale Garrett, who passed away are nlo roded lke the Dec. 10, in her 99th year. An clty stores. obituary of this grand old lady The Canadian Statesman makes wili appear in next week's issue one af the best year-round Christ- of The Statesman. mas gifts yau can give ta a dist- These are busy days preparing ant friend or relative. Attractive for Christmas festivities. You can guif card accampanies your gift. save valuable time in your Christ-I Readers in tawn can make this mas shopping by first consulting column much more interesting if the mnerchants' advts. in this is- yau wlll send in your iist of visi- sue which are crammed full of tors, or if you go visiting out of gift suggestions. town yourseif. 'Phone 663. On Dec. 12, the ground covered Mrs. Alan Williams, Mr. and with snow, Mrs. Alex Mairs. 64 !Mrs. A. G. Williams and Dane, Wellington' St.. reports picking r pansies from her garden and her ===e2eE5ý- lilac tree in bud. Florida will soon have nothing on the Banana Belt of Southern Ontario. S T. JONS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brown, Murray and Mari orie, made a bus- ines trip t aevle h AN LIA aunt, Mrs. Seward Dowson join- ed them and visited with her sist- er, Mrs. W. A. Stinson, wholi CRUIILr spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Hildan Johnson. Following the C.G.I.T. vesper Rev. Warren Turner, and candle-lighting service on B.A,, B.D. Sunday evening at Trinity United Church, Mrs. Walter Reynolds, who with Miss Dora Purdon is leader of the Trinity group, en- 8 a.m. - tertained the leaders of visîting HOLY C.G.I.T. groups at her home on COMMUNION Centre Street. Mr. Morley Hamblyn, Windsor, who is employed as an Inspector 11 a.m.with the Federai Government and il am. -has been at Generai Motors i CHORAL Oshawa the past week, spent the COMMiUNION weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Wila Hamblyn, Ontario Street. before returning to the 7 p.m.Chrysier plant at Windsor. '1 p.m.Mrs. Caroline Young Tilliey, EVENSONG widow of W. N. Tulley, K.C., To- ronto, both formerly of Bowman- __________________________ville, left an estate of $972,393, according to her wilI probated Mn SSTe PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH SUNDAYI DECEMBER 161h il a.m. - While Gifi Service The Junior Choir will Sing 7 p.m. - C.G.I.T. Candlelighting Service FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14th - 8 p.m. The Men's Club will meet TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP 12:15 pan. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7 P.M. JACK AND JILL CLUB OHRISTMAS SERVICE A Christmas story told in pictures with background music by the Jack and Jili Ladies' Octette and maie quartette. Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister Mr. D. C. Peters, Miss Phyllis Challis, L.T.C.M., Director cqf Music A.T.C.M., Organist The Salvation Army DIVISION STREET ~oonel and Mrs. R. Harewood of TORONTO will conduct SPECIAL SERVICES at The Salvation Army Suuday, December l6th 11 a.m. and 7 p.. The Colonel is Second in Command of Ail Salvation i Army Activities in Canada and Bèrmuda. WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US IN THESE SERVICES -- - . - - -.--- - . -PAGE .EMEN Surragate Court Tuesday. Mrs. Tilleoy leit $500 to the Samnaritan Club ai Toronto and $5,000 ta be divided between her nieces, Lena Haddy and Agnes Haddy. Each grandchild will receive $500 and the balance ai the estate wiil be shared by ber daughters, Mrs. Darothy Tiiley Cox and Mrs. Marion Tilley Greey. Nearly 100 Masons from variaus parts af Ontario including Ger- aid Reid Purdy ai Bowmanville, were inducted into the Order ai Nobles ai the Mystic Shrine at the Fall ceremonial and initiation ai Rameses Shnine held at the Rayai York Hotel, Toronto, over the weekend. The unique cere- many, in which Shrine bands and patrols in colorful costumes par- ticipated, was attended by hund- reds af Shriners from ail parts ai Ontario as weli as from Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochiester and other American cities. Darl'ton Ratepayers (Cantinued from Page One) eaçh locaiity ta assist in solicit- ing subscriptions. Assessment Tao High "No one is gaing ta win unless we get at least 50 per cent ai Dar- lington Township ratepayers be- hind this thing," Mr. Werry toid an eager audience. The majarity beiieved the new assessment ta be too high with the job being done "in taa much ai a hurry." Conciuding the short meeting, chairman Charles Rankine asked ail present ta donate one dollar ta the praposed fight. The crowd responded unanimously. Editor's Note-A reply ta Pres- ident Rankine's accusation about The Statesman appears on the editorial page. CorporalClayton (Continued tram Page One) maidens, accordîng ta CpI. Clay- ton, with skirts and sweaters byf far the mast fashionable. Neyer- ( theless, he brought beautiful pad-c ded silk dressing gowns home for t his mother, sister Betty, 22, aaad i youngest sister, Ethel, 18., Un- r fortunately, Ethel was working in t Oshawa when her homeward-v bound brother arrived at 7 Sec- ond St., but the celebration stille went on.V For his brother, Donald, 16. t: CHRISI Spec ai MdURFa Westinghouse Refriger 8 cubic Norge Refrigerator self defrosting REFRIGER Reconditioned ani 6 eubic Fess Space Hfeaters Regular 4-Burner ELECI white enamnel, under oi Reconditioned, guarari Combination Coal and Electric Range -- Beatty Washers- Guaranteed and1 Westinghouse Washer One only, less than year ol( Cln RDaMnge Regular $2: For-$1 Floor Polishers p General Elt New Ingersoll Washers MURP: Furniture & Appi PHNE- In Bowmai -In Oshai PHONE 3-9634 and for bis father, Allen Claytan braught embroidered silk wind- breakers from Japan along with a load ai other souvenirs. The beautiful dressing gawns the girls wear in the picture cost approx- imately $10 (Canadian) each, and when camparing prices, Cpl. Clayton saîd he bought a cigar- ette lîghter and case in Japan for 33 cents. Joining the R.C.R.'s at Peta- wawa ini August, 1950, Cpl. Allen Claytan trained bath in Canada and in the United States before being sent averseas. He arrived in Pusan Harbor, April 3, 1951, went ashore the following day and embarked upon twa wee1ks' intensive training priar ta pushing nortb for front line duty. During bis five months on the front line. he was relieved twice for rest periods wbich enabled him ta go back a iew miles toaa camp and laze laround, eat and wash clothes, for twa weeks an reserve strength. Then up ta Baker Coy. again for another tilt with the cammunists. Wben he signed up in the Kor- ean Brigade in 1950, the hitch, unless emergency arase, was slat- ed for 18 montbs. CpI. Clayton's time runs out same time in Feb- ruary. and wben that month cames be will have t?, make up bis mind whether he likes the rug- ged life ai a soldier. In Cctober, CpI. Clayton met another Bowmanviiie boy in the Korean Brigade. Don Spence, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Spence, 187 King St., who is with a Can- adian tank corps. Canadian Club (Continued on Page Seven) and car for bis prîvate use, anc mnan is assigned ta the visitor's persanal needs, others are alert for his caîl, and the entire staff bows and serapes in bis presence. A picture taken fram bis hotel window in the dity usuaily re--1 ferred ta as "the Pearl ai the Orient," captures a distant view of the blood-won isiands ai Ba- taan and Corregidor. In Manilla itself, a bombed cburcb, pock- mnarked with builet bales, mutely testifies the bitter destruction aif .var. From Manilla, the world trav- eller crossed ta Hong Kong w'here a normal 800,000 popula- tion bas swelled ta 2,500,000. In 'a! or - , $319.00 - . -$399.00 81/ cubic feet RATORS d Guaranteed feet 00 - - for $79.50 $89.50 rBUIC RANGE men, apartment size ateed for one year 50 . . . $99.50 - - - $49.50 Reconditioned - - for $89.50 Id- New price $179.50 ionographW 39.00 ;199.00 ire-fax price $64.50 lectric *-for $134.50 Hay'1,S liance Store 52ll KING ST. W. iwa - 117 SIMCOE ST. S. Hong Kong the speaker encaunt- ered a 130-pound Chinese rick- sbaw man who found diificulty coping with 265 pounds ai reclin- ing Canadian (bis weight). He also told ai being measured for twa suits one marning and receiv- ing them completely finisbed the next aiternoon. He screened pictures ai the British and Can- adian Cemetery on the side ai a hifl at the entrance ta Hong Kong hàrbor, and mentioned that the Chinese in tbat city respect Brit- ish rule. InSingapore. Mr. Wbarry vis- Give Hlm Shaving Essentials by 0Gil1e t te GILLITTE ROCKET RAZOR GIFT SET Any man on your iist wilI welcome * this practical gift.'m includes a Rocket- Razor, 10 Gillette Blue Blades. sturdy extra l-blade dispenser and. tube o0f Gillette'f -Shav ng Creamn- Gift Pack ai 50 Bine Blades - ------------ 2.50 Other Giliette Sets $1.52 to, $6.00 THERMOS BOTTLES Pints - $1.95 up Quarts - $3. up Boxed Sttttionery 50e ta $2.50 Westciox Alarm Ciocks $2.95 ta $8.75 Bathroom Scales d'Borg"o $10.95 "Health-o-Meter" $9.95 "«Safe-Heat" HEAT PAD A fine pad witb 3-beat switch, tbermostatic contraI. $5.49 ited the palatial home ai a China- man who made a fortune seiling Tiger Balm, a kind ai cure-al-ilus product. In Bangkok, Siam, the power shortage is sa great, hotel elevators are rendered almost useless aiter the lights came an at 6 p.m. The speaker's experience in In- dia was flecting. At ane air stop it was 104 degrees in the shade. Mr. Wharry's much used camera snapped a picture ai severai Mos- lems who were on a pilgrimage ta Messa, and be related that these people use their rigbt hand ta eat with, and their leit for sani- tary purpases. "They usuafly use their leit index finger toa dean their gums aiter they cat," Mr. Wbarry said. Canada The Beautifulg *The speaker touched upon the city of Damascus during bis col- ored picture presentation, and also oiiered Canadian Club mcm- bers a view ai London's beautiful Kew Gardens. Returning ta Can- ada via Iceland, the speaker screened autumnal pictures taken in Ibis cauntry. Multi-colorcd Glance over these gift suggestions, typical of the broad range of delightful gifts now on display at your I.D.A. Store. Prices caver a complete range. We suggest yau shop now while the choice is aI its best. $5.00 Value Waterman's "356" ~ Shainri Pen and Pencil Sets Brush for only $3.98 n{e'Il get luxur- ious shaves from this grand soit brusb ai mixed badger & bristle made by Rubber- Gay Gifis by SHULTON ExcelentValus in"OLD SPICE" for MEN Excelen Vales n *Shaving Mug & After Shaving 11H1 TM S C RDSLotion in gift box (right)- $2.85 CHRITMAS ARDSLather Shaving Cream with Family assart- travel sizes of Lotion and ment ai 50 Talcum, in box -----------$20 beautiful greet- Shavlng Mug, individual --- $1:50 ing card folders After Shaving Lotion $1.25-$2.00 9nbo 8e. SHULTON Eariy American & "O0ld Sj,, ~çr~oI.Special-98 Toilet Waters, 4 oz. - $1.75 Att iOther Toilet Soap, Pack , Assortments boxes of 3-------- - $1.50 1.25 - 1.50 25c-49ec-98e $1.00 - $1.25 'YAV S ttur SGay Dressings to Make Your Christmas -A Parcels Look Their Best. . RAZOR KIT Enclo sure Cards Ribbon and Twine ---' America's Seals & Tags Wrapping Paper ostar 'T . hfrld electric $Mûdlut "Scotch Brand" Christmas Cellulose Tap shaver. clmanua. 10c and 25c $60 The new shape .. in smart, Shows-.. Pen ..,s i4k goid point, one-1 stroke filler, lustrous finish- es. Sets baxed, as illustrated ---------$5.00 "356" Pen 3.50 - Pencil 1.50 Waterinan's Bal leaves lended beautifully ini th; faîl pattern usually laken for granted by Canadians. It was the beauty /f fafl, together with the ricbness oi changing scasons, that prompted Mr. Wharry ta sayr praudly, "Therc's nathing a» beautiful as this country." The speaker was tbanked for bis "entcrtainincr and education- al" presentation by Milton Ellijot. "The contrast yau offered," Mt. Eiliott said, "lwauld make anyone proud ta be a citizen ai Ibis great Dominion." Give a CAMERA New BROWNIE HAWKEYE FLASH OUTFIT Everything needed for good in. door or outdoor snapshots... flash model Hawkeye camnera flash-h-IcIer, huibs, batteries, etc -M $15.75 Duafiex Il Kodet Lens $18.00 F8 lens - $27.75 Baby Brownie $3.50 Rele Br 1n5.Rele Men's Billfold Regular $3.35 value ------ Has an ali-around flat zipper, 4 "swings", dome money purse, etc. Styles for the seasoned smoker or the Young man! Dry - cool lpà>n &- - dean 4 SFILTER PIPE - $1.79 ALBION Genuine Bilai Pipe 69e Carburetor Yello-Boie ----- $2.50 Dr. Plumb's Perfect Pipe -- $3.50 Rollit Briar - Humidome Goo-Trap ---------- -------- 5.75 Kayivoodie Drinkless - London made----------------------------- $6.00 There's a Manicure Gift Set for Everyono "Sby BEVLON «KYCRUISER"-Luxurious lined fold-up case with snap fastener, hold- ing 4 Revion preparations, pusher, cuticle stick, 2 emery boarg.s, file and lipstick ------- ---------- $6.00 Other Revion Nail Enamel and Lipstick Sets $1.00 - $2.25 by CHEN-YU "IDREAMBOAT" - Chen-Yu Lipstick g and Nail Lacquer neatly set ia a styro- uIfoam Sali Boat --------------------- ---$1.50 -lji ~ Other delightful Chen-Yu * ,Sets at --------- ------- $1.50 and $3.OC. Manicure Sets by CUTEX 89c - $1.25 - $2.50 - $4.25 practical gift case. - Gif t box cantains k en se BrcerShave Cream, $16 Meninen's MensSet B Talcum S Perkins' Billfolds Made $2.75 to $5.50 ]French Briar PpeGenuie $ 5 aue $2.49 Make Your Guifs Unforgettable! YARDLEY Men's Gift Sets 2.25-2.75-$3. up Ladies' Gift Sets-- 1.95-$3.-3.95 up Engiish Lavender, Sprinkler botties 1.50-2.25-3.50 Lavender or April Violets Dusting Powder ------------- --- $1.85 Lotus, Fragrance or April Violets Cologne- 1.75-$3. Ronson Lighiers Courfley- -z "Medallist" - jewel-tones witb monogram shicld $6.50 I t, 3 for iaaies tractively kaged Sets - S2. -3.50 -$5. Schick 'Twin-Jector" Set Razor and 40 blades in plastic case. Palmolive and Coigate Shave Sets ------------ $1.35 up Schick Electrie Shavers ---------- $29.50 - $32.75 Rubberset Shave Brushes ----------- 1.00, $2.00 lin Shaving Mug, Shave Lotion or Men $1 Perfume Afomizers For the Kiddies! CLOWN BRUSH & COMB SET with "Clown" pull-toy, as iilustrated. $1.00 Other Brush& Comb Sets $1.25 to $2.25 Playing Cards Double Decks $1.25, $1.50, $2.50: Duratone 2 matching decks in fabric carrying case, in gold em- bossed box with transparent Piasti4 'd'over. Alex. We Deliver De Vilbîss1 'Long-to-be-remembered Guits by ... - RICHARD HUDNUT PERFUMES 0F DISTINCTION as iliustrated One-dram viai on colourful Christmas tree decoration. f Other Gemney Perfumes $1.75 and $3.75 Styrofoam wreaths with 1-oz. of Gemey, R.S.V.P. or Vogue "Essence" -- -1------- "Essence Book", R.S.V.P. and s uemey in r al ~umus- -- --- 20 Gifis for NEW BABIES HANKSCRAFT * ~ Automatic-Electrie I[I BABY BOTTLE 1'JlIhl WARMER Mother will appreciate this practical git. $3.25 $3.95 - $5.95 Rempel Animal Rubber Toys - - ----- 69e tmp Baby Scaies, dlock dial $8.10 Baby's Own Bath Sets---- $.00, $2.00, $2.50 Johnson's Baby 75c Gift Boxes SSc, 81.85 Taylor Fine Soaps ROSE SOAP 3 rase-scented cakes, Cellophane wrappcd in colourful $1.25 Other attractive boxes 55c, 69C PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MocGrego)r, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store LADIES' HAIR BRUSHES "Crystalite" Purse Kit ai brush & comb in zipper case. 980 Pro-phy-iac-tic Jewelite Roil Wave $3.95 Elgin American COMPACTS $3.95 - $5.50 Others $2.25 ta $8.00 Pond's Angel Face in mirror case $1.65 Pond's GuIf Set of Angel Face and Lipstick $2.25 The Perfume ai Romance. . . Evening in Paris TASSEL il box. In beautiful gift Package $1.00 '4; . -:Gold ~Flaconette I. $1.50 \~ Other sizes of Perfume $1.25, $2.0 Eveaing in Paris Eau de Cologne and Toilet Water ---$1.0o-$1.85 Drugs Phone 792 'p E' 1! Ml 'i Et MI El ~ lii !; I~ MI E' E' El il 'i Mv 'i El E! MI Ml .11 Ml Mi El Mi El MI M i M M M M E il il,' 1 it THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO ift à fflm «ý practical gift case. $2.791 $6.501

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