>?HUItSDAY, DEC. 20th. 1951 A~~~ 'TUE C JN2DLALN SAÂLELVJAN', BOUWZAINVMU' ,ONTARIO PAE ___ AV*t a - -- - I Ers. Deering Portrays the Slory Of the Four Wise Men h'y Van Dyke AI the B. & P. Woiuen's Club With the graphic portrayal of Gad so loved the warld that he the stary of the Fourth Wise Man, gave His anly forgotten Son." '1~ told bY Mns. W. E. Deering ai the trust," said Mrs. Deering, in con- Salvation Army, the Business and clusion, 1'that He shall be God's Proiessional Women's Club kept well remembered Son." the truc meaning of Christmas Mrs. Deering was introduced dominant in their Decemnber meet- by Mrs. Eva Whitehead whoj inig, held on Thursday evening sketched briefl Mrs. Deering's Carol singmng, festive decora- She has served with the Army ini tionis af evergreen and poinsettias, Ncwfoundland, Southern Rho- and dinner o! roast chickcn and desia. and the Immigration Office ni.ep le, with ahi the trim- at Toronto befare coming ta Bow- carried out the Christmas manvihle. Mns. Deering remank- 1Peand made the occasion ed that the poinsettia decarations truly memorable. A red folder, a! the evening reminded her of bearlng the picture of a lighted how-they grew wild in profusion Christmas tree, and cantaining autside her hause in Southern the dinner menu and evenings Rhodesia. Mrs. Anna Watsan ex- programme, also a numben af pressed the appreciatian af the Christmas canols, added an at- Club members for Mrs. Deering's tractive touch; a 'mum corsage inspiring Christmas message and and poinsettia hat af red card- Presîdent Violet McFeeters also board for each memben and guest thanked the speaker, saying that present completed the party at- the Club in its Christmas panty mosphere. A littie green memo did flot want ta leave the Christ pad was set at each place, the gift out of Christmas. of President Violet McFeeters. Carol-singing from the beau- Using a flannelgraph, Mrs. tifully decorated programme of Decning portrayed the stor *y of i the evening, xvas led. by Mrs. the Faurth Wise Man, by Henry Deening, and later by Margaret Van Dyke, with pictures whicn Stacey, with Helen Nelles at the made the wonderfui tale came piano. alive befone the eyes of her hear- A highlight o! the evening was ers. The Fourth Wise Man, who, the arrivai of Santa Claus and th-2 as the stary gaes, missed the tryst presentation of gifts ta each per- with the others because he stop- son present. He wvas a very jolly ped ta minister to a man who xvas Santa, but turned a bit awkward in need, and searched for- 33 years on a couple of occasions, demand- for the Christ, was consoled as ing the answers to iddles before he lay dying, by a voice which he handed over his gifts. It al assured him: "Inasmuch as yýe contrihuted ta the hilarity, how- have donc it unto ane of the least ever. and receiving two gifts of these my brethren. ye have himself, Santa retired in happy donc it unto Me." mood ta the singing a! Jingle Perhaps, Mrs. Deering said, we Bells. The gifts ta Santa Claus are taa concerned in these times were presented by Margaret with giving and getting. We Nichais and Helen Nelies. should remember that the first Miss Lamna Fletcher was a guest Chrstmas gift was the most won- o! the Club and delighted her au-1 denful o! al, the gi!t of. God's dience with a piano solo, 'Clair1 Son. A little boy in Sundav de Lune" by Debussy, and encore School class reccntly necited his of lively variations on "Turkey Scipture verse this way: 'For In The Straw." Betty Sisson sangj TO Y .OU .. .. CORONAT..ION .CA...... A REO ROYALE (11.1H) Power Mower0' Don Mecregor Hardware Co. PHONE 3386 BOWMANVILLE 59 KING ST. W. 1 PONTYPOOL A numben fnom hene attendec the Council-sponsoned dance a Janetvilhe on Wednesday evening Gaad music was pnovided by laý cal talent. During thé evenini Mn. John Burn acted as chair. man and speeches were given b: elected and defcated candidates Mns. Earl Argue also gave samt humonous readings. The celc brations will end with a dance ai Bethany on Monday evcning. This community was greati' shockcd by thc seniaus accideni near Jýnetvîile causing the, death of Mn. Lloyd Stnong ai Janetville seniously injuning Jackc Henna and lesser injuries ta Neal Me- Neil, Wilson Staples and Ray Stinson. Wc understend that the car -drvcn by Wilson Staples cnashed into a truck perked an the side ai the road. Vlslbillty was pon and the men were return- ing fnam work at Oshawa. Theit Young men are weil knawn hent and wc regret this unfartunate accident. We extend aur sincent sympathy ta the bercaved, Mn. Strang leaves a wife and twc children and is a son ai Mn. Isaiali Stnong o! Bethany and bas- sev- eral brothens and sistens. .1 have been esked by the Hick- ey family ta extendi their sincene thenki ta the Selvation Army, neighbors, press and al athers vho nendened assistance ta theni after their serious, laisà ramn fine. Another of aur hiféiong citizens has le! t us for the winter months in the persan af Mn. Lau William- aon wha is with bis brother in Toronto. We trust thet Mn. Wil- liamsan wiil enjay bis stey in To- ronto and came back in the pnxng ta meet bis many fniends here. Our congratulations go ta Mn. and Mns. Leray Hyland on the nnrival o! a deughten. We understand another of aur lcal boys is on bis way ta Ger- riany in the persan o! Mn. An- rew Rennie. Andy is a Vetenail :f World Wan II and we sure wish imn the very best and a safe and speedy neturn to bis many [ends hene. Christmas concerts are the am- er o! the day and practically very night will sec Santa visit- ng the several schools in this ,mmunity. Special Candlelight Services vene held ait the United Church )n Sunday evcning. Considering ;b-zero weathcr and paon noed moditions a good congregation vas present. Local choir render- Id two antherris and Miss Jean oulter gave a sola with Rev. eilogg in charge o! the service. ýoung People's arc gaing strong )t have dispenscd with their ristmas perty duc ta sa many hen events this wcek. We wish ta extend ta the nead- s a! this column aur niait sin- ï e t a P. h s i ri -SI hl ai ai I di ol hi SI fr di lei in cc or w; ed ci Kg Y,: lot as D- -Y ýy the beautifiil solo, "He Shall Fee Hîs Flock" by Handel,, which wa, most appropriate for the Christ. mas theme of the meeting. A draw made by Lama P'letch. er was won by Mary Jewell. Thc prize, a two pound box of chocc. l4tes, Mary shared wlth thait present. Proceeds ai the dram will be given to the Lions Christ« mas Seal Fund. Margaret Stacey was- chairman of the Programmn Committee and conducted a nurn ber of garnes. She was assiste. in the Human Bingo gaine by Margaret Nichais. Wlnneru in this were: Vivian Prout, Helen Weddell and Ruth Burgess. A spelling contpst was conducted by Helen Nelles in which the winners were: Mns. W. E.-Deernn and Pat Berger; Mary Jeweil and Reita Rabbi. In a short business meeting con- ducted by President Violet Mc- Feeters, it was decided that the Bowmanville Club would con- tribute toward a gif t ta be made ta Mns. Marjorie Pewtriss who for the past two years has been Regional Adviser, and is now Pro- vincial President. Letters fran Mrs. Pewtriss in her new ca- pacity, and Mrs. G. D. Canant, the new Regional Adviser, were read ta the members by Helen Weddeil and President Violet. The president announced thai Christmas greetings will be sent from the Bowmanvjlle Club toala1 clubs in this district, No. 5. The meeting closed with the singing of 'Hark The Herald An- gels Sing"' and the Club Creed. cere wishes for a very Merry Christmnas and a Prosperous New Year. WÉ have reoeived greet- ings tram readers as far distant au Newfoundland who appreciate hearing the local news. Any con- tribution we have made ta aur readers is gladly given and we wiUl be glad in the future ta pass on the news we have at aur dis- posai. NE WTON VILLE tg ýd le W y t. it d Ln ,n Mrn. Cecil Burley is spendiný Aa week with her. daughter anc ýd son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs, Earli LeMcEwen of Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Sha%ý Sand family are leaving an Tuesda3 ta spcnd Christmas with his par. -ents et Junipen, New Brunswicki Mn. and MNrs. Garwood Daynarc e and daughter, Kitchener, spcný t- Sunday with his parents, Mn. anc * Mmi. James Daynard. * Wc are giad to hear that Mr ILloyd Clysdale has been allowed -ta retunn home from' the hospital n and is feeling pretty good. Mr. Willis Jones, Mr. GeorgE Turner and Mn. Robert Cooper. eCobourg, made a business trip tc aCannington an Monday. t Mr. and Mrs. Robent Mortan, t Kendal, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred 1Nesbitt on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glover, Mr. E Bil Danlington and friend anc -Mrs. Agnes Dalington motored ta Strat!ond an Sunday to see the latten's daughter, Mns. Gardon Smith who is in hospital there. Mns. George Hicks o! Foxboro, who has just retunned from a two weeks' trip ta Florida was 1with Mrs. Bert Samis on Wed- tnesday. The response ta the White Gifi Service at Sundayr School on Sun- day morning, articles for a needy family fihled two bushel hampens. It cetainly was grand ta, have aur sidewalks piowed out s0 pnomptly aften Friday night's stonm. If Mr. Huggins is flot engaged by Clarke Cauncil we will have ta make it ight in- dividtialiy. Thene will be a special Christ- mas Service next. Sunday, Dec. 23rd. The animais, dressed dolis, etc., made by the members of Topsy Turvy Club under the leadership ai Mrs. (Rev.) D. T. Lancaster and ta be sent ta the Sick Children's Hospital wene an dispiay in the church Sunday evening. They were really wonderful and would compare favorabiy with anything you could buy in a tay shop. The girls af the Tapsy Turvy Club held a Mother and Taughter! evening in the United Chunch basement on Tuesday. The girls entertained with a short musical prognam and games. Reports were given by Secretary Margaret Brown and Treasurer Gwen Stark. President Bevenly Berton invited the mothers ta view the handwork donc since September, articles for a Christmas box ta be sent ta the Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto. Mothers and daughtens set dawn ta a bounti- fui lunch. The meeting con- cludcd with a short worship ser- vice. Genevieve Stapieton was the accompanist for the evenircg. The girls cantnibuting their wonk for the box wene: Bevenly Barton, Gweni Stark, Marie and Margaret Brown, Joan Walkey, Canal Reich- rath, Barbara Ovens, Betty Gibbs, Genevieve Stapleton, Joyce and Betty Hatherhey and Mýargaret Lancaster. ENNISKILLEN The W.M.S. met at the home a! Mrs. R. Ormiston on Dec. Il. A nicely decorated Christmas tree and the program were in keep- ing with the Christmas spirit. Mns. R. McLaughlin had charge o! the Devotional assisted by Mrs. G. Yeo. Sulent prayer was ot- fened. The rail call was answer- cd by 'Aim for 1952." Mns. M. Stainton gave information about the 1952 allocation. Mms. T. Sli.- mon read "The Value o! Tact. Piano duet by Mrs. L. Lamb and Mrs. M. Stainton. The intemest- ing stany o! "The Other Wise Man," was tohd vemy capably b\, Mrs. 'R. Y. Seymour. Mrs. H. McGilh voiced her appreciation of. the fine ca-openation of the of- ficens af 1951. Rev. R. Seymour conducted the election oi officers far 1952: Pres- ident-Mirs. H. McGill; lst Vice- Pres.-Mrs. E. A. Werry; 2nd* Vice-Pres.-Mns. E. Trewin; Re- cording and Press Sec'y-Mrs. M. Hobbs; Assistant-Mrs. L. Weann; Corresponding Sec'y-Mrs. A. Sharpe; Treas, and Missionarv Manthly Sec'y-Mrs. T. Sieman; Supply Committee-Mrs. R. Or- miston, Mrs. A. Brunt; Commun- ity Friendship Sec'y-Mrs. M. Trewin, Mns. E. A. Werry; Chris,, tian Stewardship Sec'y-Mrs. M. Stainton; Temperance and Citi- zenship Sec'y-Mrs. R. McGill: Literature Sec'y-Mrs. J. Sleman: Pianists.-Mrs. L. Lamb, Mrs. Miv. Stainton; Blaby Band-Mrs. L. Lamb' Mns. R. McLaughiin. Mis- sion Band Superintendent-Mrs. L. Ashtn--Assistan-M- L jWearn, Mrs. J. Slemon, Mrs. 0, Ashton, Mrs. A. Boyd, Mrs. G. Irwin: Auditors-Mrs. O. Ashtan, Mrs'. A. Bayd. Ontario alane exports between a third and a balf of ail the raw wood that is sold abroad for man- ufacturing into pulp and paper products. The trouble with politics is that haif of those qualified do flot vote. and haîf of those who vote are flot qualified. A smile is one medium of ex- change that is always worth mare than its face value. List year Canadians spent $11,- 800,000,000 an gaods and services, more than three times as much as in 1939. For qulck resufla - use The Ok~ 3169. Moses 3167, McKnight Statesman Clasaiiled Adu. I -- AI. Osborne's Teamn Finishes First In Major Bowling Lge. The first sc.hedule playaffs are ven and the ad saying "The lat shal be first" ran true ta form as Osborne's team who finished last in the regular schedule romped home with 3290 pins ta win the money. Osbonne's team consisted of Dave Higgon, Art Spicer, Art Bell, Sam Woods, Aif Samells, Ray Fry and AI Osborne. Daug. Taylor's team was next with 3276. folloWed by Gearge Piper 3266, Bagneli 3214. Elliott 3205, Westlake 3197, Little 3188, 3155, A. Piper 2916 and Hoar 2957. Geoige Ellilott laJi nIn Christmas turkey roll ibd Ïtis Ila thc forin 6f a mldxed tounameaqt The pins should be flylng An great style this week asthc bowl- ers try ta wln a free Chriatinas dinner. The second schedulc wlU start an Wednesday. Jan. 2nd, the daY aiter New Year's, sa 'he coe#N should not be toc, hlgh for the apening night. The executîve of Uic Menaà Major League wlsh a very MeMT Chrlstrnas and a Happy New Year toalal the Major I*ague bowlers. Sis Our yonle: ýay yct ;stmas,t hip of Io >wship a of frienc aoythe1 Sa full ni ~aga Bi or ORO i-oz loaf 24-oz lo L< .~-.- e ~evel) ionsh t e10 Prices in Effect untit Mon., Dec. 24th nc CHRISTMAS POULTRY- Ai! Government Graded YOUNG T U KEY Under 19 Ibs lb 7 c Over 19 Ib i l65c 73 4$[5 e GEESE Young Tender Grade A lb 59c nn1r 'DUCKLS. Young Tender Grade A tb .59c CRCESRaasting, Large Milk Fed Grade A lb 59c M IL K SCAPONS Milk Fed Grade A lb 63c HT Choice Grade "A» HT t ~CHRISTMAS HAMS DIIGFW bleSIE 4 SSWIFT'S PREMIUM, Biiar m l l LCD2- WhoIa or Haîf lb 68c For Stuff ing-Brookfiojd MAPLE LEAF, Buffet lb SAUSAE NEAT lb U47cCE Style, WhoI .eor Half 1685c Choie Fruit * MEAT 47c PREMIUM SMOKED,'f 5 Whole or Haif lb 63c FMNCIEMEAT b 5 MBONELESS SMOKED, 89 Chapped By the Piets lb 89NY UT Zc lona Halva. BID EY UETlb -Sc PEACHES Ann Page Austral BartIett FRUIT CAKE 3lbrig 9 PageS AI erSweet KETCHEUP MRIIED PICKLLES ¶6-ai jar 30C Fancy Large SBlack Diamond SHimanp SOLD CHREESE lb .59CBrnwc Dubarry's Asorted SAIRDIME CHEOCOLATES 1-lb box 6,5< cyOST A&P Fanczy olaured Xmas TO MRATO JUICE 20 a lin 14 ccCANDLES FRUT C CKTIL 28-oz in 46CJUICE IrllUIT OCKT IL itchell'@ Apple SPoultry JUICE SDIRESSING shaker ilC Campbel's McLaren'& Stuffed TOMATO 509 SOLIVES MNAIL 6a r79, RITZ SLibby'& Tender King PanLo SGREEN PEAS 21-ztn37 PaLoaf CIESI Ykon Club (Contents only) STORE HOURS GINGER ALE 8 a.m. Io 6 p.m. Mapla eu OPEN MONDAY, DEC. 24TH MIenSpaSceM A CLOSED ALL DAYOcaSrySue CHRISTMAS AND CRANDERRT BOXING D Green Giant NIBLETS Californ a NiveI, Large Sire Xmas, Fancy-200's CHRIS, SORANGES doz 55 rCND Florida, Jucy, Sv4eet, No. 1-176't A. TANGERINES -doz29c Cape Cod, Late Howe Variety, NoC.ea SCR9ANDERRIIES 1-lbcolla pack 33c 12-oz. YAMS Louisianna Kiln Dried No. 1 2 ibs 33c SSPIROUTS1 Brussels California Fresh Green No. 1 lb 23c Victoria Mi IGREEN DEIANVS Florida Tender Stringless No. 1 lb 19c1-.- CELEIBY Stalks, Bradford Sweet Pascal Large suze Na. 1 Z for 29C I NUTSÇ Christmas Mixture, al ncw 1951 crap, fancy 1-lb cello pack 49c ---- IDATECS Colifarnia Fresh Cal-trop Brand. faincy Z 8-oz -eilo p1kgs 9A-/ " season of the yeari ýr sincere wish fori )u have a MerryI the happy campn.i oved ones, the worm and the understond- ids. New Year hald fori icasure of hoppiness us Ot A&P. R EADi 15e Wa 14c< 2"z oin Zc i 28-ex lOn 35Ci 41cA-02 ýn 71C[ 3 tins J15C fls in 69C Zfor, c Z 2"-e tins 27c Mt 20-oz tins :ZIc .1 10-oz tins 25e 16-ex pkg 37c lb 45C 30-oz bits 25Sc 2lb fin4 5C 16-x tin 24C 2 214-oz tins 33C iTNAS SPECIALS Candies - 35C lix candies -39c GROUND lb96c âE: mi] PROCLAMATION DOXING DAY Wednesday, Dec. 26,1'51 1 hereby declare Wednesday, December 26th, 1951, as Boxing Day for the Town of Bowmanville and request ail citizens to observe the saine. Lawrence C. Mason, Mayor Town of Bowmanville GOD SAVE THE KING 1 UP ' lln=]DAY, DLPC. 2fth. 1951 0"». efAVATtTAt efrAPPVeRA%? 150%uvtjm &,Knr" 9 m ý«- . --- At this ý 0 s c IA e c b c 01 ei ý 1 1 ý r.