'TRUR DAYDEC. Oth.1951THE CANAD!A!iSTATESM"Ii. OWMANVMLLP. ONTARIO PAGE RWWd new year and a new tern Il jJan. 3. Occurrence of Christ Ion a Tuesday makes possible SOCIAL ANDl PERSONAL of the lnetYltd oi Phone 663 for the pupils and their teaci 1 -b Who would want ta 1 mumps during the Christmas Mr. Wellington Smith. Fort ough, after services on Christmas iite orflottht hatis Francis, lhas been visiting Mr. and Day pe'ngo nta 24 children l1 Mrs EmoAndrsn.Mr. Wallace Miller and MiI-ss lope according ta the Cou Mr. Harold Ellhott. Detroit, Beth Miller attended the funeral1 HealIth Unit report for Dec. Mich., is vstng his brother, Mr. of Mrs L. Amy in Toronto, on1 Nine other cases of commu M. J. Elliott and Mrs. Elliott . 1uesdy Mrs. Amy and her for- able diseases are r ep orl Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie, mer husband, Dr. A. H. Miller, throughout the counities. Pontypool, spent last Sunday withspent sexeral summers at Ba.x- St. Paul's Evening Auxili Mr. and Mrs. Vertil McMullen. manv ile Beach. met in the Sundav School rn Winners of the Lions Club Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Minore and of the church on Mi\ondav-. D .kockey draw for December 22 sons, Robert and Bruce, Hamil- J. McQuarrie led in a Christi ~re Jack Higgons and Jim Callan. ton; Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Westman, Candlelight service. She wvas Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bower will Joan and Sheila,-Toronto, visited sisted by Mrs. K. Hall, Miss vist tei daghtrMrs Jaestheir mother and grandmother Carruthers, Mrs .A. McGreý Bryce, Stratford, and rîew grand- Ms. M.ofH. Mire, oy nnther- Mrs. R. Dax'ies and Mrs. G. W son, kvicasionro!hbermabirthdaylanniwer-.ster. Mrs. Webster read a be MMErestHun an Shron ar~lat wek.tiuai story entitled, 'A Christr AnnEanstHunt a endiarng According ta E. A. Summers, Gift."' A social time was tl chistas hid.arespeith erAgricultural Representative, four enjoyed. Cher rsm s hoR. Wsithd e district boys will attend the short MiE moterMrs R.Witerige. course New Years week at the Ms. C1a * -ton, 731 Shaw' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston, Ontario Agricultural College, Toronto, vrites: Please find SE Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilkins, Guelph. They are: Newton Selbv o eea f h ttsa Caurtice. visited Mr. and MI-S. and Gerald Brown, Newcastle-,,mn>xself and also for Mr. J. La Ralph Ormiston, Bowmanvîlle. and Raymond Osborne and Wes- ett, Manchester, England. Last-minute shoppers are still ley Down, of Ebenezer. know how disappointed ti woulcl be not to receive the pal: in time ta send The Statesman as Peterborough Presbytery of the Thev look forwxard ta its com a 52-weeks Christmas gift ta a Presbyterian Church bas grant- eveiy v eek. While 1 was on h( distant relative or next door ed permission ta Rev. F. R. M\en(- day i b England I could catch neighbor. dith of St. Pals Presbyterlan on Bovnïiii'Ile news as weii, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ilornigold. Church, Bowmanviile, ta accept ia îhey aixxaYs seat it on Io Bowmanvilie, were amiong th'-. eall ta Newmarket. Rev. Loul., xxhcre I stavcld ni ianked out-of-town guesis at the Rod- Foxvler of Port Hlope xiii f111 th(' for having àt Sent. rigue-Ogden wevridiog at Sirncoe pulpit at Bownianvillie until a Str'eet United Church on Dec. 8tb. nexv minîster is seccred. Dr. andci Mrs. W. IL Birks Rev. Warren N. Turner and Christmas hoiidav-, xvii1 start this week ceiebrating their 2ý Mrs. Turner together xith Ana, Priday for Bowmanivlie public Ianlniversar »v no.,îlot ilieir wi Francis and Mary, xiii visit Mr. and secondary selhool ptipils. Attil bt'ei rivib and Mrs. W. F. Turner. Peterbai xxiii retura ta classes ta start a inanville xxhen Dr. Birks pur( ased the practice and residence Dr. B. J. lIazel ,xooci. The Stat ~ <~ g ~~ "~'~ ~m an joins vi th the ir m any frici Ch 1in exteading cordial congratu tuons an this milestone of lf S t. John's Anglican Chur'ez ish for them uinanxy picasant r 41 monoes oftersjon mn Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. I fv the o-nrn ao LIS and mai tevenjoy m moorexvears in their adopted toi 4ih Sunday in Chrisimas hstrbbeoeom ýî The Globe & Mail in its 'C AQveChistmnas Eve J Iundred Xears Ago- roluma pi a.m. CHORL A ished this item of Nov. 1, 18ý CIIORL tî Mightv Buxx'ianvilE. -- We p HOLYCOMMNIONsume that niot manv' of aur rea Christmas Day ers are aware that Mr. Niba COMMUNION 8:0,' inr a iis village, bakes on ana Il a.m. - HOLY erage a barrel of flour per d. MATINS COMMUNION during the year round. Ti 10:30a.m.- '~speaks welI for the -eating pi 7 13.. - FMILYpensities" Of mun villagers, a P.M. FAMLY f must be considerable in favon A Service of IVORSHIP Frepraton or nd oIyMn. Muir. who deserxes ta be pi Cheprionfo andComnin troaized. -Bowmanx'ille Repoi Chritmas Comunio er." Our local historian and act Agenari an friead, Wes. Percv, te us a Mr. Mtîir kept a bake shý aext ta Fran k Cryderman's hou on Sitx'er St. wvhon lie was a b and he remembers how the a -gent ex'ery aight ivotld take h -- nypua p ta the north end of ti S T. FAUL'S U141[TED CHUKLfl toxxn, ta put it out ta graze in field. St. Paul's Men's Clul S Sunday School Enterfainment ÏElect Officers With 'J Friday, December 21sf - ai 8 p.m.Do L wsn Pr . SSt. Paul's United Church Men Club held an organiation mecl g4 ing on Fnuclax exenuag, Dec. 1. S unday, December 23rd A oittn omite oss r'ý ing of Messrs. A. McGregor, E 10 a.ni. - SUNDAY SCHOOL aWOi'îW and H-. G. -lacking wa Ag formed ta bring in a slate of offi cers. Mr. 1-acking reported fo il a.rn. - CHRISiiTMAS SERVICE the comimittee with the foilowin lT siate, xxhich ,vas îînanimausly ac 7 p.m. - CHORAL M1 cepted: President-Donald Law SERVICE XM son; Vice -Pres iden t--Robenrt Da By enir Coir ~ ,ies: Secy Geo, W. Grahanr By Seior Coir Treas. Don Bac. "THE ADORATION">~ On aCCOLnot of the inclemerl wveather, attendance xvas not a By Nevin Klange as had becit hoped for. For- Smation of cammittees \vas there fore left until the next mecetin( Awhich ivill be Friday, Jan. Il A xhen the programme vii be ii charge or t he executix'e. A IWARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU THIS SUNDAY AT THE CH-RISrÎ1NAS SERVICES 0F . . . .,. . . .k. . nonf St. Paul's W.M.S. Hearing Aids Beat egtidvdalhaigad n ir he ie ss as Chitmasi vr tmaî Bevis. eihe nivamly ing hapids tdFreÇ jfSand reinas o aersp ane Elect New 0f ficers Installed for Deaf îsa te, api ino! whepdolpit Saf et yHints To pStad treeiii al o aTeissup- hes For Coming Year In United Church really need the individual device. Avoid Fires tad rigotpoes have Crims -- It is the expectation that the in- Neyer use lighted candles an a fes- Chita meeting a! St. Paul's (Intended for last week) stallation will be complete and The following information is Christmas tree. want W.M.S. was held at the home of The minister of Newcastle Un- in perfect operatian for dedica- released by Fîre Chie! Lucius If tree needles near decorating Pap rt Th Smetn wcalsteropn e b 1M8. ited Chùrch announced last Sun- tion Christmas Sunday morning, Hooper in corder that Bowman- lights start turning brown it i' nt.C. Lunney with the singing of day rn~n htti ekwud December 23. ville residents may enjoy a fire- time ta change the position of the Christmas 2arols, and the Lord's see the instailating af the Memi- The cammittee authorized, ta- fe hita esn ihs nic- Praye r repeated in unisan. Mrs. anial Acousticon and amplifier gether with the minister, ta carry A~a1Crsmste sls Use flameproof decorations as t e d H. Galbraith led in responsive which aught ta be at least in the out this assignment cansists o! hazardous than a large tree. much as possible and keep an ex- reading o! the scipture. Mrs. J. experimental stage next Sunday. Messrs. W. F. Rickard, Charles Set up tree as close ta Christ- tinguisher, bueket of water or lirA. Cox gave Longfellow's poem This installation will ýprovide Cowan and Charles Glenny. mas as passible and take it down garden hase handy just in case. iy "Christmas Belis." The message ziaun o! Bethlehem was given by Mrs. VIrz. H. Ferguson. Mrs. Geo. Chase and Mas Mrs. C. Lunney gave very appro- as- pniate verses on the "Thoughts o!f H. Mary and Joseph on the way ta gai', Jenusaiem." The president, Mrs. eb- W. H. Carruthers closed this part au- af the meeting with prayer. ,mas Miss L. Sexsmith, seconded by , - hnMiss E. Orchard, moved a very hearty vote a! thanks ta aur St., president. Mrs. W. H. Carruthers 6.00 for the success a! the W.M.S. dur- t ta) ung lier term in office. Satisfac- ck- tory reports fram ail departments 1 x'ere gix'en. - ýhey Report of the nominating cam- Cheramy April Showers Give years of pleasure- Pen. mittee for 1952 was given by Mrs. PrePerfumYo'Ill-e te-on-n-nceofshopig or gîve... .ig S. McAllister and presente dby -----cr---Baby-- 75e gifts inik the fredl tosperie of hoploaligA.a AM R aoil- Mrs. Geo. Chase as follows: akcatBb itintefinlamop r fyu oalIDA LiO Past Peiet s .H. Bottie Warmers ------ -- $3.25 up druggist's. There you will find gifts for everyone a C M R -89 for ariies President-Mrs. W. Clown Brush and on your it at pie you can afford to pay. Brownie Hawkeye - 6.75- 9 me cnun:Vice-Presidents -1s obSt$.0 ayBrwi pca 35 nflC \,,s. K. Verry, 2nd Mr. .Ari Rempel Animal Fatrn Brownie Reflex $15.03 MsD.A i- Rubber Toys ---- 6eu lteigFragrances ...Others - __ sq.25 ta $27.75 . stead, 3rd Mrs. H. Galbraith, 4th Firs Aid Kts S1.Otiý RCHRuH DN TBroulnie are' Mrs. O. Bragg; Press and Rec. yRC A DH D U Hawke3'e 5hSee'y -Mrs. J. A. Cox; Christian"GMYTRE AL aslutrtd etStexvardship.--Mrs. D. S. McGreg- . FlashREBALasilutatd ,,,- or; Assstant-Mrs. S. McAllister; Fas ch- TreaSuirer-Mrs. Gea. Chase; Cor.~~ 1 dram vial on colourful ChristmasOufl _ of Sec'y--Mrs. Robt. Hetherin gtan "1ree decoration ------- --- $1.50 Ofi .eý- Comm. Friendship-Mrs. E. Dil ,..' Contauns allthe I à rîdq ling; Miss. Monthly Sec'y-Mrs. ~ u~e~*. j Other Gemey Perfumes ---$1 53.75 neds for undoor f la- R. Wh)itmee; Sîîppiy See'y MsLL>L and outdoor - s fI aidc Chas, Cannuithers; Temperance- ~ TALCUM "CRACKERS" snapshots.M -n Mus. C, Papineau; Literature- WA LI Yanky Claver or Three ('amera, Bulbs, Film, Etc. gs r.C. Lunaey; Graup Leades 9 W LE For T1u infl îay 1 Mrs. O, Bragg and MrsK-9 Xmas wrap- 85e w'n Werny; 2 Mrs. C. Lunney; 3 Mis Pun morocco, Yanky Claver Cologne $57 A, M OcGregorMinBanF. rs ~alligator orcord wt tmzr $.5SYLVANIA FLASH 1BI LBS AE. Orhar Mson.Banright g_______________e_ _____________ Fine gi!t for flash camera Mrs. J. Thompson; Baby Band finish in durable users.9 )ne Mns. H. Turner, Mrs. F. Blunt, plastic. Each has Always Popular! For that Particular Popular types ax'ailable 51: - . T. Carter.isdchneGtmn... Singles - 18c, 19c, 20e9 .ib 1: ' punsde.caneGILLETTE GITS Gentlemano 10 . ýr -Gillette (P T f"T ' ne- (BuOcatoTa!10 ak Organ Company Here's a handy gift.. Shaving Kit U UlLL v-Musical Monitor W TR A ' $1.52 Gifi Set h on nSask.- (left) - Holds adBL nd A ine e ii g ow a yleB a l P ointer R z r p c s M i P O INuT publication, dated January, 1890, Smrl tldLýo at cmebak matl syldBiades and a Lotioný E at- caebk ta its binth-place last and reliable. tube o! Gillette ta sancs trouh uusua cic oly j5QLather Cream._____.____ Reluable *jMonitor," dated January, 1890, ol 15 Other 'OP publishect by The Musical M o ad ruesGuft Pack * Sets 's'- ton Publishing Company, B ow Gullette - $4n75 $5 50 et7 la avle hc.seems ta have .Glete$.5 550-ec 7>1dwih heD Perfect for anyone o! 50 ., '- CogtPaoiv his minion Organan Piano Cm ithe famiy. Blue Biades - Men's Sets 1.35, 1.65, 2.75 a o! ag. at ai in Dispensers. al aos$,5 hianx', ttirnedî p in Kindersley' Two sizes Nrhie Saskeacouple ofweeks ag. 5colors to $2.50ineh Tahe manager o! the Caaadiaui choose from. 1 Rocket Razor Gift Set $2.20 ' unbeam C36h0istmais ,-,~ Bakof Commerce at Kinders- _____ --------- Racket Razor in S tyrene travel Saeatr---- 3.0Sokn iey' fouind it an the back o! an old case with two lO-Bl1ade Dispeasers Rubberset Shaving- ____ -- pictture in his botise, and think' and Brusbless Shave Cream. Brushes. 100 U-p.A long lastingr gift.. iag it xvouid he of interest to vi Bowmanville resudents, sent t ta Gifts with a Fragrant "American- Beauty" the manager of the Bank o! Com-,<êgjJ Future by YARDLEY... . mence bere, Mn. H. G. Hackiag LADIIES' GIFT SETSCO P T 1 ,s w h o b n o u g h t it in to T h e S ta te s - F ro n l s a e d r P r u e M a e b ma offiprcoet.cay !V $1.50 t. $7.30 Talcum, Toilet Soap $3.00 <c " Elgîn-Amnerican 11, No. 1. has sunvived ta retura l Other Sets $195 arietvao- gta its hame tawn, but this portion ,, MEN'S GIFT SETS tenns t hoe 1' t- shoxws that "The Musical Moni- Shaving Bowl and Atter !nam. Each un ~ < usartistie tae; in fact on the mast- Shave Lotion -8. b x: :1 lead appear the words: "Devoted SetJ unta the intenests of the Art Uni- 9 ______________$9 55 c sketch of the caneer o! a yaungIo............ V_ iniinist, Miss Nana Clench, and ...---" Gî8fr lier thene are notes an operas and oth- ~~rSOeS..TaYlor IRSap ner Musical exents o! the times. GlJLis fr mkir RONSON 55<' ,R dIOn Gi t Sets s ou medal won at the Paris Itrn-Cigret Makers: LGHERSEv n -Pari CUpo i00U i ti. a xoiin 87,b o 39 Medallist Perfumes-rsTo RMe permanent $3.00 tin lEx oiio ,178 y Do olFie -----------$.8as S eI nj.V , .$1.00 Up A discriMinati ng im minion pianos and organs. Other RoIîlVC trShti iSing this in tolflamee -pnizes wene won at Philadeiphia,Rolasr $1.25 uiistrae MXanicure Set LononSydeyAntwerp and Rl-atrrnnganb U . Montreai. The Company would Tobacco POue hes 79e p onogram by CUTEXCIEN - Y 1seern ta have been ha bts hey-day 69e choice of ]rline,«)eiba' at that ti me. A quote from the Albion pipe---- several Set hnv Dailyv Telegraph, Quebec, states: « "Certified" French Bruar jeweî..tones. cOntamns. hnY "This campany hs one o! the rich- £4Psir est and iangest of ts kind on the pipe Special. 65 oisadNi nglobe. Thene are 400 bands em- rg r.249SwihPIs Lacquer Set79 DrînkeS $8,30 Tv "sCuticle ' in., -a If anyone remembens this pub- $1.00 uVOOdîe AcceSSorY Kits lication, The Statesman would be pips - -E-----. plae oha mr f----CIGARETTES Et . Sail Boat one ising a se tits hch (Continued !rorn Page One) ~ For the Festive Season Entertaining * .1 LIJjlVUs noua, lie saud lhe bad changed hîs TNwPAKR~1 Boxed Chocolales mmdaa x'a gingtased an Pen & Pencil Set Delicioiîs fresh assortments B u E ta a. note irequesting lie bring a by sucb candy-makers as: Sxrlsye pair of skaes, -So's can skateNeilsons, Ana Hathaway ,S v rl sy e ý,%it MmNne ndDadsn' 1025to choose from xvith d Mohe close Dadhevs"sionSmiles 'n Chuckles, etc. j A onîe Iitle girl wbo had be av easoriaiy on struggling x'aliantix' on bier skates only in expensuve sets mnake - ige ,.Spnin Wtrj$1.95 -82.05 - $2.35 ~ ail aftt1ernoon, finalil gax'e up and hs nexceptional value. i , rTmCln-ix o 9'QARTS Dadd., packed lber up. cradled lier 2tebis2anort39e2Qc iii bis arms and fînished the Pen alone $5.95 - Pencil $4.30 i piti 6 for 69e' *$3.00 - $3.25 - .94.15 cAunYî~ famiy vith children at- (lsdpst tending public sehool can join PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Bowmanxîlie's F'amiiy Skatin M Club. Children must be accamp- parent in arden ta gain entry ta the Arena.S St. John's. Newfoundland, is 1.559 miles fnom Montreal, aimast luaifxwvx between Montreal an W e Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Dnig Store Phone 792 Liverpool. 1 TEMq-«,bAy. DICC. 20th. 1051 q