if '-t- 'r 't. «D ra -1.4 40k, fi * ,t~ - FI VOLUME 97 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOT RAYDEEBR7h,15 7c PER COPY N Towni Council WilI HoId ls Inauguradl 's Not, ToLaie OMO, >Le erChristmas-MusiCMacWelnhh hmI * ToSend Donation mr Spoiled byNoise MeeingOn Non., Jan.« 7, al 7:30 p.m. For Christmas Seals AogWII£.1 i trcin Aon ukîn SbetMCdtaBoyY1 ~~ U f U S L . , . 1 a i P u u £ ' R~~~ ~ e p n s e t e t h e L i o n s C l u b E . -~~T o e w o e j y d t e b a -L . . ' *o a 4& e ketch o New ouncil i mu. mi PaI. tful Crisha %musie n the 2aI yaiv Uwi us en Christmas Seal c.p3g às du ot _____ ____ bee exc ptîon lly ood ccor - iill sympathize With résidents of ww ing to Seal Committee Chairman- - - Ennisklen, Burketon, Enfield andT heiesntcso no ha h nagrlmet e Pat e a en mlyDonbas ben.oradd ta cmp$,00g nt Clasmae aec. 1.trid-p and "Clair D'Lune." Recre- nothing but statie throughout thte a gifted speaker narrate hit n s n oacmpn l r lnn , te 152952 nCouci3by he lcàicomanyfor36 eaduarers.Las yer, $1,700 vera lad ftprsens t sote ana Diectr Do Shy uednestve oliay.mas torethtFrdaybefre he eil W, held Monday evening, Jan. years. He was Mayor of Bow- was collected and devoted to med- 35 youingsters, sonsand daugh- t. piano-'to accompany a Chistms povedpoplarond t-he'îns Notrint! 7th, Ut 7:30 o'clock. It is custom- manville in 1947 and 1948, but bas ical purposes. ters of- Kinsmen Club members, iqrig of popular Christmas tunes.-trsig e oaan ary to hold the initial meeting of been absent from Council for It is nlot too late te make your at the Conimunity Centre. Santa Glais Arrives inriterutin s nkoChir~sintmotasns tter Adh clldo i r Coni t1 ..on the first three years. He brings 15 years' donation ta this worthy cause. And what presents they were. bagoft? vig ft aowth the oeh oead ing ing held in the Balmorl oe.H a hersep n ei Monday in January, but His Wor- Council experience to the 1952 Money gieaned through the Some llttle girls recelved cora. ourse, was the arrivai of that lines wbich run through the area. erRv .R edro f awaugaln oe i shlp has called the meeting for Town Council and a background Christmas Seals campaign is used plete alumlnum dlsh sets; others, .Jôlly old fellow from the Nort an evening session in order that of community service as a mem- ta proiong the fight against T.B. pull toys, but ail received cidy 4le. When hie bounced into thue Fran tic calîs te the Hydro and Trinity United Churchbdte c oee ihabad itwili be mare convenient for ber of the Odd Fellows Ladge Of Locally, the money is used on and animal crackcers. -Binineng halleat the Comu-adio inspection people te pleasure af bringing asesn redy etevl. raeaesta be present. It is, Bowmanvilie. Mayor Littlee s X-rays and a certain amount is nett of the -Goodyear wore the Centre hie was greeted by mvn raepyes obK n dnn ala omn date have failed ta provide any story ta service club mmes prese tati n of citi e ns vii1 v ail Ja b n of art o p e.S en d y o u r d o n a tio n t a th ~e K mn B ilt T a it, as p ro g ra m d i' tù n s. S o m e w e re sta rtle d , b u t ed th a t th e tro u b le can b e lo cated th e S ta r." t e o l n t e t a g r t h e m s el e s o f h i s i n i t a t i o a n d P-o tn ds e emi ra f r a idre t h e thr osum a b y ao themselves of thîs invitatian an Canadian Bank of Comm erce, rector, did a fine Emcee job. Xe i, ost had that bappy. "Gee i nd r par d esr t e Newl tod ed b R ss S ik w o affairs' wbîch have become big MORLEY VANSTONE - Three tien. You get your money's worth Beverly McRobbie, a talenteci "There was a present for each catione ea e nd an e flvndareadh uze tteda business inna onelbetter SendowedewrthCedu-anman thulditendectheoshaep manthreo buinssi arel ese SoudyersChima o teFianein the attractive Cbristmas Seals dance team, and tbat old master' Ybungster under the brigbtly dec- Onu hrsma t anyone need furtber proof of this Committee on Town Council, you already have received. of the monologue, young Gary ýÏated Cbristmas tree and ai- One lan Killed giv e ndu s C britms trye.paac fbstrefina fact it la only necessary ta look Morley Vanstone was unopposed eoe r.RselHlmna-Wuhsm onsesloe at the increase in civic taxes in in bis promotion ta the Reeveship. -opne h netiesa h ieyeete rgtndu Comal itee. rs Rseil ainac- hgesmeyointes ooedaffic Accident - hm"tesrne ad Te the fault of members of town of Mr. and Mrs. F. C anstone, igotClan For ciano.r taok acaeshepberd's cloak, ahritmasp.. recent years Thisincre se is ot A owman iîîe oy, se ond s n W in fTht i nrmnto* wte 83 hu e S n ica e t ir u n ta al C h s m s D yb rds rok and aloaf a br*ad council, but is due, in great extent, he graduated from the University Christmas Attractive k e istrul mt with the 88 Upp aStNck aae pta.al ___ ~t h ebr aeo ehe ta the demands citizens are mak- of Toronto, with a BachpatAndoufi Oney wa wel empoyeddurlng rappd pakage On the administration of town coun- ner with bis brother BNews piit c vored the Cen rgisLma The Kudnsmten rtm anes prypra a aal nuedDvd wsagy"ta _____Fletcher, a particularly talenteti ,fes a bîghly successful affair sroscniini optla cil. Vanstone's Mili. A Past Presi- The Christmas issue of t ahs--voe heCrsta vcrm t atyatndr. sus ofcoiion n osptla . -flnssoldg f n e In order ta better acquaint ur dent of the Rotary Club, hie is Goodyear "Wngfoot Clan" is Highway about three miles west ~~wneosnwBb.H oct readers wîth members of the 1952 aiso a Steward at Trinity United perhaps one of the most beautiful o oav~ . ~ .L f f Welcome just befoire floonlbsdsprvlt h a i Town Council, the foliowing brief Church. Mr. Vanstone married eight page efforts ever turned out Toronto ]Rotry KU auumn h comeChristmas Day. j onadltr odhmo h biographies have been prepared the former Jean McCormick, at the local plant.JonTter acddfo' Many citizens may be weîî c- daugbter of D atrMcomc, Brosigthrh this popular injuries in Peterborough bospitai quamnted with the members of the Gait. Tbey bave two cbildren, bouse organ turned up the news An l lhist a.Ilyal B"" n T.S.early Boxing Day wbere bie was --fuh h ei n i nle .*nYew Council, but others may flot Helen, 6 and Freddly, il. that BilPatter of the Porter Ser-a taken after first being treated inure th bo onaoen i be so familiar with each personal-DEUYREE vice celebrated bis 75th bitdyÉe Pr oessia.Hswf n tys numerus activities. DPT-EV recently, and the Hse Dept. pre- IRiid awl T leyzionland uluGifS son are reprted in. serius con- ~unydt h elo h ot MAYOR MELVILLE S. DALE - Chair- sented im with a gift. _ _ _ _ _ _ dition. ta B t eh m MYRman of the Memorial Hospital Ross McKnight, Shift Supervis- Although snow-blocked raads ed a camera, a rail of film, toque,. Others injured and presentlyPryAtTeWl SIDNEY LITTLE - Port Hope Board and Town Council mem- or of Dept. 271 C Fan Beits, made it impossible for the Youtb mi#ttns and a book, but same bad in Port Hope bospitai are Gardon.Ariiga th weDad born Sidney Little wiil steere ber for three yeàrs, Mr.Dl World War II veteran and D.C.M. Committee ta attend, the annual te work for their presents Frah n asneM.' okdit h ae n a ship of Town Council through the starts bis fotrth year in Counicil winner, received bis 15-year ser- Christmas pairty-sponsored by buring the evenng, boys stag- Davis, bath of Montreai. O.P.P.nthg.Te hekelda! problems of 1952 following the as Deputy-Reeve. A Past Presi- vice pin from Production Man- the Torontor Rotary Club-at the ed entertainment under the guîd- Constable Jack McKendry inves- ryc ihaltefr~ r retirement of Mayor L. C. Mason. dent of the Bowmanvîlie Rotary ager Bob Watt in November. Ma- Ontario Training Sceol for Boys, ance of Mrs. Maude DensemgOne tigated the accident. Foremnan over the Power House (Cntinueci on Page Five) chinist Bill H&rrison, Sr., receiv- Tbursday evening, the party Went b' reciteà a poem which assert- Christmas celebrations in Bow-shtigtyanwenhha n. ed a 20-year pin from Ems. Craw- on as scheduled. e.dythat Christmas is the bappîest manville were quiet this year ac- cidcnmse. i yswr puford, Engineering Dviio bead. Ol 3 fte190 sue at season ofthe yanetot yfor cr gt oieChief-Sideoiinh sw reIçty Officer Returns fom KoreansFronte pin winners. in the Trainng Scoî were on hanci receivung, but for gîvîng, tao.A Ventoru. Nt one person was ar..ogl nteweladbhrt Olie eu u r m N r a r n oebrwr:E. Passant, 15- for tbe gala Christmas feast at young lad offereci the audience, resteci for driving wbile undcr Rev. S. R. Hendersnherfciotefaeoa To Spend L ave W ith is Familyyears; A. Bell and M. Connagham, which woniderful presents were Christmas carols on a moutb arg- the. influence of aicobai andi noHetrdsatdgiin lOSe dL a eW lhIi a iy1-years; and five-year-pins went distributeci by a jovial 'Santa' ah,- and six students, reciteci a seriaus accident was reported. But first, lie pointed outthsi-heer'pi-teoypo. ta: H. Knight, S. Hodgson, C. Claus. The -balance of students poJem iniiUison.__________ nificance of the story taeoain.ssinb aii h ol-n Letters Gratesi Norae BuilderGoodman, M. Etcher, T. Mahaffy, were privileged ta go home for* Toronto Rotary Sponsoret! The story concerns a sil o a h idyfc fatlésam Lefr r aetM r l B id rJ. Cox, E. Blake andi J. Hately. Christmas holidays. Superintendent J. . Brow in- Street Cleaning CreW and a weil on the road ta ehe 3 awo okdlk ig Dean Bickeil of the Belt Dept. Highight of the evening was formeci students andi guests that" o hem. It is filied with themgcAdh asakn n .r - ~receiveci two $25 suggestion the presentatiori of a table model the wnderful ýChristmas party C.OMM'ended o of the East and offers a rine wretoterinait iuii Letters from home remain the 1940, Capt. Browne became an awards at the November sugges- television set ta the Training they were experiencing was pro- Removing - no that service, goodwill,an th(CtiuconPgFie #greatest morale builder an arm>' administrative offîcer with the tien meeting. Others receiving School by the Toronto Rotary vided by the Youth Committee of So desire tehep ___sw has ever known. Royal Army Medîcal Corps. Hie suggestion awards were: T. Hir- Club. In the absence of represen- the Toronto Rotary Club. Heta the world by the Babeofet "If only people would realize serveci under Lord Archibaici Wa- cock. $7.50, R. Purdy, $5 and HI. tatives of that organization, Dave read a teîegram mincopatm tb Five extra e niatukihm I h epewofl oa eieî what a letter means ta a soîcier veli andi General Montgomery in G. Major $3.56. Higgon, President of the Bow- Committee's regrets at being un augmented the usual six men and 10w His star we find mertaswb'Ai rw A ad eth r b is in ospta or on gyp duin Wold ar 1. Hem anville Rotary Club m ade the able ta be present. "Sincerey re- a truck town force under fo e a ling ta serve," bie said. t tng front," Capt. George also landeci in Normandy on pesefttation ta Headmaster Mor- gret weather conditions make it Albert Ruiter ta clear the streets TeSoyBgn - e, D.C., Medical Admin- Day, and later serveci in Pales- olly Old Santa Claus gan Newton. who acted on beaf -impossible for us ta attend your after the big snow strm thatTh Str BensFoMc u y' g a O ffice r t t be 25thth tine. o r eof the sc ool, then sw itched on C hristm as p arty ton ight," e read. descende ci on B w m anville ast ictule e a neg le d a kna __ aid h Saema.Joins B. T. S. StahGifsfalre thte set. Major John W. Foote, Minister of week. The crew wilprobabhy fBethleee nac ng. cuncm t es hrecidr wr th alcmsaoni In 1945, Mr. Browne was madie Visits Rotary Club The majority of the 43 eager Reform Institutions. was aiso un- wokoihnno hswe sidorfabe eenin. Pctueotemd ap whenterrae reshppy faces," he said b ut Major., He retireci from thQB i- onloolcers seçntelevision for $4e~ tmk h ty. ,el ne of htsak hr On eedan ttefurhan eas lde's.Vassed b.lie b-lih ArmyW-i':r948 ààd rturnd a S à datbouh bs a frtrtie Adwhtwas 'théir i1 ý. C'. Workman dici an ex- 1 - v FanRJamesnCh i se-aongh e rn ouseci ldMNiySot yl rwo aWht, none for me?" Andi the land of bis birtb, Canada. of gifts ta the Rotary luncheon, first sight? A can of spaghetti! ceptionally fine job entertaining a fte ocsadStre e stn ntefor Js npnieMna. rzsicueihg here is fia mail, the happy look Arriving in Bawmnvaille as a Friday, andi passeci tbem out with Subséquently, Camel cigarettes boys and- their guests on the beils. Committeo, said the new snow t, wro ipoaour aoatherild hita tcig iadi ýaves his faee and lie becomes ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ osthug lies tho. ronea fathathorpofhs on tmearenshn.ehep-s f Winnersls- ccW werel te ar dmMrein heMeC.alArnKinlntelesthrthr èsigned ta bis awn problemns. It Position at the Ontario Training Rudohph, The Redi Nosed -Rein- The long lookeci forward teolas on the piano. faclitated snow removal cansider- hord, very iii. Andiwnnn the bigls ,.inly takes 10 days for bometawn School for Boys. lmmediately, deer. sumptuous Christmas party din- Besides Santa Claus andi the abiy.Hesi twnfv adoth floor is dreaming iaig akdwibgfs un news from Bawmanvillie ta reach hie joineci the Ontario Regiment Rotarian Bill Lycett, the cu' ner was serveti in the schooi's ca- regular staff of B.T.S., guests in- six hoatis of snow an hour were fui dreanîs. Vtrn'Aehkn Japan. sre fOhw;lewent sergeant-at-arms, eei.Th rgafaurn ldd e. aodTreRev.rmvdfo wnset. But.thee ae ot er ean ofactive in M ay, 1949, when hoe be- performance as "the jolly gent L' l school talent, was elci in the S. R. Henderson, w îho pleaseci M any residents saw the mule avi , a s g the o y w as cs c nd pie soc î g a sep.dmg hometown news ta a came Administration Officer at the reci coat," whihe bis belper, auditorium where Santa was ex- the audience by singin ,g a Christ- oquippoci with a scoop for houri- tvisuaze gold ofc ihwil- ua aty,18Egi iw flghtîng man in the Korean coriV Chorloy Park Military Hospital, Rotarian Howard Rundie, pranceci pecteci ta cail, according ta a tele- mas carol; Rev. Warren N. Turn- ing trucks on King St. The wt iht buy retbdofcmeis;giinwbsabatfldlywt flit, accarding ta Capt. Browne. Toronto. Ho was subsequcntly about 'neath carciboard borns cal- gram received by B. T. S. Super- er, Dr. W. M. Birks, B. T. S. mule was alsa useci ta cîcar snow xith ich fta u eiîefrbdfrher taasdeepood He said lho founti three copies of appointeci tea asimuhar post with ecting advertising fines, bis ailing. fathern., and footib forens, the The winning tickets werend drawenream. The Canadian Statesman wbile the.25th Korean Brigade. intnden, J J.troenlposicin;o tanreryCu' ome hurb res aniy nr s o ransherneytoh . ams M serving in Korea andi Japan. One The idea in *distributing gifts. When the jolly olti gent finally snigtelclRtr hbs Snesrescut a ocalis a legenri in the vahiale - copy hie founci n an airport wait- Arriving overseas in April, lit wouici seeni, was to boîster thé dici phow through massive snow Youth Committee, andi Rotarian cleaneci before the ram wbichî genri of a well. ing roam;. anather ho picked up 1951, Capt. Browne was pastedtet coffers of the sergeant-ah-arms drifts ta the auditorium, ho a president. Dave Higgon. followed the snow and as a resuit As the legenti is tolci, ifanoeC nrlSho Rnl in an botel labby. The third was the 29t h British Commonwealth for crippleci chilci±'en work. As greeteti by a hearty rendition of Sumptuous Menu the frozen snow is praving dif with a pure heurt prays a h dicoerdina osialwad fFieldi Hospital ah Kure, .apun; eacb presont was. opened, a fine Jingle Beils. anti as hoe pranced Below is the menu followeti at ficult ta remove at the prosent weli on the road ho BethlbmPoig ' thoe t ritishn a ohospwtaltwad f is duties demanded that hoe ferry was evieti for dvrtising, with- is way tward the stage, hie was the B. T. S. Christmas Party. time. an thnploksrn forw Field Hospital ut Kure, Japan. back andi forth fromn Korea ta out fcar or fuvor. A wrapped followed by happy smiles. Roast chieken with dressing and Warkers starteti as carîr as 4 wili see a refloction of th o Long Army Career Japan in ussistîng the evacuation balf-pint miik bottle was one Previously, the entire student cranberry sauce; giblet gruvy; a.m. during the beight of snoNv which lie wus praying. Tebad r pfrtebc Capt Brone bs bui a o0f Canadian wounded. "Not a present, anti athers includeti coal, body took part in the important croameti whipped patatoes; mash- reniovai activities anti sometimos LtteDiirshifrmtekyrn tC talPbcSho, at nvau reeras hda pronos-very giamorous jb, tCpt wtoarepagan, sc asfouChisma prybuatisyar10 troprbeaianiluterporedashteas1iorttlel. oseanDaovi hrugdteva- ulintn t. at yunstr adevsdi e raa r. t esya Browne suiti, "but anc that's es- a Bible, a ligbt buib anti many anly 43 boys recoiveti prosents Mince pie anti Christmias cake, Cansitierabie credit is due loy. He xvus frightened asachtihlain erCismsav sionulslir iteRyl sential ta a victoriaus war effort." like trinkets destined ta represent froni St. Nick. Anti whut pros- Christmas pudding anti sauce; caf- Reevo Jumieson, Town Foremncan horiheeibtesiiertknavnagofaoo ice- Armgomrae t anda yat i ter Requests .Canadian News the profeàsion or business of at ents they were. Each lad receiv- foc an mik; apples an graps. Albert Ruiter anti the staff ec shue tihtsenembta he, nsa fuotaeecs hi es L ineti the 25th Brigade. In Concerned with the hack of least anc Roturian. poe noeainso eo-dw atb altes awmanville an 28 ciays louve, Cunudian news for bospitalizeti Ratarian Keith Jackson led ploetifin aero s nwrcov-e dows ctast by lapstrenrho JnGramwspontd telclofcrwas sent back Cunadian soldiers, Capt. Browne the sing-song as usual but evot- Historical Sketch of Courtice District streets.Bortacefrte ikhCn- bmJpnframedicul check- wrotc t several publisbing fims cd this portion of the progruni-t Christmas Baby ri iia ktn ikl Up. Ho spent bis louve with bis in Canada, Machean's Magazine Christmas Carols. SubsequenthyD ng Moerm in FiGbng aieuOnaiStSho, wife Nancy, anti son, Timotby, among others, anti requosteti they Rotarian S. R. Henderson dcliv- rigsLetter milh or 1I fo maio beason.s isGan Born ai Local Hosialtisurrsoc. owvita *h the Browne home on Liberty senti camplinientary copies ta the eroti * an excellent Christmas ______ .~dutt hthi ikwl &%. North, Bawmunville. Capt. troops. According ta Cuptain Story, reparteti in anather cal- B rn Victorious To rn Pae t Bftowne returns ta duty Dec. 27. Browne, the response was mag- umnn whicb bingeti arounci a litthe A letter bas been receiveti froni famuly. The two famuies WereAra sîO oo rsxpsefsiobrd'g Cupt. George Brawne is a de- nificent. Eaton's catalogues came boy anri a weli on the roari ta Mr. C. C. Jeffrey. Part.Perry, re- net reluteti, as you state. Ag is rooIs Memoriai Hospital report e Skeraeginalouahi scendant of a lineofa professionul aiong, too, ta onuble soldiers ta Bethlebemi. Roturian Duve Mor- gurding the first of a sories af bis- Thc log schaol yau mention be- itofneby nCh soldiers. His futher tiieci in ac- pick out presents for their sweet- rison uccompanieti the singing ut taricai articles on communities in ing built an the south-east corn- Bowmanville Burons waltzed bîta anta le yonar staremrivAoe br ten tien ut Vimy Ridige in Worhd heurts anti wives. the piano. this district. which uppeared in or af Christopher Countice's lot, teaun easy 10-5 victory over Orono D3 nita itearviis amte satmtn amk Wan 1, anti bis grunrifather also Cupt. Browne went te Japun in The Statesman ai Dec. 13th on was useti for everything; schooh, Orphansq in nexhibhition hokey u d12in un. Cthenista ie1 h siippeo in u der th wire. Born kating fuciliies1av*lab-e to-th tne canase-lîgnting part. A poein Treas.-Mi-ss V. Bunner; Literary ai ahi member famulies. These sorte notes on early events. long Courtice was known as ie10kd0dt lclhkytePrmycas was beautifulhy reati by Miss T. Sec'y-Miss MeKague: Steward- badges wili ho yelhow, the adopt- Do you know between wbhtShort's Corners, please contact fnïniecp o etn agtasns "ne' iîepaosl yBraaGaun caught inthe Oronoendree teembena Lai" Mn. Portey Th Mri. S. R. James, Mns. VanDriel, enship Sec'y-Mrs. Watson; Sup- b a v e "Bowmanville Skating Shorts Corners? I think 1h nmust unable ta arrive ah uny dates in înk on sveralhoccasios, t eran"the drPtinimory cls u Mns. O. Richmond anti Mrs. D. ply Sec'y-Mrs. Edwards; Ass.- Club" pninteti on theiniin black have been a very short time, for this connection in aur research. paeiselrhce.dntedrcina r.ot ergrat et oimn Afldread sang "0 Little Town ai Mrs. J, Darch: Missionary Mon- lettons. It is expecteti thut ail the Courtice Post Office bas been George Heath took ot'er goal Bragg, Mrs. Walter Hately adptatama msn kt hn Bethlehemi." Several Christmas thlies-Mrs. Colwell; Commun- club members will wear them oit there fon close ho 100 years. The duties from Bill Gearing halfway Mrs. V. Jefiery. David M r at Cas h il,"h lh canais wene sung andi Mrs. S. ihy Friendship-Mrs. Webber; skating Sundays for purposes ai iirst man nameti Courtice in that Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Upper anti through the tilt and wonketi be- sang a solo, "Santa Ih Comîg Bfr Cnsms wsson James sang a Huron Indion carol. Babyý Band-Mrs. S. MeMurter, identification. Il is hapeti that a district was Thomas Courhioe, andi Bruce, Mn. anti Mrs. Peter Cal- hinti a defence that shoult i - andti t1 Primury Cluss contribt Business was conducteci by Assisant-Mrs. S. Crago; Press greut muny chiltiren wilho on- his naît-u is net mentioned in~ houn, Nancy anti Charlotte. Peten- prove as the seasan progresses. cd another chorus song, -Awuyl ttecnluin at an Pz'psîdent ldrs. X. Jeifrey. Ail Corres.-Mrs, G. White, Pianist- ltiedt t wear them next Suntiay, youn sketch ah ahi. The village borough, were guests ai Mr. anti Pussing was not particuharly gooci. A Manger." oagsfralteelde rs the varlous secretaries gave ne- Mrs. Rabb; Group eades-Mrs. anti mono as the season goos on. was nameti alter bum. Robent, Mns. Chas. Bickle. but coach Don Gilhooiey is cort- One of the three films secueint pprts of the year's work. Supply Bell: Assistanh-Mrs. S. McMur- Froin among the wearers ai these son James, anti grantison W. R. O.P.P. Cpi. anti Mrs. Leslie fient the club will bih ils'stride froni the National Film Boid euiu Cnsmste a secretary reporteti two truks ai ten; Mri. S. Covenely, Asst.-Mrs, yellow ribbons will cornetce spelleti their naines either Cur- Throop spent Christmnas withhbis in Lakeshore League games. anti shown hhrough the kintia-dcntt yAiChbrsnJa cjothxýg 'sent ta Africa and foodi G. E. Elliott, Mm.. Mason, Asst.- great hockey beains destined ta tice. or Courtis. I have neyer father, IC. R. Throop, Cobourg. it Bowmanville Barons meet Port fices ai Mn. Cecii Carveth,Ne-ToponatDnld W pareels ta Save The Chîltiren Mrs. Symnons; Noniinating Cani- make Bawmanville famous ln been able to detetmine the cor- was bhe first time in 20 years that Hope in the iirsh beague gaine on castie, w;bo brought anti operatt h aias ai h udy Y\md.. mittee-Mrs. Jeffrey. Miss M.1 the fifties. anti the successors to reet spelling of their nome ta the Thnoop ianihy wene ahi ta- Memarial Arena ice, Satumday, bis mavie projector. was nexta ScolrmgywihCnurgg tMàn-&W-Crgdumzzpresmnteti JeweIl, Mr& D. Pickard. Barbara Ann Scoat. Courbice- Ut -â.maie am t#e other. gether on Christmas. Dec. 29. the progrini anti enjayedti obcdcrtos - 't 1 , b ~v ~ - ~ 'j I I' V id- ý