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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1951, p. 3

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r ~ - - 'rHURSDAY, DEC. 27th, 1951 Nuny Activiliesc Commission Revii Considerable Prog The annual meeting of th( Bowmanville Recreati on Comý mission was held at Lions Com. munity Centre, Tuesday nighl Déc. 18, with only ten memberà 'I out of 50 present. Vice-Presideni C. Hoag presided. Reports were made by officers -ind_ instructors, with Treasure. Fred Cole reporting a balance on band of $218.41. There were sonti outstanding bis, however, whicl- wouidi-duce this balance. Or the Wicial side also, there was " discu i with regard to the 1952 budge and a letter was author- ized to be written to the Town Council recommending that the grant for a Recreation program should be set on a per capita basis,.with the suggested amount $1.00. A report on the two leather work classes and one woodwork- ing class was made by the in- structor, Mr. Merle Slute. There are 22 paid registrations in the two leather classes. It was sug- gested that if there are flot enough registrations to make two classes worth while, they will be group- ed in one, with the time for the class to be decided by a majority vote of those interested. The woodworking class, consisting this year in the main of aduits, has 12 members who are doing good work. Mrs. Geo. Buchan lias ten mem- bers in the smocking class and 27 in dressmaking. Mrs. Buchan recommended that the Commis- sion obtain two treadle sewing machines, as the electric ma- chines are too difficuit for begin- ners. There are 52 paid members in UNTARIO .jPAGECy if ite Receaton TAR VILE oupe W l R sid atMarhamHAM TONread the scripture passage and a awa, were Sunday viitors at Mr __te______ IRVIL o pl il eieatM k RmH M T N om "h n-kee' Excuse"; Walter Parrinder's. J forlast eek) Bruce Taylor read a story relat- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgoz. (Itnddfo as ee)(Intended frls ek ing to the White Gif t service ery visited at Mr. Lloyd Fergu e e ,S o igM.and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bow iioswt r n r.E etSna n ldsYlow- son's, Oshawa. manvile, with Mr. and Mrs. Hawes were: Mr. and Mrs. W. F. lees who with Pearl sang "Star of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox ia re sD rn Ye r Hward Farro lP.Smit, Mr.and rs.nIHaod heEst" is lenBaso c-itdat Mr. Hilton Tink's. Eben Gihorradorn le al-Glenny* Marion and Lois, n hi orhi sr Gordonr. narols. inwthis woretshis, sec-,Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Horto e the swimming class. whose in- well. Ontario Ladies' College, Whitby;vce Oshawva, visited at Mrs. Hael i- structor is Bill Bagnelli After Farm Forum met at the homeMr.Hve Codn Bowman- Rev. Dr. Coburn ofOtaaHri' iabout six lessons, begmnners can of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Savery ville, Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and spoke at the church service on tnow swîm the length of the pool, on Monday evening. Vernon, Cae:;area. Sunday, basing his remarks on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brooc -he reported, and other members Mr. and Mirs. Delbert Hallowell Mr. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, witli Matthew 25:40. It is always a andasons visie at Mr.Waa d are also progressing well. and Linda and Mrs. M. Bennett Mrs. W. G. Doidge and other sist- pleasure to welcome Dr. Coburn Mna',MpeGoe Mr.L.C asn r. aeers here. to our services. The choir sang Mrs. Hazel Harris, Mr. àxi Mrs C ason re res nt- nd oan with Mr.and rs.Jak an nth m. rs. L. Sim pson visited at Mr îng the newly formed Family HallowelI. M.adMs e esy an Frnk ilbet'M Skaîn' Cubwasprset a te Si]h W A mt a Ms..le s n d J mmie, For the election of Sunday FakGlets ýr Skainp, Cub, ws presnt atthe Shloh W A. me at Mr. Lle son.hoolie officorstS.ev.r G.hEmpeyfieMr andG.Mrpe. M. ynde Scjuae r, Smeeting and reported that there Hallowell's with a fine attend- ,seys' and Mrs. H. Cole's. presided. Mr. E. R. Taylor was of Bowmanville; Mr. Lawrenc ewere 34 paid Up members at a ance. Election of officers con- Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanna andreectd a surienntSuir ndMsIaStpns rimembership fee of $4.00. This ducted by Rev. Lancaster was as RsleHyoa rc e-wt e elwesa i s aevstda r o ag ,club bas been adopted by the follows: President-Mrs. Lorne guson's. sistant. Murray Vice is secretary maîd's. sCommission, and no expenditures Paeden; Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Orme The Sunday services were with Bruce Taylor and Ewart Mary Cryderman. Citizenshs 2in excess of fees collected by the Falls; Secy-Mrs. Gordon Trilm, fairly well attended, the evening Leask as bis assistants, and Ross Convenor, presented a Christma - club will be made without the Treas.-Mrs. Geo. Etwell. Christ- service being of special interest Pascoe was re-elected as the worship service at the Y P. meet 1 approval of the Recreaticn Com- mas hymns were sung followed when the C.G.I.T. members who treasurer. ing Monday niglit. Alotin cmission. Any family can belong by an exchange of gifts. Lunch were ioined by the Zion C.G.I.i.N*a iwho has one child of public school was served by the ladies. Mrs and their leaders, Mrs. Blnhr is7ey alr etr atwr enMngmr 1age or younger. The chld must Trim moved a vote of thanks to an<r4Hll1cuid h hi borough, spent the weekend at read a story. "or the progra tbe accompanied at the rink dur- Mrs. HalloweIl for her hospitality lf n edi h inigo hler home. Donna Vice presided. Mrs. Har ing skating bours of three to five lof_________ htm a ro ls the seialCa- r.angMs.A.L.PtcoheI vey Yellowlees and Gladys Yel onSna fenos ya es dian Girls in Training Christmas and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Mrs. didemngvahuorsrai one parent. Discussion re a fig-KEJZLI Vesper Canrdlelighting service be- Tink, Mr. and Mrs. J. Cruick- dra aeahmru edn executive for 1952. _______ ing followed. Mrs. C. Daw told shank and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs adBueTyorfvrdwt an impressive Christmas story. Gordon Leask, Mr. and Mrs. Har-hamncseetosEarLas Scripture passages were read by old Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cry- coducted the recreation.Th cerned the Pee Wee hockey team.,. Jack Swarbrick, who is work.GaeKreLreWrak derman attended the annual Hol- fiesothY.U orhec Referees for Pee Wee games will ing in Buffalo, was with his wife n Nancy Coutts. Our pastor stein banquet at Blackstock. Emp ey;ae:n Presidn -r e Tylr be paid at the rate of $1,00 an and family here for the wee'-end. y . sitdi h evc.Mr.Kih M.C .Sotig tene iePe.-Ja otoey hour. commencing January, 1952. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nor-- Billett was at the organ and Mary the funeral of lis cousin, Mr. Neal Vc-rs enMngm Up to now, referees donated their man Kennedy were Mr. and Mrs. Thderevithuspindaymororoito Treas.-Murray Vice; Sec') Tide rte iSano.atMoono.Olive Cryderman; Convenors services. Rex Heslop and family, Lon ing Many fromn here attended the Faith and Evangelism -Bett Election of officers was left u.1- Branch; Mrs. Southcott and Patsy,MR AN MR. AFRD RVND N church service was under direc- funeral of Mrs. Richard Pascoe King; Missions and World 0u1 tiI the beginning of the new year, Toronto; Miss Ruby Collett andMRAN S. A FODIV EN tion of our pastor who conducted on Friday. reach - Don Taylor; Citizenshi owing to the small attendance. Raymond Woodward. pictured follawing their marriage, Nov. lOth, at the parsona-baoismabeie we batiedl Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- and Community Service-Joyc Party this year, as the Chamber Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turansky age, Courtice. The bride, the former Miss Norma CaraeSaeyCrncift lees visited at Mr. Ernest Larm- Abernethy; Stewardship a ni of Commerce felt it was not in visited lis mother at Whitby. Iaemn sd ghrofM.nd r.AtnHgra of Mr.tand r Clarence Yet onGaofe's. Blackstock. Training - Gladys Yellowlees a position to go ahead with such Alec Little spent Sunday witli Maple..Grave, and the bridegroom is son of Mrs. J. Dean and Alan, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires, Larrv, Cultural and Recreation-Pear a project. Mrs. Neya Little.telt rDen Th copewlrsi Makm. son; Richard Warren, son of Mr. Ken and Sharon visited Mr. W. j. Leach, Elaine Spires, Donna Vic, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reynoldsth laeM. ea.Teculwilrsd in arhm and Mrs. Gordon Chant; Debra Spires at Millbrook. wrLes;Pait-ocA andPetr wre n Trono, un-Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and ernethy, Jean Montgomery, Mary But alyune do to place ad Ptrweei TrnoSn Arthur Reynolds. The boys and ?-children were in Aurora on Sun- Cryderman; Auditors-Mrs. Harr Classified Ad in The Statesman Miss Joyce Burîey lias been ill u h m D src ih S h o o r girls occupied the choir gallery~ day where they attended the sil- Knox and Mrs. Ross Cryderman is tell our ad-writer your name, and unable to try ber ChristmasDu h m isrc g S o lB a d and rendered two fitting selec- ver wedding anniversary celebra- Publications Convenors-Mr. an over the telephone, and your cred- exams, n r.Td o o to tions. tion for Mr. Hamer's aunt and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees; Repre it is TOPS! Telciahone 663. . and ilsvs ted r andMtham To Co to eq etInvesiments Mr. Win. Yeo and Mrs. R. Pool- uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Petdh. sentative f0 Official Board Mee- adgrsvstdM.adMs. W. ey, Bowmanville, visited bis son Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray, Osh- ings-Harvey Yellowlees. - ~Mercer Sunday. Tr s .U U OiD tic Clarence and Mrs. Yeo, and t The young people held a ser - A d rutlfls f isrit ch o tended the christening of his vice in the church Sunday even- grandson. LUMBER ing with John Almey, Sixth Line Sympathy is extended ta the sdliool teacher, being the speak- Bequests, investments and trust ents first sign an agreement ack- relatives of Mrs. R. Pascoe (aunt er and special music by the young funds presently controlled by in- nowledgîng that this Board is flot Laura), in lier death at Memorial _____________ folks. There was a pretty good dividual s c hl o o 1 s in Durham to be responsîble for any injury Hospital, Bowmanvlle. She wil attendance in spite of te very County, are to be turned over to suffered b the pupl in such always be remembered for ler C.IIE ___ cold weather. the Durham District Higli School sport ," friendly disposition and neigh C.I Some from here attended Jack Board for administration, if was IVill Pay Transportation borliness, whule living in bier 0wn 'Nesbitt's sale, near Crooked decided at a Board meeting lield It was brought to the Board's home af Solina, and later, with Creek. Joe Jilisen bas purchased in Orono, Dec. 12. attention that several students lier niece, Miss Lulu Reynolds. T this farm and has already made Case inint was the bequest have a considerableditneo Our village is gradually hosin - gsome preparafion toward start- made the piot Scîooî Board travel from their home to a point many of its very oldest and fin S~~k im Ning a tobacco farm next year. by the late Dr. Norman Allir'. wîere they can board the school residents. Mrs. Pascoe being in L V R n ,'O O E Nel Foster, John Bailey and The Board believes the funds bus. These pupils live in rural lier 94th year. Wmn. Mercer trucked out somP should now be registered under areas and consideration was asic- The flu is quife prevahent bere of their fobacco hast week. John the name of the Durham District ed in respect to expenses. among both aduhts and children. and the New Year Thompson and Wm. Mercer liad Higli Sdhool Board considering After considerable discussion. the pheasure (?) of driving home that fIe Board is now responsibleteBorrsoedtaicss New Year's Resolul ion thita rmie ffrom Chatham in the snow storm for the school's administration. thSOLdINAle ta. ncae thi apois fFriday afternoon and nigît. The secretary was instructed to pihiere thmran two umiles u-froîn Tîursday evening the Sunday write aIl schooh boards request- tic smr hntw ie rl GOD grant me the serenity to accept and ail. It is the School pupils were out en masse ing fIat ail bonds or trust fundsth nearest point to or fromn (Intended for hast week) ou a flvnfor the Christmas tree and con- be transferred fromn their respec- wh icI transportation. for sucli Friends and neigîbors gather- things 1 cannot change, ourwayof ivig, ertwhih ws bld n te Sn- ivescholsf0 he urhm Cun-pupil can be provided, ilIe Trans- ed at the home of Messrs. Roy cetwhc wshldi teSn-tveshol o h ura Cu-portation Commîttee be authoriz- n hre agado u- COURAGE ta change things that I can, way, to make this day Schooh room wîth Rev. Lan- ty District High School Board. e oefritoareet anigtfoo Charles Lagado andWsonurkowtedffrn- happiest year yet. Carveth sliowed some of Dr. Mc- LiiAtetcRsoiblt writing with pupils and parents hsbie la frcn ae Kenzie's pictures which were Injured ia a football game be- providing for reimbursement to bis brdealr a, 0 rcenate.a much enjoyed. Santa Claus was tween Port Hope and Bowman- fIe pupil or parents for the cost and asked Harvey Yellowhees to -on hand to unload fhe tree of ifs ville in the faîl of 1950. Norman incurred providing sudh cost does read the address. This contained gifts and candy. Carols were Eddy and bis fatîer addrcssed the not cxceed 50 cents per attend-_etwsisfr h uueac sung and ail, as usual, enjoyed a Board in respect to liaving fIat ance day at school. bwelco e Afmaritoe ourommn-ý good lundi. body assist in paying between One condition was stipulated. ity. As a tangible foken of the DII R U SThe Sunday Sdliool room was $250 and $300 mnedical expenses. The pupil and Parents must sign a esteem in which fîey are beld, ILI-a,.I ) E OU Sgiven a Cliristmas foucli witî red Insurance covered injury up to statement acknowledging that the giffs-a coffee table and chester- loig-and green trimmings and by a$50. Norman Eddy wasa mem-~ Board fl ot providing transpor- field cushion werc presented by' oi:-preftily decorated Christmas free ber of the B.H.S. team. fation in respect f0 such travel, Rae Pascoe and Murray Vice. Sin- BE CLOSED DOWN with iglit aglow, for 18 wee folks The Higli Scliooh Board decided and incurs no obligation f0 tIe cere appreciation for these gîfts and their mothers who were en- to assume tlie cost of hospifahiz- pupil or parent in respect f0 and accompanying good wishes ember 31si tertain.ed at a Chiristmas party .ation folhowing consultation with sudh travel. was expressed in suitable replies Wednesday afternoon by fIe Dr. W. H. Birks. Notes on B. H. S. by fIe recipients. The remainder WILL BE OPEN Women's Institute. Christmas A motion intended to deal with Eigît pupils dropped ouf of of the evening was spent dhafting M BRMU V. W! M carols were sung witî Helen Hoy future athletic injuries was put school durîng fIe month of No- and playing cards while some en- K 1 U E M5 D i an ii eApeitd - as pianist. Mrs. G. Cathcart fold on fIe books and read as f ollow.î: vember. joyed. a sing-song witî Miss Faye --PA R C L Sealr smaseyd Miss aieo "Where a pupil lias suffered an ScIool may re-open, affer Gihroy accompanying at the piano. stmea serviscdthepaings of .r of fhe type whidh may re- Christmas holidavs, on Jan. 3, Lunch was served. simhpl amce, an g "hing is J in disability, le or she bc considering fIat important feacî- The Young Pcople's Sunday LUMEER C0OMPANY LIMITED wit pasicne ndCoorngpic- not permitfed f0 engage affer- ing time was lost in preparation Scliool Class presented flic pre- N V IL L Eturcs. Then Santa arrived on wards in organized sports in or in for Commencement Exercises. Cliristmas worshlp service which ntescand kises f scrambe for connection wîth fIe scîool un- The new music teacler, D. C. opened fIe Sunday School. Migs KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 715 Retsasrd bktiss fi rme fowe der fIe jurisdiction of this Board Peters, las organized a school Peaill Leach who presided was as- folkes came up f0 Santa for fleir unless the pupil or lis or ber par- orchestra. itdbJenM tgmrwh [IF AND DELIVERY oranges and boxes of candy. Al______________ PHONE 520 sat down fa gaiiy decoratcd tables did they have a chance? TIc for a fea party witî lots of good Commencement, which was cx- f0 cs o af. T icte'L a lle nt, fook weeks to repr Iii the ELUlLors M i butlI wonder if if couid have been _________________________ produced just one xveek earlier? Home life is as important a s Bowmanviile, Ont., oundation for future wcll-ad- Decmbe 2Oh, 951justcd citizens as academic ac- complsîmets. o whhflo1giv As the belis ring out enters, it carnies wii. opportunity for 'oneà freedom, afforded by for ecd, in his own the m ost successful, h HOLIDAY STE Please take note of the foll OUR FACTORY WILL Monday, Deci BUT OUR OFFICE - Your Co-operation W BOWMAJ CLEANERS PHONE 520 FOR PICK-i 77 KING ST. W. MMrz lie MIN WHO fflINK O[ JOMORROW and greeting cards sent! TIl cookies and candies have fa bet ae o yu made and what child of any age If o MVTIRE wants f0 miss the fun of Ielping witî f lis kind of work. This was H IA A E AN other Christmases. ALLT E T N Thiis year the liouse lias f0 le GET AND USE kept much quiefer. There is an of ~ utn v minvisible "Student at Work" sigli WA/E TO E L everywhcre. The tree lias becîî sfealthily put up in tIc living- roomn, still waiting until examsi are over so alI dan take part in tIc joy of trimming if. A familv shopping trip was suggcsfed but a wcary looking teen-ager said ýt was impossible as there were IECAUSÇE- two exams nexf day. It sec m'- 7'rire"ut" feeling anmi prctty young tri assume this ne- \-- backache are oten due, sponsible and subducd attitude at 90 uzinarYiration and bdder discofort; a finie meant for liappiness and and for over haif a century Dodd'a Kadney Pi&oaey.le bi eleffomba' Pil acheae heled bngfelief f strnutlak ,*. - ~NAUIUL MJUtIAIIUI JtIJAY Right now I imagine a reader ah n elnbaiuag~ $;.~' nnhyig, IInrnATfidlthe kidneys. Get d' inyPilaat any sayig ~wiy idn't fhis student du one.Lo~frtebu o il studv soaner and flot dcpend o o ite. Lookndfor.the ddluebo w this last week f0 cnam?" 1 ask, hrd"ocneednoda é TuE c;ANADLI%.N STATFSMAN. laowvAmn.T.r nwmavm ý4 i

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