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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1951, p. 8

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B R ING YOU R MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 READERS TRADEPAY CASH AND SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD DEATHS Articles For Sale COMING EVENTS----------- many years staiwart members of Odds-'n-Ends ape n rcp. 1Newcastle United Church. ItAletrothedorfte CUNNINGHAM-At the home of ROUND, solid oak dining-roomn New Year's Eve Dance in the The Canadian Statesman was with regret that Rita reveal- From Here and Ther oelRvr BC es oe her daughter Mrs. John Ireland, extension table. Phone 441. Cartwright Recreational Centre, ed her mnability to be present but 5 Carlisle Ave'., Bowmanville, Lina: 52-1 auspices of the O.N.O. Club. o .s those participating in the service Cndaa a rgda s:hud1 rwsi a Bell rippn Cuninghm, blov-T o m m y Langley's Orchestra. .T AÅA were quite sure that in the realm 4-year-old Bernard Seniukofcaow esu ed wife of Wilbur Cunningham, SELECT turkeys, order for New Special Prizes, Novelties, Lunch. -off thescpirtnpoised upon the wingsMosyRvrdticin an-pedwhumelsto e held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, 53c per lb. Phone 2710. .52-1 one welcome. 52-1* ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, very much present. ter swallowing a small balloon.. Tecs fa ilo olr Bowmanville, on Saturday, Dec . C.M. boots and skates, size 3; FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, CARS FOR SALE,. The amplifying unit which is Was the editor's face red atRe-nafopnsnswlotbm 22nd, 1951, at 10:30 a.m. Inter- ski boots, size 4; skating costume, NOTICE LOST, FOUND, ETC.* tegra toate psheagystem tonra.yhnM.adMs Bok lev ultns ment Glenwood Cemnetery, Picton. size 10-12. Phone 554. 52-1 , tefwsmd osbeb h er Zarn wrote in after seen, a., 52-1 - - · . Cash Rate --3e per word with a minimum of 50¢ Official Board of the Church and in the paper that a son had bentxaesstl1aet h FUR coat, %ý-length, mouton, You are mnvited to hunt rabbits Must be paid by date of insertion. was presented in the name of the born to them; we are both oe il h lseswl ei HOLROYD - In Burketon, on looks like beaver, size 18. Good at the Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- ,f 'gd a diina 5 il eadd congregation. 70, wrote Mr. Zarn, raised a fm u h onseswl a h Tuesday, December 25th, 1951, condition, $50. Phone 3144. series, King Street (north of No. fcagd nadtoa 5 ilb e. The second "In Memoriam" ily of eight boys and fourgilblladhpteyivoer7 Emma Holroyd, beloved wife of 52-1 2 Highway) and on Duke St. (near A charge of 250 will be made for all replies directed gift expressed itself in the form already, but we'll forgive youityas Frank Holroyd, in her 79th year. C.N.R. Station). We will pay to this ffic. of a very lovely pulpit lamp made was our son and the birthwa Resting at Northcutt & Smnith's CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- $1.00 bounty for each rabbit shotiso ce possible by Miss Hattie Mason in our 30th grandchild . . . "RasB Funeral Chape], Bowmanville, for lieves quickly. Your Druggist sells on our property. 52-2: affectionate memory of her late five-year-old airedale doberma r rm service Thursday, December 27th, Cress Corn Salve-for sure relief ... . NOTICES, COMING EVENTS AND mother, Mrs. Maria Mason who, belonging to Game Warden BnDvddo u jc at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton too. 52-1 Mumicipality of the Township of' CARDS OF THANKS for more than 60 years expressed Rauch out at Cranbrook, B.C.a- Cemetery. 52-1 Fa loHr ks. tapl ierens artwright 11l assume no respan- *3¢ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less hser manthine talents in the inter- though ste nical ow raetire fF l col SOUCH -- In Bowmanville, on and Baxter apples. Weekly de- by the snow plow if cars are left- vineyard of Newcastle United .. The people of Love. Sak Onrifrmoumpplae Thursday, December 20th, 15,lvre.PoeCak 81 parked on the side of the road. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES Church. Rev. Lawrence T. Tur- stared as a coyote ambled it iie nteroiin bu Walter Orval Souch, beloved hus- 43-10 Henry, Thompson, .$1.00 per insertionnrepese h rtiueadtown one day, stopped to pa okShosfliln edi band of Agnes Jean Souch, and Clerk of the Township appreciation to all three donors, with several dogs and left wihvhi omnt.Mr hnhl dear father of Mrs. Elmer Cox, SOFTWOOD slabs, $6 cord at the of Cartwright. 52-1 I E OIM 01 1¢ l Miss Mason, Mrs. Harold Carr and out anyone interrupting hisvitofherptswelkeEgy Mrs. Morley Burgess, Leighton M., bush at Burketon. Inquire at I E OI - - $1.00plus10 a line for verse the Official Board for such prac-... short of nurses the hospitala ou fYokCut hc B. Orville and Harry A. Souch, Burketon Garage or H. M. Kyte, Attention tical gestures clothed mn the P ortage La Prairie is flying 5si Fl choswudfl in his 83rd year. Funeral from Blackstock, Phone Port Perry- COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS-(Includes all adver- mantle of immortality itself- nurses from overseas for the josedi n omntbtps Northcutt & Smith's Funeral 106r4. 49-tf Bowmanville Skating Club - tsn o esn rfrssligsrieies .The, hearing installation has ...A Bridgeport district manoexricefhangtoCuy Bon any 1 e Cemetery.Iner52-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, emrillArena ska rg ua eor goods of any description) 3¢ per word; minimum nh n eaugr ted h ing aihsnd-OntarrnintedabefIndianheo ea teoFolShoaetuvrdf yeudeluxe andlrunners; Rex- that there is ice, from 3 to 5. The charge 75¢ cash with order. To regular advertisers cessity arrive. The amplifycation Mohammed, for which hehatoprudpeleotkeim ENGAGEMENTS olarndegoods anbdgetyard ices' temperature is your invitation to payable monthly. hIas completely erased any vest- been offered $2,000; he is Willa outoten. . Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf skate. 52-1* g ffut utc ota l C. Fischer... 54,000 eggs wr as D ouin eebr The engagement is announced Display Classified ait $1.00 per inch with a minimum thare ry sy and e tered from etroyed h e a otruck rebyogCunytnkmredppl of Helen Patricia, daughter of TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, Wanted To Buy of one inch cheo ir. n xrse rmtePtr iht lpe f rde ol eei uta uha Mrs. S. D. Yeo, Orono, and the hearths and fireplaces. Walls- >cor railing and plunged into the creksnl epe Tlaeo e- late Mr. S. D. Yeo, to Gordon glazed tile or plastic, all colours BEFORE selling your live poultry Additional insertion ait the same rates The Sunday School scholars on the Fifth Concession of Wl igo a,"Ìh nsi hsfr Elbert, son of Mrs. H. Boundy, Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tile, try us. Our prices are higher. M. together with their teachers wor- lesley Township, Ont. .. At Caeumwohv atndd ner Port Hope, and the late Mr. H. T. quarrie and ceramic. Will go any-1 Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone All Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than shipped with their parents and don. Ont., the Knox ChurchremoeFlScosthutte Boundy. The marriage will take where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. worshi >nea h child placin at fcntyosre its 11tonifrodatgv- vr orrp place in January. 52-1* 2-tf.>g versary with special services ...rsnain o ua on ALL kmnds of hardwood logs or -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money-- fering upon the offering plate the 50-year-old bell atop the ps e"Hwvrtemjrt Born anvi s Canune E. orris, Ptal G eatiganhreilfur forWould hrdodrbuuyinHg (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) rented the unitr. ongr eoffceat bNewvGlasgow, teimrsi>uha Fo gaemntofthirdagher Mr-Durham County. Reasonable rates M. Kyte, Blackstock. Phone Port of which Mrs. William Beman firehall . . . remarks the Broosrm1 o3 er fae ht ion Georgina, to William Slaght, etimates call S. Blain Ellio tePerry 106r4., 32-tf Miss renMaPinchunerare e uhers ltaoBllein,"btchrshp Lkto efrwan are' son t, ofMan M s. TWi ia T.Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, LIVE poultry, goose feathers, I sented thae offering thethenie be' b ung hores rm eat a at 5cnsCreso etot a hr Slagh lt, owm a in e mar-Phone 3348. 29-tf feather ticks, bags, scrap iron andTh Ne c sl n p nd t ing "For Others ', amouemnaemakng a reabteaarnomnyithsgerupn riae wll akeplae i Trmtymetal. We also buy raw furs. The vnn eviecniudmoe onytathsbucrshiregbrod. United Church Saturday, January VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different Dial Oshawa 5-92cletothinprinofvceo u who *retail beef" . .. Earl Hind, We se http ftan 19th, 1952. 5-1 colours of tapes,,15 slat colours, write I. Turner, North Oshawa. Margaret Ash Telephone 2511 Newcastle carol song and praise with Mr.6, ased wa abeigucniosfrnoBCigwolseptepepei hi IN M RIM lealmAlummnum or Steel, 48-tf Pleuster presiding at the organ- fe en nosiu o ee omnt otk rae n I ME O IM measured and installed free of. and leading his grdup of choir- weeks following a truck accidettrs ncmuiyatvte ASHTON-In loving miemory of Fabric Ce ne 7f Wanted To Rent Mr. and Mrs. "Buster" Harris, the Massey Memorial Parsonage isters relatively recently arrived ' ii tOntedi or of t omn yimdatelytogh n our dear sister, Mabel, who slept Chiesley, spent the weekend withi were Mr. and Mrs. George Bowl- f rom Holland in two groups of two calls the new parking metr'rangwhcwolhephm peacefully away Dec. 24th, 1950: WAGON and Trailer A-xles. Your UNFURNISHED house or apart- friends and relatives in the vil- er with their son and daughter, carols each rendered in their na- ",one-armed bandits" and Fraetspkwllnpu e.Ago One year has passed since that choice of Chev.,- Ford or Dodge ment on or before March 1st. lage. Allan and Doreen, Toronto. tive tongue. Their offerings were Valley Record of Mission, "thsmayfrmgoptouttk. sad day, wheels either 15" or 16" so your Phone 439. 52-1 Miss Mary Margaret Bonathan .nulCrsmsAtvte well received and the minister mder hitch t" Geting an ctie prt . Jr Famer When our dear Sister was called own spare will work. Price only who is attending college in To- AnulCrsms ctvte from the pulpit expressed the Britain's colorfulG r en a d ierwr n okShoswudpr away, $30 each, while they last. This YOUNG married couple, no child- ronto, spent the holiday with her At United Church congregation's appreciation, Guards should be sporting Prictcualflilhsnedwie God took her home, it was his includes: axle, hubs, wheels, tires ren or pets wish to rent a cen- parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bon- The claims of the Yuletide Sea- . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allin addfed George. B.C., bearskins atop thi1bu 0prceto h 0 d wißl and tubes,_ all assembled, lined trally located apartment. Phone athan. son were fittingly and fully met immeasurably to the inspiration headis soon' 40 skins willberptsutmniodalae- Within our hearts she liveth up and pamnted. Springs $10.00 2600. 52-1* Miss Catherine Dewdney, who by Newcastle United Church, Fri- of this service by rendering the shipped fronm there by the Junirsi riigporm still. a pair extra, if desired. Please .atnsBsoitaca colma vnigwt h udyumortal duet "Little Son of Chamber of Commerce; next ya eea ruslk arno -Sadly missed and dearly re- note that this special offer 1s only F rRettornto, ashowell a Dugascwochool Parlours e ing the vnue Mary" introduced a year ago byeahm brofteJyeswlSioeetspcltanngn memberd by sster aude ad E whle prsent sock lats soattending Trinity College, Port of the annual Christmas Concert AmbssdorChor be responsible for producingon muipaafirwsveyec- broter-i-la Her. 5-1* Ph r ary. 0S1son' GargeTWO-room basement apartment, Hope, spent the holiday with sponsored by the Sunday School.tentioencwae itingly madckeofprmsknsay MyfedFumo el Pone Orono 13. -tf private entrance, ready for oc- their parents, Rev. and Mrs. D. of the Church. Every available the abce h rg sicknss ofr Smacking his lips the writer1,Cut reomnd1 COCHRANE-In loving memory RECESSED bathtubs $60; smart cupancy. Phone 3698. 52-1 R. Dewdney. square inch of roomn was utilized, tecuc rait r.Er the Carillon News, Steinbac-a odru riigt of a dear father, Milton George Martha Washington and Rich- M.adMs ra tno n parents and sponsors of our boys Fisher. who for many years has Mn eoe-"h luhe'oe al vneo l Cochrane, who passed away Dec. ledge stainless three piece bat-THREE heated rooms for rent, 3 rMarlndChsOley wer witand grsbig.rsn o hr nofficiated faithfully and efficient- seasn s ee:once mr, ihsu tuptiswy 'Hv 26th, 1950: romseswhte$6000to$8900 esLnorth of Bowmanville. Don Mrs.H.R.Pen-o Chese wr itlasthnpiratbinof tesevt einAly at the console of the organ. |lierwu rst, oc ops prerbigi omri uiia On ya ha ase inetht Coloured $274.00 complete with ( am , Hgha. 5 owmanvi .Haold ocilarge Christmas. tree, the top etc.. acked away in the barr sca is oepo sadday bautfubchomdtfttngslArc(cuogmigway.f2-1tM.iadgrs.HaoldHokmaranhe ofwhchbouhedthcWedo'toinff heric o knw f tei comuityhe When one we loved was called conditioning frae $9.0 nd children, Newtonville, se elnwsbatflydcrtdThe Development meadt iny ig herie(cnmr neet hywl hw Wedanwee seia;a eil fers oSto plumbyu abnd Lost parentsM. andhMrs H k E- nd allurh lillur nated. The Of Flu - Cured sit back and enjoy agodras°'e"c"en°ay a"oFutes To bring you to our mind, dollars, buy with confidence and BLACK and tan female foxwrgt much time and artistry in making Tobacco Varieties choking sensation of eatigeti oa far. Adw For the days we do not think have a nicer home. Satisfaction hound. Phone collect Brooklin Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKewon the Yule Tree possible, the actual money., ol etmy gewud of you guaranteed. Extra discounts off 66r4. 52-1 spnt the holiday with friends procuring of the trees being the OtwDecme you.1- NepwMa.Pes:Sa Are very hard to find. catalogue prices if we supply and relatives in Cookstown. annual contribution of Mr. Gordon FlOttawaetbcmb re 22, 1951.- eekpasswa Man.Press:Scrcl If all this world were ours everything you need for complete Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dixon, Martin. loucued intoacoa rieties r a elek pesihoorou We'd give ysadmre .Clogeinclu es istalphtonf. FsisTroter, Ms. Chrius aywiand Mr.Mrs. Hay with artistic fingers ed varieties may be selected from er of our governments to under To' seet eace df Fthrear amangufit upes and inotstal-fBLACK, white and tan deer sserLaw his a dM. adorned the mantel-piece of the particularly good plants in the take some project or to emrk rrSSirm n n Comsesmilingathrough the door.mationiaguras. Srelectd istl-ofhound. Phone Brooklin 66r4. Mr. R .Wih n osimulated open fire-place with all field, or by "crossing" or hybrid- upon some form of paternalisaE SueN Xue --Lovingly remembered by sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs,5-1Toronto, called on her sister, Mrs. th nedd ecrio ofhezngwrbyheodqulis...ifeaeralymeem daughter, Gladys, son-in-law, Tom showers, stoves, refrigerators. ON Concession St., one tire chain G. F. Ash on Sunday. samne. of two or more varieties are comn- preserving the principles of fe and family. 52-1 Pressure water systems, oil burn- on Monday, December 24. Phone' The town folks are taking full Miss Aileen Allin, Sunday bined into a single variety. In enterprise as well as personl OtwDc.2,15.Hy ers, septic and oil tanks etc. Visit 504. 52-1* advantage of the fine ice that we School pianist, presided at th,, either case, says K. T. Grant of freedom itself, we should not b atr itrs stenm m EMERSON-In ever loving mem.. or write Johnson Mail Order Di- have in our arena. piano, affording all the classes the Dominion Experimental Sub- developing state control byth pieaehoewch re a- orv of a dear son and brother, vision, Streetsville Hardware, who contributed to the concert station, Delhi, the niew variety backdoor... of catching hold fvse o ayfroeo w Flying Officer Ralph H. Emerson, Streetsville, Ontario. Phone 261: Livestock For Sale Lions News skilful 1 e a d e r s h i p. Presents must be subjected to several years the coat-tails of government an-yasadtenaeuezsps R.C.A.F. killed on operational Evenings 51r15. 31-tf. . The regular meeting of the abounding at the tree and at the of careful selection and testing time we want something instedtr o w r he er ra flight iš Frane on Dec 26th46 WELL started Yorkshire pigs. Newcastle Lions Club gathered base were gathered up by Santa, before it can be released for com- of fending for ourselves.logathyrepdutv.Te 1944- * Fane F Dth Lth Wanted to buy-sow to farrow itself together despite the weath- whose guffawing voice and gen- mercial production. Clipped: In plain languaecotitl-gwngrsesik He44 hasnoFmise the waLreatest Papers soon. G. Peterson, Courtice. , er, at the Queen's Hotel, Thurs- ial spirits won the hearts of tle Tobacco growers often produce guaranteed annual wages simpytmthocad rs n He could but steer the course * For the Finest Paints 52-1* day night. Third Vice-Pres. John little folks. The Sunday School so-called "crosses" by placing the mean that no man will everem br egaswihaalrdcov Our Piot tok, an so cntent, * Forthe Bst Wokm h.Rickard acted mn the absence of staff, as in past years, had made heads of two varieties under a ploy anothgr. If employing ae n lieaogwt aio Hu otn attlescre and anscontePets For Sales ormnsi the president who was mndisposed. provision for every child to have paper bag. These are not crosses mnmasta h mlyra.Te rdc bnac fgo weary wing, S. G. PRESTON & SON The busmness session was a very a bag of candies, some 200 bags since most of the pods produce1 sumes the obligation of payigqaiyhytob olwdb Receiv his nw commssion HONE - REGISTERED Cocker Spaniel lengthy one and was topped off in all having been prepared by seed of their own kind unless the that man for ever, whetherthpaurinaeryrs from the King. 21 1 puppies, five months old.. Phone with a motion to give the New- members of the Evening A1,xiliary flwr.recospllntdb employer can sell his productoeh ocledpraetps -Sadly issed b Mom,1Dd,-49-t 2562 Port Hope. 51-2 castle Memorial Rink Committee of the W.M.S. hand. The actual "crossing" or not, then only a fool will becom uemxue oss ftmty Donald, Edgar, Frank, Ellen, $0.0t a h aac wn Acting Superintendent of the shexua im teon aespaensaou an employer. ocadgas rm rs n Gladys and Irene. 52-1 ~~~~~~~the contractor for the construc- Sunday School, Mr. Gordon Gray, tetm h lwroes n The chasm between a simpemaorece lstebto GldsadIee 21 Work Wanted DEAD FARMq STOCK tion of the building. was requested to bring greetingF unless the flowers of the female life and a complicated civilizatingasssclsKnuk rCn TREWIN-In loving memory of In the draw, amongst them- to the parents as also Mr. Charles pln r u pnwe ut r'ows wider every year sineaabugsrdfsceord our dear daughiter and sister, SNOW Plowing-Work done with Picked Up Promptly selves, Lion Chas. Megit tookz Glenney and Mr. Gordon Martin young, and the green-yellow sacs pioneer days, sighs the Stetteto.Tereofaalair- Anne wh pased wayJanarysnow plow on tractor. Phone HORSES, COWS, HEIFERS, home the bacon--oops--we meari all workers in the life of the Sun- removed, the seeds produced will (Alta.) Independent. "Thatisdcdondealadth - ---Eer remembeed bwy Mother, 496. 522-2* SHEEP, PIGS and CALVES the turkey. day School. Minister of the not all be true 'hybrids" but our chief loss-the loss of co-gmsaeualywieDth Father, Sisters and Brothers., ALNGO bati amp- (We pay for horses and cows) To keep our readers curiouis, church, Rev. Lawrence H. Turn- mrostl y slfplina tions. ed tentment which the people hadnwl ht lvro aio Ist, 1942: toALn fr tom kbtiig Hon ALUSCLET -watch this column for a Lions er, acted as chairman during the gpr uced ln two edsto lntgood measure when they gat-Sczitrsmydvlp.oe ls,14:52-1 tn3243 uso klln 32hoe-tfL SCOLC sponsored major development ofientire proceedings.. The con- gte hudntb sdt ln ered around the old town pump"waroesoly u odpr 34.3-f LIVE HORSES "vi inteest to our community- census of opinion was that this a crop because it will consist of The deductions at source admnn sdiiomd n slf C AIRDS OF THANKS HOME Insulation, blowing meth- Plans for the Christmas party on concert of 1951 maintained the plants of the two separate var- all that stuff doesn't matter, tedw spsuefraln ie od. Workmanship guaranteed. 2- 3¢ for crippled and old Saturday last were completed fine traditions of the past. ieties and a few hybrid plants, and government still needs as mani rzn a omtmssatee Mr. os Gan isestoexPree estzimates. Hrry d, horses.1 and 200 to 250 children were roy- Sna evcswr ree will produce an irregular crop. d1mlye seecam h ero salsmn . INLEmnexeiecefor nesgven ppoed ydctr.Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Two epoch making aspects of are sufficiently- superior to merit ure-s show that less than 12 per Mr. Wilbur Cunningham and dairy farm. Would consider miar- Phone Oshawa 5-4943 for reser-1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gray and the morning service was the pres. release as a new commercial, cent of the British emigrants whoae smiae bvaedf ceil wh to express or sn- ried man. Neil Malcolm, Burke- vations. -50-tf1 famnily spent Christmas wt entaton of two "In Memoriam" variety, moved to Commonwealth coun ntl peerd neeghors fo theirind expres ton, Phone Port Perry 191r22. friends ,and relatives in Leaming- gifts to the congregation. Mrs.1 tries came to Canada. sigons fompthy a ndereu- 52-1* PerSOnal Iton. W e wish to extend sincerc Harolrd Carr, nee Rita Cook, Taking liquor to dances b. sionf sypah fand offEi 11au sympathy to Mrs. Grayý on the through the chairman of the co-yugpplcmetthRd th anking Rev. S. endersonDr. among consumers in Bowmanville. oods) miled postpaidinrplain ington. osoGe ncei em lennev.ComposlesMe owaharlesderdangeroudvoThceesisno'hArRi a i Sorey andthekinorris uneral Permanent connection with large sealed envelope with price list. Sincerest sympathy is extend- Chairma'n W. F. Rickard present- 'ng wrong, with these vourCost domne frteir knness and help manufacturer. Only reliable hust- Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. ed to Mr. Lorne Cobbledick on the ed the - recently installed hearing kD A E people other than bad judgmnt loss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Wrt o ernoe n ieh - 0 oaw eigh's Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- loss of his sister, Miss Mabel' installation in affectionate memi- adFlfradSpr|e ..4 ut f those of more maturBwmnie los f ea mteran if. Dp 2-- 14* - , ontea. r Co.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Cobbledick, Toronto. orv of her late parents, Mr. and vOa CCSO ears to try to help themn see how1(igS.W hn 7 62-1*50-3 1-52 Christmas Sabbath guests at 1Mrs. William Howard- Cook, for i oolish they are and both by ex- PAQ& WinBT TME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT. tONTARYO THURSDAY, DEC., '1.

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