, - ~-~i~w-----I---- - 'I'RRSDY. AMUARY 3. 1952 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAN=E.L ONTARITO PAE Iviv Se This hs What Goes èn Down Ai Couies' Council Sessions (Port Hope Guide) cluding Deputy-Reeve L. Giddy Reeve William Roche anr.ounc- af Part Hope, voted for it, and today that he wfli we iost."1 lhei.matter of e- The Reeve went on ta say that unemation fr menfters of the hie does flot know what the ea- Counties Coaundil duririt its ses- son is for this discrepancy, and aion in January. when the practice was cballeng- IfYOU examine the minutes ed during the November session againat the resolution appmoving no reason was given. of the remunemation you wiil find: The remuneration for members that the Councul aften sits for only of the Council is $7 per day plus four days and votes themseives 8c mileage. five days pay for the session," "Ail I'm interested in doing is said the Reeve. arranging matters so that we are was the case in Novem- paid for the number af days in b' ontinued, "and when session. If we sit four days we thezslution was introduced it should get paid for four days or wase'chaiienged by one of the if we sit five or six days we shouid rneinbers who said we shauld be get paid for five or six days." paid for the number of days in Tbe Reeve mentioned tbe dif- session. "«Another resolution em- ficulties which have been exper- bôdying this recammendation was ienced lateîy over the keeping of introduced and, with no discus-! the Counties accounts and saîd sion a snap vote was taken. Only that this would be a good place 18 af the Councii's members, in- to start keeping them in order. Progress Slowly Eliminales Picluresque Snake Fences Giving Scene Streamling Elfeci (By Roy Bonisteel in The Trenton Courier-Advocate) The rail fence ambles on a zig- zag course fromn the creek acrosj the acre lots and then into the bush, like an old man stumbling along a rough trail. Buiît of split cedar rails, it has weathered many a storm. It is 'now old and doomed, but it brings to mind pietures portraying life in pioneer dàys. 'Our forefathers did flot have thie nails or the wire that can be obtained today. They had only their strength and the trees they felled when clearing the land. With these two elernents they built the fences to press back the wlderness fromn encroaehing on the cleared land and the maraud- ig animais- of the forest fromn ST. JOHN'S CHURCHR (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, BA., B.D. CHORAL COMMUNION EVENSONG VIOLINIST MAURICE 'BOILLAT from Switzerland PIANIST GWEN TAYLOR Toronto wîll be in complete charge of the service at DO WMAN VILLE DAPTIST MISSION JANUARY 61h 7 P.Mý. 14 Nelson Street between Ontario and Liberty Sts. their sparce but precious crops and to keep their own cattle from straying too far from safety. Like themselves. their fences were rough and sturdy, planted firmly on the good rich earth, solid and immovable. Modemn fences of barbed or hog wire are undoubtedly efficient but they add nothing to the beauty of the countryside. The old rail fence is picturesque and charming while being just as useful. From an economical point of view they take up too mucil valuable gound and need a lot of good wood that could bc used to better advantage, but they are part and parcel of the history of this country. Since man has been able to say, "this piece of land is mine," there have been found means to separ- ate one man's lot fmom bis neigh- bor's. In the older lands, low walls of soul and turf were con- structed and often capped with f urze. In many parts walls of f lat, dry stones carefully piled. stretch for miles over moors and pastoral land. No mortar or ce- rnent is used on these and they have stood for hundreds of years. No one can think of fences with- out remembering the hedgemows. These are made mostly of live thorn trees and bushes of various varieties. A hedge of this kind is one of the finest sights seen in the country especially when the trees and bushes are in bloom. From these attractive features of landscape the "crooked rail," "snake," or "worm fence" (which- ever you prefer to calli',) is a very worthy descendant. lt must be granted that it bas flot the straight lines that walls and hedges have. By the very nature of its con- DARLINCTON RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION SPECIAL MEETING to consider recommendations by Legal Advisers. Township Hall HAMPTON 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 4 1952 Our New Year's Resolutions At this tinie cf the year we would like to inake a few Newv Year's Resolutions to you . . . Our custorners. DURING THE COMING YEAR- WE ivili endeavour to give you the best cf service at ail times. WE wilI endeavour to correct any mistakes we have nmade in the past ... so you the custorner nay benefit. WE will endeavour te provide you with quality nierchandise at ail times. WE wiIl endeavour te provide you with as large a choice cf quality meats and groceries as is possible. cordially invite you to couic in and shop around SFREE DELIVERY YED'PS MEATS AND GROCERIES Formcrly Harry AIIin's 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 structian it must jog and jag while runnng in the required di- rection. But it stands, yeam after yeam, performing its function and in doing so acquires a forma and symmetry of its own. As the years ral by and the stomms, sunshipe and frost wamk their will an it, the fence seemns ta harden and set. Under its rails the windblown seeds of the wild flowers and weeds find fallow ground. brambles spring up and twine around the fence, provid- ing a measure of protection. Soon it resembles the flowery bedges and becomes a littie wold of its own. To the nature lover, it is a pre- ciaus tbing because it serves as a shelter and a storehouse fom tbe birds and squirrels. Bees corne droning ta sip nectar fromn the flowers; mice, weasels and rab- bits use it as cover fmom maraud- ing hawks; partmidges, grouse and quail foagerand pereh ovem and under the mossy rails. In districts wheme most of the bush bas been cleared away to make room for crops and pastume. they stand as evidence of tbe trees that once grew there. But that wbich makes it. 50 picturesque also adds ta its util- ity. The foliage of brambles that covers it and the plants that thive beneath its shelter form a compact mass; the older the fence the thicker and denser thc accumulation of plant life, thus forming an effective windbmeak and barricade. However. like most things old, it must give way ta progress. Like the old-fashioned family bouse, it must be steamlined. The space is occupies must be utilized more economically. As each one is dismantled and discarded, a link wth the past is broken. They are part of wbat we must pay for pmogress, cher- ished only in memory or by artist; in woodcuts or rural life. They have had their day, have served man and beast faithfully and well and now must give way to mod- ernity. SOLINA The annual school meeting at Solina was held on Wednesday last with Mm. A. L. Pascoe as chairman and Mm. C. E. Short- idge, secretary. The Board af Trustees is composed of: Bruce Tink, Harold Pascoe and., Wes. Wemmy who was e-elected. Mms. W. H. Bray who bas been at Mm. A. L. Pascoe's for some time bas returned to hem home in Pickering. A family party was enjoyed at Mm. Bruce Tink's on New Year's Day. Lynn Pascoe received medical treatment for sevemal days in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, bding iii with pneumonia. Sympathy is extended ta Mm. E. Beauchamp and Mr. Harry Beau- champ and family an the sudden passing of Mms. E. Beauchamp. Dm. and Mrs. Jerry Milîson and Ruth, Toronto, visited at Mm. E. Millson's. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hoskin and Darlenie, Oshawa, visited at Mm. Ralph Davis'. Miss Velma Gilbert, B.A., Tom- onto, is spending the Christmas vacation with ber parents, Mm. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterbor- ough Civic Hospital, is enjoying several days at ber home. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison and Glenn were Saturday evening guests of Miss Faye Gilmoy at ber home at Enfield. Communion service will be ob- served next Sunday afternoon at the church service. Mm. and Mrs. Hafly Knox weme Sunday visitors at Mm. Hilton Tink's. Mrs. W. A. Ormmston, Mm. and Mms. Orval Jackson, Murray and Robert, Brooklin, visited at Mm. Bruce Tink's. Mms. Chas. Blanchard with Mm. and Mms. A. L. Blanchard spent Christmas at Mm. Morley Cook's, Coîborne. Mm. and Mrs. Tommy Anderson and Jo-Anne, Toronto, visited at Mm. John Knox's. Mm. and Mms. Roy Langmaid visited on Sunday at Mm. Law- rence Squair's, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. John Knox at- tended the funeral of Mrs. Knox's grandmother, Mrs. A. Malcolm, at Brougham, on New Yeam's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Misses Bessie and Anne Snowden were Sunday visitors at Mm. Joe Snowden's. Mm. and Mms. Tom Baker and children enjoyed Christmas Day at Mm. Edwin Ommiston's, Eben- ezer. Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Philip and Elizabeth, Peterborough, spent sevemal days at Mr. J. Baker's.- Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe spent Christmas at Mrs. Harvey Har- ris'. Christmas Day dinner guests at Mm. Clarence Vice's included Miss Luella Hepburn, Oshawa: Misses Margaret Hepburn and Ella Fuzzy, Toronto; Mm. and Mms. Arthur Hepburn, Joan and Mary, Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hepburn, Russell and Harold. Mm. and Mrs. C. Vice, Murray and Donna visited at Mm. Harold Jebson's, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Montgomery, Donna and Miriam, Mr. and Mrs. i Ian Montgomery, Mrs. Lloyd Fer- guson, Betty and Donald, Osh- awa, spent Christmas Day at Mm. Bruce Montgomemy's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox and CamaI, Mr. and Mrs. K. Kearnsi and family, Enf ield; Mrs. E. BECÀUSE-Backache is offen due to urn- nary irritation and ladder discomfort; and for over hall a century Dodd's Kidney Pills have helped bring relief f rom backache by stimulating the kidneys. Cet Dodds Kidney Pill a t amv drug counter. You, too, uandepend on Ddda. 163 HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Warren spent Christmas holidays with rel- atives in the Listowel and God- erich district. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn lef t on Thursday to spend Yuletide with their son, Dr. and Mrs. Wal- lace R. Horn and their grand- daughter, Patricia, in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Trull'and Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truli were in Fenelon Falls on Saturday at- tending the wedding of Miss Haz- el Cunningham and Mr. Alan Graham. Miss Lulu Reynolds spentý Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Reynolds, Toronto. Miss Mary Lou Daw, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Daw, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Daw. Mrs. Geo. White, Mr. Glen Fry, Bowmanville; Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Marion; Master Lorne and Miss Diane Tink, Solina, with Mrs. Percy Dewell. Misses Isabel and Betty Smales, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smales, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smales, Sr. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Miss Mil- dred Snowden and Bob Snowden, Maple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker Sm., with Mr. and Mms. Jim Smales, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truli with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cunning- ham, Fenelon Falls. Mr. J. R. Reynolds, David and John were with relatives in To- ronto on Sunday. Miss Cecile Petit and Raymond Petit, Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Will Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Maxine and Debora, and Miss Eileen Wray, Reg. N., Oshawa, were guests at the borne of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lyon and baby son, Scarboro Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kersey and Jimmie, To- ronto, at S. Kersey's. Mr. and Mrs. Wili Wilbur with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bur- nett, Orono. Miss Bertha Armour, Oshawa, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armour. Mr. and Mrs. Gamnet Johnston, Sandra and Carol. with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Johnston, Manilla, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mountjoy with Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Mi:s Mountjoy, Bowmanville. Mrs. M. Goodman and Miss Louise Goodman are with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Parker, Toronto. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Will White. Misses Pearl Gilbert. Reg. N., and Ethel Gilbert, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gilbert. Mrs. Joe Chapman with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott, Oshawa, and other Oshawa relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jeffrey, Toronto. with Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth with Mr and Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox, Co- bourg. (Intended for last week) Christmas concert was held on Thursday night, Dec. 20 with a good attendance and included sev- eral interesting dialogues, recita- tions, choruses and numbers pre- sented by school pupils, C.G.I.T.. Girl Guides. Boy Scouts and pri- mary class of the Sunday Sehool. which xvas enjoyed. Jovial Old Santa arrived in good time to dis- tribute hig gifts toa ah. White Gif t Service was beld in the Sunday aftemnoon Sunday Sehool session with a special pro- gram, and an offering of $35.00 was given. Greetings of the Season are ex- tended ta, the Editor and staff and all readers of The Statesman. FUEL OIL STOVE OIL COAL OIL1 - We Deliver - 3 Meter Trucks To Serve You BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE PHONE 804 BOWMANVILLE Yates, Milton, visited at Mr. Geo. Hamlin's. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray and daughter, Oshawa; Mrs. Sherwood Rundie, Bawmanvile; Miss Jean Rundie, Toronto, spent Christmas àt Mr. Ross Cryderman's. Miss Rundie rernained for several days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pascoe, Broug- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hardy and Billie, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox enjoyed Christ- mas at Mr. George Knox's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Harold and Murray had dinner at Mr. J. Marks', Toronto, Christ- mas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fice and family, Taunton; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and family spent Christmas at Mr. Frank West- lake's. Mrs. Frank Westlake, Jr., is progressing favomably followingl an appendectomy in Memoial Hospital, Bowmanville.1 The C.G.I.T. Christmnas party was held at the parsonage on Sat- umday, Dec. 29 with Il members present. Following a brief open- ing devotional period conducteri by Vice-Pres. Mary Griffin, was a recreational peiod. Each girl led in anc game or contest. There was a gift exchange with Shirley Ellis ctoing the duty as Santa Claus. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. R. Seymour and Miss Margaret Seymour. The meeting closed with '1'aps. Next meeting at the home of lieva Me- Gi, Jan. 19, at 2 p.m. The Service Club met at the borne of Mms. G. Yeo with 14 pres- ent. Meeting was in the form of a social and a game of cards ern- joyed by ail. It was moved that a donation be sent ta the Santa Claus Fund. A lunch and generous exchange of gifts bx'ought a happy evenng ta a close. Lunch was served by Mrs. 0. Ashtonî, i Mrs. A. Leacibeater, Mms. Bue, Tbompson and the bostess. NexL meeting at the borne of Mrs. Bue Thompson on Jan. 2nd. The Mission Band opened with Vice-Pres. Reva McGill in charge. Hymn was sang and ail repeat- ed the Mission Band Aim and Purpose. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton con- ducted the election of officers with the following resuits: Pres. -Ruth Lamb; Asst. Pres.- Bert Wemmy; Sec'y-Nancy Wood; Asst. Sec'y-Ted Yeo; Treasurer -Reva MvcGill; Birthday Box- Eleanor Heard; Libraian-Lor- na Wearn; Temperance-Carol Wright; Peace Se'y-Keith Bulis; Press Reporter-Gloria Wright', Gif t Box-Chester Milis; Pianist- Ray Ashton, Nancy Wood, Gloria Wright, Eleanor Heard. Mrs. Sey- mour lied in musical garnes with Mrs. G. Yeo at the piano. Apples and candies were passeci by Ted Yeo and Ray Ashton. Mm. and Mrs. E. O. Pethick, Mr. and Mms. F. E. Pethick, Mrs. Ver- na Wood, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. Howard Pethick, Dorothy and Camai, Leaside, spent Christmas with Mm. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mm. and Mrs. Camemon kc, Oshawa; Mm. and Mms. Carencie Avery and famly, Burketon, with Mm. and Mms. Albert Oke. Miss Joan Hobbs spent Christ- mas with Miss Shirley Stevens. A family Christmas gathering was held at the home of Mm. and Mrs. J. A. Werr.v. Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and farn- il 'v visited with Mm. and Mrs. D. Veo. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn and farnilv and Mr. and Mrs. J. Flect visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wcarn, Clamemonit. Mr. and Mrs. M1. .Hohbs with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rodman, af Lin ds ay. Mm. and Mrs. C. Milîs, Mm. and Mrs. R. Hope and family, Port Perry: Mrs. H. His and familv, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. C. Mii!.i and farnilv. Map]e Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Morre, Mr. TYRONE Sehool meeting was held Dec. 26th with a small attendance, the new trustee being Mr. Jack Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. James Alldread with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Willis, Mrs. John Lillicrapp, Cannington, with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam for Christmas. Mr. and Mms. R. B. Scott were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, Columbus, at Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. A. Thompson, Mr. R. Mc- Niebol, Bowmanville, were Newl Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. K. Colbary enter- tained a number of friends New Year's Eve. Rev. and Mrs. D. Lute and childmen spent New Year's with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold May, Grimsby, Mrs. H. FindlayMessrs Dean' and Bruce, Unionville; Mm. and Mrs. C. Bigelow, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkey with Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards on New Year's Day. Communion is to be observed next Sunday. We hope to see a good number out. New Yeam's Eve the Taylor family entertained a number of young people to a tumkey dinner and ail the timmings, and report a wonderful time. Mm. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and Michael visited Mm. and Mms. W. Gibbs, Oshawa. Mm. and Mms. Ian Lute and son, Toronto, spent Christmas Day with Rev. and Mrs. Lute and children. Mm. E. Haylock, Long Banch; Mrs. K. Jacobsen, Port Credit; Mm. and Mrs. J. Colbamy and David, Brooklin, weme Sunday visitors at the Colbary home with the Jacobsen boys returning home with their mother. Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan visited with fiends at Rochester, N.Y. Mm. and Mms. George Alldmead visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Hardy, Bowmanville. on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Joe Riddle and daughter, Oshawa; Mm. and Mr5. L. Hetherington, Alliston, visited Mm. and Mms. Joe Young. Mm. and Mrs. Norman White, Toronto, spent several days with Mm. and Mms. F. L. Byam on theirj honeymoon. Mm. and Mrs. Walter Murphy and family, Bowmanville; Mm. and Mms. Eaml Pmescott, Mm. and Mrs. A. Richards were Saturday evening guests of Mm. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mm. Laurence Tabb, Oshawa; Mm. and Mms. T. Tabb spent New Yeam's Day with Mm. and Mrs. M. Tabb. Mm. and Mrs. Ronald Rahm, Mm. and Mrs. W. Rahm, Kennetb and Clem spent New Year's Day with Mm. and Mms. Cecil Rahm, Union. Ohers who attended weme: Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Bumketon; Mm. and Mms. Herman Fice, Mm. and Mms. A. Grace and Lynda, Miss Ada Rahm, Mm. J. Smith, Mr. Walter Coch- rane, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. W. Macdonald and Bruce with Mm. and Mms. James Graham on New Yeam's Day. i ENNISKILLEN and Mrs. H. Stevens and Gardon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beckett and fam- ily, spent Christmas with Mm. and Mrs. R. J. Weaving, Thorn- bill fMr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles. with Mr. and Mms. G. Johnston, Toronto. Mrs. Emnest Walkem and Dai- phine. Wallaceburg, are visiting with Mm. and Mms. Russell Grif- fin. Mis. H. Milis and aiywt Mr.M. Wells. Port Pemry. Mr. and Mms. A. Leadbeater and Gogewith their families in To- is Nanc Woo with Ms Vemna Wood, Toronta. Mm. and Mrs. Bey. Veale and Jacqueline, Kirkland Lake, are spending a few bolidays with Mm. and Mms. F. W. Wermy. Mm. and Mms. Dawson Beckett, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mms. Floyd Beckett. Mm. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Lamb. Mr. and Mms. R. Tbompson, Meyronne, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gimblett and Simone, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy MeGili. Mm. and Mrs. Herb Wright, Robie and Janette, Toronto; Mr. Murray Barry, Orono, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mm. and Mms. John Griffin and family called on Mm. and Mrz. 11. DeGeer, Bethany. Mm. and Mms. E. Wright and family visited Mm. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, Columbus. Gloria Wright remained for Cbristmas. Mr. and Mms. A. Leadbeatem and Georgie, with Mm. and Mms. A. Moore, Enniskillen. A family Christmas gatbeming was beld at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin. Mmr.and Mms. Harmy Stmutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Petb- ick and Mrs. E. Strutt. Mm. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Lamb and family, visited Mr. and Mms. Wm. Lamb, Nestieton. Mr. Hemb Pmescott and Miss Ruth Pmescott, Enfield, wit-.Mr.I_ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY VITANINS Help keep the whole family in the best of health this faîl and winter by starting now to build resistance to colds and other ills. Many well recommended pro- ducts supplying needed vitamins are listed here. Ayerst Alphainettes - $1.00-$1.85-$3.50-$15.00 Beminal Tablets $1.50-$3.75-$16.75 10-D Cod Liver Oil- $1.00.$2.25 Frosst's Neo Chemical Food: Liquid -- - -- - ----$1.55-$3.35-$5.90 Capsules $1.65-$2.95-$6.60 Horner's Infantol- -- -- - -----$1.00.$3.25 Kepler's Malt & Cod Liver Oil -- $1.00-$1.75 Lederle Vi-Delta Emulsion- -- ---$1.68-$2.92 Mead's OIeurn Percomorphum - 95c-$3.99 Mead's Cod Liver Oil- - 75c-$1.60 One-A-Day A & D Tablets - - $1.35.$2.50 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamin- $1.25-$2.50-$4.25 Parke-Davis Abdol with C - $2.70-$4.95.$11.50 Squibb Cod Liver Oil- - 75c-$1.59 Squibb 10-D Cod Liver Oil- --$1.00-$2.25 'I Vita-Diet Capsules -- -- -- --$1.15-$2.70 Wampole's Ex. of Cod Liver - -- $1.25 Waterbury's Compound - $1.25 Wyeth's B-Plex Liquid $3.25 I.D.A. Special Cascara TABLETS 100's - reg. 39c -- - - -33e I.DA. Special Linseed MEAL 12-oz. - reg. 35e 27e A. S. A. TABLETS loo's -300's 23e -49o SCOTT'S EMULSION - The iligiEn.rgy Year-Round S Famlly Tankc- iu Rich in Vitamin A e nd Sunshine 'Jitamin D 73e $1.33 IHE WARMTH \fTHAT SOOTHE51 gives qukck relief liS' -.from Cheui Colds, S Lumbago,Nouiis, Rhumtism* BRYLCRE EM ~ THE PERFECT im- ý,HAIR DRESSING For Balanced Fitness PLEASAANT FASTINO 'FRUiT SALT?' E N PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOR Your Local I.D.A. Druggist DRUGS Phone 792 We Deliver 8 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION We COLD CREAM, I.D.A. Theatrical 1-lb., reg 89e 69c IDOL-AGAR, I.DA. Minerai Oit & Ag-ar, 16 & 40 oz., reg. 79c, $1.59 --- ------- 59c-$1.19 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, 4, 8, 16 oz., reg. 19c, 29c, 45e ----- 14c-23c-37e MTLK 0F MAGNESIA, 16 & 32 oz., reg. 35c, 60e 29c-55e SODA BICARBONATE 4, 8, 16 oz., rcg. 15, 25, 35 - llc-19c-27e Hair Needs HOLLYWOOD WAVESET -___25e HUDNUT EGG CREME SHAMPOO--------- -- $1.25-$2.00 PRELL SHAMPOO - 35c-69c-$1.09 TONI HOME PERMANENT - $3.00 REFILL --$1.50 DRENE RHAVIPO0 -- 9c-69e-$l.09 FRUIT ENOSý'SALT" and Mrs. Carl Fergusan. ton, Ennlskillen, spent New Year'# Mr. and Mms. Fred Trewin and with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Sr. Wright, Blackstock; Mr. Roy Tre- Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbeater and win, Toronto. spent Christmas Murray, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin with Mr. and Mrs,. A. Leadbeater8 and Miss Minerva Tmewln. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Oke vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Runcile, Baw- family._ Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. manville. Fred Wright and boys, Maple M4. and Mms. Lamne Griffmn and Grove; Miss Marguerite Wright, Jean, Purpie Hill; Mr. and Mrs. St. Catharines, spent Christmas Russell Griffin, Reg. and Mary, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wright. Mms. Ernest Waikem and Dal- A family Christmas gathering phine with Mr. and Mrs. John was heid at the home of Mr. and Griffin for Christmas. Mrs. Francis Werry. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wearn and Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin and famiiy spent Christmas wîth Mr. family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mms. A. Wearn, Claremont, and Mrs. Lamne Griffin, Purpie and Mr. and Mrs. E. Parrott, Hill. Chaik Lake. M.adMs alc rfi The Christmas gathering of theaMd. and r s. WalNewce Grf immediate family of Mrs. E. C. and HeM.ahe rsRusnNeller' Ashton was held at the home of ith . adMs usi rl Mr. and Mms. Stewart Rodmanfn's Scugog Island, when ail 29 mem- Mr. Darreli Walton, Kingston, bers were present. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stev- Mr. Albert Oke is slowiy im- ens was one of the 30 boys fmom pmoving fmom bis iiiness. St. George's Chumch, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. C. Engiish and who sang in the choir in New family, Bowmanvilie, with Mm. York for New Yeam's holiday. and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mr. and Mms. R. J. Weaving, Mm. and Mms. Donald Lee, Thornhihl, spent New Yeam's witli Wayne and Temry, Mr. and Mrs. hem parents, Mr. and Mms. W. H. Bemwin Adams, Wayne and Mar- Moore. ii ilyn, Oshawa; Mrs. Lonnie Chap- In spite of a lot af snow and man and Paul, Trout Creek; Mr. pelting down more ail the time and Mms. George Bowems, Jean, aur public sehool concert was weUl Jerry and Ralph, Nestieton; Mr. attended by young and old. Th* and Mms. Keith Ferguson, Mapie children's Christmas pamty was il Grove; Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Stmong the fomm of an operetta this ytam. and Fay, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mr. Seymour acted as chair.iait Mrs. Wilbert Dinkle, Victoria and Miss Coulter of Pontypool, Harbour, with Mr. and Mrs. Wal- played the music. Mrs. Mitchell ter Ferguson. and hem pupils made a vemy fine Mr. and Mms. Walter Rahm, job in making the evening so en- Tyrone, with Mm. and Mrs. John tertaining. Santa arived late Griffin. but in bis jolly aid way made a Mr. and Mms. Jack Tbompson, laugh for evemyone. A quilt was Peterborough, spent Sunday with auctioned by Clifford Pethick, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wemmy. Santa helping with the bids, but Mr. and Mms. Walter Smith, was sold to Mr. L. Wearn. Then Whitby, spent Christmas with Mr. Santa with helpers passed gifts Claude Smith and Mrs. Hunt. and candy bags ta tbe children. Mr. and Mms. S. R. Pethick and AUl went home feeling an evening Nancy witb Mr. and Mms. E. O. was well spent. Petbick, Toronto. The Enniskillen correspondent Mr. and Mms. Roy McGili and hopes everyone wbo reads this family spent Christmas witb Mr. paper including the staff and Mm. and Mms. Roy Langmaid, Solina. James have had a Very Merry Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Christmas and a Happy New Orono; Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stain- Year.