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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1952, p. 9

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I TIUIS~Y, ANTJARY 3. 1032 THE CANfADIAN BTATESMA!N, EOWLMVflLN.ONTAMUO Th e Orono News M& IL. E. Logan Vis'+ g with Mr. an4 Mrs. Le- thair ilton on Sunday were ilï,rom Guelph, Mr. aden, L*Fiherand chul- dren NomieLin a nd Kathie, eccomPanied by Mrs. Fisher's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vam- phew, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Watson. Miss Aima Watson and Mr. Wm. Watson attended the funeral of !heiitter's sister, Mrs. Tom Wark, .'Wteroo ast week. c7?gratulations to Mr. and Mr . Lawrence Sharkey on the birlh of their son on'Christmas daY in Memorial Hospital,. Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Sharkev [ive in an apartment in Mr. W. Watsor's home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stainton spent Christmas with their daugh- tel", Mrs. Garnet Towns and fam- L1Y, Peterborough. Miss Viola Gilfillian spent Christmas and New Year*,s ini Montreal wth her nephew, Mr.1 Jas. Gilfillian and femily. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Leslie, Pet- erborough - spent Christmas with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddeil . Mi. and Mrs. Frank Ardron andi family were holiday guests of her I Gai Reasons! THE fellow who has lust had a "close cali" doesn't have to be "sohd" on the wisdom of insurance protection. He's been warned! Untortunately, disaster doesn't often "eall Its shots."1 Consider yourseif warned! Cali on us for your insurance protection NOW. èuarf R. James INSUEANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 Kinif Street, Bow anville parents, Mr. and Mrs. Madison Hall. Squadron Leader Stewart Cow- an, Mrs. Cowan and Douglas lef t for their home in Ottawa on De- cember 26 after a visit with her father, Mr. Newton Cobbledick. Mrs. Ila Noden and Viola spent Christmas with Mr. Robert Sher- win and Miss Edith Sherwin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carmnan, Pic- ton, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carman. Mr. Bob Coatham, Alberta, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Coatham.. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Isiington. Other guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun and family. Mr. and Mrs. Syd Rutýherford entertained their friends with aý delightful Christmas party oni Friday night of iast week at their home at Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Allun heid a New Year's Eve party which was very much enjoyed by the young married couples of the village. We express sincere symnpathy to Mrs. Ed. Dean in the death of her sister, Mrs. Le Drew, who passed away in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Dec. 26. Funeral services were from the Barlow Funeral Home on Satur- day afternoon to Pontypool cerne- tery. Visitors with Mrs. Harvey Cur- tis during the Christmas hoiidays xvere Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buck- ley, Mr. Clarence Ferguson, Miss Teany Ferguson, Mr. Howard Glenney, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gienney and famiiy, ahl of New- casthe; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buck- iey and son, Huntsville, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew. Buckley, Peter- borough. Larry Kitmer, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kitmer was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie. We are pieased to report he is making a good re- covery. New Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood and David were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barebeil and family, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crowther and Charles, New- castle; Mrs. Mary Phasey and Diane, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and Gail. Lekefieid. and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hailet and Rickey. Montreal. The Orono High School dance which through the years hes high- Iighted the Yuletide season, was again on Friday last a gay and colorful event. In spite of a generous supply of snow, there was a good crowd. Some, how- ever. were kept home due to the condition of the roads. The decorations were beautîful and with Paul Minicole and his orchestra suppiying the music, both brought many favorable comments. Lunch was served in the Council Chember and with a YZe4g 4eaatea« HOUSEHOLO FINANCE has moved to a new, more convenient location ... ., at Y1'/2 Simcoe Street South Formerly hocated et 15 Simcoe Street South, now moved to lnew fiodern quarters at 11l ¼ Simcoe Street South, on the second floor. This move hes been made because of a continuous increase in the number -of families we serve and beceuse of our desire to serve vour fami hy, and our other neighbors. in the best way possible. Won't Vou corne in to see us in our new home? Corne in if you necd money-$50, $100, $200 or up t $1,000, or if vou'sinphy -wish to look around. Loans are made on your ovvn signature without endorsers or benkable security. Teke up to 24 months to rcpey. For the best in Consumer Loan Service et the night price-phone or sec us todey. 11 V2/ Slmcoe Street South Second Floor Phone 5-1139 OSHAWAr- ONTARIO NOURS 9 TO 5; SATURDAY To 12 NOON CaO aIog.f ac O LPrcm. D.d ,,uFINoAc.g NCs E Bakdb mr hn73Ils eprec throughout the entire evenlng, left nothing-to be desfred. Again on Sunday Rev. R. R. Nicholson had charge of the Un- ited Church services when he gave most inspiring messages. Choos- ing as his tcxt in the morning "To Whomn Shall We Go" and in the ievening his theme was "The Challenge of the Impossible." He' lcft much food for thought with the congregation. Next Sunday Mr. Nicholson will again occupy the pulpit an.d foliowing that we expect the new minister, Rev. John Kitchen will be with us. SMiss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- awa, spent the long New Year*s weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Eiliott and deughter, Mrs. Irene Dunbar and Elliott spent Christmas wlth Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Elliott and Douglas, Toronto. OBITUARY THOMAS W. MeLEAN Well known Canadien artist, Thomas W. McLean, 71, died Dec. 15th, et his home, 247 Brier Hihl Rd., Toronto. Mr. McLean was born et Kendal in Durham County, son of third- generation Canadiens. He went to Toronto at the turn of the century and studied et the On- tario School of Art and Design. Foliowing this, he wes engaged for some ycars in various en- greving houses and became assoc- iated with such ertists as the late Tom Thomson and J. H. Mac- donald. Together with these men e group of artists wes formed. Evei'y summer the group went to northern Ontario, obtaining such jobs as fire rangers. For some years Mr. MeLeen was associated with Brigden's in Winnipeg before settling in Tor- Hsletest work was with theI lete C. W. Jeffries for an illus- trated book on Canadien history. Many of his paintings have found their place in displeys et Eaton's and the Arts and Letters Club as well as countless homes in the United States and Canada. Mr. McLean was a member of the Graphic Arts Society, of which hie was president in 1930,, and was a charter member of the Arts and Letters Club. His widow, Charlotte McLean, and one deughter, Mary McLeen, survive. Deceased is e cousin of Mrs. Frank Crydermen, Bowman- ville. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Bowman and family with Mrs. Ivison Tem blyn, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bowmen, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stephen- son end Ronnie, Mr. and Mrs. El- mer Lee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lycett, Doreen and Dillan at H. Cowling's, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. John Long. Judy and Terry with friends in To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Don Prescott et H-. Smith's, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Abernethy, Miss Joyce and Alex, Manille; M'.. and Mrs. Fred Semis and famii, Miss Corsine Semis, Oshawa, et M. Semis'. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris, Lin- da and Marlene, Murray Prescott, Bowmativihle et E. Prescott's. Mrs. W. J. Ormiston. Miss Merle Ormiston, Brookhin: Mr. Stanley: G~ray, Oshawa, et H. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pasce, Brookhin; Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Beaton and Ian, Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miîss Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Bowman and family et W. Pascoe's. Mr. Frank McCulloch, Ponty- pool; Miss Vere Stinson, Toronto, VIrs. H. Stinson and Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Penn and Laurie with Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lean, Bhackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Les Johnson and Pemeha, Toronto, with Mrs. T. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Smith, New- castle: Mr. Glenn and Miss Kath- leen Smith. Hampton, et E. Pres- cott's. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyveen, Clarke Union, et A. W. Prescott's. Mrs. T. Taylor, Allen and Keith vith Mn. and Mrs. Ray Taylor, Oshawa. Christmas concert was a great uccess in spite of bad roads and apostponemcnt. Sente got there also. There was a social evening et the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescott Fridey night. Unpieas- nt weether discouraged attend- nce but those present enjoyed an ývening of Lost Heîr and a fine lnch. Sorry to report thet Elmen Lc Iin hospital with a badly fraec red leg. We all hope he gets ýround soon. YOUR EYES and Vision Ey esight Ed uca tion Ef ficiency by C. H. Tuck opt., Eyesight Disncy Bhdg. (Opp. P0. Oshawa - Phone 5-6143 No. 170 When the proper color is pre- sented as a correction after exam- ination and the health of the patient is good, very little change lis expected. Meny growing in health and strength mnay rmv the cohor in a subsequentcag uolnste.Wee indisiniatel\: uo henses. yere color isha without examination, howe"er, any thing mey be expected as a fohow-up. If howex'er, a person's heaith becomes ower, it is pos- si'ble 1cr an increase in tint to bc appreciaied. (cop>yrigted)1 f ci c si a a. t: p a] The Newcastle. ludepeadeul Margaret Ash Tolephone 2511 Noecatle deys with her sister, Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto. Miss Judy Mcrry. Oakvihle, is spending a few deys wlth Miss Claire Allin. Both arc on holi- days from MacDonald Hall, Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shetier, Cheryl and Wendy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Edwerd Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Cifford Flintoff, WaYne, Gloria and Susan; Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker and Seidon, all of town. spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and famn- ily and Mrs. Harold Toms. Evenlng Auxlllary The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church held its final meet- ing for the year 1951 in the Board Room of the United Church, Wed- nesday, Dec. 19, with 18 present. Mrs. Lillian Glenney conductcd the worship period, consisting of the theme read by Lihliin Glen- ney: hymn "I Love Thy King- dom, Lord"; The Lord's Prayer in uinison; solo by Mrs. Grece Brown: meditaton read by Lii- han Glenney; scripture reed by Mrs. ,Kathheen Powell; moment of sihent prayer; prayer by Lil- 157 RING ST. W. Itan Glenney; hymn "The Pirst Nowell"1 .The study bQoks."Froxri Lakes to Nýorthcrn Lights" and 'Home Missions Digest"? were descrlbed by Mrs. Muriel Allin and Mrs. Annabelle Rickard. Aitcr thc business period con- ducted by'the president1 Lillian Glenncy, the shate of officrzfo the year 1952 was prescnted by Miss' Meson. It was as follows: Hon. Pres.-Mrs. F'loyd Butler; Pres--MuriîlAilin; lst Vice- Charlotte Rickard; 2nd'Vice-Mise Mason; 3rd Vice-Mary Porter; Trcas.-Marjory Dickinson; Rec.- Scc'Y-Kay Powell; Cor. Sec'y- Ruth Hancôck; Com. Fricndihip -Dunreeth Walton; Tempérance and Citizcnship-Jean Alldred; Stcwardship - Lillian Glenncy; Missionary Monthly-Trudy Sel- lows; Supply-Rena Megit; Press -Rete Flintoff; Mission Band- Edith Walton and Althca Laking; Baby Band-Helen Glcnney, Au- drey Turner, Jean 'Alldrcd, Bes- sic Dean: Cradle Rol-Jean Rîc- kerd: Pienist-Grace Brown; As- sistants-June McMulcn, Mer- jonce Hagermen; Auditors-Mary Porter. Edith Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis- ton, Diane and Beatrice, Newton- ville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and family. Miss Catherine Patterson. To- ronto, spent a few days as guest of Miss Elleen Allun. Misses Jili and Carolyn Fried- landier. Toronto, were holiday guests of their grandmother, Mrs. W. Deline. Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Shortt and family, Bowmanville, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and famlly. Mrs. W. H. Gibson left on Sat- urday for a vIsit with Mrs. W. Brooks of Meaford. It is yçur correspondent's earn- est wish' that 1952 will prove to be bright, successful and happy for jeach and every one of you. Why not resoive with me to strive to make this column one of unsurpassed interest. I arn do- ing my share. won't you do yours by giving me your items of news, no matter how smail. Thank you. Margaret Ash. Good humour is one of the best articles of dress one can weer in society.-Wilhiam Thackeray. The wehi of true wit is truth itsclf.-George Meredith. No metter what you'd like to scîl, e Statesman Classificd Ad presents your offer to 12,000 subscribers within a few hours. Telephone 663. PHONE 3363 InEteitoitrsMail Township of Haldimand Mackenzie Rutherford, Clerk-Treasurer Grafton, Ont.. Dec. 28, 1951 Editor, The Statesman, Bowmanvilie, Ont. Dear Sir: Allow me to express my appre- ciation of a recent editorial "What Proper Assessment Means toi You." It is encouraging to flnd in our weekiy papers an intelli- gent interest in civie affairs. I wouid also like to compli- ment the Township of Darlington on having a Council with the courage and foresight to make a proper re-assessment. No doubt this re-assessment wiil meet with some criticlsm, but such criticismn wil cither be from those who do flot understand the problem; or from those who by some devious methods in years past have managed to get a low i assessment which put part of their ioad of taxes on their neighbors. To the first class of crities 1 would say "Read The Statesman of Dec. 20, 1951." To the others I would say 'Take your medicine like a man,. and carry your share of the load." Yours truly. Mackenzie Rutherford. eral housewives look on. k g 114, Bush Hill, Northampton, England, Oth Decemnber. 1961 Dear Mr. Jamnes: Since the Royal Visit to Canada there have been many articles and pictures of your wonderful country in our newspapers and periodieajs. I saw your picture in one of'our popular weekly mag- azines and thought that you as editor n a small town might be able to introduce me to a womnan <or women) of about my own age, either married or single, who would be Interested In exchanglng news and ideas about our differ- cnt ways of life-in other words, a pen-friend. I amn 28 years of age, marrled. with one baby deughter. My husband is a butcher and has a small shop. We are "ordinary people." Quite frenkly. I had read and heard very littie about lite in Canada until reccntly but 1 have now becomne very ijterested and would en.ioy corresponding with my Canadien counterpert. I do not wish to put you toaa lot of trouble but should appreci- ae A~ if your able to help. Yours sincereiy, Eileen N. Ponting (Mrs.) P.S.-The picture I refer ta, shows you tasting pie whihe sev- GLORY ANN, SHlOPPE 57 RING ST. 0wu Dowumanville Here if is . . . ihe greaiesi January Clearance ever. Sale is store-wide. STARTS THURSDAY, JAN. 3rd 9:00 "% f 'y,. ~ SWEATERS Our complete stock of: cardigans, pullovers, nylons and wools. A good collec- tion of sizes and colors. ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED TO CLEAR BLOUSES Nylons, Crepes, Etc. Long and short sleeves. ALL REDUCED SKIRTS -SEE YELLOW SALES TACS- SLACKS Complete Stock on Sale 25 Io 75 o/o Reductions \ HOUSECOATS SOur complete stock of wools, satins, bengalines, etc. Special Reductions LINGCERI1E S LIP S P ANMTIE S ERASSIERES Ask for Discount GOw N S STORE WIDE JANUARY NYLONS Our complete stock of Nylon Hose .. -ail brand... ail shades. Ail drastically reduced to clear. This is a special that will clear quickly . . shop early. CROUP No. 1 ULTRA SHEER 60 and 51 gauge 15 denier - CROUP No. 2 - WALKING 45 gauge 32 denier- CROUP No. 3 SERVICE 42 gauge 40 denier SHEER l2 S EE -$1.17 *1 - '1 .ý .' S UIT S Our complete stock reduced . . . a wonderful collection for the early shopper. 25 Io 50 o/o Reductions JACKETS *TANS BLAZERS MUIRLES - Sale is Store-Wide - CLEARANCE Glary Ann Shoippe m 1 mmm" a---- mai lu - $lu37

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