¶'HU3LSDAY. JMrTTÂ1~V ln ia~ T!!~ CANADIA!~T STATESMAN, EOWMAN~V!LLE, ONTARTO PA~I NTNU .S.. "Screech OWl" f t (Catharine Campbell, Editor)j 4*1r apleasant Christmas holiday, the students of B.H.S. Once mai-e get down ta work. Re- zUIt4 of the Christmas exams con- Staftly remind us that this lu the MOaut important tenm and Eastei- exaistsare flot to aranoat. Plans for the "At Home," WhI.ch is ta be held around the nIIjddlIe af February, are getting ALIer way. ~'e basketball seasan begins Frlday when th~e three boy..' teams tram B.H-.S, jaurney ta Co- bourg for the opening game. CHRISTMAS PARTY (I. Cruickshank) Decembex. 21, atter al were over, the students ai enjoyed a Christmas pai-ty BLACKSTOCK New Year's guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer were: Mr-. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor and famn- ily, Erniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. HIarvey Yellowlees, Solina; Mrs. A. Balson and Ileen, Mi-. and Mrs. Harold Balson and family, Hamp- ton; Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Crydler- man, Enniskillen; Mary, olive, Hazel and Keith Cryderman; John DeGuerre, Oshawa; H. Belîman, Bowmanville;, Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Lai-mer, Sharon and John. With Mi-. and Mrs. Albert Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camp and family; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin and Doreen, Mrs. Minerva Trewin, Enniskillen, Mr-. 'nd Mrs. Herb Taylor. With Mr-. and Mrs. A. J. Johns- ton: Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dorrel and Nancy, Mi-. and Mrs. Earl Dorrell and Stuart, Mr-. and Mi-s. Roger Dorreil, Martin and Valerie, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- ston, Carrying Place; Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. Miss Ida Demnpsey. Sundridge, with Dr. and Mrs. J. A. McAith- ur. Mi-. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm, Gail and Bonnie, Nestieton, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Miss Lois Butcher and frîend, Tlllsonburg, with Mi-. and Mrs. Harold Kyte. Mr. and'Mi-s, Leith Byers: Mr-. and Mi-s. Herb Swain and family, Mi-. and Mi-s. Murray Byers an-d family. Mrs. John MeKee with Mi-. and Mi-s. John Argue, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin and family with Mi-. and Mrs. Mai-- wood Heard, Enniskillen. Mi-. and Mrs. Jack Rahm and Allan with Mi-. and Mrs. Ernie I~e' Pickering. lc.WihMi-. and Mi-s. Frank Bailey Wd Allan: Mr-. and Mrs. Alec Afier Siock-Taking Clearance Sale Arlificial Flowers, Note Paper Odd WooI Lois Corne early for the best choice J. W. JEWELL 27 King St. W.. Bownianvtlle PHONE 556 put on by Fifth Foi-m. At three o'clock a very attectianate Santa Claus burst upon the scene and distributed pi-esents ta evenyane. A tull-length movie, "The. Iran Duke," was enjoyed by a tew, Bud Sieep particularly. While lunch was being prepared by the Fitth Foi-m girls the i-est of the scbool participated in square dancing. After everyone had eaten his or ber filof sand- wiches, cake, ice creamn and ider Fifth Form played the staff three evenly matched games of volley- bail. The staff tinally succeedcd in winning two games out of three. Atter this, dancing w&s enjoyed until 11:30. The ca-open- atian af everyone concerned made this one of the most successtul Christmas parties even pxesented bv Fit th Foxrn. Mai-tyn, Mi-. and Mrs. T. Redman, Scugog Island; Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Leighton, Mi-. and Mrs. H. 1Shortridge, Mi-. and Mrs. Chai-lie Lubsen and family. On New Year's Sunday with Mr-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Thompsoeiý: Mi-. and Mrs. Donald Thompson, Mi-. and Mi-s. Ivan Thampson and family. Mi-. and Mrs. Hai-vey Thompsan and family, Oshawa; Mi-. Wm. Thompson, Mi-. Heni-y Thompson and Miss Ethel Thomp- son. With Mr,. and Mi-s. A. L. Bailey an New Year's Day; Mi-. and Mi-s. ,Stephen Saywell and Margaret, 1Oshawa, Mrs, W. A. Van Camp, Mi-s. Howard Bailey and family. Mr-. an-d Mi-s. Frank Staniland and family with Mr-. and Mrs. George Staniland. Miss Jean Ford, Toronto, wîth Mi-. and Mrs. Robert Ford. Mr-. and Mrs. Dan Black, Dora, Jean and Donna, Tyrone, with Mr-. and Mi-s. Royal Whitfield. With Mi-. and Mi-s. Chai-les Ven- 1ning: Mr-. and Mrs. Or- Venning, Mi-. and Mrs. T. Samelîs, Mi-. and Mrs. Maurice Samelîs and Shar- Son, Miss Diane Santer, Poi-t Perry; Mi-. S. A. Ferguson, Miss Norma -Malcolm, Toronto. With Mi-. and Mrs. George Wolfe: Mrs. Rupert Werry and Roy, Dr. and Mrs. John Wer-y, and Anne, Bowmanville; Mi-. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlmn and Law- rence, Mi-s. Joseph Forder, Nestle- ton; Mr-. Han-y Sanderson. With Mi-. and Mrs. T. Smith on New Yeai-'s Sunday: Mi-. and Mrs. Howar-d Lamb, Mr-. and Mrs. Franklin Lamb and baby. Lind- 1say. On the Wednesday evening of the holiday week Mi-. and Mrs. 1Percy Van Camp entertained their relatives whxle Mr-. and Mrs. Nor- ton Van Camp and tamily, Listo- wel,* wei-e visiting. Mi-. and Mrs. Edward MacNeil and Douglas, Toronto; Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Wannan, Donald and Carol, wîth Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy. On New Yeai-'s Day with Mr-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Thompson: Mi-. Chai-les Wilson, Jean, Mary, Glenn and Clem. Mi-, and Mrs. Maurice Edgerton and Donna with Mi-. and Mrs. Walter Durwai-d, Sunderland; and Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Edgei-ton, Port Per-iy. Mi-s. Fred Bailey returned to Windsor with Mi-. and Mrs. W. A. Dawson ta spend the winter. Miss Marilyn Forder bas gone ta Toi-onto to start a course in child nui-sing. Mrs. John Venning Is teaching at Caesarea Public School, Mrsi. Lloyd Wi-ight having resigned. Miss Muriel Davidson, Oak- wood. is replacing Mrs. Scott at the High School. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston on the birth of their second son. Congratulations to Mr-. and Mrs. James Pari- who celebrated their 52nd wedding annivei-sary on Chistmas Day. Sincere sympathy is extended to Mi-. John Beacack, Mi-. Sirn Sanderson and Han-y on the loss of Evelyn who passed away on Christmas Day. Mr-. Wilson Heaslip, Janetville, visited Mr-. and Mi-s. Han-y Van *Camp. *On Sunday Mi-.'and Mrs. Loi-ne Bradhurn, Jimmy and Judy, To- ronto, were xvith Mi-. and Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. Mr-. Jack Smith, Mr. John Hooey of Camneron and Mi-. Av- ex-y with Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Smith. Misses Mahel and Wilma Van Camp, Toronto, with Mrs. Win. Van Camp. The Curling Club started on i Monday night. Ho\whrd Saywel DRINIQ 'L~Y (12 OZ.) Di;12 z. ottie 7É' OBITUARY JOSEPH A. MOUNTJOY Joseph Alfred Mauntjoy, who passed away Dec. 15th, 1951, was bai-n in Haydon, Dec. 12th, 1873, the yaungest son o! the late Thomas and Max-y Ann Mountjay. He received his early educatian in Haydon Public School, later entering the Bowmanville High School an-d Toronto University where he gxaduated in 1896 with his B.A. degi-ce. For a number of years he tol- lawed the teaching pi-ofession in Manitoba a n d Saskatchewan, studying law he qualified for a notary public and prepared him- self ta fill a speciai place in the lite of the nexv country. When the C.P.R. suxveyed the i-ail.way track thnough Saskatchewan and a station was located at Hewand hie took up land apposite the station and began his pioneer lite in that town. He built a hardware and luinber business and was obli.,ed ta get his mail and supplies for his business tramn Axcola, 40 miles distant. No railway or expr-ess at that tume, he teanied ail his supplies with hox-ses. As the town grew he caried on a successful business. He was familiax-iy known as "Monty" by the peuple. Fi-e destroYcd the buildings and he tui-ned again ta his teaching for same :lime. Latex-lie went up ta a new town in Alberta whcx-e he again began his hardware career and for neaxly 40 years carried on in Chauvin. Alberta. In 1908 he inax-xied Miss Louise, Docker, formerly of Dunnville, Ont. She shared many of the handships and privations ai their pianeer lite. Tliree childi-en wene box-n ta, them. About 20 years ago he bad a fail which depxived him of the use of bis bonds. During those yearý his devoted wife cared fox- hlm. - Ho carried on his business witb the help of his younger son as his mind nemained dlean al bis lit e. 0f a retiring disposition be was quiet and cheerful and box-e bis affliction mantully. The endi came unexpectediy attei- an attack ot thu. He leaves ta mourn bis loss bis wife, three childi-en: Dixon of B.C.: Mxs. Ax-ch Mcbeod of Calgary, and Stuart of Chauvin,! wbo carries on the buîsiness; one brother, Cephas T. Mauntjoy; two sistei-s, Annie and Mrs. J. E. El- lîott of Bowmanviile, and tive gnandcbl.ldxen - He was held in high esteem in the town in wvhich he iived as a mani of strang. sterling chai-acter. His passing means a gi-eat loss ta the family and cammunity. is President and Ivan Thompson, Sec'y-Ti-eas. 'l1he New Year's Eve Party held in the Recreatianal Centre was a huge success with a large attend- ance and everyone having a good time. Shortly betore midnxght, hats, hai-ns and streamers wex-e given out. Then on the stroke of the New Year, a large fiiendsh:,p cii-de was foi-med ta sing Auld Lang Syne plgyed. by the T1ommy Langley Bandi. The hall was gaily decoi-ated and a lovely luncn served after midnight. PLrize win- ners were: doar piize-Mi-s..Hai-- aid Snooks; lst lucky spot-Mr. and Mi-s. Percy Collins; 2nd lucky spt-Jessie MeAithur and Nor- man Dysart; lucky draw-Dalton Dorreil. O.N.O. Club members were well pleased with the suc- cess of their tii-st New Yeax's Eve dance. Wednesday atternoan Black- stock Wamen's Institute met it the home of Mrs. J. Marlow and Mrs. G. Marlow with an attend- ance of 31 ladies and nine child- i-en. Mrs. Jack Rahm pxesided. After the Ode and Mai-y Stewart Collect. Mrs. Stephen Saywell gave the sciipture. Rail caîl was answered by 'an event of local interest." Sec'y-Ti-eas. Mi-s. T. Smith reported they cleax-ed $110.26 fram catering ta the ban- quet. We ai-e naw nearing oui- objective of $500.00 fox- the Meni ai-l Hospital, Port Perry, ani hope ta finish it this winter. Eacli gi-oup.will be in charge of an ev- ening. This 'Friday evening Mrs. Gilbert Marlow's graup will have a card party. The Institute hope ta get a bale awhy ta .Iamaica this week. Mrs. Miltan Fisher ýwas in charge af the pragram. We were very pleased ta have Mi-. SteWîei- Saywell, Oshawa, put an the screen bis moving pictures of their Florida tiips. Delton and Bai-iy Fisher gave a recitation, "hast Puppy," with Bai-iy dressed as the puppy. Mrs. Arthur Bailey read "A Cave Man's Wife." Mrs. H. Hooey gave a paper "The Bicycle Days of the 9O's" and fin- ished with a quiz. The graup in charge served lunch. We are glad that Johnny Grieve was able ta go back ta work in the Matai-s after New Year's. This is the tii-st since r-- ceiving a leg injury ;in the bus accident in October. This week bs "Week of Prayer" wîth Rev. George Nicholson at the United Church on Tuesday evening; Rev. C. W. Hutton at Nestieton Presbyterian Church un Wednesday evening and Rev. Me- Coombe. at St. John's Anglicani Church Tbursday evening. Your cori-pesondent will be pleased ta handle your renewal subscriptian ta The Statesman for 1952. Bundie Old Papers For Scouts' Drive Next Saturday Wondering what ta do with al that aid paper that has collected in the cellar? Cease puzzling! Seci-etai-y Bob Kennett o! the Bowmanville Boy Scout Associ- ation announices there will be a Scout Paper Drive this Saturday, Jan.: 12, at 1 p.m. Tie ail the aid newspapers,and magazines in bundies easil,, handled and put them out onl the curb. Yaux- nid waste paper means money for the Boy Scout Building Fund.1 ENNISKILLEN Decernbôr meeting of W. A. was beld at the home of Mi-s. Harold Milîs with Mrs. Floyd Beckett ln the chair. Meeting opened with W. A. motta. Mrs, Loi-ne Lamb rendered quiet music on the piano and Mrs. Russell McLaughlîn gave the Bible reading. Mi-s. Milton Stainton read the leaflet on Christmas and closed with a prayer. Repor-t af Parsanage Boardi was read by Mrs. A. Brune~ Business was discussed and ail bis paid. Mrs. Har-vey McG-111 gave a very3 fine paper on New Yeax's- resolutions. As this was aur Christmas meeting an ex- change of gitts was the happy oc- casion ot the day. Mrs. Seymoui- conducted a contest. A bount- eaus lunch was served by, the gi-oup. Mr. and Mi-s. Geo. Irwin andi tamily spent New Year's with Misses Louise and Mai-jane Mc- Intosh, Whitby. Mi-. and Mrs. Or- Jeffei-y, Pbx-t Perry, wei-e New Year's Day guests at Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt's. Mr-. ai-d Mrs. C. Woodiley, Joyce. and Jim, Tyrane, spent New Year's at Mr-. and Mrs. G. Yeo's. Miss Arvella Beckett, Bew- manville, spent the weekend with Mi-. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett., Mr. and Mi-s. Chai-les Sti i-s, r.adMrs. Roy Gîrnblett, ia tors with Mr-. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Gui and attended the funeràl' of Mr-. John Dorland. .Mi-s. S. Vanvolkenburg. Cor- dova Mines; Mi-. and Mrs. T. Wil- son and family, I-ampton, with ,Mi-. and Mi-s. P. EUlis. Miss Ruth Adams and MÉ. Steve Shred, Bowmanvillé," with Mrs. James Adamws an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke wlth Mi-. and Mrs'. Bruce' Ashton, Purpie Hill. ,Mr. and Mrs. Howard Olçe andi Gai-y, Oshawa; Mr-. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family, Parpie Hill; Mr. and Mrs. John Oke were New Year's visitors at Mr-. and Mrs. .Waltei- Oke's. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. John Dorlancl and tamily on the sudden passing of Mi-. John Dor-t lan-d, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ronald and Ray, Mi-. and Mi-s. Ross Ashton and Sheryl, Haydon; Mrs. Wesley Brownlee, Leaside, were New Year's guests at Mr-. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- ton'a. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and family with Mr.. and Mrs. Herb Stginton, Hampton. Mi-. and Mrs. L. Wearn and family spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bell, Toronto. Miss Joyce Woodley. Tyrone, called *on Mrs. E. Walker an-d Dalphine on New Year's Day. , Mr. and Mrs. 0. Grills and fam- ily, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bird and family, Tyrone, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Knapton and Martin, Mi-. and Mrs. Norman Ir- win, Toronto, vislted . Mi-. and Mrs. George Irwixi Mr. an-d Mrs. Harold Ashton and family were New Year's visi- tors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Kersey, Hampton. Mr. Roy McGill was appointed the new Trustee at the school meeting. Colds ai-d flu seem ta be th~e order of the dey in our village among young and old., We wish them ail a speedy recovery. .Mr. an-d Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Pro- vidence, Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Aus- tin and daughters, town, with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr-. and Mrs. Clittord PethicE and Ruth spent New Year's at 1i-. Harry Strutt's, Oshawa. We ai-e very soi-iy ta report Mi-. Bill Mahafty is in the Toronto General Hospital, a vexýy sick man. We bope for a change soon. Misses Shirley and Diane Av- ery, Burketon, spent an afternoon with their gi-anciparents, Mi-. pnd Mrs. Albert Oke. i-. John Tamblyn, Oronq; Mr-. and Mrs. Wilti-ed Bowman and family, Enfield; Mi-. an-d ?Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ronald andJ Ray. Mi-. and Mi-s. Ross Ashitoni and Sheryl, Haydon, were $un- day visitai-s at Mi-. and Mrs. R. J. Oi-mistan's. Mr-. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson, -Mur-ray ai-d Ray, Columbus, Mss. Wm. Wright, Mn. an-c d rs. Nor- mn.n Wright were New Year's vis t- tors et Mi-. and Mrs. Edggr Wright's. Miss Carol Wiight vis- ited her aunt ancd uncle during holidays. Yr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaicl, Solina, with Mi-. and Mi-s. Roy, MeGi. $ympathy is extended ta Mrs, T. M. Slemnon, family and rela- tives on the sudden passing of Mr-. Slemon early Tuesday morning. Until the last tbree yeax-s, cnea- niexy butter production in Can- ,ada increased corsistently1. In 1900. 36 million pounds were pro- duced. In 1947, the total was 290 million, pounds. ______ 1~~ -.- Il A MESSAGE TO PONTIAC AND OWN-ERS IH -WEST 'DURHAM At the stant of 1952 we were deprived of the Pontiac and the Buick franchise fer Ihis district. We wish to advise ail owners of Pontiac* and BuicIk cars purchased through us, Ihat we will service and continue to maintain service on these cars. We hope that you will stili confer on us the privilege of seil. ing you a new Chevr olet, an Oldsmobile or Chevrolet Truck when the lime cornes Io brade-mn your present model. We wish Io bake this opporbunity bo thank you for your pasi business. You can be assured that we will do our ulmosi bo maintain apd service any car you hav e purchased from us over the years. In the future you can count on our continued po1icy of fair- dealing and Service being mainbained. wu. - Oldsmobile Cars J. -~ ~- i On exams B.H.S. New Executive of Tkinlty W.M.S. IsaI ed 4y Pastor The W,M.S, af Trinity Chur ch held their iirst meeting of the yeai- aon Wednesday aftei-noan, Jan. 2nd, with a vei-y gooci at- tendance. Miss Floi-epce Werry and her gi-aup canducteci the worship serivce with Mro. Eliiott, Mrs. Radgei-s, Mi-s. Baker and Mrs. Haskin takixg part. Mrs. Baker q ave an excellent paper on Fep-ch Canadian Evangeiism" fi-rn the study book. The President, Mrs. h. W. Dippeli, extended the Season's Greetlng ta ail members. Splen- didi reports tram the secretaries af each depai-tuTent wex-e heard. Rev. S. R. Hendereon conducted an impi-essive installation of the new 1952 eiçeçutive. BUICK ROY Chevrolet COURTICE NiCHL - Chevrolet Trucks DO WMAN VI LU I A il 'f * 4~, .1 j I PMPJMAY. JANUARY in. 1932 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAIM, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO ýl PACI NM -