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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1952, p. 10

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£ ATVL&rN, 5U1NVJ.LE, ONTARIO H1DY AUK 0 Highlights from The Statesman in 1951ý lome ofthte more Important news Items during the paat year as gleaned from the files et The Canadian Statesman Janary- 4-Rev. Warren N. Turner wý preach bis first sermon at19 SJohn's Anglican Church, Sundz Thieves walked off with A rpStore safe ...Finst baby Ic 1951 born to Mn. and Mrs. Jami -McCaffrey, a son, 7 pounds,1 ounces ... Badminton Club's Ne, SYea's panty had shades of Ne York night club . . . Mr. and Mr cLewis Cryderman celebrated *the -4th wedding anniversary Dec.2 11-Walter E. Rundie electe president Durham .District Hi, Sehool Board at inaugural mecl Ing in Pont Hope . . . Darlingto Council approves debentune issu of $80,000 for two new schocl Town Council discusses Fir Brigade response to out of tow fines ... . Mayor L. C. Maso wanns necessity of increase spending in inaugurai addness. *18-Norman Scott, Managero SBnookdale-Kingsway Nurseries. *Write column, "Down to Eanth, for Canadian Homes and Gard ens . . . Carl Bradley, Hamptoi elected president of Durham Jer sey Cattie Club . .. Rev. Tom Dus - tan is home on furiottgh fnom ti Punjab, India . .. Billiant vocal ist Olive Rankine assist Ray Duc ley, talented pianist, in recita ,.unden auspices of Womens Hos pitai Auxiliany . . . ByronS Vanstone, formeniy of Bowmarý ville, is appointed president of thr Bank of Toronto... Presider Elgie Harnden and 1951 Canadiar sLegion executive is instalied. 25-Kinsmen Club sponsor! Bowmanville basketball teamn. The weathen was so unpnedictabIt a robin was seen by Mrs. R. F Sandenson, Tynone . . . FranI Cnyderman picked pansies frorý his garden on Silven Street.. Youngstens wene playîng marbies Only nine of Bowmanvili&'ý 32 Mayons since incorporation ane '~stili living . . . Police prowier crashes gasoline pumps at Ed wands' B. A. Service Station... Mrs. Morley TennantR. R. 5, Bowmanville, and her mother, Mrs. Harold Burgess, R. R. 1, Ty- rone, each gave birth to a girl child at Bowmanville Hospital within five houns of one anoth- en . .F/O David E. McLean ne- c e i v g d his Radio-Navigator' -.wings at Summenside, P.E.I. February- I-Counties Council approves $349,600 expenditune for roads in 1951 . .. Starting today Police will enfonce one houn çlarking... Walter DeGeen of Sheppard & Gi Lumber Co., Limited. was elected Chairman of the Central Ontario District Retail Lumbee Dealers' Association . . . T. Gannet Shields, 'Liberal condidate in the provincial election of 1948, was appointed Census Çommjssioner for Durham County . . . Ex-report- er for The Canadian Statesmani, Bert Mortlock, speaks at Rotary ...Kinsmen hoid ladies' night at Varcoe's.1 8-No major crimes enacted in 1950 according to report by Police Chief Sidney Venton . . . Ray Dudley recital fis Trinity Unit- ed Church and nets $770 for Hos- pitl Fund . . Wm. Lycett and ex-Reeve Geo. F. Annis appoint- ed assessors for Dariington . . . Fire Chief L. C. Hooper reports $2,996 ioss by fines in 1950. 15-Ross Stnike was a member of the Oshawa curling team which won the Ontanio Silver Tankard and the Governor-Genenal's Cup ...Countice Church bunns mont- gage at impressive service . . . Cartwright Council gives permis- sion to build curling rink at Blackslock . . . Anne M. Fee, 13unketon. mannied Robert Han- vey "Curly" Armstrong of Wran- gel, Alaska, and the couple left, via truck, for Alaska . . . B. H. S. "At Home" proved a popular suc- cess . . . Tyrone Church is reno- vated at a cost of $8,700. 22-Dunham and Ontario Coun- ty young people hoid Folk School aI Sky Loft Lodge . .. Durham is an accnedited county afler comple- tion of third tubencular test... J. Alex Edmison, K.C., of Queen's University. addressed the Men's Canadian Club . . . Civic Em- pioyees in Bowmanville receive saiany increases up to $200 retro- active 10 Jan. i . . . During influ- enza scane visiting hours at Bow- manville Hospital are limited. March- 1.-Mike's Impenials stant hockey finals with Cobourg Pays . . - To- ronto Telegram puts Newcastle on the map as birthplace of Massey-Hannis Company ...- Pub- lisher A. R. Alloway gives infor- mative address at Rotary . . . Me- monial Hospital receives $5,000 fromn estate of Ex-Mayor John Sta- cey, Oshawa, former Durham Counly boy . . . Bowmanville bad- minton players capture four of six championships aI Trenton.. Jack Eastaugh is elected Presi- dent of Communily Council .- Officiai opening of Newcastle Ne- monial Arena is grand affair . - Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Newton cele- bnaled their 601h wedding anni- versary at the home of their daugler, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fenguson, Bowmanville. 8-Cantwright buys new power grader . . . Geprge Crozien isg riamed assessor . . . Campaign toI-1 ai of the Ré'd Cross drive is set at $3,000 . .. Bowmanvilie boy, Pfc. A. W. Dummitl. is neported in the midsl of fighling in Korea... Some 35 Dutch families in this district hear one English sermon monthly . . . Counicil 10 consideî- civil defence sel-up for peace or wan . . . McGregor's Hardware expands, taking in premises for- menly occupiedby Edwards' Va- riety Store . . . Boy Scout paper drive nealizes $141.48. 15-Mike's Imperials win Lake-E shore League tille from Cobourg1 in four slraight games but findr Gananoque their match . . - George Walton and wife. Don-o reath, are guests of hoornaI ar-n dmen's banquet held in Newcustlef rill st. for nes 14 nrs. eir 2l. ted ;ue [ls nre ed of to 1,1 r- s. il- cl- ,ai 1- n e in rs . ùle 38 ie- ne S. n- 3,- 'e- ,ai le t. to !d in Df o0 Community Hall. . . Constal 1Walter Hall died, ending3 years of service as local policE man . . . Bowmanviiie mil ral increased 8 mills to an ail tîni rhigh of 65 mils .. . O.P.P. Cpi.E Palmateer transfenred to Peter bonough where he was made Ser geant . . . Public Utilities Coin mission receives cheque for $13, 028 as share of pnovince-wide re fund from the Hydro-Electri Power Conumission. 22-Jack E. Hawes buys Bow manville Cleaners ... New Can adians are taking basic Englisi and citizenship courses at Centra SchooLunden instruction of Merl Slute . .,. Toots "Wiseman anc Norma Gay break 300 mark& local bowling alley . . . Dout4( Dutch wedding penformed at St Andnew's Church by Rev. Her man Moes . . . Toronto Telegrarr photographer sends wirephotc from Statesman office, watcheè by eager Staff . . . Mrs. Dar Bickle was named president cl Guide Mothers' Auxiliary .. . Twc Durham youths, Bev. Gray ci Port Hope and Murray Lord ci Campbelcroft. won academic honors at Kemptviile Agricultur- ai Coflege . . . Provincial govern- ment approves addition to B.H.S. to accommodate 550 pupils. 29-Orville J. Heliu.Xson elect- ed president of Durham Club, Toronto . . . Bowmanville Hos- pital cared for 1,184 patients in 1950. . . Lorne Greene, popular radio commerýtator, addressed Bowmanville service clubs' inter- club night , . . Statesman Editor Geo. W. James Dresented witi 2 1-years-perfec t-attendance- pin at Rotary . . . Miss Margaret Horsey bequeaths $10,000 to Cancer So- ciety, $3,000 to Trinity United Church and $1,000 to Bowmanville Hospital as well as $3,000 to the Salvation Army . . . Wm. Buck- ley, Peterborough, returns to town to take oven the Atkins' Flower Shop . . .'. Post 0f fice an nounces an increase in Thirc Class matten and Parcel Post rates. United Church on Mother's Day Lloyd Winacott and Ken Crawa ford capture academie scholar- ships at Ryerson Institute. j 24-Marie Ferguson and Nancy Mitchell of Central Publc School won top honors in essay contest titled, "What I Saw at the News- paper Office," foiiowing an in- spection trip . . . Over 80 new pupils are expected to start Pub- lic Sehool in September ... May- or L. C. Mason pitches first bail past John M. James. M.P., to open local basebàll season. 31-Edmondson Family of Bow- manville and Oshawa enter Five Generations Ail-Maie Contest.. Legion Pipe Band makes first appeanance at Kinismen Karnival . ..Bishop of Toronto confirms 27 a St. John's Church, Sunday1 ...Local enumerators start tak-1 ing Census . . . Hap Palmer a winner in Port Perny moton boat races . . . William J. Found,' Con- cession St., honored on his 7th binthday by family at Balmoral Hotel dinner . .. Dr. Harold Fer- guson caught an unidentified fish at Lake Nipissing which later pnoved to be a freshwater drum. -Apri- wins moto b-a rae a Po onSLloyd Ayne buys Gi Fanm Penny. . . North Ward nesidents onNo. 2 Highway to naise sheep stant much needed park on Scu- -and Bord'er Coliies. . Lloyd, gog St.. Wallace G. Breck, son -"Ace" Percival airs Sports College of Mts. Breck and the late Major bnoadcast fnomn Boys' Training Thomas Breck, Bunketon, was School . .. Laurie Stapieton, son awarded the Athione Feliowship of Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, at Queen's to study in Englancd sNewtonville, won first prize in . .. Counci passes by-law to gov- the Junior Gnoup Tempenance enn tourist and trailer camps... Essay Contest . .. Connz 'A Pop- Clarke Council spends $500 for pin' is a seil-out thnee nights . . . control of weeds. Ray Kowai, Cliff Samis, Bob Watt 21-Louis Laskaris again be- sarid Faank Hooper wene appoint- cornes propnieton of Olympjia Res- 1ed Memonial Arena Committee taurant . . . Presidenýt C. E. Reh- ro ly Town Counicil . . . Bowman- der of Bowmanville Foundry and t ville Nurses' Association hold en- several friends set off on a cruise royabie dance at B.T.S. to Ottawa in his boat "Barbara S 12-A children's fashion show R" .. . Jack Kitson, son of Mr. and r at St. John's Church proved ex- Mrs. Ben Ktson. joins the Can- ceptional - A plan is underway adian Anmy... Public Sehools' to organize a figure skating club Spring Musicale is held in Mem- ...Holy Name Society hold Comi- oial Arena. t mnio Brakfst it almral 28-Editors of the B. H. S. muni . onnreakfat gaBagmoadScreech Owl are complimented hotel . .. Log Salt gi-a and s for a fine job done . .. Two teen- hom easccupe yan. and Msvn.aged youths narrowly escape Ben Plasace nd hei seendrowning at West Beach through childnen was burned Sunday- efforts of Mrs. Forrest Dilling Darlington Council passes fine and Roy Neads .. . Nursery School protection by-law to provide for tots make impressive showing in service by Bowmanville's Brigade gnaduating ceremonies . . . Good- 19-Manager Maxie Younth year employees neturn to work calls first practice f or Brookdale after walk-out and stant negoti- Roses . .. W. J.,(Jack) Reynolds, ations . . . Bowrnanvilie Boating Goodyear Paymaster, died sud- Association to hold regatta at denly at his Hampton home . . . West Beach . . . Mn. and Mrs. Public School Board receives $1,- Robent Broome, Bethesda, and 983 fnom Ontario Government for their four childnen win pnize for books . . . Lions Club Blackfacelhaving largest family group at Show deiights audience in Opera Federation picnic at Onono. House . . . Public Schools' staff and students praised by Inspecton Juiy- Earle Webster in retbort ..-. Good- 5-Port Penny iawn bowlens win year and Local 189 agree on con- Carnuthens MemonialTrophy for tract amendments. second time . . . Tom Cowan 26-Bob Kent was netunned as buys Farn Equipment & Auto- president of Badminton Club * .à* motive Co. . . . Counties Council Holstein cow owned by J. makes speciai $7,000 grant to Me- Jose & Sons, Newcastle, ,is top monial Hospital . . . Equalization miik pnoducing c .ow in Canada Of assessment stants in Bowman- ..Miss.Molly Badgen punchases ville . . . Downham Nursery to Miller's Beauty Salon . . . Orono o- operate with town to beautify Rebekahs and Odd Fellows plan eastern approaches to Bowman- to euipa treebedwar inville ..-. Beach Association coin- Memorial Hospital ,. . .Frank C. pC N.R. cosson ant gon te Kydd, former Bowmanvilie man',...cosgaento h sends $ 1,000 donation to Mem- j ob. orial Hospital from Cuba. - 12-Brookdale Roses defeat Elmer Ott selis bevenage business Port Hope Ontarios to win Can- to Bill Smith of Perth -... Orono adian Legion challenge tnophy man, Neil Martin, 21, was killed . . . Royal Museum archaelogist3 while trying to rescue a cat up a excavate on shores of Lake Scu- hydro pole. gog for prehistonic Indian village ..Canadian Legion holds mons- May- ter carnival in High School 3-Rev. A. E. Eustace, Onono, grounds ..-. Youngsters are warn- named Chairman of Oshawa Pres- ed 10 quit swiping peas froin bytery . . . Dave Higgon and Don trucks on way to cannery. Williams eiected presidents of the 19-Durham Fruit Growers' Rotary and Lions Clubs, respec- Co-Operative Cold Stonage 15iant tively . , . Six wards are still un- at Newcastle officially opened by' sponsored in Memonial Hospital Major John W. Foote, Minister of< Cawker's I.GA. Super Mai-- Reform Institutions . ,. Six su- ket re-opens after renovation . . . pervised summer playgrounds are Commynity Counicil sets up a opened . . . Mr. and Mns. Fredf baseball school for young ath- Lewis among the hundreds trav- letes . . . Lawn bowlers in town elling to Peterborough for Glor- plan four tounnaments. ious Twelfth . . . Alick Lyle cele- i0-Town Councîl tomns back brates 25th annversany as Town petiton to regulate sale of gaso- Clerk . . . Diamond wedding an-C uine due to lack of one signature niversary is celebnated by Mr. Seven-year-old John Carter, and Mns. Albert Heaslip, Janet-P son of Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Car- ville ...Durham County makes ter. lands 17-inch trout at Good- bid for Royal Visit through edi-F year dam . . . Counicil passed a tonial in The Statesman. t by-law authorizing the Fine Bni- 26-Automatie dial telephonieV gade to attend fires in Darling- exchange is officially put into use e on Township -. , . Dr. Charlotte at banquet in Newcastle . . . ThisF Mv. Honner, United Counties M. issue gives detailed background 9 ).H., advises civic garbage collec- of old Bowmanville Hospital in-y ion to overcome undesinable clud'ng pictunes of superintend- conditions at town dump . ents, Board Chairman, and don- L M. Hobbs re-elected president'of or. the late J. W. Alexander . . . 01 L.ocal 189 United Robber Wonk- Hstor-v of Bowmanville Hospitali"À ers - Cadet Alan Richards was is reviewed . .. Local Boy Scouýs L. hosen best boy cadet and Myna go to camp at Pigeon Lake ..-ti Cooper best gnl cadet by officier Hon. Dr. Mackinnon Phillips, Min- Ci inspecting B.H.S. corps. ister of Health for Ontario, to rc 17-Residents donated $1,550.- open Memorial Hospital. t. 8 to C.N.I.B. drive for funds . .. August- t ar .r. and Mrs. J. L. Metcaif cele- 2-Clifton H. Carlisle, founder il3 )reted thein 63rd wedding anni- of Goodvear in Canada, dies - . -.R( ersary . . . Stan Dunn elected Many New Canadians from Hol- ta )resident of Kinsmen Club -* land take up residence in Cart- pi t. Andnew's Chunch observes its wright Township . . . Superinlend- l4th anniversary . . . Tynone ent Gertrude Dewell cuts nibbon di *enovaled church dedicated by 10 officially open Memonial Hos-EN lev'. M. C. Fisher. Construction pital . . . Nursing graduates ofn )f new breakwaîer starts at Bov.- nid hospital hold eno nanville Beach... Thinteen in- Thiev-es make off with Bell Trelr- w anti wOre baPtized at Trinityi Phone safe . . . George Roberts. s ci c 61 i re of ni la SI s ISeptember- 8-Bell Telephone Co. appiies -for increase in telephone rates... -Some 835 pupis ennol in Bow- manville Public Sehools . . . -Game Warden Ken Tolmie shot *and killed a huge bald eagie raid- *ing chicken coops of Ivan Far. row, near Orono . . . David C. Peters appointed music directon for local schools . . . Major John W. Foote opens Blackstock Fair ...The new $72,000 Orono U12it- ed Church dedicated . . . Ganton's bus ditched by transport on out- skirts of Oshawa. 13-Goodyear employees Recre- ation Club hold successful picnic at Cobourg ..-. Record cnowd at- tends annual Durham Central Fair at Orono .. . Col. R. S. McLaugh- lin, Oshawa, celebrates his 80th binthday . . . Miss Judith Sten- ger. daughter of Mn. and Mrs. R. P. Stenger, Enni skillen, won a $400 scholarship aI University of Toronto . . . Durham tobacco growens pnedict $1,250,000 crop. 20-Father S. J. Coffey of St. Joseph's Church, Bowmanville, is moved 10 Trout Riven near North Bay . . . J. J. Brown succeeds Jack Eastaugh as' Supt. of the Boys' Training School . . . Milton J. Elliott named president of the Eastern Ontario Municipal Elec- tnical Association . . . W. J. Eas- taugh, B.T.S. SupI., appointeci Supt. of Brampton Refonmatony, 27-H. Powell Chemical Co. buys old Bowmanville Hospitai ...Slight labor layoff hits Good- year due 10 decneased production at Windsor . . . Brookdale Roses qualify for Ontai'io basebaîl f in- ais . . . John M. James, M.P., do- nates tnophy 10 rural basebal league . . . Sharon and Karen Tait, daughtens of Mn. and Mrs. Wm Tait, Jr, are first twins born in Memonial Hospital . .. A $15,- 000 fine destroys barn of Alex McRobbie three miles north-east of town. October- 4-B.H.S. wins Inter-school track and field meet . . . J. H. Pankhill. former headmaster, is namred Assistant Supt. at B. T. S. . . . Police Chairman M. S. Dale recommends installation of park- ing meters . .. Coun. Gerry Wooll resigns due 10 move to St. Cath- aines ... B. H. S. students pre- sent Mikado in Opera House... Merchants petition Council b nre- peal Satunday night closing bs- law . . . Holy Name Society and local businessmen give Father Coffey splendid farewell panty. i i-Stanley Aluin, Orono, wins cup at Durham Plowing Match High Shool cadets 10 form part of Guard of Honor for visil- ing Royal Couple at Trenton . .- Populan Police Chief Sidney Ven- ton is named Personalily of the Week . . . Thnee records are brok- en and one lied at Public Sehools F'ield Day .-. . Maritime pain plead guilty of bneaking int Bowman- ville Fuels. 18-Danlinglon Council appoints L.R. Graham Road SupI., on death of H. Milîs . . . Warden George Vallon unanimous choice to carry Liberal banner in provincial elec- tion ..,. Fifteen chiidren from this district wene tnansported to To- ronto 10 see the Royal Couple through the generosity of the Ro- tary Club . . , New modern puipit nd choir loft is dedicated aI Tnin- ty United Church . . . Brookdajc Roses basebali club bring the On- tario Intermediale "A" Cham- pionship 10 Bowmanville. 25-Mss Dorothy Evans, R.N., Jaughter of Mn. and Mrs.' E. C. Evans, succeeds Miss Betty Flax- man. R.N.. as nurse at Good"ear *.Rax- DudIe,- makes his debu I -vith TÉoronto 'Symphony Orch- 5tra . - Major John~ W. Foote t ts as son of Mrs. N4ncy Roberts, has been in the Army since May and expects an overseas posting short- ly ... First commurrity picnic in decade proves successful. 8-Lions Club equips two local playgrounds ... Over 100 citizens have applied for old age pensions ...Bobby Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Lowe. wins West Beach sports day ... Miss Marilyn 0v- ery, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. James Overy, joins Canada's W. A.A.F. . . . Town Council lets $10,000 contract for re-surfacing of streets. . . Barbara Goddard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goddard, wins Royal Conserva- tory silver Imedal for singing. 16-Miss Jean Lorraine Miill;- gan, Newtonvilie, and Royal Stan- ley Hall. Bowmanville, were the principals in the first wedding held in Newtonville Presbyterian Church in 70 years . . . Large number of dogs were poisoned in Libtrty St. S. area . .. Bogus $10 bis make their appearance in Bowmanville . . . Bowmanville Gladioli Growers win majority of prizes at Oshawa Glad, Show.. Million dollar increase in buying power of Durham families accord- ing to Sales Management report *.Lions, Rotary and Kinsmer. Clubs move equipment and local ambulances move patients fromn old hospital to Memoriai Hospital. 23-First baby born in Mem- orial Hospital came Aug. 9, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kilpatrick ..Residents of The Cove make gift to Memorial Hospital in mem- ory of Mrs. W. D. Fox who found- ed the Chapel-on-the-Hili F'ederation of Agriculture Divine Service held Sunday . . . Hospital announees availability of radios for rent. 30-This issue carried "The Story of Bowmanviic" reproduc- ed from the Torcnto Telegram .Durham County Junior Farm- ers win judging honors at Peter- borough Exhbition . . . Miss Ruth Carrier, "Miss Toronto 1951," and her parents were guests of Alf. Shrubb .. . Rev. T. M. Dustan wiii conduct a farewýIl service at St. John's Church before return- ng to India.. . Miss Virginia Hop- kins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hopkins, R. R. 2, Bowman- ville, won a $100 Jury Scholar- hip at McMaster University. . .1 Lions Club donates $1,000 operat- ing table to Memorial Hospital. December- 6-Pfc. Allen Dummitt, U.S. ~ Army, returns home from Konea *...- 10 visit his mother, Mrs. Laven'e Souch..- B.H.S. scores big hit in Mikado played 10 seli-out c cnowds in Opera House Town Council boosts plot pnices at Bowmanville Cemetery-. Sid~ney Little is Mayor-eleet of Bowmanville . . . Manvens fam- ily of seven childnen made destc- tute by fine . . . Darlington Coun- cil re-elected by acclamation. 13-This was the "pink" edition of The Statesman -... CpI. Allen gets Conservative nomination... Local merchants are dîvided on Saturday night closing issue .. . Bethany wins rural basebail league championship and the Johnny James Trophy. November- 1-Jack Baker's ninth annual Shorthorn sale brings record pnices . . . Spencer W. Cheshire, Cavan, is named C.C.F. candidate ...Don Quick, brilliant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Quick, wîns his fourth schoiarship at U. of T. ...Dr. Geo. Miller retunns from duty in Washington, D.C., joins staff of Ontario Dept. of Health ...St. Paul's United Church ob- serves 117th anniversary... Lions Club net $200 in commun- ity auction. 8--Cold Stonage Plant at New- castle crammed with Durham fruit. . . Two new schoois being buiit at Courtice and Mapie Grove ...Miss Ddrothy Skinner is chos- en "Miss Dariington" - at Roy Nichois' annual football celebra- tion at Newcastle . - . Courtice footbaliers win Danlington cham- pionship and Bneslin Trophy... Haiiowe'en pranksters cause $400 dan-,age at bail park . .. Saturday closing by-iaw repealed . .. Many colorful characters attend gala Hallowe'en party in Memoriai Arena. 15-St. Paui's Anglican Church, Bethany, observes 75th anniver- sary . . . Premier Leslie Frost ad- dresses audience in T<own Hall ..Florence Nightingale Officers for 1952 are instalied . . . The roof of the Duteli Christian Re- formed Church, Scugog St., caved in due to weighty snuw . . . Coop- en's gasoline station nobbed of $300 merchandise and cash... Beverley Cowling, daughter ot Mr. and Mns. Percy Cowling, won fîrst prize in public speaking con- test at Onono. 22-Durham Federation of Ag- riculture hoid Pot Luck Supper at Newcastle . .. Citizens weiit to the polis today to cast their ballot in the provincial election . . . West Beach families are stranded when Transport Board onders fence- erected at C. N. R. station... Bowmanville Barons start hockey practice on Port Hope ice... MViss Olive Rankine, well-known young dramatie soprano, gives ne- cital in Eaton Auditorium . .. St. Aindrew's ladies hold successful bazaar and tea. 29-John W. Foote polled re- crd 2,232 majority and is swept back into office . . . Mayor L. C. Vlason announces his netinement from Counil ,. . Rev. A. E. Eus- :ace, Orono United Church, is transferred to Pembroke . . . Six- een men have entered the race for municipal office . . . Chioken hieves raid pouitry farm of A. C. Penny, . . Rev. W. F. Banister, Kingston, dedicated new chimes at St. Paui's Church . . . Kinsmen Club signs contract for artificial ice installation at Memonial Arena. Clayton. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ciayton, Second St., returned from Korea where he served with the Princess Pats. . . Lance Plain named president of Goodyear Rod and Gun Club . . . O.P.P. Cpi. Leslie Thnoop awarded medal for 20 years service .. . Trenton man hangs himself in local jail.. Miss Barbara Goddard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herber:t Goddard, Church St., received a silver med- ai for singing from the Royal Conservatony of Music, Toronto . . Darlington Ratepayers hold meeting to organize Ratepayers' Association. 20-Canadian figure skating championships tobe held in Osli- awa . . . Hearing aids for the deaf are beîng installed in Newcastle United Chunch . . . Private Arth- ur J. MacDonald, son of Mrs. H. MacDonald. C.N.R. Station, is re- ponted wounded in Korea . . . Miss Mae Hilditch assumes duties as superintendent of Memorial Hos- pital . . . Miik price is raised two cents on quarts, one cent on pints ...Family skating club holds first session at Memonial AnenaI ...Fire in Lander's Store is quickly checked by'Fire Brigade. 27-Town Council to hold in- augural meeting Jan, 7**, Statesman publishes' historical sketch of Courtice district . , . A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawnence Sharkey, Orono, on Christmas Day at the hospital... Capt. George Browne neturns fromn Korea for Christmas andi medicai check-up . . . Stree'<- cieaning crew does commendablc job on snow removal in big storm . . . B.T.S. given T.V. set for Christmaý; bx Toronto Rot.arv- Club . .. A Madoc man was killed in a traffic accident near Wel- corne, Christmas day ... Central Sehool rmnk proves popular with holidaying youngsters. While it n-ay flot be common knowledge, says the secnetany of the Ontario Creamery Association, it is nevertheiess a fact that for the past 37 yeans, the average price of June butter in Canada was lower than in the United States. From 1914 to 1950 the average June price for butter in New York was 40.28 cents a Pound, while in Canada the av- S Such glorious flavour in everything you cook iwhen you use rich, golden Canadian butter! Mlakes so niany things taste so very satLisfying! And wise mothers know, every pound of butter is bunsting with natural goodness and food valucs. For better living, serve butter. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 40 9 Huron, Street Toronto, Ontario "Do:vn Dairy Larme -Listefn la this pro grain on Thursdays iI - 2.00 P.rn. EST. over the Trana- Canada Netuvrk of C.B.C. The most IMPORTANT MANÀI f c' CANARDIAN There lhave been many startlirfk developments ini modern weapons - cien talk of pusli-bution warfare - but despite ail of this - the INFANTRYMAN coriùinues to be the most important man in our defence fonces. Today, lte Canadian Infantrv Soldier is one of the most highly trained men in our Armyv.'He is master of many weapons. fle is toîzgh. le lias buit a repîxtation that is second to none. More voung' men are needed riglit away to swell the ranks of lte Royal Canadian Iîîfantrv % Corps. The job is flot an easy crie: Yom have 10 l)e goodi 10 makethe grade as lte most important man in the Canadian Army-the INFANTRYMAN. ( TO ENLIST YOU MUST. 1 . Volunteer f0 serve anywhere. 2. Be 17 to 40 (Tradesmen ta 45). 3. Meef Army requirqments. 4. Mairraed mon wiI b. accepted. APPlY te the nearest Recruiting De pot: No* 13 Personnel D 0,WoIIi, Mou,., Rideau & Charlotte $,,., Ottow, Ont. No. 3 Pe<sonnel Depot, Arf.llery Park, sagot Street, Kingsto, ont. Candio Ary tecuitngStation, 90 Richmiond St. W,. Toronto, Ont. Na. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley 80 rock$, Elizabeth Street, tondon, Ont. A-Y Recniting Centre, 230 Main Street West, North Boy, ont. Army *ecruiting Centre, James Steet Armoa", 200 James St. North., Hamilton, ont. Li4 sten fo "Voice of ffhe Armnyl - Tuesday and Thursdoy evenin gi-Dominion Networ. il 'j, in 1 :i:{' V(YL ' i i e, e, ci h '3 .41 r 'c t 't 1, IL' - - -17 pouffl NEW CHENILLE BARGAINS FROM FACTORY TO TOU i Our nationaily 'famous covered, no sheeting sh)'amo- baby chenille bedspread stilll~ only $5.25 each. Also, new 1xr jous corduroy chenille bedsPreaj thousands of smail velvety tuftî at oniy $7.50 each. Both spreads corne in ail colors, single or double bedsize with either mullti-colored or solid sculptured center pat. terns. First quality. Sent COI) plus postage. Immediate money. back guarantee. TOWN & COUN. TRY, MFG. Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Qýuebec. 1 1 1 SHEET METAL WORK AND RO0T AIR HEATING " HOT AIR FURNACES " AIR CONDITIONING " OIL BURNERS " ALL TYPES 0F ROOFING Work estimated without obligation will conforni to low overhead at ny new location. 6 MILL LANE (Off Scugog St.) BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2674 1 June- c 7-Town Coun-cil opposes civic -garbage collection preferring to -spray dump to nid it of rats. . 5.The popular featune "Cunrent and Confidential" by Elsie Carruth- ens Lunney makes its debut... Dunham County boy, J. S. Mc- -Lean, 50 years with Canada Pack- nens, is honored by 1,600 employ- ýr ees . . .Thnough Statesman sup- .- tion-wide Five-Male Generation rFather's Da y Contest . . . Good- hyear employees clecide to stnike it for 25 cents-an-hour increase... Comely Colleen Clarke, 16, V daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Wmn. A. Clarke, meets Prime Ministen c Louis St. Laurent at Ottawa... eIvan Hobbs elected president of District 6 Council which govenns ail rubber and allied unions in Canada. 14-Trinity Jack and Jili Club spend happy weekend at Sparrow Lake . .. Markus Roenigk returns -to his native town after billiant banking caneer . . . Biain Elliott, Tfm EAMA"TAM nIrAnnpc2lrA» 1 vu &bukm4 t'O, 1 ",*,ÉbÀS mm -- - - ýÉqvAlw qFjkqLvw*Aý .- ---- 1

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