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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jan 1952, p. 1

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%.Tn4b1rn t~ttn ""Durham County's Gireat Family Journal" VOLUME 98 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY lOth, 1952 7c PER COPY NUMBER 2 Packed Council Cham ber Greets Inaugural Meeting Almost every seat on the benches of the Council members of the aid councîl \vho were re-elected include: Chamber was taiçen, with same citizens standing, when 1 fraîm- lef t ta ritght - Councillors Walter DeGeer, O. F. Rob-. Bowmanvil1e's 1952 Town Council held its opening meeting'son and Fred Cale;, Reeve F. Morley Vanstone; His Worship NIonday ni ght. After the impressive opening ceremon ies 'Mayor Sidney Little; Doputy-Reve Melville S. Dale; Caun- when each of the officiais took his oath of office, and the cillors Wilfrid D. Carruthers, Norman J. Scott and Nelson Dpening prayer, they immediately proceeded with the busi- E. Osborne. ness of the municipality. The four new coiynci11ors plus the Former Principali Speaks on ""The Ti We Depend Too Mi Thinkiag is an extnemely dii. ticuit. tiring, e,.actinig busines.3 ekin ta physical exertian, accord- Ing ta A. E. O'Neill, former pria- cipal of Oshawa Collegiate and Vacational Institute, and people are more and mare coming to A. E. O'Neill rely upon so-called experts ta do their thinking for them. Speaking at the Rotary Club luncheon held in the Balmoral Hotel, Friday, Mr. O'Neill chose to titie his address, "The Twiligýht of Thought." sub-titling it, "WhWe Behave Like Damin Fals" lie criticized the expert ai-d pseUdo- expert who wvould "tell us wherc ta go and how to get there,' and (Continued on Page Seven> Hampton Meeting On Assessment Pri Explained by Arli Darlington Ratepayers' Associ- ation intend lironortine a a Tw've - a - -- - W ~ .. .~ Pli.. SC - - - I-- T ? Y- !, : 1--L Of Ushawa C.V.I. Actoptng the le gan i peaks .t-ere 10-niçq wilight of Thoughl!" Or Mcake I a Wa ch Ul LA rA ~More thanl a score ai Oshawa 'Ially depend upion a Ga oc Linos bus ta carry thcm ta their ILocal Skating Club jobs in Toronto hlave discovered - a unique mcthod of bcatirîg the Steadily Growing Ini Toronto transportation ticup. IInterest and Memnbers e Boarding a local bus they trav- where the), board a Colonial Coacii The third session of the Bow- l-iei bus3 and are ferried intu manîll Sktin Clb, astSu- Toronto. Due ta franchise agrec- day afternoon, saw members ai 34 met1 ooilCahdu o famiiesskamg.123parntsamipick Lup passengers in Oshawa. children. Nearly 75 spectators CnnF .Wlisn were present and from their ranks CnnF .Wlisn eea familes *oeind the cu Nine Holstein Cows Rector ai St. Paul's (Bloarc A fe faîlis dove n fom uchAnglican Church, Toronto, one outlying centres as Oshawa to Elec trocuted Under the largest Anglican Churches leara if they could join the club. ntacs Canlada. \vill be guest speaker They werc and are welcome. Odd Circurntne a united service ta be held It is easy ta see that Bowm-an- - Trinity United Chunch tanigi ville is a skating town and that Nine registured Holstein cattle. AIl denominations are nvi it will xiot lack for a caming crop owned by Wilfred Bowles, R. R. ta attend this special service ai' hockey playens, speeri and fig- 1, Nestieton, and valuied at ap- ranged by the Bowmanville M ure skaters. The real objective proximately S4,000, were electro- isterial Association in cannect ai the Club was brought out by cuted in the Bowles' cow barn in with the annual Week ai Pra: the numer ai littie anes on the ice. Cartwright Toxx ,nship the Sunday CaoWiisnhshdaI Ilt seemed as though some 91 before Christmas. ao ikno a a ableta kat A hor cicui inan lecricand distinguished career in them would soon be bet kt hr ici na cre ministry and is reputedly one better than they could walk. water pumnp is believed respon- te1 usadn rahr Therapd ff ectonat hesible for the disaster. Faultyma Cnd. Previaulh eastern end ai the rink swarmed tenial was apparentlv lused v.hcn Rector ai Christ Church Cath with youngsters and parents wno the pump was install'ed, and ,xhen raI, Vancouver, and mare nece were giving them instruction, a short circuit developed the cur-ivaStJmeChchnM Orcasionally anc ai the little anes rentoflStvd intasthe ndividuaMo would gaut rmte"oud etfIe nothidvdai'l and radae1rm h "o n"xater bowls from which the cawvs A saldier la World War ty bis blades with the more drink. The w'ater is; helievdtCao Wiknnwa heI accmplshe meber wh wee Ihave been charged with clectric- circling the ice ta the music. lity. tary Medal for gallantry in acti The occasion was rendered more Recognition ar the cause aif gala because the club ribbons death and an exceptionai displav k luln werc flying from evcry breast. ai presence o nind on the pai t SiCu ln Yellow streamers, printud in ai Harry Van der Heul. a Dutch Party Friday Night black with "Bowmanville Skat- emnplovec, savcd the balance aif ting Club" were given toalal mcmn- th~e 66 cows and hecifers ib th, At The Chalet bers ai each family which joincd barn. Van der Heul told h _____ the club. To qualify for member- brother 1Hernianus Van der Heu'l. More than 50 enthusiastic ski *ship a family must have one chilI to sbut 'the puimp ipo\x ci off wlien sxvýarmc,,d over the Bowmanv ofa Public School age or vounger. lie Saw Ilie animnais drap. Ski Club hbis, Sunday, and *The fue is S4 and entities ail in the Returningw from church about *oyed ane ai the best skiing d family ta skate on Sunday aiter- 4 p.m. on the afternoon ai the ex- sa far this ycar. The ta'w was noons irom 3 ta 5. ecutioîî, larrv Van der Heîîl oeai qtarted choies in the barn. Wleni A gala party is planned at liesa (0 cw dead le ian ta the Ski Club's Chalet tomaorrow (I Revels Fw Fais es, but bv the tine the pair leaving from the ~Olympia RE rtib o he arn, om e Mi. da>ening wi:0 th tranportaE o hien Nol Already lhtcrallh dropping everv' where. aewilftu hevnng Mta a fur fari, Lut Presiclent Jack Tait supp] des in Statesman The Boxles' iarmi is just nortli the information that the bisV *1____________of_____a Blackstock< on the Scuîgog Road. not bu lighted -with floodlights. Motor License Plates rnt1 st.) ýs i in hLt. 7ited ai - gli- -ion vyer. aong the- ýsin wa s lid- ,nt- .nt- Viii- tion. cin ville en. ays the iion test- and will Standing Committee 0f Town Council For Year 1952 Mayor Sidney Little, as Chief Magistrate of Bowmanville, is automatically a member of the below listed standing committees introduced b «v Reeve Morley Van- stone at the inaugural meeting of 1952 Town Council held in the Council Chamber Monday even- ing. Finance-Vanstone, Dale, Car- ruthers, Scott. Roads and Streets-Scott, Cale, Vanstone. Fire-Osborne. Cale, Vanstone. Police-Dale, Carruthers, Scott. Publie Property - Carruthers, DeGeer, Osborne. Civie-Robson. DeGeer, Dale, Osborne. (èeetery-Cole, Robson, Os- borne. Industrdàl - DeGeer, Robson, Dale. Make a Date Now See "The Man Who Came to Dinner" De sure ta make a date ta sec' the Rotary Club production '"flý Man Who Came To Dinner," at the Town Hall on Feb. 6th and 7th. Quite a remarkable fellow "The' Man"!! and his friends who came ta visit him!!! and the presents they brought ! I1! 1 The cast is composcd ar mem- bers af the Rotary Club suitably interspersed with members of their familles and it portravs what miglit happen in your home but \VC hope it does flot. Members of Council To Attend Service At St. John's Church B. & P. Speaker Mrs. G. D. Canant New Regional Adviser for Dist- rict No. 5, Business and Proies- sional Xomen*s Clubs, wha will be guest spoaker Thursday nighi, Jan. 17, at a mecting ai the Boxv- manville Club in the Balmoral Hotel. Former Residents Burned Out In Fire at Quebec Two former Bowmanville resi- dents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown. were burned aut in the $1,000,000 fire that razed an en- tire block in thc booming iran are frantier tawn ai Seven Isl- ands. Quebec, late Monday. Mrs. Lola Brown is a sister of Mrs. Jack McNulty. The Brown iamily came ta Bowmanville in 1946, subsequent ta Mr. Brown'j discharge from the army, and liv- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hall Mayor Sidney Little and Town when trowy Iived aoCuch t.e Council deait with a sizeable a- n. B'Srts hpdata c mount ai cannespondence at theNutysSasShp inaugural meeting Monday even- Savcd from the fine xvas Mrs. ing, with the fallowiag decisians McNlty's 6î-yuvaf-old mother. reached. Mrs. Gea. Ru.ndle, wha was in Letten was received frra Rev. bcd when the fine broke out at W. N. Turner, Recton ai St. John's 10:30 p.m. Anglican Chunch, inviting council Heather, the Brawn's 15-y car- ta attend a special inaugural ser- old daughter, xvas home an bhl- vice on Sunday evening, Jan. 20. day leave from St. Hclen's Scho.)i The invitation was accepted. Bow- for Girls at Dunham, Que., wben manvilie Public Schoal Boar~d and the blaze startcd. She xvas sched- the Durham District High Schoal uled ta neturn ta school yester- Board were included in the il-- dayý. vitdtion.' @ Believed ta have startcd ilaa Mn. Turner wnote that other dawntown Seven Islands garage. Caunicils have found 'inspiration' the fine raged uncbccked for and help for the year's work in bours in 15 below zera tempera- attending church in a body early turc. Seven Islands is approxim- in their term aif office." He sug- ately 275 miles north-west ai gested that such a service become Quebec City. an annual observance. Council moved ta accept the invitation tendened by Rev. W. N. Communists Bring Tu rner. E. V. Hoar requested a ligbt Christmnas Gifts To be erected before bis hom-e atCanadians in Korea 158 King St. East. Referred, ta Public Propenty Committee wi th cetnyisauny ar power a act.statud Mrs. 'Clifiord Branigan, Firemen Draw' mpnation Bownianx'ille. when she was Individual Workmen's Compen- showing us a lutter received fromn sation fan the 18 members ai the bier son xvbo is with the Canadiail Bowmanville Fine Brigade xvas Army fighting in Koî'ua. The increased fnam $3,000 ta $4,000 by lutter contained txvo Christmas Counicil et an assessment ai 10 cards that hiad been sent to the pur cent. In case ai accident, Canadianis lw the Chines.,e Coin- fiiremen injured xiii draw cam- muniists juist prior ta Chnistmna-. pensation. In addition 10 these very et- Requesita purchase a lot atý tractive cards, Private Bordun corner ai Ontario and Belleville Branigan statcd Ithat the Comn- Sts. by Norman G. Hannan was munists had a!sa brouglbt Christ- held aven. Lots are ta be sold mnas gits over lu the positionn- by sealed tender fram now an, that they wure holding. Thusu at- according ta a motion tabled by tractivel'y xrappc. i gfts iniclucd Coun. Norman Scott. cigarette hoîders, pipes, bandker- Mrs. Irene Candîci, secretary, chiefs and other sinall gifts. Bowmanville Women's Institute, These psychological tact ics %veiC requesting the use ai the Opera uised in Xorld War II byv the Gco.- Hause, Manoh 13, for a Kapper mans but not ta the extent that Karnival - praceeds far the the Chinese have gone. artificiel ice fund - was received. Private Bran igan is serving Caunicil approved the request. with the Royal Ca'îadlian Rifles. and formaîts' request Taxvýnslhip F or -1-9 52Issu ed----I1- arons 1Vit-1.I. Iree WAivî Outf oi+For S~ tarts, 5->vui"nn A Council ta meake the 19.50 andi 19.51 ffW' V~~ J ' 'I ~~ 4~t L 1 "~~ tex rails available fan scrutin',' at In Forin of Stickers L a natepayers' meeting Iobbe el la Hampton Towvn Hall. Frida.J,, Licunse plates for 1952 .vent on Januerv 25. This decision va sae t -gonEcti Sbp reachd et pubieeting bula Bownienville, on Wednusday, Jan. la Hampton, Frida.v niîgLt. 2- ssugse ehicle ov.ncis Some 30 puoixeiigae-avoîd tLe eventual rush and ne- coats against tLe chîi, attendea ed hi lcneeny. the Fridav meceting and huard AltLaugh stickens are being is- President Chantes Rankine ieadsudisedathuuamta a repart submitted by' a Toronîto plaeis.teas fteans thae a Iaw irm n rsacu b îe p aecconding ta licunse issuers, xh Iem ace by he alupver mnoffer tLe informiation that 19.51 Delingtan Township. plates, whuch have been lost, stol- Coasidering tLe submnission, un or dufaced, niay bu neplecedj President Rankine said. "We are for SI. not pratesting cqualizud asses.s- Even though e license sticker ment . . . everyone is xvlling t a eeIordue bs era ay his share the inerad . . buta nmeans ai conservîng imetal, it cipe abjte a îLessmennnasand l ' us essential that 1951 plates rxc cipl aitheessssmut a badlc àîin on cars, trucks, and other in Dariingtan Township." cneacs Basing bis comiplaunt onan 0- altei Hackiiey, 15 Ontario St.I equality ai assessielnt, the cLair- mri cited twa cases ai alleged "cîeI iimeinno-navle eauality known ita hirm persan- ta pur -hase a 1952 license sticker. ally. -I bave a neiglhbor .vitii The stickeîs are ý ellawv in colon Y 5%,, aunes ai poor tend \vhîch i; w\ýith a thîn ned border. The On-; assessed et $37.50 an acre," le said1 lana coat-oi-armis appears in the "Across the raad. anlother Ileigll- iopper left canner dliructly oppos- bon bas 10 acne., af what 1 consid- lite tLe anmerals "19,52." A large, en good land which is assessed fori, red Ontario is in tLe centre ai tLe onîv $2750 an acre." He mien- stirker and tLe t 'ype aifx'ehicle-- tioned another ncighbor wbah own- pessengen, commercial or duel i ed 50 acres and was essessed for purpse-appears et lower left $9 per acre. appasite a serial numbers la the! Association Needs Money ngthn anr 'That's what we mean,"; he Stickers are ta be piaeed on tbe said. "Ithey haven't foliowed the windsbicorntercrin or nh Bowmanx'ille plax'ers and fans of the Intermediate 1 Port Hope the week before, the Barons bettled their way princhand corner, aicording ta la- i strctins rined n the reverse Bat-ans are stili shaking their heads in glee. To date, using ta victory over the packed Lindsey squad. On Tuesda ment." He întlmated the igs side, and similan ta license plates, a completely harne-brew team, %vith no fancy or expenstve night, minius three mare of their top plavers, Lindsay ol ~,roIempreenty fcedbv ar-stickers niay be nenewed if de- or hig hlv--rated imports or coaches suuh as some of the otherdeatdhm7-.Hrishetm.puenuhesrs fntnRatepayers is ta "rake i.iJ) aced destroved or stolen. for <'l'-dfae hm73 eeistetapu nuhrsre a few dollars tn fight for what1 h eaiet iHg asclubs in the league have. thev have knoeked off every team ta kecp themn in plavers na malter how manx' casualties we ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ja ko isig.'it eev5L not \et sel a deadline fur îei the cau. Lst -auda .alog orof their ne-ular occur: fr-ont mxx', lufito rht: Don Mercer. Bill Dustan. Bob <Conatinued on Page Seven) 'limali sue oi licernýes. iplayers wcre un the injured list as a result of the fiasco withBird, Dean West, Bill Bagnell, Bill Gearing, Don Gilhooley, New Councillors Air Their Views Ai First Meeting o! Town Council Including Appqiniment of Manager however, he cangratulated court- cil members an their electian and wished them well. "Council is a high calling," he said, "and you are ta be entrusted with the re- sponsibility of this cammunity." Subsequently, Mayor Sidney Little delivered his inaugural address which appears elsewhere in this newspaper. Tivo Former Mayors Txva former Bownianville May- ors, Lawrence C. Masoin and Mil- ton J. Elliatt, were on hand ta take part in the iirst 19.52 council meeting. Each delivered bni words ai encouragement and con- gratulations whcn called upan by Mayor Little. Ex -Mayar Masoni congratulated Mayor Little on being the 33rd Mayor ta hold office since the in- corporation ai the Town ai Bow- manville. He also mentianed the 15 years ai Council experience the present Chief Magistrate has had. Indeed, Mr. Mason said the present Mayar served with or un- der the nine Bowmanville Mayors living today. This group includes, G. Alex Edmondstarqe, C. G. Mar- ris, RegiA~ald O. Jones, Gea. W, James, Ross Strike, K.C., Milton J. Elliott, H. L. Quinn as well as himself.* Ex-Mayar Milton J. Elliott sim- ilarly cangratulated council and reminded new members they will "gain experience here that you cannat gain in any ather way."'. He camplimented ex-Mayor Mason& (Continued on Page Seven), Mayor S. Liftle's Inaugural Address Drings Oui Many Fine Suggestions., For Making This a Deller Community Mayor Sidney Little delivered bis inaugural address before an overflow crawd attending the first meeting ai Bawmanville'si 1952 Town Council held in theI Cauncil Chamber, Mandey even- ing. The text ai the Mayor's ad- dress faîiaws: Members ai 1952 Council. Lad- ies and Gentlemen: Tonight, I would like ta first congratulate the members ai Cauincil, Mn. W. R. Stnike, K.C., oi the Public Utilities Cammissian, and the mnembers oi the Scboal Board on their election. It is a distinct pleasure fa'- me, once again, ta occupy the Mayan's chair in this Council Roon in the Town ai Bawmanvic. Mayor L. C. Mason bas given the 'council excellent 1uadership duiring the past thrce yeais, and \viIl be a veiy bard man ta fol- law, but with the hulp ai myv as- sociates, I can only say that I thank you sincerely for the con- fidence you have sbown in mie, and promise ta carry on ta the best ai my ahility. I da not w'ish ta criticize anv- tbing that council bas donc dlî- ing the last few years, but sever- aI matters xvere braught up at'the nomination meeting anui duning tLe election campaign that de- serve carefol1 study. t'ivic Garbage Collection Municipal Gai-bage Collection has bcen, 1 knroxv, discussed by various coLuncîl, but so fui. they Lave not conisideîed it advisabîe. Hoxvever, 1 believe ihat this mut- ter should bu giveni furtber studv;-, perhaps the imie is ripe for tbis praject ta Le staitei. Also, reg--idiîng aur sicvls the council have a plani for side- (Continued on Page Suven) Radio Dif ficulties i In Burketon Area Deto Hydro Clamp Having a husband who won't work is bad enough. There's onîy anc thing warse and that's having a radio that produces noth- ing but static when the air is fi- fd wik Christmas music. The fok aunreoan Enniskilltn and fact because, as we neparted ear- lier. intenference was something terrible in that area during the festive seasan. But noxv, aIl is well and saap apuras are once mare taking the place ai frustrated cursing; wives are again letting the pies bunn wbile they listen ta Kate Aikeil or Super-Quiz. Earîy Ibis week, inspectons fmai the Radia Division af the Depant- mient ai Transport, ruported ta local nmumber ai Parliament "Jolhnny" James that they biad located a loase clamp on the rur- al hydia houe near Bux-keton. Be- cause the clamp anly caused noise whebn there was a wind blawing, it tool, tLe inspectons a couple of dla vs ta locale the trouble. Local r'ural hydro officiaIs wunt witlx the inspectais and provided ex- cuItent ca-operation. Mr. .James took the matter up with the Dupt. ai Transport fol- loviag an urgent call main Frak Dorlarîd ai Enniskillen. To make certain that tLe M.P. would re- alize that the situation celled for fast action, Mn. Dorlend put the mouithpiece ai the telephone iri front afi iW radia, with the result that aur nicinbur naw bas oaly one good car. The alLer is recov. ex ing slowl. vliracle Team of thf Group *Maxie Yourth, Larry Chant, Bob Kennett (Tramner); back row: Chuck Kilpatrick, Harvey Lunncy, Buck Cowle, Pete Fhntoff, George Heath, Jim McGregor, Bob Gallagher, George Sellers, Jack Rice, Lloyd Hamilton, Dan Girardi, Don MTa.ytens, A] Strike,, Gord Sturx-ock, George Moody (Club Pruesidlent), Bob Watt (Manager) and Don Shay (Recreational Director). r- T T y .I l vir1 *vr y #4 d--% legY-1 Ci1 a I If the verbal activity of coun- cillars at the inaugural meeting of Bowmariville's 1952 Town Cauncil can be considered an in- dication ai future debates, the next 12 month period should prove bath interesting and pro- gressive. It was standing room anly in the Council Chamiber, Manday ev- ening, as five veteran and four untried cauncil members settled down ta business fallowing an impressive opening cereinony launched by Clerk Alick Lyle ,who required the repetitian of ani oath of office from cach miember. Mayar Sidney Little will guide Town Counicil thraugh 19.52 aided by fleeve Morley Vanstone, De- puty-Reeve Melville S. Dale and Councillors Norman Scott, Nelson Osborne, Wilfrid Carruthers, Fredi Cale, O. F. Rabson atid Walter DeGeer. During the business session, the possible appointment of a Toawn Manager was braached, the plow- ing af private property by the tawn snaw plow was questianed, and considerable discussion xvas given the sale ai town-owned lots. A money by-law, authorizing the Clerk ta borrow up ta $100,000 irom the bank ta meet current expenditure until such time as the first instalment ai taxes is re- ceived, was passed. Rev. S. R. Henderson ai Trinity United Church, opened the in- augural council meeting with the reading afi'the First Psalm fol- lawed by a prayer. Previausly,

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