PAGE FOUrt ?TM rAeA!iA!N qTATEMAq*POWMA"VMLLM, e7O'ANT Current Con fidential a i By Elsie Carruthers Lunney HOT OFF THE PRESS home to a smail-towner. And 0f course we knew The States- most people are really small- man was a good paper, but when towncrs at heart if given the a subscrjbej' wanted to know if least encouragement. Look what's it couid be sent to him in Florida hpeigi oot-oot by air mail, whjle on his vacation, o the coid, coid beart! burning fIhîerest, such impatience A SMALL TOWN to, gel the news of the home town AFTER ALL While it is reaiiy hot off the press3 One thing about the T.T.C.f gives the editor and staff a new strike in Toronto, coid-hearted lease on life. and indifferenit citizens are prov- Il may be a strange thing. but ing to be just sma]i town folks true, that though a person mav flot afler ai]. Car pools are working read the local paper tboroughlv splendiGil v, and motorists who when at home, just let hlm get a havent arranged a ioad are offer- l few miles away, and he reads it ing rides to those trudging along from cover to cover. includin', the streets. As vwe write the ail the classified ads! It's a fact. strike has onIv finishied its sec- A number of people have told us ond dav, but Torontonians havea So. Il sometiWes takes an ab- ralliîcd with good nature 10 the t sence to make us appreciate the situation, with cver 'vone getting f pleasure we gel out of walkin'g chumm *v with everyone else asa down Front Street, waving to this thev rub shoulders, instead of One and that, stopping to discuss starinig through their nieighbor.* the xeather. that ever-present The reaction to a situation lik" f ,topic. or chatting Nvitb the people this in a citv the size of TorontoE Who ,vait on us in stores. Cities is most interesting. So fari il as s and far-off places have thrir at- resited i ncighborlinvess. Nl)- tractions, but tbcres non place likr. dcouht thîs xvi]] continue, but after ti TUA ai h ~f Our Port Hope Representative for . *. SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou wiII be ini Bowmanville Tues. and Wed. each week It is our desire ta give our customers even better service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, cail our Port Hope store and reverse the charges. SINGER SEWING CENTRE 47 Walton St. PORT HOPE Phone 3066 il I a time it may becomne tinged wi impatience toward the T. T. emplovees, wvho felt they had throw a wbole city out of joi to achieve their demands. IVE HEAR FROM OTHER BIRD-LO VERS There are probably a numb, of people in town who feed il birds regulariy in winter. Aft, reading in this column last wec about the Blne Javs coming breakfast at our bouse, two peop have bold us about their exper ence with feeding the birds. is a hobby) which becomes cor pletely fascinating, and in a wir ter such as Ibis when the sno covers the ground. il is a rei kindness. Mrs. Walter Davis, Milt Lani teiephoned to tell us that sI feeds the birds twice a day, regt lariy, and the Sunday morning o which we bad five Blue Jays s'. bad two Cardinals, a large nun- ber of Bine Jays, a Downy Wooi pecker, Nuthatch, Brown Creeg er, a pair of Robins, a number c Chickadees and Starlings. Mr: Davis feeds themn choppcd u bread on a board ]odged in a apple tree near the bouse, wher they can observe the birds to Pc?, fect advantage. She aiso han, a ballof suet, enclosed in wir mesh, from a branch of the Irci The birds becomne dependent oi food provided for thern, Mrý Davis says. and therefore if yoi start putting ont food for th en 1ou sbould do 50 regularly. Mrs. J. H. H. Jury bas Blu Jays in ber garden this winter fo the first lime in three vears aný sbe says she is giving bhem sun flower seeds and peanuts 10 brib, themi 10 continue coming. Sb( also hangs suet in the trees. Slh londs Ibis is ver 'y popular xvit! the small woodpeckers, Nutbalcb es and Chickadees. Sti11 on the subject of birds Mrs. William Paterson, Conces, ion Stieet, bas told ns of an in. eresting experience she bad las 'Jovember. The picture windoxý il the back of ber house unfor. tunately proves deceptive 10 lbý birds. TheY fiy againsl il, noi realizing there is an obstructior bere. Last Fait an Evenîng Gros- îeak flew against the windov and fell stunned to the terrace Immediateiy a flock of Grosbeak. ppeared and swiried aroni beir fallen comnanion. They ho. vered about, then fiew to tlb mapie trees near-bv wbere the-, vaited until the falIlen bird hat, recovered. Il flew first 10 SOME bushes, Ihen joined the others fi te mapies, and Ihen tbey ai lew away together. Mrs. Pat. rson watcbed Ibis utIle dramâ of the bird world with fascina. ion. To reduce the hazard of thE xpanse of clear glass, she ha. .ung strips of linen against tht .indow. Il would seem lb' birdis haven'l Yel caughl up wit.l modern architecture. LINKS WIT}-1T TE PAST Evervbodv bas a hobby horsc, Ve bave several, and we are get- ing Iwo of tbem in Ibis columr bis week. The advantage of writing a colnmn is that we haie the opportunity of wriling abot the tbings that interesl us. We ope that thev interest mosl ofyou t' C. t.) n. ho te- t ri- o- w ýai le. 'le 1- J- 2- of 'S. ip n re l's e e. le )r ;t ýv d7 e Lil re th fl er of el ht bi n tir th th th Mc $200mOO IN PRIZE*S IN OUR BIRD BOOK CONTEST Isi PRIZE $10000 2ndPRZ $50.00 3r d PRIZE $25.0 5 PRIZES of $5.00 Each Con test Rules 1. Contest open mi'v ho boys' and ' irls undet 16 y cars of ago. 2. Winnîng ber1-. iikusi. be presented 1) *- the boy or girl te the Office of EVELEICH-I CLEANERS, 50 MILL ST., OSHAWA, bctwýýcnm 8 arn. and 5:30 p.n-. of au business (lav. ~.Prizes xiillie axvacdod fot, the fi cst ei,,lnt boocks filled ceri-ectl v with 15 differeiit bird 51 icIkers. Encli sticker nst be attacheci te liii-page clescriiîg" the bird named onu utc slîcker, and mnust. be rcrnoxed frorn an EVELEIGII DRY CLEANING package. 4. Ccntest closes MIaircli :lht, 19,52. 5. Eniplo.vees anîd relatives oif EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS net eligible. To Get a Free Bird Book - - Boys and< girls - get vour* free bird book aI EVELEIGII'S CLEANERS oir fîrîinit EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS Driver or Agent. Jus ask for one. It is not necessarv*, to hring in clean- ing to gel a bird book. Supply is Iimiitcd, so act now. To Get Stickers to Fil! Bird Book - Jusî gel yOi \ourMm trisend lîi cleaîiing to EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS. Clothes xxiII be cet uiîied xith bird sIickers on ever ', gai-mont bdg. Ask vour Aunis. Uncles and c;iaudpareuits te hlip Von w\\in t he colitest. Ail îhcy have te do is seuil thoir ciearîinaIo i EVELEIGILS CLEANERS. Each and cxciv gaimn,. bagiil carry- a stiekcr tc fit int a page of your free bird bock-. Educatiotnal: Interesting:- GET ACQUAINTED WVITH BIRI)S AND ENJOY A FASCINATING NEWV HOBBY. BOY0 SCOUTS, GIRL, CUIDES, CURS .AND BROWNIES EARN MIERIT BADGES FOR BIRD STUDY. EVELEIGH'S CLEANERS Needleeraft News hy Pa5liee ROY NI AY A RIZ-WININGcrocheter learned the art by eafrting to crochet xith wool whif-h worke up quickly into fassinating accessqories Lnich as stolc'. swcafers, jackerts, bats, gloves, mnittens, afghanst, and of courme bahyv's wcear. Practicîng a little hcfore starting your work alway s aidm greaf]v go find the propier tension qo necessarx' in executing your design, and being carcfrît to use the proper wool and size hook recommcnded will assure you the best resulta. UÀ Eaeqy Stepa go Crocbeting iý.M àkCrocheting requises only one hook and the stitches consist of a cbain, single crochet, double crochet and triple crochet. Chain stitrh i4 made by drawing the ;hread through a loop with t he hook. To niake a single crochet, insert the hookin ~'to one loop of the chain, bring the wooi through (2 stitches on the book now) t lien paqsfllie xool throughi both stitches leaving only one astif ch on your hook. For a double crochet, pass the wool ovcr the book, in- setit into the chain sfîtch, bring the wool through (leaving 2 stitches on tlle hook with the wool over the hook in between) then pass tbe wool flirongh flic firstsçf h l> aong wit h tthe wool over thbe hook, again 'as lie V<oIl îrolighirtiieiiiiing 2 stifches thuq coînpleuing Ili, doubîlelç' I (lt. bw!c îroîlî do, in hi lcsalue maniner as i lie double crochet , ilin dfer hrebing wool mpr lîc hook twice and passing the wool tLhronglî thc two ýititrlîces an extra tinie. Ingenioti, 1 wosome The Oiinininci,,irket and bat ensemîble pirturcd hcre iq a mrprisingly Lsimple desi-n nnade froin 5 oz..of 4 lil' wool of a basic color, 1 oz. extra for'the bat, approx. 31:,oz-. olîlments of variotîs colors, a number (0stelcrochet hook atic a liti le of Youîr spaie, tinir, If von wishi f0 have a direction leaflet, for ,ix sizs, 'cOu a stamipeul .self-mildciýscd envelope to the Needlework, Dept. of this papcr rcqucýting GRAN NY JACKET AND RAT, teaflet No. CW'-28. tee. From the responses we bave had from readers, %ve know that a number of limes we have bit on topics which have struck a sympathetic chord. One subjcct wc are akWays in- terestcd in is birds, and yon ,viii notice that it kceps cropping up. Another dear te our bearts, which aiso appears in seme form Or other quite often, is historicai in- formation about Bowmanville and Durham County. We are very keen on stories of the eariy day's and wouid like to sec a societv organized te galber data bogethe r ,, ii o ulo t if ri sr' ir m ,,,, c-.+1, d pulic Thre ust c od l,,- The bride, who was given in etors, documents, and diaries lyin, marriage by ber father wore a abou inman homs xhic bailerina length gown of white abolt i man hoes wichlace over satin with a fingertip Il ould gixe a picture of life i veit and carried a bouquet of -Durhbam Couiib' as iived by the white chrysantbemums and sweel- a carly settiers. There are aiso, nlo heart roses. -doubt, articles of furniture, kit- chen utensils and s0 on xvhicli are She was atbended by Miss of bistoricat interest. If any of Donna Marie Fice wbo was io a these things do net happen te fail street lengtb dress of blue lace mbt interested hands, they arc ever satin with white accessories. tbrown awav and thus ,ve have Cbrysantbemums and roses com- lost another link xith the past. prised ber nosegay. Whatis eedd i a ental r- Mc. Robert Morley Johnson per- anization 0f intcrcstcd persons Atme the recetiso bed mant. and a place 10 lieuse snch a col- A th epio hldate lecion.At te-oet, br omne of tbbc ride's parents, Ross- fli moent thre]and Road West, Oshawa, the does net seem te be sncb a Place bride's mother receix'ed xearing ieanvbowaiîig adi tee irrwded al-abeige dress of brocade. The e rad vbc ng ad ' ovrcowddbcidegroom's mether who assisled tand the Lions Centre takien up. xvas in black crepe. Botb wore Ho\wever, ifa start is made, aroîîîlc ccsoisad osgso somewhcre may tuîrn np, either bacr ccosresaesoraeso itownr or elsrxvhciýe, sinice il ns Later Mr. and Mrs. Johnson lef tiot iiecessarx' that il be located in1 on a wedding trip te London and Bowmanviltr'. points wcst and on their return Bo\%naîiile Itseif thotigb, xitu ]ive in Oshawa. For braveil-t .hiuid have at least a cornofr ing the bride changed te a beige .cnicxxhere, preferahlv in onc dress with black veivel accessor- tino xviî th pubic ibrarv, 1ics. vhere ils oxvn history is avail- The br'ide is a niece of Mr. andI able. At present there is. 110 Mrs. Pete Element, Scugog St., (xcn a copY cf J. B. Fairbairn's Bewmanvilte. boock.Htr and Remiiiseence -____________ of Bcxvmanivlle' in the libra Cpies ae unobtaiiiabtc. TheOBTIAR onlvsoluionis fer seme person O IU R vbo lias a copv but does not use_____ it, te donate ilte thie library xvbere t inaybe read bv ail interosterl MRS. M. C. LEDREW iîers.oîis anddtîsed as a reference There passed awav in Memorial *hock. Anid wxvle on buis subecet, HsuaBwin'le nDc uve xvcild gladl 'v buy a Cet»' frorn')26tb, 1951, Mrs. M. C. Ledrew, lit sorenee vo no longer usit. ~ lier 8th ,,ear. She fbad been ii, Wýe are ccîîstantlY referring tii ailiîîg health for twe years. tbis bock for iistoricat fuels and Borni in Pontvpeel, the deceas- stories andI are ashtainocite say cd was a daulgbîer of the late Mr. we bave ketit a borroxvdcc opy and Mrs. George Uibscii. TIe formay îîoîlls.formier Miss NMary Gibsen, stie. Yen xii sec clse%'iîere in this was the wîfc of M. C. Lcdrexv i ssue sonie suggestions nmade bv and tbey made their home in Ver- IMrs. Ftred Bouveni wlio is aise iin- moînt, .S.A. for 27 years. A terested nli gathcrng and pre.serv- resideiîî sine 19435i Ocone, Mca. ing historicnt informiation. Let s ledrýew nmade ier- home with lier get goinig. Dîirham Coînt 'v- It is sister, Mrs. Ed. Dean. a irleadv nIte ilithe1w day, sitie-( Predeceased by lier hulsband ini iiivof the cld titiiers WI, in 1944, sb c leavcs te mourui ber cou Id hav.e toldUuS SO oniLiCIu have p IaSSîng Ilîre sisters, Roxvena pased on. But tliere is stiul mucli (Mrs. Ed. Dean, Ororiot; Marlorie, Iliat cati lie done. îMrs. Bert Lewis. Toronto); Ger- trude (Mrs. Austin, Toronto); ono brother, Frederick Gibsoîi, To- conte. Rev. Lawrenice Turner. ilinister cf the Unîited Cburch. Newcastle, conducted the funîcral service at the H. Barlow Funerai Home on December 29. 1Palihearers xer: Keînethî Dean.îi -aold Dean, Charles Coop. b er, lic ,vei I Ro-land, l-erb Qg. J » -doienatd R. C. Forrester. Ittrtienît was in Pontvpool I ,OTARK VILLE WEDDING JOHNSON - FICE The marriage of Joan Elane Fice and Douglas Gerald Johnson was solemnized recently in the parsonage of Nortbminster United Chnrcb, Oshawa, with Rex'. H. A. Mcllow officiating. The bride is the daughler of Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Fice, of Oshawa, and the bride- groom is the son of Mrs. C. L. Johnson, of Osbawa, and laIe Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Il-aitoweil aud farni]x wcce New Year*s So~~~ Quikl D nc1 7ts of Mr. soU Mrs. Orme M.aîînca. JaîîîesLovr anbv sd Mr. and Mrs. Pari IT TAKES nîany aiu hotlr Nîtîtîoti. Pntvpnool, rsilcd Mr. adimian v.1 dollar ho build'and Mrs. Vietor Farrow. an atoobleI)tt Mis, Marx' Hallow,11sct u and utoobie .. bu xvekeîd itb Miss C. Falls, To- in olle SNNift mnoment il in1ay conic. l'e destroved andl, %vorse ii n i .Ruce i qoiis, Mr. and 'Mrs. Morlex' Rob- stili, vour savings miax folloNv ison and daîi"bter wvith Mr. and il if a laxxsîiî is broughlt , M .Exart Robinson. ;Mr anid Mca. Autinli Henrv. -i -aiiist vo01. (iCt (oiil)lCýte'* utî-' Ali) horta v.-iîb M. .anîl Automnobile fisttraInce today Mc. ]e ia it'well. fron thi agecy.Mr. and Mrs. Gtorge Kniox an'i fromthî agncy Caci.Mr. sud Mrs. Keifhi Rovvc and Ms Lorraine Farroxv visil. (ci Mr. and Mrs. Hnwa%,rd Farrow. MissNormna and Bciitsli HAl- oxc]Tonronto: Mr. and 'Mrs. Siri cuimes Hallowcll and fanit"l- rP -iiz StuartPl. jof Mr, and Mrs. Llew Hallowei oui Suuidav. INSURANCE - REAL ESTAT'.\Ir. and MýrF. ,John Tliiomocon I'Ione. Office 681 Res. 49 andcaiighter we-re guests of*Mr", e M 411 Inîixce Kendgl. King S~treet. Boxwmanville F"uFot iii nef "n'11 ois cv.'ýnig aI the borne of Mrs. Gee. Et well. Employees Enjoy Gay Yuletide Party As in previous ' ears some 85 Oshawa Wood Products ernptoy- ces and their ,vives were enter- tained at Ebenezer Chiirch dur- ing the Yuletide seaFon in true. holiday fashion, witb a turkecv dinner and parîx'. Following diii- ner, Mr. Fred Ayling thanked them women of Ebenezer for their ex- cellent catering. Mr.Stne rGomme announced thc wînners i cf several iucky draws, îîainet; Agnes Cowan, Horace Hockle, Fred Ayling, Aimer Trimble, Mca. Bradley, Mrs. MacDoiigaliMs Stevenson, Francis Landeen, Bah" Brown. George Lean, Francis Johnson, Dwigbt MYers. A preview of what 10 expeet h Ien's 1 Iclcec-liicd COMBINATIONS good qualit-y andl w cîght $3.39 SUIT i Girls' Supper Club 'Welcome Members Elect New 0f ficers The Girls' Supper Club, spon- sored by the Women's Institute of Bowmanville. is already xvell Lui- der way irr the nexv year xvîth a membershjp well up from last year. This year it is under the leader- ship of Mrs. T. Buttery and Mrs. R. Webber and the executive is as follows: Presidcnt-Joan But- terv: Sec'y-Hazel Webbftr; Trcas. -D)iana Webber; Press Secre- tary-Janet McGregor Tbe object of Ibis club is Ici beach the girls te plan and cook nutrilious, well-balanced meals, and the course is climaxed bv Achievement Day to be heIn i 'l a nearby town in May. On this day, Supper Clubs from ail over the district meet te show their exhibits. Aireadv the girls have discuiss- ed the fundamentats of cookiinl, and dish waslîing. includin 1g 0%'C'1 temperabures, weights and meafý- Lires, etc., and have cooked, ccd- died and baked apples. Anyone wishing iniformatin abouît this club, mav get ini bouc'i with eittîer of the leadlers etr th', coach, Miss Noble, Home Econ- omist for Ibis district. Car <>1 sînging brnngbt tii' this spring in the line of bats fol- lowed. Severai of the bovs made interesting models wearing such creations as a bird cage, compiete witb bird, aiso a brighl model of bulbs which actuaiiv ligbted Up. Fay Henry gave a running com- mcntarv as thev appeared. Mr. Myers introduced Mr. Don \V iiie of the Department of Lands and Forests, -who sbowcd tbrec interesning films of interest to all woodworkers. - Folilowing the pic- tures a favorite entertainer of other .,ears, Mr. Vern Osborne of Oshawva, brougbt a special TV show. Witb Ken Courtice and Wilf Brown aI the- controis they brought in a flawless performance without a blur or fade. Mr. Vern Osbor-ne as Bing Cros- bv introduced sucb stars as Bob Hope (George Lean), singing star Frances Langford (Madeline Ste- venson) and their guest soloist, Jeanette MacDonald (Gwen WVil- son). Lovei >v Christmas songs were a favorite with ail and on the humorous side. Bob and Bing had their usual cracks at eacb other. No end of surprises wA~itF1 MAG IC ! ut PEANUT BUTTER PINWHEEL LA Mix and sift into a bowl, 3 c. once aifted pastry flour (or '--à c. once-sifted hArd -_ =whenl flour'), 5,1 ý tsps. Magic Baking Pow- = der, .34 tsp. sat. Cut in finely 7 tbs. chilled = shortening. Combine 7jC. milk and q tsp. _ vRnilla. Make a well i dry ingredients and - add iiqîîids; mix with a fork._ -Knead for 10 seconds on ighty-foured _ board and roll out to thick rectangle, 8'"along one side. Cream together 1 th~ butter or margarine, ý, c. peanul butter and tý c. lightly-packed brown sugar; sprinkle on rolled-oul dough. Beginning at an 83ý" edge, roll dough up like a jely roll and place in a greased loaf pan (4ýj" x 8,'") ake in a bot oven, 400%, about 45 minutes. Serve hot, cut in thick slices, e- * . .or cold, cul in tim slces, lighly spread with butter or margarine.- This January Sale is fuli of bargains that you can use and save on. A real mark-down on every 'garment. Ladies coats and dresses sharply reduced. Ail men's suits and overcoats cut in price. Here are just a f ew of the buys we are off ering. Check these items and then compare the value we are off erifi',, 3 ONLY' STATION WAGON Coals mith quilted linings, round mouton collars REGULAR $23.95 CLEARANCE $18.95 GIRLS' SKI CAPS in gabardine or corduroy. colours of ,white, rcd or yellow. REGULAR $1.69 EACHI CLEARANCE $ 1.00' ONE PAIR SKI SLACKS blue, size 12, - REGULAR $9.95 CLEARANCE $4.95 ONE PAIR SI<I SLACKS Brown, size 14. - REGULAR $9.95 CLEARANCE $4.95 ONE ONLY SKI JACKET rcd with attractive parka CLEARANCE $4.95 S LIP S Broken range of slis in sizeg 32 to 40 CLEARING AT $1.19 GIRLS' VESTS and BLOOMERe Sizes 30 and 32 - Regutlar 79c and 95e CLEARANCE 49c ONE ONLY EVENING DRESS Size 20. - REGULAR $29.50 CLEARANCE $14.75 ONE ONLY EVENING DRESS Size 12. - REGULAR $19.50 CLEARANCE $9.75 TWO ONLY WVOOL JERSEY DIRESS' Twvo-tone grey, sie 13 and 14 RFGUI AR $17.9.1 CLEARANCE $ 10.95 TW()ONIY W9O0L JERSEY SUITS in greenu or bInie, sizcs 14 and 18 REGULAR S19. 95 MEN'S DEPARTMENT FEATURES VAN KIRK HATS Fine quality bats in ail popular shade. REGULAR $5.00 EACH Pullovers and Sweaters STATION WAGON Coals AIl oo - ong icees.Rcg S7.0 t $973 ith good fuîll mouton collars and lapels. OUT THEY GO AT REGULAR $31.50 EACHI $5.95 EACH CLEARANCE $24.95 EACH 1P1', 0 4 I 'Q 11 IN1 l COMBINATIONS .Sizes :16 to 44 $3.49 SUIT Ail Sales Final 49 KING ST. W. B(> W MA XVI I. LE PHONE 8:;6 BOYS' GOLF HOSE assorted colours, sizes 9 and 91,? 49c PAIR Ga A.KENNEDY Successor ho Couch, Johinston & Cryderman Christmas party to a Close and M. Wilf. Brown tbanked Mr. Osborne and bis troupe. Mi:3s Hazel Rundie wbo accm Pan d the singers and ail wbo h dh4. cd make sucb a fine even especially the hast and hoste Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Found, fortheir hospitalitv. BROWN'S Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Picker. ing and famiiv, Zeph,\r, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mr,%. M. Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allun and famiiy. Orono; Miss Jean Perrina and- Mr. W. Morley Sment N*, Year's with the Farrows. Z Miss Blanche Wotten, Osha*4T7 aI the Averys. There are many on the sick Eist in our communit.v Ite 'flu seenis 10 have taken its toit. We wisii everyone a spcedx"' recoverv * Sympatbx' is extended 10 the familv of the late Mrs. W. Cow- an. Mrs. Cowan was %vell known 49 KING ST., %V. PIIONE 8:116