PAVE g~ TZIZ CANADIAN BTATESM AN' ~rIWM'A WVTT .1' .W r,~,j.r a uit, - - ---------~., -.-.-.-. ~ TIIUZWDAY, JANUARY 10, 1951 Clihs Dismissals of Nanvers E Telephone OperatorsIs Unf air Edng an Dismissal o! Mi-. and Mrs. cause they have been unabie ta o ng a Clar-ke Pomeroy, aperators for find accommodation elsewhe;re. C u î the past 10 years of the Manvers A petition is being circulated C l m Municipal Telephone System, bas arnong shareholders of the pi-- 8plit company shareholders into vate system, a number o! whorn1 two camps and resulted in the hav-e signed, feeling the Pomneroys Here is sorncthing that aur son resignation o! chairman Ernest have given satisfactor ' servi"e Ernie sent here a few days ago. Cavano. and were dismissed in an unfair We pass it on ta yau, because we Last November. the Pomnerois marnner. eiveerwodfitstu. were given a mantb's notice. Rea- The situation was this:beieeerwodfitstue sons given by the commission The commissioners felt they ý"Sometirnc whien yau're feeling were differences over salai-v and had hired Mi-. Pomierov ta gi- important. Mr-. Pomeroy's acceptance o! out- 24-hour service. He sacs he was Sometimne wheni your egos in aide work. not bired under these conditions. bloonm. Mr. Cavano resigned because he but was ta gix-e 24-bour service Sometirne when yaou take it for frit the Pomeroys were beigin ca se of emergency. He sa * s granted, treated unjustly.Hebsbe further that hie had ta accept out- You're the best qualified in the repiaced temporariîy by Harry ,side employment ta supplemcnt Om Preto. Ohe cmmîsiner .ae is salarv, Sometime %%hlen you feel that Preao.lter es and Rober Moiton. Fi-rnmidniglit until 7 arn. on vour going, Waler eal an RoertMoron.Monday there was no switch- Woid'Icave an infillable hole, A Havelock couple, Mr. andJ board service, as Mr. Pomerov's Just fullow tlîis simple instruc- Mrs. D. Lucas, were hired ta re- year had expired and Mr. Lucas tion. place the Pomeroys. ]But the bad not arrived. And sce how iA humbles your Pomeroys refuse ta vacate the Date of the annual meceting of N 11 house which goes with the job shareholders of t1ic sslrnha> Ta k c-a lbiiket and fil h with and contains the system's switch- not been set. but il is cxpected lvaler,t board. Thev dlaim, and back that the probleni NvilIl le 1,11.t'v,-111; z r hand iin it up ta 'ouri their claim with legal advice, that ed at the meetin1g, amd il~ne \%I ist.% a manth's notice was insufficient. settiement %vill 1-balvbetiltitid.' tIhlIilnt andtilt h ble thati- Mi-. Lucas is operating the sys- ITh.e svstern serveý 5s 1ll îS(.ril1tllLllîl tem at present, but the Pornerovs ers in thle dsrc fen nole;lsa incasîîre tai iîow voit 1 O are stili living in the bouse be- soutîh to Pontvrtttat. 1ll..Mtl - o i coin s zî il you pîcase1 1 ied ta :Mrs .îr..ri î \î. * 't': 'lien 'oil enter, OBT A YGve woivv c.*;' ltl1ý Voi aîî ,1 îr n iii wi ,ater galore, BITI.A.R Hex~a1-1 quit.1 t A!op. and N-oil find in a JOHN NICHOLS mi. îr1wlus' 1t '~ Tii u it loolks quile the same as ho attendod Fie: , '1-1eui John Nichais, a life-long resi-i Preccease..-i Pv 11 bL'itL s *l.lIh îoa iiti uiteap dent of Courtice, passed avav af sis:.. î> hc :s l: \ lu\ ts uebs1yucn the Memnorial Hospital, Eura-(C\.o.'~5.\ w Be prond of youi-solf, but rernem- ville, an Saturday. Dec. 29, 1951 . oîheti h~r .e te lper, in bis 8ath year, after a brie! ili- duhu:. -obt S100101us. rhere is no indispensable man. riess Bowvîuaîu -l Mrs. chas. ** In failing health for the \V~~ei~I:v.We noticed recentlv, that in three vears, bie was onlv seriot s" F ' . . . 'oldYîkrNsvYrteei 111fo a ewday wen hie v a r"o" V"cuîra .hape'l papex' publishied known as "The taken ta the hospital on Chiriss on 1X'. c ',L' li:,ernient il, Staitesiiin:'. Thats gali for you. Day Ia r'ev e. . Whiv didnt they think up a narne Mr. Nichols wvas born in Da-' Mcotrtice Coli- of their awn instead of snitching lingtan Township on Sept -, '" ours 1872, and iived bis entîre l:fee' r0 SiC nephewvs:*** the Courtice district S.\e e" V "-,Wîn. Nichais, The Bavarian Parliarnent bas farmed on the Solina i-aî. brîNichi.-.- just voted ta retain corporal pun- was son o! the late Richard N . cs.otî Cour- ishrnent in its schoals. The law,, ols and Susan Parsons . Chas. Nichi- rations it ta a maximum of six On April 8th, 191.5,lie '-,as -lo hl er d~r ,av n ntrfggtn BuclIey's Mixture 50, - VIck's Cough Syrup - Masons' 49 - 45 - Pinex Prepared- 45 - Pluex Concentrate -- White Bronebitis -- NYAL CREOPHOS Stops Branchiial Coughs Large Bottie $1.25 f ~m~*O<elp reie é DULLMESS a SICK HEADACHE 69v' ACID INDIGESTION e CONSTIPATIONI 60e iwt FOR CHIILDREN Baby Cough Syrup - 35e Croup Syrup - - 35 - 60e NEO CHEMICAL FOOD Llquid - $1.55 - $3.35 - $5.95 Capsules - $1.65 - $2.95 - 6.60 THE WARMTH ýir HAT SOGIN ES I 4ý Thermogene WooI gives qulck relief from Chest Cods, Lumbago,Neuritis, Rhoumatism. ý e,1 XIl FOR INFANTS Infantol - - $1.00 - $3.25 Ilaliborange 1.00 - 1.75 - 3.25 Ostaco Drops 1.45, 2.40, 4.25 Suppiavite Draps $1.30, 2.05 and $3.80 Aiphamette Liq. 85,1.65,3100 Polyvisol - - $1.50 - $3.75 IOleum Percomorph 95, $3.99 TOMI Home Permanent - $3.00 Refil - - - - $1.50 (reani Rinse - - - 59e Shampoo - 39c, 65c, 95e Only 35c Only $1.25 WE FIT TRUSSES MuWb er aa anas Oeciiesi C aI -nathing worse than a bunch of *twigs or a moderately strong, flexibie stick shall be used. Aren't thex- the sissies? About the oniy thing they faiied ta use1 on me was a chunk o! hard vood two by four with a fotir-in-ch spikw sticking oui of one end. ln those days a kid got anothe1 Iicking at home if the news got around that he bad accepted on(, at school. Apparently,' the aid folks figured a kid couldn't bave too much of a good thing. And as for six blosvs per day-heck, the teacher neyer got warmied up untîl about the twelfth wallop. Then, after lie got the range, loon out. And didn't the teacher thinl, it was just peachy if you ducked your hand iii the middlle of a particularly heaithy swing and he slarnmed i'c on ta his own fragile leg? Just about then the i-est af the kids would ail guffaw whichi -would make dear teacher go it an awful frenzy and start swing- ing like a screen door. lVind yau, I'rn not criticizing the teachers of 40 years ago. ln fact, 1 wonder that rnany of theni ever lived to draw their super- annuation. with the worry af the dough-beads they had ta teach. Of course those who lived the iongcsm. were the ones who gave the mosi hickings. It was the rugged exercise that kept theai k healthy. Some o! the aid tirne teachers would revolve in the grave if they heard that crack about a daily dosage a! just six blows. I rernember one day wheii oui- teacher was feeling partic,,- larl " zesiful, strapping bell out o! me t\vicc betore lunch and once after last recess. Thosu were the days, by golly. Bob Handy iaught ai thai sehool for iwo years and by his own count, 1 averaged two lick- ings per week. -le lefi ai Christ- mas ta take a biggcr school, wiih more salai-y. And, who do you tlîiîk piled Mr-. Handy's books on a sleigh and dî-ew thern ta bis boarding bouse. Yep, me! WhenI he thanjýed me we shook bands ai pariing; 1 bad ta iurn aw.ay quick so lie wouldn't sec the tears. 1 liked tho old blister- in sujite of the rougli way be used ta play. The ane that followed Mr-. Handv was a nice dark-eyed, dark-baired girl o! 17, narned Annie Dodds. One day,, one o! the bigger boys asked ber, quite ioudly, buw ta pronounce c-h-e- m-i-s-e. Blushing furiously, the teachci- pronuunced ift shernees.: Then the bo -v wanted ta knov., what it referred ta. The poor teacheî- nearly died as she ex- plaîned. While ibis ,vas going on the girl sitting bc-ind me, whispered that ber mother hiad alxvays pronounced it "shimmy"'. Most ut the boys mere too poor ta bu.,, rubber hockey% pucks, s0 YOUR EVES and, Vision' Ey esight Education and Efficiency Specialist Disney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa - Phione 5-6143 Thi.- usv of color likc anY otherî change of correction, however, 1 should onlv be decided from the 1 resuit of exarnination. Wherel culor is at f irst acceptable and aI necessax Ipart of any eve cor y'ec- lion, Ilhe pli 'vsical condition of the~ patient zhould he lccked and perhaps a reserx e buil t up. Ilave your eves exarnîned regularl.Y, andglsss hanuedi if necessar v. This is cudev insurance. Dont ne \r D rc ',! C (Copyriglited) we hammered a good-sized knot out of a pine plank. When it was stormy we were allowed to kick it around in the vacant room. It was always* left square in the mniddle of the doorway, so that the first boy out got the first kickc. jOne morning, arriving late. 1 gave the old knot a rather hard kick. The pesky thing sailed through the air at terrific speed and crashed against the doors connecting the two rooms. The people on the other side of the door were engaged in. morning devotions. With everything very quiet that old pine knot must have sounded like a whizz-bank exploding. I was suspended for a week for that littie episode. Orne day, two of us were ord- ered to remain after four, be- cause we were caught scrapping at last recess. When the kids were dismissed they tried to peek through the keyhole to see us get thrashed. While the teach- er was outside shooing them away, 1 proposed beating it through the south window. I pushed the window up; Frank started to clamber through when I noticed the teacher corne back into the room. I promptlv dropped tho \?indow, (on Frank). Just then Miss Dodds said "hold him, Ed- wýýar-d." I did! He had his pants wcII dusted. 1 was let off for- be&n- a good boy for not lottini._ Franik escape. I nieyer liked hlmri anvwav. NEST ETONand Mrs. Elmo Archer. Mrs. George Kerr, Yel- verton, visîted Mr. and Mrs. Vc- Rev. and Mrs. Hutton enter- tor Malcolm. tained some of the congregation Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- on Wednesday night for the con- colm anid family visited Mr. and gregational meeting of the Unit- Mrs. Willard Cook, Oshawa. ed Church. Sorrv- t,, har r- ohna-,., t- Mr. and Mrs. Lawr-ence Mal-1 son has been colm and farnily visited Mr. and mania Hope shi Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Blackstack. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and spent an evenir family visited his parents, Mr.. Mrs. Elmo Arch and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Yelver- Mr. and Mrs. ton. and family visit Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelis, George Kerr. Ye Melville and Anna visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, Hampton Grant, Bawmani Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bateman, and Mrs. Lawre Caesarea. with Mi-. and Mrs. L. Don't forget V Joblin. meeting at Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson and Thursday, Jan.1 Glenda, Mi-. and Mrs. Lavern Sug- gitt witb Mi-. and Mrs. Sidney Lockyer, Brooklin. P N Mi-. and Mrs. Elmo Ai-cher andPO T Donald visited ber mother, Mrs. Wm. Williarnson. We regret ta Mi-. and Mrs. H. Bai-iy and o! Miss Isabel famiiv, Port Peri-y, visited Mr-. Miss Syci- wasb and Mrs. Elmo Archer. now owned by Mr-. and Mrs. L. Joblin spent She attended Ca Saturday evening with Mi-. and and xvas well k, Mrs. Viciai- Malcolm. had been in patý Miss Yvonne Chant, Londorn, eral years. We and Miss Gladys Ernerson. nurse- friends oui- sincE ini-tr.-iiing, Oshawa, spent a fow Mr. Max Rov cas with Mr. and Mrs. M. En- land spent them erson. daugchtcr, Mrs. D Mr-. Andv 1-fuîmes visited MVr. is the fi-st time sick with pneu- le 15 soon better. ,s Herman Wilson ing with Mr-. and her. 's Victor Malcolm ted Mr. and Mrs. ýelverton. ýSam Brooks and ville. visited Mr. rence Malcolm. W. A. and W.M.S. ;M. Emerson's on 17. "YPOOL repart the death Syer of Lindsay. born on the farrn yAlbert Bowens. arscaden's Scho3l :nown here. S1ee )r beaith for se v'- eextend ta ber ere sympathy. we of Newfound- weekend with lh.s Don Chambers. It e they bad seen Sarn Brown of Orono. teleohone 663. i M each oth* for seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Whitmnee. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Loscombe and Freddie, Oshawa, spent Sunday with friends here. The trustees of Pontypool School spent Saturday making repairs to the furnace at the school. Voluntarv work like this saves the school section many dol- lars. Manvers Municipal Council wil hoid their first meeting o! 1952 on Jan. 14 in Bethany. Another piough has been bought recentiy to attach to a truck to facilitate the remaval of snow on township roads. Mr. Chas. Chapman bas been confined to his home with a se- vere cold. Everyone is hoping to see him around again soon. Manvers District L.O.L, will bold their annual meeting in Be- thany thîs week. We are sorry ta iearn that Mr. J. C. Wood of Peterborough is in poor bealth. The Wood family formerly lived south of Carscad- den's Sehool. Mr. Wood is fath- er of Mrs. Harry Fisher. We wish him a speed 'v recovery. Mr. Tom Hayford bas purchas- ed a new truck fram Richardon Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne Bowins were away for the weekend. Dur- ing their absence the store was well looked after by Mr. and Mrs. SHAW'S' What out Home and School Club meeting lacked. in numbers at the Januarv meeting, it mae up in enthusiasm. Several eÇ of business were discussed. Mrs. Gainet Rickard had charé of the programn. Glen Prout and Orville Osborne canducted a liveiy sing-sang. Mrs. Riekard suggested persons in the audience volunteer ta speak an "My Most Thrilling Experience." She gave us a detailed account of her ou-i embarrassing experience, mas- querading at a Hallowe'en part',. and also read a delightful stary, "The Gift of the Magi.' Ken Werry modestly related a touching experience o! his in coný, nection with his work, whilch r-E sulted in oui- appreciation oft fine work which bas been done along that line. The meeting was brought to a close with the sing. ing of the National Anthem. A lively game o! musical chairs preceded the lunch hour. Next meeting will be in the form of a card party Feb. lst at the school. You're in tune with the trend when you solve evervdav prob- lems through Statesman Ciassi- fide Ads. For Action and Profit SUITS A %vonderful opportunity as our complete stock goes on sale at - [EXTRA REDUCTIONS J EWELLERY LINGERIE SLIPS Nylons, Crepes, Etc. ALL REDUCED ]BRASSIERES Ask For DISCOUNTS PANTIES COMPLETE STOCK IZEDUCED 1/3 GOWNS AIl Sizes - AIl Colors SHOP EARLY ePURSES JACKETS s GLOVES *MITTS . BEPLETS EXTRA SPECIAL SAVING ! Heavy xweathier ahenid - Buy Now and Save- ALL REDUCED 25Io 75%ý REDUCTIONS Tiere w'e go on a clear-out spree that means EXTRA Savings to you- OUR COMPLETE STOCK REDUCED ! Doors Open 9 a.m. - SHOP EARLY AND SAVE NYLON HOSIERY EVENT Ouîr complete stock of nylon hose- naine brands - first quality - All Reduced to Clear - Group No. 1 (Ultra Sheer) 't! 'I r,' 1.37 Group No. 2 (Walking Sheer) 45 gauge 30 denier l 2 Group No. 3 (Walking Sheer) 42 gauge 40 denier J 1.17 BLOUSES Nylons, Crepes, Silks, Etc. 25 Io 75% OFF SKJRTS Sce Yellow price Tags. a sign of special sa'vings ALL REDUCED Ifousecoais SEE THE YELLOW PRICE TAGS SPECIAL SDISCOUNTS ,SWEATERS Our complete stock On Sale to Clear 25 Io 75'ý OFF Glory 57 King St. Wu SEE YELLOW SALES TAGS YOUR SIGN 0F SPECIAL SAVINGS SLACKS ALL REDUCED Ann *Shoppe1 Phone 3363 ALPHAMETTES The easy ta take Vitamins $1.00 - $1.85 - S3.50 - S15.00 EASE THAT COUG1I' VITAI1NS NOXZEMA SPECIALS 60c Size Noxzema 3 Way Shiave -- 10 oz. Size Noxzema Creanm --- Ca,' IDOR' ATýVLINmG'S LJG STORE 60 and 51 gauge 15 denier The Healthîest K id s Drink 1, ots _ of Sure, licalthy kids drink lots of milk that's Why they're Sa healthx'! A quart af miik a day in coid. satisfving glass- fuis, in cream soups, and topping their breakfast cercai gives them the pelp vitarnins and minerais3 thev, must have for hrighit-ex-cd energy and health-, grc.wth. Be sure vour ehli Id g i~eh, dailv quota -- and,beuretshave a pientiful supply of our fresh, health- fui milk on hand! Glen'Rae Dairy PHONE 444BO MNT E 9v Tri£ CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAIMMIX. orrrARiri 1.