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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1952, p. 9

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~'RrTRsnAy 3AIfTJ&J~y 1?, 1952 "M CANADIA!N STATESMAN, lOWANVMLE, ONTARTO AENI l erhorouoh Preshyterial of W.NSI Bf 1 es Greaier Expansion This Tear, Check Insurance of Church Property Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Mx-s. James Coyle and Miss June Coyle represented St. Andrew'.i Presbyterin Church at the annu- ai meeting of the Peterborough PIresbyterial of the W.M.S. held lin the Ljftlock City on Januar.v 9th. Thirteen congregations in t ~Presbytery, which sttetches ' Colborne to Bowmanvimp, n orth to Lakefield, were rep- resented. Mrs. A. Newton Reid of Col- borne Was returned to the pos- ition Of president of Presbyterial Of the W.M.S. The congregations Of Bowmanville, Camnpbellford Centreville, Cobourg, Colborne,- Hastings, Havelock, Keene, Lake- field, Millbrook, Port Hope. FUEL GIL STOVE GIL COAL OIL -We Deliver - 3 Meter Trucks To You SOB STOCKER'S GARAGE BOWMANVILLE Warkworth and Westwood wer represented in the 79 delegate registered. - The morning session openei with a worship serviee and word of welcome from Mrs. C. G. Boyd Devotions were under directioi of Mrs. J. W. Foote of Port Hope Annual reports followed, witl secretarial report by Mrs. Scot Fife of Hastings. A financia statement by Mrs. Wm. Purves o Port Hope showed the 1951 allo- cation had been exceeded and i balance remained on hand. Thi *offering taken was ta providi tran~sportation charges on bales. Devotions opening the after noon session were led by Mrs. L T. MeL4ughlin of Bowmanville Following the speaker*s addresseîý of the afternoon the presideni spoke briefly asking each congre. gation to aid in the objective tc secure 220 new members and or- ganize three new groups in the coming year. New Officers Installed The complete slate of 1952 of- ficers installed in a ceremony conducted« by Council Secretary, Miss Helen Horne. Toronto, is: .Hon. presidents-Mrs. David Ewart, Cobourg; Mrs. Hprold Tate, Millbrook; past president- Mre R, N. McCulloch, Campbell- ford*,. president-Mrs. A. Newton Reid, Coibomne; lst vice-Mrs. H. G, McKenzie, Peterborough; 2nd vice-Mrs. E. W. MacKay, Co- bourg; 3rd vice-Mrs. L. T. Mc- Laughliri, Bowmanville; recording secretary-Mrs. Scott Fife, Hast- ings; correspond. secretary-Mrs. G., G. Stephens, Campbellford; treasurer-Miss Margaret Lees, Peterborough, Eviening dept. secretary-Mrs. W...W. Blewett, Lakefield; young women's secretary-Dr. Helen McDonald, Cobourg; girls' organ- ization secretary-Mrs. J. W. Burtt, Cobourg; children's depart- ment secretary-Mrs. J. M. Rit- chie, Warkworth; home helpers' The Healthiest Kids Drink Lots of MILK Sure, healthy kids drink lots af milk that's xvhy they're sa healthy! A quart of milk a da 'y in cold, satisfying glass- fuis, in crcam saups, and tapping their breakfastý cereal gives them the pep x'tamins and minerais they must have for bright-eyed energy and heaithy growth. Be sure you r chiid gets hiýs daily quota -- and, be sure ta have g pientiful supply of aur fresh, heaà ý fui milk an hand! Glen Rae Dairy PHONE 444 BOWMANVILLE jA~-YOUR TELEPHONE is one item that takes a snialler - p art of vaut- budget than it used ta. lte cost hasn't ganr Up as mucliasiniost other îhinges. ln another wav, t100. the lelepitane ii higger value todav ian et-er before. Now you can i-acditwice as filiIItpeople as you could ten years ago and mare tele-phonet, are being installed every day.. If vou havent service, we want yau ta know we're working at il. 't'our place on the list ib heing pro- tected and vo-dr telephone will be installed just as soon as poesible. OFIflPHONE- secretary-Mms. A. H. Clarke, aLakefield; library secretary-Mrs. H. Baxter. Cobourg; literature secretary-Mrs. 0. M. Steer, Pet- erborough; welcome and welfame secretary-Mrs. Charles Dodd, Hastings; supply secetary-Mms, Wm. Purves, Port Hope; lufe mem- bership secretary-Mrs. C. E. Meiklejohn, Warkwomth: glad tid- 'e ings secretary-Mrs. Dawson Ru- ýs therford, Bailiebaro; press sec- retary-Mrs. Reg. McCulloch,, R. d R., Camhpbellford, histoian-Miss SFlora Qalbmaith. Bowmanville. Members without portfiola~ nMrs. James Dutton, Peterborough; Mrs. F. H. Rowan, Peterborough; hMrs. J W. Foote, Part Hope; Mrs. ýt Walter Pemks, Peterborough; i Mrs. John Stomie, Campbellford. ýf Miss Helen M. Herne, Toronto, - secretary ai the Presbyterian aCouncil. gave a' challenging ad- edress when she sald the Synodical eSociety has asked the W.M.S. in Canada -for en intrease aif.10,000 members and 100 new groups in 1952. The local Presbytery is asked for 220 new members and sthree new goups, and it was an- tnaunced that the allocation hed *been increased $140 ta $5,090. "Each womaii is a missionary a nd a salesmen i this campaign *ta advance in missianamy endeav- or" said Miss Homne. "To succeed you mnust . know vemy definitely about the Society." She umged extending knowledge ai the org- anization thmaugh careful and continued reading ai the manthly publication, Glad Tidings, which cantains ýuggestions for argeniz- ing new groups and geining new members as wel]. "Aim ta unite the woen i yotir church. Survey the congre- gation. Visit prospective mnem- bers and meke arrangements ta bring them ta meetings" suggest- ed Miss Horne; She remamked on the,lack of mission study in girls' gmaup reports ai the Presbyterial and advised thet same very fine matemial has been prepemed for study * this year which sliould in- terest the younger Presbytemians. More good advice for gaining and keeping members wes put forth by Miss- Homne: "Make meet- ings short, intemesting, well-plen- ned because ai thought in the prepamatian. Vary pattern by having business lest, or perhaps disc&ssed duing a social period following adjournment. Give con- sideration ta the selection of hymns sa they will be in keeping with themes and speakers." Report on Camp Life Another. guest speaker was Miss June Coyle ai Bowxnenville, introduced by Mms. L. T. Mc- Laughlin, who described hiem two weelçs' stayat Camp Glen Mohm. Two boys were also sent ta this camp by the W.M.S. lest year and a brie-f report ieas given by their mother, Mms. Kemneghan. Expression ai thanks ta the speakers and ta the ladies ai St. Paul's Chumch was made by Dr. Helen McDonald ai Cobourg. More Church Insurance Congregations were urged ta examine insurance covemage ai church praperty and increase it where necessary on the advioe ai a proiessioal insurance apprais- The congregations are also ta establish close oversight within themselves to obtàin and encour- age reciuits for the ministry to increase the circulation' of the church's monthly magazine, The Presbyterian Record, by subsidiz- ing subsciptions from congrega- tional funds to follow the church's recommendation of a three-fold canvass in every congregation. Fuiids received from this, can- vass are to be used for local needs, for the general womk of the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada and for the building of new churches. An- appeal for funds to build new churches known as The Christian Chumch, was start- ed some time ago and is sponsor- ed by a special com.mittee of the General Assen-bly. The Presbytery discussed at length' the doctrinal statement outlining the relationship of the church to the nation. The assem- bly's committee was requested ta give allipresbyteries greater time to discuss and amend the doctrin- al statement.. The next meeting of the Pres- bytemy will be held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Peterbor- ough, March 11. CADMUS (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mms. Oscar MeQuade vîsited their son-în-law, Mr. Mike Oke in Oshawa Hospital. He was operated on last Saturday. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Clifford Kerr is home from Peterborough Hospital after hav- ing X-rays. We hope Leah wiil soon be feeling better. Master Lloyd Wilson has hiad chicken-pox but is feeling better and will be out again very soon. Mr. Carnegie, Port Perry, is in-. stalling a new furnace in Cadmus Church. A nunmber of Devitt's member3; attended the Arch meeting at Tyrone Friday night. Thev plani to attend the District @meeting at Blackstock, Jan. 8. Devitt's school teacher, Miss Green. is sick with the cold. The childmen are having some more holidays. Cadmus Y. P. met at Black- of the fumnace being installed at Cadmus. Skin.ny men, women gain 5,10,155Ibs.' Cet INew Pp, Vi,, Vigor Wffa là tht-ll OUT limbe ill oUt: aIl-hotiopa S!ut: mark n ooe atw y omd&oibt!- gifle, uomen. Men. who [Lever raid gain be!ore at- no rudo b ýIt-heatbLI a lgbodes. The,-tan i Ura>vao-wdn.fubbidn C l& t aionisa. attimutnU IlOrator. tron. vUtmr; ,ai. tu"" 0 eib bl m rT@ appeite &M d d«iguttn o Md give you mort thbe 5. 10. là or 20 Ibs. t-ou neSfer ot-mal wetri. 1 "t itII. New "getl q alntsd' list . ir fam-ous ostrez Tonc Tablest for new vigor 9 didi owda, tttcs S". A% a@à dugig"a, 7Xe 4Péw 44 PRICED SO' LOW I A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE Corne, see them at aur showrooms ... the Most colorful, captivating and capable Chevroiets the leader has ever praduced . .. briliantly newv for '52 in ail these exciting ways: Gorgeous New Royal-Tons Styling . . . witb Bodies b>' Fisher sa big, bright and beautiful that >'au'Ill prefer them on sight. Radient New Exterior Colors . . . A wide and wonderful array of soiid tane colors and rwo-tone color cambinations. Alluring New Inferior Colors ... with upholstery and trim in two tones of blue, green or gray ta harmonize with exterior colors, in ail De Luxe sedan and coupe modeis. New Centrepoise Power . .. bri'nging amazing new smoothness of operation, freedom from vibration, and protection from road noise ind whecl shack ta low-cost motoring. A new, smoother, softer ride .., for bath front and rear seat passengers. AIl these and many other enviable edvanteges are yours ini this new Chevralet -and in Chevrolet alone - at the lowest prices ancd with outstanding economy af operation and upkeep! Came in . .. see these sensationai new Chevrolets for '52 and you'il want ta place your order now ... for they're your buy of buys - the only fine cars priced so Io w! Extra-sm.oth, oxtra-depmndable POWERGlid, with New Automatic ChokC, gives finest no-shift driing nt Iawest cost. (Cambinatian of PowerGlide Automatie Transmission and 105-h.p. Engine optianal on De Luxe M O R E P E P L E s 'U C Hm de ls et H t a cost.)i g r A MOREPEOPE mu CHPOLTm TANaAYKaIL a Em M ROY COU FT ICEChevrolet mOldsmohile Cars N HOL m Chevrolet Trucks DO WNA VILL COMPAEIN licE uCNCItAfS 011101TluiPittMOTE US Tolo h evc so*o *o' otby la, TY ON . Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood. The Want Ads help you dis- _______ and Mrs. J.r adGibbLonePhaeMr Mission Band met Suna pose of un-needed belongings, Michael with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. and Mms. H. Brent, Mr. and Mrs. morning with 28 children pre- aind round up for you profitable (Intended for, last week) , )erfect, Bowmanville. IG. Brent, David and Gloria were sent and Miss Beth Miller as workers. Telephone 663 for an T&. and Mi-s. M. Bird and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 4ahm with1 present. leader. àd writer. children were tea guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rahm, o 1Mr. and Mms. Harold Macklin Although a little late i thought a nd Mn. Henry -Stainton. Blackstock. "were tee guests of Mr. and Mrs. yo might like a good laugh. 7. Mr. and Mis. T. Westlake, Mr. and Mrs. M. Bird and' S. F. Cowling, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. hesug re .Hampton, weme Satumday even- children with Mr. and Mrs. M.* Miss Yvonne Saunders visited going away .with their truck and »ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Emerson, Nestieton, and Mr. and Mr. and Mms. T. Smith, Bobcay- had to go underneath a clothes Stafford .uros. Rahm. 1 Mrs. F. Bird, Brooklin. :. geon. line of clo(hes (approx. 200 it.) W.MS. met at the home of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park and Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton ai-d the truck caught the line and Monumental works 1Clarence Waodley with a good at- children with hem parents, Mmr.1children with Mr. and Mrs. H. carried it along as fer as Enni- Po.WIb 5 tendance. Mrs. A. Hilîs, presi- and Mrs. F. L. Byam. iMeckie, Oshawa.' skillen (3 miles wey). John Sie-PoeW ty55 dent, presided. - Mrs. G. Alldmead MmanMr.FWisnHet. Mr. and Mrs. G. Brent, Gloria mon ran out and stopped them,i 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby gave the devotional. Temnper- Everett and Ross, Mm. and Mrs. J. and David visited Mr. and Mrs. L. te o ut upie h FINE QUALITY lac edn y r.R ogo. edrht oal erOh . yeHmtn clothes were OK except for a anc redin byMrs R.Hodson Hedemhot DoaldHeny, sh-D. yke, Hmptn. heet tomn -a lîttle and one article MIONUMENTS AND Mrs. W. J. Miller ead a letter awa; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gilbanks, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Cowling at- a little dirty. John took a picture. MARKERS from Miss Mary Haig, Japan. Mms. Ballyduff; Mm. and Mrs. Thomp- tended a family gathering on r.Tisure hndhm S. Hoar gave the chapter of study son, Haydon, guests of Mr. and New Year's at Mm. and 'Mrs. T. from Bowmanville, esked the girl Precise workmanship and book. Sevemal ladies paid their Mr;. J. Wilson. Smith's, Bobcaygeon, with Yvonne j how the clothe6l weme doing," she careful attention to detail fees to our new Treasumer, Mrs. Mmr. and Mrs. G. Alldread, Mrs. Saunders retumning home with said "OK, only for a littie wind are your assurance when Perey Wery. Envelopes were James Alldreed visited Mr. and themn. adsoî r.Tiebme si y3ou choose fmom the widè wase semvsew jied. L unch Mrs. H.. Murray and Mrs. M. Mr. Lloyd Stainton, Detroit;'.Mr. "You had better look out." Shie1 selection of impomted and was srved.Fowler, Orono.1 G. Stainton, Mms. G. Speight, Osh- had quite a laugh when told what domestic Granites and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McCoy, ai A good numnber from here at- awa; Mr. aind Mms. Henry Stain- had happened. A new clothes Mambles ln stock. Stouiville, visited his gandpar- tended the funeral of Mrs. Joe ton and children with Mr. and ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy. McRoberts on Monday f rom North- r. .Stito nd Mm. Luther line wvas bought and soon put up. - - Mr. and Mms. J. A. Reynolds, cutt & Smith's, BowmanvillE. Staintoni. Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Interment wes in - Omono Ceme- Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton at- Lewis,ý Welcome, with Mr. and tery. ;tended the funeral of hiem uncle, ur oiH peR ree aiefr. Mrs. Ralph GlaspelI. Mrs. Otto Frienid, Toronto, is 1Mm. W. Home, in, Toronto. OrPr oeRpeettv o Mr. nd Ms. W Par andguest of 'Mm. and Mrs. A. Rich-1Snptyge ou M . Mm. nd rs.W. arkandards and callii-g on aId friends. Thea. Slemaon and John, Enni- childmen visited Mr. and Mms. D . Mr. n r Hnr titn syln. onthe s ut tn a s . of s GER SEW JNG MACHINE cou~ Park, Bowmanville. an1m.HnySano kle. ntesde asn f WB Mr.andMrs A.Pouter Osi lnd hilrenvisited Mr. and Mrs. 'a husband and father. Mm. . oulerOs-j Erie Steinton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mms. Lomne Phare, Mm. viii ihe in Bowmanville ewa;: Mr. and Mrs. G. MCy Mr. -and Mrs. A. H. Brent, Mr. A. H. Brent, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. P. and Mrs. Lamne Phare weme din- Brent visited Mr. and Mrs. James MCoy wt Mm. and Mrs. S. Mc- nr ai tsofMm. and Mms. S. T. ClarkF. Sewell, Ced Gr.ave.d MCoy with nrguetsClrk, F. incout, Ceandi M. anTues. and W ed. each *week Mr. -and Mrs. H. Philp,, Ronald IMr. and Mrs. W. M. Clby andj Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. and Marilyn, Miss Jean Philp with Bmock, West Hill, with Mm. and Robt. Burgess who celebrated - It is aur clesire ta give our customers even better Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow, Coding- Mrs. Howard Brent. their 48th'wedding annivemsery ai- service than ever before, for service, repairs or en. ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, Lake- 'Sundav. Those present were bu e ahnscl u otHp tr ANew Year's Eve party vas humst. visited his mother, Mms. iW. 'andaboMrs. Hmacines BurgessPortHopesnor held ait the home of Mm. ai-d Mrs. T. Elliott ai-d Mm. and Mms. Ever- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burgess,! and reverse the charges. Mervyn Bird. Those present weme ton White. MVary Lau, Glenn an-d Jim, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. C. Ramer, Mr. an-d Mm. and Mms. George Rahim and. Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor. Mms. Burney Hooey, Solina; Mr. Helen. Saintfield, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. C. Taylor, Bow- L I V and Mrs. Ed. Emerson, Stratfomd; 'Mms. 0. Beckett. i manville; Mr. and Mms. H. Wood SI G R EW NC NT E r, Miss Marie Marlow, Oshawa; Mm.1 A f amily gathering was held at land family, Oshawa; Mm. and 4 atnS.PR OEPoe36 and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Mr. and the homne af Mr. and Mms. A. HI. Mrs. Herb Cameron, Mr. ai-d Mms. 4 atnS.PR OEPoe36 Mms. Neil Yellowlees, Mm. and Brent on New Yeem's when Mr. 1 R. Camneman and Raymond with _______________________________ ON D1SPLAY SATOJRDAY Doce o u /II _ 3 1 àm, c, -,> 1- we BOWNANVILLE y

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