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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1952, p. 11

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T~UR5D~y, MqUARy 17, 1952 £91W !?~'?A. rAral"- -- - I"f JWMANVI.i1LLJj, UNTAID A! e r~ws uli a Modern Parsonage Which hs - - I "À TMinun ef Robnuifv 2n1 àlai u aau." spent the weeke~nd it ~îh hrçi OBITUARY LESLIE N. PLUNKETT After a short îllness in Peter- borough Civie Hospital and haten in Toronto Genenal Hospital, Les- lie Nelson Plunkett passed ta nest on Jan. 12. He was 49 yeans of age and was second son of the late Mn. and Mrs. John Plunk- ett, who for many yeans nesided on the Manvens Road in the Sal- em neighbonhood. It was in this section he attended public sehool but when the family moved ta Peterborough he continued his education in the Coliegiate of that city. During World War II, Leslie was one of the first ta enlist and go overseas; he senved his coun- try during the entine wan and was one of the hast to retunn ta Can- ada. Befone eLiisting he was em- phoyed by a moton sales company and since bis retunn ta civilian life has been connected with Cent- ral Housing finm in the Peter-1 borough district.t He leaves ta mounn his passing hîs wife, the former Ruby Nich- ol; a daughten, Marilyn (Mrs. Danzen); a son. John, ail in Pet- erborough, Dr. J. Elmen Phunk-t ett of Ottawa and his sîster Haz- el (Mrs. Alvin Davis) of Bow- manvil]e as welI as a number ofa cousins in Bowmanvilie -and Osh- awa.A The funeral services wene helde at Peterborough with M. Math-E ens 'ý Son in change. Interment men, took place in the famil'v t r plot in Fife Cemeteny, Keene. v er, Mrs. Wni. Armstrong and fam- Dly. Miss Darlene Cooper, Bowman- Ville, Visited with hen grandpan- lents, Mr. and Mns. Chanhie Cooper oven the weekend. Diane Phasey and Virgînia Drumnmond, Oshawa spent the weekend with the farnme's grand- ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood. WMiss viola Noden, Toronto, 'oPent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Glanville. Mn. Lloyd Crabbe, Ottawa, visited with Mn. and Mns. Clan- ence Duncan on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Colin Taylor, BownIanviîîe. visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown and Mn. and Mns. Ed. Milîson and attended the United Church ser- vice. Mn. and Mns. Chanlie Johns, Bowmanvilîe, visited an Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. C. Wood. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mns. Horace York on the birth of their daughter in Memonial Hos- pita], Bownianville, last week. Mn. and Mrs. C. P. May, Wind- sor; Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Werny, Bethesda; Mn. and Mns. Harold Awde and Donald, Toronto. and Mrs. E. J. Silven, Bowmanville, were necent guests of Mns. C. Awde. Mns E. Byers, Garden Hill, is sending the winter with Mrs. Ired Duncan. Miss Ethel Rutherfond retunned home on Sunday after spending 1 HAINGA PART-Y?1 Let us help you! P ART Y SERVIETTES 100 pkg. Special - 29c Talles and Score Cards Bridge and Canasta Cards Card Table Covers Prizes Ail Prices and Kinds J. W. JEWELL «BIG "20" 27 King St. W. Bowmanville PHONE 556 The word is rea]Iy getting 'round-more and more women are switching to Sanitone Dry Cleaning because clothes are cleaner, odorless, better pnessed! You, too, wil agree Sanitone is the better kind of dry c!eanirg. today! s, re several weeks with relatives in Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Tong and fam- ily. Lakefield. visited ber fatbeî, Rev. Mn. Kitchen and Mrs. Kitch- en. Mrs. Ethel Elliott, Brandon, Man., is visiting Mn. and Mrs Wes. Elliott and othen relatives hene. Mns. Wes. Elliott spent the weekend in Part Hope with her daughten, Mns. Irene Dunbar. Orno extends a cordial wel- came ta Rev. and Mns. John Kit- chen and little son, Olaf, whoa an rived at the pansonage Thursday evening ta take aven the work of the United Chumch in Orono, Kir- by and Leskard. The membent of the three congregations having heard that Mn. and Mrs. Kitchen when ondened ta leave China had to leave ail their possessions, rose nob]y ta the occasion, as was shown by the many beautiful gifts that weme sent ta the parsonage. The Odd Feliows and Rebekah Lodges filleci the refnigeraton and cupboand shelves most genenous- iy. In expmessing their appreci- ation, Mn. Kitchen said they were ovemwhelmed by the kindness shown them and he hoped that in some way they would be able ta repay it as time went on. There were large cnowds at Orono Chunch on Sunday at bath services ta wehcome the new min- isten. His timely New Year's message in the morning and his message on prayen in the even- ing were bath filled with inspir- ation. The many friends af Mn. Perey Chapman are veny sorry that hie is still seriously iii in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilie, and hope that bis condition will soon show improvement. Mn. and Mrs. John Armstrong heft on Tuesday fan Timmins ta visit with thein son, George and famihy. in 1 1 11 dl&-& A.maum UA MUU UA& uuapEuiVJ A vAeV The thnee churches-Zion, El- dad and Hampton-have every reason ta feel deep pnide and sat-I isfaction in the fine new panson- age recently compieted in Hamp- tan village and which is now the bright, graciaus, spacious, but not toa much so, home af aur min- ister's famihy. From the street it is a veny at- tractive addition ta the many finet homes that catch the eye of those wha pass thraugh on the Scugog highway, but within its walhs is a home any woman would nejoice ta calber own. The lang living raam, wide windowed and warmly lighted, its hardwaod floor gleaming with newness give a charming air af neal hospitality. a wanmth thati neaches out ta anc in welcome. The study, lined with book ,sheives, with the dining room andq entrance hall are brîght attrac-1 tive raams, but the kitchen, mod-1 ern as a Spitfine's wing aIl white1 and gieaming metal, convenient and step-saving, its floar caver- ing a thing of art as lovely as a1 mnosaic. This noom is the jewei in the splendid setting ai the resti of the house. I have not seen the bedroomsi and bathnoom but am sure they1 1 his Le- tu- at- ty- s, - in. )r- of ro, rs. ir. nr. it- in e d. a id 9! nHarry R. Deyman ýe The Statesman joins with h~ ýsmany friends in these UnitE 'Counties in extending congjati lations to Harry R. Deyman, C( hbourg, oni his appointment as dKing's Counsel which was ar nounced last week by Lieutenani Governor Ray Lawson. Mr. De: eman is son of Mrs. Deyman, Os], sawa, and the late R. H. Deymar aHe is a graduate of the Universil cof Toronto, and is Crown Attoi ney of the United Countiesc tNorthumberland and Durham. s Nesiefon Station Mr. Clifford Hyland, Scarborc visited his parents, Mr. and Mr jFred Hyland and brother Arthur c Rev. and Mrs. Nicholson, Black 1stock, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ja- Harris. Miss Rose Mountjoy and Mi and Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy at tended the funeral of Theo. Sle mon. Mrs. M. Mitts and Ruby, Tii: sonburg, visited her daughtei Mrs. Rohrer while Ivan was ii hospital. We are pleased to know thi Rohrer family are on the mend Ivan came home from Oshaw, Hospital after having quinzy; Car ol broke ber arm while sleighý riding but is much better anc Leona is recovering from chick. en pox. Mr. and Mrs Wallace MarloxA visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heas. hip. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Russell, Osh- awa, spent Sunday with Mrs. N, Lansing. Mrs. Ted Colley and Lynda, Saintfield, are visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lang- feld. Miss Elaine Thompson with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wenry. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson visited his parents in Beaverton. Mr. Nelson Marlow is able te be about again after being in the house since New Year's with flu and a very sone throat. We are giad ta report the oth- er folk in the village who have been suffering from colds are on the mend. Mr and Mrs. Agnew visited Mr. and Mrs. McComb. Mr. Bruce Heaslip and Mr. Don- ald Thompson attended the elec- tion Of Warden for the United Counties in Cobourg. Visitors with Mrs. O. Brown and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCall, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and Grant, Pet- erborough; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown and Billie, Bowmanville. Friends of Mrs. Kitchener Bur- ton will be sorry to learn she is .'ery iii at her home. Thursday evening the third service of prayer was held in the Presbyterian Church with Rev. Mrn. Nicholson assisting Mr. Mc- Comb and Rev. C. W. Hutton tak- ing as his subject "Witnessing," a splendid discourse to end the Veek of Prayer services in Cart- wright Township. 1Women's Institute Nestleton Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Law- rence Malcolm with a splendid ttendance. Mrs. M. Emerson, District President, pnesided in Nrs. Cecil Wilson's absence. A great deal of business was comn- Dleted. Roi] Cali was answened Dy fashions of 50 years ago. Ai- inost every member had a nre- ponse, including photos, aid Jew- flery, a wedding handkerchief of tlhaif century ago. pictures of yles through the last century ýd several articles of clothing ere on display. Mrs. Davison splayed a long white apron with ce and rows of fine tucking; nrs. Vine had her mother's wed- ng dress with hand-knitted lace Jhich had heen made over into eautiful christening robes; Mrs. 'ompson displayed hen great- andmother's wedding dress of isley cashmere and an oic] raw bonnet. P r o g r a mn included portions .Dmr the Hand Book by Miss uth Proutt; neading by Mrs. Job- rand some splendid aid time iolin music by Mrs. El Mairs, e Coboung's points ail came by Mn. and Mrs. L. White, Mai' Ufoui shots and D. Allen top with Grave, with Mn. and Mrs. Ro -2. Hloel Lineups: Miss Morris, Toronto, is sper( B.H.S.-Hooper 16, Coweil 4, ing a few days with her niec Poole, Mankle, Coverly 8, Wood- Mrs. Orme Falls. lock. Kelly, Ritter, Cramp 2. Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Farnov Cobourg-D. Allen 2, B. Mc- Welcome, with Mn. and Mns. Vi: Mann, A. Baker, B. Somervilie ton Farrow. J. Burnett 1, Yee Skoikeong, D' Mn. and Mrs. Clinton Farno 1Cowling, C. Mallory 1, M. Ryan, and son, Newtonville, spent Sur B. Torrance 1, M. Maybee. ' day with Mn. and Mrs. Carl Tod( Junior Mr. and Mrs. Widdus, Mil brook, visited wîth Mr. and Mn (Don Stutt) Percy Farrow on Sunday. Bowmanviîîe High Sehool Jr. Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowel Boys opened 'the basketbail sea- visited Mr. and Mns. Lamne Todc son in Cobourg* hast Friday. Miss Lorraine Farrow, Box The Junior Boys have a young, manville, with Mn. and Mrs. How inexperienced team with most of ard Farrow. the phayers being fîrst yean men Shiloh W. A. met at the hon, in interschooi competition, but of Mrs. Orme Falls on Wednes they Pnoved themselves by dump- day evening last week with a firi ing Cobourg 32 ta 23 in a weîl attendance. The meeting, in ti played game. charge of Vice-Pres. Mrs. Faîll Camenon played a fine game was based on "Thoughts for th( fortheJunors sikin 14poitsNew Year" and a discussion of a<. whiie Stacey dropped 8 points and .iiis o h year. The meet was the bad man with five fouis. ing closed with the Mizpah Bene. Jeffeny was Coboung's best wit' diction. Lunch was served bý five points. the committee and a pleasant e. Lineups: ening enjoyed. Mrs. Etwell invited the ladieý B.H-.S.-Cameron 14, Stacey 8, ta hen home for the next meet- Richards,,Panas 3, Joness, Mur- ing. dock 7, Abrams, Vine, Manjerni- Farm Forum was held on Mon- son. day evening at the home of Mr. Cobourg Ouha 1, Manning, and Mrs. Morley Robinson. Daignauît 4, Rawlings 5, Kitnaw- Master Wayne Stark spenta sen, Young 2, Jeffery 5, Delanty, week with his gnandparents, Mr. Larse, Stewart 4, Welman 2. and Mrs. Logan, Bethany. the pleasant intenion. An attached spaciaus gar a highlight witb a doon adnr one ta the hanse as well exit. The men an the tbrec C Boards wbich carry the mesý bility for upkeep ai Chnrcl Parsonage, the Speclal Pars Cammlttee. as well as 'the ance Commiftec. deserve praise ai the three commu .invalved. Not only that, the and duly considered the in spite of the fact that it wý an easy task which lay aheai because tbey thnew in the. ai their hands and the swE their bnows when the projec stanted, and as the dream bE a neality ceased not in the' forts ta finance thein endea The good women ai the churches wene solidly b their men as they are ini goad work and desenve praise. "A thing cri beauty is a jo: even." As the yeans pass this parsanage Will prove a very asset ta the charge, for wE much ai a minister and owe i A fine, attractive nesidenc which his wife is pnoud and tent gaes a hong way in disc] Senior (John Stainton) Bowmanville Senior Boys' ketball team won their OPE game from Cobourg by a sco: 62 ta 31 last Friday. The leading point-gettensv Stutt, with 21, and Buchan 15. For Cobourg it was1 with 10 points. The entire team played basketball showing excellent ordination and pienty of h4 In the last three minutes of the Bawmanvilie lads had to defensive bail because twc their guards. Stainton and1 land were Put off with five1 apiece. Lîneups: B.H.S..-Heyiand 4, Mantin, Geer, Buchan 15, Sisson, Ma 14, Bates, Stutt 21, StaintonE Cobaurg-Spalding 2, Cu 8, Epwolrth, Lawless, Sibet Campbell. Morriss 8, Davy Ward, Cunningham 1. w age is ritting as the hurch sponsi- .h and onage eFin- ethe inities y met need ras nat id, but labon eat of t was ecame ?ir ef- ývon. three )ehind every great ýy for- s new great e ask much. ce in 1con- .harg- bas-s enings e ofj were: with Davy fin2 tco-s Vstie.a play play1 '0 of Hey- S fouls ,De- .tyn a: . f nr t ss Ih tt 2,R 10, S h t JANUAR SPECIALS m USED WASHERS Guaranteed and Reconditioned USED 4-BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE With Oven Control USED 2-BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE With Oven Control 1 ONLY COMBINATION RADIO AND PHRONOGRAPH Used Two Months Range,"-,,,- Radios - Space Heaters \\ Chesterfield Suites Springs and Mattresses Ail At Greatly Reduced Prices MURPHy'S Furniture & Appliance Store PHONE 811 'HONE 3-8634 52 KING ST. W. 117 SIMCOE ST. S. k KIRBY The W.M.S. and W.A. held, monthiy meetings on Wedne aftennoon, Jan. 9th. Mrs. Bryson, Vice-Pres. ol M.S. led in the worship ser stressing how we are needeý individual pensons ta share ir great respansibility of making country a fit home for thise adian branch of the faml God. After a bnief business pe Mrs. Stanley Chapman toc: chapter of the Study Book titled "Canadians To Be." Mrs. Younmans read the scrir ture and gave a summaryc 'French Canadian Evangelism Mrs. . Chapman took the chai for the W. A. meeting which we opened with "Al Hal theý Po%% er of Jesus' Name" followed wil prayer by Mrs. Wm. Allun. Mr Raymond Chapman gave a dev< tional paper after the busines The meeting closed with the Mi2 pah Benediction. The Sunday School hed il annuai meeting. Ail report showed a very successfui year i our Sunday School. The eectioi of officers resu.lted as followe Supt.-Mrs. J. H. Lowery; Assi Supt.-Mr. Clarence Allun; Sec': --Miss Enla Chapman; Asst. Sec': -Mr. Lloyd Lowery; Treas.- Miss Barbara Reid; Organist- Mrs. Wm. Wannan; Asst-Mis Enla Chapman. Teachers: Nursery Class-Mis Jean Wannan; Asst.-Miss Bar bara Reid; Primary Cass-Mrç Raymond Chapman; Asst.-Mrç Gus. Wilson; Junior Cass--Mrm Wm. Alln; Asst.-Mr. Jame Lowery; Junior Bible Class-Mx Raymond Chapman; Asst.-Mrs Evan Quantril; Senior Bible Clasý -Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Mrs. Wnm Reid, Mrs. Wm. Wannan, Mrs. H Lowery; Supt. of Crade Roll- Mrs. Wm. Wannan. Pictures were shown at th( school on Thursday night andz social time was enjoyed. This en. joyable evening was sponsored bE the choir. Several attended the hockey game at Newcastle on Friday night. Mrs. Robt. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bal and daughters spent Monday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Miss Marion McKelvey with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brimacombe. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson and Jack~ spent Sunday evening in Port H{ope. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rutherford on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs Milford Davis, Lake- field, and Mrs. Annie Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross. The Oshawa Ski Club held skiing races on Brimacombe's hiii on Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Wannan with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow. thein sday f W. rvice, ýd &s n the 9 aur Can- yof eriod )k a en- She Wan- )ie id- Annuai Sunday School meet- ce, ing was held Tuesday evening of iast week with a fair attendance. )W, Officens were elected as foliows: le- Supeintendent-Alex MeMaster; Asst. Supt.-Tracy Glaspel; Se'y Ow -Hans Geissbenger. Jr.; Asst. in- Sec'y-Neil Gîfford; Tneas.-Hen- Id. man Haas, Jr.; Missionany Con- ill- venon-Doreen Trevail; Temper- rs ance Convener-Mns. J. W. Me- Master; Crade Roll-Ms. Hans ell Geissberger; Pianist - Isabel i.Cnuickshank; Asst. Pianists - '-Bertha Geissbengen and Peggy f- Davidson. Teachens eiected were: Pimary-Mrs. J. Cuickshank; ne Asst.-Margaret Geissbengen; Jr. s- Girls-Isabel Cruickshank; Asst. e Mrs. Arthun Dant; Junior. Boys- àe Glen Glaspel; Asst.-Hans Geiss- s, berger Jr.; Mixed Young People me -Mrs. Charles Naylor; Asst.- c-Mrs. A. MMaster; Adut-M. N. t- Hircack. - W.A. met at Ms. Harold Ben- )y nett's on Wednesday with a veny -good attendance and seveai visi- tos. Mrs. M. Morgan had charge 's or the devotional. Ms. Wes Cam- - eon ead the scriptue. Ms. Jack Cameon gave a devotional reading. Aften the business ses- rsion was aven, Mrs. Stanley Ogie gave two readings and Ms. Ha- a aid Bennett read a papen on New Yean Customs in other land--. -Mrs. Bennett, Ms. Mogan andc M s, Wes. Cameron, Januan', gnup, served a delicius lunch and eveyone enjoyed the social time. M. and Mrs. Norman Leachm entetained thein famly, M. andi Mrs. Arthur Youngman and sons, Tyone. Miss Pearl Leach, Saunau, M. and Mrs. Douglas Fett and famiy, on Sunday. M. and Mrs. Robet Kilen at Joe McCammond's, Oshawa.j Mn. Jim Stainton, Miss Ruth Shaw at R. C. Stainton's, Osha- wa. Messns H. Hutterly, Oshawa, A. Krieger, Whitby, at Hans Geissbergen's. M. and Ms. Henry Dat and Kenneth at William Dart's, Sr., Scarboro Jet. M. and Mrs. Perey Flintoff and family, Mapie Grave, at Wes. Camenon's. Mn. and Mns. Elmen Down, Ebeneze, Mn, and Mrs. L. Me- Kenna. M. and Mrs, Leo Moffatt, Oshawa, at Percy Davidson's. Mn. and Mns. Ray Dant and Bruce, West Hill, at Henry Dart's. Mn. J. H. Wood, Toronto, Mns. Mary Leach, Oshawa, at Norman Les. Perey Davidson. Mn. and Mns. Lea Moffatt, Mns. L. Me- Kenna visited thein sisten, Mrs. IA. V. Robb at London hospita]. They also visited Rev. A. V. Robb and family at Monktan. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and family, Tynone, at Mns. F. B. Glaspei's. Mrs. Hans Geissbenger had a W.A. quilting at her home on Tuesday. Miss Grace Stainton visited Miss Beth Moore, Oshawa. Strange ta say, some of these ,l what some PeopIe cannot do--I- it shift for them5selve,. Ps un as t. s. Zs s ss 'S. S. ýe thme piano andi Donna Birunt sang, . -ý a copning herself. Bath num- bers were much enjoyed. Next y meeting in Febnuany. ' yKENDAL P. Miss Katie Stewart, Messrs. If / 42 dNeil Stewart and J. Aimey visit- . ..( .. Sed on Sunday with Mn. and Mns. ~ 4"-~ Lafthouse and family at Oshawa.' # Miss Ruby Collett. Oshawa, and àRaymond Woodward, Bowman-I ville, spent the weekend with Mn. ,am .~ and Mrs. Kennedy. Mn. and Mns. Wmn. Honey andMol Mary, Mns. A. Jackson and Phyllis Jackson wee guests of 4 z Mr. and Ms. Wm. Jackson. bEe ~ oeFc Miss Margaret Jackson who is & vnhalo eFc in taining at the Civic Hospital, baking Ottawa, arrived home Tuesday for a four weeks' holiday. 0 Automatic- Oven-HIeat The pupils of Kendal shool Control wene veny pleased that the hydro power had been tunned on aven 0 Convenient Oven Light the weekend.*5-etSice Bill Mencer and Joe Ganzynski 0 HetSics bath finished stripping their ta- Hg -Meim bacco last week. ' Lôw-Medium"."'Low" Miss Inch was in change of the "imr shawing of the maving pictures in "imr the Sunday Sehool noom on Wed- 0 Visi-Pilot Light nesday afternoon for the pupîls of Kendal shool. In the evening -0 Easy-To-Clean Elements those attending Young People's 0 Stain-Resisting One. League viewed them with much interest. One picture showed Piece Top what is being done in ur refrm eAlPreanEae institutions ta teach the inmates 0Al ocaiEnre a trade and ta help themn get Finish stanted when their termn is up. * Enomnelled Broiler With Anothen showed the much diffen- ent training being given the boys Removable Elemnent at Ippenwash. ~Eooia , s A large crowd of ski enthusi- cnmalIUs asts enjoyed the pleasant weath- ý erd and generaus amaount of snow on Sunday at Brimacomb's Hill. A motorist travelling east be- tween the lines of cars and on down ta the foot of the bihl was surprised ta see a deen standing in the roadway laoking anound. As the car appraached the deer nimbiy happed aven the wire T fence. went a short distance, then T e ]adio ShopVj stopped and gazed anound again, evidently wondering just what Phone 573 38 King st. E' was going on. The W 1. meeting was held on Bowmanville Wednesday aitennoon, January, S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mrs. P. Bowen and Mrs. Bert Bowcn are spending the winter with the former's sisten, Mms. En Stockdalc, Toronto. Mrs. W. Brunt and Donna, at- tended the 25th wedding anni- 'versary oi Mn. and Mrs. Harold Caswcll at Zion on Satunday night. Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner en- tentaincd the Turner famihy at their home on Saturday. M, and Mrs. Ross Dickenson and boys and Mrs. Stapleton, Newcastle, with Mn. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen on Sun- day. M. and Ms. John Fisk and M. and Mns. Bill Banchard and Lais attended the funenal of Mn. Fisk's bnothen-in-haw at Kinmaunt on Wednesday. They called on Mn. Ike Naylar and Miss Mame in Fenelon Falls. Mn. T. Tueker and Mn. Bob Kennedy. Toronto, callcd on Mr. and Ms. Wally Gibsan, Sunday. M. and Mrs. Erwin Allun spent Sunday with M. and Mrs. Hanry McBain and family, Ida. M. and Mrs. W. Gibson and family spent Sunday with hem parents, Mn. and Mns. W. Hen- ning, Oshawa. M. and Mns. Russell, Camp- belîford. spent the weekend with thein daughten and famihy. M. and Ms. Chas. Fisk and ail motared ta Peterborough where thein causin, Mn. Plunkett, had passed away. Mn. and Mns. C. Fjsk attended the funenal ai bis uncle in Kmn- maunt, Wednesday. Home and Scboal was beld at the sehoal last Tuesday evening with a good tunnout. The main item cf business was the decision ta bold a Valentine dance in New- costle on Feb. 15. The program committee had planned ta show pictures but the films did not ar- IT'S A Make Your Diamond It's like buying a new suit, but flot as expensive. With your diamond, we can mount it in a new modern setting, that wiIl bring new life ta your diamond. To-day's settings make your diamond appear much bigger, than it's normal size. We have rnany settings ta choose from both white and yellow gold. Corne in and ask about re-mounting your diamond, no obliga- tion to you and costs are 10w. PHONE 747 - 2719 JEWELLERY AND GJFT SE P 28 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 Il Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES' W"~ PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITU 13000 -In Bowmanville In Oshawa 1 117 SIMCOE ST. S. ZION Give New Lifé. 9 at the home of Mrs. Jack Swar- brick with Mrs. Kennedy pre. siding. Rail eaU was answered Lby naming "A kindly deed I re- caul" and brought out many acts of kindness. A hetter was read fnom Miss Selina Therteli thank- ing the W. I. and Kendal friends for help received while in the hospital with a braken heg. Rules wene read regarding the thnee W. I. competitians-The Tweeds- muin Village History, Essay -on "The Rural Home," and an ap- plique quilt. Friendship LI4kj and letter fniends with Institutes or members in England wexe considened. Our new sang bocl wene tried out with the ladies f singing the Institute Rally sang. Mrs. E. Couroux gave a paper on cunrent events. Mrs. Stoker, the Community Activity and Public Relations Convener gave an in- teresting papen on "In defenseof aur Community," and spoke :of the importance of each of the Home, School and. Chunch in the community. A knowiedge af first aid is very important ta our well-being. Mrs, Stoker gave a number of heliul aides. The contest, "animal noises" was won by Miss Katie Stewart. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Swarbrick fan her hospital- ity and regret expnessed that she would soon be leaving ta neside 'L i_- m Every Monday and Thunsday noon, if the weather permits, the students of B.H.S. have the use of the Arena. This privilege is enjoyed by approximately one hundned students, who skate fnom 12:15 ta 1: 15. Last Tuesday at noon. a picture featuring Barbara Anne Scott was shown ta the students and on Monday at noon, a film "Vis- it ta the Zoo" was shown. HIGH SCHOOL WINS THREE B.H.SU "Screech 0w!"i (Catharine Campbell, Editor) m m -p ý- THE CAMAnTAN KTATV-quAm- FRO nCOOUR (Dn tmt (DCoougon JStut) 1 Hg SChoou n Jan arlkeHigha Seh hoolBanmswamkedofaway 1952 season. The much langer Bowmanville team out-shot and out-scored the Cobourg gang and when the fin- al whistie had blown they had rung up 30 points to Cobourg's 5. Hooper sparked the Bantarrs with 16 points, while Coverley

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