1 n- nnMqTAItY.7,1052 Mlrs. Robt. Duck,, Toronto, s] the weekend at ber home on K Et. Mr. and Mrs. "Pete" Gibbs Carolyn enjoyeci a postponetih, day at thein cottage at Omp florth o! Perth. Sunday visitons with Mn. Mrs. Lo!tus Bellamy wene1 Stanley Jonathan, Buffalo, N.~ Mr. anti Mrs. Art WalkerE chiltiren, Toronto. anti Mn.i eJack Dell ant chiliren, 0 Hanoit Deline, Toror u'nt the weekcnd with bis mi or, Mrs. L. Deline. Thursday night the fine1 gatie answeneci the waihing cr'j the simen when it !nantically su moneci tbem te the home o! M John Garnoti whenc the chimr was on fine. Luckily thef didn'*t get a gooti stant anti ne tensive tiamage resulteti. Mr. John Box anti Mn, Geci Box, Pont Hope, spent Sund with Mn. anti Mns. Jack Wade. Miss Grace Bellamy, Toron spent the weckcnti with1 grantipanents, Mn. anti Mrs. Lo us Bellamy. Monthly meeting e! the Ni, castle Merry Marnieti Coupl Club was helti on the cvcning Jan. 2nti aI the home o! Mn. a Mrs. Stan Allun. Commitîe change provitieti a vcry enjoyal program with the ever popul Mn. Eti. Youngman, Pontypool, speaker Later, a fcw games we enjoyeti. alter which lunch w. serveti Miss Catherine Dewdney a Mn. Douglas Dewdncy havei tunnedt t Bishop Strachan Scho, Toronto, anti Trinity Colleý Pont Hope. nespcctivcly, a!tcr i jeyi'ng a pîcasant holiday wi their parents, Rev. D. R. ant i Dewtincy. Evening Brancb o! St. Georg( W. A, belti their finst meeting the year at the home o! Mns. Fr( Thomas on Wcdnestiay, Jan. with 17 membens present. i evening was spent sewing ai ksnitting garments for the missic church. Plans were discusset i a carti party te be belti on tI Parish Hall on Febnuary 6, wi bridge, 500 cuchre anti cribbage be playeti. Cornespontience fro the Civil Defence Committee w; reati anti a committec-Mns. Gi Crowther anti Mrs. Henry Bev en, was appointedti t attend tI Civil Defence meeting. Ne, mneeting o! the W.A. wiil be bel at the Rectory on January 23. Sincerest sympathy is extende to Mrs. Wally Eddy on the suc don 'passing o! ber husbanti, lal Sunday cvening. Although M~ Edidy hati been ln ill health i sutiten death came as a grei shoclc te his many frientis ai neighbons. J E. an Walton la spenduî rW days in Toronto with Mr Gfbrge Watkins tiuring the tny ing times o! Mn. Watkins' serieu illness. Rer many Newcasbl frientis will remember Mns. Wat kins better as Janie Singer. ments. Mn. Paul Warner, Toronto, wa home for the weekenti with hi family. .anti Mrs. Hermon Schmi' a *,, ab y le!t two weeks age b, air for a short visit to thein nativi Swltzerlanti. Wonrd bas sini been receiveti that they have a: iriveti sa!ely. A vcry enjoyable evening wa: spent on Fniday wben Mn. anc MrUs. Haroldi Gibson ententaine( St. George's Anglican Cbunci Choir. Mn. Lanue Martin thrili cd the choir membens with a twi. heur sleigh-ride over countr3 roatis. Later the group returnec te Gibson's for an evening o! fur anti games anti a very tieliciow lunch. Mn. anti Mrs. Russell Wiggans Oshawa, spent Suntiay with hei parents. Mr. anti Mrs. BrucE Whitney. Annual mccl ng o! Altar Guild o! St. George» *t~nglican Cbunc.i was helti ir - Parish Hall on Tucsday a# ýôon. We arc gladt t hear that Mi. Chanlie Gilkes wbe is a patient in the Toronto Western Hospital is improving gnadually. We hope he will soon be complctcly well. We wenc sorry to bear that little Bian Joncs is a patient in Osb- awa Genenal Hospital. Bian is son o! Mn. anti Mrs. Len Joncs, cing tLct1ushope h. will hi t art. %%ill nender choral selec- t apprepriate for the ecca- sinnual congregational meeting of Clarke Unitedi Cliurch will be helti in the churcb, Jan. 2 at 8 p.M. Vilitors te bbc Massey Mcm- oni Parsonagc wce M. nt MrWidnew Lawrence o! Spcn- cev¶, netunning fnom Detroit. M.Antincw Lawrence is a cous- in o! Mrs. L. H. Turner. ,Fitay evcning tbc Ambassa- dor Choir from Toronteo ill ren- der a progra.m in Unitedi Church, under auspices o! W. A. Mn. anti Mns. W. A. Adams anti farnily. Lakeshone, werc Sunday gucats et Mn. anti Mrs. Bruce Wbitney. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMAMvnrT.r. Um'IAt? grountis anti are possesseti o! tbe responsihiliîv et ful'l, ime ser- ciete 1thbb Cathedral. The boys live witbin tbe enclosure, houseti, feti anti ciotheti. r The Sancbuary preper wili ac- h comniodabe 15,000 warsbippens-- ci Wben it was first openeti anti de- dicabeti in 1941 it was compuleti't that 25,000 worshippers were0 prescrnt. a The bronze door standing sent-w tinel te bbc west enti cost a for- ti lune te construct being a mcm- w oial te a Mn. Flskc, who, at one C. lime, was a prominent officiai o! the Metrepolitan Insuran ce C.i anti matie passible by this cemp- so any. These doors, se massive in S( their strength anti se delicate in vc their atistie tracery anc bytirau- C( iically controlleti. Mr. Clegg createti whelted ap- We petites on the part o! bis hear- tic ens se that none o! tbem will lever visit New York without visiting ge the Cathedral o! St. John tbc v. Divine.tr ise Independent 'elephone 2511 Newcastle pent C.GJ.T. Meeting King C.G.I.T. meeting belti Jan. 8t in the Unitedi Church Board Rear anti was openeti with thc Purpose an îoli- Mottd. Miss Annie Pluister ce: paductedthebcwanship penieti. Plan anti wcrc matie te attend a C.G.LI. Mn. Missionary Rally in King St. Un T.Y.; iteti Chunch, Oshawa,. Jan. 2ý anti Plans were aise matie regardirý anti a rummage sale during tbc Chnis )sh- tian Youth Wcek on Feb. 8 a 230 p.m. in the boanti roem. An, )ne, donations will be gratc!ully re otb- ceiveti. The money taken ina aur Candlelight Service will i bri- sent te the National C.G.I.' y' o! committee in Tenante. Il wa un-also agreeti thal the group sen( .r.for their study book which per ny tains te. home missions. Sheil. fir Gogenty reati an înspining lettei e-from the Ontario Provincial Presi x-dent, Dorothy Scott, on camp lif( )reanti the ativantages o! attendini rge camp. Each girl was requestedt dy bring their volunteeneti article! nto, for bbc "towel kit" which will bE ber packeti at the next meeting anè oft- sent to Konca. Meeting closeè with Taps after which a fe%, ew gaines werc playeti. )les' The senior class o! St. George' ,o! Suntiay Scbool helti a skating mnd party at the Memonial Anena Sat- in unday evcning anti Mns. Dougla. ibic Cunningham inviteti them to lier dlan home a!tenwards for re!rcsh- as Woman's Association cre Waman's Association o! Unitec vas Chunch met on Jan. 10 with Mns Lillian Toms in the choir. The and meeting opencti wilh a ladiies' ne- quartette s i n g i n g "Beautiful 001: Bible," anti composeti o! Mes- ge, dames Philp, Cowan, H. Pcarce en- anti R, Allin with Mns. L. Turnn ith en at the piano. Annual reports Ins. wcre given sbowing a successful yc' year. Rev. L. Turner contiucted gesan impress ive installation o! o!- ý fficers for 1952. Ahl 1951 effien, red wene re-electeti, with tbc excep- S9tion o! the ncconding seccetany, 'he Mns. Fred Wight, wbo was elccl * nd cd te take that office. The quan- io tette rentienet another selection fr"The Caîl o! the Master." Pnesi- he dent, Mns. C. A. Cowan contiuctec ith the devolional anti business te penietis. Christmas Cheer Com- om mittce reporteti baving sent ovcî as 40 boxes to sick anti shut-ins and e.many leltens o! tbanks anti ap- he- preciation wcne reati. The exc- tet utive was appointedti t make atplans for entertaining membens of 21 the Ambassador Choin aften the ci concert on Jan. 18. Plans wcre id. ai omatie for tbc congregation- ât lpot luck supper on Jan. 25. A vi dinty lunch o! sandwiches anti â tants was senveti by membens af 'aI bbc executîve. nd Young People's Union Young Peoplc's Unions o! Oro- ng ne anti Newcastle Unitedi Chur- rs. ches conveneti in the latter *- chuncb Monday evening with an ls attentiance o! 25. President Earle le Brown conducteti the meeting t- witb Jack Allin reatiing the scrip- turc. Rev. L. R. Turner gave an adtiness "Razandous Occupatienis" ýs singling eut that o! the minens. lis An bour or se befone the meet- ing the radio hati announceti an id explosion in a coal mine at Ste]- Y larton, N.S., whcn five li!cless ve fonms hati been bnought te the ce surface by those !amous resces r- the Draegermen, who, some years ago establisheti thein repu- as talion by -rcscuing McGill. Rob- d entson anti Scatiiig who hati de- ti scentict an unuseti mine on an 'hEastei- Sunday enly te bc trappeti "below. 0_ Saidthebb ministen, "When lift- ýy ing a shovelful o! coal te the fine ýalways remember that brave men in have risked cvenytbing te bring "s [t te the surface. Neyer finish your prayens at night without commcntiing bbcetiigger o! coal to ttheiloving cane of the Heavenly ci Describes Visit to Cathedral ýn Of St. John the Divine, N.Y. in The main adtincss e! bbc even- ring was given by Mr. Frank Clcgg, teller at the Bank o! Com- merc -hen. Asa em .ro!bb - ENNISKILLEN Service Club met at Mns. Bi Thompson's, Jan. 8 with il pre cnt. Evening was spent embroi, ering quilt blocks. Lunch w serveti by Mrs. E. Trcwin, Mi O. Ashton, Mrs. W. Griffin ar th the hostess. Next meeting Ja mn 22 at Mrs. O. C. Ashten's, iti Mission Banti party was he' n-on Saturday. Cail te wonsh. a-was given by Ruth Lamb. Mi ris Lloyd Ashton reati a story ai, .T. a short stony was reati by Re' n- McGilI. Piano sole by Lois As] 3 ton. Mrs. Seymour led in game rgLunch was serveti. s- Visitons on Sunday with M~ at anti Mrs. John Gniffîn were M iy anti Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrani e- Mr. Melville Gnîffin anti Dor. at Blackstock; Mn. Lorne Giffin an be Jean, Purple Hill. T-. Mr. anti Mrs. Lamne Lamb an as family wcrc Suntiay visiters id Mn. anti Mrs. Donald Lamb' r- Bowmanville. la Mr. Elwyn Dickey, Janetvillg r Miss Dorothy Stainton, Bowmar ;I_ fe ville; Mn. anti Mrs. P. Ellis ar ifamily; Mrs. S, Vanvolkenbur go werc Suntiay visitons at Mn. an L ' Mns. Milton Stainton's anti cclE brateti Mn. Stainton's binthtiay. e Miss Reva MoGilI spent th idwcekend wîth Mn. anti Mrs. Lloy ýdPreston, Bowmanvillc. W Mn. anti Mrs. Eti. Jcnnings an family, Acton; Mn. anti Mrs. Cc, sMilîs anti family, Maple Gnovc g9 with Mrs. Haroldi Milîs. t- Mr, anti Mrs. Arthur Brur 'S with Mn. anti Mns. Orr Jeffen' er Port Penny. Mn. anti Mns. R~. J. Ormistena Mn. anti Mrs. Raiph Ormiston,ý SBowmanville. S. Mn. anti Mns. G. Yeo anti fai ýe ily with Mn. anti Mns. Delbent Yei of Oshawa. LIMiss Ruth Adiams, Mn. Stevi Shned, Bowmanville; Mn. an( Mns. Henry Adams anti famil: ewith Mns. J. Adiams. ýs Mn. anti Mns. Fred Toms Il Purpie Hill; Mn. Frank Smith à Columbus, with Mn. anti Mr Earl Tnewin anti Mrs. Mincnvz .STrewin. Mn. anti Mrs. Haroldi Ashton ac. companieti Mn. anti Mrs. Bnuc. Ashton to Toronto, visiting Mnx -Stanley May who is in the Easi SGenenal Hospital anti calleti or Mn. Wm. Maha!fy at the General SHospital. S Mn. anti Mrs. Reg. Wcaving anc -Rickcy, Thornhill, at Mn. anc rMns. W. H. Moone's. Mn. W. C. Stainton, Toronto with Mn. anti Mns. Howard Stev- ens. Mn. anti Mrs. F. Cowling anc fson Fred, Cartwright; Mr. and >Mrs. F. Hepburn, Oshawa, visit- cd Mn, anti Mrs. R. McNcil. Mn. anti Mns. Walter Oke visit- cd Mn. anti Mns. Howard Oke, Oshawa. Mn. anti Mns. Roy McGill and Keith wenc Sunday visitons ai Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd Pneston's, Bowmanville. Mn. anti Mrs. Floyd Beckett anti family wcrc Satunday night tea gucsts at Mns. H. Milîs'. Mns. A. Leatibeaten anti George visiteti frientis at Port Penny. Mn. anti Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- tice, with Mn. anti Mrs. A. Leati- beater. Mn. anti Mns. Lonne Gnîffin, Purplc Hill, wene Satuntiay nigbt caliers at Mn. anti Mns. Russel Griffin's. Sorny te report Mrs. J. Fleet [s in Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville, wîth pneumonia. Wc wishi bier a specdy recovery. Mn. anti Mns. O. C. Ashton with Dr. anti Mns. C. J. Austin, Bow- manville. Masters Clare anti Douglas Ash- ton with Lois anti Charles Ashton. Mr. anti Mrs. I. T. Tnavcll, Beth anti Bruce, Oshawa; Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Ma le Grove, wenc guests o! Mn. anc. Mrs, O. C. Ashton, Enniskillcn. Mn. anti Mns. John Osborne, Courtice; Mn. anti Mns. L. Culi,' Mn. anti Mrs. S. Parks, New- market, with Mn. anti Mns. A. Leatibeater. ZION (Hope Twp.) ;t Evelyn Sanderson Beacock il j Chistmnas Day was satidenE whcn bbc many fnientis anti ne] dtives o! Evelyn Sanderson Beý dcock leanneti o! ber sutiten pasx ing1 in Cartwright. Altbough inj bealth for sevenai months, Evel: was ber usual chccry self unt the lasI. Daughter of Mr. anti Mns. SimE dlon Sandenson, she was bonn1 -ICartwright Township, Manch J' 1913. Follawing bbcetieaîh o! he mothen in 1914, she liveti fer se- enal years with ber grantipanent' Mr. anti Mns. RobI. Ferguson an i er aunt, Mrs, Ban Dannell, Cad tMUS. On June 4, 1949, she mar nicti John Davis Beacock, a de voteti parîner whose thoughtfu tcane matie pain-weary mont] tmore easily bonne. Evelyn recciveti ber educatioi aI bhe Cadmus anti Blackstoc] Public Scboois anti Blackstoc] High School. She was an accomp lisheti musician anti a member i Nestîlon Preshyberian Chunth anti hati been an active worker i bbc Presbytenian Ladies Aid an( bbc Victoria Womcn's Institute Blackstock. For many years si- caneti for relatives in ber home always witb a cheer anti love tbaý was an inspiration. Rer wit anc facile pen wcre a joy te ber in. timale fnientis. Altbougb only 38 Evelyn packeti into hen life ar enviable record o! achievemeri anti high living. Rer gouti teed, were many anti seldom mati public. The funenai services wene con. ducteti by Rcv. W. Hutton, Unit- ed Church, Blackstock, anti Mn.H, McComb. Nestîcten Presbylenia'i Cbunch. A short service aItbh Beacock home was followeti b, service in tbc Uniteti Chunch, Biackstack. Palîbeanens wcne Messrs. Roy Wcnny, Stuart and Dalton Donnell, Harry McLaugh- lin, George Wolfe anti Ivan Mounljoy. The beautiful remcm- ced la- a- shl ýyn ii e- ln 1-7, Len ts, nd ci- ir- ce- CI; P. 0] à in id ie Lx, It Is le 1. Le ,e uranes o iioersweie LdÂIltj By J. Caswell by ncighbors anti interment was matie ln the Union Cemetery, If this column sccms a little Cadmus. confuseti this week, you will un- Left to mourn a dear wi!e anti derstanti by re!erring to the fol- a loving daughter anti sister are lowing item. Mr. John Davis Beacock, Mr. Silver Weddlng Anniversary Simeon Sanderson anti Mr. Ilarry 1927-1952 - Casweli-Robb Santierson. Her mother, the for- An event o! great importance mer Minnie Ferguson; ber --tep- te the principals involveti, Har- mother. Margaret Marshal anti a oldi anti Christina Caswell, took brother, Arthur, preticceaseti ber. place on Saturday evening, when over a hundreti frientis anti neighbours assembîcti at theirSA E home, Springbrook Farm, Hope Township, to honour anti share in A special meeting of the Sun- the celebration of their Silver day School was helti at the home Wcdding Anniversary. o! Mr. anti Mrs. Geralti Shackle- Twenty-five years ago, on ton on Friday evening for the January 12, 1927 Haroldi Caswell election o! these officers anti anti Christina Robb werc unîteti teachers: Supt.-Mr. W. Craig; in marniage at St. Simon's church Asst. Supt.-Gerald Shackleton; in Toronto, with the rector, Rev. Sec'y-Kenneth Buttcry; Asst. ýF. A. Brewin, officiating. Anti Sec'y-Beatrice Craig; Treas.- now the time hati come te mark Donald Richards; Pianist-Mrs. S. the twcnty-fifth anniversary of Buttery; Teachers: Beginners- tbis occasion. Mrs. E. Twist, Beatrice Craig; For a prcliminary, Mr. anti Primary-Mrs. W. Craig, Mrs. S. Mrs. George McCullough, New.- Buttery; Boys' Class-Kenneth tonville, inviteti them for the Buttcry, Carol Craig; Girls' Class afternoon, so the trip was matie -Mrs. K. Shackleton, Mrs. L. by team anti sleigh anti car. Dur- Welsh; Aduit Class - Geraiti ng thcir absence, snowplows op- Shackleton; Assts.-Mr. Craig, encd the lane-a quarter o! a Mns. G. Shackleton, Mr. W. Tay- miilc as the crow flics, but vcry lor much longer by the devious The formation o! a Trail Rang- route of lane, fieldi, humps anti er group for the boys was dis- hollows. cu ss edt. Farewell Blackburn It is impossible at this necent Herb Craig. Don Richards anti date te put int words just what Ken Buttcry werc appointeti as a it meant te return to sec a string committee to onganize the boys. of cars on the openeti drivcway W. A. will meet at the Barrie and a houseful o! guests. se we home on Jan. 17 anti congrega- wiul pass on te the next part, tional meeting will be helti in when, seateti in a strategic posi- the church this Friday evéning. tion, they were each presenteti Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Collacutt anti with !lowers by Elaine anti Iris famnily with Mr. anti Mrs. Her- Caswell. mani Van der Huci, Nestîcton. Then !ollowed a vcry interest- Mr. anti Mns. L. Welsh anti fam- ig pnogram. This includeti piano ily with Mr. anti Mrs. L. Savery, sos by Wyllenc Wilson, Brown's Oshawa. Section, Donna Brunt, Newcastle; Mr. anti Mn. Bob Litchie anti ocal solos, selft-accompanieti, by Bob, Misses Jean anti Helen Phi.- onnie Bebee, Bunker Hill; vocal ips, Mr. Frank East, Toronto, Mr. ;lo by Carolyn Jones, accompan- anti Mrs. Bob Craig anti family ýed by Neil Stewart; guitar selec- with Mr. anti Mrs. W. Craig. eons, MacHall Inwin. Mn. anti Mrs, W. Werry wener Wilmot Prouse, Osaca, was the guests at a birthday dînner ini genial anti capable chairman, honor of Mr. Arthur Wcrry helti who in his remarks, paiti kinti at the home of his son, Mr. antic xibute. Others calleti upon at Mrs. Elton Werry, Ebenezen. 5 - .----. .-, ~PAGE THRTEEII varlous intervals te voice their opinions were Jack Reidi, Stanley Jones, Ediwin Ruthven, Cecil 1Payne. Arthur Walker read the adi- dress, !ollowing which the beaut- iful gifts were brought in anti both v6iceti their appreciation in sincere, if Inatiequate werds. The three-tiereti weting cake' which hati been the centre o! the Pink anti white decorateti table overhung by a large white bell anti flanketi by tail plnk tapers in silver cantilcsticks, was removeti for distribution ameng the guests, the first cut being matie by the bride anti groom, Sumptueus re- freshments anti fragrant co!!ee 'were passeti anti ail mingleti free- ly in happy anti heart-wanming fellowship. To ail who helpeti in any way to make o! this celebration a blesseti anti cherisheti memory, our deepest, heartfelt apprecia- tien. To the Committee-Mn. anti Mns. Stanley Jones, Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Waiker, Mr. anti Mns. Ellsworth Caswell; te Mrs. Edigar Barrowclough, for the beauti!ully cemposeti anti written atidreas; te Gwen Joncs for the artistic dec- eratiens; te Mrs. E. Payne anti Carol Casweli for the richly dec- orateti wetiting cake; te those who helpedt t open the roads; te aIl who by their presence atideti s0 much to the occasion, andti t those who coulti not attend but wbosc gooti wishes accompanicti their cartis anti messages, te one anti aIl, again, Thank You! O! much intercst is the radie broaticast anti ncwspaper report o! the Li'plet daughters born to Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Raines, Toron- to. Roy liveti for some time in this section anti attendeti Public Scbool. Congratulations anti besti wishes te you anti youns, Roy. 1 Mrs. E. Payne, Port Hope; Mrs. M. O'Neil, Port Britain, visiteti their brother, Mn. S. Joncs. z The new Music Supervisor, Mn. Ramsey. has been visiting thei school on Mondays. Mr anti Mrs. Roy Best anti fam- ily visiteti his parents, Mr. anti Mrs. C. Best, Pert Hope. OBITUARY t IV, p tc e( i is Mn. anti Mrs. H. Kileben ai chiltiren, Joy anti Barry, Newton )n brook, spent Tuesday wiîh hb Ik parents aI the parsonage. ,k Mn. anti Mrs. James NesbilI -Hillon Village, Virginia, arc Ci fan exîentiedtip. They plan t- vjsit his sister Jennie anti ber bus in bandi, Mn. anti Mrs. John Segs Id wortb, Regina, anti bis brother ', Frank anti wi!e, Saskatoon. Theý Le expecbtet go west te bbc coast an( Ldown te California befone tbey re It tunn. d Mn. anti Mns. Lloyd Burley anc !amuly, Pont Hope, spent th( weekend 'with bis fathen, Mr n Spencer Burlcy. It Mn, Edigar Whittaken, Ramil Iton, spent a few days with Mr eanti Mrs. Arthur Retiknap. Mn. Lloyd Clystiale went tc *Osbawa on Tuesday. He bati onE *cast removeti anti anothen put or, leaving bis anm in a more cern fontabie position. e Mns. John Lancaster bas closed b er bouse for bbc balance o! the 1,winter. e Mrs. Rannicît Meticaîf, Kitch- enen,-is spcntiing a !ew days witl ber cousin, Mns. William Lane. Donnie Maulson was openat- cd on for blooti puisoning aI Mcm- onial Hospital, Bawmanville, on Tuesday. He returneti home ai Wetinesday. Mns. Zena Carlaw, Warkworlh, spent bbc wcckenti with ber sisI- en, Mns. Willis Joncs. Mn. anti Mrs. Lelanti Payne arc leaving on Thunsday for another tr.p bo Flonida. Mn. anti Mrs. E. Walterhouse, Toronto, spent Suntiay with Mn. anti Mns. Jack Gloven. Miss Minnie Rantiali, Mr. Gco. Thompson anti Miss Bertha Thompson are on bbc sick lisI. Mn. William Stapleten anti Mns William Ugiow wbo have been ili arc now much improveti. Mn. Fred Rowe o! bbc Dept. of Highways la on a menlb's holi- tiays. Miss Inez Gordon, oun new op- cralor, spent bbc weekenti with Mn. anti Mrs, Wil!rcti Bowman, Enniskillen. Mrs. Robent McBride anti baby bave been slaying wlth Mn. anti Mrs. Kendal for a !ew tiays since coming home from bbce hospital. Miss Annie Gordon, Whitby, anti Miss June Gordon, Peler- borough, spent the weekenti wibh Mr. anti Mrs. Banl Buriey. W. M. S.- The Januany meeting cf tha W. M. S. was belti Tucsday aftcn- noon, Jan. 8, aI Mrs. C. Burley's. The secnetary reporteti 12 mcm- bers, 1l mettings with thrce spe- cial meetings, Day o! Prayer, Thank Of!ering meeting on Gooti Fritiay anti moîbers' anti babies' party. Bale sent le suppiy secre- taryj was valueti aI $78.00. The treasuren reporteti $109.18 naiseti with $100,.00 sent te Presbyterial Treasurer. The Temperance Sec- rcbary reparleti the til!ficuity o! getting up 10 bbc minute matenial for use o! a Temperance prugramn for Suntiay Scbool. The Slcw- ardship Secnelary reporteti money raiseti but pointied ut lime anti talents uset i[n service could not be itemizeti. The Pness Secretany reporteti each meeting hati been sent te weekiy paper anti Com- munity Secrctary reporteti ben visits matie te sick anti letters wnitlen. Mrs. A. Wale bati chargeI of proram anti 61h chapten e!f study Ibook. 1 ENFIELD King anti Harvey Ycllowlees, ex- plaineti how the radio gospe li lb. message reaches the many peoplel Salmon Steaks -58cau Ce in outlying districts where there MIUl V are ne Sunday schools or church lb. services anti how their spiritual.-OenPrc 7 lives are enriched. 1UenFrh4c W A humorous reading was givetîi lM. by Bruce Taylor anti Donna Vice Sm ed -les* »c n conducteti the games in the rec- Sm ke iloi 0c I reation perioti. Ncxt Monday night, weather pcrmitting, the young people wiîî have a tobog- * F R EE uDE L gan party. Solina Home and Schooi Club will meet Fritiay night when Mrs. i W. Thiesberger of Tyrone will hbc guest speaker. Y E U Masters Paul Tyers anti RobertG Armstrong, Oshawa, visiteti their M A S A 1 chum, Larry Spires.1 E T AN 0 Mrs. Jack Reynoldis, HamptuneryHar visiteti at Mr. J. R. Kivell's. IFrel ar Miss Pearl Leach visited herý 55 KING ST. E. BOWMAN'! parents at Taunton on Sunda v. 1 Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees anti Missi Burketon W. A. met att home o! Mrs. E. Caughill with members anti three chiltiren pr( ent. After the business session social time anti exchange o! g: was enjoyeti. A dainty lunch w~ serveti by Mrs. C. Caughill ai ber gnoup. A heanty vote tbanks was given the hostess. Several from hene attentiet] funerai o! Mr. Theo. Slemon. 01 sympathy is 'xtentietot Mrs. SI mon anti John in thein suti bereavement. Mr. anti Mrs. G. White we guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. E. Adar who recently returneti from En landi.1 Mr. Chester Hoskin la visitir at Niagara- on-the-Lake anti N agara Falls. N.Y. Mr. anti Mns. A, E. Ribey we in Toronto. Mrs. Ben Hubbard spent a ti in Oshawa with relatives. Mr. Albert Stevens, Toront with Mrs. A. Hughes. Friencls will be gladti t leai that Mrs. Hughes is improvir after ber serieus illness. Mr. anti Mns. A. Bryan, Osi awa, with Mn. anti Mrs. B. Rui bard. Mr. anti Mrs. Bill Slingerlan and Lintia wcne Sunday guests M1r. anti Mns, Merle Hubbarti. Mrs, R. Brown anti Irene, Sct gog, wcne guests o! Mns. J. Gree Mr. anti Mrs. Grant Wilson ai 3eryl. Mr. anti Mrs, Frank Ai son, Oshawa, were Sunday vis. tors with Mrs,. Pearl Avery. Mr. anti Mrs. R. Trick attend ti the funeral o! Mrs. Trick aunt, Mrs. Wesley Lywooda L.indsay on Tucstiay. NE WTON VILLE 1 Mn. anti Mrs. Don Carr, fampiY. Enluakillen, at H. 0: iston's. Miss Inez Gôrdon, Kendal, J.W. Bewman's, Mr, anti Mrs. W. Pasce v Mn. anti Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, umbus. Mr. anti Mn. A. W. Prosi with Mr. anti Mrs, J. S. Ed vean, Clarke Union. W, A. met at the home o!f1N A. W, Pnescott wlth a gooti tendance. Owing te a leng business session the pnogram short, consisting o! a paper Mrs. A. W. Prescott, who revif cd highlights o! the past yoari a neatiing about New Yej thoughts by Miss Elsie Sami: Sacrament o! the Lond's Si per was observed last Sund Ncxt Suntiay we will have( annuai congregational meeting the close of the church service Pearl Leach attended the trous- SuLINA seau tea for Miss Eileen Stainton at the home of lier sister, Mrs. andi The brotherhood of the Hamp- Ross Lee, Kedron. 'nrn- ton Unitedi Church Circuit met at Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires visiteti Eldati Friday evening. Rev. G. D. at Mr. H. Moxon's, Janetville. 1at Empey conducteti the devotional Mr. anti Mrs. Stan Milîson andi service. President Alan Thompson Glenn visiteti at Mr. Ronald Kil- wihwas in the chair and A. L. Pascoe, lens, Oshawa. D o - se cre ta ry , re a ti th e m in u te s. O._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ co-F. Robson, Bowmanville, showeti a film on "The Peace River Icott Country" andi one of 'Northern T R N [dY- Ontario andi the Chippewa Indu- ans." These were both instructive Annual meeting of Tyrone Urs. anti entertaining anti delighteti Community Hall took the form at- everyone. Reatiings were given by of a social evening on Montiay ethy A. L. Pascoe anti C. E. Shortritige. with a fair attendance. Mr. S. was J. A. Warrack, Hampton, was the E. White acteti as Chairman. Mrs. by pianist for the evening. Eldati J. A. Rosevear, Secretary, gave ,ew- boys serveti lunch andi a social the minutes anti treasurer's report andi hall hour was enjoyed. There was by Mrs. H. Philp showeti a bal- ar's an attendance of 45. Next meet- ance on hanti of about $90.00. She È. ing wlll be helti at Hampton on also gave a breakdown of receipts ;Up- Thurstiay night, Feb. 14, when anti expenses. Mrs. Lorne Annis Iay. Courtice Circuit Brotherhood will was electeti to the board for one1 our be guests andi wilI provitie the year to fi the vacancy le! t by gat program. Rev. Jones, an outstanti- the resignation of W. Theissberg- e. ing speaker of Toronto, will ati- er. Mrs. H. Philp, Russell Vir- dresa the group, tue anti Lance Phare Were elect- Sincere sympathy is extendeti et for two years. These, togeth- to Mrs. Theo Slemon andi Mr. er with F. L. Byamn make up the John Slemon anti family on the ncw Board of Trustees. Refresh-i the passing of a beloveti husbanti anti ments were serveti.j L16 father. Many fromn here attentiet Several ladies attendeti the Ex- es- the funeral at Bowmanville. ecutive meeting o! W.M.S. on a a Mr. anti Mrs. George Knox en- Montiay at the home of Mrs. A. ifts tertaineti frientis at an enjoyable Hilîs. vas party. Saturday night. Sympathy is extentied to Mrs. nti Mrs. Tom Baker arrangeti the Russell Wright on the passing of Of missionary progi7am for the Sun- her mother, Mrs. E. Wright. Flow- day School, Mrs. Ralph Davis ers \Vere placeti on the Commun- the reati an interesting story "Return- ion Table on Sunday in her mem- )ur ing Gooti for Evil," anti Miss Pearl ory. le- Leach sang the solo, "In the Gar- Mr. anti Mrs. Donald Mountjoy len tien with Jesus." anti girls with Mr. anti Mrs. A. Mr. anti Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees, Jones, Toronto. ere Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Vice anti Mr. anti Mrs. V. Davenport, tms Murray attentieti the funeral o! anti David, Richmond Hill, visiteti ng- Mrs. Olive Allun in Bowmanvile. Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Stainton. Miss Evelyn Taylor, Peterbor- Miss Marie Nickerson, Bow-r .ng ough, spent Saturday at her home. myanville, spent the weekend with1 Ni MsWe.Wryiwih erMarion Wright. mth eMs. NblWerr stalferMr. anti Mrs. Walter RahmS mothr, Ms. obleMetalfe invisiteti Mrs. W. H. Rahm, Burke- ere Oshawa, as her father is ill in the ton, and Mr. anti Mrs. J. E. Grif-j hospital. fin. Enniskillen lay Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Vice, Sorry to learn Bethestia School r Murray anti Donna, were dinner teacher, Miss Mary Wilkinson, ish 1to, guests on Suntiay at Mr. Hoskenil throm.W ws e'a Smith's, Hampton. iiia edyreoe. Weih e Mr. nd rs. ohnKnopand Mr. anti Mrs. N. Yellowlees anti ,rn family were Saturtiay visitors at girls visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Georgec ng Mr. Tommy Anderson's.*ani Graham.0 Mr nt rs ha.1mt Mr. anti Mrs. Lamne Phare, Mr. M h- Anna, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mrs. Lance Phare visiteti Mrs. Stor.;ea b- Harolti Pascoe visiteti at Mr. Ev- adM.adMs .Hoeo erett Cryderman's. . anM. atbr.D Hoeo ati Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Knox visit- Orn. R aw1:Bomnvl of ed aMrs.rR. HawkeynkBowmanviller o! ti t r. ilon in'sEbnezr.calleti on her sister, Mrs. G. C Mr. anti Mrs. Isaac Hardy anti Phare. .u Stanley visiteti at Mrs. Gordion MrvniMs . hlRnl ~Mr. Hartiy'sH.Maple rove. a er a rds Mis Dooth DyoerOsa anti Marilyn, Miss Jean Philp vis-S nd Mss orohy DerOshwa;iteti Mr. anti Mrs. W. R. Plilp,p [li Mr. Rae Pascoe Were at Mr. Joe Peterborough. si- Snowtien's.1 Mr. anti Mrs. C. Bigelow, Mr. c Mr. anti Mrs. Burney Hooey anti Mrs. A. Richards visiteti Mrs. L- anti Barbara, Mr. anti Mrs. Camp- H. Findlay, Unionville. k's bell Ramer, Doreen anti Donald, Mr. anti Mrs. W. Park anti chil- at visited at Mr. John Hamer's, tiren visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. James Myrtle. Park, Peterborough. Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Philip anti Mr. anti Mrs. C. P. May, Windi- Elizabeth, Peterborough; Miss sor, visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Frank e( Helen Baker, Miss Irene Bragg Werry. 0] anti Mrs. Capt. Waters, Toronto; Mr. Oscar Andrews, Miss Phyl- M' nd Mr. anti Mrs. Maurice Baker anti lis Maynard, Bowmanville; Mrs. CI a - family, Georgetown, were at Mr. W. Miller with Mr. anti Mrs. Roy ei er tac Baker's, on the occasion of Maynard. r Jacir 40th wetiding anniversary Mr. anti Mrs. Percy Werry vis- ei of on Saturday. See report i this iteti her mother, Mrs. B. Carr, ni on issue. Port Credit. to Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Large anti Several are on the sick list. We 01 Ls. Robbie, Bowmanville, visiteti at wish them a speetiy recovery. D ~..Mr.Waler arrnde's.Mrs. J. Hill with her tiaugh- ls rMr. anti Mrs. Ross Cryderman ter, Mr. anti Mrs. Alex Sytnyk, - ýy visiteti Mrs. Sherwood Runtile, at Whitby. G id Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Low, Pet- in e- Mrs. S. E. Werry enjoyeti a cer anti Daviti, Port Hope, visited Pi pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Don Stainton. on id Harry Grooms in Toronto. Mr. W. J. Miller visiteti bis R. ~e Mr. anti Mrs. Bruce Harrison, tiaughter, Helen, who is quite ili VE r!Oshawa, were Suntiay tea guests at the Infirmary o! the General M: o! Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Yellow- Hospital, Toronto. Her many C Llees. frientis wish for her a speetiy re- W SMr. anti Mrs. Nelson Fice anti covcry. Hi !amily, Taunton; Mr. anti Mrs. Mr. andi Mrs. Frank Wcrry SI Lo Tom Westlakc anti family, Hamp- wcre dinner guests of Mrs. M. ie ton, visiteti at Mr. Frank West- Sil,,er, Bowmanville. ne a. lake's Sr. Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. has Mr. anti Mrs. Raymondi Clapp m( visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Gortion in returneti home anti is mnaking Cîapp, Belleville. fai ýd favorable progress. Le Býratley's Community Club helti their first meeting of 1952 on Fni- -day night. Everett Vice presitieti wth Ewart Leask as scretary. Business tietails were discussei, r c r 1- puls 'presenteti a part of their Spostponeti Christmas concert, con- Ssisting of the address o! welcome Solys1-z is A by Jean Hancock, tirill by the Solys15o.tn Juniors; rhythm bandi number Pr en 2/27c D -comp)lete with the latest typ)e o! ok en FROZEN FISH 1 SUGGESTIONS M. od Fillets --*41c lb. 1 hile Fish Fillels 53C lb. Mddock ---51c AVERY lis ROCER" yAllun's VILLE PHONE 3367 Mr. andi Mrs. G. McCoy, eo-' manvifle; Mr. and Mrs. Perey McCoy visited Mr. and Mrs. S.-; MCOY.-t Mr. andi Mrs. Ronald Rahm have moved to Bowmanville. Club 49 were entertaned at' the home of Mrs. H. Philp andi Miss Jean Philp. Bethestia Club 41 met at the home of Mrs. Eva Broome. Fres- ident Eleanor Brent presideti andi the secretary gave the financial report. Mrs. Lute presideti for- election of these officers: Pres.- Eleanor Brent; lst Vice-Eva Broome; 2nd Vice-Effa Staini« ton; Sec'y-Treas.-Heîen Gla3- peil; Buyer-Phoebe Skinner; Comfort Com.-Marion Hoar, AI-, ma Yellowlees. Plans were mad.> for an entertainment andi commit- tee of Ethel Cook, Marion Hoar, and Eleanor Brent was named. Messrs. Allyn Taylor and Ken- neth Rahn i vsited Keith Davey, Dixie. MAPLE GROVE Don't forget congregational meeting this Friday evening, start. ing with a pot luck supper at 6:30. Mr. anti Mrs. Wallace Munday and Donald visited Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Ormiston, Harmony. Misses Joyce anti Jean Bragg, Shaw's, with Miss Joyce Van- Camp, Base Line. Mrs. H. W. k'oley, town; Mrs. Mark Gartiener, Gardien Hill;. Mrs. Charlie White, Oshawa, spent Monday with Mrs. J. 1). Stevens. Mr. anti Mrs. Mark Munday,' Miss Mary Lou Munday visited, Mvr. and Mrs. Elgin Munday, Osh- awa. Mrs. Norman Burgess, Oshawa, with Mrs. Roy Van Camp. Nor- man was down Saturday when uis wife returneti home. Mr. Jack Mundav, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. The many friends of Mrs. H. A. Farrow. St. Catharines, a for-' ner resident here, are sorry to hear Of her passing this week. She was burieti at Coiborne on T'hursday. Sympathv is extenti- edi to the bereaved relatives. C.G.I.T. meeting of Jan. 8th, openeti with recreation. Worship' ervice on Christian Youth Weeký vas taken by Mrs. T. McGuirk Lnti Study Book by Mrs. Lloyd. Snowden. Business was contiucted >Y Pres. Elva Snowtien. When rieeitng atijourned, ail did crafts. :.G.I.T. met Jan. 15. Worship ser- vice was conducteti by Viola Hempeli anti Elva Snowden. The Study book by Betty Carswell. Pres. Elva Snowden was in charge. Trinity W.A. Officers Installed by Pastor W. A. was hielti at Trinity Unit-, ti Church on Jan. 15. Meeting' Dpeneti with worship perioti witli Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson's group in ýharge. Mrs. Parks led in pray- r. Mrs. Leask gave the Bible -ading anti also read a poein cntitled "In the landi of begin- ing again." Rev. Henderson installed thoe )fficers for 1952: Past Pres.-Mrs. ippell; Pres.-Mrs. S. James; st Vice-Mrs. C. Johns; 2nd Vice -Mrs. F. Heyland; Sec'y-Mrs. :reenfield; Treas.-Mrs. C. Trew- n; Rec. Sec'y-Mrs. C. Ives;- lianist-Mrs. D. Alldread; Pars- xage Com.-Mrs. A. Baker, Mrs. ZDilling anti Mrs. N. Allin; 7estry Com.-Mrs. C. Bagnell,, Irs. Aubrey Smith and Mrs. A. 1e; Nomination Com.-Mrs. W. Toolley, Mrs. H. Hardy, Mrs. lutchinson; Pantry Com.--Mrs. 1ackleton anti Mrs. Byers. At this meeting Mrs. Chas. Bag- Ill was presenteti with a W. A. iembership pin anti a hantibag rrecognition of many years of ithful service as Treasurer. Specials ylmer Faney 20-0z. tin Iew Drap Peas - 21c rý