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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1952, p. 7

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"I'RtTRSDÂY, 3ANUÀRT 1?, 1952 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVZN SOCIAL AND PERSONAL fbone 663 Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks le! t Thanks to an exceptional by plane over the weekend to fine job done by the Roads ar $pend two weeka' holiday in Ber- Streets Department mn conjun, muda. tion with the present mild weati Mrs Lea Sare bs rtureder, King St. bas taken on tI from spending several weeks with sols perneo pig ber daughter, Mrs. G. Tattersaill Bowmanville Lions Club is ii Ottawa.? vestigating the feasibility t Bowmanviîîe Lions Club wil building an addition to the sout hold a father, son and daughter of the Cornmunlty Centre. Tt, nigh inst.Joh's arih Hllbasernent, if the building is erec nh in S. J28 sPrihHal ed, will be allocated to Scout an Cub activities. Miss Myrna Tuerk bas returned Little l0-rnonths-old Bonni ta Niagara Falls after spending a Jean Malcolm spent last wee brie! vacation with ber mother, with her grandparents, Mr. an Mrn. Max Tuerk. Mrs. Stanley Malcolm, Scugog S William Porter and Ross Prout Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm spent th are winners of the Lions Club weekend with their son, Mr. ar hockey draw for the Toronto-Chi- Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock. cago game Saturday, Jan. 19th. Fifty members of the Oshaw Mr.ThomasL. Brown, Ottawa, Chapter of the Barber ' Shc visied ithherdaughter and Quartette Singers o! America pu son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan on a programi at the Boys' Train Sullivan, Scugog St., last week- ing School, Tuesday evening. Th end. successful evening was highlight Her many friends congratulate ed by three quartettes formed ID Mrs. John Wakeîy who celebrated students who showed the Osha'w ber 92nd birthday on Tuesday at singers just what they could d the home of ber niece, Mrs. Geo. in the harmony field. Edgar, Harmony. Reeve Harry Carnpbell o! Sout] Some 50 members o! the Bow- Monaghan Township was electei manville Ski Club enjoyed danc- Warden o! the United Counties o ing, skiing and tobogganing at a Northurnberland and Durham a Ski Club party beld at the chalet, the election meeting in Cobourj Friday evening. Tuesday night. Two other contes Public School students of grades tants from Northurnberland weri the Reeve o! Campbellford Ralpl even and eight held a crokinole Locke and Reeve A. B. Billen o party and wiener roast( inl lieuSyou To shp Te e o! a skating party) at Ontario St. Swmrden oas nshcteponThe four school last night. ballot. letd nth out Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, fMrLc ro Toronto, were in town Saturday,inTefmlofMsLuyBok calingon rieds nd alld a ig gathered at the borne o! hei The Stat rea n dffc to enew daughter, Mrs. Ray Brock on Sun. The tatsma offce o rnewday, Jan. l3th, to celebrate Mrs their subscription. Brooking's 80th birthday. Out-of. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns town guests included* Mr. and (formerly o! the Training School Mrs. Stanley Brooking, Tory Hill Staff) are staying in town for a Mr. and Mrs. H. Darke and Don. few weeks and are being enter- na; Mrs. H. Hale, Toronto; Misf tained by a number of old friends. Myrna Tuerk, Niagara Falls and Mrs. Geo. W. James left by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rouse anc Plane from Malton on Thursday Norma, Cobourg. for New York City where she is A native o! Bowmanville, Wal. visiting ber sister-in-law, Mrs. ter Dickinson o! Walter Dickin. James A. Phillips and other rela- son & Co. paper and stationery tives. firm, Bay St., Toronto, left $176,- Major Arnold Charbonneau, 686, according to bis will probated M.C., Camp Borden, called on his in surrogate court. Principal items bld army buddy, Mr. William G. were: stocks, $132,816, and real James, on Saturday to talk over estate, $23,000. He left $2,000 to old times and experiences shared his wife and each o! bis children. during the war years. The residue of the estate will be The nickels and dirnes you divided equally among hîs child- drop in the Kinsmen Milk bottles ren on the death o! Mrs. Dickin- prominently displayed by local son. merchants represent your dona- St. Paul's C.G.I.T. beld their tion to the artificial ice fund. first meeting o! the New Year on Help the fund grow! Jan. 9. After the opening exer- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Davis spent cises, the girls decided to compile the week-end in Peterboro and at- a towel kit and send it to some- tended the funeral o! ber brother one flot as fortunate as thern- M r. Leslie Plunkett on Monday. selves. Each member o! the group ?4rs. Davis is remaining with her is to bring sornethîng to put in &-ter-in-law for a few days. the towel. A relay game called 'WP Tbere are still articles unclaim- "Snowshoes" was played. The de from the Rebekah Lodge Pen- snowshoes, wbich were really ny Sle.Anyoe hvingticetboxes, were tied on the feet with ny ale Anonehavng icktsstring. Next week the C.G.I.T. 1422, 1124, 640, 98, 1413,' 1153 or will hold their meeting at the 987, please notify Mrs. H. Powell, manse. 75 Scugog St., or phone 3533. 1- _______________________ Local news comes fnorn long distances sometirnes, which prov- ed the case Saturday when the editor neceived an envelope from ST. J HN S Franik H. Tighe, South Gale, 1 ST Caif. whois so ofMns. F. Tighe o! Bowmanville. The en- velope contained a page fnom the (AnUc contained a photo o! our own Ray <Anglcan>Dudley o! Bowmanvilie. Unden- neath the photo it nead "Ray Rev. Warren Turner, Dudley, young Canadian pianist, B.A., B.D. wîll give a necital Jan. 16 at the Wilshine Ebell Theatre." Thanks, Frank, for sending us >'iq inter- 8 a.m. - esting'news item abor- which HOLY we probably wou' . àt have COMMUNION1 seen had it flot been for youn thought!uiness. 11 am. -Howard C. Edrnondson, 71, il a.m.resident o! Oshawa for over 60 CHORAL years. who received nation-wide COMMUNION< publicity as gneat-gnand!ather o! the AIl Maie Five Generation 7 P.m. - Edmondson Famiiy in connection with Father's Day, 1951, died in SEVICE Oshawa Genenal Hospital, Fniday, SERVICEJan. 11, a!ter a brie! iilness. He was fathen o! Clarence "Sliir" Edmondson, Duke St., grandfath- ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL il a.m. - MISSIONARY AND MAINTENANCE APPEAL 7 p.m. - EVENING SERVICE Color and sourîd film on Home Missions Special Speaker:. Rev. Anson Moorhouse, B.A., B.D. Assistant Secretary of the Departmnent of Missionary Education who has recently returned fromn Africa. Rev. H. Turner, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.T.C.M., Director of Music TRINITY U, 11:00 am.-REGI 12:15 p.m. - SUN] 7:00 p.m. - EVE? Song Servi CONGEEGAT, Wediaouday Rev. S. B. Hendej Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of NITED CHURCH ULAR MORNING SERVICE~ DAY SCHOOL 7 NING WORSHIP ce Led by Church Orchestra NNUAL '1ONAL MEETING 8 p.m. F, January 23rd nson, B.A., B.D., Minister Miss Phyllis Challis, Music A.T.C.M., Organist be- the o! th lhe ,d ie nd St. ;e id ua op iut 1n- he it- va h d o! at g re of vw th n- - (Continued from Page One) eye injuny and was unable to at- tend the installation meeting. Chapiain the Rev. S. R. Hender- son was also unavoidably absent. Executive For 1952 The 1952 executive, consisting o! the foliowing Legion membens, was duly instalied by Zone Com- mander Loveli. Comnades Alex Mains. Monty Goslett, Jim Fair, Don Morris, Lonne McQuannie, Geo. Mitchell, Jack Emmerson and Jirn Woodward They were warned to watch all sctivitles o! Branch' 178. C. A. McDonald and Ray Ab- ernethy were installed finst and second vice-president respect!ully and told they possed "al nights and powers o! the president when he is absent." It was suggested they give full support to the] president at ail tirnes. Don Morris and Bob Lockhart acted as colon beanens during the installation cerernony and Com- rade Cli!! Samis temporanîly took over the noie o! Sergeant-at-Arrns .întil Ross McKnight was duly [nstalled. Hospital Auxiliary1 er of William Edmondson, anè great-grandfather o! William'i five-year-old son, Howard, Huni St., ail of Bowmanvulle. The fivE generation lîne is now broken Funeral service was held at thE Armstrong Funeral Home, Mon- day, and interment was at Mounl Lawn Cernetery. Mr. John M. James, M.P., went to Ottawa Monday to attend thec state dinner given at Chateai. Laurier by Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent in honor of the Prime Minister o! Great Britain Winston Churchill. According to Toronto papers, our member was intro. duced to Mr. Churcbill as the Member !rom Durham. In Eng- land, Durhamn must be good Con. servative territory because the great man said: "And I suppose you are a good Tory." Mr.-,James is reported to bave replied: "No sir, I arn a Liberal. I displaced a Tory." Not to be outdone, the ir- repressible Prime Minis er came back with "Oh, well, I've been both." As indeed, he bas been. Talented Artists 0f High Calibre <Continued fnom Page One) A pleasantly vaied prograii Auxiliary presented the Tait will be beard at the third Lion: ýtwins, Sharon Elizabeth and Kar- Club Concert on Wednesdaý 1- en Elaine, daughters o! Mn. and rnght, Jan. 23, in the High Schoo i-Mns. Bill Tait, Jr., with sterling Auditorium when four outstand silver spoons on which their ing young artists will be featurec .namnes were engraved. The Tait Joseph Pach, violinist, is a tai. ntwins. born Sept. 25th, 1951, were ented artist, a graduate o! th( .the first to be born in the new Senior School o! the Toronto Con. ehospital. senvatony who has twice appear- Many Articles Bought ed with the Toronto Symphon.N To give the public some idea o! Orchestra. He is the winnen ol Pthe service rendered by the Aux- a number o! schoiarships at thr 1iliary, a iist is given beiow o! Conservatory and the C.N.E. $50C articles and material bought for scholarship for violin. the bospital: 60 yds. drill, 283 Marjorie Hays, young lyric so- yds. unbleached sheeting, 130 prano, is also a Conseèrvatorn yds. draw sheeting, 61 yds. tick- graduate and bas sung with the ing, 711/4 yds. quiited padding and Conservatory's Opera Schooi. She tape to bind, 5 doz. patients' sang and danced in "Spring Thaw gowns, 3 doz. children's gowns, 1 '50,,' and aiso spent a season with doz. openating noom caps, 4 doz. the Detroit Civic Light Opera pillow slips, 12 spreads, 3 doz. Company. She has done consid- face cloths, 3 doz. white bath erabie radio work, appearing or towels, 20 pair flannelette sheets, Singing Stars o! Tomorrow and 2 doz. openating noorn gowns. 1 Summer Strings, over ÇJBC. She doz. men's drèssing gowns, 1 doz. is vivacious and charming, as weil women's dressing gowns, staîn- as possessing'a ioveiy voice. less steel bowls, 2 doz. dish Tepaitwl eJmsMc cloths, 1 large double boiler,. 2 Donald who studied in Toronto small double bolers, 2 large wire and Baltimore. He has accomp- strainers, 77 piece set o! dishes anied many famous American for nurses' nesidence, curtains for artists and given concerts for the nurses' dining-noom and for beip past !ew summers at the lux- dining-roorn in new hospital,1 19 unious Manoir Richelieu Hotel at doz. tumbiers, 12 doz. fruit dishes, Murray Bay, Que. 6 doz. smail and 6 doz. large Te plates, 6 doz. saucers and 9 doz. T n ich mezzo-barîtone voice cups, 8 doz. tea spoons, 3 doz. o! Robent Ivan Foster rounds out bouillon spoons, 8 doz. dessert a prograrn which promises to be spoons, 5 doz. knives, 3 doz. !onks, most enjoyable. He is a native 234 doz. butter spreaders. 'of Saskatchewan who eariy began In addition ta this, the follow- his musical studies, !inst with ing articles were made by mem- piano and clarinet, then in voice, bers o! the Auxiliary: 18 operat- although he cannot nemember ing room piilow covens, 12 baby when he did not sing. For five blankets, 20 screen covers, 30 op years he served with the R.C.M. erating room sheets, 34 mattress P., but thnee years ago retunned protectors, 2 air ring covers ' 8 to bis musical studies. He has an openating room table covers; 51 ex.tensive nepertoire o! operatic pillow cases, 26 dnaw sheets, 13 arias, concert and sacred selec- flannelette sheets, 8 operating tions. noom sheets, 37 lange and 20 small squares for operating room use; 202 sheets, 12 childnen's B ethany Phones pneumonia jackets, 14 ice bottie covens, 12 breast binders, 29 ab- (Continued fnorn Page One) dominai bindens, 2 piilow pro- tectons, 80 huck towels, 62 tea we have even heard o! as far as towels, 4 pair curtains for help am,' benefits to the system are residence. A refrigerator and ne\v concernied," Mn. Cavano stated. electric sewing machine werc "We've had good service for l0 also bought. vears, and a man just docsn't go It will be seen from this thar ý overnight," the 45 members o! the WomenYe'Ie. ex-board chairman in!erred Auxiiiany are fan from idie. Li Lne dischange o! the Pomeroys wa: order to keep check on what is ne- not donc in a businesslike way. quired by the hospital. two mem- "*It's flot even telephone business," bers o! the Auxiliary visit the hos- hie said. 'If's a personal matter pital eaeh month and report on that started the bail rolling." the superintendent's requests. At the pres-~it time a Have- New Officers hock couple, Mn. and Mrs. D. New slate o! officers elected foi' Lucas, are openating the systemn. 1952 was brought in and is comn- I is undenstood the daughten o! posed o!: Mns. J. F. Heyland- one of the commissioners is also Past Pres.; Mrs. Morley Vanstorie pnesently employed as an oper- -President; Mrs. Wesley Cawk- aton. er-lst Vice; Mrs. L. Goddard- Hold February Meeting 2nd Vice; Mrs. C. Bagneli-Sc- Clarke Pomeroy is \vorking at -etary; Mrs. M. S. Dale-Corr. thc Arsenal in Lindsay. Secretary; Mrs. H. B. Rundie-- Commissioneî's o! the Manvers T'reasurer. Municipal Telephone System n e- The following committees were ceive $25 per year and are ap-* also appointed. the first nanmed in pointed for a three-yean terni. each case being the convener: The board chairman receives $50 Buying Com.-Mrs. F. Mornil]. a \'ean from the eonipanY boast- vIns. E. V. Hoan. Mns. W. Rey- ing 325 subscî'ibers. Comimission- nolds; Sewing Com.-Mns. V. ens are elected by subsenibers. Ott, Mrs. S. McMurter (with Ernest Cavano wouhd have coin- 'ower to add); Cupboard Com.- pleted his second year as a coin- Miss Mary Jewell, Mns. V. Ott, missioner. bec. 31. Anothen coin- Mrs. C. Bagneil, Mrs. F. Morniti: missioer i:3 îmrislingi. his thrce- Vays and Means Com.-Mrs. W. year teri'm whch mneans that at Braden, Mrs. W. Cawker, Mis j an annual meeting to be held in Xary Jewehh, Mns. A. Smith, Mrs. February at least one and prob- JN1 Reynolds. Iab1x' tuo new~ commissioners will Other executîve members: Mns av,*e to be appointed. T. MeLaughlin, Mns. F. Mosr- Once a commînssioner is appoint- -il, Mns. V. Ott, Miss Mary Jew- cd there is no way o! nelievjngy Il., Mrs. W. Braden, Mrs. V. H. him of his nesponsibilities unles s 3torey. he nesigns. according to Mn. Cav- A representative !rom women's ano who said, when asked if he )rganizations in the anea around would considen neturning as a owmanvilie served hy the Me- commissioner, "Not with those c noniai Hospital bas been invited fellows." e )y the Auxiliarx-. to attend the;- nonthlv meetin ns. s:nce it is a Need a Paperhanger, painter or N ommunitY hoc,,tal. Th-- - t'~ anY other type o! service firm> 1 iave a]ready done much ta aid 1Sce the Statesman Ciassified sec- E ie 'hospita. tion. ti ri 1 rr. fl- St. Paul's Speakerf Recently Returned From Africa Missionsi Guest speaker at St. Paul's Mîssîonany and Maintenance ser'- vice on Sunday monning' will be Rev. Anson Moonhouse, Assist- ant Secretary o! the Dept. o! Mis3- sionary Education o! the United Church. Mn. Moonhouse wholhas just neturnéd !rom a tour o! A!- rican mission fields o! the Unit- ed Church where he has been making films o! the work donc- thene, will have much that is in- tenesting to relate from first-hand expenience in this connection. Mn. Moonhouse wili also be present at the evening service and will show a sound and colon film pontraying Home Mission work. Mn. Moonhouse, whose photog- naphy started out as a hobby, was engaged by the United Church to take films on variaus phases o! the church's wonk. These have been widely dîstrîbuted and are both educational and enjoyabie. Home and School (Contînued !nom page one) combination becomes apparent when thc child feels that the teachen and the. parent are lined up against hlm. No doubt, many parents and teachers will necaîl the number o! times they have told their ehildnen o! thein young- er days when things were really tough; when meagre if any ah- iowanccs wene banded out, when they had to walk miles to and from schooi; when they had pnop- er respect for their parents and every night was loaded with hnmewonk. Both teachen and parent must make it apparent that they bave faith in their child- ren. That is the only way to mning out the best in them, Mn. Webster said. One o! the biggest problems in education is that it is not an exact science and it is very di!- ficuit to obtain public agreement or approvai o! any one system as the truc gospel. Attitudes and 1 nethods are being changed con- inuaily in exactly the saine way industries are changing theis' vays o! doing things. Corporal punishment bas almost gone by he board. militanistie physicai taining is being neplaced by nyth- mie outines. We have more om!ortable moveabie seats and yven the sehool reports are being changed, in the constant experi- mentation to obtain something better. One o! the most controversiai .zbjects, tise sltered r'eport cards, whene students are nated as Out- banding, Satis!actory or actory, can be compared with nedical X-ray plates. If eveny- 'iing is alright you receive a sat- factory report. If things are flot iod thc report is unsatis!actony id you retunn for funthen exam- nation. In the same way, if the udent's report is unsatisfacton, ie teachen should be eontacted othat parent and teacher can onk together to corrnect the sit- ation. Unden this new systemn, n. Webster concluded, teachers 'e expected to interpret the arks which are obtained on any tests throughout the year. Mn. Williams, as chairman, in- roduced Mn. Webster and Mrs. 'os. Masterson expressed audi- tee appreciation of his efforts. I Musical entertainment wds1 ovided by Bertha Colville with ro piano solos, Biarbara Goddard rio sang and thc Bowmanvilie bys' Quantet who gave five vocal .mbers. Lunch w,%as provided at the con- ision o! this highly successful ,ening. Attendance winners inchuded ss G. MacCrimmon's room 'm Central Sebool and Miý .Weddel's room traom the On- 'îio st. schooL FIQHT'TOOT DECA PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOR n Ry ol 1. ci 'i i- 9 . 1 DRUG STORES . 1 1d Celebrate 4th Weddina Anniverscrry A. B. Lobb Installed AbrehBo S. S. MortonTea. Ms Percy Gould-Living i** Worshipful Master esod Bro. H. Brooking, Bro. J. -Dorcas Sec'y; Mrs. Ross West.,. e F . o k e s .l a k e - P i a n i s t . . erusalem Lodge F Instruction-W. Bro. W. B. t ReyolsW.....J.S.Eme ... Some 116 members o! the Ma. e- Golden Wedding Ssonic cra!t attended the installa-1 Attendance and Transportation tion o! Jerusalem Lodge officers, -Bro. J. E. Houck, Bro. E. J. MR. AND MRS. NORMAN BALL A. F. & A. M., No. 31, in the Ma- Foran, Bro. H. Pickard, Bro. G. Gnly a.1.Tefv ~~~~~sonic Hall, Thursday, Jan. 27. A WhiteJa. Jr.he iv sumptuous banquet !ollowed the _________ children o! Mr. and Mrs. Nor- SSt. John's Night installation. _______________ man Hill o! Gonmley, Ontario, W. Bro. A. B. Lobb was instal- joined them on Saturday, Jan. 12 led as Worshipful Master o! the St."' fiLL toeebaehirOtwein lodge with B. Bro. Owen Nichol- * O fS nuIch anniversary. They are Mrs. Nor- as, Immediate Past Master. Othes' ma Novak, Mrs-. Rita Zacani, Nor- R. J Dilingman Hill. Bud Hill and Mrs. Geo. S.W.; Bro. H. G. Freeman, J.W.; Tamzola, ail o! Toronto. There W. L C.Whie, hap; w _______________________are 16 grandchildren and one BoJ.R. Stutt, Treas.; R. W. great-grandchild. BoE.H. Brown, Sec'y; Bro. C: St. John's Anglican congrega- Mrs:' Hill (the former Ethel L.Warren, S.D.; Bro. C. E. Allun, tion will have the honoun and Mowers) was born 67 yeans ago in J.D.; W. Bro. Kenneth Werry, pleasure o! welcoming Town Waubashene and Mr. Hill, who la D. o! C.; Bro. R. L. Evans, I.G.;i Council, the local School Trus- 70, was born in Bowmanville. The Bro. Tom Turner, S.S.; Bro. Jr. tees and others interested in civic couple were married in Cold- MR. AND MRS. JOHN BAKER E. Houck, J.S., and Bro. A. E. governrnent at the evening ser- waten and lived in Waubashene Mo!fatt, Tyler. vice on Sunday evening. A cor- and Northern Ontario befone On January lOth, 1912, Mr. and daughters, Miss Helen Baker, To- Toast to the Grand Lodge was dial invitation is extended to the movîng to Toronto in 1918. They' Mrs. John Baker forrneriy Laura ronto; Mrs. Charles Johnson made by W. Bro. A. L. Parkr nvu~itatendths so eie. isrnve t rmeya ea ao Bragg, o! Providence) were unit- (Muriel), Peterborough; Mrs. responded to by R. W. Bro. R. E. invhe atingas aloueen etnde ed in marniage. On Saturday, Jas, C. Smales (Kathleen), Hamp- Logan. Toast to the newly in- to the Dainton Ceouncilnbut p January l2th, 1952, their relatives ton; their daughters-in-law,, Mrs. stalled officers was proposed by HAMPTON< and many !niends called at their Maurice Baker. Georgetown, and, W Bro. James Marr with Bro. has been received. ____ residence at Solina, to honor these Mrs. Tom Baker, Solina, and Ray Diiling and Bro. Harry Free-* Mrs. Nettie Cole, Miss Stella 40 happy, intervening years. nieces, Miss Marjonie Couch, man nesponding. Toast to the Last Fniday in the recently re- and Mn. Fred Blackburn, New- Durng heaftrnon nd v-Bowmnil, and Miss Eileen visitons was made by Bro. Clane fitted Chapel o! the Church the castle; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ening Mn. and Mrs. Baker receiv- Couch, Toronto, Allun and response was made by Rector installed the following of- Blackburn and !amily, Haydon; ed the warm wishes and con- The presentation o! an engrav- W. Bro. Garnet Rickard and Rev. ficers o! the Afternoon Bnanch of Mr. and Mrs. Genald Shackleton, gratulations of 135 guests and a ed morocco cane to Mn. Baker, Bro. R. M. Seymour. the Wornan's Auxiliary: Hon. Salem, at Mn. Mark Blackburn's. teleramof ongatuatins fom n anetystneclaceandear ComiteesPresident-Mrs. Warren Turner; Mn. and Mrs. W. W. Hornne- telerar o!conratlatons roman metystneclaceandear ComiteesPresident-Mrs. Wm. Tait; Vice- turne d on Saturday fnorn a three Mns. N. C. Willson, Edmonton. ring set to Mrs. Baker and purse Commnittees appointed for 1952 Presidents.-Mrs. Walter Davis weeks' visit with their son, Dr. Alta., sister o! the bride, o! money to both o! them frorn are as follows: and Mrs. F. T. Maughan; Se'y- adMs alc ona ot Th gess er rcevd y her amlyws atheiGannAdios-. amiRssStvy was.Gachll madean byad rs alGrantnatMot Th gess ee ecivd yand Gail Baker, gnandchildren. esaudtosW. Br. ss Stev- s. T-M. Gtcel; reas. allnd Jr. reai. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mapie Grove, Gi! ts and many beautiful bou- en1n r.W .Sae. Sc'-r.FretDlig i- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, sister o! the groom, assisted by quets o!fiowers wene also ne- Finance-V. Wor. Bro. W. G. ing Message Sec'y-Mns. F. Wil- Marie and Donna, Solina; Mn. and Maurice and Tom Baker, sons o! ceived from Solina Wornen's Ins- Pascoe. V. Wor. Bro. A. W. G. ian; Dorcas Sec'y-Tneas.-Mns. W. Mrs. Donald Prescott, En!ield; the happy couple. Janice Baker, titute, Eldad Church Choir, El- Northcutt, W Bro. P. R. Cowling. J. E. Ormiston; Little Helpen's Mn. and Mns. Edwin Ormiston, gnanddaughter, was in charge Of dad Sunday Schooi, Bible Class, Charitable-W. Bro. L. T. Mc- Sec'y-Mrs. F. Srnythe. Ebenezen; Mr. and Mrs. Roy the guest book, assisted by anoth- Jerusaîem Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Laughlin, W. Bro. L. A. Parker, ***Smnith. Newcastle, with Mr. and en granddaughten, Gail Baker. Bowmanvilie. and from xnany W. Bro. W. J. Found. Recently the officens o! tbe Ev- Mrs. Hoskin Smith. A three-tien wedding cake cen- friends. Health-Bro. W. Teepie, Bro. ening Bnanch o! the Woman's Misses Pearl and Ethel Gilbert tred the dining table, flanked by Having lived these years in So- Ross Richards, Bro. V. E. Cook- Auxiliany were installed by the and Dorothy Moore, Toronto; candelabra. Pouring tea were lina, Mn. and Mrs. Baker have son, Bro. F. A. Boyd, Bro. A. L. Rector as follows: Mrs. Warren Miss Jacqueline Doyle and Mr. Mrs. Sam Deweil, Mns. James made a great contribution to ail Blanchard. Bro. A. A. Stacey. Turner-Hon. Pres.; Mns. C. F. Don McCiennan, Oshawa, were Hogarth, Hampton, sisters o! the activities within the scope o! Entertainiment-Bro. C. L. War- Betties-Pres.; Mrs. J. G. Park- guests o! Mn. and Mns. Geo. Gil. groom; Mrs. Hanry Waters, Highi- church and comrnunity life. So ren, Bro. R. J. Diliing, Bro. R. L. er-Vice-Pres., Mrs. Hugb Mc- bert. land Creek; Mrs. Howard Couch, it is with genuine feelings o! ap- Evans, Bro. W. S. Morrison. Donald--Sec'y; Miss Rose Bate- Mrs. R. Luke spent the weekend Bowmanville. and Miss Inene preciation and congratulations Assistant Stewards-Bro. J. H. Asst. Sec'y;, Mrs. Robt. Hayes- with relatives in Oshawa. Bragg, Toronto, sisters o! the that their friends bonon this oc- bride. Assisting in serving tea to casion with fond wishes for many the guests were the coupie's three. more years of happiness. Legion Of ficers

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