PAGE EIGHTTECAAANTASM ,BO ANILNAROTUSAANJY1,iU I..OBITUARIES »MS. JOHN ]EDWIN ALLIN Following a lîngering illness the death occusred at hei- resi- dence, 64 Elgin Street, Bowman- ville, on Wednesday, Januai-y 9, af Olive Hisiop, belaVied wife of the late Johni Edwin Allin in her 65th yeas-. Deceaàed was daughter of the late Ms-. and Mrs. William His- 10P Who lived in Bowmanville for many years. Oldes- citizens will recaîl that Mi-. Hislop was at dif- ferent times caretaker of the High School and later the Methodist Chus-ch, now Trinity United Church. The deceased duing ber lifetime had lived in Darling- tan Township for many years. She later lived with a cousin, Mrs. W. Trenouth, at Napanee and since last spring had lived in Bowmanville. A member of Trinity United Church, Bowrnanville, Mrs. Allun was an active member of both the Waman's Missionai-y Society and the Woman's Association while her health permitted. Predeceased by her husband, some years ago, she is survived by two sons. Samuel of Bowmanville and Alfred, wha is living on the hornestead, Allendale Farm, Base Line, Darlington Township. The funeral was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, Januas-y 11, conducted by Rev. S. R. Henderson, minister of Trinity Chus-ch. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. Palîbearers were: Edwin Or- miston, Chai-les Broughton, Nor- man Brown, Oscar Jarnieson, Clare Allin, Geo. F. Annis. MURS. RACHEL A. MeROBERTS The death occurred at the home af her daughter at Tyi-one on January 4, of Mrs. Rachel Annie McRoberts, in ber 75th year. The deceased had been in faiting health for the past eight months as the result of a heart condition. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tennant, the deceas- ed was born at Long Sault, Dar- lington Township, and was mai-- ried on December 26, 1900, at Be- thany. She was a member of the, GENE RA LOELECTRIC IVDWHITE LAMP This new kind of lamp bulb -br:i'ht all.over-is four ways better. Softensq shadows so they're Ihardly visible ... reduces refiected glare .. . spreads light evenly over11 entire surface of bulb ... keeps its cleaner, whiter beauty for life. Try G-E White Lamps. Sec your G-E Dealer today! CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY LIMITED Head Office: Toronto - Sales Offices ihum CoasIto Coast Heavy Plaid SHIRTS $3,45 24 Division Ste Army Heavy Type Grey WOOL SOX 59c pr. WORK SHIRTS ______ $1.98 DRESS SHIRTS $2.95 SPORT SHIRTS --------------$2.95 CARDIGAN SWEATERS - -$3.95 Heavy Weight MELTON PANTS $6.50 ARMY PANTS ______ $3.95 Blu ON' Rea F eavy Duty e or Black Den im VERALLS $3.95 ýa Buy on F'LIGHT BOOTS and RUBBER FOOT WEAR Long Sault United Church. She is survived by two daugh- ters, Mrs. Roy Maynard (Mable) of Tyrone and Mrs. Henry Woods (Dorothy) of Oshawa. Alsa sur- vivîng are a sister, Mrs. Wallace Miller of Tyrone; a brother, Wil- bert Tennant of Orillia and four granchildi-en. Rev. D. Lute conducted the fu- neral service at the Narthcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel. Bowman- ville, on January 7, followed by interment in Orona Cemetery. Friends attended frorn Unionville, Orillia, Oshawa and Kendal. The pallbearers were Fred lSmith, Jack Bird, Charles Johns- ton. Howard Masters, Howard McRoberts and Ross McRoberts. HAROLD M. RATHBUN Former Bursar of Trinity Col- lege School, Port Hope, and one- time resident of Toronto, Harold McMurrich Rathbun, 74, of Des- eronto, died Jan il at Kingston General Hospital. He was born at Deseronto. receîved his early education at Trinity College School, and Was.a graduate of the Royal Mlitary College, Kingston. For a time he was an officiai with the f irm of Rathbun & Co., lum- ber and milling, in Deseronto, which was founded by his grand- father. After bis retirement from the office of bursar, Mr. Rathbun went to Toronto. He returned to Deseronto to take up residence a few years ago. Mr-. Rathbun was a member of St. George's Presbyterian Church, Deseronto. and a former member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Toronto. He leaves his wife, two sisters, Mrs. Franklin Jones and Mrs. Harold Scadrett, both of Toronto, and a brother, L. Marvine Rathbun, Bowmanville. Burial took place at Deseronto. ORENA ALBERTA COWAN On January lst. 1952, a full, vital and worthwhile life was brought ta a close in the deathS Orena Alberta Cowan, belaved wife of William Henry Cowan, in ber 82nd year. Mrs. Cowan was the foi-mer Orena Alberta Lent, daughter of the late Marcus and Roxanna Lent wha made theis- home in Clai-ke Township where Mrs. Cowan was bai-n on Sept. 25, 1870. Altbough Mrs. Cowan was cer- tainly kept busy, saising ber large family, six girls and two sans, she found time ta do same ail paint- ing and needlework, ber favorite hobbies and fine samples af which may be seen in her late residence on Noith St. Before her illness custailed hes- activities, Mrs. Cawan was an esstwbile member of the Wom- an's Association and Woman's Missionary Society ai the Unit- ed Chus-ch as well as being made a lufe member af the Woman's As- sociation. After an illness of one yeas- Mrs. Cowan passed away quietly at hes- late residence, Newcastle. Mrs. Cowan's health bad been failing rapidly for the past sev- en manths, during whicb time she spent five weeks in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Thraugh- aut these months of suffering, she was patient, cheerful and quite sure af the Rock upon wbich ber faith reposed. When the caîl f in- ally came and ushered ber inta the pi-esence of ber Maker, there was no semblance of physîcal ef- fort os- any trace af feas-. She leaves to mous-n ber loss a sorrawing husband and six Officer Style Air Force or ARMY SHIRTS $2.95 Dress or Work PANTS $2.95 PLAID SHIRTS $2.45 WORK SHIRTS ____ $1.95 DRESS SHIRTS____ $3.95 Eleavy Air Force MELTON PANTS $6.50 ARMY PANTS- $3.95 )lue Denim Overal PANTS Heavy Duty WORK BOOTS $6.95 $2.95 Leather ( ÀLOVES $1.98 Sp ecial !.. on WINDBREAKERS PARKAS Satin Bomber JACKETS Station Wagon COATS Phone 3211 -p The new 1952 Plymouth Bel- vedere srnartly styled with rich colour, two-tone exterior and fashion tone interior will make iA the centre of attraction wher- ever you drive it. Side windows roll completely down ta give you full enjoyment af summes- breezes - or close tightly ta pi- vide the weather-tight snugness of a sedan. Plymouth's "Safety-Flow Ride" is the greatest advance- ment in riding camfort since the daughters: Mrs. Han-y Clark (Florence). Stoughten, Sask.; Mrs. Wilrnot Currie (Lilly>, Portland, Oregon; Mrs. Loi-ne Kerr (Edna), Bowrnanville, and Ms-s. Chai-les Megit (Orena), Mrs. Irwin Col- will (Nora), Mrs. Hubert Os- borne (Rosaline). Newcastle, and twa sons, Han-y of Oakville and Bruce, Winnipeg, Man. The funeral was held on Jan. 4th from Newcastle Unitec. Church with Rev. L. H. Turner officiating. Palîbearers were George Gi-a- harn, Harry Dennis, Herbert Toms, Everett Jail, Brooks Cow- an, Bill Reid. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. The many beautiful floral trib- utes, amang thern one from Wo- man's Association, Rebekah Lod ge and Eastern Star Chapter, testi- fied ta the esteem in which Mrs. Cowani was held by ber friends and neighbors. Friends and relatives were pi-es- ent fi-rn Toronto, Oshawa, Os'ono, Hampton and Bowrnanville. MRS. MILDRED PAGE A resident af Oshawa for 29 years, Mrs. Mildred Page was found dead in ber room at 97 King Street West, Oshawa, at noon on Saturday, Jan. 5. She is believ- ed ta have passed away during the night. A daughtes- ai the late Fred- erick and Fannie Todgharn, the deceased was bai-n in Bowrnan- ville 50 years ago and went ta Oshawa where she bas lived,for a number of years. She was an adhei-ent af the United Churcb. Mrs. Page is survived by a brather. Roy Tadgharn of Oshawa. Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, minister of Albert Street United Church, conducted the funeral service at the Luke-McIntosh Funeral Home on Januai-y 8. Interment was in the Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearei-s were James Prescatt, Arthur Clai-ke, Hector Lînes, James Smith, Norman Wilcox and Joseph Woadward. R. E. OSBORNE A member of* a well known pioneer family of Darlington Township, Richard Edwin Os- borne, who was a resident of the Ebenezer district for over haif a century, passed away at the f ar- ily residence, 178 Church St., Bowmanville, January 2. in his 86th year. The deceased was son of the late Charles W. Osborne and El- len Adair. He was born on the homestead, Broken Front, South Darlington, now occupied by his eldest son Charles, since Mr. Os- borne retired from farming and moved to Bowmanville 26 years ago. During his residence in town he conducted a farm impie- ment agency and coal business until failing health prevented him from active participation. He was a lifelong member of Ebenezer United Church where he was a member of the Officiai Board for many years, and was superintendent of the Sunday School for over 30 years. He was also treasurer of E b ene ze r church circuit which included Maple Grove and more recently Courtice Church. Although a resident of Bowmanville for over a quarter of a century Mi-. Os- borne continued his membership in his beloved Ebezener Church, retained office there for several years and attended services there regularly as long as health per- mitted. It may be noted too. that his son Chai-lie is carrying on the commendable traditions of his father by being a member of thc Board of Stewards of the Church and superintendent of the Sunday SchooL. In earlier days when the Farmers' Institute was an active force in Durham County Mr. Osborne, "R. E." as he was familiarly known throughout his life, was one of the pillars and consistent advocates of the org- anization to promote better farn- ing methods. Along the samce trend his son Chai-lie is again TICKET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamnship Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 How COLIS affect Your KIDNIYS ii. kidneya are very delicate org-n, esil aliected--speciaily b>' a cold. Tlsir duty as to filter impurities and exctsa acids froua the blood. Wben you bave a cold extra work je thrown upon yosar ludusys. Dodd's Kidney Pilla belp your kidnieys clear your sysîsua of exceas acids and poisons caused by colds.@Md gine you a charnu t. slake infection sone-foel betterlaater. If yeu have acold getanidus Dodd'a Kidney Pil. 139 Dodds KMdn.y ils introduction of shock absorbers.1 Revolutionas-y, new Oriflow1 shock absorbers on the 1952 Plymouth, offer an entirely new riding and driving expenience. In addition ta the beautiful, new Belvedere shown above, Plymouth offers the Suburban and Savoy, the Concord two- door, the Cambridge four-doos- and club coupe, the Cranbraok four-door, club coupe, and the convertible coupe. measuring up ta bis fatber's pub- lic service by being an enthusi- astic charter member of the Dur- ham Caunty Federation of Agri- culture and a past president of this powerful organization. Besides his wife, the former Mary Elizabeth Rundie, be is sur- vived by one daughter, Miss Louise Osborne af Bawmanvillc and tbree sans, Chai-les of Eben- ezer; Han-y of Detroit, Mich., and Nelson of Bawmanville. Also surviving is a brother, Walter Os- borne of Halkirk, Alberta. The funeral was hel.d an Jan. 5 fi-rn his late residence in Bow- manville, ta Ebenezer, with ser- vice in the cburch and interment in the cemetery. Officiating cler- gymen were Rev. L. M. Sumer- ville. his pastar, and Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher, Oshawa. Palîbearers were five grand- sans, Murray, George, Raymond, Ronald and Bob Muir and bis san Han-y Osborne. Many beautiful floral tokens were received fi-rn relatives and fniends, also Ebenezer Church, Ebenezer Sunday Schaol, Cor- poration of. the Town of Bow- manville, the Bowrnanville Fi-e Brigade, Bawmanville; the Lions Club, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, J. L. Hudson Ca., De- trait, and Was-kroam af J. L. Hud- son Ca. The funeral was largely attend- ed by local cîtizens and those present fsr a distance included bis son Han-y fram Detroit; Mr-. Gardon Pickell, Detroit; Dr. Nos-- man Faund, Dr. Otis Worden, Ms-. and Mrs. Elmes- Rundle and fam- ily, Misses Doris Courtice, Hazel and Helen Oke, Dr. Beverley Oke, Messrs. Roy and Bei-t Oke fi-rn Toronta.. ZMON (Intended for last wL.- New Year's visitai-s: Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Moore, Oshawa, at Keith Stainton's. Mr-. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron and Joyce at Stanley Coverly's, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sobil and family, Miss Eileen Stainton, Oshawa. at Paul Sobil's. Mi-. and Mrs. Wm. Dart, Sr., %r. and Mrs. R. Dart and Judy, Scarboro Jct.; Mi-. and Mrs. G. Chadwick, 'Eleanor and Gardon, Scarboro; Mi-. and Mrs. S. May- bury and sons, West Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart, Miss Don- na Henry Dart's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnott, Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor and family, Toronto; Mi-. and Mrs. Sam Gates, Loretta and Ro- bei-ta, Mi-. and Mrs. John Gates, Oshawa; Mi-. Paul Zeller, Ked- i-on; Mi-. and Mrs. August Geiss- berger and family, Harmony, at Hans Geissberger's. Mi-. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton, Miss Ruth Shaw, Oshawa, at Rus- sell Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jack, St. John's Newfoundland, at Alex McMastei-s' and Chai-les Naylors'. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and farnily. Mr-. and Mrs. Carl Wilber at Norman Leach's. Mi-. and Mrs. Aubrey Hircock, Oshawa, at Fred Cameron's. Mi-. and Mrs. Robert Killen, John and Marie, at Michael Ne- mis'. Mi-. and Mrs. Percy Davidson, George and Peggy. at Lea Mof- fat's, Oshawa. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil (nee Eileen Stainton) on their mariage on Saturday. They are honeymooning across the border, in the U.S.A. Mr. and Mi-s. Walter Rate, El- eanor and Arlene, Mount Albert, were visitors at Henry Dart's. Miss Grace Stainton spent New Year's Eve with Miss Beth Moore, Oshawa. Mr-. Charles Mitchell, Russel and Alan, Toronto, at Russell Per- kin's. Mi-. and Mrs. Wes. Cameron visited Mrs. Delbert Flintcff, Kedron. Miss May Naylor had the mis- fortune ta fracture a bone in her ai-m. Mi-. Robert Killen had the mis- fortune to faîl and spi-ain his shoulder. Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Herbert Cameron's, Tyrone. Mr-. and Mrs. Jack Camei-an and Jahnny, North Oshawa, at Wes Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Down, Eb- enezer, at Percy Davidson's. Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Cames-on at H. Raecraft's, Hampton. Mi-. and Mrs. Perey Davidson, THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRUTONE WHITE. The paint that a cleans itself. White to start with - and stays white. Ask your '. C-I-L Paint Dealer for T RUTONE White. CILUX Enamel. "One Coat Mlagic" "... for furniture and woodwork -." Excellent, too, for automobiles: 24 gay colours that retain theïr beauty - outdoors and in. DULUX Super White Enamel. For hathrooms, kitchens, etc. Briffiantly white ... will not Ilow or absorb grease. Cleans -ea china plate. Se. your C-l-L Paint Dealer There's a C-I-L Finish for cvery painting need. Whetber you're painting a bouse, a room or a chair, it pays to se your C-I-L Paint Dealer fi-at. YOU ARE INVITED TO SEE THE PLYMO0UTH ..with Oriflow Shac Absorbers new adaptation of the hydrau- ng: principle. Only a demonstration ride will show you how th. '52 Plymouth S-M-O-O-T-H-S out on>' rocad ... uvon the roughest road. o o e s Plymouth 6-cylinder brakes (an extra broke cylinder on ecadi front wheel) give maximum braking with a minimum of pedul pressure. The '52 Plymouth is af your decler's now! W. say if's the finest Plymouth *ver buit, and that goos for quality, for value, for engineering features, for everything about it. But we would sooner lot Plymouth speak for itself. Plan te see it soon, and try Ptymnouth's sensotional new Sofety.Flow Ride I AT Y@UR CHRYSLER-PLYM@UTH-FARO@ BIALERIS N@Wb Juil? in Conada b>' Clry&We Corporofion of Caoda. bimiftd PALMER 20 King St., E. MOTOR SALES Phone 481 aur~ &Âmomfr ORK CLOIHES for 15 The long ist includes sudi advancements as, e Eiectric Windshi.ld Wipers; Sof.ty-Rim Wheels; long, 118V? wheelbosej "big-car" interior racm, nstproofinga insulotion against road-noise and woother; ond many other "plus values." Luxurjous ,,ew fabrics, finishes and trim .. . fasteful new cao>ur-harnmies Ihat YOU'Il want to Seo. -iM14£ I mproved interior styling and ten, oye- delighting exterior colours for you ta -,4 dicos.frcm. Jusf furni theignition keyl The electric a automatic chioke provides 1h.e correct * fuel-air mixture for fest startkt ail kiads * of weath.r. a DO WMAN VILLE SURPLUS STORE Dowmanville George and Peggy. at Tom Ab- bott's, Oshawa. Zion Young People visited at Ebenezer on Monday evening and report a very pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sobil and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sobil and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sobil, Mr. Steve Sobil, Mr. Paul Sobil Jr., Miss May Sobil attend- ed the Sobil-Stainton wedding on Jan. 5 at Mr. Ross Lee's, Kedroiî. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspel and family, Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Scott and faxpily, Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts," Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and family, Mi-. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and f amily, Mrs. F. B. Glaspel were at Alex MeMaster's for New Year's. Need a Paperhanger, painter or any other type of service fi-m? See the Statesman Classified sec- tion. THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, igil The Stalosman Sold Ai FollowiuStores Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethanyr.' Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. T. Enwright's, Newcastle. ~ S. Brown, Newtonville. C. Pethick, Enniskillen. T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron, Hampton. -0Newton Taylor's, Burketon. H. T. Saywell, Blackstock, Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. - W. J. Bagneli, Jury & Loveil,' J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, 4 Elgie Harnden's Handy Store and The Statesman Office. #0woooothe gre.atest advance in lamp bulbs since 1925 4 1