PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTABTO THURSDAY. JANUARY_24, 1952 ClakeTownship Council Appoints MunicipalOfficiais for Year 1952 - In connection with the con-N. , struction of the Lake Shore road S.S.N o. 9, Clrke diversion in Clarke Township, the Municipality seems to have done M.Hre lkTed exceedingly well, when the com- M.Hre lkTed pleted accounts for this project Mr. Ernie Blake, Bowmanvilie, are considered. called on friends and former Initially the total estimate in school friends in the district last 1948 amounted to $18,573.00. This Saturday. "project bas now been completed Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner at a total cost of $15,000 of which and Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. the Board of Transport Commis- Glenney and family with Mr. andi sioners for Canada will pay $6,000,Mrs. Stan Allun and family, 4th the C.N. and C.P. railways $1,500 Line, on Sunday. each, the Dept. of Highways' of Master Gerald Gibson spent the Ontario an estimated $3,000 and weekend with bis cousin, Ma- the remainder to be borne by the lene Laking. Newcastle. Township» of Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. John Fisk and To improve the sight in distance Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barchard and at Wade's Railway crossing, $400 Lois were guests of Mr. and had been spent during 1951 of Mrs- Chris. Barchard, Sharon and which the Board of Transport Ronnie, Newcastle, on Sunday. COmmîssioners of Canada will pay Sorry to hear Mr. Dave Mc- >$160, C.P.R. $120 and Dept. of Reelis had an accident while Highways and municipality toi putting the door on Mr. K. Os- share in the remainder. borne's barn and spent two days Council will advertise for ten-1 in hospital. He is now at home ders for a new half -ton truck. and recovering nicely. Dr. A. F. McKenzie xvas ap- ýPointed indigent medical officer and H. E. Milison school attend- E EY IL once officer for 1952. Reeve J. H. Lowery was ap- TeAnl hrdk n pointed to attend regular meet- ,LTeArnodghtred fmilemtond Ings of Durham County eeain'e uhrdfmlsmord of Agriculture. Fdrto to Fenelon Falls to visit Mr. and In conformity with the live Mrs. Grenville Flett, Sunday, "stock and dog protection Act. Jan. 13. Council appainted Clarence J. Al- The Woman's Association meet- lin as live stock valuer. By-law ing was held at the home of Mrs. 'was passed appointing M. H. R. Best on Wednesday afternoon, Stpeasmncpladtr Jan. 10. Mrs. Vera Anderson, in Sthpesfs muicgipersons wre p charge of ber group's program, piTed PlouindKpersowr 1952 called the meeting to order. Miss Clinton Brown, R. Payne, Ross Bernice Best gave a very interest- Hallowell, Warren Carson, E. ing talk about ber trip to Florida -Red, in.CurisJas Luonrecently. She sbowed very good Reid, Wthm Pcu rJa.Lux on, pîctures of the places sbe visited. dao. Cartia,Percemuaen o- The officers for the New Year donh artien, NomangAdrewHwere chosen: Pres.-Mrs. E. Cas. lenn Ry, Cohan, MH. onBarrowclough; Vice-Pres.-Miss Sotale,. Joy C oan,SHarldnB. Best; Treas.-Mrs. A.' Austin; Mofatse,W. J.Millero, arncd Se'y-Treas.-Mrs. Bill Asbby. Ransey, Wm. Mell,Lareence Mrs. P. Snell is in charge of the THey, Leorn BeEGrepoe missionary services and Mrs. Thýee Vperso 192:ereapited Lott on "Save the Children ý,jone Viewrs or1952nAthureyFund" committee. Mrs. Snell "Rabiswe rl.DaStne will be convener of the Flower Z Rowe.Committee for the Church and g W. A. ,j The drug bill for the National Most of the Sunday School of- * Health Service in the United ficers were returned ta their e Kingdom for this year will be posts at the annual congregatianl- S$132,000,000. A real national al meeting. ~headache. Miss Gerrie Rawden, -Port 4 4 a. j, '4 Q i '4 '4 g Q Q g p I g g, te Q '1~ '0 '4 t 'p t- et '4 4 i.,, * Ou Part Hope Represenlative for . .0 SINGER SEWING MACHINE cou will he in Bowmanville Tuaes. and Wed. each week It is our desire to give our customers even better service than ever before, for service, repairs or en- quiries about new machines, call our Port Hope store and reverse the charges. SINGER SEWING CENTRE 47 Waltoti St. PORT HOPE Phone 3066 @ EE HOW MUCH CLEANER TOUR PRETT DRESSES WILL BE WHEN YOU SWITCH TO OUR AMAZINO SANITONE DRY CLEANINO SERVICE! Give your dresses that bright, new laok that only Sanitone Dry Cleaning mekes possible. Away goes ail ingrained grime that's been hiding those beautiful colors and patteras. Originel texture is restored. The perfect press lests longer. You'1l neyer know how much cleaner dresses can he until youve tried Sanitone! (« ûJ3 ;SPOTS OUTZ - ALL DIRT GONE- -PERSPIRATION ' VANISHES ' .NO CLEANING -ODORS -2 ý g 1 f 1 Local Agent:.- HOOPER'S LADIES', WEAR PHONE: OSHAWA ZEINITH 13000 Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, Ruth and Ralph. visited et Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sander- cock and Larry, Orono, vsited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Maybew and son, Skippy, Little Britain,i with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wrighb. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Pethick,I Gail and ber 11111e friend, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Petbick. Mrs. Verna Wood with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Peîbick. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McCune and deugbber, Cheryl, Varcoe's Roed, et Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asbton's. Miss Joyce Allin, Mr. E. Heck- ett, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Fawns, Udore. were Sundey visitors et Mr. and Mrs. McNairs'. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fallis and Linda, Cedmus; Mr. and Mrs. David Gray and Carol, New- castle; Miss Ruth Adams and Mr. Steve Shred, Bowmanville, visit- ed Mrs. J. Adams on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Gardon Williams, Linda and Sharon, Tottenam, weme Sundey visitors et Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin's. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and Heether with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Collecutt. Tyrone. The W.M.S. met et the home of Mrs. M. J. Hobbs on Jan. 15 with Mrs. E. Trewin presiding. Mrs. A. BrunI bed charge of the wor- sbip service. Mrs. H. Stevens gave the Bible reading and Mrs. R. McGill a reading. Annuel re- ports from the treesurer and variaus secreteries showed e ycar of bonest endeavor and worth- while achievement. Mrs. J. Slc- mon toah charge of the program. Mrs. L. Ashton and Mrs. R. Or- miston sang "He Ceres For Me." Mrs. R. Seymour deait with t1e study book. The graup in charge served a deinty lunch. Very sory ta repart Miss Nancy Wood had the misfortune of bey- ing ber coller banc broken wheil skating witb some fricnds et Bhackstock. We wish Nancy a speedy rccovery. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Wayne and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. George Lee, Mr. end Mrs. Ber- win Adams and Wayne, Mr. Harry Ferguson, Oshawa; Mrs. Jack Adams, Brice and Blein, Bow- manvihle; Mrs. Harry Stinson, Mr. Norman Stinson and Marioni, Enfieid; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fer- guson, Maple Grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leedbeatcr and Georgie with relatives in Toron- to. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and family with Mr. and Mrs. A. Tel- fers, Toronto, and visited Mrs. C. B. Wegg et Westerni Hospital, Toronto. Reguler C.G.I.T. meeting \ves beid et bbe home of Reva McG iii with Vice-Pres. Mary Griffin in charge. The Worsbip service consisted af reeding "Why I Woship," by Eleenor Heard, elso hymn and Lord's Prayer by everyonc. Mrs. O. C. Ashton conducted the election af officers for 1952 with the following eiect- cd: Pres.-Mar 'v Griffin Vice- Pres-Ruth Lamb: Treas-Gloria Wright; Scc'y--Shirley Ellis; Pianist-Elcanor Heard: Auditors -Mesdames Seymour and Hohbs. Duing business period motions were made ta donele $5.50 ta Mis- sions and $5.50 to aur local church. Plans were made for Youtb Sunday an Feb. 10. Shir- ley Milîs read Chap. 1 of aur Mis- sion Sbudy Book, "The Splendor Dawns." Eheenor Heard direct- ed the recreation. Mrs. O. C. Asbton conducted the womk period. A deliciaus lunch was served by tbe bostess and ber mother. Meeting clo.9ed with Taps. NexI meeting et the home af Shirley Milîs. In Canada and the United States are probablY one million persans whase hearts have heen damaged as a resuit af rheumatic lever. Principals in Recent Ceremony Hope. spent the weekend with Ruth Payne. Miss Muriel Austin visited with Miss Doreen Milîson, Newtonville over the weekend. Mr. Sid Lockhart was at C. Payne's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne vis- ited at Myrtie with Mr. and Mr. Duff. BROWN'S We hope the sick in our com- mnunity are on the road 'to good health once again. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Herring, Oshawa, spent Sunday at the Averys. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson and family attended the silver wed- ding of Mr. and Mrs. Caswell, Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Honey vis- ited in Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Far- row, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Aver.y, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Emblev, Mr. Thos. Wilson and Mr. Norman Eddy joined with the folks from Newtonville, Lake Shore and Shaw's in a surprise charivari for Bob and Arlene Stephenson on Wednesday evening last. Dur- ing the evening Mr. Alex Martin presented the newlyweds with an occasional chair. Lunch wvas served. Everyone feit when they left that Bob and Arlene would long remember the noise that awakened them at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Les Aldread and family, Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson on Satur- çIay. Our school cbildren have en- joyed a patch of ice for skating on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Kal- ababa. Through aur news col- umn we would like ta thank Mr. and Mrs. Kalababa for their kindness. Mrs. Thos. Wilson, Mrs. Gea. Stephenson, Wyllene and Lynn attended tbe Figure Skating Championships of Canada in Osh- awa on Friday evening. We extend deepest sympathv ta Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy and family in the loss of Mr. Eddy's brother, last week. ENNISKILLEN Editor's Note:- A subseriber once said '"It's as mnuch as your life is worth ta write a letter la the editor lest be take the libertyý of publishing it in bis peper." Wel], that is just what we are doing with an unusually interest- ing letter xve received from Kay O'Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Neill, Bowmenville, who, as many of you know, is on the C.B.C. radio staff et Winnipeg. Kay spent two summers on The) Statesman editorial staff while attending Queen's University .and we stili look upon ber as "one of us." After reading ber letter, telling of ber experiences on the Royal Tour and other tbrilling activities, we felt the larger fem- ily of Statesmen reeders should bave the privilege of enjoying her, as well as the here's ber letter.-G.W.J.- 18B Locarno, 1 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg. Deer Mr. James: Thank you sa much for the twa copies of The Statesman - I've enjoyed reeding both of them so much - and catching up onl the home town news. 1 rmust also thank you for picking up the Reiappr.B h astories from the Saskatoon and like your new colurnnists - Elsie Lunney and Ed. Yaungman - very much. SAs you niav have gathered. I'x-e Idonc quite aMot of travelling this ifaîl, the bighlight of course being the Royal Tour. I was in the Press Gallery in the Legisiative Buildings and the Gondola et the stadium in Reginà and in the vestry af the church at Saska- taon. In Saskatoon, 1 was sufferîng from a broken toc which proved ta bc a blessing in disguise be- cause I was the only radio com- mentator ellotted e spot on terra firme - the other two were perched up on roofs and il was e cold day - also il started ta rein . . . ail this while I sat in the vestry, sheltered from the elements and getting a very fine view of Their Royal Higbnesses through a rubbed spot in the frosted glass windows and then tbrough a crack in the vestry door. On my second trip ta Saskatoon I made a side-trip ta Lanigan (I think it mentions that in the Star-Phoenix) with the Assoc- iated Canadien Travellers station wagon. The A.C.T. puts on ama- teur shows throughiout Manitoba and Saskatchewan ini aid af T.B. prevention. The contestants' ef- forts are broadeast over a local radio station, in Ibis case CFQC, and then listeners telephone in: 'l'h give $5.00 if so and s0 will, sing egin' and sa on. The re- quest repeats xvent on until one in the morning and they told me that often tbey go on langer than that - sometimeis until three or four a.m. In Ibis case the prim- ary room chorus from the Lan- igan School (28 six-year-alds) fin- ishcd the performance et one o'clock by singing "Sleepy Time Express" between smaI h e r e d yawns . . . after thet there was e reception with more fodd then I Help keep the whole family in the best of health this winter by building resistance to colds and other ills. .Many well recommended produets supplying needed vitamins are listed here. Vitamins .Scott's Emulsion - --- 33 10-D Cod Liver Oiu ------Sl.00 Plenamins ---------- $1.85-$5.75 OIeum Percomorphum ----- 95c-$3.99 Infantol ----------- $1.00-$3.25 Aiphamettes ---$1.00 ta $15.00 Nea-Chemical Food: Fluid ---- ------$1.55 ta $5.90 Capsules --- - $1.65 ta $6.6o Extract Cod Liver - ------- 1.25 Malt and Cod Liver Oit $1.75 CoId Remedies Cold Caps. - ----- 40c-75e Bronchial Syrup - ----- 60c-$1.25 Thermogene -------- 59c-$1.19 Nose Drops ------------ 35c-60c Melo Rex ------- 50c-85c Anlihisfamines Dr. Chase's --- - ------59e H s a Rex -------------- 0 Pyrithin Comp. - -- -65c Resistabs --------50c-$1.25 Kriptin - -------- - 39e Anohist -- --------- - $1.25 ONLY TONI HAS PERMAFIX! ;Toni's new wondor neutralizer gives you a softer, more natural wave that Iasts longer, fur longer. TONI1 HOME PERMANENT REFILL $1.50 JURY & LOVELL When %V Test Eyes it is Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE P HONE 778 BOWMANVILLE ever saw outside of Bowmanville ..and after that, we drave back ta Saskatoon, 90 miles over slip- pery roads. The ather car went into the ditch once, but no harm, was done. tIn Regina, the stories I enjoyed' doing most were at the Mountedi Police Barracks . . . the Crime Lab anjd the police dog. The labs 1 only did the less gruesome parts of - *chiefly because nobody wants ta hlisten ta gary tales at 9:45 a.m., but also because the inspectar who showed me around seemed ta feel it wasn't "1fititen", for a girl ta see those sections. I discavered later that some of the male members of OBO inter- national service tur-ned a dlicate pea-green wben given the full treatment - sa, I was prabably lucky. The Mounted Police dog - who was ariginally a stray dog living out af garbage cens in Montreal and bas acbieved success without a pedigree - quite charmed me by putting bis beed an my lap and letting me scratch bis ears.1 If embarrassed the dog-master: more than somewhat though be- cause lie was supposed ta be tell- ing me that police dags don't like strangers. 1 stopped petting hlm when the man said hie would prefer me flot ta make friends Iwith bim, and the dog promptly Ilay down with bis nase on my tae . .. however ta do the animal justice, be's apparently extremely suspiciaus of enyone who's afraid of bimi whicb of course any crim- mnal he was tracking would be. In order ta do the Mounted Police stories, I was apparently investigated . . . for the second time this faîl. Everybody getting a press or radio badge for the Royal Tour wes also investigated. In this case, a mounted policeman called the CBC and said: "Have you someone named Kay O'Neill working for yau." My colleague on. the CBC end of the line re- plied: "Yes, what's she done now?" and ahi I can say is that I'mi lucky jI didn't end up behind bars efter that. I've been doing quite a bit of public speaking lately flot because I like it or am particularly good et il, but because the CBC con- siders il gôod public relations ta accept when asked . .. sa fer I've been talking mainly about the Royal Tour, but thet's getting a bit aid naw. I bave ta speak not once but twice at the Cattle Pro- ducers' convention in Brandon this montb, and I'm. afraid they really wanted someane from the farmi department and got me by mistake. My first publie speaking en- gagement (this is quite a while naw and I may bave mentioned this bef are) was ta, the people at the community centre for the deaf . . . the only other persan there wbo could bear was the interpreter wba was busily trans- lating wbat 1 said int sign lang- uage. I was very sorry ta read af the death of your friend, Mr. Vernon Knawles. I remember meeting himi et The Stetesman office once. Tbere's been quite of baIl of news- papermen during the last couple of montbs. Did you know Ernie Burritt at ail? He was a very fine man. Thank you again for the two copies of The Statesman wbich 1 enjoyed reading very mucb. Al the best for 1952 ta you, ta The Statesman staff, and please give my best wisbes ta Mrs. James. Yours sincerely, Kay O'Neill. NESTLETON Nesîlelon W. A. and W.M.S. met aI the home af Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Jan. 17, with 24 ladies, Rev. Mr. Hutton and some child- ren present. Devotional was giv- en by Mrs. N. C. Malow. Mms. Lawrence Malcolm sang a solo and there were severel good readings given. Mrs. Alan Wilson put on a contest whicb was won by Mrs. Bruçe Heaslip. Plans were made ta make a quilt and same articles for e bazear, elsn ta put on a play. We were pleas- ed ta bave four of aur new Can- adien ladies with us. Mrs. N. C. Malow invited us ta ber home ta meke ouI the new pmogrems. A deinty lunch was served. Mrs. Emerson and ahi were given e vote af thenks for enoîber splen- did meeting. Mrs. Alan Wilson very kindhy invited us ta ber home for next meeting on Feb. 21. Nestlelon S. S. of the United Church danated a picture "The Good Shepherd, and Mrs. Ralph Sedler donated the frame. This picture will be dediceîed ta the cburcb next Sunday eflernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton, Pontypool Misses Venite and Dor- een Chepmen, Mr. Warren Chall- ice, Mr. end Mrs. Lewis Weebher- up, Milibrook, visited Mm. an~d Mrs. George JTobns. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mairs on tbe arrivai af e young son in Oshawa Hospital.« Sympathy is extended ta Mr. K. Burton in the passing af Mrs. Burton, also ta Mrs. Wilford Jack- son in the pessing af ber sister, Mrs. Burton. Mr. and Mrs. Frenk Emerson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mms. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Melcolin. Bowmanvilhe, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Mrs. Joe Metealfe. Brockville, visited ber brother, Mr. K. Bur- ton. Miss Irene Emerson entertain- ed the Supper Club girls on Fni- day nîght. Miss Mary Haayer is the leader. Glad ta bear Mrs. John Watson is isnproving afber baving pneu- monie. Mr. John Byers. Toronto, visit- ed bis aunt, Mrs. Jas. Williamson. Miss Gladys Emerson, nurse-in- training, Oshawa, spent Sunday wibh ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emersan. Mr and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm. Yelverton. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Middlp- ton, Saskatoon. visited their cous- ins, Mr. and Mis. Herman Wil-î OBITUÀRY N THEO M4ARK SLEMON 1 A permanent resident of Dar-0 lîngton Township and well knawn( throughout Durham County pass-1 ed away suddenly at bis home et Enniskillen on Jan. 8 in the persan of Thea Mark Sleman.r He bad been in poor bealth for1 several years and was in bis 68thi year. He wes born at Haydon, April 12. 1884, son of the laIe John and Pemela Slemon. A lifelong resi- dent of that district be bad farm- ed for 10 years ai: Haydon and for 32 years was a successful gen- eral merchan.t and posbmasber et Enniskillen. The business basi been carried on for several years1 by bis only son, John. He was1 an ardent soccer fan and as long as bealth permibted be could be caunbed on et the league games.j A member of Enniskillen Unit-; ed Churcb, the deceased was e member of the Officiai Board and1 had served as treasurer of the Sunday School for some 25 years. Mr. Siemon wes also a member Jerusalem Lodge; A.F. & A.M. et Bowmanville. Besides bis wife, Etta May San- ders, ta whom he was married aI Tyrone on Marcb 24, 1909, Mr. Slemon is survived by a son, Jebn Howard Slemon. Also surviving are twa brath- ers, Dr. C. W. Slemon, Bowman- ville, and Herbert J. Slemon, - ronta, and two grandchilds3L Kathryn and Robert Slemon,,w The funeral service was beld on Jan. 10 from the' Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, fahlowed by interment in Bowmanville Cemetery. The services were conducted by Rev. R. M. Sey. mour of Enniskillen, essisted by Rev. S. R. Henderson of Bow- manville. The Masonic service was held at the Chapel Wednes- day evening, bath services beîng largely attended. The pallbearers were three ne- phews, Dr. Harold Siemon of To- ronto; Boyd Siemon of Niagar Falls and Dr. Keith SIemon Bowmanville and three Mason!c. members, M. Hobbs and R. Me- Laughlin of Enniskillen and Hos- kin Smith of Hampton. The many floral tributes bore mute evîdence ta the bigh esbeem in which the deceased was beld, and included bributes, from En- niskillen Sunday Scbool and Church, Bible Class and W.A., Sunday School Class, Service Club, Enniskillen Athletic Club, Jerusalem Masonic - Lodge, Staff of National Grocers. Oshawa; Darlington Football League and Durham Bowling League. Relatives and friends were present from Trenton, Niagara Falls, Toronto and Oshawa, as well as many from the immediate vicinity Gel Our Low Prices On. AIR CONDITIONING O FURNACE WORK. GRAVITY COAL FIRED OR 011. BURNER Have an air conditioning unit attached to your present furnace and enjoy an abundance of clean, fresh, humidified circulating hot air. WE MAKE ALL FITTINGS TO SUIT YOUA JOB Sheei Melal Workers & Roofers for 45 years - PHONE 3412 or 691 DAVIS & COMPANY 2 MILL LANE BOWMANVILLE fus own branck... H-IE'S GO T a lot behind him... and a lot stili ahead, now he becomes manager of bis fh-st branch. Years of work and study and growing responsibility have prepared him. H1e saw a lot of Canada as he moved to different branches. 11e got to know the people i farming, suburban and industrial cominunities, and how ILhey use the bank. Now he takes over from the man who moves up . .. and the road to the top is open for both of them. Cail upon the manager of your chartered bank. You will find him experienoed, understanding, eager to serve youL. One of a series by your bank ff 7cý,ti PAGIC ElolîT TRURSDAY. JANUARY 24,1952 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO MR. AND MRS. ELMER HAROLD HARRIS whose marriage was solemnized recently at the United Church, Orono, Ontario. Formerly Miss Joan Marie Harness the bride, who is a member of the teaching staff of Centre St. School, Oshawa, is daughter of Mr. Dewitt S. Harness, Orono, and the laIe Mrs. Harness, and the bridegroom is the sdn of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Harris, of Harwood, Ontario. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette Life of a CDC Commentalor Diversified - Fascinating - Thrilling As Relaled in a Letterby Kay O'Neill