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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1952, p. 9

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T"IMSDA'y. JANUARY 11, 1952 THE CNAT3A~ ~AT~SL&?f ~flifiA17TT.? 2 <N?'1' NM.f î ecord Crowd oi Nearly 1,400 ammed the Arena Saturday Righi To See Barons Win from Port Hope Bill Gearing did everything but stand on his noggin in Bowmaai ville nets for two and one-half periods of hot hockey stimulated by a record 1,379 (paid> howling hockey fans at Memorial Arena, Sauday evening. The Barons skated f0 a 521 dc- tory over the red horde 'fron &,ýjPort Hope t10 daim a four-pointer ~nd end up in a soljd second -«place in the Lakeshore Inter- mnediate Hockey .League. LInd- s&Y currenly holds first place IN FULL Colour Whatever the subject. s whaleVer the scene . catch il and keep it in glawing, true-to-hife Cohour Transparencies 35 mm Baldinette, f 2.9, spccds up to 1/300, Only -. S. 65.00 Kodak Pony 135, Flash Sync. $ - 44.25 Movie Brownie 8mm. 16 frarnes, sec. 558.125 Cine Royal Magazine, f/1.9 Ektar hens ------ 237.50 Reflex Duaflex ___ Brownie 127 - Hawkeye Flash .. $18.00 $15.00 $8.90 Proj eciors Kodak Merit $~ 36.50 Port-a-vlew --- --- 70.00 Skan with casean screen, only --------- $69.95 Accessories Light Meters, Cases, Chemicals, Faper, Flash Guns, Films, Bulbs, Filters, Etc. Visit Our CAMERA DEPARTMENT To-day! King St. E. P hone 778 t and are due ta mccl the Baron! - bore Saturday. f 1 Bowmanville Is Outshot rd Bill Gearing had 53 shots fired 19 at his cage. He blocked 50. Pori aHope's Ashton anly had 19 shots cta handie. five were good ones. M Con trary to pop'ular belief anc win defiance of the mild, sloppy dfooting outdoors, the ice was in -good shape-for about 10 min- -utes in the first period. Then the ýpuck began bouncing about like *a nabbit in carrot time. 16 Dean West took advantage ai sound ice early in the game by rapping home Bowmanvillc's first counter--on a behind-the-nei pass from wingmate Don Mer- cer-at the 48 second mark. By 8:30 p.m. the seats surrounct- ing the ice aval were filled and b >Y the end off the second frame fans were climbing up the walls in an effort ta see the play. First Stanza Tic-Up The f irst peniod was a nip-and- tuck affair with Port Hope carry- ing the play most af the wa.y. Campbell scored at 4:13 ta even up West's first minute marker, *and he repeated at 4:45 unassist- cd. Bobby Bird lied the tally at the 6:12 mark on a picture pass- ing play from Maxie Yourth and Larry Chant that started at the Port Hope blue line and ended up a short shot int the cage by a stationary Bird. The score was lied 2-2 at end off the first pcriod. Don Giihoaley shovcd the local lads ahead at the one minute mark in the second stanza whciî he pcnformed anc af bis iamed solo dashes to outwit the Redmen goalie and slde the Barons' tlhîrd counter mbt the net. Along about this lime a high-1 ilying puck landed on a woman's' flose just below ber glasses, and she was taken out and rcpaircd by Barons' Manager Bob Watt. The injuny wasn'I seriaus and the fan rctunned ta ber seat and backed her tcam the balance of the game. Port Hope turncd on the heat in thc second pcriod and pucks flew aI Bill Gcaring from ah di- rections. He played hcady hockey between the pipes and the local twinc-mindcr can be creditcd with saving the day for Bowmanville. Anyone could tell which end was rcceiving the most play ait this point by looking at the amount of blue line sprcad around the ice. Scores Second Goal Dean West collcctcd his second goal of the game at 2:28 in the third pcriod and shoved the local aggrcgation ouI in front 4-2. but Douglas caught the upper lef t corner of the net for Port Hope bo bring the tally ta 4-3. Bihl ýGearing didn'I have a chance on the Redman's shot: bis vicxv was obsîructed by a melcc of play- crs. Buck Cowle. playing his second gamne since receiving a shoulderi MANAGERESS POSITION AVAILABLE AT ONCE Excellent salary and working conditions for aggressive person. Ail applications for interviews must be in writing and sent to our head office. Glory Ann Shoppes 1855 EGLINTON STREET, WEST TORONTO. ONT. This Saturday NORMAN HARRIS and his infernafionally famous band which rc-ently completed nine vears at the King Edvard Hotel anid the Normandie Roof at The Mouint Roal Hntel, Montreal. Featuring the Romantic Song Stylisi GREGORY CURTIS Dancing 9 - 12 p.m. Hegular Prices COMJNG.. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 91h' ELLIS McCLINfTOCIK Canada's outstanding trumipet virtuoso an bis great band. r I ninjury a month ago, was bandeé a ten minute major by Referci eCaîhoun early in the period. He e apparently camplained ta the rel on the final -Port Hope goal wbich rwas sconed wbile Barons' A] Stnike was lying on the ice ii- t jurcd. Stnike ncceivcd a hockcv tstick slash across the nase. 1Douglas' tally ended the scor- îng for the visitons but the play devcloped threatening when Part 1Hope put on the pressure after Gearing gave way ta George Heath. Thev failed ta score, how- ever. due ta superb defensive play on the part of the Barons. Don Gilbooley scored the fifth Bowmanville tall '\ at the 6:57 mark on a pasýz from Maxe Yourtb and Bob Bird. TI-e goal came irom a scramble in front of the Port Hope net. ThriIl-A-Second The record crowd at the Arenla Saturday almost naised the rouf wîth their hollering when hum'- bncw talent made sporadic rush- es at bbc encmy net. The lasI 10 minutes offcred a tbrill-a-sccond ta fans, many of whom came fnom Port Hope to the game. Even the referees felt the cx- citing effect off the roars that swclicd over the ice. At the 16:0-1 mark, Dean West came flying across irom centre ta check a Port Hoper high on the pads and bowled him oveî-. The referce er- roneouslv called a penalty on Perfect for the tripping act. Port Hope picked up two penalties in the hast 10 minutes of the game. Neither side addcd to their score, although the crowd was on its feet most off tbe lime, Port Hope are now rclegatcd ta third position irn the league and the Lindsay-Bowmanville clash at the Arena, Satunday cvening, will decide which teamn will top the icague. Another capacity crowd is expected at thîs all-im- portant game. RECREATION CALENDAR Bowmanville Recreation Commission Telephone 982 - Thursday - 2:00--Afternoon Leather Class Lions Centre Furtber registrations ac- cepted, 2:00-Family Skating Club Meeting (Executive) Lions Centre. 7:30-Ladies' Dressmnaking ctass Lions Centme 7:00-Adult Swimming Ciass B.T.S. Pool Furîher Registrations ac- cepted. - Friday - Bovmanville Juvenîles play second gaines witb Cobuurg in Cobourg off the, semi-final round. Cal Jack McNulty re dcpart- tire linie. 7:30-Adult Ait Class Central Public School 7:30 --Pbotograpby Class Ernie Rchder's, à Beech Ave. -Saturday - 7:0 - RecreatîonoBroadcast Station CKLB. 8.30- Initermediate Hockey~ Lindsay vs. Bnwmanvill Barons. *- Sunday -9 * 3:00-- Familv Skating. Mcmr-1 *bers only. Arena. (We *hope).1 1 - Tuesday - 4:00-Jr. Stamp Club Lions Centre - 7:30-Smocking Class Lions Centre Registrations closed. * - lVednesday 3:00-Dancing C]ass. Lion.,;Centre 800--WoodworkingCls Central Public SchooL jThe Want Ads help you dis- Pose off un-needed be]ongings, and roun d p for you profitable xworkeri Telephone 663 for an ad rt YOUR EYES and: Vision Ex esight: Education and L1ffiency> by C. H. Tuck Specialist, Dîsne 'N Bldg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa - Phone 5-6143 NO. 174 Seeing wxorse in light max- seemi a peculiar sv rnptom. yv1et it is pos - sible and is. at times conneecd with an over-indulgence in al- cobol or tobacco. It may aiso be duc Io a degeneratîve nerve con-1 dition ieading to atroph 'v of the optic nerx e. The strong light in the above cases aggravates thle- alreadY damaged or weakcned retina or optic nerve ieesn the condition of exhaustion. lm mediate attention is necessarv in any off tnuze svmptomnî'if %we are ta know the 'seràoî.±sneàss aithe case. jM BAHS. "Screech Owl", I (Catharine Campbell, Editor) Last Tuesday night. the stud- ents of Fifth Form attcndcd th,, Production ai Pygmallon at, Hart House Theatre. On Monday. the student body' was addresd by representatives from each of the armed forces. Tbey strcsscd the fact that the armcd forces need xvell educated men and women. and urged us ta obtain as much education as pos- DEBATES Tbree debates have taken place. each anc drawing a Iargc attendance. The first debate. resohx'ed -thal the weekend should not be used for homework"' was naturally won by lA, the affirmative, i rom IB. Nancy Mitchell and Marie Ferguson debated for IA while Michael Varcoe and Ailan Porter debatcd for lB. The second debate, nesolved "that ib would benefit Canada ta procccd with the St. Lawrence Watcrway project" was won by IV, Colleen Hutchinson and Gloria Robson dcbating against Marlyn Miller and Bernice Stock- er fromn V. The third debate, resolved "thal iorm programs shauld be abolishcd was won by the nega- tive sidc. Mcmriii Brown and Shirley Stevens from III. They dcbated against Nancy Coutts and Fac Reynolds fromn Junior Coim- GIRLS' BASKETBALL The baskctball season opcned on January 22 for the girls. with exhibitian games against O.C.C.I. in Oshawa. The Oshawa team came out on top with a score of 17-13 in the first game whihc the Bowman- ville girls walkcd away with the second game with a score ai 29-11. Bawmanvilie hine-ups: First game-A. Husak 3, G. Snowden 4, C. Clarke 2, A. Hast 2, M. Coop- er 2. L. McFarland: Guards: M. Allin. C. Hutchinson. B. Frank, C. Dilling. E. Leighton, C. Camp- bell. Second gamc-D. Hockin 5 D. Kilpatrick 11, L. Osborne 10, M. Husak 1, V. StuIt. T. Finney 2I: Guards: C. Tuerk. B. Goddard, M. Leask, B. Craig, C. Gibner, H. BOYS' BASKETBALL Ban tams At bbc local High Scbool on Tbursday nighî the Bowmanvilie Bantams dcfeated te Cobourgj Bantams by a one-sidcd score ai 31-3. L. Coverly and T. Colwell led Bowmanvilie with Il and 10' points rcspcctivel-v. Bowmarîvilc hlinup-Hooper 3, Poole 2, Coverly I1. Marklc 1, Ritter. Richards, Cramp 2, Col- Wveil 10. Woodlock, Kelcy. Cobour'g lincup---Mallomy, Ry - an. Taylor. Alian 1. Cowling 2. Sommerville. Fec, Maybec, Mc- Mann, Baker. In a fast well-played basket- bail game iast Thursday night, the Bowmanvillc Juniors defeat- ed the Cobourg Juniors by a score of 26-15. Stace *v and Murdoch were top point-getters for Bovvmanville, VICARA Y ARBN A three-pl '- Guelph blend wool, vicara and nylon. Feels like wool - wears like nylon. Attractive shades Good yardage 42c oz. Valenlines Be sure to sec our assorîment while the range is complete. J. W. JEWELL "BIG 4"20" 27 Ring St%V., Bowimanville PHON'E 556 netting 9 and 6 points respective- hy. For Cobourg, Rawl'ings was top point-getter witb 4 points while Jcifrev with 3 was runner-up. Bawmanville lineup-Murdoch 6. Richards 2, Stacey 9, Joncss, Cameron 5, Marierrison, Vine -1, Abrams, Pannas. Cobourg iineup-Oulaken, Rawv- lings 4, Rasgnauiî 2, Mannirng. Young, Jcffery 3, Relantry *2, Wellman, Stuart 2. Take, Pearce 2. Bantam Players Up Bright and Early Near zero xeather did not stop) the local Bantam hockey teams from surging out ai bcd last Tues- day morning la be at the Amena in time ta play hockey at 7:30 a.mi. Kalvin Joncs' tcam and Cliii Ahdread's squad bibtbe ice for the first tilt and for the first lime in the schedule, Cliff Ahdread's team shaded Joncs' team 1-0 on a goal by Aldrcad in the carlv part of tbc game where the score staYed until the final whistle giving Aidread's tcam their first Win ai the scason. Crosscy and Aldrcad spent lime in the box for tnipping and inter- ference. In the second garne, CapI. Barry Cowlmng urged his team on from the goal crease and with a power-packed squad sparkcd hvi "Mort" Richards, swamped Bob Carruthers' lcam 4-1 on goals byi Clarke (R ic ha r ds), Bickhe (Clarke), Fowlcr (u.a.) and Rich- ards (u.a.) The hone score for the lasers was rung up by Fergusonj from Carnuthers in the carhy part off the second peiod when a scramble in front -of the net gave Cowling littie or no chance la sec bbc puck. Tl;o penalties werc banded ouI by referce Dan Stutt ta Carruthers for intcrfcî-ence and ta Purdy for tnipping. . League standing: Tcam Captain Points 2 Cowling ...~10 1 Jones.......4 à U.arrutliers 3 4 Aldread 3 Queens Get Jackets Booster Draw Held At Arena on Saturdlay Just before game limie at flie, Memorial Arena. Safîîrdav ex-en- ing. John M. James, M.P. for Dur- haro, prcscnted green windbreak - crs ta members off the Pepsi-Colaj Queens softbaîll eani. In commcnting on the Ieam s accomplishments. Mr. James tld a seli-ouI crowd off the Queens-, accomplishments bibte sofîbail wonid. TbeY won the Lakeside Ladies' Softbaîl League Charn-I pionship, but werc dcfcated iin their attcmpt at an Ontario Championship. The girls were coacbed bv Lamne Haines, assisted byv Dutcn Halîman. Fred Griffin acted as scorer during the Year for the team sponsored by Bill Smith of the Pepsi-Cola Company. Aiso r) the Iineup off team managers was John Stacey. Members off the team are: Rîîîb Brock, Pcggy Goulali, Betty Brock. Doroth 'v Hockin. Hele'î Tei-ry, Jean Pci'fect, Ruth Bragg. Hilda Brack. Emma Bragg, Carol Caswejh. Lorna Sîîdds. Dorotbv Kilpatrick, Doris Larmner. Lorne The Super-Efficient OILO - MAGIC Oil Heating NIAKES YOUR PRESENT UEATING EQUIPMEFNT TIVICE AS GOOD Saves You M'oney on Your Fuel Costs Phone or Consult JACK BROUGH PLUMBING - HIEATING Division St. S., Bowmanviile New Phone - Office 615 House Phone 2384 Hayncs, Bill Smith, Russell Hall- man, John Staccy, Fred Gniffin. Booster Club Draw The popular local M.P. rcturn- cd ta the ice between the second and third periods ta draw lucky tickets in the Barons' Booster Chub Draw. Ironically, the first pnîze <a radia) winner was Mcl Wight, manager af the Memorial Arena. Second prize (season ticket> wcnt to Mrs. Isobel Reynolds of Hamp- ton, and third pnize (season tick- et) was wvon by D. R. Morrison, Bowmanvi hie. Midgets Def eat Cobourg Tuesday Bowînainville*s Midgets took theii' lifth straight victory on Memoviai Ai'ena icc, Tuesday cv- ening, when they defcated Cob- ourg 5-4 in the first game off a round-robin series. Big guns for Bowmanville were Brooks, with two goals and Masters, Vanstone and Werry with one each. Bowmanville Juveniles have flot cnjoyed a particulariy good season. Popular belief is that Ihey are piaying above their heads in the wrong league. Coach Jack IMeNulty asserts a desire ta form a separate league in which Whitby, Bowmanvijle and per- haps Port Hope could participate. Then, taa, the Juveniles last several valuable players ta in- termediate ranks. According ta a Cobourg date- ined story in a Toronto news- paper, Wednesday, Bowmanville and Port Hope arceflot given much chance of cmcrging vic- toniaus in semi-final play against Cobourg and Lindsay. "Both Cobourg and Lindsay are picked ta romp tlirough the first round," the Toronto paper reads, "and end up facing cach othen in a rencwal of the bitter senies of hast ycar and the carry- aven fcud that markcd the first meeting in Lindsay this winter." S TARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs Lai-ne Todd visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapîcton and farnjly, Newtonviilc. Mr. and Mrs. Liew Haiiowcll spent Thursday cvening witb Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormisbon, New- tonvilie, hast wcek. Mr. and Mrs. D. Shutka and ffamil.-. Oshawa, visiîed Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Miss Mary Hailowell with Miss Ruth Kalababa, Newcastle, on Saturday evening. On Monday evening Kendal Farmn Forum was entcrtained b.y Starkxille Farm Forum aI the home off Mr. and Mrs, Weslbeîîsei~. SLAGHT - MORRIS In a very pretty double-ring ccremonv in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, on Satur- day afternoon, Jan. 19, Marion Geargina Gladys Morris. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Morris, became the bride of Wil- liam George Hawley Slaght, son of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Slaght, ail of Bawmanville. The cere- many xvas performcd by Rev. S. R. Hendersoni against a back- ground of îrnxed chrysanthe- munis. and pink, and white bows designated the guest pews. Wcd- ding music was played by Miss Phvllis Challis and Keith Wood sang "Because' and "hog The Years." The bride, who was given in marriage by lier father ' wore a gawn of white satin brocade, fashioned with a stand-up collar and buttoned bodice to the waist, which was accented'by a bustle at the back. The long. full skirt fell ta a slight train. Her head- dress was crown-shaped, of satini brocade studded with pearis, with double veil ta the waist, then faîl- ing ta the floor in single thick- ness. Her bouquet was of red roses. Mrs. John Baker, Jr., sister af the bride, was matron of honor, wcaring a light green taffeta sleeveless dress fashioned withc V-neck. Witb it she wore match- ing elbow-length gloves and SIL VE ARE ITEMS In 1847 ROGERS DROS. We have been fortunate in securing many hard-to-get serving Pieces in 1847 Rogers Bros. which have been ternporarily discontinued. This is your last chance to buy these serving pieces to make your set complete:- WEDDING Gravy Ladies Remembrance First Love Adoration Pickle Forks Adoration Reniembrance Berry Spoons Eternally Vours Adoration First Lov'e Daffodil CoId Meai Forks First Love Adoration Eternally Yours Remembrance Tomato Server S ugar Tongs First Love Adoration IHOOPER'rS JEWELLERY AND GIFT SHOP 28 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 747 *1 -~with WATER SOFPTENERS1 Housework is a pleaume with a DURO WATER SOPTENER1 Therc's nlo scumi in the disbpan ... -ni) dtilling film b t cloud dishes and glassware whien DURO softens the watcr. Evcry- thing glistens like magîc . . . even the greasiest pots and pans are easy to do. - and YOU 0111Y use U as imuch soap or cleanser.i Get a DURO a.a Get the BEST, Canada's Premier Water Softener You are really paying for a DURO whether you buy ane or not. Each year i t may be costing as much as a hundred dollars in needless wasle expense to be wibhoub a DURO . . extra casîs that could buy you a DURO today ..Joîn the. thousands af Canadian homemnakers who enjoy DURO advantages. - Enquire About These Low Cosi Waler Soffeners - AT S.a BLAIN ELLIOTT' Phon e 3348 Bowmanville 55 King Si. W. Healing and Plumbing THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANvmtir- mTTA1:tTtý She carried yellow 'mnu*is. Bridesmaids, Miss Joan Mund y, and Mrs. George Morris, sister"n- law of the bride. wore similaily fashioned gowns of yellow .and green with matching Dutch cabs, and carried bouquets of pink mu MS. Robert Slaght, brother of the groom, was best man, and William Harnden and Arthur Rowe acted as ushers. For the reception held in Trin- ity Sunday School room, the bride 's mother wore a dress of winc rayon crepe with black ac- cessories and corsage of white carnations. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a navy blue net dress with pink ac- cessories and corsage of pink carnations. Following the reception, the bride and groom left on a honey- moon trip. the bride wearing for travelling a navy bltie suit with black accessories and corsage of red roses. On their return, the young couple will make their home in Bowmanville. Out-of- town guests wvere present at the wedding froin Hamilton, Oshawa and Newcastle.> Prior to her marriage, the bride was guest of honor at a miscel- laneous shower given by Mrs. Mel Hawley and her daughter. Mrs. Ken Staîker, at the home of Mrs. Hawley, 33 O'Dell St. She was also entertained at a pantry and miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. AI. Fletcher, Qucen St,, when Misses Audrey Fletcher, 55 King St . W. Phone 3348

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