Y PAGE TWLVe THE CA~,i.NAt J.ILA b lATJ EAY~ "M*LJRSIJZi, JA±NUARY 31@I 1951 DURBAN COUNTY Score playdby Ross eal cudb J no a m r Sc r Bi Bit heard, and the ushers, Glenn D h m Larmier and Bill Ferguson, Nestle- Ini Their ]Revue - 'Tues For You" ton, escoted the guests' PteD r a aisle. Guests wene Mn. and Mrs. Ont. rresident to AtedFeb Mfeetin g HT aylond, Gaan ndSa Turer, FA *White), Garden Hill; Mr. adMs "Cus orYo,,SuH.HamHinandSm aTun, HAPO FRU forCue nor You" Successful StartlJdialogue by the cast assisted by 1Hampton; GardonuilsonGadn forJuiorFaine Metigs I te ommnttor Ms. ayRa- Hill; Mary Hooyer, Richard Van- Hampton Fanm Forum met nt - insan, Janetville, and Gerald Camp, Blackstock, and Mary Mc- the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. J Those wha did flot attend the Brown, Newcastle. first regular monthly meeting of Pictures prepared by Fanncomb Holm, Welcome.Cuckhn wih 4mmbr the Junior Farmers of Durham LeGresley, Newcastle, and slides The Grooni's Parents present CoutYhed n ednsdvJa. illustrated many ideas for the Following the groom's Parents Being review night w a Coutyhel o Weneday Jn.audience as well. Ta assist any played by Marion White, Bow- mostly a social evening after list- 3, ins thoneTon Hal, sudary ne attending banquets the scene manville, and Stu Drrell, Black- ening ta the radio program. Re- fot miss yunthe ac n e r uaevry of reciving guests, head table stock, the bride's mnother (Irene feshments were sevedi by the Oer 150hey oun popearoe veryi proceduire. toasts ta the King and Trick, Millbrook) tok er place. hostess. par ofthecauty re alkng uessandintaduingthespek- s te pening bars of Lohengrin Next meeting will be at the aou tre ues ofei u t he or jn- er will long be remembered. filled t athe e clr y a, hie o Mn and M s. Bruce haur rvue ofetiqutte foejun-Onville Hindman, Hamptan, fol- Clarke. ionspreentd b a astof ~ Hihliht f Rvuelowed by the groom, Ray Chai- EverY Township Represented The highlight of the revue fea- lice, of Ida, and the best man, Lak tured ora win Chactnte lxMri0 ecsl, okter STARKVILLE FORUM Under Director Ewart Laktry oa wing, hat oe ncetin places at the front. Stankville Fanm Forum met at Taunton, assisted by Jean Noble, a life-time expetnnNencstlta wbichi Home Economist, the cast repre- every g ei award, and day The Bride's Attendants the home af Mn. and Mns. West- senting every Township in Dur- which even the men must con- The bride's attendants, Margery beuser for review night. ham made "manners" a very easy sider vital ta thein happiness. The Finnie, Welcome, and Henrietta Stankville Forum entertainedi subject. How ta negister in a cammentator belped Lorraine with Wood, Milhnrook, ware gowns of Kendai Forum which rmn attend- hotel, introductions in the home the many problems assisted by net aven taffeta in blue and pink,' ance ta 46. The pragnam on the and on the Street, boy - girl court- jsid es shuo ing invitation, an- carrying nosegays of 'munis. The radio was enjoyed by aIl. - Ac esies as when calling for girls or nounicement, replie~s, check ]ists bride looked lovely -in ber gown splendid recreatian period wast helping them ino the car; man- of things ta do and expense lists of white lace aven satin with a conducted, with cantests and ai ners on the street, fnowni ng on showing how she and the groom fingen tip veil, carrying a beauti- sing-sang. Refreshments wene t rowdiness were some of the eti-j sha re these. fui cascase of red roses in the senved. Next meeting ta be held quette points brought out in The ights went up, soft music traditional mannen as she was in Starkville School. ________________________ escorted up the aisie by ber fathen, Mn. Ray Robinson, Janetville. ETNIL FOU W - The wedding ceem ny whichNE T N L E FO U iheld as sometbing sacred was Fanm Forum met at Mn. and0 not shown, but while the wedding Mrs. Trueman Hendenson's with party left the front, Bruce Taylor, 21 present. l C A S HP R I Z E SYou." However, the audience After the radio boadcast cards C A S H ] R IZ E Swere treated ta anuthen gîimpse were played with Mn. Gardon e of the bride and groom and the Martin and Mrs. Imlach being the ci 21 Cames and $75.00 Jackpot - - ail for 50c wedding party as they made thein winnens. Mn. and Mns. W. Woods ci also way down the aisle. The bau- won the consolation pnizes. Whilo - ls -quets, corsages, and boutannicîs lunch was being pnepaned by theA SPECAL AME & HAR TH WELTHworn by the group were made' hostess and ber gnoup a driendly ailable by the countesy o htws noe.tc THU SD YJA . 3sf - hJackman Flanists, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Wade of- h THURS AY, J N. 31i - 8p.m. sharp Round and Square Dances fered their home for the next j r NE CA T E AL Cues For You" was thorougbly meeting. f N W A T E COMMUNITY H L discussed while 'the Juniors en- i jayed coffee and da-nuts, follow- BLACKSTOCK FORUM V( Proceeds for Newcastle Lions Club Welfare Work ed by round and square dancingV -___ ---------------------------______________ with music by Mike and Henry The Forum, at the home of Mn. Ti Junko, Enniskillen, assisteci by and Mns. Leitb Byens, brought out Harold Hammond, as caîler. the usuai ively discussions and Io dau j1aýi4ý_ 'President Ray Challice apened it was generally conceded that m the meeting, weicoming the lange the whole-beanted backing of the pi group and annauncing the plans farmers would make aur Feder- of the Association ta bold meet- ation even mare effective than it in ings and take memberships. Sxyaiready is. Every farmen iSs s Sxybenefited by the C.F.A., but if si( ýT 1 5Juniors neceived their cards andechacwudtk apesnit will soon be getting the "Junior ec n ol aeaproa i Farmer News" published in Ton- interest the benefits could be ge BNATZ£ - EOWMANVILLE onto. Ross Metcalfe in his ow doubied. h way had the audience singing ta Mn. and Mns. Dalton Dorrell ac, stant the pnogram and between put on a veny intenesting cantest tr, TO-DAY IS TH3URSBAY - JAN. 31 scenes wbile the stage men, Jack which tested aur skill and know-st Green and Richard VanCamp, ledge. Mrs. Byers served a verY Th LA T AY TO SE Swere busy getting praps in place. satisfying lunch. ta LAST DAY TO S E 1Farm Forum wili meet at the au IFebruany the Junior Farmens borne of Mn. and Mns. D. flonreli poe "O E F O N I A E "are ta be honouned by the pres- on e.th1 ""O E F OT N B AU Xence of the President of the On-______ tario Junior Farmens of Ontario,1 Miss Eleanor Saracuse, wbo will S. S. 4 DARLINGTON FORUM a FIIA ATUIWAY FE . be the guest speaker. a FRJD Y -S -FEB 1 _____________(Intended for last week) theai LONG AULThomneof Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Crago LONG SAULTwith a attendance of 42. We discussed the tapic. "Wbat's tbe Sympathy of the cammunity is Wrong with Our Farm Organiz- un - extended ta Mrs. Richard Gibbs ations?" the in the loss of ber brother, Mn. The individual farmen can bet Upton Stephens, Bawmanville. play an effective part in the pres- giv 2. Many are an the sîck îist witli cnt setup of fanm anganizations on ~ theflu nd soe thoat.within the Canadian Fedieration q About 25 enjoyed the socialofArclue Atndceapr evening Fniday night in the a nd participation in the activities wa school, sponsored by the Home of a Fanm Forum gives the indi- tia, andScbol lub Gaes er~vidual an oppotunity ta express aft( played and lunch served by the hi1mself pubhicly. His opinions wa< are passed an in the Forum's Ma ladies.findings ta the provincial office R e: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partnen and important pnablems or salti- the AýDDLD OUTSTANDING FEATURE and family with bis parents, Mn. tians are passed along ta the C. a sr and Mns. Fred Partner. F.A. Hal Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk, Paul Those wbo will express thein Blco ________________FUN_____FESTIVAL________ and John, MnI. and Mrs. Gardon opinions only in small graups stnii Baker and Miss Grace Smith ai- should be made ta realize that it cha M4ONDAY - TUIESDAY - FEB. 4 - 5 tended the Young Peple's so- is their duty and privilege ta at- sing. cial evening held i Tyrone Hall, tend and take a active part in Hal Satunday night. the meetings of the Fedieration cdi CAYJEANNE_______________ and its affiliates. witi Farm Forum graups can cre- es G RANT b,, RlAIN ate and encourage Fedienation in- othE .Z1 terest. At present "too muchi is Reg left ta toa few." Ail sbould take the thein parts in this great work. Who Commodity groups entitled ta seas representation in the Fedenation Ker should make sure that the Feder- noui 9 ~atian is given naines and address- mee es of membens appointed as their for1 Srepresentatives in orden that they 'ta W,7 FINANCE quick way togtrle 8s1MWrIer n Stte..CERub in soothing Minard s * Second Floor Phone 05 Liniment. Is it good? Js PORT HOPE, ONT. tZ3' it, you'Il see! Phone Oshawa S. 1139 LUUMEBa OSHAWA, ONT. How, 9 5 or by appointmemnIft PAIN. CI~~fl1? Loon, eto0r.,;d.n,, of rýeoby t W,, Sio Pg O UIE SM Radios Or"9,nol #mon SERVING THE PUBUC SNE17 LCountyj FORUMSI PROVIDENCE FORUM Providence Forum met at the home of t,he Barrie family. This being nev¶ew night there was no question fan discussion. The radio broadcast was a moundup of For- um opinion by provincial secre- taries and a panel discussion by delegates attending the annual Canadian Federation af Agricul- ture conference in Montreal. This discussion was on "The Future of the Dairy Industny." The average age of dairy farm- ers in Canada is aven 55 years. The incarne of the dairy farmen bas not been at parity with that of othen industries. As a result a great many yaunger men bave left the farm. The dairy industnv must accept the competition of cbeap imported ails and today Canada is importing, dairy pro- ducts from several different cauni- tries. During the past year we imponted 14 million lbs. of but- ter fom New Zealand. After the broadcast we enjoy- eda very pleasant time playing Meeting next week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Mutton. jeilsin lime green net oveî Twenty-eight members gather- satin with matcbing accessonie ed at the home of Mn. J. Truli ta were bridesmaids. Tbey canniec discuss the Federation of Agri- bouquets of baby 'mum's. culture. Mn. Albert Guay, brother-mn. Durham County Fedenation of law of the groom, was best man Agriculture bas dealt with a Messrs . Jack Rae and Stan Bond lage number of mattens relating were ushers. to Durham County. Committees For the reception at the Elm. have been set up at various times burst Hotel, the bride's mathex in connection with me-assessment, chose a blue lace street lengtl federation levy, medical services, frock with a corsage of red rases, Isurance, hog praducers, county The gmoom's mothen assisted in a egetable growens, farn forums, green suit with a corsage of ned Warble fly campaign in Hope roses. rownship, etc. For the wedding trip the bride Each cammadity group should donned a brown suit, wearing ook aften its own interests as aven it a bluish-gray coat with nuch as possible and bring its navy accessories. )roblems ta the Federation Guests were present from Ham- Two pnoblems facing aur com- ilton, Toronto and Bawmanville. iunity are: (1) the growth of The happy couple will reside inrubs. trees, etc., on the rond- in Newcastle. ides and especially at intersec- ins. (2) An extremely dan- ýenous railroad crossing which T R N as become a much greater men- ce since the changing of the WEDDING ALLDREAD - BOND On Saturday, Jan. 26, a preti, wedding was solemnized in Si George's Anglican Church, New castie, when Louisa Mary, young est daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Fre( Bond, Newcastle, became thq bride of William Cecil Alîdread son of Mn. and Mrs. E. L. Ai dread, Newcastle. Rev. D. R. Dewdney was thE officiating ministen, The altan of the chunch belè vases of yellow daffadils and thc wedding music was played bý Mrs. John Garrod. Mrs. Wm. Stonks sang "Bc- cause" during the signing of tbc registen. In view of ber father's ilîness the bride was given in marriage by ber brother, Mn. Fred Bond of Toronto. She made a very pretty picture in her gown of white satin with a net insert at the yoke, long pointed lace sîceves and a lace bodice emphasized with seed pearîs jaining a full satin skirt with a lace insert. She ware a heart-shaped halo witb a shoul- der-length tulle illusion veil. She carried an anchid an a white Bible. Mrs. Albert Hary, Toronto, was matron of honor for ber sister and chose a mauve satin gawn with matcbing accessories Miss Beverly Osborne, wearing blue net aven satin with match- 'ese matters are to be brought wee gutsof Mr. and Mrs, )te attention of the proper Mervyn Bird. bhonities by a committee ap- Misses Florence and Grace inted at the meeting. Murdocb. Messrs. V. Jones aod The ncw hog marketing scbeme J. Mantel, Oshawa, visited Mn. ,salso discussed. Bsns Meeting of Feb. 4 will be beld ]Bsn s Direct ory the home of Mn. and Mrs. AI-________________ in Down.____ E A KENDAL FORUM W. R. STRIKE, K.C. The Ken'dal Fanm Forum were Bannister, Solicitor, Notany ie guests of the Starkville Fan- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal i on Mondav night, Jan. 28, at Mooey ta Loan Phone 791 i home of Mn. and Mns. West- Bowmanville, Ontario ýuser. On arniving, each was ven a slip of paper with a md LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. 1black numben on it and re- Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public jested ta write thein name and King St. W., Bowmanville i the slip on their persan, wich Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 as an easy mneans of intnaduc- MSS APHA -1. HODGINS )n It was review night and Bannister, Solicitor, Natany Public te the bnoadcast the evening Successan ta M. G. V. Gou]d s given avec ta enjoyment. Temperance St. - Bowmanville any games were played. Miss ýynolds, the lively teacher of W. F. WARD, B.A. e Starkville school, conducted Barrister, Solicitor, Notany 3pelling bee in whieh Mrs. Alice Money ta Loan llowell was the champion. 91/2 King Street E., twing a cane the length of a Bowmanville, Ontario ng extended betwecn two Phones: Office 825 - House 409 ains caused much hîlarity. A iing contest with Mrs. Llew CONANT & CONANT laowell at the piano was enjy- Barristers and Solicitors as was also a sniffing contest Gordon D. Cnant, K.C. th nc group testing theirnosî- Rger G. Conant, B.A. on liquid flavoings and the Offices: ier graup on seasonings. Mrs. Osbawa, Ont., 71/2 Sîmcoe St. S. 9Elliott was the winner on Phone 3-2227 liquids, but we didn't find out Ajax, Ontaio - Phone 25 ow'as the champion with the sonings. The secretary of the D EN TA L ndal graup, Mr. Art Low, an- inced that there xvould be a DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. eting in Kendal on Thursday Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. those intcrested in hog raising 40 Ring St. W. - Bowmanville discuss prolems which con- Office Hours: nt them in preparatian for the 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily ting of the Canadian Hag Pro- 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday ýrs' Association ta be held in Closed Sunday )n an February 13. Refresh- Office Phone 790 ts were ejoyed during a so- Huse Pbone 3609 hour and aîl joined in sing- God Save The King. Be- DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. eni 40 and 50 wee in pttend- Office in is home e. 100 Liberty St. N. - Bawmanville r. Arthur Thompson, on be- Office Hous: of the Kendal group, thank- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Mr. and Mrs. Westheuser and 9 a.m. ta 12 0000 Wednesday Starkville For~um for the bs- Closed Sunday ity they had received. Mr. Phone 604 ýElliott and Mr. Bah Cock- nprovided the transportato RE A L E S T A T E the Kendal graup and this was tappreciated. H. G. (Hap) GILL Real Estate 8 Second Street Propenties Sold - Rented Managed and Appraîsed Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards H. G. Glu, ?Realtor Phone Bawmanvjlle 3514 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 Ring St. E. Oshawa Mn. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A., resident partnien. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT INI I Office Hu t:9a.m o6p.m. 'KING0F PAN" I exccpt Wednesday 9 -12 L Ir IIVI NT j Evenings by Appoiotment 1 ~Phone 3.152 ip S. !e ýd c 3 c rge nr- E. [re. Ie 'ex ar lt. ce An Eye to the Future Long term planning helps you to raise mor than the average for your area. This planning for the future should especially be applied to the five basic factors of farming. They àre: Land, Livestock, Labour, Capital and Size of Farm or Farm Business. Every farm is differ- ent and bas its individual problems. So it's up to you to make each factor work bard for you. Many farmers have found it helpful to talk with their Commerce manager. He represents a bank that bas for many years taken a keen interest in promoting better farming and in looking after Canadian farmers' banking needs. Wby not pay bim a visit? tnr i 7v île euRNAU 'OOOUNTY and Mrs. M. Tabb. ening of Mr. and Mrs. Georg Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue and Alldread. John visited Mrs. Chas. Daw and Mr. and Mrs. W. Griffin, Dar boys, Oshawa. lingford, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. J.1 Congratulations ta Mrs. Olive Griffin and children, Ennjskiller y Beckett who quietly celebrated were tea guests Saturday of Mi t. her birthday on Tuesday. a.nd Mrs. W. Rahni. SSympathy is extended to Mrs. Glad to hear Mrs. H. Skin SR. Gibbs and Mrs. F. Ferguson out again after an operation1 ýdon the passing of their brother, Memorial Hospital, Bowmlanvilh ie Upton Stephens, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. John His are ti c, also ta his mother who is at the proud grandparents of a bab, ~home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fer- girl born ta Mr. and Mrs. AIell guson at presentr. Sytnyk, Whitby. It being th le Srry o larn r.L.* Hooper, firs't baby born ini the New Year Mrs. G. Brent and Mrs. Roy May- the baby received a wonderful Io Id nard are on the sick list. We wish of gifts. le them ail a speedy recovery. Sunday morning service wa: )y Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread were very well attended. The Fellow tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. ship meeting Sunday evenini 2Thompson, Friday. brought quite a number out t( C Gad a kow r. nd rs.see the film, "The First Step. le G ad t kno Mr. and rs-Those taking part at the servicc H. McClure are enjoying a trip were Misses Mary Wilkinson 3s ta Flonida Keyes for a holiday. Bessie Yeo and Rev. Lute. ýe Shirley Coombes spent Sunday d with Lauraine Cook. y Mn, and Mrs. W. Rahm visited Fneight rates in Canada, des. )f his mother, Mrs. W. H. Rahm, pite the long hauls through un. e Bunketon. settled countny, are among thc S Mn. M. Bird, having sold his lowest in the world. hfarm, is having a sale Feb. 6th. The Wamen's Institute is having RealgcrysesiCna e a sale of home cooking, sand- during the first quarter of 1951 - wiches, hot tea and coffee at the were up 16.6 per cent over the Esale. some period of 195o. e Miss Gwen Hilîs, Toronto, spent sthe weekend at her home. Mr. and Mns. W. Park, Cecile ' ' and Douglas visited Mrs. J. Lilli- crapp. Cannington. BidYÛi *Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn KEEXIPS fl Nancy, Neal and Janice, visitedVAU c4k VU ME Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson, Nestie- P ton. and Mrs. Ken Hardy and OPE2?&T/flA# COSTs jJerry were dinner guests of Mn. f l W i I and Mrs. A. Abbott, Oshawa, on 'DVJ WW. Sunday. Mn. and Mns. J. Giles and child- ren visited Mrs. L. Prescott, Bow- manville. Mns, R. Burgess visited ber sist- en, Mns, A. B. Stephens, Toronto. r Messrs. W. Taylor, A. Vintue, L. Phare attended the O.R.F.E. D.A. convention at Toronto on Thunsday. Chickenpox is the orden of the day in Tynone. Vivian Cham- hennain has just recovened and now ber sisten, Joy, has theni, E L also Carol Yellowlees. The congregational meeting was held with a good number M OTORS present. AlI reports show satis- factony pnogness. USED CARS & TRUCKS Mr. and Mns. Dave Alldnead, WHITE ROSE DEALER Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh and child- HAMPTON en, M r. and M ns. H. Stnong, Sal- P o e B w a vl e 2 8 em Mn. and Mrs. James Alldnead PhnBomnile85 wene dinner guests Satunday ev- TRW- 119AVAMAIRT eFrAfft". TSMM, IROWMANVMLLP, oNTA]RTO OPMTRQT%À&'V IPA%"TA10V 981 lgR4 1 D c