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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1952, p. 13

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TKURSDAY. JAN ARY 3!, 19N3 IAN ST' bAT SMAN, OWMANVnlLg, ONTAPIO Thie Orono Mn,. R. E. Logan Mr. Wallace C. Stainton, 'I Èonto, is visiting with ber broi Ier, Mr. Wm. Stainton and M: iStainton. Mn. and Mns. Russell Ransben: Montreai, spent the weekei with ber mother, Mrs. Fred Du can. Mn. Lloyd Crabbe, Ottaiv spent Sunday with Mn. and Mi Clarence Duncan. Rev. and Mrs. Oie Bjorn Hoie daughlber Sylvia. Norwa guests wihRev. and Mi 11 icen before taking i, work for the Home Missic Board in Sask. Messrs. Charles Tyrreil, O. V Rolpb, R. E. Logan and W. HawÉ attcndcd the Masonic funeri service of Mn. Roy Mowbrayi Brookiin on Sunday evcning. We anc sonry to report that M Frank Hall is a patient in a Tc ronto hospitel and we wish fi himn a speedy necovery. Mrs. Tonge and children, Lakc field visited lest Friday with Ren and Mrs. Kitchen et the parson age. Mn. John Delve and mothej Mns. A. Delve, Hamilton, attend cd the funenal of Mn. R. H. Wooý on Friday lest. Mns. Albert Morton visitcd las weck in Toronto with ber dauglh ter, Miss Adele Morton. Mn. Dick Morton who bas beei employed by the Hydro ini Osh awe, bas been tnansfenred tt Scarboo Mr. Neil Wood, Lakefiold, waý in town on Friday last attendin, the funeral of bis grandfather Mn. R. H. Wood. Mn, Will Cobblcdick is confinec to bis bcd tbrougb illnoss and WE wish for hlm a speed ' yrccovery Mns. Tbonnton Wilson, Churci. St.. had the misfortunc to feul or the sidewalk lest woek and b.2: arm was broken in two places, We hope she will meke a good ne- Covery. Mrs. Byens of Gardon Hill who bas been staying with Mrs. Froc Duncan, felilest wcek and broke her leg. We hope she will make a good recovery. ro- Mn. and Mrs. Lew Buckley, Petý h- enbonougb, ettended the funera ns. of Mn. R. H. Wood on Friday arn visited with their son in Bow. ýnd Mrs. John Armstrong received n- word this weck of the sudden dcatb of ber ncphew in Montana ,va, XVe extend sincere sympathy tc ns. ber. Another of oun older citizens, es Mn. R. H. Wood passed away or ay, Wednesday, Jan. 23 at the home ns. of bis daughter, Mrs. Wes. Hosk- up in, Oshawa. Mn. Wood was one on of the fincst citizens tbis village bas ever known. His kind and W. cheerful disposition endeared hini ke to ail with wbom he came in ýa contact and he will be greetly in missed. To bis femily of live daugbters and two sons we ex- r. tend sincere sympathy in their or There was a good attendance et Orono United Chunch on Sun- 2- day for bath services. Rev. J. v. Kitchen bad change and in the -- morning the Sacrament of the Lords Supper was dispensed. The r, choir sang the anthem "Like as a 1- Father," with Mrs. A. A. Drum- )d mond taking the solo. At the ev- ening service the guest speaker, t Rev. Oie Hoiesen gave a most in- ispiring message. Mn. Wallace Stainton was beard in a violin on solo "The Flower Song"; Mn. Reg iSutton and Mrs. Russell Rans- ýo berry in a duet, "In The Garden," and the choir sang a well rend- is cred anthem. gMn. John and Bill Armstrong received word this week that their sisten, Ruth, in Seattle, had d undengone a scnious operation e but wes making a good recovery. The annuel meeting of Onono h United Church was bcld on Mon- n day cvening, Jan. 28 with a good r attondance. Rev. J. Kitchen was 3ici the chair and Mn. Leroy Ham- -ilton was Secretany. Reports of the various organizations sbowed fine~ progress in ail dcpertments. IMrs. Gien Allen rcported for the -choir and also that the Evening *Auxiliery bad raised more than itâ éti1uiiin . lU - w- btainton Mr. Neil Rainey ancf Mr. M. H. Staples reported on the Sunday OBITUARY School work where more teach -____ ers are needed to carry on the MILS. ANNIE ELIZABETH work successfully. Mrs. W. SANO Cobbldick or thSW.M.. Aux SALiary, epkordtheir gro. ux-en h et ccre ttefm over the allocation.' Mrs. Ervin ily residence, Lot 31, Concession J WliNTED% Rainey and Mrs. R. E. Logan gave 5, Darlington Township, east of1 the. reports for the Woman's As- Taunton, Jan. 29. of Annie Eliza- HAIR sociation, showing that expendi- beth Lander, beloved wife of tures for the year had been over the late James Stainton, i er SUCCESSES $21000 with a bank balance of 8lst year. Although Mrs ._n over $600.00. Mrs. Ervin Rainey ton had suffered from a heart $1250CREM IL reported an increase in the M. & condition she was up and around $12.5 CREA OIL M. Fund giving and Mr. S, Berry as usual and hier passing came COLD WAVE reported a decrease in the Bible suddenly and unexpectedly. Society givings. Mr. Wm. J. A daughter of the late Mr. and SHAMPOO $ 0q Riddell's report as church treas- Mrs. John Lander, the deceased AN7SET7L urer was most encouraging. with was born in Darlington Township AND SETail obligations met, and Mr. 0. on June 19, 1871. A lifelong resi- W. Rolph's report as Treas. of the dent of the township she was a Give your Building Fund is given below. member of Zion United Church beauty a new New officers were appointed to and enjoyed a large circle of lift. Let our fili the varlous vacancies and at friends. trained opera- the close of the meeting lunch Predeceased by her husband on tors give you was served by ladies of the W.A. March 16, 1929, Mrs. Stainton is anew beti- United Church Donations survived by a son, Russell L. fulydsind reiusyStainton, of Taunton. funy dsignedacknowledged --------$6 1,498.08 Also surviving are a brother, haîr style at Local contributions---2 674.28 Newton J. Lander, Toronto, and e of the ' four grandchildren. îowest prices Loan by Notes . ------ 12,000.00 The funeral service will be In ages. Outside contributions- held at the Armstrong Funeral Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rog- Home at 3:30 p.m., January 31, cUC IP rs, Bowmanville 10.00 conducted by Rev. G. D. Empey Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Gray 1.00 of Hampton. Interment will be Mr. and Mrs. John Pat- in Zion Cemetery. JMiss K. Gray --------------- 2.00 But ail you need do to placea flAIR STYLING STUDIO Mr. Roy Patton, Kendal 1.00 Classified Ad in The Statesman 65 King St. W. Phone 703 Mr. J. Gray --------------- -1.00 is tell our ad-writer your namie, Mr. and Mrs. Canfield, over the telephone, and your cred- Toronto-------------------- 1.00 it is TOPS! Telephone 663. Dargains in Bicycles m - in ' STATESMIAN WANT ADS! Fromi the shiny bike of his dreams TO a good, used car . . . from houses to rent TO acreage .b to buy . .You'i1 find them ail in our bargain- filledl classified ads. It's the shopping guide for ail budget-wise people who know that's where the best buys appear. Looking for a bargain . look first in Statesman Want Ads! ]PHONE 663 FOR AD - TAIKER j ~be ~!r4n4bI~rn ~tute~man\'k 1 -- .- - ni, presente dLLtJ1UinceawadUs were plcasently sunprised byi )Evelyn Hockadey, Gail Baker friends and relatives from Bow- nd Patsy Davis. manville, Oshawa, Cannington, Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Scott h ave ~ Weston and Toronto. new great gnanddaughter, Jen- SL E With Charles White as deacon fer Anme Davies, bonn Januanvry~, a mock wedding was conducted. th t te Kncrdie Gneri ~i4C 11 C4tý Alter this fun a corsage andý ospitai. The proud parents are boutonniere were placed on the r. and Mrs. Jack Davies, t ho I fYeu dofl't aleeQweI bride and groom. The groom's mer Jean Scott, of Solina. -4 nibt are inter- mother, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, nead The congregational meeting was "'P r Yi'eeu 0-%S ell attended on Monday night. 400k e yeu kid an appropriate ddress beauti- he orsip ervce resnte by -ys Ifyou kiney fully copied by Miss Susie Laird. ie Younhipservice pUesened b are out f ordeind sGrandson Jim presented them Youn Pcolc' Unin adingre ofo er anthewith a gift of silvon dollars. iîductcd by Stewandship and îîigt IIl h Speeches wene made by the groom raining Convener, Gladys Yei- b6oOd of poisons 8and< and bis bride. ','iees. Scripture passages wcee xcstacids-your rest is lakely méri51 A double ticrcd wedding cake ad by' Donald Taylor and Pceanl É». Thon ia the tinie te use Dodd's. made and decorated by sisters of ach sng 'M Tas." Re. G. Kiny Pil. Dodd'abelpyowkdneyaget the groom, Mrs. ChanlesWht rid oftrouklen tinoPOIcharged forE-and Mns. Kenncth Sumcersford, Empevthon ook hargefor el>,redtore then] t. normal action. S.. eremaining program and Mn. how aumh better you rest et nigh.4.w was a pretty centre for the beau- L. Pasoe actcd as secrctary. much biher you feeltn Ghe tiful luncheon table. Ed. White rn 51e years Mn. Pasco& bas 1 took several flash pictures. yoed on'the church board. This, 1 43 Includcd in the gathenin g were 5.1 believe. is worthv of spccialj flD ,lp' lodn« II thnee of the gucsts of 25 vears ention. Gratifying reports were UiU~iî~ ago; Mr&. J. D. Stevens.nînther-'r Yousng Cikn Youln ow FREE DELIVERY -We Mlake No Extra Charge for Delivery a - - M. 59C Wayne, Bowmanvle t rn Sobil's. aila rn Mns, James Stainton, the form- er Annie Lacider. passed away very suddenly on Tuesday morn- ing. Honored by Friends MStrike, BowmanviUle _r and Mr. Alan Mrs. F. L. Souch, To- ronto Mr: and Mrs. W. G. White ;JMr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Bowmanville ------ - Rev. and Mrs. S. Little- û Wood. Bobcaygeon - d Miss Myrtle Smith, To- ronto --------------- Mr. and Mrs. Rowland d Smith, Toronto --- nMiss Myrtle Tamblyn, 1. Toronto ----- - 0 Enniskillen Ch. Choir Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cole, Port Hope -- ------- L. C. Stout (in memory of C. N. Ruse) - -- "In memory of Geo. Al. fred Waddell" ---- Mrs. Phoebe Gordon, Mrs. Jessie O'Dell, Woodstock Mr. J. T. Brown, New- castle - ----------- Miss Hilda B. Sleemon- Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterborough Dr. McKinney, Brook- lin --- - - - - - - - - - - Mr. H. Stephenson Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Bow- manville -------- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith. Niagara Falls-- Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Allen, Oshawa -- Mn. and Mrs. R., Picker- in g - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mn. S. Keane, Brighton Mrs. Ila McMahon ---- W. R. and J. Bunting, Pickering -------- Mrs. D. Cole --------- Ivan Law, Pickering Rev. W. H. Clarke. Des- eronto -------- - - Rev. S. R. Hendenson, Bowmanville------ Citizen of Hope ---- Rev. J. Wilkinson, Oak- w ood -- ------------ P. J. Cooper, Oshawa Cecil Welsh, Oshawa -- J. Koropatwa -...---- Caleb Milîson, London King St. Unit. Chunch, Oshawa --------------- J, H. Morris ----- - --- J. K. Valleau, Oshawa Toronto Cash Stone --- HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Alex Payne, Mr. oo Albert Payne, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hindman, Muriel and Arville, '00 Hampton; Mrs. N. Dawkes and i.00 son Carl, Toronto, attended the 15 ~ Payne-Harper wedding at Sea- grave on Saturday. the groom be- ing son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Payne. 15 Mr. and Mrs. Southman, To- ronto, at Mrs. C. E. Jeffney's. DO Mrs. Chas. Daw was a recent1 .00 weekend vîsitor in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Lockwoo d .00 and son, Billy, Oshawa, were ne- cent visitors wîth Mr. and Mrs. C. )t) Lockwood. Miss Allie Wood, Orono, has been with ber sister, Mrs. Herb. Rundie for a while. Glad to 00 know she is somewhat improved from her recent illness. >0 Mrs. John Baker, Solina, visited ber daughter, Mrs. J. C. Smales 00 Jr. 00 Miss Gladys Chapman, Thes- salon; Cecile Petit, Isabel Faulk- 00 ner and Raymond Petit, Toronto, wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapman. 00 Mrs. R. J. McKessock. Mrs. DO Bryce Brown and Jean, Oshawa,« visitcd Mrs. Pcrcy Dewell. o Miss Isobel Smales, Toronto, spent the weckend with her )o parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Smales. Mrs. R. Luke is assisting in ther )o home of a sick fricnd, Oshawa. Mrs, Lorenzo Truli spent a few 0o days last week with her sister, Mns. W. 'Young, Peterboroughi,i who returned with hier on Sun- day. )Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto, is a spending a few days with her C parents, Mn. and Mns. T. Salter, 0 and brother, Harold. 1 S Mn. J. C. Morton, Toronto, was a visitor with Mn. and Mns. J. F Shown is Betty Singleton, of Goodyear, New Tor- Morton on Saturday.h 0onto, examining the tread of the newest tire developed by Enquining friends will be glad y oknow that little Linda Broome, 0The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Called the "Sub- daughter of Mn. and Mns. Non- 5urbanite," the tire is designed principally to give traction man Broomne who is in the Hos- 0on ice and snow-packed roads in city and suburbs. Good- pital for Sick Childnen, Toron- oyear caims it is the best snow and ice tire ever developed, to, is slowly impnoving, though S( 5still a veny sick child. gi givenby thCongraultions to Mn. and Mns. W SO TTI ivnbyte treasurens of the Fred Daw on the gift of a son at hi 0 SO .L-I Sunday School and of the Church Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, on l Board. Mn. C. D. Pascoe Was ne- January 19. Visitons: elocted to the Board of Elders, Sympathy is cxtended to Mns. s Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Messrs A. L. Pascoe, S. E. Wenny, Herb Smithson, Caledon, in the Hî 5Patsy at Mn. Gordon Davis', Osh- B. G. Stevens and Wes. Yellow- death of Mn. Smithson, a former awa. lees. To the Board of Stewards, resident of this locality. an Ms.Eres LrmnMessns Bruce Montgomery, Bruce Sympathy is also extended to D Mrn. r.Ens amr Tink, Gordon Leask and Harold Mrs. Herb Rundle and Mns. Geo.H Blackstock; Miss Benyl Lermer, Pascoe, the name of Stan Milîson Armoun in the death of their f a- Peterborough, at Mn. Harvey Yel- was added to replace Mn. E. R. thon, Mn. Richard Wood, Onono, M lowlees'. Taylor who retined after a and to other membens of the fan- th Miss Velma Gilbert, Toronto, îengthy service in this capacity. iyeswec n odwsaE at Mn. Russell Gilbcnt's. The ushens arc, Messrs G. Leask, iformle hghlycsteemed os Ent . Mn. and Mrs. Ross Knox, Faye Wes. His, John Knox and Ralph of Hampton and had livcd to the tu: andBety Jan Mis Jan c-Davis. The auditons, Ewart Leask grand old age of 90 yoars. F Guckin, Mn. and Mns. Ken Pas- and Rs rdra eer- Ms adaLcwo ne-a coc, Brougham; Mns. Arnold el Rod s Crdermanh e in e is adaLokodune-a Tornto atMn.Joh elcte aswcr th Misioerywent an openation for appendi- GE i Hardy, Trno tM.Jh and Maintenance Committec, Mrs. citis et Memoniel Hospital, Bow- Knox's. Roy Langmaid, Messns Bruce menville on Wednesday, and is an Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Preston, Tink, S. E. Wenny and Chas. now at home. Hen friends wish Gi Bowmanville, at Mn. Roy Lang- Shortnidgc, and the Trustee Bd. ber a spcedy nccovery. maid's. The committce in change of floral Friends here were sonny elso ta an' Mn. and Mns. Jack Ovenden, decorations for the chunch, Mrs. learn of the death of Mrs. J. S1 Johnnie and Patsy, Mn. and Mns. Ralph Davis and Pearl Leach, Young, Tononto. (fonmerly Laura ne Geonge Mutton, Linda and Geonge, was re-clected. Mn. E. R. Taylor Gay, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Ha Bowmanvillc, et Mn. Frank West- tendened the choir a vote of ap- Will. Gay, formen residents of lakes, Jr. preciation for its service of song Hampton). Sympathy is extcnd- avý Harold and Murnay at Mn. Chas. thanks to the feithful onganist, Sympathy of the Hampton 1 Allin's, Bowmenville. I leen Belson. This was hcartily people is extendcd to Mrs. Char- Cli Mrs. Bnummell, Columbus, at~ endorsed by ail. Several enîoy- lotte Stephens and famîly, in the 1 Mn. Walter Parrinden's. able numbers which intenspcrscd deeth of hier son, Upton of Bow- an Mn. and Mns. Tomn Baker and the reports were humorous nead- Im anvilie, who xvas well and fav- Hi Ebeneze Mr.n. hOrmstn', ngs by Mns. Wes. His and Mn. orebly known hene.1 Ebenezer.B G. Stevens; vocal duets by W.M.S. met at the home of ani Miss Lueila Hepburn, Oshawa, Donna Vice and Olive Crydermen Miss L. Reynolds. Mrs. L. Truli for at Mn. Clarence Vice's. [and a piano solo by Betty King.,Ian d Mns. Wannack wcre appoint- we Miss Jean. Cryderman, Oshawa, A contest was conducted by Ewaý«t cd representatives to the Chunch iMr at ber home for the weekond. Leask and lunch was senved by Board. Dccided to have the Feb. Ha Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Osh- the ladies of the Adult Bible meeting prccding the Worid's awa, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pas- Class. Day of Prayen service on Feb. 29 roi coe, Mn. and Mrs. E. Cryderman at Mn. Ross Cryderman's. The Men's Club will meet in in basement of the church. Miss D MissMne1Tn n oc the hall on Saturday night. Reynolds, Mrs. J. R. Reynolds the VaMebenezielTn a n.dHary and Mns. Ranton are a committec Or( Kanx's. enzra M.Ha to arrange saime. Mrs. M. Mount- D no.anMs.H arFarw l, joy to send for prayen shoots and fan Mrtar ndle:Mis Lowrran Farrow, IPuic .ti ress .tidls invitations to be extended to So- hot Bowankville, ats Mran. e. Kno'.De;-.*A lina and Zion ladies. Rev. Em- D Mn. and l, Mr. HarryKnox'. edcaedto M moypey conducted the installation of Mr M. HitndTins, Ebey nox. 0 F at 0 ery officens for 1952. The prngram, F. M. Hatn Mns Denis AbbOtt, .W. .____"FrnchCanadians in Queboc" F. 1 r.ieand MJanice Osea; n. I la cm oratetinunder direction of Mrs. M. Mount- laxw Rni and W J. SieOhw;M. lis, Millbrookatteni oy was very interesting and on- IV and M. . Spires, 'rok that a kindly ect which wiil be iightening, wîth Mrs. Warrack, atj Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lonne greetly appreciated by certain Mrs. Adcock, Mrs. Niddery taking 1 Dianne and Neil at Mn. Bruce people took place et Carlton St. parts. Mns. Shackleton sang a-- Ormiston's, Columbus. United Cburch on Sunday, Jan. beautifl ol a o,"I oSc Mn. and Mrs. D. E. Hamer, Mn. î3tb, in wîîich many StatesmanWatGdCnD. Hlughi Hamer, Bnooklin; Miss Joyce readers, particularly those froîn Buttery, Bowmanville, and Mn. Durham County will be intercst-COU T E Bill Hamer, Toronto, at Mn. Camp- cd. At the morning service the C U TC bell Hamer's. minister, Rev. James M. Finiay,l Co-ngrratlat;fins oMs vln eiae h emna ito a YPU fCutîeCruth of the groom and aunt, Mrs. H. IW. Foley, wife of the late Rev. H. W. Folcv, wh'o penformed the marniage; Mr. Hanny Lynch, Osh- awa, at wbose home the wcdding took place. Othens were: their son, Harold Stevens and friend, Miss Joan Roach; son-in-law and daughter, Roy and Doris Topping, granilsons Jim and John; Mn. and Mrs. Charles White and Edward, Mn. and Mrs. Kcnneth Sumers- fond, Mrs. J. Jewell, Mrs. D. Davies, Mn. and Mns. Kennetb Mecfarlane, Mn. and Mns. Harvey Brooks, Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Mun- day, Mn. and Mns. Fred Wood. Several were unable to be pre- sent. SALEM About 30 from the community attended a bowling party et the Balmoral Hotel Thunsday night. Refreshments wcre enjoyed ef- tenwerds et the home of Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Welsh. A good crowd attendcd the film sbowing in the school on Tucsday cvening. Mn. and Mrs. Keith Tennant and Carolyn, Mn. and Mrs. Elton Brock, Mrs. J. Cowling and Mn. Muîrray Cowling with Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith. Hampton. Mn. and Mns. Howard Cryder- man and femily, Mn. and Mrs. Hloward Foley, Meple Grove, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist on Setur- day evoning and helped to celc- brate Master Jlohn Twists' birth- dev. Mn. and Mrs. Hilliard McClure accompanied by Mn. and Mns. Bill Cowiing, Aurore, left on Sundev on a trip to the southen United States. Sympathv is extended to Mri. Fred Fenguson on the death of îcn brother, Mn. Upton Stephens. VARCOE' Saturday ... a a aNight DANCING CY. McLEAN end His Orchestra -Dancing 9 - 12 - $2.50 per couple OAReg.FLOUE Itcit.-p3gc 1n MEA 38vRTEN 75PKEene 243 Lge. pkg. 7-1b. hag - - 57v 24-1b. hag pkgs. c c c MEATS AND GROCERIES Fornierly Harry AIIin's1 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 331671 Silverhniglit Salmon Steaks- Fresbly KilIed An enjoyable evening 'vas spent Friday evening at Tyrone Community Hall when about 60 relatives, friends and neighbors gathered to spend a social even- ing in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Cameron's 4Oth wedding an- niversary. After a fewv hours of dancing and cards the couple were called to the platform and after the ad- dress, read by Mr. Albert Wood, they were presented with a studio couch on behaif of those presen't. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cameron thanked the people for their lovely gift. Mr. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville, rendered two solos "A Perfect Day"l and "Smilin' Thru'," accompanied by Mrs. D. Davey. Lunch Was served, sandwiches, cake, cookies and wedding cake made by Mrs. N. Collacott, neigh- bor of the couple. Following lunch tap-dancing numbers by the three Davey sisters were en- joyed. Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whitby 552 318 Dunds St. E., Whltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise worknianship and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imnported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. ]KNOX CREAMED HONEY It's sm'ooth . . . fine grain - preads like butter. The best buy on the market - ON SALE AT - HONEY HOLLOW RESTAURANT Open Ail Year NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO The Lost Heir party at the 2hool on Friday night wasa ýood success in spite of the reather. Prize winners were: igh lady-Margaret Geissberger; ady's consolation - Mrs. Fred Iobbins; high gent-Jack Cruick. îank; gent's consolation-Edward aass. Proceeds over $32.00. Mr. and Mrs. M. Montgomery. ouglas and Bobbie, Oshawa, ai lenry Ball's. Mr. Alex McMaster- Mr. and Irs. James McMaster attended he funeral of their uncle, John *Smith, at Orangeville on Fni- ay. Mrs. J. W. McMaster re- urned home with themn. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gcissberger d family, Maxwell's, at Hans rissberger's. Mr. and Mrs. George Kilpatrick id Lynn, Harmony, at Harold fford's. Mr. Jim Staînton, Misses Ruth id Patricia Shaw, Mrs. Leonard haw, Oshawa, visited Mr. Ken-. eth McQuarrie at St. Michael's ospital, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. George Hilts, Osh- 'a; Ms. F. B. Glaspel at Tracy raspel S. Mr. arnd Mrs. Keith Stainton at arke Moore's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, Bob nd Kennoth at Ray Dart's, West [M. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron, Mr. nd Mrs. Wes Camoron, Mr. Re- )d Cameron attended the 4Oth 'ddiing anniversary of Mr. and rs. Herbert Cameron at Tyrone Ill on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. Potter, To- )o. at Henry Dart's. Mrs. Wes Cameron attended ifuneral of Richard Wood at no on Fridav. Mr. and Mrs. James Brent and mily are living in their new )UseC. Mr. and Mrs. Gcrry Glaspel, rand Mrs. George Gibson, Mrs. B. Glaspel at Toronto. Mrs. B. Glaspel visited hon sister-in- v. Mrs. Ivor Gerry, Toronto. MIr. and Mrs. Hans Geissbengen A. E.Yman's, Whithy. ý9 FoodSpecials D). Smnith's 32-0z.:botme Clarke's 10-oz. bottie rape Juice - - 35c Chili Sauce- 27c 13Imer Fancy tin Habitant 28-oz. tins Lsparagus Tips - 42c Pea Soup - - 2/31ci leinz Cooked 20-oz. tin Tr7.et6o tins pagheffi - - - 19c Lemon Juice - 2/21c Um bl' 0-z is Interlake roli', romalo Soup - 2/25c Toilet Tissue - 2/29c ;ing's hoi ' lover Leat ng hoce 15'- oz. tin Fancy Solid 7-oz. tin trawberries-- 28c Tuna Fish - 39c TRUMDAY. J»MARY 31, ign 'r". É%APZAI%?AY PAGE TMTEZ11 $77,168.16 -É.-. .. - I4ivý41UL 1 'q 591 49c IONARCH FLOUR

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